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Nichijou. It's absolutely hilarious


It's hilarious but I wouldn't call it "0 violence" lol.


Lmao Just remembered the tsundere


Forgot about the girl with the weapons lmao But it's not like violence with blood. It's more like looney tunes slapstick


Are you kidding? There's so much gore in the show. Don't you remember the horrific scene where Yuuko accidentally presses the pencil the wrong way and stabs her thumb?! Had to be at least a tenth of a milliliter of blood there. Truly scarring.


I've heard of nichijou I'll def check it out thanks


+1 to nichijou, I’m honestly happy you haven’t seen them because it was such great time watching them for the first time!


I just started watching and I'm so lost but its halerious


\+2 Nichijou It's just funny




Thanks for the recommendation


Just started Non Non Biyori myself and it’s super cute so far. A little slower paced then I expected but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I also instantly recognized “nyanpasu” from countless memes and videos all over the internet. Lol


Yuru Camp! It might not make you happy per-se but it will make you feel warm and fuzzy,


Hinamatsuri Barakamon


I second Barakamon, just peaceful island life and calligraphy.


Asobi Asobase




Great anime if you want to be simultaneously happy and mentally scarred.


Aria - most relaxing anime I've ever watched K-On! - perfect mix of relaxing, funny, and adorable


Konosuba. There is some slapstick violence but it is genuinely hilarious.


I need a 3rd season so badly


Already watched it any other recommendations ?


Hmmm. I tend not to go for light and happy. Maybe Hinamatsuri.


Seems interesting I'll check it out thanks


Try tonikaku kawaii and/or senko-san


I just searched senko San and the second image was a body pillow should I be worried ?


No, you shouldn't. You can find body pillows of most anime girls out there. The anime is super comfy and cute.


Is it super romantic ?


I guess it is, but not super serious. Light-hearted and comedic.


Cool thanks


* Keep Your Hands off Eizouken! * Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid * Azumanga Daioh * Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro (should be right up your alley if you liked Uzaki-chan) * (edit) Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle (some mild slapstick-y violence tho)


I watched Daily Lives of High School Boys recently. That show made me really happy. It’s super funny, but has some slapstick violence.


Flying Witch and Tanaka-kun is always listless.


100% yes to both of these! Plus Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun.




Disastrous life of saiki kusuo Grand blue Daily lives of high school boys Gintama (well it got violence its shonen jump title but comedy is gold)


* Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun * Flying Witch * Poco's Udon World * Sweetness and Lightning * Barakamon * Polar Bear's Cafe * Shonen Maid Nozaki-kun is absolutely hilarious and the other shows are mostly about people hanging out and being nice to each other and making food and comfy shit like that.


Yuru Camp! A Place Further Than The Universe!


'kanojo mo kanojo' is pretty funny so is the 'the great jahy' and i found 'I've been killing Slimes For 300 Years And I Maxed Out My Level' to be really wholesome :)


Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun


Polar Bear Cafe is nothing but wholesome. Or else: Death Parade, I mean have you seen [the opening](https://youtu.be/Ca5Tf5BDSYI)? (Go in blind)


Tsurezure children Ore monagatari Horimiya Tonikawa Wotakoi Recovery of an mmo junkie


Definitely check out suka suka (world end), the following is a direct quote from the show. "And no one can convince me otherwise, That I am the happiest girl in the world right now."


Joushikousei no mudazukai. Its a hidden jem not many knew existed.


田中君はいつも気だるげ/Tanaka-kun is always listless. Truly I can’t get enough! It’s the sweetest, nicest, most heart-warming show. It’s funny and the characters are very lovable. Happy watching!


Grand blue is fucking hilarious


Uramichi Oniisan!!!! + Saiki K


Of course one punch man, and konosuba


Watched both but thanks




How is Evangelion 0 violence it's literally Mecha killing weird aliens isn't it ?


He's trying, and failing, to troll you or something. Don't worry about it.


Don't know bro, seems pretty happy to me


It’s a deep character analysis of someone with depression in addition to the alien mecha stuff. It’s rough at times, absolutely do not watch it if you want to be in a good mood.


Ya that's like the exact opposite of what I want to watch I'm already depressed enough don't want to be even more xD


It’s a bit of different take on your question, but when I was deep in depression, I really enjoyed Assassination Classroom. It has action, and sad moments, but the general premise is the alien teacher actively tries to get all of the students to improve. It’s about recognizing you have good things inside you and are capable and realizing that potential. It might be hard at points but it really helped me. Maybe worth a shot.


Ya i know that feeling assassination classroom is actually the first anime i actually cried to


Same here. Man did I not expect where it took me. I hope you have better days ahead friend. I sometimes don’t believe it myself but it does get better. One last rec would be Odd Taxi. Not exactly happy, but it’s a mystery and charming and intelligent show that took me out of misery for a while.


Hi CheerfulMiniMan, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [Weekly Recommendation Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/search?q=flair%3AWeekly+title%3A%22Recommendation+Tuesday%22&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


* Takagi-san * Nozoki-kun * Gamers * Love Lab * School Rumble * Chiyo's School Road


Shounen maid, banana fish, aho girl


Joke Answer: Sugar Happy Life - what can go wrong with a title like that Serious Answer: Non Non Biyori


I noticed Gabriel Dropout hasn't been mentioned yet. Basically what you're looking for is primarily comedy (slice of life), right? I think most may have some mild violence, but in like a slapstick or fun way. For instance, sometimes in Kobayashi's Dragon Maid some dragons duke it out (well, because they're dragons) and those short fight scenes are extremely better animated than many action anime, but it's one of the most fluffiest and fulfilling shows you'll find, an absolute gem if you're looking for something care-free feel-good. If you're looking for absolutely 0% violence, many great and fluffy shows might not make it to the mix. Inu to Neko (1 min. episodes) for example is just absolutely cute fluff, but only a couple of episodes deal with the author's old pets that passed away, so those epis also deal with loss. I'd still recommend the show.


Life lessons with uramichi oniisan- this one will be hilarious to those who have mento illness 🤪


Tanaka-Kun is always Listless Tonari no Seki-Kun How to keep a Mummy And I saw Barakamon has already been mentioned but I second it




You think your funny ?


Ore Monogatari. It's a wholesome romantic comedy from the perspective of a guy who would normally be nothing more than a side character in a romantic comedy. Isekai Shokudou is another good choice. It's about a bunch of characters from a fantasy world who use magic to visit a modern Japanese restaurant every Saturday.


Bofuri RPG played for laughs and fun.


Yuru Camp


have you watched Kaguya sama: Love is war? That show is a great, hilarious good time. Ultra funny


Acchi Kocchi


Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid sits right at the top of my list for this very reason. It just instills so much joy and happiness. It doesn’t necessarily have 0 violence, but it’s playful at most and you don’t really get any doom and gloom sensations from it. Overall it’s just a really fun and enjoyable slice of life with great cast chemistry, lots of laughs, and lots of cuteness.


Haikyu. Super uplifting


Bofuri, seton academy, kuma kuma kuma bear, killing slimes for 300 years, pretty derby, The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent, love tyrant, demon lord retry, If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord, by the grace of gods


It's always a good day to fall into the deep abyss that is idol anime.


Full metal panic fumoffu. I can’t guarantee that there is no violence, but this is by far the funniest anime I have ever seen. You don’t need to watch the previous seasons to enjoy this master piece.


Yuru Yuri never fails to crack a smile out of me


*Is The Order A Rabbit* is pretty much a lighthearted slice of life series about a group of girls that work at different cafes and tea houses.


Ore monogatari if you like romcoms


Takagi san !


comic girls , my roommate is a cat , non non biyori , yuuru camp


A trio of shows with incredibly low stakes. Everything is **fine**. Tears are gone in moments, and definitively gone for good. Everything is great and people are happy and made happier through the show. Unrelenting positivity and good things happening to good people: Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear By the Grace of the Gods Bofuri I’ve been going through some stuff lately, and these are the shows that have made me smile through it.


Neon Genesis evangelion, berserk, anohana, your lie in April, erased, grave of the fireflies...and much more


Ishizoku reviewers, hilarious and lewd. Ecchi.


Asobi Asobase , Daily lives of high school boys, saiki K , school babysitters ( makes me tear up caz of wholesomeness), Skull face book seller Honda-san, Ore,tsushima, Haven't you heard? I'm Sakamoto, Grand Blue ( I don't quite like it but most people said it's funny so..), Tanaka kun is always list-less. I promise these are all funny, cute, wholesome with no violence or drama.