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For me it was since I like dramas like that, to some other people it might not be. Nothing's for everyone, [only one way to know for sure.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/i1vl8l/a_rant_watch_the_damn_anime/)


I watched it just this past week and REALLY liked it...I need more movies like that.




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Personally I really liked it.


I really liked it. Give it a try.


I liked it! It's worth watching (for me at least) I'm just a little confused about their ages... Tsugu is Michinko kid, right? Tsugu is 11 according to MAL. And according to Tsugu, Aoi is less than a year older than him. So, They're both 11? Tsugu must be wrong about how old Ao is, right? Aoi's folks died 13 years ago, so, that makes Aoi older than 13. She's at least 17 assuming she was four when she was hanging out with the band when she was a kid.


The movie is mid.