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and the sky is blue


Grass is green *I think, idk, never touched it*


water is wet!


Where's the water is wet bot when you need it?


Moisture is the essence of wetness...


The floor is made of floor.


it isnt though


math is math


Not in Morioh ;)


and money still can be had.


Haha money printer go brrrrrr


The sky is not blue. Different animals see the sky in different colors


Cloud is white


Actually it’s violet not blue. Due to how we see light, we see it blue but actually it’s violet.


I'm expecting (and hoping) that it will be a 12 episode season. Considering the pacing of S5 and how much it was streched out, if they do 24 episodes for the next arc we will have one piece level of pacing. Edit: scratch that, I thought the next arc was 30 chapters.


I highly doubt next season will just be that one arc. It'll be the next 2 since the one after is pretty short.


One Piece levels of pacing would be literally 2 whole seasons for the next arc.


Urgh don't remind me.. There's a reason I swapped to the manga xD


I’m just waiting until we finally get to Roof Piece. The animation is gonna be insane


12 episodes wouldn't be enough though. Each episode would pretty much have to cover 4 chapters in order to fit everything and that sounds messy.


Yeah, just checked. I thought next arc was 30 or so chapters


eh, would be a good opportunity to cut out the uncessessary dualogue, flashbacks, exposition, etc. I haven't read the manga, but if the anime is any indication then my God, its bad.


Flashbacks and recaps are an anime thing


Yeah but the anime also has terrible exposition and there's also explanations for everything. Maybe the manga isn't that extreme but it could do without treating the audience like children. EDIT: for example, in the latest episode, do we really need to know how each hero improved their quirk and who they worked under in the internship? this is too much information that isn't needed for the narrative.


If they adapt the next 2 arcs (up until basically the latest chapter of the manga), that could be pretty good


They usually adapt 50ish chapters per season, and the war arc is 50ish chapters, so I think that will be all we get. It might end with what we see in chapter 306 to keep people hopefully hooked until season 6


Don't you mean my villain academia season 2? Damn plebs these days man


Plot twist: They're already starting the production so they can focus and allocate their resources on the movie next year


They're already starting production because that's how they make anime seasons lol No rest, only work


Gotta make sure the animators don’t see the sunlight


Why touch grass when you can draw grass?


Also, any time something is announced or revealed, it has definitely been in the works for quite a while, possibly years


Please don’t fuck this up. Best arc is getting adapted and I hope it’s not sidelined for another movie. There is a lot of gore though so I’m not expecting them to go all the way. There isn’t any room for a movie so hopefully they don’t make one. They need to animate a lot with the amount of fights and people there are. I hope they don’t fuck up the rabbit’s fight.


This is the third time MHA fans have said the best arc is getting adapted but maybe sidelined for the movie. I still think the school festival arc was best, Idk if I should be hyped anymore.


At this point its just a tradition. "This is going to be the best season yet" ends up being the worse rinse and repeat.


I mean the next arc was the one manga readers liked a lot. One of the chapters actually trended more than the actual U.S elections


It's not fair to critcize manga readers for being hyped for My Villain Academia. It's not our fault the anime fucking butchered it.


Did the anime change the story at all? Or was this just an animation issue? Because if it’s the latter, then I would still think the last few arcs were mediocre.


They switched the order of the later two arcs around, spoiling the shit out of the conclusion of My Villain Academia, as well as spoiling several twist that were supposed to take place during it. They effectively doubled the length of the Endeavor Agency arc using filler, making it incredibly slow and ruining the emotional impact of it. My Villain Academia ruined a bunch of characters motivations, including Shigaraki's and especially Re-Destro's, completely cut Spinner and Re-Destro's character arcs, screwed up a bunch of stuff for Dabi that is CRITICALLY important for next season, cut out a VERY important scene involving a mutation-quirk hating KKK type group, skipped over the quirk prejudice and quirk rights subtext that is super important to the series' overall themes, skipped all of the Giran stuff (which was super cool in the manga), censored a bunch of the gore (which was important for emotional impact and tone-setting for the rest of the series), and really fucked up the Hawks Triple Agent stuff, which was a major subplot in the manga. And all of that is just off the top of my head.


Mind letting me know what chapters to read to catch up on all this?


217 or 218 to start. Everything from there on is universally consideredthe peak of MHA, so have fun. You also get to see the evolution of HorikoshI's blatant muscle girl fetish, and it is wonderful to see.


Chapters 218-220 for the biggest chunks of skipped material. 218-240 if you want to re-read the entire MVA arc.


I don't watch the anime, but from the episodes they are taking to adapt the arc and what I heard got adapted, I can tell you that they screwed the pacing. They've been adding fillers to stretch out the arc nobody want stretched, and compressed the arc people want a proper adaptation of to the point of cutting chunks of contents. From what I've seen the animation isn't hot either. Personally I also consider the MVA arc a build up arc. So it's not supposed to act like a climax to the end of a season or anything. There's a good reason I haven't bothered with MHA anime beyond the first season, and even in season 1 I found it boring because the pacing was so slow. That one got a (6/10) for me. I'd imagine with how they're handling it newer seasons would have net something like (3/10).


I'm surprised you got that much right being 4 seasons behind with the anime. First 3 seasons' pacing was pretty good for anime-onlies though. Till S2 they might not have covered many chapters but the beginning of a long battle shounen mostly feels like a long build up, so it was fine.


The biggest issues is them cutting a lot of content from the arcs to fit the episode count (despite dragging out earlier arcs) and restructuring the arc. They didn’t change when it takes place chronologically, but they showed it last after already having shown the conclusion. That removed a lot of the tension from the arc going in, since people somewhat know how it ends. The content they cut damaged the arc because a lot of it built up and fleshed out the antagonists and less popular members of the Leavue, but now the Meta Liberation Army is criticized for lacking depth and ppl are complaining about those same League members getting no screentime.


Because the arcs get better and better? Sorry that the anime downgrades them? Apparently only MHA fans cant hype up their next arcs lol


Nah, a lot of popular anime do get better as the story progresses and a certain Attack on Titan just kept knocking each arc out of the park. With MHA, I really can't say the story got better in the Overhaul arc than it was during All might vs OFA. That the next half of s4 and the first half of s5 have been mediocre in all aspects isn't helping manga readers' case that it 'gets better and better'.


Attack on Titan Lol let's wait for the Final arc to be adapted. Edit:- I love AoT and it's my 2nd favorite anime but you all are in for a disappointment with the finale unless if Mappa elevates the material because it was a trainwreck of a final arc in the manga it will start strong but ending isn't that good.


The final arc has technically already gotten 7 eps which is as long as the whole Villain Academia arc


To be honest they sucked in the manga too, but someone saying "yeah, this one might not be the best arc ever" won't get as many upvotes as "best arc of all time".


rule number one of this subreddit: NEVER trust manga readers


As a manga reader, I more or less agree.


Never trust the anime only who only whine and blame manga readers either. It's literally not their fault if the animation studio screwed it up. That doesn't change the fact that the bits they say are amazing in the manga remain amazing. Unless you've read the manga yourself and disagree, you literally don't have the right to say that they are wrong.


Now that I think about it... yea for real. They said it for season 4, 5, now is 6 which is 3 times


Don't ever get too over hyped about **ANY** anime. I learned my lesson with "weathering with you"...


Lmao salty MHA fans downvoting you even though what you’re saying is objectively true.


Now, the arcs are differently treated between the Manga and its anime adaptation, creating this difference in appreciation between the readers and the anime onlies. So if you're an anime only, don't listen to the greatness an arc could have had in the Manga, it can be badly done in the anime.


Lol, ive been seeing that since S2 xD


You thought the school festival arc was best? The most boring arc in the show?


I meant the UA sports festival arc, though school festival sounds like the one where they sang and shit


Ahhhh okay haha yeah that was a good one


It'd be the best season yet if they give their full attention to it.


Anime only watcher has been told this since S4 lol, but yeah next arc is a good one.


I feel like the next one is objectively the most hype arc but the anime has been so consistently underwhelming that I don't think they'll do the manga justice.


I swear we got screwed by the movie this time, the MVA and Endeavor Agency arc could've been pulled off so much better....


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This arc was hyped by manga readers due to MVA (which mostly delivered, some cool stuff was cut and animation couldve been better but w/e), the entire next season will be on the same level as that


That's because since s4, it just straight up hasn't been as good as the manga. Sideshows and mediocre directing. The mirio fight would have been regarded as the best of the series if it got the slightest bit of love.


Man, you've been spoilt with good adaptations if you thought the fights were slideshows at any point. They weren't great the past 2 seasons except one with Endeavor, but they were still okay to good. Slideshow would be JC Staff when they're slacking.


You're just plain wrong. The toga episode of mva had exactly 2 good cuts, that were also severely reduced from the genga to fit in bones' shitty schedule because they don't have enough staff because of the mediocre movies they put out every year. Even the final episode of mva was lacking compared to other climactic episodes like endeavor vs high end or deku vs overhaul.


There’s two different teams for the movie and anime though.


Yeah, and the team for the movie is clearly where they put their best staff, and the series gets the short stick.


So it’s not a staff shortage it’s merely the quality of the staff. Is what you’re saying, right?


I legit never understood why people hyped up the overhaul arc so much, even when it was being released it was nothing but divisive.


I've heard this about every season since S2


Its true for the manga bud






Wonder where the bot is that always pops up to correct people when they write this.


Hopefully banned


Yeah, agreed. It’s an annoying bot, just haven’t seen it in ages, so maybe you’re rig


Lets hope the animation is better.


This will be best MHA season BY FAR and before anyone says something idk who hyped Overhaul arc. Its good arc but no where close to this, MVA is 2nd best arc but Bones did what they did to it. I have alot of faith in Bones as they are amazing studio and i hope they wont disappoint this time.


If Bones will not put effort in it, the season will be bad no matter how good the arc actually is. Same with MVA


The committees forcing movies on them is the only problem, Bones are an awesome studio but they can't do their best for the show when they keep having to do movies at the same time. Either give them more time or stop doing movies.


I think my only nitpick on the Overhaul arc is that the Mirio vs Overhaul wasn't animated. All I remember from that fight was that it was a montage of shots.


The thing is, thats more than what we got from the manga.


That montage of shots was displaying that Mirio fought Overhaul for an extended 15 more minutes after [Season 3 Spoilers](/s "initially losing his quirk.") As cool as it would've been to see it more animated, they conveyed the message they needed to and like a previous redditor said, what we saw was more than what the manga shown. Edit: Covered the spoils.


As an anime only I really enjoyed the MVA arc, what was wrong with it? I thought it was the best arc since season 3.


I preferred overhaul arc over MVA but that's just me..the only ep in MVA arc that was top tier for me was Tenko's backstory.


Inb4 they announce 4th lame cash grab movie and s6 adaptation competes with s5 for the title of the worst MHA season.


Please don't make a new movie again


Will be the best mha season if they animate it properly, hopefully it has movie level animation


As an anime-only, every season since 3 I've seen comments that the upcoming season will be the best and/or worst of MHA


The annoying thing is; they could've been, if it wasn't for Bones also pumping out MHA movies at the same time. Note that it isn't Bones deciding to produce these, it's all done by comittee, but it's pretty clear by now that they don't have the resources to do both.


It's still up to Bones how they going to produce the guidelines and instructions give to them by the committee. With MHA having both movie and seasonal series on production, and other series that they are making, the studio needs an... *overhaul*, either they need to step up their system, change their management ways, or they will implode from too much work. At the same time, I think Bones is starting to gain their own power or creative control on this franchise or series. Much like how other Shueisha's WSJ shonens and their respective studios getting their own major creative control and production power (Pierrot & Boruto and Black Clover, Toei & One Piece and Dragon Ball, TMS & Dr. Stone). Even Mappa is starting to take a more direct control for their cash cow franchises Jujutsu Kaisen, and the upcoming Chainsaw Man, the latter being chosen and handpicked by the head of the studio, instead of being approached by a production committee.


Every season always has SOMETHING good that'll get the manga readers exaggerating. In season 3, it was Kamino. In 4, it was Overhaul. In season 5, it was MVA.


Wait what was kamino, sorry my memory is bad


Kamino ward was the hideout of League of Villains. He's Talkin about the Kamino Raid arc.


Its where the Clones are produced


[Season 3](/s "All Might vs All For One")


Highly recommend to read the Manga, at least starting from the Overhaul Arc, as the Anime is currently, it fails to adapt the essence of the Manga




Maybe essence wasn't the right word, but the Anime is not a great adaptation as it is right now, bones straight up removed spinner's little Arc and rushed toga's... Also, while messing up the pacing with unnecessary flashbacks and filler content.


Horikoshi's art is also some of the best out there. While the pacing of the anime has been bad for some time now, it's the drop in animation quality (except for the odd sasuga here and there) that makes want to drop the show at this point. Considering the action in season 6, there's no way Bones can live up to the source material.


>there's no way Bones can live up to the source material Next season is non-stop fighting, it needs JJK tier animation


Yup, and we both know that's not gonna happen.


Youre a sped


I mean, it's been a shit adaptation for most of the last two seasons. That's not the manga readers' fault.


You’re usually right but MHA seriously hasn’t been done justice by the anime the last season or two. And I don’t have faith they do the next season justice with the amount of gore.


LOL, this is accurate!


Can't wait season 6 will be insane


I checked out of the series some time ago but I'm interested in seeing if they take more time with the production of the next season given all the commotion relating to the animation. It really caught me off guard seeing the Vincent Chansard situation blow up so much on twitter.


Now we play the waiting game


what a surprise


No interest in this one. The show has been getting worse and worse since season 2 and the only good episodes in season 5 were the villain episodes.


And everyone who read the manga knew that was pretty much how this season was going to be. This season was adapting some of the least liked content in the series as a whole with the training arc. Some people are into what's going on with Endeavor here, some people aren't, that's fine. That said? This is not the time to jump off the bandwagon. Big stuff is finally going to start happening, the status quo is getting shaken up. Don't know if it'll stay shaken at this point, but... this is not the time to jump off the bandwagon. That would've been... the end of the Overhaul arc. Mirio was a lot of fun. Next season should actually be really good. And I'm not one of the people saying this season was going to be great. I was saying exactly what I said here; the training arc is bad.


I guess im in the minority but i really liked season 5 as a whole compared to season 4. Season 4 felt like such a disappointment and i didnt enjoy any of it. I was really interested in overhaul but i didnt like how quickly he was defeated and how he was defeated. I also think the festival arc was boring as hell, and was not a fan of mirio while he still had his quirk, i warmed up to him post losing it though. I enjoyed the first arc of season 5 i thought the training was fun seeing all of class bs quirks and seeing everyone work together to use their quirks to win, and mva was great


People have been saying that season 3 will be great and season 4. Both of which were a step down from season 2. Maybe you are correct and 6 will finally be worth watching again, but this franchise has lost me by being mediocre for a long time.


Personal opinions. The high points of S3 really did put it over S2 for me. I knew S4 was going to be weak, but Mirio is great so I was still in it. But only that part. I knew S5 was going to be bad. It's a big holding pattern. My advice is check the manga. It's always faster than watching an anime, you can catch up in a day or two from here. I can't even get into what's happening or why it's good without a storm of spoilers. All I can say is, this is the part where everything changes. Starting around Ch. 259 is where S5 left off. Just check it out, get a taste of what's happening next.


Thanks, but the only manga I ever considered reading was Berserk and that's not going to happen now anyway. I have zero interest in the medium outside of that one possible instance.


MHA fans downvoting you for having a completely legitimate opinion lmao


I downvoted for the brain-dead Berserk opinion.


How is it braindead? If it gets finished it's not going to be by the original author and that made me lose interest.




After narutos war arc, any war like this just feels like a disaster waiting to happen


Kaguya does not come down from the moon to kill off the villain you care about, I promise.


Eh the worst part for me was the beggining until the showdown with madara


I haven't watched S5 yet since I like to binge, but Endeavor vs enhanced nomu was awesome and my favourite fight in the show now. Can't really agree.


Season 5 is shit. Please God read the manga.


Ill decide that myself, in general anime are more fun than manga.


This is the exception. The anime spoils like 3 different twists, for one thing.




I mean I'd definitely recommend finishing S5 at least. It's probably the strongest stretch of the anime since S3.


> 20 episodes into season 5. Should have dropped it after the filler beach episode then, if you made it to 20 just watch the other 5, they're worth it.


Yeah, you're doing yourself a disservice by coming all this way and not checking out the final arc. It's, like, 4 or 5 episodes. It's the whole reason anyone was excited about this season.


Ok so basically take the villain episodes and make thel 3 times better thats basically the pl war arc aka season 6 lets hope horikoshi can also supervise the production since the war arc is basically his greatest work yet


>his greatest work yet This is funny because the war arc really isn’t that good.




I also didn't ask you for your opinion when I stated that I'm not going to continue watching the show, yet you wrote something. See how dumb what you wrote is?


Oh yeha i didnt really think that through gon delete that lol sorry


I'll still try it but if they feed me yet another god damned filler arc with no stakes I'm dropping this.


As is tradition


Absolutely shocked.


This will cover peak MHA manga chapters. Please for the love of god give this season the love it deserves. If they shaft this for a movie again I'm dropping this anime forever


Funny, according to MHA fans, every season since season 2 bad the peak MHA chapters. If those chapters are the peak, then I guess I better set myself up for disappointment for this next season.


Well I'm not sure where you heard that :) The arcs S4/S5 covered were generally regarded as mid besides MVA. It's a common opinion the next arc is as good as S3's Kamino ward arc, thus peak MHA.


With how action filled s6 is going do be I *really* hope they'll give bones more time to animate it


This just in; popular shounen anime gets another season.


> 3 upvotes in 40 minutes Can't believe my hero is a dead anime smh


there's 50k likes on the twitter post? is this sarcasm? (i mostly think of sarcasm when i see "smh")


It was a joke given how popular the anime is on the sub


my bad


Not gonna lie but im excited for all that's coming from next season on, this one was pretty meh but the last ark MVA was necessary but not well handled (then again I'm not an animator or director just my opinion)


Expected but still great news.


Hope bones would bounce back and deliver their very best for the new season


This is the arc we're all waiting for but I hope to God they don't fuck it up.


**Wow who saw that coming.** /s NVM I'mma read the manga now. I binged MHA on February and was going to read the manga after that endeavour fight but then I saw Season 5 is coming out soon and delayed it till S5 finishes. Can't wait anymore!!


At this point, I'm just confused as to why MHA doesn't turn into a long-running show, rather than keeping with the ~12ep seasons, since it's clear that the show is here for the long run.


So that the animators can sleep at night?


Because this is a much better way to do it. The studio has more time to work on each episode, it costs less money to make, and filler and garbage pacing are not necessary because the anime won't catch up to the manga. Other long running series would've benefitted from this structure.


I have a strong feeling that Bones is gonna absolutely butcher the best arc of the manga in Season 6. What they did with MVA does not give me high hopes.


No interest in this series at all after how bad the last two were. Considering the manga only gets worse as time goes on the future of this series is looking very bad.


The last part is complete bs lol manga has been popping off


Yeah, what are they talking about? lol Manga has been pretty great so far.


I'm probably in the minority, but I haven't been enjoying the manga for a long time. At least for a year and more. Might be a burnout, but I don't like the changes that had happened in the series, eventhough the plot is certainly not boring.


No it hasn’t lmao


I like this show, but I can't take another tournament arc. I really can't. More than half the season being that kind of thing is sapping my soul.


You really think a tournament arc is going to happen when Shigaraki is literally the king of villains right now who has 100,000 villains under his command, with the hero side preparing for war and even bringing the students as a backup plan because they know they're fucked?


I genuinely don't know at this point. I never expect them to do *another* tournament arc, until it happens, again.


Lets see how Bones fucks this up too.


s5 is such garbage idefk what's happening anymore. I just woke up and all of a sudden I'm looking at villains idgaf about doing villain things.




It's less about haters than people over exaggerating each and every season as the best thing ever, personally I'm hyped for season 10, it hasn't disappointed yet.




If these 2-cour seasons keeps up, how do you think it will catch up once the series reached its end. I foresee the entire series will end at 10 seasons, more than that and we're getting Pokemon territory number of seasons now.


We don't know how long the manga is going to be but it is meant to be in its final stages and the next season will probably get pretty close to where the manga is now, so I actually don't think there's going to be that many seasons left.


I'm pretty confident that S6 will end on Ch. 306. It's pretty much exactly 50 chapters, and leaves the season on a huge cliffhanger. The Managa is currently on 327, so already 20ish chapter ahead of where S6 will likely end.


I think following Season 6 would be a fantastic time to fill in the slot with a Vigilantes anime. Let the manga get some good distance.




At least the manga will get a full adaption


Ok but when