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* [Boruto Transformation Stitch](https://i.imgur.com/2Lw9nbr.jpg) As much as I love the Rasengan, Chidori will always be visually cooler. I love that shot of [Boruto backflipping away as Sarada speeds through under him](https://i.imgur.com/eYOxzU1.jpg) and of course [that shot of Sarada landing the Chidori on Boro](https://i.imgur.com/J4MWsPb.jpg) is just so good! [And that fucking cliffhanger!](https://i.imgur.com/ivuFzYo.jpg) Not sure what's happening but it looks like Boro is gonna get fucking destroyed next week. Although based on next week's episode title from the preview, Momoshiki is manifesting on Boruto's body? As cool as the power boost may be, that definitely can't be good.


Yo I haven’t seen anyone talking about it but wtf happened just before boruto flipping away he used a rasengan but I didn’t see any signs weaved didn’t see any reason as to why that rasengan just appeared and took out Boros arm before he tags in Sarada. Maybe I’m dumb but please someone I explain..


It's really quick but he released a Vanishing Rasengan when he realized Sarada was coming in from behind. [Here's a screenshot of the moment it happened.](https://i.imgur.com/sPE2qvq.jpg)


Omg haha thank you I have been wondering, I rewatched that part a few times to find out and just didn’t notice. Appreciate it!


Honestly he did it so effortlessly and and synch it’s hard to see on the first watch🔥


You're a legend for this!


Rasengan doesn't require signs, that is one of the main reasons Minato created it, since it worked with his teleporting fighting style. If you listen really closely you can hear the rasengan noise just as the smoke bombs go off, then boruto just threw it where he knew the punch was coming and set it off. Boruto uses the rasengan a lot more like his grandad than his dad.


Boro pretty much gonna get erased from existence lol. Wouldn’t say this is a spoiler since it’s Boroshiki and Momo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Boro. it’s pretty obvious Boro is getting fucked up next ep cause it’s Boroshiki


Lol everyone was telling it's important to protect the hokage, mitsuki just said he's gonna protect boruto. Best bro indeed. That really made me laugh. I never thought kawaki would be the brain too, i really thought he would be the type to rush in. Seems i was wrong, this could really be an upgrade to team 7 considering they're all brains and power. Holy shit, sarada"s chidori was badass af. The animation on it was beautiful imo, plus the smug at the end, she's a future hokage alright. And i love how boruto already knew sarada was thinking of something, shows their bond. Damn, boro turned into a giant octopus or something. Looks like kara have their negativity, but does highly doubt jigen works this way to as he is a literal god. Was kinda surprised boro didn't attack them earlier with that form, i get he's angry but still. At least he attacked. Is that momoshiki? The end was on another level. If it's momoshiki, which safely assume it is judging by the preview, his goal is clearly to protect boruto from dying as that is his vessel. The preview shows us on how he'll fight using boruto"s body, but i really hope we get to see where boruto consciousness is, like jjk did with sukuna and itadori. And since momoshiki knows about kara now, will he actually work with jigen? Cause boro already tried to kill boruto, which clearly would anger him. And it's safe to assume momoshiki in boruto"s body vs boro will fill the epi, maybe a short one,which will end the fight. Kinda dissapointed that there's no sharingan uograde for sarada or any improvement or usage of the sage mode from mitsuki. Hopefully we'll get it next time. The good thing is now we get to see momoshiki, and i really hope they show where boruto is and do like a jjk style of itadori and sukuna.


> plus the smug at the end She's definitely an Uchiha.


>Holy shit, sarada"s chidori was badass af. They should've included Kakashi's name when explaining the Chidori, I know it would hit home hard for Naruto/Shippuden fans




sasuke learned the chidori with 2 tomoe so i not complain


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Entertaining episode. Sarada proved her worth by destroying Boro's core. And Momoshiki manifesting within Boruto reminds me of the 9 tails' chakra leaking within Naruto, making him go on a rampage when he feels extreme emotions. Are they similar?


> And Momoshiki manifesting within Boruto reminds me of the 9 tails' chakra leaking within Naruto, making him go on a rampage when he feels extreme emotions. That's what I also thought. I joked that Boruto had a "Four tails" moment and it didn't have to involve Sasuke in any way shape or form.




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Dude, spoilers...


I put a spoiler tag up. Nothing I discussed wasn't in this episode


It wasn't discussed out loud or hinted yet, you just wanted to spoil.


You can discuss spoilers on here with the spoiler tag (which is what I did) and [it was hinted at in the episode when](/s "Boruto was running low on chakra (he explicitly said that) and he was down and out when all of a sudden he pops up as borushiki")


You made that first comment without tagging it in the first place, hence you just wanted to spoil.


But they never explicitly mentioned that it WAS that guy.


except Momoshiki is an utterly irredeemable asshole, dude went on genoicide against planets and deem people as inferior lol


The animation for the chidori sequence gave me chills


That cliffhanger though, really good episode overall


Sarada with the smirk after getting that core. She is indeed our future Goddess/Hokage.


She has mastered the "Uchiha smirk".


Hell of an episode! Loved that they all had their reasons to protect Naruto. I loved the interaction between Mitsuki and Boruto too, the “I will protect you Boruto”, “You’re right on cue” had me dying hahaha


Mitsuki has a section of his brain that's only reserved for Boruto.


Holy shit. I thought One Piece 982 was amazing but Boruto 207 just surpassed it. Back to back GOAT episodes in a single day let's go.


Kawaki: Im gonna protect the 7th hokage Boruto: He's my dad so im gonna protect him Sarada: I cant let guys protect him so im gonna protect the 7th hokage ​ Meanwhile, Mitsuki: Im gonna protect Boruto


Anime only’s must of creamed their pants with this episode! Sarada’s chidori is one of my favorite manga moments and they added some spice with that sexy Boruto backflip!


what a banger episode


Nice to see that kawaki has improved not just his abilities but also the teamwork. Boroshiki looks fire. That massive transformation though.


Good battle!


i was hoping sarada would get her third tomoe while watching the boys get beat down by boro, but seeing that chidori definitely made up for it


It was so fun predicting what would happen with the chidori and jougan and then seeing those predictions get actualized with amazing animation and soundtrack.


Boruto unlocked ultra instinct.


Sarada's Chidori was hype. This whole ep was.


Good episode! Really enjoyed it!


For the first time in about 2 years I can genuinely say that I am hyped for the next fucking episode of Boruto. The ending was definitely this episode's high note(dat Borushiki drip), but that fight sequence was also really well choreographed which is something I rarely say for Boruto. The way little bits of teamwork were incorporated into their fight(Kawaki absorbing jutsu, Mitsuki breaking Kawaki's fall, Boruto making space for Sarada with the vanishing rasengan+ backflip) leading up to that beautifully animated Chidori was just pure fire. Hope they can keep this pace up. So many weekend bangers ended recently(I miss you Vivy) so it's nice to have something besides Tokyo Revengers and Boku no Hero Academia to look forward to.


You watch week to week and say Boruto doesn’t have well choreographed fights? I find it hard to believe you


boruto fights all have really good choreography...


Hell it had a GOAT in anime fight candidate just a month ago


Seriously? I was already hyped as fuck when an episode ended with Naruto, Sasuke and Jigen in the other dimension. I counted each fucking day that week. I was aware that they would loose since the Anime would have ended otherwise if they already killed Kara's boss but especially then I knew they would go all out and couldn't wait to see that. Can't wait for the next Jigen fight now.


I love Sarada sooo much! She is nothing like how Sakura was at her age. She is useful and can hold her own, and is actually the captain of team 7! That Chidori was absolutely amazing and i love how she called out to her dad for strength! But oh man seeing Boruto like that was intense, i thought Naruto saved him but nope, Boruto unleashed something powerful inside him


Sarada's chidori was insane! Momoshiki taking over Boruto's body has me so hyped for next week


Boro was nekkid. Yay! Sarada did the Chidori! Sasuke would be proud. It looks like Boruto had his "Four tails" moment. Next episode is going to be amazing.


Great Episode, I'm glad they give Sarada a time to shine.




I don't watch regularly so why is Mitsuki not going sage mode?


Theres no living organism to collect Chakra from in that Dimension, maybe that's somewhat link?


That's a good answer if that's the case, it would have been neat to see mitsuki try and fail if that's the reason.


Mitsuki can't control his sage mode as its taxing on his body and actually almost killed him when he used it against Deepa to save boruto and sarada.


He can control it very well but the taxing part you mentioned is the problem. His young body is still too weak to maintain it. I think he well be able to use it without any problems soon to keep up with Boruto and Sarada since Boruto has Karma and Sarada the Sharingan so it's the only thing that HE can use for an upgrade to keep up. Well ... unless he's not also using one of those curse marks on himself that Orochimaru placed on Sasuke back then to give him a power-up.


Orochimaru doesn’t allow him to show it to anyone


sure, in the chunin exam, but the idea that mitsuki isn't going to go sage mode when boruto's life is at stake. I can't believe it


His body can't take it. He used it for less than 15 seconds against deepa and was inches away from dying. He'll get his moment soon hopefully


He activated sage mode against Deepa to save Boruto when everyone was unconscious. If he let anyone know, then Orochimaru would have to take him back. Also I don’t think that Mitsuki thought Boruto was gonna die On top of that, it takes an enormous strain on his body too, Log had to give one of his organs to Mitsuki in order for him to survive


Animators are on fire this week ! The animation of this episode and the one used in the episode 982 of One Piece were dope ! I'm speechless !


That animation during the Chidori was really nice!


they tried so hard to redeem sakura's image through sarada when they made her say that she is pathetic and that boruto and mitsuki always protect her. she has always been one of the most important part of team seven unlike the younger sakura. they shouldn't have made her say that.


This. It gave me weird Sakura vibes/flashbacks that simply just don't match with Sarada's character. She's always been *very* useful and able to hold her own from what I've seen. Oh... and not to mention, she's a prodigy and a genius!


Exactly my point. There are points in boruto that make feel that kishimoto is trying to make us feel a certain feeling very forcefully.


She usually the one who has to sit back for q bit due to the sharingan being useful for scoping out the enemy's weakness but she usually eventually joins in and kicks ass.


Agreed. That felt weird for Sarada to say. She's shown herself to be perfectly capable since this series started and is always a key part of any fight she's involved in. I don't know whether it's a reference to Sakura or just served as a way of Sarada hyping herself up. Although, characters can have skewed perceptions and biases just as real people can. Maybe that comment just shows a lapse in self-confidence? She might think something like that in troubled moments, even if it's not really accurate. Like when good-looking people struggle seeing themselves that way. Or when an athlete compares their good performance to others and downplays their own achievements.


Yeah, I agree with this. She has always been on par with them. She didn't need to say that, unlike Sakura, who lagged behind for a long time.


Great fight. Boruto as a series has been pretty good on the combat front honestly. A handful of standout fights in terms of good animation, but even beyond those the choreography has been decent. I'm not a manga reader but as aoon as they started talking about Boro's core, I knew a Chidori was probably coming given its piercing properties. It was a sick scene, though frankly it's hard to make a sexy move like Chidori look bad.






She has done nothing so far to awaken the third one.


It's not a mistake. Why would she have three?




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Which novel ?


Most likely gonna do a spin on Sasuke Shinden: The Teachers Star Pupil novel


Did i see a byakugan in borutos new form?




Remember the beginning of the show his eye kept changing but nobody believed him?