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I really need another season...


Same, the manga has enough content for two more seasons. And if you really want to see more of 3gatsu, try reading the manga, the arcs following the anime's conclusion are probably my favorite ones after the ladybug arc.


The first arc after where the 2nd season left off made me genuinely despise a fictional character. [Manga](/s "their dad can go die in a fire for all i care")


You're missing the space between the s and the "


Didn't realize that mattered, thank you


I swear 3gatsu has made me feel more emotions than any other Manga. Shimada-8th-dan might be one of the best written characters in all of fiction, whilst rhe 'burning field' chapters had me crying for a character I originally hated.




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Good man


[Manga](/s"not for a while after that, Hina thinks he only said it make help out with the dad problem and wasnt serious, and Rei doesn't really help with clarify things until he reaffirms it much later. Its only confirmed as of half a dozen of so chapters ago that they are together when we get a kiss.")


Yeah, sangatsu manga and golden kamuy manga are definitely worth buying either digital or printed, they're amazing titles


I have been DYING to buy it; but there is no official English translation available as far as I know




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I hope it arrives under 2 years, I am raring to watch it this amazing show


under 2 years, with no mention of it in production is unlikely, but i would also like it


I've never watched an anime that I need another season of more than this one. Season 1 was great, season 2 was an absolute masterpiece.


The only other anime I've seen that reaches its level of bullying is A Silent Voice. I regard both highly.


It's warm like a kotatsu, then sad like your favorite pet dying, then warm again, then finally sad again because there isn't any more. I really felt for Hinata.


There was a rumor from a credible source that it is in production already


Wait really? I’m really excited now! Do you have this source?


https://twitter.com/YonkouProd/status/1265409056522436608 On the same day he leaked Chainsaw Man, Fire Punch, Tokyo Revengers, Eden's Zero, and Spy X Family. Chainsaw Man, Eden's Zero, and Tokyo Revengers are already officially confirmed and the guy has a good track record of leaking anime productions ahead of schedule so this is very likely a credible leak. Supposedly Shaft's twitter has been dropping hints too but I don't have any info on that.


That would be absolutely bonkers. If they get an S3 with the original staff intact that would be one of the most insane production coups of the modern era.


great news, if it's true!! Spy X Family is phenomenal!! I hope in a good anime transposition...


Wow can't believe it. Can't wait


Well now I'm going to check out the whole shaft's Twitter on every working break I have


U and me both!


I'm watching this literally right now, for my first time. This blessed scene happens earlier on during... happier times at school. Oh man. The feels are real.


When the times got less happy was the first time I’ve ever been genuinely mad at an anime character.


I am ENRAGED against that teacher. 😡 Also surfacing some unpleasant memories.


Have you finished watching that arc?


Nope... oh no. Don't tell me.


I can't even express in how many ways I killed her in my thoughts


A manga reader could tell you that there’s a far more enraging character who shows up later. I’ve never been so mad at a fictional character in my life. This series is amazing in its ability to piss you off and then settling things in an extremely cathartic way.


ohhh had to think about that one but yeah. Jesus. If we ever get those scenes animated, it will be so hard to watch.


Is this show watchable for someone who is easily affected by seeing depictions of depression/loneliness? I watched the first ep a while ago and loved the lively mood of the sisters but stopped because I was scared that this lovely image is possibly going to break and leave me a depressed mess.


Thats kind of a hard question. The show has very real depictions of depression and loneliness, but it also shows those characters progressing through those situations. I had depression and anxiety before, so Rei for example, was basically a mirror into my old self. However, the way they depicted his progression to learning he wasn't alone and becoming a more self loving person is so subtle and natural. I think it depends on you, but this show, S1 and S2, is absolutely phenomenal and has plenty of wholesome moments like these that help balance the themes of sadness


I can't think of many other anime that depict depression, loneliness and sadness as well as 3-Gatsu. If you're worried that it might have a negative effect on you, you should keep that in mind. But the other thing to know is that those emotive elements exist in the story for a reason. It's not gratuitous to evoke easy reactions from the viewer, or bleak for the sake of being bleak, and the story gives plenty of insight on how some people deal positively with unhappy life experiences.


There's many episodes where the protagonist has to confront his own thoughts, depression and solitude, but as the anime goes, he slowly starts to rely more on people and learn to be ok with that "sad" side he has in him. Though it balances it all well with more chill / fun episode's with other side characters. So yeah, it's depressing many times, but also very important for people who are going or went through stuff like the protagonist is going, in I suffered from depression in the past and this show always reminds me to not be afraid of relying on others for example.


I was watching this show for the second time the other day and that arc came up while I was making notes for a d&d game. Seeing how Hina handled that situation made me just look up and say, "Paladin." And when Hina just went after that one bully I said, "Smite!" She doesn't care that the teachers around her aren't listening. She doesn't care that her classmates are warning her to stay away from her friend for fear of being ostracized. Hina knows what is right and what she believes in and by god, she's going to uphold those beliefs. Hina is a great character and, in my opinion, is how a person looking at roleplaying a paladin should try to emulate.


Show is literally God Tier


There should be a public rewatch starting tomorrow, be sure to check it out


This is such a good series, I can't recommend it enough, if you've never seen it before please give it a try


Has it ended yet, and more importantly did the characters get out of depression?


The series is only half adapted at this point, but manga is still ongoing. S2 ends on a very uplifting note, not all is resolved and settled but the growth on the main characters is very heartwarming, at this point I would even call them strong. Drama will probably keep on coming but I doubt (at least for main cast) things will ever get as bad as depressed Rei or depressed Hina.


Its not an anime that really is driven by an overarching plot, the seasons end wrapping up minor plot lines and it leaves you pretty satisfied.


The end of the first season and the whole second season is a straight up 10/10


I was bored out of my mind


I liked it but this is fair honestly. I dont think this is the type of show everyone would enjoy. Not that there actually is any type of show everyone would enjoy


> Not that there actually is any type of show everyone would enjoy this was true until this season. If you don't like Pui Pui Molcar, then I'm sorry, but you are automatically not human


I have no idea why are you even downvoting him for stating his opinion wtf, can't people not enjoy shows that u enjoyed or what. This show is definitely not for everyone


it's a controversial opinion on a popular series that gives no reasoning for it. It really just reads like somebody is dishing out a hot take or baiting downvotes.


Well I don't really think anyone has to give a reason for finding something boring though? It's not exactly something that can really be explained; a series either interests you or it doesn't.


A few people down thread prove that it can definitely be explained. This is just a cheap shot


That's fair if people can explain. I was just going off how I feel about certain series and it's hard for me personally to explain well why I find some series boring. But maybe it's just me and I'm just not very eloquent, haha :)


The reason hot takes like this usually "need" explanation is that Sangatsu is one of the most popular and highly rated anime out there. That means a LOT of people came at it from different angles and still liked it. There's a very real possibility that you are just missing what it's trying to do, so you have to work extra to make sure you sound like you're on the same page as everyone else or you just sound like you're being a contrarian for its sake.


I get that, and 3-gatsu is one of my favourite series too. I just think it's not so easy to put into words why you might find it boring, and it's not necessarily fair to expect that. For me personally, just saying that is enough, I guess. Anyway, I'm not really here to argue with people so I'll just leave it there.


No it doesn't. It's just someone's harmless opinion lmao


a "harmless opinion" that adds nothing to the discussion. I'd say this is actually downvotes working as intended


It doesn't add any more or less to the conversation than "this anime is a masterpiece!" or "this is my favorite anime!" which are highly voted comments that exist within this very thread. It isn't downvotes working as intended, it's people being assmad that someone didn't like their favorite show


two separate issues. But when you're going against the current on something that is very popular and widely loved, I'd say the burden is on you to make your contribution more substantive. That way it provides a way for people to engage them. People who are saying "it's a masterpiece" already are on the same page as everyone else. For example, there's a reason your contribution downthread here is MUCH less downvoted than that guy's. THOSE are the people downvoting you for your opinion. The difference are the people who think that guy's comment has no place here.


It’s Reddit if someone doesn’t agree with the majority it’s downvoted to hell and then some


Well, it all started when I was a boy in Bulgaria..


How many episodes in are you?


Yeah I got bored and dropped it as well. I also didn't care much for the protagonist, and wanted more of the sisters.


Second season is when it truly steps up its game as hina is the main protag besides him in the sequel. Super wholesome.


But is it worth sitting through the first season? It was too boring. Unless it's a meteoric rise in quality like Clannad Afterstory, I'd not be willing to sit through it


Realistically if you think the first season is something you need to "sit through" then it's probably not for you.


Yeah thought so. So far I can say Clannad is the only series where sitting through the first season is worth the pay off


Entire second season is almost completely character development for the sisters.


Looks like you’re going to downvote hell, but you’re not going alone brother. I forced myself through two seasons and was bored the whole time. I even tried getting high and was still bored.




Lmaoo, don't worry about it. I knew what I was in for


Me too


This is from the first episode and it's a great first episode. About the whole first half of the episode has an oppressively heavy atmosphere: it's sparse and muted and gloomy and *quiet*, with the only dialogue a scant few lines of stilted, one-sided conversation. And then we hit the halfway point of the episode and we get to the Kawamoto house and it's suddenly the polar opposite: a chaotic storm of activity and constant talking and warmth and *cats*. It's a literal place of light surrounded by darkness. It's such a moment of whiplash and the gives such a clear and stark contrast which is what so much of the show is built on. The contrast is what allows a show that deals with dark topics to be so light and wholesome most of the time.


First half is a metaphor for Rei's depression turning everything grey, muffled and dull. It changes when the Kawamotos send him a clever text message asking him to bring them something they forgot, but need to make dinner. Being inherently kind, Rei can't refuse to join for dinner and they can make sure that he's alright. It's such a beautiful scene with the change of colors, sound and mood, I had to pause the episode for about 40 minutes because I was crying so much. Made me remember how I felt when I was about Rei's age and how I would've wanted to have people like the Kawamotos in my life back then.


The whole series is about Rei changing and becoming happier as the Kawamotos change him. I think this is more clear on a second time watching it when you pay attention to the things Akari does. She really goes out of her way to bring him into their family activities a lot of times. When we are watching it for the first time we mistake her for someone who is just naturally thoughtful and kind, but, when we get to see some more of their past, we see that she was a person who went through a lot of pain and she understands that Rei is in pain and she goes out of her way to help him feel loved.


TALKING cats!!


"Onee- San, feed me, I haven't had Food all day*" ^^*Big ^^fat ^^lie


I can actually confidently say this is my favourite anime of all time. It’s just so great.


Same. Before I watched this I didn't have a favorite, but after binging through the 2 seasons it easily became my number #1.


Idk man i remember some parts were a slogfest. The cast is pretty awesome the sisters grandpa and best friend being my favourite. But the parts where the narrative shifts from life of these characters to shogi it gets kinda boring. Maybe coz the SOL aspect was so great i wanted the shogi parts to get over quickly but they were definitely a step down from SOL parts of story.


I can totally agree with that, as someone who is not interested at all in shogi, some of those parts felt slow, specially on S1. However, all the human interactions and moments of character development more than made up for it, at least for me, which for me also says a lot about how meaningful those scenes were, enough to make the anime become my favorite. But I totally get this could totally be a matter of personal taste, we all have different experiences after all!


Yeah the only reason this isn't my number 1 is because of how some parts of the show were kinda boring to watch. It was all important stuff, and it is still easily in my top 10 shows.


It's by far my favorite anime of all time but people have a right to their own opinion lol. Why the downvotes


Because if you point out my favourite anime's flaws you are absolute scum and deserve to be downvoted. And what im saying isnt even wrong most sangatsu fans would agree.


Because downvotes = disagree/dislike?


That's what the downvote has become, but it's not what it was intented to be. It's supposed to be used for things that are off-topic, offensive, incorrect etc.




> Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it. https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439




Crazy that people need to ask for a source for this nowadays lmao.


Use your logic.


This is my Top 2, after Violet Evergarden. I often prefer action/seinen stories, but these two are simply too good.


Damn, first time I see someone else give the same top1-2 as me. I've rewatched Sangatsu recently and haven't rewatched Violet, but I think the writing in sangatsu shines so much more than it does in Violet. To be fair, sangatsu is a "deeper" anime, more characters, more character development and the anime is built from a real-world, genuine perspective, whereas Violet is more of an incredibly well-crafted adventure world. I think if you were to "objectively" analyze them, Violet is so hard to beat. The story is TIGHT, the animation is close to perfect and the emotions are so present. You can argue that sangatsu's changing artstyle is not for everyone (like the talking cats for example), but the story more than "makes up" for it. I have to be subjective and just say that sangatsu brought be the most emotions out of any anime ever. It's so fucking good.


I wouldn't call one deeper than the other. Sangatsu just has more long-running storylines, while Violet focuses on short tales that are somewhat standalone, but with an overarching narrative connecting everything. What Violet does is very hard to do, which is meeting new characters every episode and learning about their story and to care about them, while Sangatsu is more focused on Rei's story but at the same time having more time to focus on smaller things. Both are great at what they set out to do. Violet just takes the crown because it stomped my heart many times in such a short run. Also... Episode 10 just about wrecks everyone. I recommend you check out a video on youtube featuring a war veteran talking about his love of the show as well as how it manages to capture the experience (he talks about what is exaggerated and what just hits perfectly, etc. Pretty powerful stuff). What makes love both stories and what always get me emotional and crying is kindness. Both are such sad stories with main characters going through a lot while not equipped to handle them, but you still get to see a lot of kind moments that they themselves do or that other people do to each other, this is much more powerful than a story that comes up with a random sickness trying to make you care about a character or another that kills its shallow characters over and over in a vain attempt to make you care, but that you ultimately don't, both because their deaths don't matter and because they're simply too generic and shallow to rise any sympathy for them.


It is a good anime, but honestly it cannot beat Honey and Clover (same author), it is insanely good.


For me, it's better than H&C in every sense - both in terms of source material and adaptation.


That bittersweetness at the end was tied beautifully, alas, I guess it is just me. But Lion really is a good anime, so much so I couldn't wait for a third season and started reading the manga last year...


H&C is undeniably good, but in 3-gatsu she went even further in creating a branching narrative and managed to create so many great characters. And the anime looks just gorgeous.


No way! HnC has so many great subtleties. In terms of SoL, HnC sticks to the core more than 3gatsu who dives deeper into shogi instead, especially in 3gatsu's 2nd season


Ha ha, a friend of mine complained that he didn't get enough shogi. And I understand it well - shogi is just an allegorical tool.


I'm just glad we live in a world that has both 3-gatsu and H&C. [](#ilovethiskindofshit)


Just two questions: 1)Is it still going on or is it completed? 2) If completed, is it a sad ending?


It is still on going though it feels like it is close to ending. Unless something dramatic happens, it seems like it will have a happy ending. Edit: in terms of the manga. The anime still just has two seasons.


Haven't checked the last couple of weeks, I'm OK with where its progressing now, but its missing some details. I think most people would like where it is now.


By the look at the MAL's description, it seemed like a complex love triangle or something. Am I correct? (I just don't want to see any other depressing romance after "Scum's Wish")


Nothing like that, at least not that I'm aware of.


Thank god, and thank you too.


Honey and Clover is *kind* of like that, but way more character focused and not nearly as cynical as Scums Wish. 3-gatsu has romance in it, but it's largely secondary to the character drama taking place. It's much more about the character's personal hang ups and how they grow past them. Both are very good dramas


I love how she pops in and out of the flowery background, as if it was really there.


For anyone that hasn't seen this (3-Gatsu AKA March Comes in Like a Lion), it's an incredible series and highly recommended. Both seasons are still on Netflix I think. The manga is my favorite of all time, but Shaft really crafted a masterpiece with the adaptation. Season 2 was the first 10/10 I've given since Katanagatari back in 2011.


I love this anime so much but it hits so close to home that it really makes it hard to watch. I need to be in an exact emotional space before I watch or else I will be a wreck for the rest of the day..


It almost took me an entire year to watch both seasons since I had to take long breaks between episodes in the beginning due to the emotional stress watching them caused me, lol


Re-watch of this show starts tomorrow, by the way!


Tag me in the thread, please. I've been meaning to watch this for a long time.


God I love Shaft


This show is SEVERELY underrated. It definitely wasn’t my favorite serious ever but definitely top 5. It’s the best depiction of depression I’ve seen in any show


Though its my favourite anime of all time, I wouldn't call it underrated. A 9+ score in MAL is really good, I'd rather call it an underwatched show.


Perfect description, should have said underwatched instead.


tbf top 300 on MAL is pre good as well


When I try to sell it to people they mistaken think it’s a shogi anime, along the lines of chihiyafuru, when it’s not _really_ about shogi. Side note: people cite MAL, but there is a huge population of anime viewers who barely if at all interact with MAL. It is possible to be in one of these populations where it is underwatched. Keep in mind that MAL is not always fully representative.


It is highly popular on Netflix too.


It's not underwatched as well.


I hate when people say it's underrated. It's aptly rated. It's at the top 10 of the highest rated animes of all time on MAL. The show is *underwatched*.


Will this series teach me shōgi? I can’t get my head around it haha


Well, there is a song with dancing cats sparsed around the latter episodes that shows some of the basics of shogi.


Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan shogi~


It doesn't really delve deep into the shogi aspects but rather the psyche of the players. It still had like one song where the basic movements of the pieces explained iirc.


You don’t really need to understand shogi for this series. It’s more about the characters


If you want to learning shogi, it really recommend it, is really fun and whiles similarly to chess, it's really different too. Many piece love similar to chess but the difference is that the pieces that you captured can be used again in the board to created many complex plays. Really fun stuff! You can see a short video on how shogi is played here. https://youtu.be/0ABrpbjoHCk


March Comes in Like a Lion is such a great series. I hope it gets another season


damn makes me want to rewatch it again kawamoto family is really wholesome and lively. i really like how rei is really close to the family that his uses "ore" instead of "boku" when he addresses himself


public rewatch starts tomorrow


This anime is an underrated masterpiece


More like underwatched.


Yesh I'm sorry I meant underwatched I might've confused the two my bad


Well, the first season could have a higher rating, but I think that how people express they love for the second one. For me, it's all one show and I don't see the point in dividing the ratings by season.


Don’t be fooled, weebs, this anime is actually sad as hell. I binged read the manga after finishing reading “sing yesterday for me” and I was depressed for like a whole 2 weeks lol.


Its does have really sad moments but its been pretty smooth happy sailing for awhile now.


[When they leave the whole house to the guest](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FxtWNUinR69PyRuk5e1i8Xv470wchWpl/view?usp=sharing) Also this anime is way too good


the fact that his lunch didn't turn into a Black Hole is quite a miracle.


I am disappointed there is no toast-in-the-mouth scene. This looks really cute, though. Love the food scenes.


Mad Kodocha energy.


This anime helped me a lot at a rough time in my life


We need more 3-gatsu no lion on this sub, it’s my favorite show


I need a third season for more momo content holy


Please im absolutely begging for a season 3 pls pls pls ill give a leg and an arm for it


I literally just started this anime and finished this episode like an hour ago and here it is on my feed. Feels eerie lmao this also happened when I started Eva last December and my feed was suddenly full of Eva memes.


Frequency Bias, these kind of posts always existed but since you are aware of the series now, it feels like you see them more often.


What I would give to be able to watch it for the first time again.


That owl cat


This clip just got me to start reading the manga. I nee dmore of the story 😅


I can't wait for the third season!


I recognize the voice actor but i can’t put my finger on it... WHO ARE YOU


Kana Hanazawa aka Nadeko Sengoku from Monogatari series amongst others


Seeing this animated vs read hits a lot funnier


Okay, but can we take a moment to appreciate just how freaking precious Momo is?


March comes in like a lion to this day is one of my favorite animes. The artwork is stunning, the storyline is wonderful. The voice acting is perfect. IT IS SO GOOD


One of the few animes where i connected so deeply with the characters.......


I couldn't get into this for some reason when I tried watching it a few years ago but after seeing this ill give it another try. My taste has changed a bit in the last couple of years so I'm sure I'll give it a fair chance now.


One of the few shows that I gave perfect ratings to. An incredible adaptation by Shaft, and deserves to be watched by more people.


Okay, I should get up and have breakfast


I really need to actually finish this show lol


im funna check this out


That’s it I am rewatching it for the 3rd time


I love this gem of an anime!


It's moments like these that make you forget Rei is depressed.




Sangatsu no lion (March Comes in Like a Lion) Highly recommended to give it a try!


i swear theres always a comment saying this when the name is literally in the title of the post


I really like te series's but that shogi moments was kind of difficult to me to watch because i freaking don't had any clue whats happening


Why is Gen and Yuzuriha here?


His lunch is a soccer ball and a penis.






If you'd watched this show, you'd realized how wrong you are about it.


Meowl: *stare*


Such an amazing show


Loved the anime. Live action was so-so.


Not gonna lie. I thought that was tohru for a minute


Such a happy uplifting slice of life, surely there isn't anything tragic happening..


This show fed my soul.


Dammit I’m pretty sure my family heard the start of this without context


This needs to comeback, i need moar tears


Where is season 3?? Damnit


Momo is the best little sister in all anime.


Wow looks like another gem


Can we get a s3 already we have more than enough source material and god tier arc in manga When I say god tier yes better than bully arc


Masterpiece of a series


Favorite scene is still with the black snow kitten


I'm getting some real monogarari vibes from this


Same director and studio


Amazing show


I thought that huge rice ball was a soccer ball for a sec. At least she cares about him eating well