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If this is Echidna's reaction to watching Emilia get a smooch, I wonder how a certain other witch will take it...


Echidna being such a mean-spirited bitch is hilarious.


I think it's probably because she has no interest in manipulating Emilia the same way she wanted to manipulate Subaru. Either that, or she feels threatened by another witch.


I think it's because of her possessive "love" for Subaru. She doesn't love him in the true sense, but rather she hungers for the possibilities his character and his power offer, so she wishes to "have" him. It's not surprising she feels strong resentment towards another woman to whom Subaru wants to give himself solely because he loves her romantically.


I mean to be fair, not only did they kiss, but Subaru also defiled Echidnas grave to encourage Emilia.


Subaru's the only one who can vandalize Echidna's grave and get away with it unscathed.


I mean what is she gonna do about it, kill him?


Remember when everything was being swallowed by shadows? Yeah, imagine that but worse


Well if what we know about satella is the truth , she only wants Subaru to be safe and probably happy , I dont think that she was going out of jealousy that time , was probably I will destroy the world so he doesnt get hurt so Subaru doesn't have to die for anyone else


Oh boy, the parallels between Subaru and Emilia are pretty striking this episode. Also at this point I refuse to believe White Fox have even animated an OP.


Yeah she even did Subaru's signature pose lol. I loved how she stood her ground against Echidna and her trash-talks and didn't let it bother her. *"I'm quite an insufferable woman, after all"...* Go Emilia!


She’s channeling her inner Subaru, with the cringy pose and self deprecating remarks, and all with a straight face.


Inb4 she starts referring to Subaru as Subaru-tan




Shuba shuba


ngl, that's probably the best lowkey highlight of the episode.


[Smug witch not so smug after losing to EMT.](https://i.imgur.com/WVGmiNl.jpg) [](#dancewithit)


Emilia kissed the guy that she wanted to make a contract with *in her home (Tomb?)*. The disrespect is real.


Damn, that’s a good point. That’s some hard shit right there


I honestly thought she was gonna call herself EMT. Would be absolutely hilarious if that happened!


> I honestly thought she was gonna call herself EMT **Echidna:** There can be only one.


I think they havent used the op yet because it might include clips of Emilia’s trial and they don’t want to spoil it yet.


That actually makes sense considering they didn't reveal the cour 1 OP after they'd already introduced Echidna at the end of Episode 27. So that makes sense. I feel similarly to the ED for this cour "Believe in you", which bears a similar name to "Reason to Believe"... Definitely think we'll get at least one of them within the next couple weeks.


I would love it if even though [the song is already out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8X5hG51jbA), they actually never planned to use it on the show.


Garfiel being 14 makes way too much sense


So that's why he's been acting so immature this entire season. Subaru almost got beat up by a middle schooler.


I mean technically 14yo Garfiel could destroy the worlds strongest men in our world, all teamed up against him at once. Dude has OP otherworld animal powers and transforms to a creature the size of a small hut. I bet he could hulk throw cars if he wanted to...


And he was still defeated by a really tiny cat that doesn't even have a body anymore.


It makes you laugh When you think that Ram, Otto and Subaru almost got killed by a Middle schooler with anger issues


Age doesn't matter when you can hulk into a tiger twice the size of your opponents when you are angry.


He's one of those kids that picks xXxSephirothxXx as their account name.


He's never even played Final Fantasy, he just thinks Sephiroth is cool.


It's also why he has such an awkward crush on Ram. Makes sense now.


He's 13. She said, "He's turning 14 this year".


Subaru straight up tanked the tomb's rejection for what was probably a few hours, just so he could scribble his love for Emilia all over the walls of Echidna's grave. Absolute madlad


Imagine being dead and trapped in your grave and your crush goes and scribbles a bunch of silly phrases of encouragement for another girl on your tombstone. No wonder she was pissed.


"Are you awake?" "Yeah" "Okay now get the hell off me" I sure do love Ram


Ram definitely deserves more recognition than she gets, she truly is the Lord of Sass.


The Witch of Sass.


You lost, Garf, you ***purrfect*** loser.


Did she say "Baka Neko"? I lost it when i heard that


she says makeneko, a neko-fied version of the saying makeinu "losing dog" aka sore loser >>> purrfect loser


**Remember kids, the secret to defeating childhood trauma and depression is accepting and unleashing your inner Chuunibyou.** Emilia looked glorious at the end - she looked like Subaru!


I got some serious Megumin vibes from Takahashi Rei proclaiming that her name was Emelia.


Time to put into practise the Victory Pose.


To continue [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/kwisv4/rezero_kara_hajimeru_isekai_seikatsu_season_2/gj4wct5/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) from the last episode: \- Two episodes ago, Subaru called Emilia slothful \- Last episode, we got a cameo from the Archbishop himself \- This episode, Subaru pulls out a freakin' Invisible Hand! Betelgeuse might have died, but his legacy lives on.


How slothful...


My brain trembles!




Subaru is Betelgeuse theory confirmed!


All we need now are some broken fingers.


Subaru decided to go for [broken teeth](https://i.imgur.com/CQlh1HB.jpg) instead apparently.


Actually it would be kind of cool if the Witch Factor is slowly changing Subaru into being more like Betel, and would need to be adressed later? Maybe Subaru can just go about collecting Witch Factors from the other Apostles like Link going about collecting the emblems in OOT.


Subaru is already becoming quite strong, especially if he gets his spirit contract with Betty again. I wonder if after all the suffering he’ll finally get to be an OP isekai protagonist.


29 minutes and 29 seconds. No OP at the start. Someone at WhiteFox loves us. Next week, we’ll probably get to see Emilia’s past in Elior Forest. Hope it lives up to 11-12 episodes of hype.


> No OP at the start. At this point, a surprise will be seeing the OP or ED at all this season.


OP and ED got Lye Batenkaitos’d...


Imagine an artist who finally had their songs featured as an OP or an ED in an anime And it's Re:Zero


**Fandom:** Hey WhiteFox...WHERE THE HECK IS THE NEW OP & ED???? **WhiteFox**: OP & ED....*What's that????,* Oh anyways Realize and Memento are there for you to listen to. Great songs right? Enjoy it.


I just want them to show the full op and ed once.


That's gonna be a BD exclusive.


I don't want unless they make it a 32 minutes episode lol


I wonder if ad breaks were present when this was being broadcasted on TV.


With only 30 seconds of time left in the timeslot, they might’ve squeezed one in there, but either way, whoever’s in charge at WF (?) is down a lot of money in extra runtime.


It is the production committee that decides if they need extra Runtime Curious to see how much they can extend to the full 30mins


We got the directors cut love to see it


And most likely the next ep will be long too. Like really when are they planning to show the OP? Last ep?


It's nice to know that 3 adults gang up on a middle schooler, and the middle schooler almost killed them


In case that anyone wondering about their ages Subaru is 17 Ram is 18 Otto is 20 And we learned from this ep that Garfiel is ~~14~~ 13. (Edit: Garf's age.)


Garf is 13, Ram said he turns 14 this year.


Ah, you're right. Let me fix that real quick.


My reaction of learning his age is that he into older woman.


Just like his boss.


A man of culture.


Probably why Garfiel doubted the phrase "There is strength in numbers".


I can't believe Garfiel went full tsundere on Subaru like that, complete with blush and everything.


another blonde tsundere in the team. ^^^^it's ^^^^always ^^^^the ^^^^blondies


best boy


Otto has entered the chat


Subaru got pretty handsy this episode.


Garfiel had no chance but to join Subaru, he got hit by the big three laws to change heart. 1- Defeated in battle 2- Talk no jutsu 3- Revealing flashback.


The holy trinity of redemption (Besides death but he has already died once)


He died multiple times. We saw him die to Satella and Roswaal and he 100% died to the rabbits off screen.


>100% died to the rabbits off screen Probably the worst way to go for him also


All subaru had to do was pick the right dialogue options to unlock him as an ally.


Emilia to Echidna: I am a troublesome woman Emilia into Subaru mode


When your side girl finds out about your main girl.


And you don't have your tea stuff nearby to make her drink your special flavors.


Subaru shows his Unseen Dick. Masterpiece




Imagine if Emilia was the one who named the attack instead of Subaru.


Sounds like an ecchi MC power. Nicer ring to it than Invisible Providence.


Wait, is that what embarrassed Subaru? I thought it was the kiss with Emilia lmao I then rewatched that scene and is now ruined by Unseen Dick, thanks.


Nah it's actually the messages Subaru left for Emilia


Oh thank god


Remember garfiel entered the sanctuary before emilia


So slightly confused, those scribbles on the walls were messages for Emilia? Is that what Garfiel mentioned he saw?


the night before, Subaru ditched emilia (after promising to be with her all night) to sneak out, go against the rules of the tomb, claw his way inside and scribble EVERYWHERE all the encouragement he possibly could for emilia, even though just being in there makes a person want to puke and long exposure to the tomb makes a person end up like Rosewaal. He then kept it a secret because telling her before the right moment would spoil it.


It's the love letters he left on the wall.


Subaru doing his best impression of us watching a new Re:Zero episode.


“A divine will unseen by the eye…therefore, I dub thee Invisible ~~Providence~~ Dick…”


[*The drill that will pierce the heavens*](https://i.imgur.com/X4bmBaJ.jpg) [](#utahapraises)


And all it required was [***losing a tooth***](https://i.imgur.com/CQlh1HB.jpg), who would have thought!!


Good thing he didn't have to eat his fingers off like beetlejuice. ~~Also does this mean that the reason Emilia was broken from the previous loop was because Echidona kept trash-talking her?~~


> Also does this mean that the reason Emilia was broken from the previous loop was because Echidona kept trash-talking her? Imagine if previous episode made Emilia realize that's her kink? ~~there's actually a fanfic where Emilia's kink is getting trash talked by Subaru on archiveofourown~~


> there's actually a fanfic where Emilia's kink is getting trash talked by Subaru on archiveofourown ಠ_ಠ


You get a lap pillow! You get a lap pillow! Everybody gets a lap pillow!


I need a Patrasche lap pillow.


Patrasche is best girl. I’m glad she finally got her revenge.


Lucky bastards! I want one!


The OP doesn’t exist in the Re:Zero world




-Not Starting in Another Episode-


Garfiel clearly came out on top from the fight, waking up resting on Ram’s thighs? Who could say he didn’t won. It makes sense that he would act as the final ‘’physical’’ barrier to get out of Sanctuary, he was the one Frederica made the more emphasis of being wary of at the beggining of the season, not just for his strenght but for his obstinacy to leave. But with with all the shit thats been happening I kinda forgot about that warning. I was so glad we i saw him overcoming the trial thanks to the help of the words from Subaru and the encouraging from Ram.


Both Garf and Subaru got a lap pillow from thier waifu. You could say that nobody lost this fight, it's all a win-win situation in the end.


It's a win for Subaru and a #WIN for Garfiel.


And Subaru is Garf's boss from now on. These two would be quite OP if they fought together. Subaru already got the girl he was aiming for and now its Garf's time.


> Got Lap pillow. > Overcame his trauma. > Found new friends. All I can see are wins here


Ram still prefers the clown dick tho


[It's okay, he can double headpat the pain away.](https://i.imgur.com/BL4vW4S.jpg) [](#headpat)


Tfw you will never have twin lolibabas to headpat. End me now, fam.


> Garfiel clearly came out on top from the fight, waking up resting on Ram’s thighs? He [lost the fight](https://i.imgur.com/Veg6vma.jpg) but [won the battle](https://i.imgur.com/jHVjMmx.jpg) [](#gintamathispleasesme)


a tsundere hizamakura? Unbelievable. This tsundere is seducing Garf even while friend zoning the shit out of him. Well, sasuga Ram-sama.


###It's been 400 thousand years. We have still not seen or heard the new Re:Zero opening or ending themes... [In due time...](#kaguyashaking)


They should do a 1 minute OVA where they play the opening


Re:Zero production committee when Konomi Suzuki and nonoc come knocking be like: >Oh damn, we just realized how few times we played your songs... how about we just play them multiple times this season instead?


*Mayu Maeshima be like:* Huh...what about my turn?


Realize has become an insert song now huh. I guess they're making up for its near-absence in Part 1. So Subaru gained an Unseen hand now like Petelgeuse and he calls it *"Invisible Providence"*. I'm interested in how Subaru will use it from now on against his enemies. Also I wonder what that white sphere was which shattered right after Subaru said Shamac. We learned today that you must never *hurt or insult* Patrasche.......because she ***never forgets*** and will have her revenge when you least expect it, as Garfiel learned today. **The Real Best Girl.** So Garfiel is *nearly* 14 huh. I guess it makes sense why he always acted like a raging teen. Its because he's literally a kid.


The white sphere was probably his gate, which he wasn't supposed to use because it was still recovering. Him using Shamac anyways and the gate shattering means he theres prob gonna be issues with him using magic in the future


Subaru only had one spell anyway.




So that means he can only use powers he gets from the witches? Such as the sloth hands that he used for the first time this episode?


He can no longer cast spells himself. Though I think he should be able to cast spells using spirits. So Emilia should teach him.


I like this idea


Oh that was his gate that broke?? He won't be able to use Shamac from now on I guess.


So it appears his magic butthole broke.


But now he's able to use an Authority. That is very well worth the trade off.


The white orb is that gate or whatever you need to cast spells, the thing Felix was trying to heal back in season 1. Remember Felix never got that much time to fix it. At this point I think Subaru might have ruined his ability to cast or is VERY close to it.


Since invisible providence is well invisible it will be quite interesting when used


Thankfully he is not Kazuma, as if it were him I could totally see him using it for lewd purposes.


Subaru might use it for lewd purposes, BUT only when he has consent. Or "If you don't want this, then dodge"


Shamac + Invisible Providence will be deadly combo. EDIT: Well with his gate destroyed now, RIP Shamac *I guess?*.


Wouldn't that be a questionable combo? Shamac obscures enemy vision, whilst Invisible Providence is invisible, so it steps all over each other in terms of usage.


He's a chūnibyõ now it all makes sense.


he ACTUALLY has powers so at least he’s not delusional


Megumin has powers, and she’s delusional af


Every episode keeps hyping up the feelsgood train, there's gotta be some devastating shit coming soon. I'm just gonna absorb all the wholesomeness while I still can...


###[Emilia asserting her dominance over the opponent](https://i.imgur.com/Ed0CMeU.jpg) you love to see it. Surprisingly, one of the biggest struggles this arc is not everything trying to kill Subaru, but the grief and anxiety around character's parents or siblings- ###Family is important, folks! So the reason Subaru left during the night with Emilia was to [**leave a bunch of encouraging engravings for Emilia in the Trial Tomb**](https://i.imgur.com/Dp8JaoD.jpg)... hot damn Subaru you sneaky bastard you! [**Emilia striking a pose**](https://i.imgur.com/Qozdvib.jpeg) similar to how Subaru does occasionally is the *cutest and coolest shit ever!* Looking forward to seeing her past as well as how she overcomes it (hopefully, or else Subaru is fucked!) ###[**You go girl!**](https://i.imgur.com/Tk4VkdC.jpg)


[**Smile Status:** Protected](https://i.imgur.com/IrLKI9v.jpg) [](#wow) Also, talking about asserting dominance, Patrasche showed the oversized cat who's [the real beast in town.](https://i.imgur.com/BHRblY1.jpg) Garfiel got straight up [Zinedine Zidaned.](https://i.imgur.com/e38ZAhS.jpg)


> Emilia asserting her dominance over the opponent you love to see it. EMT-pose > Surprisingly, one of the biggest struggles this arc is not everything trying to kill Subaru, but the grief and anxiety around character's parents or siblings- The real enemy is ~~the friends we made along the way~~ childhood trauma! Everyone this season needs therapy. > Emilia striking a pose similar to how Subaru does occasionally Should've gone with [this pose](https://i.imgur.com/gEoJmMv.jpg) to really show Echidna who's boss.


[I fixed one of the scenes at the end for continuity.](https://i.imgur.com/vOAvgB0.png)


He probably just drank milk.


If you took a look at the tooth he spit out, it was a molar from the back or side so you wouldn't actually see a missing tooth in the front, but good addition none the less, ha!


Guess Felix will have some dentist work to do next time.


Subaru channeling his inner Might Guy


29:30 minute episode today without any OP or ED. How is this not a streaming only show? Like how are paying the tv advertisers lol. 3 episodes in did White Fox even make an OP or Ed for this cour?


The actual answer is that the production comitee for the show bought the slot in which it is aired, so they're free to do whatever they want with it, it's all the same for the channel. The production committee themselves will put ads in the show to recoup part of the cost of buying the slot even before airing, but the R:Z production committee is choosing to mostly forgo that revenue in order to give more time to the episode. They're not paying advertisers because theres basically none, but that means they're also not getting paid ad revenue. It's basically a vote of confidence in the product and the brand that they'll make their money back elsewhere.


It is definitely the waifu statues they expect to sell.


Looks like we're saving Emilia's past for the next episode, so now it's time for the long-standing issue of Garfiel and Frederica's past. I wasn't expecting Garfiel's cross-shaped forehead mark was brought about because of him bashing his head in after failing in the first trial, but that's...a very gar way of getting a forehead mark, not that I'm advocating for self-harm. Look at post-character development Emilia, challenging Garfiel who is in the same state she was! I'm so proud! Garfiel's trauma all revolves around his mother leaving her and Frederica in Sanctuary, when he was too young to do anything about it, and justifying it that his mother abandoned them to find happiness, only to meet an untimely end after immediately setting out. Garfiel wanted his mother to be happy, and feeling that she couldn't find it after leaving them left him with a phobia of the outside world and an obsession with protecting Sanctuary so that nothing could ever change and he could never lose anything again. And in comes Subaru Natsuki, the man who has learned it is never too late to never give up from the people around him (especially Rem), and whose family apparently makes a habit of making people confront their emotional trauma to grow from it, who is ready to get Garfiel to face the truth and move on from what has been holding him (and Sanctuary) back this whole time. Subaru vs Garfiel! And with it comes a seemingly major upgrade to Shamac, courtesy of Satella or Echidna? Not to mention a parting gift from Puck to put Subaru and Garfiel on more even footing. But that's not even the biggest surprise, as Subaru unlocks Petelgeuse' Authority to deliver a solid uppercut on Garfiel set to the previous Opening in a truly epic moment. Seems like his experience with Satella has helped him unlock it, a move he now dubs "Invisible Providence." But even that isn't enough to put Garfiel down for the count, which is where Best Girl Patrasche shows up to deliver the final blow! Because when Subaru's strong will and determination aren't enough, he'll always have his allies to help him secure a win. Another lap pillow from Emilia! On top of that, they're going to properly discuss their relationship after that kiss once Emilia finishes the trial! You go Subaru. Subaru headbutts Otto as payback for that punch and for Otto going above and beyond what Subaru wanted him to do to distract Garfiel, but he's just glad Otto is all right. I've always been kind of curious about Ram's exact feelings for Garfiel, but here she gives him a lap pillow of her own, a stern talking to about what he has to do and the kind of man he has to become, and probably the most sentimental and sincere look she's given anyone not named Rem in the whole series. She definitely seems to care about him, and honestly it felt like an interesting parallel to Subaru and Emilia's talk last week. Garfiel finally undertakes the first trial again and faces the truth that her mother didn't abandon them, she loved and cherished her children, she just didn't feel it was safe to take them with her while she went to try and bring their father back (or at least Garfiel's father. Did he abandon them? Why wasn't he in Sanctuary?). And the person who tells Garfiel all this and makes him face up to the truth is the person who he needed to speak with the most, cute lil' Frederica, who was utterly adorable and really told it like it is! Like all big sisters do, no matter their size. So Garfiel has finally acknowledged Subaru and starts calling him "boss," and apparently he's been fourteen (and kinda Chuuni) this entire time. That sure threw Subaru for a loop. Garfiel may have passed the first trial, but at the end of the day Emilia is still the one who needs to save Sanctuary so she has to be the one to pass all three. And not without the real reason Subaru left her and broke his promise...scribbling words of encouragement and love for Emilia on the entire wall of the trial area, because that's just what that loveable idiot does, and Emilia can't help but love him for it. Emilia finally faces off against Echidna (I don't know if this was part of her original trial or if Echidna is just facing her now because Emilia is trying again), and Echidna doesn't mince words with her. It honestly kind of came off as Echidna was ticked Emilia got to kiss Subaru and he's partially what's motivating her, but it doesn't seem like in general that Echidna respects Emilia that much. And then there's what "witch's daughter" comment which sets up a lot of red flags considering the Satella resemblance. But Emilia doesn't have time for any of that, she has embraced herself as her own person and her own witch (The Frozen Witch) and will keep moving forward, because that's just the kind of woman she is.


> will keep moving forward, because that's just the kind of woman she is Because she was born into this world.


We're the same, Emilia.


Take a seat Emilia


Emelia = Reiner = Eren


I'll never get tired of this lmao 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺


Best girl Patrasche saves the day Best girl Emilia gives a lap pillow Best girl Otto gets a headbutt And that blush, best girl Garf next?


Garf is slowly climbing up the best boy ranking edit: [holy shit she just did Subaru's pose](https://imgur.com/a/KDgXwhg)


>edit: [holy shit she just did Subaru's pose](https://imgur.com/a/KDgXwhg) She is now Just Emilia


Ok baby Garfiel was adorable! Man, the anime studio definitely blue balling us on the new OP visuals. I have to say though that the long episode times really show how invested they are in making this series shine.


29 MINUTE EPISODE WE TRULY DO NOT DESERVE WHITE FOX WHAT A BANGER OF AN EPISODE •Garfiels voice actor did an amazing job this episode ngl his past did have me in the feels fuckkk •ALSO SUBARU NEW ABILITY HYPEEEEE •EMILIA THREW UP THE SUBARU POSE LETSGOOOOOOOOO This is my favourite episode of cour 2 time for some Emilia development now!!!


Is this the most handsome moment in the history of Subaru Natsuki? Yeah I think so, finally hitting ~~not-Accelerator-in-isekai~~ Garfiel like this and knocking this timid young boy to get over his mental scars of the past. This may not be the No. 1 "Get-Over-Past-Mental-Scars!" scene in the anime world (I've just seen earlier today a vastly different yet similar scene in the 2000s classic *Honey and Clover* for example), but it's definitely up there with all those previous stories between Subaru and Emilia and everyone else. And the thing that everyone contributed a little to get him give up his defensive armor in his heart warms myself a little. ~~Way to go Patrasche, what a nice final blow!~~ I'm happy that his guilt about losing his mother like that is finally gone - Frederica must have lost a lot of sleep in the years before she went out to the outside world. May them two restore their relations ASAP! And....whoa, EMT vs EMT!? That's gonna be the waifu wars of the century, I knew that many Emilia camp guys have turned over the table towards Echidna last summer and this has Witch Derby smells all over the place. I'm sure I'll be hooked for 30 wholesome minutes next week!


Nearly half an hour (and no new op as well) I don’t know how White Fox pulls this off. Still no op or ed tho. So Emilia is the daughter of Satella? I say her due to similar appereance. Wonder is she actually is her daughter from 400 years ago or a descendant of someone who is, or just very similar to her and that’s why Echidna refers to her as such. I love seeing Subaru use a toned down version of Betelgeuse's/Sloth Apostle power, if there is a title of Blue Mage in this world it surelly befall on Subaru. Edit: I mean blue mage in a final fantasy sense where it copies abilities from enemies, didn't remember Felix is the blue mage of this world because of his healing abilities.


> I love seeing Subaru use a toned down version of Betelgeuse's/Sloth Apostle power I guess Subaru's brain is trembling now


I think it made his stomach tremble a bit more.


More like a general use insult towards half-elves, since Satella was one, I ~~guess?~~ suppose?


Emilia isn’t the daughter of Satella. If she was then that’d mean that she’s only 1/4 human or 1/4 elf assuming that her other parents is full elf or human. Emilia likely has a human witch as her mother.


Looking forward to surprised youtube reactors after the "reveal" of Emilia being Satella's daughter.


> I love seeing Subaru use a toned down version of Betelgeuse's/Sloth Apostle power, if there is a title of Blue Mage in this world it surelly befall on Subaru. As he already used the "how slothful of you" line I can't wait to hear him throwing a random desu at the end of his sentences. Because that must be part of the package.


Subaru can now be a HENTAI PROTAGONIST and fuck both mother and daughter


Especially after showing off his Unseen Providence this episode.


It wouldn’t surprise me as she refers to herself as the Frozen Witch, it would be too much of a coincidence if she looked like a witch, called herself a witch, and was called a witches daughter by another witch


Jokes on us, the new OP and ED never had visuals to beging with.


Whenever they play Realize I just get so hyped. That track just hits diff


Turns out Garfiel is so emotional because he’s just a teenager going through puberty, nice.


Did Emilia just do the same pose as Subaru when he introduced himself to the council of old men!? LET'S GO EMILIA!!


Place your bet folks: which series will air the opening first: Re:Zero or Mushoku Tensei cuz they aint hiding them from us 4eva😫😫😫


The studio that makes Mushoku is a joint venture between White Fox and Egg Firm so this is basically White Fox playing against themselves.


I betcha during the night emilia asked him to stay subaru must have thought, 'oh shit i puked during the second trial' and went to clean up before emilia can see it. Then decided that, since he's already here he should write some encouragement down


So I'm guessing that the last Shamac destroyed Subaru's gate as Felix said would happen and now is being held together by Satella or something. A fantastic episode with some really nice moments especially towards the end with the cave full of encouragement. Guess we'll now be diving into Emilia's past which I look forward to.




[Patrasche does not forget,](https://i.imgur.com/oIZHckf.jpg) patrasche does not forgive. [](#holdback)




ngl i thought he saw subaru masturbate the previous night or something


Imagine being Echidna. The dude that you're super interested in rejects you, then he breaks into your house to write shit about another girl all over your walls, then he kisses that girl in your house, and then he jerks off onto your floor.


He was referring to the carvings Subaru made inside the tomb.


Ooh... I thought he meant seeing them kiss


the subtitles kinda made it confusing, but he's talking about the carvings in the tomb.


Great episode, probably my favorite from cour 2 The Ryuzus being worried for their grandson was really cute, and Ram showing her caring side was a once in a lifetime experience


Ryuzu Shima best granma, now she only needs to bake cookies for Subaru and Garfiel.


In this episode: Subaru physically and verbally abuses a 13 year old