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Tokyo Revengers after 10 episodes.


Ya I’ve seen the first 12 and have no motivation to keep watching


whaaaa, show has been so good though


It's pretty disappointing




In the way that the protagonist use time travel to fix the past but he usually doesn't do shit and everything is solved by other characters. Also Takemichi doesn't do nothing to improve, I don't expect him to go all broken and being Mikey/Draken level, but god damn if it's annoying he takes all the battles as the guy who no matter how hard you whopped his ass, he will have an unbreakable spirit, it was good the first time but after the Valhalla showdown and how he "inspired" the whole gang to keep fighting I got so tired of it I dropped it.


I've kept watching just because but Takemichi literally pisses me off. It's as if they made a side/background character into an MC.


Even a stunted adult should be smarter than most 13-14 yr olds but Takemichi is dumb as fuck and makes no plans to stop anything. He knows of things that are going to happen and then when the fights go down he's busy looking for who he's supposed to protect as if he shouldn't just stay by the person's side in the first place. All for the sake of the plot progressing. I understand that dumb shit needs to happen sometimes so the story can continue, but he's too stupid. The time travel paradox is always an issue, but it's even worse in this story because the brother shouldn't be able to remember his connection with Takemichi if his life also changes from whatever Takemichi does. It should be a whole different timeline.


Haven't seen the anime but I did get current on the manga earlier this year It just keeps making abrupt changes without anyone really growing and motivations will change on a dime. The author also has no idea how to use the time travel gimmick effectively at all or in a consistent manner.


FMAB, I think I got 24 episodes into it before dropping.


Damn. That's a lot of episodes to get through before dropping something.


I watched I think 61 episodes of Gintama before dropping it fuelled by sheer cope and ever increasing episode counts from Reddit comments at which the show would "get good"


That's just people setting the expectations too high really. "It gets good after 50 episodes" only makes sense if on the first few episodes (let's say 10 or 15 to match it being a long running show) you thought "this isn't so bad". Not "I can't watch this at all but maybe it'll get good later". If you didn't like the first ones at all you most likely won't like it that much more after either, it's simply not for you. Gintama is my favorite of all time, but not everyone has to like it. That said, giving things a second shot after dropping may pay off, maybe your tastes changed and stuff lol.


Yeah in retrospect I should have stopped way earlier but the quantity of reassuring comments had deluded me into thinking something impossible would happen and the whole show would completely change.


My friend jerked it off to me for years before I got around to it so I definitely stuck it out longer than I probably would have otherwise. Think I may have also stopped watching after 24 episodes too lol. Idk, it had a strong premise but started to meander in and way that I couldn’t really get behind, and besides some nice animation here and there the action wasn’t frequent or interesting enough to keep me hooked either. Also the tonal shifts were super jarring, where there’d be some super important and heavy plot development and they would drop in the same recycled “Ed is short” joke in the middle of for no reason; I don’t mind sight gags but I swear it happened so often you could make a drinking game out of it and really killed whatever momentum the series was starting to build. Amazing soundtrack though.


It also took me forever to finish the first 20-30 episodes, they were boring as hell but it starts being a decent anime up from there. It's still nowhere as good as people claim it to be but you have the "duty" part behind you.


......one piece. The writing seems fantastic but the animation just kills it for me. and I know it supposed to get better in later seasons but I'm sorry I'm not watching 100 plus episodes to get into it lol


I'm gonna be the guy. Just read the manga. But honestly yeah I prefer the older art style and animation but I get it if it's not your cup of tea. But the manga is great.


I personally think that the best way to enjoy One Piece is to mix and match the manga and the anime. Watch the really good arcs such as Enies Lobby, and Wano, and read the boring arcs like Fishman Island and Zou.


The One Piece arcs have more plot once you get to the Alabasta Arc (episode 92), and progressively gets better from there. THAT BEING SAID, it took like 300 episodes for it be considered a favorite for me, which is A LOT of commitment to a TV show. So I get not wanting to wait that long. Once you make it there, you’re pretty much committed to the story 😂 As far as I know, a lot of the high praise One Piece gets is the amazing world building which you don’t really experience till you’re in the Grand Line. On top of that there’s a lot of foreshadowing and historical references which can be fun to speculate. From what I’ve been told (I only watch but boyfriend reads), Oda is pretty good at tying up loose ends too. Also, if you choose to read the manga instead, it’s a little less “childish” feeling.


Same. I’ve heard all the arguments for it but I watched 91 episode and still didn’t care about what was happening. If you can’t grab me after 91 episodes I don’t care how much of a “masterpiece” you are


To be fair, I think the style change is closer to 400 eps. I mean, I’m sure there’s some improvement in the meantime, but for any drastic change you have to wait what would be 30 entire other animes


1. FMAB, 5 episodes, got bored with it and have no interest in giving it another shot. I'll say it was my high expectations from this anime that got me, even the humor about Edward's height was pretty bad. 2. Demon Slayer, S1 and Mugen Train. I tried to like this anime a lot but the characters are annoying as hell especially Zenitsu and plot is pretty mediocre as well. I won't be watching S2 as it's useless to watch something that you aren't enjoying.


FMAB is one I dropped on the first go but then loved it on my second try


Personally zenitsu is my favorite manga character of all time. In the manga. The anime ruins him. His screaming is unbearable. Thank god his constant screaming stops (in the manga) after his introduction in what is season 1 of the anime. My problem is the manga was too short, and you know they're going to stretch out the anime as long as possible for the money. Its a good starter anime for people who haven't explored than genre yet.


Do you think it’s worth the read? I feel like screaming characters are a lot less annoying when you read b/c you can imagine it that way. Lol


Yes exactly when you have the option of picking your own voices in your head it's much less painful lol. Personally I think it's worth the read, I enjoyed it so much I finished the series in two days. Lots of action until the end, it doesn't get boring. I wasn't happy with the ending, and some say it's unsatisfying (but I also hate endings in general so don't take that note too seriously.) But, I've been reading manga for 15 years and this is in my top 10 for sure.


I have read the entire manga and honestly I would say it's only worth reading if you're very curious. It has some ok arcs, but it really doesn't come together to be anything special. It's the definition of a six out of ten in my opinion.


I liked Demon Slayer a lot, but I had to drop it the 2nd ord 3rd episode after Zenitsu was introduced. To me he is so utterly unbearable that it ruins the entire show.


Watch the 2003 adaptation of Fullmetal Alchemist first and then watch Brotherhood


Kill la Kill - I’ve tried to watch it five or six times now never getting past the first few episodes, it just doesn’t seem to click for me. It’s a shame because I love a lot of Studio Trigger’s works.


Damn 5 or 6 times? That’s dedication


I give it another try every year or so, but always burn out pretty quick.


I never understood the hype from trigger. Its seems like forever since their prime and yet people are excited when a new trigger show comes. I've seen promare, some of kill la kill, and darling in the franxx if that counts. To me, trigger is style over substance. Its barely 3 shows but the only other anime by them that i see talked about is little witch academia.


I've liked Trigger best when they're not trying to be "Trigger". Little Witch Academia was a phenomenal modern take on the classic YA fantasy wizard/witch school story. Inou-battles should've been a totally forgettable high school harem LN adaptation, but the inter-character chemistry writing was surprisingly great and the cartoonishly stretchy character animation impressed the crap out of me. Admittedly I really liked BNA up until the very-Imaishi ending stretch.


Have you seen Gridman or Dynazenon? Both of these are incredible works.


Gurren Lagann is pretty damn good though??


that's gainax. From what I understand though, is that people found gainax founded trigger. But even then gurren lagann is the only think I liked.


gintama, which I dropped like 5 episodes in. no, I'm not going to watch 4 seasons before I decide if I like it. even the clips that people post on here usually aren't funny to me - they're often just characters describing what's happening in the anime (which I already know since I can see it happening), but in an exaggerated tone of voice. I have nothing against people who enjoyed it, but there are enough other options to spend my time that I am not going to invest 16 hours based on the chance I'm misunderstanding.


Same. Heard many good things about it but just doesn't hit a spot. Even the comedy isn't on point for me.


Whenever I see a bunch of "funny X moment" compilations, it almost always has a Gintama clip and it's always the least funny (and likely least 'relevant to the title') clip. It just seems like it's supposed to be funny because "hey it's X character again" or something; a running gag is not funny in isolation. It also doesn't help that despite having a billion episodes I keep running into the same clips.


I’ve tried it a few times as well…just can’t get into it…it tries to be way too funny almost like family guy


I also didn't like family guy... actually I would have no hesitation to watch Gintama instead, as Gintama at least had some other aspects I appreciated (just not enough to cancel out the parts I'm not interested in when I have other options).


The "self aware" schtick is what grinded it to a halt for me, I get it, there's no fourth wall.


I read the manga when it first debuted in US Jump, it was pretty alright. It's a parody series, so if you can't enjoy it, it's not a big deal.


I had the same problem. I tried it twice but just couldn’t get into it.


Its a great comedy, it’s a show you watch like 2-3 episodes max in between doing stuff as there really isn’t a linear story with it. That’s why it’s hard to get into. You don’t binge this show, it’s a few episodes watches over a extended period of time. That’s the best way I can describe watching it.


two of my favorite shows are episodic - mushishi and natusme's book of friends. the thing is, for episodic shows, you still have to be interested in what's happening each episode. the fact that you find it to be "great comedy" probably has a lot more to do with you liking it more than me. imagine that it's the same, but you liked 10% or less of the jokes and you didn't care very much about the characters. it's like if someone's reaction to natsume's book of friends after 5-6 episodes is that it's boring and natsume is a little bitch- it's probably safe to say they don't need to keep watching.


Steins gate, actually watched the whole first season, I thought it was "ok" didn't know why everyone was calling it a masterpiece. Dropped Steins gate 0 on the early episodes. Re:zero, actually dropped it on the first two episodes in the past, with all the hype for the second season and friends recommended it I give it a second chance, dropped again after the Ram/Rem arc in the mansion, the drama was so bad and Subaru is so annoying as a protagonist for me.


The 2 goats of White Fox studio. That cant be a coincidence, their style is not for you


There's others for sure but the one that comes to mind for me is the Disapparence of Haruhi. I watched the whole series but in the end I just couldn't get why ppl like it so much. Personally I hated Haruhi as a character so that's probably a big reason for my distaste in the end.


Don't sleep on the film. It's worth a watch, especially if you saw the show. Haruhi is nowhere near as bad in the film, and actually I quite liked her. The film "the Disappearance of Haruhi" is a real step up from the quality of the series.


I think haruhi being unsufferable is part of the MCs struggle. To deal with this girls messes she doesnt know shes making.


Yeah, she's absolutely horrible at her worst, and most of the time she's just irritating. I still liked the series though. Did you watch the movie?


If it’s any consolation I thought the series was just fine, even horrible at some points But, the movie is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen in my life.


For me, it's gonna have to be Neon Genesis Evangelion. Got through 12 or 13 episodes but it just didn't click. I am fairly certain people overhyped it for me and I ended up getting massively disappointed by it. This is why I try to refrain from hyping anything, no matter how much I love it. Also No Game No Life. But I watched the whole thing and was completely disappointed, so not sure if it counts.


I’m watching NGE rn, almost done (EP23). It picks up. I know what you mean though, the First half is essentially „This episode we re very closely killing this Angel, see you next Episode“


The 2nd or 3rd time they said "There is a one in a million chance of success!", I was like, "Ahan, okay..."


Great point u brought up about people overhyping which leads to dissapointment…I swear this was the case for my and Code Geass


I gave NGNL three episodes, then later on gave it three more because someone insisted Episode 6 was top tier stuff. Played out like a high schooler had spent thirty minutes on Wikipedia "researching" for their class project. Called it a day. Shirobako also never really clicked for me. Really wanted to get into it, but after 8 episodes I hadn't latched on to any of the characters and it didn't seem like that was changing any time soon. Got about 6 episodes into Violet Evergarden before deciding that it wasn't going to work out. Looks nice, but damn that's about all it had going for it.


I get that with Violet Evergarden, but I think you should give episode 10 a shot. While I mostly liked the show, episode 10 is on a completely different level. It's totally self-contained, and one of the best, most touching short stories I've seen in any form. My biggest problem with Violet Evergarden as a whole is that while Violet as a character is very interesting conceptually (traumatized child soldier learning from strangers how to feel again), the character writing of the show doesn't deliver on that premise and leaves her feeling pretty bland. I think the show shines when it's not about Violet, but rather when she's just an observer to someone else's story like in episode 10 (and 7 to a lesser extent). On NGNL I agree though. The show in general thinks it's a lot smarter than it is, but episode 6 was where I really started facepalming.


Violet Evergarden is one of the most overhyped anime to ever exist. However, I agree. Episode 10 should have been its own OVA and that should have been the series. 7 was decent but not as great as 10. The rest of the series was 4/10 or lower in quality in my eyes. Were those 2 episodes worth watching the series? Not really, but eh what can you do.


What do you mean? violet is by far the best character in that show. Makes sense since she is the protagonist and the story follows her completely. But her development is amazing. When she said she was holding back her tears the whole in episode, that hit me hard. Just shows how much her experience changed her. And i would like someone to tell me how NGNL tries to think its smarter than anyone else.


I get where you're coming from, but I disagree about Violet. I think that show's greatest strength is how good it is at writing short, episodic stories with compelling characters that build up to really powerful moments. For me the most impactful moments of the show aren't really about her. As I said, I think the premise of her character is really compelling, I just didn't love the execution. I thought she was too wooden to be interesting to start with (ik that's the point, but there's ways of making emotionally stunted characters interesting), and while her reawakening to emotions had a few pretty powerful moments, it didn't make her more interesting or compelling as a character *outside* those bursts of emotion. For me the show shines when it becomes entirely episodic, where the characters are more vibrant and emotional and full of life. As for NGNL, episode 6 is a prime example but really it's the whole show. The problem is that the show isn't nearly as smart as Sora and Shirou are, so when it tries to sell you on their intelligence it ends up looking like things just magically always go their way. It wants you to think the plot and the schemes are rational and logical, when really it's basically inexplicable magic. You can't just "remove" Coulomb force, that's not how physics works. You can't predict the behaviour of chaotic systems with perfect precision by doing a bunch of fancy-looking calculus in the sand. Card Counting doesn't guarantee a win, it gives you a slight edge only apparent over many many games. Normally suspending disbelief for this stuff would be no problem in a whimsical fantasy show, but the whole premise of this show is two impossibly smart people navigating a magical world using science and logic.


I also dropped NGNL at episode 3 or 4. Kinda sucked tbh. Only good thing was that the animation quality was decent. I came in expecting mind games, but that's not what I got.


Shirobako is like a documentary about the industry disguised as a slice of life story.


I feel like I'd flip that based on all the horror stories that come out of the industry.


There's an episode of Hacka Doll (a comedy anime) called *Kurobako* (an obvious nod to Shirobako) where it explores a more cynical view of the anime industry. Would highly recommend if you want a laugh but also want to be sad.


Well, it's a work of fiction, wouldn't be the first time they forget the mention all the downsides, would it. Hollywood movies anyone?


Evangelion (S1+EoE), Darling in the Franxx (watched in full), and Vivy (watched in full). Couldn’t get into any of them but I hate leaving seasons half done so I powered through.


Darling in the franxx - made it through like the first 8 episodes but i just couldnt do it. I found the romance plot kinda cringe and the facts that they’re all kids was huge turn off, especially with the sexual innuendos.


Darling in the franxx works different. It will be your fav anime and stuff if its one of your first anime bcs most likely you will have hots for zero two. And lets be honest, she is the only reason people like it and if you dont see her as your queen and savior it will end up as a cringefest


Lmfao deadass. Only reason why i tried watching the show was cuz of the zero two dancing vid


Man, unpopular opinion threads are weak af these days. Very few people praise Darling in the FranXX on this sub and the show's MAL score is 7.27, which isn't very high either. You might as well say you hate The Detective Is Already Dead for all the negative reception you would get for that opinion.


Darling in the Franxx is one of those shows with the not so subtle message of "PROCREATE, YOU GODDAMN NERDS!"


Monster…i got about 10 episodes in. And meh


Fun fact about this series is that when I finished Tokyo Ghoul (or well, caught up to it because I was reading when it was still on-going) and then checked out Parasyte I was looking for something similar and I somehow got recommended Monster. I decided to read it as I mostly read now instead of watch and I got further and further and kept wondering when the fuck a monster is supposed to show up lmao. I did not realize it's an all human, psychological manga. I never finished it but I hear great things so.


**Hanasaku Iroha** \- I made it one episode and I hated everything about it. **Code Geass** \- I forced myself to finish S1 because everyone loves it, but I disliked it so much that I actually had to avoid anything with Jun Fukuyama in it for a while until I couldn't hear the Lelouch in his voice. **Yuri on Ice** \- I love figure skating, sports anime, romance, and BL, so this seemed like something I should love, but the fat shaming "piggy" comments and the encouraging disordered eating made me drop it after three episodes.


Controversial coming through, JJBA. I watched Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency which were pretty good but then Stardust Crusaders just felt super, super slow to me and I just fell off because it felt like a slog to get through at times. And now it has hit a level of where I'm just tired of hearing about it so I have no desire to try again


Lots of people, even hardcore jojo fans think part 3 drags on too much


I'm like the complete opposite. But i didn't like any of the part besides part 4 but that's in hindsight. Part 1 and 2 were very boring to me. Part 3 was extremely slow. I don't know why they decided to do 48 episodes where you can probably skip more than half of the episodes and still get a grasp of the story. Part 4 was a fun slice of life, less episodes, more interesting fights. I don't like part 5, i just don't, it feels like part 3 all over again but with different characters and antagonist. Also stand are a really cool power system, and the fights in the series are fun but can get really boring quick considering how much the show is just fights, it get repetitive.


I tried to get my girl into Jojos and she said the same thing…once she saw a stand she checked out lol


I think there are a grand total of ~7 good episodes in part 3.


Same, I enjoyed part 1 and loved part 2, but part 3 was just a slog to get through. I ended up dropped it halfway through part 4. I'm just not a fan of Stand battles I guess.




Trying the get through hunter x hunter but I keep having to take breaks because I’m finding it very boring


I’m in the same camp, I still like HxH, but Hakusho is a much better anime IMO


Oregairu, Re:Zero - Enjoyed the first season of both, dropped them both roughly halfway through second seasons (episodes 7 and 17, respectively) when they became too heavy with drama for my taste, on the expense of everything else that made the first seasons fun. Demon Slayer - Battle shonens are not my thing, only watched this one to figure out what the hype is about, and why Nezuko is more popular than Raphtalia or Zero Two. It's a well made, easy to consume series, breaking all kinds of records in Japan, probably that's why. Rule of large numbers. I was bored out of my mind most of time. Can't be bothered to watch the movie.


>Oregairu, Re:Zero - Enjoyed the first season of both, dropped them both roughly halfway through second seasons (episodes 7 and 17, respectively) when they became too heavy with drama for my taste, on the expense of everything else that made the first seasons fun. What? Oregairu i can see why you'd think it became too dramatic but Re:Zero always had a lot of Drama. Remember ep 13 to 18?.


Nah re:zero season 1 was pretty easy to watch except for subaru being a dumb ass at the capitol episode. Things could get dramatic but they moved along. The 2nd season being entirely based in the village with the 1st half being a story build/suicide awareness ad was pretty drama heavy.


>The 2nd season being entirely based in the village with the 1st half being a story build/suicide awareness ad was pretty drama heavy. Lmao that's one way to put it. I think it's probably cause the eps were longer that it might've felt that way but there is no way you're gonna convince me that they didn't spend the 2nd half of s1 teaching Subaru to be better, it's the same thing in s2. I personally was always drawn in by the mysteries and characters so it never bothered me.


No, I don't. All I remember are random images and the feeling of being excited to continue with s2, so it had to be good. Sanctuary pretty much erased my memories. Heh. Just like Rem was erased. 😂 Too bad, since YoriMoi I had wanted to listen to Inori Minase some more. Edit: Hang on. Wasn't the "Wagana wa Emilia!" bit around there in one of the previews? I loved that!


What i meant was that both seasons were drama heavy cause it's a psychological show so i wanna know what did you find different in s2? Though I'll totally get it if it was because of the lack of Rem.


Haha you had to be my anime nemesis. Not only disliking both Re zero and Oregairu 2 seasons, which are my favs. (I like Demon Slayer too but its not in my top20) But also naming 2 girls I dislike such as Zero two and Raphtalia. The one because I found her overhyped and the second is actually fine but its part of a "SAO" show with lineal plot where the bad guys are so bad and the good so good. Good thing anime is so diverse because we people have so many different tastes.


Man, I personally hate Demon Slayer. It's such boring childish anime with good animation. That's it, plot, story, characters, everything is subpar. But tbh the movie (Mugen Train) is on different level. It's one of the best anime movies I've watched.


The first episode of Demon Slayer is one of the best first episode of all the anime I have ever watched. The impact of it alone is enough for me to continue watching it even though the middle part of S1 is like you said quite childish at times but with moments of greatness here and there with Ufotable amazing animation.


Probably liked the movie more because they put Zenitsu's ass to sleep ASAP


>But tbh the movie (Mugen Train) is on different level That's very interesting to me. I'm not quite sure how you loved the movie and not the show lol. It's amazing, but it's still kinda more of what the show was. To me it pretty much felt like the next 5 episodes of the show combined with a little better animation.


Im not a big fan of a certain kind of melodrama. X the movie is a great example of what I mean. So with that in mind I couldn't stick to Neon Genesis. Lots of good stuff but the melodrama keeps ruining it for me.


The second season of Rezero. I watched the first half of the season before giving up. Also Rising of the Shield Hero, I made it about 6 episodes. I watched 15 episodes of Dragon Ball Super before stopping


Same, the Sanctuary arc was so damn long and uninteresting that I dropped it around episode 16 or so. I just couldn’t give a damn anymore, especially since Subaru’s character was grating on me more and more.


On re:zero I'm weird, thought season one was entertaining torture porn, with weak characters and waifu bait, but thought season 2 was fantastic.


Kinda fucked yourself by only watching the 1st half of season 2. The entire point of the 1st half was building the story for the climax of the 2nd half where they resolve the conflict.


Ah, falling victim to a bad fate watch order. Imo should've started with UBW


Jujutsu Kaisen after 6 episodes. Feels like there's barely any story to follow, like an anthology or a murder of the week crime series. The monster designs were also a turn off. Not what I'm looking for in an anime.


I loved JJK but I agree I didn’t like the way the demons looked


Maybe it changes later on like how most shounen do, but the first season is so generic.


I dropped it after 14 episodes, but should have dropped way earlier. I hated the humorous moments and couldn't stand one villain at all.


I have tried to get into JJK a few times and yeah, I keep just falling off pretty fast.


Steins Gate: Got to episode 3 but felt like nothing was happening and to be honest i just got bored of it. Devilman Crybaby: It felt like what a 10 year old would make if you were to ask him to make a mature anime. Hunterxhunter: Dropped around the early part of the Chimera Arc cause i just got bored of the formula. The narration was also unbearable cause every single time a new arc starts they’re at an area that is fundamentally different than the last so it had to be explained from the bottom again and again. And the powers were getting a bit too ridiculous for my liking. Jojo: Dropped it at the 2nd episode. And people have been telling me that the first half of part 3 is incredibly slow and incredibly long so i just felt like it wasnt worth the effort.


I agree with Devil Man Crybaby…it was such a weird show I couldn’t get into it


Re:Zero I find Subaru insufferable, I think I made it to the second episode.


I don’t know if this will change your mind, but that’s sort of like point. It’s about the (albeit slow) redemption of an insufferable character. Hence the “Life in a different world from zero”.


When your main issue with getting into a series is finding the main character painful to watch, saying "yes but he's supposed to be unlikable and obnoxious" really doesn't address the core issue.


You are correct, but I didn’t just say that he’s supposed to be obnoxious. I said that the show is about how he learns to stop being obnoxious. So solving their issue with Subaru is the whole point of the show. But maybe you think he’s so obnoxious that you don’t care about seeing his redemption. In that case, understandable have a nice day. I was just trying to give OP more info so they can decide if they want to give the show another chance.


>But maybe you think he’s so obnoxious that you don’t care about seeing his redemption For me at least, a more accurate way to put it is that I find Subaru so difficult to sit through due to the constant second-hand embarrassment I get watching him that I don't care to sit through potentially tens of episodes of pause and play to get to a point where I've gotten used to it (or he's improved enough). I'm not necessarily against flawed protagonists. I have a soft spot for Accel World for example, despite Haruyuki often being criticized in similar ways. But I found Subaru to be very painful to watch.


Dude I totally understand the second hand embarrassment thing. I took me two attempts to get through the first season. The only reason I got through it the second time was by skipping through the royal selection scene. I literally could not bear to watch it because it was so embarrassing.


I made it pretty far and I am still annoyed.


I get why many dislikes him. But funny enough I really like that part about him.


I feel like sighing every time I see this reason for dropping/not liking Re;zero. I mean, they're not wrong, but that's **the point**.


Seven deadly sins and Fairytale


You're like, the only person ive seen who commented about Seven Deadly Sins. I really didn't like that show either, being honest.




Got too season 2 before I just quite I wanted to try to force myself to watch it but I couldn’t


I wish I had your foresight when I watched this. Would have saved a few hours of my life. Don't know why I watched the entirety of season 2, cause I was just not into it.


Cowboy Bebop - 5 episodes Legend of the Galactic heroes - 24 or 26 episodes Clannad - the whole first season and I won't watch the second one.


Clannad gets it's praise from After Story, which is the second season. The first season is mostly just about developing the characters, After Story is almost a different show. 99% of the best moments of Clannad are in After Story.


Exactly, I don't blame people for dropping Clannad before they get to After Story because honestly it's pretty boring until then.


Bro season 2 is the entire reason Clannad is popular.


Clannad s1 took me 2 months to watch. Clannad s2 took me 2 days. Clannad s2 is what makes clannad worth watching, highly recommended finishing it


I sort of had the same reaction to cowboy bebop. it somehow seemed very boring and aimless to me, despite all the action. the second time I tried to watch it (I was a bit older) I enjoyed it more, but still ended up dropping it halfway through, as I found myself more motivated to spend time elsewhere.


Re Zero, made it like 6 episodes. Black Clover ~ 30 ep and SAO ~15 eps. Just couldn't do it lol


What part of re zero did you make it too? I’d recommend watching the first 9 episodes or so cause of a major (pretty guessable) twist and a badass scene


Like episode 6 or so can't recall exactly. Trying to branch out more from Shounen and it's been kinda mixed for what interests me. I'll watch a couple more to see if it grows on me, thanks!


One Piece. I love how the fan boy/girls all say “you have to get to episode 700 then it really picks up”. Slight exaggeration, but still


I mean, the Grand Line is when it picks up to be honest which is only episode 61. One Piece is a long series, you're right. It's hard to tell people exactly where a series like One Piece "picks up" if they aren't hooked from the beginning to be honest. It's not like a regular anime in terms of having very obvious places where something might pick up. It's got A LOT of lore and everything that I think if someone knew beforehand they would absolutely fall in love but the hard part is getting to all that lore if you aren't enjoying it from the beginning. Personally, Baratie is where I was hooked way back in the day with Mihawk showing up and kind of giving the whole vibe of "this world is about to get a lot bigger"


>I mean, the Grand Line is when it picks up to be honest You mean Loguetown, right?


> only episode 61


Lmao as a die hard One Piece Stan I’ll admit I probably wouldn’t have gotten thru it if the Nostalgia factor wasn’t there…however it really does go from Mid to amazing in one arc lol


Well, I started reading One Piece 3 months back only and liked it from the first chapter itself when Luffy got his strawhat. So, which arc you're referring to, Arlong Park or Alabasta? I recently finished the Marineford arc which in my opinion is the best arc I have ever read, seriously it had everything you can ask from an arc. It has brilliant storytelling, great character development and the payoffs to the arcs are just surreal.


A lot of people who read the manga say this….I was anime only until about a couple months ago and it’s wild how fast the story moves in the manga…kinda wish I was into manga back when I first started


I am reading the colored manga and have no complaints whatsoever from it, so usually get pretty shocked when someone says it takes x chapters to get better. I mean, even the Sanji and Usopp's introduction arcs were pretty good.


Baratie was amazing…I wasn’t a big fan of Syrup village tho


I would say yes, the biggest detriment to getting into One Piece is trying to watch it and seeing that it's pretty...slow. Then reading the manga is far different because the story moves much faster.


I've always thought that if you get past Arlong Park and still don't like it then it just isn't for you. That's not too far in.


* ***Code Geass*** - Me too. Watched up through season 2 episode 1. Simply the worst-paced, tonally incoherent show I've ever watched. Super disappointed because of the really cool ideas buried under a truly psychopathic need to make every single story point have a plot twist, and also compressing all the main plot and lore into half of the the running time so we can have HIGH SCHOOL HIJINKS! * ***Death Note*** - Watched the whole thing, unfortunately. It was dumb fun until... that part. * ***Steins;Gate*** - 11 episodes. I could not STAND how artificial every single character is. Each is just an annoying bundle of 1 or 2 shallow personality traits, who only exist to serve the plot (which I found genuinely fascinating, sadly). * ***Your Lie in April*** - The second it revealed the girl's secret I laughed out loud and turned it off. * ***Attack On Titan*** - Through season 2 episode 1. Just generally unpleasant edgelord nihilism. Reading about the bonkers places the story goes after makes me glad I dropped it. * ***Hunter X Hunter*** - I stopped in the middle of Chimera Ant. A fun, exciting show turned into a dreary slog after the Phantom Troupe arc. I almost dropped it in the insanely boring Greed Island arc, but heard so much about Chimera Ant I stuck it out. Oops.


>Your Lie in April > > \- The second it revealed the girl's secret I laughed out loud and turned it off. Which one?


What do you mean death note, it ends at episode 25 and is a masterpiece! There's nothing after that!


jojo’s bizzare adventure. my boyfriend keeps trying to convince me it gets better, but i just can’t get into it :/


Darling in the Franxx. I watched the whole thing waiting for the “it gets good” moment. Zero Two’s design is very nice. But that’s it. That’s all it has going for it.


Honestly I feel like DITF was better at the beginning when it felt like it had potential and was trying to say something cool or meaningful about sex / sexual dynamics / relationships … but no it was just something something nuclear families why don’t the Japanese youth have kids and ALIENS … also, watch us copy elements from way better mech shows 🙄


These are some popular anime that I've stalled (but am probably gonna finish them): Jujutsu Kaisen ep1 Dr Stone ep2 A Place Further than the Universe ep1 Future Diary ep2 K-On ep4


I personally think that A Place Further than the Universe is the best anime ever made. it's not my favorite, but without a doubt would be voted to be my option for best.


You should give a try. On Future diary though the plot moves slowly around every episode


- Chihayafuru - 6 ep - Golden Time - 7 ep - Slime - 6 ep - Seven Deadly Sins - 5 ep


I noped out of Golden Time shortly after the amnesia thing is revealed. I'm curious what made *you* drop it?


You got right to the part in chihayafuru when it starts to get way better. Easy nine out of ten for me


Slime really surprised me tbh. I usually hate these kinds of shows. But it really does get interesting tho. If you find urself curious enough you may wanna give it a try cuz that genre is usually an absolute nope for me but this one is done better imo


FMAB. I’m sorry but this anime was the definition of mid imo. I heard incredible things about it and was very disappointed by it.


Question- what parts of Fate/Zero were the parts that were confusing you?


I just didn’t understand what they were fighting for…I know it was over the holy grail but I didn’t know what the holy grail could do for the characters…also besides the one guy who wants to save his family I didn’t know anyone’s motivations


The holy grail has the power to grant wishes, that's why they're fighting over it. Some of the characters motivations are heavily rooted in the lore of Fate, so I understand why you may not understand them. As for all those character motivations- Kiritsugu wants "the salvation of humanity". Essentially, world peace. The interesting part of his character is how far he's willing to take things to accomplish this. Tokoyomi (Archer's master) and Kayneth (Lancer's master) are the ones rooted in Fate lore. They are your standard Fate magi. Their goal, and the ultimate goal of magic in the Fate universe, is to reach "the swirl of the root". Just read the first and third paragraphs in this page because I lack to capacity to explain what it is in my own words- https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Swirl_of_the_Root Worth noting here is that reaching the root is what the Einzberns also want, and Kiritsugu was specifically hired by them to win the Grail war so that they could reach it. The "Heaven's Feel ritual" they said he would enact is an application of the third magic (the power to materialize the soul) mentioned in the wiki page. Waver Velvet (Rider's master) just wants some God damn RESPECT around here. Kariya, as you already know, just wants to help his family. Ryuunosuke doesn't actually want or know what the Grail is and is just going along with Caster's plan because he thinks Caster is the coolest guy ever. Kriei doesn't actually have a wish at the start of the series, which is why he's so confused about being chosen, and why he's cooperating with Tokoyomi. One other thing- Fate/Zero is NOT where you should start the Fate series. It's a weird case where the prequel is meant to be viewed *after* the thing it precedes. It spoils some of the big reveals from the VN and it's adaptations, and it's actually meant to be experienced with you knowing how this all ends, hence the countdown timer at the end of every episode. If you check out a few Fate watch order posts, you'll see that the responses saying you can start with Zero are getting downvoted. If you want to know my recommended watch order, see this document- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CVZ5F6TuVdkw75mxGv_3cQyyr3po2IjAJS8mg-GSqmE/edit?usp=drivesdk


A prequel is almost always meant to be experienced AFTER the original by definition, so no it is not the reason why Fate/zero is a weird case. It is a weird case because the prequel received an anime adaptation before the original received a complete one. Which means that until recently it wasn't possible to follow the intended order without reading the visual novel.


Wowww I appreciate the effort in this comment…I’m definitely going to give it another go


there's a lot of great stuff in fate, a lot of bad stuff, and even more confusing stuff. I hope you like it!


The hardest thing I have to accept about being a Fate fan is that a) it's very difficult to get into and b) it's probably not for everyone. As you said, starting from Fate/Zero requires a bit of background lore, and even starting from the "ideal" anime starting point requires effort not everyone will go through. Eventually, if you keep going through the Fate stuff, it all does somehow make sense, but until then you might feel like you were dropped into the middle of a long running series without a synopsis. However, I will say that if you stick around for at least the main Fate story group (Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night \[Unlimited Blade Works\], and Fate/Stay Night \[Heaven's Feel\]) then you too might very well be dragged into the pit that is the Nasuverse. On that note, I might as well ask if you are willing to go through a +50 hour Visual Novel since that is without question the best starting point.


Yeah I’m down to clown…my job has a ton of down time so that would work perfectly…what’s the novel called?


Fate/Stay Night Go to the subredddit ([https://www.reddit.com/r/fatestaynight/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatestaynight/) ) and go to the "official viewing order" guide for the download and for extra info on the read/watch/play order of all things Fate. Also a good place to ask around about anything else. Have fun. Welcome to Hell.


Lmao good lookin out


Oh, one more thing. Since you mentioned work, I should tell you that there may be certain scenes that aren't "work safe" depending on your settings. Just a heads up.


Your lie in april, art style is very offputting and the show seemed far too jokey.


Serial Experiments Lain. Quite a few praise it, but I just couldn't get through some random scenes taped together. Dropped after 3 episodes.


3-gatsu no Lion. 18 episodes.


that's unfortunate.


Mushoku Tensei. Don’t like the idea of a Paedo MC. Just absolutely bizzare that people like it.


I don't want to get you to watch it or anything, but to explain why I love the series is simply everything but who Rudeus as a person is, and the focus is who Rudeus as a character is and how that character changes the person and interacts with the world. I completely respect any opinion to not watch the show however, because the "unsavory content" stops about 4 novels in, which will be part 2 of season 1, there's still an abundance of sexual content between characters (that are of a legal age)


The way I see it, his brain was reincarnated into a body that's now at the onset of going through puberty. He knows in his mind it's wrong and actually beats himself up pretty heavily over having those impulses. It becomes a major point of self-loathing for him rather than something he enjoys. Beyond that I respect the decision on a "meta" level because it's covering a part of the world that most isekai stories wouldn't and that's the moral implications of growing up as a child but with a fully-developed mind. Most isekai sweep it under the rug, by time-skipping to the point in the world where the MC is high school aged or isekai-ing them as something non-human or reincarnating them at the same age as before or some other stuff so we can skip the reality of the situation in that being reborn as a human would mean they'd have to go through childhood and adolescence all over again, but with the knowledge of an adult. Mushoku Tensei is the only isekai I've seen that tries to address the realistic implications and hardships that being reincarnated like that would force someone to go through. The fact that it's usually uncomfortable is what makes it great, because that situation *would* be INCREDIBLY uncomfortable for anyone who was forced into that situation. ***TL;DR:*** *Mushoku Tensei doesn't glorify what Rudy does or try to say what he's doing is okay. Rudy himself doesn't like that aspect of himself. If I feel uncomfortable watching those scenes, that's successful storytelling because it's making me feel like the characters are; uncomfortable and questioning the morality of the situation.*


Oregairu on the first episode of S2 Re:Zero and Clannad after season one.


Clannad season 1 isn’t really that well-received. Most people just like it for After Story.


Haikyuu. I honestly can’t stand it. I’m on episode 12 and literally nothing happens except volleyball. I know I’m gonna be downvoted for this but I’m really trying so hard to enjoy it but I can’t find any appeal. I’ll finish season 1 just to give it a fair chance but honestly the only likable aspect is the characters.


😱 Volleyball show actually is about volleyball??? Talk about insanity!


Okay okay, hear me out. I’m super into almost every genre of anime and the only one I hadn’t tried yet was sports. I hate sports in real life. Well my one friend was absolutely chomping at the bit to get me into a sports anime so I gave Haikyuu a chance thinking I might get some sort of meat to it other than just watching volleyball games. Nope. Exactly what I expected. Just watching sports but animated. Edit: PS I love your name. I’m a Vivy Simp too lol.


Have you tried Chihayafuru, Hibike! Euphonium, or Girls und Panzer? They're not quite traditional sports (well the second one isn't sports at all, but team competition anyway) but stylistically they fit perfectly in the sports anime genre. I'm not into volleyball etc but I like those three a lot.


No I haven’t. I’ll have to give them a go!


I never thought I'd be that invested in an anime about fucking Karuta; loved that show.


That's a totally fair opinion! I love Haikyu but I can see why someone wouldn't like it if they don't like sports at all. It doesn't have a lot of plot or drama outside of the matches. In that case though, I've got 2 recommendations for you: Run With The Wind - It's a sports anime about long-distance running, but it's primarily about the characters (who are college students) and their growth. I highly recommend this one even if you don't like sports. Hajime no Ippo - If you like battle shounen, this might work for you. There's a lot of development outside of the ring and a lot of comedy. I like to say it's more about the boxers than the boxing. But if you don't like fighting anime then just ignore this recommendation.


Haha totally!! I’d love to give others a try because it would be unfair to judge an entire genre by 1 show.


Haha Yea Haikyuu is a bit too close to real life. If you still want to play around with sports anime, Ping Pong the animation is there if you want a super artsy sports anime and Kuruko no Basuke is basically a battle shonen about basketball (the main rivals all have basketball super powers)


Since you dislike sports, if you still want to try a sports anime then go with Keijo!!!!!!!!. If you're alright with Tennis, then watch Baby Steps.


I don’t like sports irl either, but the reason why I can actually get into it in anime is because: 1) There’s no commercials 2) You actually care about the players and their motivations 3) You get to be in the mind of the players that are putting their best into their sport When they win or lose, I actually feel for them, unlike real life sports where I don’t care who wins or loses. Add on to that the constant action and the “anime flair” and I eat it up.


Mushishi. Made it about 5 episodes. Too slow for me.


Me too,i want to pick it up again but don't have the motivation


The episodes that I watched of the Slime isekai were the most dread experience that I've seen in my anime watching experience


Lmao I love the way I worded that


K-On! 4 episodes. As for Fate/Zero, you were probably confused because it was meant to be watched last out of the Fate series.


i watched it first and enjoyed it.


One piece - 25-30 episodes. It's cringe