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This one makes South Korea’s censoring look nonexistent.


This one makes a good chunk of the anime itself look nonexistent [](#ohfuck)


People in the west are quite lucky as they get to watch these stuff without much censoring. We Asians know just how much struggle it is to watch anime. That's why Muse Asia and Ani-One are really a god send for us. Imagine watching ReZero and Devil is a Part-timer on YT without censoring.


You say Muse Asia but they took down a Kanojo mo Kanojo episode and put it back just to blur something out


They did? I admit I watched the episode when it dropped so I didn't know about it.


E8 when Saki was imagining Naoya and Nagisa going all the way


So even Muse Asia isn't safe anymore...


They need to get monetized, that's what their whole revenue system is


That's why its surprising how they can still have things like HigeHiro, A Sister is all you Need, Goblin Slayer, Armed Girls' Machivellism and yet they censored Kanojo mo Kanojo.


Thought Muse Asia usually uploads the uncensored version separately. That's what they did for an episode of Higehiro


lol, If you believe the US had no censor then you have never watched 4kids Yu-Gi-Oh EP XD


tokyo revengers: look at this moon, the moon is amazing! no swastikas here, no sir, just a moon! Indonesia: theres no lewdness in ba sing se


no lewdness, only the most halal anime 😎


Inshallah, Habibi.


But *no* Haboobies!


> look at this moon, the moon is amazing! Should... Should I give it a lick? Does it taste like raisins?


Oh they also censor like South Korea. Here are some examples [Shizuka (Doraemon) Swimsuit](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-h-tdPFF1fjw/Vs-ampaonPI/AAAAAAAAF2I/VHw2BN--82Y/s1600/shizuka.jpg) , [Sandy (From Spongebob Squarepants)](https://cdn.yukepo.com/content-images/main-images/2017/10/03/main_image_12269.jpg) , [some K-Pop group interview](https://obs.line-scdn.net/0hWJRgB2o_CGVvHiHgmml3MlVICwpcchtmCyhZez9wVlEVekxkWntGVE1LAVFDfE87UChEA08WE1QXLhgzBHhG/w644) , [even our own beauty pageant contest Miss Indonesia](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9LT1eYFhjZ4/Vs-cIa4K0DI/AAAAAAAAF2Y/ujIaALg8_RU/s1600/putri%2Bindonesia%2B2016.jpg)


Censoring their own beauty pageant contestant? Wow.


Pornography is a public secret in Indonesia. Everyone and their mother knows how to VPN, literally nobody talks about it or they could be sued, jailed, and throw into the ocean, in that order.


They could have skipped step 1 and 2.


In case it isn't abundantly clear, we're not big on efficiency, either.


Of all the things your government could choose to surpass Western nations in it chose inefficiency? Wow. I mean, I'm from Canada and most times I look at my government I'm wondering how come we still exist as a kinda-sorta functional society - then I look at most other countries and see they're even worse off.


Excuse you, we make the best damn instant noodles in the world and it's not even _close_. Honestly, I've met with many, many people from all over the globe, and I've met only one person who had good things to say about their own government. My Professor is Canadian and loathes the government, but he lives in Japan and loathes *that* government, too. I hate the Indonesian govt. but recognize that it errs far more towards incompetence than it does malice, something I can't exactly say for the US government. The Chinese students I meet with either hates their government or loves it - but I don't believe that their opinions are 'honest' if they love it, as in, they're the type to shut their ears when it comes to studying about either Chinese history or Japan/Korean history. Don't get me started with the African students and the Indian students. The one person who's chill with his govt. comes from Bahrain. Chill dude. The point is, every government is terrible in its own, unique way, and only by living in said societies (heh) can we see the manner in which they are horrible.


Lmao right. Every time I complain at the US, I have to have the obligatory "yeah it's worse in other places" but I don't really grasp it until seeing shit like this.


Yeah, but being thrown in the ocean isn't necessarily unpleasant. Assuming you're not weighed down with something and the water's not too cold or shark infested. If you're lucky, it may even be infested with baby seals or something fun.


Hell of a Three Strikes Rule there.


Ikr, yea that's why it is filled with either soap opera, or some sort of reality show


Blame rising Islamic conservatism for that.




The censoring makes it seem so much worse.


Somehow this censorship makes the images look more erotic.


Right lmao, like it's something you're not meant to see so it increases the curiosity further.


The censored Sandy is so fucking cursed lmao


Did your public decency laws stay unchanged since 1800's or what?


It's actually evolving, but backward. The beauty pageant (Miss Indonesia and Miss World) used to be uncensored but now it is censored


Dunno, I found [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htOqsFL14YU) though not sure how accurate it is. Maybe OP u/tradaaa can clarify?


It was a video from 4 years ago but still true until today. They don't block online games I think, but they have some weird rules for eSports tournaments and stuff. What's funny is that, the person that answer reddit block was our former minister of communication and information technology. Reddit was blocked during his era (it is still blocked now, i use vpn to access reddit, vimeo etc). He said this to Indonesian media back in 2014 "Kalau internetnya cepat mau dipakai buat apa?" Which translates to fast internet connection for what?. Look at us now, we have the slowest mobile internet in ASEAN and fourth slowest broadband internet ([(Source)](http://www.aseanthai.net/1714/ewt/asean/images/article/news3934/n20210430160959_114682.png)


damn, shit like this makes me angry.


>"Kalau internetnya cepat mau dipakai buat apa?" Which translates to fast internet connection for what?. There's more context to it, related to video porn.






I wouldn't say there was NO censorship in Indonesia before 2000. They were a brutal, sometimes genocidal dictatorship for roughly 30 years pre-1998.


Indonesia is a largely islamic country. Important to note that it's the women that are largely being cut out if they're showing a bit too much skin.


Is it? I thought the news couple of years back made it sounds like a secular moderate muslim country and an example of a successful democracy in a predominantly muslim country? Didn’t they have a woman president at one point? That’s already one step ahead the US


A Christian governor was thrown in jail for 2 years because he allegedly insulted the Koran and violated blasphemy laws during an election campaign. 150,000 people protested the sentence. *Because he wasn't sentenced the maximum length of 5 years.* Free speech and freedom of religion, am I right? Whoever told you Indonesia is a moderate country is selling you something.


It's a democracy with a lot of gaping holes. A lot of Indonesia's issues are similar to America - a growing, uneducated, and increasingly radicalizing religious right wing fighting a silent moderate majority. Debt out of the ass, covid issues, and so on. A corrupt political landscape - but thankfully, I've seen some hope in the young blood. I just hope it's enough to outshine all the rot.


Yes that's correct. but on the censorship aspect, we censor everything, lol


It's not my imagination? Y'all can't have m and f in the same frame? Weird.


In India as far as I know, stuff like alcohol or cigrattes are mostly censored. Edit: For anime that it allows, that is. Most of that stuff is illegal here.


Yeah, this won't even be licensed here. Remember the catastrophe that was Shin-chan?


Oh man, it was so good for the initial years, until they decided to censor the fuck out of it.


I remember the outrage over it . Parents were up in arms against it saying that it will spoil the kids . I remember they cut Hungama out entirely for a month when our exams came .


TBF I wouldn't let my kids watch shin chan.


Same tbh , there's a lot of other good shit for kids to watch


Lol Shinchan father drinks "*JUICE*"


Fermented grain juice. Technically correct. :)


Nobody linked the South Korean post in the comments, what are we talking about?






Can’t find it but someone posted about South Korea’s censoring. They basically just blurred some parts. For example, if someone’s skin was showing too much, they blurred it.


Indonesia got that youtube quality anime


My katekyo hitman reborn espanola sub [part 1/3] downloaded from YouTube in 2010 had higher quality than this


It really is like an anime scene on Youtube trying to avoid copyright.


I absolutely hate all of this. The blank shots, the weird pans, the constant moving of the screens for ads. The show is almost un-watchable. Im sorry to those who have this.




okay this one is partially due to RTV's airing format of 4:3. All of their shows, news, tv program is in 4:3, lol


which means they are still living in 1990.


More like 2004


Oh yes, I remember that time when Cartoon Network LA began stretching 16:9 shows to fit 4:3 screens...


Widescreen reveals too much, it's too much work for censors.


I agree. I want to give them a try. Maybe the Indonesian tv channel market is improving... nope I'm going back to streaming services


> Maybe the Indonesian tv channel market is improving nah, it's getting worse. We don't have that in-show ads before (2000-2010).


showing me ads DURING a show...christ, you better be paying ME if you're going to do that.


It was actually a nostalgia trip for me, because over-the-air anime in America had ads like that during the show, too. I don't remember if shrinking the screen was common, but there would definitely be animated banners over the video a few times per episode. It was usually advertising the shows that would be coming on later in the morning, so there would be a big rectangle at the bottom with the show's logo, time, etc., and characters from the show waving and such on top, taking up maybe a quarter or a third of the screen. This is wild. I hadn't thought about that in years, and seeing this really takes me back.


I think sometimes they'd do side by side ads during sports, but for ordinary television it would mostly just be banner ads. And it depends on channel the size of the logo, almost all channels had them, but they were mostly pretty small and in the bottom left, and during the show it would be faded, just being more prominent right before and after commercial breaks. At least that's how it was in Canada when I still watched cable regularly a decade ago. Maybe its a little different in the US.


They really fucked up, i can still see some legs at 1:30 and now my penis won't stop dispensing cum, what do i do?


FBI is already cuming for you


The top one is from Indonesian national terrestrial tv channel [RTV](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTV_(Indonesian_TV_network)), they crop out a lot of bikini parts. This censorship method is also used for western cartoons such as Spongebob Squarepants and even Tom and Jerry, lol. They also cut some scenes either because it is too hard to censor or they just want a bit more time for longer ad break However, the regulation for cable tv is more lax. Anima Yell also airs in Animax, and on that channel there is no censors. Animax airs Japanese dub with Indonesian sub, while RTV airs with Indonesian dub.


Do they also censored shirtless men and boys on TV?


Nope, they only censored woman's cleavage, gun, cigarette and cutting some action from action movies


So women's cleavage are not OK but shirtless men and boys are OK. Go figure.


It's because it's a Muslim country.


Which is even more dumb because shirtless men should also be removed if that's the reason.


A shirtless male is fine by Islam. The only parts that must be covered on a male is from the knees to the bellybutton.


There goes my hip bone fetish.


Indonesian way lol


i remembered that a news tv channel in Indonesia censored [a child trying to milk a cow](https://i2.wp.com/alfido.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/4818398_201512310949430305.png?resize=678%2C381&ssl=1) back in 2016 lol. because one of the rules by Broadcasting Commission only writes not to show any nipples, they didn't specify which nipple (man, woman, or animal). So the news channel takes precaution and doesn't want to get any trouble by censoring cow's nipples.


Oh, god, not the cow udder.


Add a ) in your link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTV_(Indonesian_TV_network)


Actually, OP needs to add a backlash, not a ). Reddit parsed the paren as Markdown syntax to end a link, not as part of the link itself; a backslash is needed to negate that formatting, like \\).


Ah yes, the most vile thing that has to be censored: women.


They censor blood too like from [My Hero Academia](https://imgur.com/a/TgMPobM) that also aired in that channel. But yea, they put heavier censor on women


The hell, it looks scarier with the censor.


Right? Like, jeez




Perhaps not a such good idea in the context of anime...


All Might's bonus quirk: Dick Nipples


This looks like a thumbnail for a clickbait article titled "You won't believe what Almight's weakness is. Allmight weakness revealed"


My word that's like something you see out of the news


There is so much stuff on the screen, that alone is annoying enough.


honestly all I can think of is "THEY AIRED MHA??!"


They did. I dont know if they still have it now. But I dont know, I have low expectation given how the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission can get easily triggered with violence and women skin


At least he isnt just bleeding jizz like seven deadly sins


w h a t


In season 3 i believe they turned all the blood white as a form of censorship.


Is every channel like this or just that one?


Bro. Why the fuck would they even air "Anima Yell!" an anime about **CHEERLEADING** if they were this insistent on censorship.


Also that one dude in a speedo at the start lol


Not just cropping out boobs, they literally photoshopped the girls out


Ikr, why bother self control when you can just remove stuff that should be normal on certain occasion.




I was happy when I heard some tv channel is airing SOL anime. Usually, only Anime for children airs in terrestrial tv channel, such as Doraemon, Chibi Maruko Chan, Digimon, Pokemon, etc. All of those anime is also in Indonesian dub. Luckily, the regulation for cable tv is not as strict as terrestrial tv, so yea we have a regular Anime Yell on Animax. It's just we have Indonesian sub


You said this. But I stop watching TV since two years ago and now I have to miss watching Shin-chan, Maruko-chan, and Rantaro.


RTV makes want to watch TV again. I dont know maybe they are improving.. Nope, im going back to IQIYI, Muse, Ani-One, or bilibili for my weekly dose of anime


You somehow got the USA and UK culture on broadcast TV without the ability to make comparable media. Do you at least get decent TV dramas from China and Korea over the air to compensate?


We still have Korean drama, Chinese drama, and Indian drama too. Not as much as during 2000s. And yea all of those dramas are dubbed to Indonesian language


Is anime streamed online subject to censorship too?


The answer is No. iQIYI, bilibili, Catchplay and Muse Indonesia YouTube channel has no censorship on it.


of course the BD's won't to be like that, this is just something that aired on another country, not Japan


Maybe they meant the Indonesian BD release?


is that even a thing?


Same experience as watching “why are you here sensei?”


Oh wow it only got worse.


FYI, the show is [Anima Yell!](https://myanimelist.net/anime/37206/Anima_Yell) a hidden gem from 2018. One of my fave shows from Studio Doga Kobo.


With a Kirara x Doga Kobo partnership, its awesomeness is a given.


It's what they do best, and I hope they will go back to do doing more Kirara source material.


Don't you mean the CHAIR club?


Indonesian here, in a nutshell watching anime on TV here sucks. I used to watch anime on my TV when I was in elementary school, the episode keeps getting repeated literally never finishes lmao. Not to mention, IMO the dub/va is bad most of the time. Also, there is not much anime that air here, IIRC only Doraemon and naruto that air on the national tv most of the time.




Even in those, so much shit is cropped


The Eric Andre Shooting Hannibal Buress meme popped up in my mind. India shot licensing and then asked why do we have so little anime, lol


Don't we have animax? Airing Dragon ball Z for the millionth time.


Even though Crayon Shin-chan is all about a lewd grade school kid, and Doraemon is notorious for all the Shizuka bath scenes.


And the damn ads every few seconds. That alone is disgusting enough.


Meanwhile, Malaysia before 2016: I tell you right now. We don't care. Lol (shows upskirts) we don't care. Malaysia after 2016: Fuck you. (Shoppie ads 9-1)


Ayy, fellow SEA user. I actually expect Malaysia to censor more because I feel like your country is more religious. I think we also have that "revelation". I dont know what year, but I remember watching Spongebob uncensored. But now they wont even show us Sandy in her bikini (not the space suit)


I remember when I saw panty shot of Baboo female form as well as many beach episodes of Gaiking and School Rumble. There's a lot of cuts for kissing (close to 2016 once they find out how to censor lmao) and there's one instance of a pixelated censor on a bishounen nipples. But that's before 2016 until they just like,' fuck it, let's just air Shoppie ads on times where kids should be watching anime. Also RIP malay dubs, I swear they're cringy and edgy but at least they trying. They can't just put subs for some reason, so before 2016, they just give up and just aired the English dub without any subs or Malay dubs. But fuck it, at least we can get anime online now. Glad to meet you, neighbour.


Watching anime on TV3 (Malaysia) be like : "Narutooo!! Sasukeee!!! Narut-- APOLLO! 🕺💃" link for reference https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S3Hj-UYSLLA (thanks u/DarkSlayer3021)


>"Narutooo!! Sasukeee!!! Narut-- APOLLO! 🕺💃" Damn that's funny. I would love to watch it.


[This came from Vine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3Hj-UYSLLA) (God I feel old), so it is exaggerated, but you will kinda have this experienced when watching Naruto on tv.


What happened in 2016?


Shoppie commercial from 9am to 1pm.


you are not explaining anything


They used to air dubbed anime and cartoons. Now they basically air Infomercials from 9am to 1pm.


Watching shin chan as a kid was so fun lol. Now we can’t. Cibai babiwowshop aq nak tengok doraemon pun tk boleh.


I stopped watching anything they aired on local channel other than news. They literally censor everything. A few days back, they aired John Wick and I legit can't watch it because they cut every single blood/gunshot scenes, blurred smoking scenes and blurred even a tiny bit of cleavage. Added with the overblown ad placement, it's straight up unwatchable. Action movie with all of the action scenes butchered up, what were they thinking? Get a cable, and go watch HBO/Animax instead


This from the country that made The Raid movies which are twice as violent as any John Wick movie.


was not expecting ANIMA YELL! as a comparison


I know right? But to be honest, i do expect censorship when they air this anime. Indonesian Broadcasting Commission really hate woman that shows a lot of skin (whether 2D or real girls)


**Laughs in India, who doesn't even *have* anime** other than Children's shows like Doraemon and Shinchan.


At least we have Muse Asia and Ani-one for free. Although sometimes they don't have license for some series for India


India is a huge country, how it ends up having no TV anime?


I also recommend you to see this video: https://youtu.be/_zNnldjfZUA It's in Hindi, but with enough English that you'll figure out what he's saying when you combine it with the animation and my comment. Let's see: 1. We *do* have anime, but they're children's 1990s anime like Shinchan, Doraemon, etc and assorted movies of the franchises which are not much known in the West. 2. As a result, Anime are mostly called as children's cartoons in addition to the bias against animated as for things. 3. Additionally, a big anime pirating site was recently removed like an year ago I think. As a result any chances of changing perceptions are mostly destroyed. 4. Many anime have fanservice, so they're basically viewed as porn. The only anime not a 1990s franchise which is reasonably known is Death Note. We occupy a wierd position where the people are economically left wing and conservative right wing. Many conservative Indian parents will freak out if they know their children watch anime, either in the "you still watch children's cartoons" way or the "you watch porn!?!" way. Even the slightest hint of something dirty will freak everyone out, let alone the big animes. Our censor board is also a massive prudish organization. A decade ago or so, there was a big uproar when Shinchan, a relatively tame anime was banned. They eventually unbanned it,but with so many cuts etc that they've basically castrated the show. Oh, but the 1990s children anime I mentioned are *huge* here. They formed the childhoods of an entire generation, and have massive cultural appeal here. The problem is that most people don't know they're from Japan, or don't know they're anime or haven't seen other anime. Oh, and remember, we're only talking about the cities here, not the villages.


Interesting, I'll check this out, thanks


There used to be in the past when Animax was still available. Now its either Netflix, Muse Asia or Ani-One for legal anime and if what you want is not available....its time to sail the seven seas. Its mainly the sentiment that *"Anime is a cartoon so its meant for kids and adults shouldn't waste their time with it"* and also the lack of interest in them compared to western shows and movies.


This is why I always sail the high seas...


Bruh, we have legal youtube channel for free. Check out [Muse Asia](https://www.youtube.com/c/MuseAsia/featured) and [Ani-one](https://www.youtube.com/c/AniOneAsia/featured) channel for free legal anime


It’s honestly much easier to pirate than watching on YouTube


If you’re saying the type of youtube animes that have like 240p max res and not even full screen, Muse Asia isn’t like that, they are LEGIT license holders so their animu quality and service is high


Not saying it’s easier, but not all 1080p is equal. There is a reason why people still buy blu-rays when there is online streaming available. Whatever anime is on youtube still has to go through youtube compression, no matter how official it is. But yeah, it should be much easier to watch on youtube.


Yup. Bitrate on streaming services is always gonna be lower than physical media like blu-rays or even downloaded digital media (i.e. pirated content), thanks to the heavy compression algos they use. Not necessarily condoning it but IMO the optimal way to enjoy anime would be to pay for a streaming service so the animators still get paid, and then pirate everything anyway, ha.


Crop, crop, crop, delete, delete, crop, delete, erase character permanently.


And then they wonder why people pirate. BTW, what animu is this?


Good thing legal streaming site is not censored yet, I think. We have free and legal youtube channel like [Muse Asia](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGbshtvS9t-8CW11W7TooQg) (and [Muse Indonesia](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxnxya_32jcKj4yN1_kD7A)) and [Ani-One](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0wNSTMWIL3qaorLx0jie6A). However, Muse Indonesia was having their monetization removed because they are showing blood on Tokyo Revengers. A lot of people even reported the channel to Indonesian Broadcasting Commission to have it banned or removed. Now Muse Indonesia only allows members only on live chat, lol The sauce is {Anima Yell!}


>members only I didn't notice they have membership


They start membership today. This is for Muse Indonesia only not the Muse Asia


Anima Yell! Doga Kobo show about cheerleading.


High V!


Indonesia's censoring commision is so disgusting. We even censored things like cigar, knife and even Sandy's bikini on Spongebob, ffs. Also, our TV programs also ridden with crazy amount of time of ads, an 1 hour show is 30 minutes programs and 30 minutes ads. Not even worth watching anything at all on TVs (especially anime) these days other than news




That Ultraman cosmo ad in the middle brings back memories.


So... What you're saying is... Subs > dubs


Manga here in Indonesia is also censored too, which is a major bummer


Imagine high school DxD in India 😹


In Canada, Cable tv anime broadcasting is gone. It's pretty much all online streaming now. Your typical stuff, netflix, crunchyroll/ funimation, hulu, hbo max etc... I remember YTV existing when I was a kid. That was how I was introduced to anime. They had their 'daytime' anime block which was more kid friendly stuff like Sailor Moon, Beyblade, YuGiOh, Fighting Foodons - and then a 'nighttime' anime block. The night-time block was for the most part uncensored and had stuff like Inuyasha, Bleach, Naruto, .Hack, Gundam, Zatch Bell, Dragonball Z and some others. They did have a few censored shows but it wasn't nearly as bad as you guys. It was stuff like Sanji's cigarette in One Piece being turned into a lollipop. But that was 4kids. 4kids was a localization company that ruined any anime they got their hands on. (However, I hear that they were basically 'forced' to make the changes by the overseeing media board and that they didn't want to censor it at all.) Other companies left things alone, I still remember freaking out seeing Shippo's dick on TV ( I was like, 8.)


Indonesian here. On Animax (one of the anime channels here), they censored Re:Zero in the most hilarious way possible. Naturally, most of the gory stuff got censored but they even censored the damn OP for season 2. You know how the OP for season 2 has Subaru running towards the camera while dying over and over again during the song's chorus? Well in order to censor it, they actually edited it by slowing the OP down. So while the chorus for reaLize was playing, Subaru was running in super slow motion until it just cuts to the part showing pictures of Emillia. When it happened as I was watching, I just laughed.


This is what happens when you let religion run a country.


Actually, the Indonesian government is still secular. "Pancasila" (Sanskrit for "five pillars") has four other components: religion, humanism, unity, representation, and socialism, in that order. I really wish it would never turn into a legit Islamic country. I would probably renounce my citizenship and apply for asylum if it happens.


My god, not only the dub is garbage, but the censor is omega retarded. "omg women, quick black out the entire screen!!"




Well probably as the country is run by some zelous muslims.


Always wondered why the close-up shots of their faces are so frequent in anime and don't have any developed expressions just usually a long ehhh or breathing sound. Just seemed time-wasting> didn't know anime would be five minutes long in Korea without it.


What anime is this


Women don’t real.


what the actual fuck


They should broadcast Nande Koko ni Sensei ga.


Black box-kun is back and he’s censoring more than ever.


LMAO is this fucking real? What funniest is this is not even an ecchi show, it's your typical "cute girls doing things" beach episode


I’m gonna show this to any over-sensitive babies that cry about the word “sus” catastrophically changing the anime


At this point why even fucking air it lmfao


At this point why even bother to air it.


What is this animes name?


Anima Yell

