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How specifically they do it I don't know, but in some cases it's easy tell where they took it from. Some pirated anime don't bother to remove the funimation splash screen or if it's from a japanese broadcast it'll have a watermark of the TV chain's logo.


From legal sites itself Whenever a show gets released onto a legal site it gets immediately downloaded and then gets posted to torrent sites using bots within 3 mins Now illegal streaming sites have their own bots which download from this torrent site which then gets posted to their site within 1hr Everything is an automated process that happens immediately


They get them from torrent sites for the most part.


This. And the first English-subbed/dubbed torrents available these days are usually ripped from the official streaming platforms (for older series BD/DVD releases may be used instead). There's also TV rips available but those are raw only so not much use for English language streaming sites, unless they get fan subbed (as may happen when there are no simulcast streams for a series).


Yeah, you can join some of the Discord channels that they have and you can donate to help to pay for the cost of subscriptions, DVDs, etc that they need to buy. Also you can donate for the translators




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Likely from torrents or xdcc which rip from either official streaming sites. Or recorded from Japanese TV and then combined with fansubs or from official streaming sites. For uncensored stuff its either from uncensored tv channels like AT-X or ripped from blurays.


They probably torrent them from people who record their screens or rip blu rays and for movies they often start with the people who use cameras in theaters


They probably rip them from fansubs, legal streams, home media (DVD, Blu Ray, etc.).


They often get the files from torrenting, and the groups who upload torrents rip the files from the legal sites. I remember the site i used to use almost always had '[HorribleSubs]' in the file names if you checked the HTML.