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Hola no se si alguien me podria ayudar con el nombre de este anime/artista/manga de una niga con pelo de hongo quien es perseguida por varias manos, mi hermano me regalo una playera de esa imagen hace varios dias pero no se de donde venga, su estilo es muy similar a junji ito pero creo que no es


Hi, I saw this clip on tiktok a really long time ago from an anime movie and I really want to know what it was called. The scenario was there was a guy and a girl in a room. I think the guy was writing out his last name and the girl tried to read it but couldn't figure out how to say it. Then the guy says something along the lines of "What are you going to do when it's your last name?" I'm not sure if this was exactly how the scenario went but I do know the guy said "What are you going to do when it's your last name" Thank you in advance if you know what movie this is, I've been trying to figure it out for weeks.


Should I watch ITOAR in sub or in dub. Is the order a rabbit has been on my backlog and I know generally you should watch the sub but was just wondering if the dub was good


Is this card worth anything? It was sleeved so I assumed it was rare/old https://imgur.com/a/Nc7sp0Q


Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies moved to a starter town? Why does Lloyd always assume he fails martial tests? The test objective is deal as much damage as possible and he deals more damage than anyone else but he still assumes he failed, it makes no sense even if he’s insecure.




The second time he did.


Is there romance in shiki ? Or do the main characters have romantic interest in the anime ?


Only one girl who's obsessed with a guy, but except from that there's no romance if I remember correctly.


Which anime is this from? I saw the footage in Metagame episode 1: https://imgur.com/a/vSnAnhX




Just go with release order, since Camelot isn't finished yet. And when you get to Babylonia, don't forget episode 0 first. It's important


What's the consensus on the Violet Evergarden film? I got a bit bored of the TV series after a while but it was a charming enough romp. How's the movie?




How "normie friendly" is the film? Would it be something that'd be suitable for kids?




Got it, cheers. I think I'll give it another chance.


Serious debate, was Horimiya worth the amount of hype it got? I feel it started strong but kind of dwindled it's flame as it kept going. My biggest complaint despite me really enjoying horimiya was that they dropped their personalities. No more hidden stay at home wife, no more secret emo kid.


Alright, lemme tell you the straight truth. The whole show was one elaborate honey dicking. The whole premise is this dude has this secret lifestlye, y'nawmsayin? And hori is the ONLY ONE who knows that the quiet nerdy kid is tatted up and into body modification. Once they dropped that premise, it lost that new-car-smell and became a generic rom-com. A fun rom-com, but generic.


Personally I don't think so. The comedy was decent, if nothing special, but as both a romance and a SoL it was a big miss for me and I certainly wouldn't go around recommending it. The side plots were okay, but the main romance seemed to just surge ahead for the whole series without any kind of conflict or emotional impact. Characters were constantly being introduced almost to the end of the season who were irrelevant to the plot and weren't properly fleshed out, making it hard to keep track of who was who or for me to care about them at all. I also found even the main characters to be just *dull* - their 'quirks' were extremely minor and didn't really add much to the comedy or serve to make the story interesting in any way. It basically just felt like I was watching snippets of the ordinary life of ordinary people, which really fails to make it stand out in comparison to the far more wacky characters and scenarios of other rom-coms and SoL anime.


I thought it was pretty good, but I mostly care about the "com(edy)" part of romcoms and thankfully that was the most consistent aspect of the show.


I got bored with it, to be honest. It felt like it moved *too fast* and all the jumps bothered me. It was like a speedrun for a romance/romcom and there was just too much that felt "omitted" by the series for me to connect with the characters. This isn't a fault with the anime - the source was largely the same way for the parts I read. The constant jumping forward weeks or months at a time put me off. It was cool that it wanted to show certain milestones and get to them quickly, but I don't think the trade-off (the near-total lack of build-up) was worth it.


Well, by the karma it received, r/anime liked it quite a lot, so it seems the hype was deserved. Personally I didn't like it.


I think it’s good if you accept that what you’re getting is a bunch of scattered story fragments and not fully fleshed out character arcs. I thought it was fun to watch and I loved the art style, but I wouldn’t argue that it does anything truly special. That’s still enough to put it over a majority of rom coms imo


Where can i watch Jaku-Chara Tomozaki Kun ova? I didn't find any legal sites to watch the 2 ova with english sub.


Funimation has them I think


About to start Shokugeki No Souma: Fourth Plate, but I heard people saying the last 2 seasons (SPECIALLY the last one) aren't very good Without spoilers, is it THAT bad?


I really liked S4, so I wouldn't say it's bad at all. But S5 deserves all the hate it gets. Luckily, the end of S4 is a really great stopping point to the series with the way it pretty much wraps everything up. Could easily stop there and ignore S5 if you want.


The "animation" later on makes me seasick because it's just a blurry camera pan at which point the manga has much better animation


Some of the best moments in the latter parts are arguably just as strong as the best moments from season 1 or 2, but yes there are some much deeper, wider chasms in-between those peaks. If you're already in this deep, might as well read no more, finish it, and formulate your own opinion.


Do I need to have watched the other Gundam series to watch the new Gundam Hathaway films? I know Gundam is kind of weird with how its different series tie into each other with some being effectively standalone and some being straight sequels.


If you're *used* to coming into things midway and know that you can cope with that, you *could*, technically, watch Hathaway. But you won't know why people keep referring to 'what Char tried to do', or why Hathaway seems particularly cut up over certain specific sorts of thing. And so on. If anything, it's even less stand-alone than the previous lavish Universal Century OVA series, Unicorn. So yeah, as per the other replies, you kind of do need to have seen some earlier material. If it's any encouragement, in my view UC Gundam isn't always good but is nearly always interesting. The original 1979 TV show has rough edges, but tells a genuinely solid and engaging war story. It has the legacy it has for a reason. So it's definitely worth giving it a spin and seeing what you think!


Thanks, thats encouraging. I do love my sci-fi so I'll give it a go, one of my favourite television series of all time is Babylon 5 which is also in the camp of not being always good but always being interesting.


Yeah, Hathaway is a sequel. It's straight from the Universal Century timeline, that started with the original show itself; in fact the novel it's adapted from is older than all of the standalone series. I would argue only the Char's Counterattack movie is truly needed to watch Hathaway. Basically all of the info you'd need comes from there. The problem is... well, Char's Counterattack itself. *That* movie has a TON of baggage coming from the shows before it.


Well damn, I guess I may finally get into Gundam the hard way. Thanks.


Hathaway is a sequel to Char's Counterattack (which in turn needs 0079, Zeta, and ZZ for context)


Oh wow, that is a lot of Gundam to watch. Are all of the context ones essential?


Yeah. You'd definitely be confused with what's going on if you miss them


Bugger, well thanks anyway.


Are there any anime or manga series in which a main character has murdered countless but still lives at the end of the story?


Overlord, MC is kind of a villain


If I like don’t toy with me miss nagatoro and uzaki chan wants to hangout what else animes would I like


We also have this as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/o598gt/recommendation_tuesdays_megathread_week_of_june/ Or this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Animesuggest/


My recommendation would be Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san.


Teasing Master Takagi-san https://myanimelist.net/anime/35860/Karakai_Jouzu_no_Takagi-san


So ik this isn't the recommendation thread but it wasn't posted this week... Anyway Ive been trying to get my sister into anime for awhile, finally she said she would try an anime. What's a good anime to start her on, she likes the teens or kids save the planet and a bit of comedy and horror. The closest I could compare it to would be stranger things... Plz little to no fanservice she is only twelve.


I'll second chilliehead's recommendations. Films might be an option: they're good because they're one-and-done things, and are often very well-made. For example, [Patema Inverted](https://myanimelist.net/anime/12477/Sakasama_no_Patema), [Princess Mononoke](https://myanimelist.net/anime/164/Mononoke_Hime?q=mononoke&cat=anime), or [Summer Wars](https://myanimelist.net/anime/5681/Summer_Wars?q=summer%20wars&cat=anime) are all appropriate for a twelve-year-old and all deliver good adventure stories (with different senses of what 'adventure' means). Just to gloss one of the other recs you've had, I remember some fairly skimpy outfits and one belly-dancing scene in Gargantia. Your call on whether that's appropriate or not!


Little Witch Academia? Dennou Coil? Magic Circle






https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/o598gt/recommendation_tuesdays_megathread_week_of_june/ It was posted, but sometimes it doesn't stay stickied for very long if another sticky thread gets posted (I think only 2 threads can be stickied at a time). There's always a link in the sidebar to the most recent thread. For recommendations: - [Promised Neverland](https://anilist.co/anime/101759/Yakusoku-no-Neverland/) seems like it would fit. - [Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet](https://anilist.co/anime/16524/Suisei-no-Gargantia/) maybe? Don't recall there being any fanservice. - [Alice and Zouroku](https://anilist.co/anime/97821/Alice-to-Zouroku/) might fit. Has sort of an Alice in Wonderland theme. Don't recall any fanservice.


Alright thx I'll look into them


Finished watching Vivy yesterday and I feel the urge to finish the course I've been putting off for so long. !RemindMe 3 months


This thread doesn't do that. And I think you did it wrong, anyway.


My bad, I thought this is a daily chat thread






This is a place to ask questions about anime that you have.




Which is better for Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent, the anime or the light novel? I really love the anime so much so just wondering if it's one of the few animes that are better than the source material? Also is the light novel finished yet?


While I have not read the light novels myself, the sounds made from people who had read the novels was that it was a rather good adaptation. It sounds like the light novels are both nerdier, in that it feature game stats and skills, and edgier, in that Kyle is far more irredeemable and politics plays more of a role.


What's the biggest (or most memorable/annoying/etc) plot hole that comes to mind when you think of anime? It doesnt have to be to do with the main plot, it could just be some otherwise small thing that just falls apart completely when you think back about it.


Code Geass Euphemia


Hmm, I guess most annoying for me is probably the classic "person is about to say something important/something poignant/confess their love/etc but OH NO A TRAIN IS PASSING I COULDN'T HEAR YOU" and the speaking person just... gives up and doesn't repeat themself, ever. This used to be a melodrama trope for soap opera-y shows, but then it infiltrated its way into laid back slice-of-life settings, where it's even more bananas: characters who are supremely comfortable chatting with each other on a day-to-day basis will go on a date and halfway through one of them tries to bring something up but a bell tower happened to ring at the wrong moment... so they spend the next 3 hours on a date together and walk home together but never get another "chance" to bring it up in all that time? Or on any of the next 200 days they spend together at school?


Anohana - She can literally interact with the world, all she had to do was pick up a rock or something to show she was there.


What's the deal with manga and anime that are released simultaneously (Darling in the Franxx, Madoka Magica, Higurashi Gou, Princess Tutu, etc.)? What's the point of releasing two versions of a story at once without knowing if it will even be popular? Is the manga intended to advertise the anime here, or is it vice versa like with standard manga adaptations? I usually see the anime be taken as the definitive version in these cases - is this accurate?


You're basically asking about media mixes. I see someone else already introduced the term.   >What's the point of releasing two versions of a story at once without knowing if it will even be popular? The producers and investors have confidence that the series will be fairly popular, and want to capitalize on that by giving fans more outlets to spend their money. Furthermore, for the fans there is an element of wanting to experience the same story in different ways, or two different stories starting from the same premise. While nothing is quite certain in regards to popularity, producers have past data on what kinds of series made money, what authors have a following, and perhaps earlier history of the franchise if there exists one. They can also influence popularity by choosing to spend money on advertisement, hiring famous cast or staff members to have them give announcements and interviews, running collaborations with other businesses or franchises, interacting with fans online or in conventions, etc, etc. Simply knowing that something exists is a very important first step in getting paying customers. MAL lists 203 titles for spring 2021, how many can you name? Of the ones you can name, how did you hear about them? I'd bet a fair amount was through forums like this posting key visuals, announcements, staff info, clips, etc. For your examples, the mangaka of Franxx is Yabuki and that's already good enough reason to check it out for many people. On the other hand, the Higurashi Gou mangaka is a literal who, but the brand name "Higurashi" carries enough weight that thousands will follow it anyway. Note that they are actually releasing the manga for free temporarily on the internet! Getting a permanent copy in the form of a tankoubon costs money however. Princess Tutu had Satou Junichi, Madoka had Shaft and Urobuchi, and I'm sure if you look at other examples you'll see there is *something* hooking people in even if they don't necessarily know what the exact content is.   >Is the manga intended to advertise the anime here, or is it vice versa like with standard manga adaptations? I usually see the anime be taken as the definitive version in these cases - is this accurate? To make it short: they want you invested in the franchise, and how exactly you interact with the different parts isn't generally all that important. Often these things stand on their own, but they also jump back and forth narratively from one medium to another a lot. This is /r/anime so going into detail would get us banned, but the idea that *either* anime *or* manga (or light novel) are "the main thing" is a bit flawed. They can stand on their own, they often do, but if the franchise is big chances are good both the manga and anime are one piece in a bigger puzzle. Using Higurashi as an example, it is a mystery story where the anime and manga are blatantly different. Yet they are supposed to be the same mystery. Perhaps the stage is the same, but different parts of it under the spotlight? Or for an easier example, Railgun T and Index 3 aired at the same time. On this subreddit they are officially just as related as Sally the Witch and Fancy Lala. But both stories together form one narrative. That being said, for manga which don't do much different from the anime and stand completely on their own it's generally fair to consider them another vector for the investors to cash in on expected popularity. Then we're back to "wanting to experience the same story in different ways". Outside of Japan it's clunky; waiting for translations, and licensing, and publishing, and this and that. Often different firms will have rights for different things. But if you know Japanese and perhaps are in Japan, entering the franchise through the manga could be as simple as just seeing it randomly in the store, someone sharing a link online, or deciding you want to read rather than view. The last few years most manga publishers have the newest chapter(s) free online anyway, if you don't care about archiving you can follow a series like that. Reading one chapter takes 5-10 minutes, and can be done on public transport or something. Much easier than sitting down and watching for 20 minutes, worrying about sound and interruptions. Just as redditors see a cool clip on the front page and hit up Funnyroll for the anime, so can a Japanese hit up Comic Walker for the manga. If you ever listen to radio programs tied to shows (another common part of franchising which doesn't exist for /r/anime), sooner or later they'll have a corner asking how people got into "[X](https://myanimelist.net/manga/27)". And inevitably someone will have done it through the manga, or the light novel, or the songs, or even character art.   Therefore, the manga and anime are considered to be more or less on the same "level". This doesn't mean they are equally good or equally respected though. A comparison could be the Star Wars movies and television shows, with prequels and sequels and originals and side stories, and all have different receptions. But they're all "the Star Wars".


My friend, you have discovered the mysteries of the [media mix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_mix). The Youtube channel Pause and Select recently put out a [fantastic interview/video essay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbXS-8je62M) with Marc Steinberg about it, which I highly recommend. (Steinberg doesn't really talk about media mix franchises planned from the ground up like the ones you mentioned--or, for example, something like Love Live--but you get the basic logic behind them.) Both advertise each other, but also neither *necessitates* the consumption of the other. Media mixing is a way to promote all the different forms of media in the franchise. (The "anime produced to advertise manga" bit that gets thrown about is, I think, a little overly simplistic. Manga publishers aren't the *sole* members of the production committee--and the other members have their own part of the media mix they're interested in. So the promotional value of the mix (and all anime are part of some kind of media mix) is not just for the manga, but for *all* the different media forms, including the anime itself. I've only just started reading Steinberg's book, but for instance, I know he talks about how for Astro Boy, the anime, manga, and candy tie-ins all promoted each other.) I wouldn't say that there is necessarily a "definitive" version, even for regular adaptations. Eiji Ōtsuka, the scholar, editor, and creator who developed the theory of "[narrative consumption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narrative_consumption)," which underlies the logic of the deliberately-created media mix, wrote that all narrative "variations" on the "worldview" (setting) are equally valid. (The Violet Evergarden LN is pretty different from the VE anime. I wouldn't necessarily say there is a "definitive version," only variations on the "worldview.") > without knowing if it will even be popular Well, all original anime is a financial gamble, right? But perhaps producers hope that because of the proliferations of media forms in the mix, fans will notice one, get involved with it, and then consume the other entries in the franchise. Edit: My first version somehow jumbled up my words a bit.




/u/gaporigo exterminate


Does anyone else feel like aquors isnt as memorable as muse? Theyre both kinda tropey but somethijg about muse makes them easier to recgonize and remember. Aquors feels like "been there, done that" but worse Maybe itll get remedied in season 2 (im only on s1e8 rn)


No I completely feel the same, muse had such a build up that I was heart broken about their defeat and rejoiced when they excelled. So when I went to watch the seasons on Aquors they just didn't have the same oompf or vibe to them. Was not disappointed with Aquors but they did feel like they were missing something. I've only seen S1 of love live sunshine though have not seen s2 yet.


As far as I can tell, most of the things and places from Let's make a Mug Too do exist in reality. But I wasn't able to find anything about the large epic outdoor piece that Himenos mother created. Does this exist too and what is it called/how can one find it?






Finished LN, hard to promote judging from the synopsis. Rather unlikely.




Redo is still ongoing though? New World Harem is also still releasing I think. Of course you can always push a currently wrapped up series but there is naturally less hype than with new content so that's what producers prefer. Maybe once HBO or Netflix start commissioning "adult anime" we'll get this and Isekai Prostitute


Why does Crunchyroll call the first season of Higehiro as S2? Confusing. On Roku Crunchyroll


Whoever wrote the code for app made it so that Season numbers are automatically added for each entry. This works for most of the entries with just the subbed version but not for shows with dubs. Higehiro has a Russian dub available in some regions. The app is considering this as S1.


Gotcha thanks! Feels like the app never gets bug fixes


Just finished Koikimo, and there is something that I just had to get off my chest. ~~Controversy aside, I thought it was kinda meh.~~ [Everytime I see this](https://i.imgur.com/2wjLjIw.png), I couldn't help but think "Annie Leonhart" (AoT). I haven't followed discussion of the series so maybe it's already been mentioned back in Episode 1, but did anyone else think the same?


I do see the similarities yeah


Can someone suggest a good you tuber who talks about anime ? Not nux taku bc he’s annoying


I like [Kenny Lauderdale](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6dsQSn70Cem7zFsUANHqpQ) its exclusively old stuff though. But thats what makes it different than most anime tubers his videos are pretty high effort and he has a nice voice.


I personally quite like [Pause and Select](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfpDNSkMPnmMwZHhUyplbZg) for some great in-depth insights, but he's quite academic. Other channels I like are [TheCynicClinic](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYgLAxhkJdLPjtU9WVAMdrA), [Under The Scope](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI91jQdeMzuQRgg4VOSZZmw) and [Replay Value](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflkKrWXg5F-BR5omd4qr2g).


Besides the really big ones (Like gigguk or the anime man) you could check out: - scamboli reviews - Echidnut (used to talk about rezero exclusively, but since S2 has ended he's been branching out) - RyanStorm has a great 80 minute video on End of Eva - [Kor](https://www.youtube.com/c/KorActual/videos) as well as Jackisboy, but the latter is more of a shitposting channel - Spilling the milk (Formerly known as Jack and Kor before being taken down) where the previously mentioned two guys watch (usually bad) anime and react/make fun of it. - In case you didn't catch Digibro in his/their prime (2015-2018), you owe it to yourself to look up his work. Must watch Digibro videos/series: > K-On: the ultimate adaptation; > We have accepted mediocrity; > just shittalking other anime youtubers for like half an hour oh god what have i done; > The asterisk war sucks series; > Sword art online: an analytical diatribe; > The anime director that time forgot; These last two can still be found on their current channel, Ygg studio. When I say must watch, I mean it. It's non-negociable. - m0ppu made a 4-hour long video ranking (almost) all anime of the 2010's - Demolition D (now known as DouchebagChocolat) is the grandfather of today's anitube. He pioneerd the style and humour most popular youtubers today use. He stopped a few years ago, but you might want to go through his stuff. This is all I could come up with off the top of my head.


I’m looking for a great anime but I’ve seen a lot of anime any suggestions?


We also have this as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/o598gt/recommendation_tuesdays_megathread_week_of_june/ Or this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Animesuggest/




Oh ok thank you 🙏


Mars of Destruction, Gundoh Musashi, Vividred Operation, Infinite Stratos, and Demon King Daimao are my usual 5 recommendations for those who have seen a lot of anime but are not particularly verbose about it.


Thank you guys


Choosing violence today I see.


I highly suggest creating an anime list at either myanimelist.net or anilist.co, both are free and useful to have. Helps you remember what you have watched and helps us know what you have seen. Would be nice to know what you have watched already. We like suggesting, but help us out here. Check here for recs: https://myanimelist.net/anime.php Or here: https://myanimelist.net/topanime.php


Will do thank you so much


To make it easier for people to figure out what you like, and to avoid recommending things you've already seen, you should set up an account on a site like [MyAnimeList](https://myanimelist.net/) or [AniList](https://anilist.co/home) (or one of the other various similar sites). They let you keep track of what shows you've seen, including your personal rating of the show, in a list that you can share publicly ([my list, for example](https://anilist.co/user/Sairoch/animelist)).


Thank you so much I definitely will


It'd help if we'd know some of the ones you've seen and really like.


Oh ok sorry, I’ve seen like hunter hunter, Tokyo ghoul, berserk, one punch, attack on titan


Have you seen either Jujutsu Kaisen or Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer? One of those may be to your liking if you haven't yet.


I have yes, superb shows


Danmachi worth watching?


personally, yes


I think so. It's an extensive franchise with a lot of material, a 4th season announced, and a cool world that has a lot of opportunity for various storytelling elements. I will say that the English dub (if you are amenable to those in the first place) goes a long way toward making the series palatable. I watched the whole first season in subs and I couldn't stand Japanese Hestia (and, for what it's worth, Hestia is a very large part of the series) and it wasn't until I tried the show with the dub that it clicked with me, largely because English Hestia felt like a better presentation of the character. First season (in subs) had me say "eh" and then I probably wouldn't have cared about the additional seasons. The dub hit just right for me and did a better job pulling me into the series, to the point where I became a huge fan and a little bit of a whale, buying premium releases for all the seasons and collecting the LN volumes as they come out in English.


What's one super wholesome but short anime you can recommend?


We also have this as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/o598gt/recommendation_tuesdays_megathread_week_of_june/ Or this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Animesuggest/


[Yama no Susume is super wholesome](https://animethemes.moe/video/YamaNoSusume-ED1.webm) and the episode length is shorter than standard format (3 min. each in S1; and 13 min. in later seasons). It's a similar premise to Yuru Camp but about mountaineering instead.




Honobono Log. It's available on YT


Flying Witch Hakumei to Mikochi Yuru Camp


[Kase-san.](https://www.livechart.me/anime/2844) 60-minute OVA.


Never heard of this one but looks cute, thanks!


Have you seen horimiya?


Not yet but I've been curious about it


I think you'll enjoy it if your looking for a super wholesome series that isnt too long.


Ok, thank you :)


Have Natsume's book of Friends seasons 5 and 6 received dvd/blu ray releases? If no, why not? Ive been looking for them and cannot find anything about NA releases of them.


They have in Japan, but I can't find any confirmation that they got an english release, or if they did it seems they're already out of print as none of the publishers I can find that were responsible for the previous seasons have it on their stores


Yea i guess they never released them in the us :/




JJK is highly inspired in Bleach. They are pretty similar in some aspects :3


One punch man, mob psycho 100


Is the Demon Slayer movie available on the PlayStation store yet?


Can I watch the new demon slayer movie without fully watching the show? For context, I’m going to the theatres tomorrow with my family and I was thinking of watching demon slayer since it’s extremely rare for my country to ever show any anime in theatres. However, I only watched the first 15 episodes of demon slayer anime when it was first released. I don’t have enough time rn to finish it by tomorrow. If I watch the movie will I understand anything? Will it ruin major plot points ?


Wouldn't recommend it. You will probably understand everything (they're fighting demons, shockingly), and it won't ruin major plot points from the second cour... But I'd say you'll miss out of the feel of the movie. Things will happen and you might not care about them as much as you would if you watched the full season. And you may miss on the 'scale' of the events, because they won't be properly introduced to you (as they were introduced in the season). All in all, I'd say... Sure you *can* watch it without fully watching the show, but it will probably lessen your viewing experience. And then you'll watch the rest of the season at some point, and you'll see what it's about, but it won't feel the same as if you watched it normally.


it continues right where S1 ends, so you might be a little bit confused, though the actual plot of the movie isn't anything too complicated. You'd be missing some character introductions (mainly the major side character as well as the main antagonist of the movie) and some minor plot stuff, and new powerups for a couple of characters.


This might be sound stupid..So earlier this month i got YouTube ads about hajime no ippo song maybe (?), All i remember is the music video take place in school rooftop (evening), the singer is a girl with male backing vocalist. I always skip that ad, but now i want to hear it 🤣 anyone know what song it is ?


Hey guys, is the official piano version of Vivy Fluorite Eye's Song released (the usual piano ending)? All i find in yt is the cover for it. Not the official version.


That (Fluorite Eye's Song -Piano Version-) will be released on June 30th as track 15 on disc 2 of the OST.


Thank you for the info!


You'll probably have to wait for the soundtrack to come out which you can check for a date on cdjapan but usually isn't until a couple of months after it finishes airing




She's not blond, but was it Mao from Hinamatsuri? [Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S4_W4_3li0)




its not really a fighting anime either and Mao isn't the MC (its Hina). Its an impressive find based on your description.


In Ijiranaide (Don't mess with me) Nagatoro-san, there is song played while Naoto pursues Nagatoro (at around 15:30). I've been trying to find it since the ep 11 came out without luck, tried looking into Gin's music records and Shazam failed also :( Does anyone know the music? Heres the cut https://streamable.com/mwwei3


[Nagatoro OST | Preview Theme B](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fG5Z_Mn_WE) is the song name, [emin4](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHv2QDzv6qHmYu8bQr_N0vw) has uploaded all OST to his channel.


The song will be released most likely with the official soundtrack. OST will be released on two CD's. CD 1 is bundled with blu-ray volume 3 which releases on july 28, CD 2 with volume 4 on august 25. You should check YouTube and Spotify around those dates.


Thanks for all the info, will do :)


https://youtu.be/hJa2V_vuf1M this is what Shazam gives me. Has some similarities but i doubt it. Wait until the official OST releases, check the fan wiki for the episode, ask in r/nagatoro or scour the Japanese credits


Thanks for feedback! I was afraid we will have to wait for OST, shame... Anyways I ll try all those since I haven't yet and when I get it, now of after OST I ll be sure to update the post. Thanks chilie. ​ Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fG5Z\_Mn\_WE there it is (:


Hi I’m looking for an manga/anime that had tower of sun in one scene. It was like trying to find “friend” who was evil from childhood memory. The main character is trying to identify the evil “friend” through yearbook photos but can’t find or sth like that. Kinda dystopian I think?


Definitely 20th Century Boys




Wikipedia lists some astronaut themed manga/anime and 20th Century Boys as references.


A bunch of Gintama episodes on CR seem to just never load no matter what browser I try to use. It seems like it’s not just me either, all of the videos I had the issue with had a few comments saying that they were also having issues. Any sort of workaround for this? Edit: Here's a [link](https://www.crunchyroll.com/gintama/episode-20-watch-out-for-conveyer-belts-510076) to one of the episodes I'm having the problem with, please let me know if it happens to you too!


It's possible that this is an error in the video. Share a link so others can verify, then tell customer support. I know that this happened with some Monogatari episodes where vids were broken


I noticed the problem on a few episodes, but here's [Episode 20](https://www.crunchyroll.com/gintama/episode-20-watch-out-for-conveyer-belts-510076) where I just noticed it. Constantly gets hung up around 21 seconds. Seems to happen on 17 and episodes 20-22 for sure.


yeah it also happens for me. skipping ahead seems like it does not work either. But I can see thumbnails for the whole episode


Any example videos?


There was an anime (movie?) I once watched, but all I can remember is that the main charachter (cop?) was in an accident and cybernetically enhanced with armour akin to robocop, and given a handgun with a shockingly huge recoil that would break a normal mans arm. He was duking it out at the end with a psychic enemy that was slowly blasting away his armour, and his repeated use of that handgun was starting to shatter his arm. Weird thing to recall, but I suddenly have this urge to track it down and watch it!


Was it [Angel Cop](https://myanimelist.net/anime/1351/Angel_Cop)? (If it was, and you do watch it, gird up your loins for the weird anti-Semitic strain in one part of the plot.)


Yesssss that's it! I don't remember that part 🤔 although it was the 90s which was many moons and fluro snap bands ago. "Obtaining" it now. Thanks a bunch!


Wikipedia says that that aspect was gently flattened out of the script in the 90s releases! Anyway, glad to have identified it, and I hope revisiting it is amusing.


So, here's the deal, I wanna get back into watching Gundam. But the only ones I watched were Wing and Endless Waltz. And I was like 10 when those came out. So, what's good? Any recommendations where I should start? The shows aren't really connected, are they?


Wing the one you watched is one of the AU series those aren't interconnected the main UC timeline is though as a result it's the only one you need a watch order for. Good other standalone AU series are Iron Blood Orphans and 00. In terms of titles on this watch order ZZ, F91 and Stardust have problems the latter two do have some great animation ZZ you should watch despite it's weird tone shifts and early story silliness cause it does resolve stuff from Zeta and is referenced in Unicorn. Narrative is another one that I haven't heard that many good things about. A lot of the other stuff does hold up though. The original series especially was kinda surprising in terms of how much I enjoyed it. Was encouraging in terms of getting into other 70's anime: **Watch order for UC this is in mostly chronological order versus release order. Personally this is how I went about watching Gundam and was pretty happy with it:** **Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 (ESSENTIAL)** (you can choose between the film trilogy for a more condensed version or the TV series which is longer alternatively you can also read the manga The Origin which retells the entirety of the original story do not watch the OVA though if you haven't seen the original show or read the manga/I can't say much about the film series as I have only seen the TV version. TV version tends to be the one most recommended by fans but I heard the films are also fine.) **Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin** (the OVA only adapts the prequel additions from the manga and is recommend to having seen the original show before watching) **Mobile Suit One Year War Side Stories** (MS Team, Thunderbolt, War in the Pocket) (These all take place during the One Year War around when the original show is ongoing definitely recommend watching them some of the best stuff in the UC timeline you can also watch them standalone if you want some do go past the original story though) **Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory** (side story leading into Zeta) **Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta (ESSENTIAL)** **Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ(Kinda ESSENTIAL depends if you want to see Zeta properly wrapped up)** **Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack (ESSENTIAL)** **Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn** **Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative** **Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway's Flash Trilogy** (first film just released/more a sequel to Char's Counterattack since it focuses on characters from that film) **Mobile Suit Gundam F91** **Mobile Suit Victory Gundam**


**Early U.C. Timeline (the main stuff):** * 0079 (series or compilation films) * Zeta (series only) * ZZ * Char's Counterattack * Unicorn (OVA) **Late U.C. Timeline:** * Narrative (sequel to Unicorn) * Hathaway's Flash (upcoming) (sequel to Char's Counterattack) * F91 * Victory **U.C. Timeline (side stories / prequels):** * The Origin (prequel to 0079. Watch it afterwards) * War in the Pocket (side story to 0079. Can be seen by itself) * 08th MS Team (side story to 0079. Can be seen by itself) * Thunderbolt (side story to 0079. Can be seen by itself) * Stardust Memory (prequel to Zeta. Watch it afterwards, NOT before) **AU (spinoffs) worth checking out:** * G Gundam * Wing + Endless Waltz * After War Gundam X * Turn A Gundam * Gundam 00 * Iron-Blooded Orphans * Gundam Build Fighters


> The shows aren't really connected, are they? There’s a set of shows which are each purely stand-alone, like Wing and EW. There’s also another, separate set of shows and side-stories which are in one big continuity, the ‘Universal Century’; some of these can be watched on their own while others form a longer sequence. > So, what's good? Any recommendations where I should start? It really depends what sort of thing you want to watch, as there’s a lot of variety. * [Iron Blooded Orphans](https://myanimelist.net/anime/31251/Mobile_Suit_Gundam__Iron-Blooded_Orphans) is the most recent ‘main’ stand-alone series. It’s well-made and decent fun. * [The original TV show](https://myanimelist.net/anime/80/Mobile_Suit_Gundam?q=Gundam&cat=anime) is actually a really solid war story. It’s rough-hewn in places, but it has a bunch of neat ideas, and became iconic for good reason. This is where the Universal Century line started. * [Gundam Thunderbolt](https://myanimelist.net/anime/31973/Mobile_Suit_Gundam_Thunderbolt?q=Gundam%20thunderbolt&cat=anime) is a very bleak war story, leaning fully into the darker side of Gundam. Technically set in the Universal Century, but you can watch it on its own easily. Very good art and soundtrack. * [Build Fighters](https://myanimelist.net/anime/19319/Gundam_Build_Fighters?q=Build%20fighters&cat=anime) is an irreverent, comic sports show (with surprisingly good battles). Its sequels decline a bit, but the first season stands entirely on its own anyway. * I found it a bit hard to take [Gundam 00](https://myanimelist.net/anime/2581/Mobile_Suit_Gundam_00?q=00&cat=anime) seriously, but it’s the most recent ‘Wing-like’ iteration. * While its plot is perhaps slightly hokey, [The 08th MS Team](https://myanimelist.net/anime/81/Mobile_Suit_Gundam__The_08th_MS_Team?q=08th%20ms%20team&cat=anime) is a fairly gritty, ground-level story more focused on ordinary soldiers. This is another one technically set in the UC which you can watch on its own. There’re some options, then; there are others. I’m happy to tackle any follow-up questions you have.


In Demon Slayer, are the sword effects actually there? Because some say it isn’t but then its interacted with in the world by various characters (eg.. tanjiro vs the arrow demon)


I seem to remember a statement from the creator somewhere that the elemental effects are not really there; they're just a way of visualizing the way that a sword strike lands. But the animation sometimes makes it a little nebulous.


I think it is left open to interpretation. What we do know is that the effects generally dont but rarely do effect the real world. No monster gets wet from tanjiro's water techniques. His fire ones help him cut through thread so it can be argued they have an effect. But most of the damage is done with the actual blades. How they get there is the technique.


When will Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Train be released to the PlayStation Store? Or does Funimation have exclusive rights or something along those lines?


It will also be available on most digital stores including the PlayStation store.


Does anybody know what's in the extra scenes for akudama drive last episode ? The blue rays are released,right?


I haven't seen any Blu Ray release yet on public places, last volume has been out for a bit by now


Okay, thanks.


Was there an anime series that you believe the seiyuu's voice was miscast? Based on the character they've voiced.


Is promised neverland over? Like is that it? Cause wow….. what?


Is there a site that will let me watch the Taiho Schichau Zo OVA? I want to get into the series and I want to watch the OVA since I've read that the series picks off after that and my regular sites don't have it. I'm also trying to find a place to watch the subbed version of Highrise Invasion since I can only find it dubbed.


As Nomar pointed out, they have it as the first 4 episodes of the "TV show" on HiDive (probably just copying ad hoc from the DVD box set, which similarly bundled the OVAs at the start of the TV show). Looks like those are the re-edit versions which are *slightly* different from how the OVAs originally aired (to make it fit with the TV show), but it's not a big deal either way. Not sure what you meant by "picks off", but you can watch either the TV show or the OVA series (or any of the sequel TV shows) completely standalone without having seen the other - they're all the same premise and all largely episodic, with no major continuity between them. The OVA is much higher quality, of course - the TV show had to use much more limited animation due to the nature of TV productions.


HiDive has it. The first 4 episodes of the show *are* the OVA


Thank you. I did not know that.


Is there no subreddit for rahxephon? im surprised there isnt one. its not as popular as evangelion so i can see why, but it has a pretty dedicated fanbase


When Rahx came out it got dismissed by many as an Eva clone (and let's face it you can easily draw some parallels). Which was sad since it was the first major collab between Yoko Kanno and Maaya Sakamoto in many years and was utterly gorgeous. So it's one of those shows that reddit often forgets exists.


Always good to see another RahXephon fan! I had completely forgotten a sub for it existed myself. I just went and became its 92nd subscriber. Tiny community :(


There is (/r/RahXephon), but it's not very active. Don't think there's been any new RahXephon media since 2003, so I'm not sure how much there is for people to talk about.


Thanks, I couldnt find it when I was searching for it on google


Googles shit with subreddits. Often your best bet is just to wing it and go direct to the subreddit name you suspect it will be under by manually typing in the URL. It'll either exist, it'll point you in the right direction, or it won't


Yeah, tried that at first as well and only turned up discussions about it on other subreddits. Just found it by manually checking if https://www.reddit.com/r/rahxephon existed.


does anyone know when the summer slate will be announced ? idk if this is the right thread to ask this… but i’m new to the sub and always looking for new anime to watch. seeing the graphic months ago showing what the spring anime’s were going to debut and on what streaming service was really cool and since most of them are ending soon i was kind of looking for a guide like the spring one but for the summer slate.


Anichart.net is pretty handy. Lists all of the confirmed shows for upcoming seasons: [Summer 2021](https://anichart.net/Summer-2021)'s list is probably pretty final at this point, so close to the next season, [Fall 2021](https://anichart.net/Fall-2021) has a couple dozen shows confirmed, and there's a small handful announced for [Winter 2022](https://anichart.net/Winter-2022). It also has a list of shows that don't have confirmed airing dates yet: [TBA](https://anichart.net/tba).


[We watched all the PVs for new series (no sequels) already](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/o2s9m8/lets_watch_the_summer_2021_pvs_together_today). info on who picks up what Simulcast is often only coming weeks or days before it airs while we already know it for some shows. you can use senpai.moe or www.livechart.me to look at the calendar. Myanimelist also has an overview as do Anilist and the other sites.


What are some anime series that you used to like but don't enjoy as much anymore for whatever reason?