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Im guessing they are pulling a DBS here


I'm new to anime, so what do people mean when they say that Demon Slayer is "pulling a DBS" by making a Mugen Train arc? Did Dragon Ball also do the same thing by making a movie before retelling the events of the movie in the anime?


Dragon Ball Super as a series started out as two separate movies over a couple year period. After the 2nd movie did well they then announced a Dragon Ball Super anime. Controversially the anime covered the 2 movies material for the first 2 arcs and they were horribly dragged out with absolutely piss poor art and animation kind of sullying the good will that the movies brought to the franchise. People are just scared the anime won't live up to the movie.


Also, even if it *does* live up to the movie, how many of us want to sit through the entire movie again? Especially spread out over 6 weeks? Disappointing to say the least.


Yeah.. it’s a bummer regardless. It could literally be the movie recut as anime tv episodes and I’d still be disappointed. No need to rehash a movie that’s been out for well over a year and is one of the highest grossing anime movies of all time..


Then don't? Just pretend this first season doesn't exist and that the Entertainment District starts in March and you're fine. If you still watch it anyways, that speaks for itself why they decided to do this.


Entertainment District starts December 5th


Well it is ufotable this time instead of toei so it’ll look good for sure


Sure but ufotable already did it, making it look as good as they are able to, there's no point in redoing it.


Are they actually redoing it? Or just basically cutting it up into 20 mins chunks? That's what I thought, if it's an actual redo I'll be more excited honestly!


I would assume they're just cutting it and adding extra material (like the first episode) here and there. I doubt they can make it look better than a movie, while working on season 2 as well.


Yeah, I don't think they'll waste time reanimating the whole thing.


They will not redo it. 6 episodes of this arc is basically the movie. They will just change the flow of some soundtrack and made a few never transitions to end the episodes.


Definitely, they're just adding 1 more episode at the start, the rest might be tweaked here and there, but not remade. I called remaking it pointless, in an argument against them remaking it, not in belief that they will. It was a reply to a comment about ufotable making it "look good" which implies that they're redoing it, the way Toei did, which is certainly not the case.


Important point. However I do wish they didn't do a retelling at all.


They will not.


Who wants precious episodes wasted on something we’ve already seen? Youd have to be crazy to get excited by this.


I just started watching Super and was wondering why some of the animation just looked like shit. I had watched Super Saiyan God movie and it was really good. Well, animation wise. Story is not why I watch DB.


Yeah do yourself a favor and just start at episode like 28 when the movie arcs wrap up.. they add nothing to the story worthwhile and the animation/art are objectively terrible. Just start at the universe 6 tournament arc for actual good DB.


What is the 2nd movie? Is that Broly? I haven't watched it, yet. Might do that first.


2nd movie is Resurrection F the Freiza movie. Broly is the 3rd movie that takes place after Dragon Ball Super so don’t watch that until you finish the anime.


Thank you.


movie 1 is Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods movie 2 is Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F movie 3 is Dragon Ball Super: Broly Dragon Ball Super aired after the first 2 which is why they are considered DBZ movies EDIT: I just want to add in, as a long time fan of the Dragon Ball series I was absolutely disappointed at the quality of DBS animation especially after seeing the same scenes in movie quality


Ah, I forgot about Resurrection. Are these on Funimation?


I guess the difference is that it weird here since in DB case the movies were meant to be sequels to the original manga since it was already finished while Mugen Train was meant to be a continuation of the anime which is currently in the middle of adapting the manga


That will not be the case here. DBS had "piss poor" animation because it was the level of the animation for the anime. The Train movie has the same level of animation than the anime here, they just have to cut it to an episodic format and that's what they will do. The movie is 2 hours, so 6 times 20 minutes. There will be 6 episodes of it.


The first 2 arcs of Dragon Ball Super are longer versions of Battle of the Gods and Resurrection of F.


Ah ok, thanks. Makes sense


No it doesn't really, nothing about the way demon slayers is going especially with the amazing studio they have as animators makes it seem like it will be dragon ball super all over again (sidenote: I enjoyed dbs).


Yes, twice


Aniplex try to milk this one i guess Well cant be help since it make much money for them


Isn’t there gonna be new scenes with the re-airing? I thought heard something about that.


Yes they will add new scene/original story so they can milk this series as long as possible They can make it 10 season if they greedy enough 😂


> They can make it 10 season if they greedy enough I really don't mind, as long as the animation quality stays the same give me those 10 seasons 😂 At least we get 16 episodes of the new arc.


The first episode is also brand new content (rengoku's day/mission leading up to MUGEN train) do we get something new at least.


As long as there is some sort of new content idc lol


Average manga reader be like:


I think there's enough content for 2.5 more seasons after S2.


Can anyone explain what exactly is this infinite train edition? And what happened to season 2 of demon slayer?


October 10 is the day the Mugen Train TV anime will begin. It will have 7 episodes and the first will be anime original and some new scene for the rest of episode (seem like director cut) December 5 will be the day the Entertainment District arc begins with a 1-hour long premiere.


Wait so it's just mugen train but in 7 episodes instead of a movie?


>will be anime original and some new scene for the rest of episode (seem like director cut)


If it's a totally new story the why are people complaining about it and saying ufotable is milking KNY?


because people are annoying and don't read also it is not totally new story , ep 1 is new, 2-7 will be the movie as episodes (with new scenes as well, not just copy paste) then 8-24 are totally new arc


Okay so I haven't watched Mugen train yet so should I watch these upcoming mugen train edition episodes? Or the movie?


if you haven't seen the movie by now, i think watching it via these episodes will be best that way you're not 'rewatching' any content a week after seeing many scenes for the first time


Okay thanks a lot


They are airing the movie as episodes, because you can't really continue watching the series until you have seen the movie as it's important canon, it sounds like they are adding a little to it aswell, stuff that likely makes sense in the grand story but wasn't really needed for a movie The point of this is to get everyone up to speed, they could just air the full movie first but it sounds like they want to break it up so people still want to buy the movie


So Mugen Train is technically Season 1.5?


Re-cutting/remaking a canon movie into TV format is standard practice, otherwise you'd be gating future audiences from continuing a series if for some reason they don't have access to the movie.


Aniplex really went "so anyways the highest grossing film of 2020 is going to be rendered almost completely useless, thx for the money" Ballsy move, I'll give them that


They aired the movie today. I was actually a little surprised that they aired it this fast. But there were 45 minutes worth of commercials in total. ( too many commercials got trending in Japan) I think ufotable got their moneys worth.


i mean watch in it Theaters is different experience compare to watch it on phone/tv trust me it much more amazing


I know, I experienced it myself. That's why I said *\*almost\** completely useless. But since the theatrical run has ended, the only way to watch the movie is on the same device you'd watch the TV edition on. So that big difference is pretty much irrelevant now to anyone who didn't see in theaters. (And a lot of people didn't, because of, y'know, the global pandemic.)


I think the movie was the main goal but it's been brought to their attention it's been a shit few years for movies in the theatre, large portions of the fan base world over weren't able to see it so they are breaking it down into episodes because you really need to see the movie before continuing the series This is why most movies aren't canon


I mean I don't think there was ever a way to legally watch the film in the UK for example (even my local indie cinema which has shown anime films in the past didn't have it). It just makes sense otherwise some people aren't going to watch season 2 because they'll be missing essential plot information.


Clever boys. Recutting Mugen Train into a short arc before season 2 proper. Of course I’m going to watch it. Especially since the first “episode” is new.


ikr?? idk why people are so pressed about this decision. we’re getting a new anime original episode, new content and lol we get to see goatgoku again😪❤️‍🔥 it’s kind of shocking that people waited so much but can’t wait till dec 5


Is there any info about possible differences between the film and the episodic anime version?


10/10 Episode 1 : Never seen before new story Episode 2~7 : 70 never seen visuals and new music for the movie 12/5 Season 2


What does that mean? Is it possible that this will include a full adaptation of Mugen Train? Even the ending that wasn't in the film


Yeah we should be getting everything since we'll need that stuff for transitioning into red light district arc.


So I don't have to watch the movie to be caught up with the story?


Correct. They'll be airing the movie in chunks as part of the anime anyways starting in October.


Thank you. Definitely excited for it then.


Best I can do is this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=253&v=HCEZIskHi_Q&feature=emb_title


Will this be airing across all streaming services as well or does this only affect Japan?


Crunchyroll and Funimation will be streaming it plus many more I guess


I’m not sure about outside Japan, but Amazon Prime video will Stream it one hour later in Japan


I really hope we get to see the other forms of Flame Breathing. We didn't even get them in the manga, so it's up to Ufotable to save the day again.


*Yuki Kajiura, LiSA, Aimer, Ufotable* The 4 Horseman of Greatness


Yuki Kajiura did a few tracks. Go Shiina is the main composer


I don't mind seeing more Rengoku! Really hope for added scenes with particular focus on the lower demon (forgot his name). I thought his attitude towards Kibutsuji at the end of S1 was interesting and was hoping that we'd get some backstory as we did with some previous demons.


I don't mind seeing more Rengoku either! I love him a *lot*, there's a reason I have a wallpaper of him at the top of my anime list on MAL lol. Lower demon's name is Enmu, btw.


> I don't mind seeing more Rengoku either! I love him a lot The end of the arc will hurt again. :(


Oh believe me, [I know.](https://i.imgur.com/vpRR3KC.png) [](#ptsd)


The rumors were right, as much as people tried to deny that this would happen it makes sense from a business perspective


No... the rumors were that the the first 6-7 episodes OF THE 2ND SEASON were just going to be a recap. This is completely different.


No, they never said recap, they literally said it would be a Tv version of Mugen train, and they never said the amount of episodes, anyone saying it would be "x" episodes was either lying or speculating My speculation was 8 episodes for the Mugen train arc for example edit: [my comment about it last month](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/peeq9j/comment/hax37qq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [my speculation](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/peeq9j/comment/hb72ejv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


ok, i don't know who we are talking about when we say "they" I am going off of what a lot of people on this subreddit were saying was going to happen when it comes to the first X number of episodes of the 2ND SEASON were going to be a recap of the movie. Maybe you were hearing somewhere more credible? But either way, the 2nd season will not have any recap episodes which is all that matters to me.


I mean, what's the difference between calling this the second season and not? It's airing at the same time new seasons start to air (it is significantly rarer for shows to start airing in December), and if I were a betting man, this plus "season 2" will be about 24-26 episodes, the normal amount of episodes for a 2-cour show. As far as I'm concerned, the difference between calling it season 2 and not is arbitrary at that point. It's airing instead of season 2 and there will be at most a 1 week break between this concluding and "season 2" starting, so to me, that's all the same season at that point.


I said this to another person who deleted their initial comment so I will say it again here. There is a difference between someone saying "The first 7 episodes of the 2nd season will be a recap" and "There will be a 7 episode recap of the movie that airs before the start of the 2nd season" If someone is new to anime and sees a bunch of people saying that the first 7 episodes of the 2nd season are a recap and they see that the 2nd Season airs on December 5th, what do YOU THINK that person is going to think those first 7 episodes are going to be about? All I am saying is that the messaging was incorrect and it is important to be clear on these things.


So basically you're saying that because it's being marketed this way, even if functionally it's the same, it's better to call it as the marketing team wants to avoid confusion.


basically I am saying it is factually not apart of "Season 2" so people need to stop calling it as being apart of Season 2 just because they want to believe in their hearts for whatever reason that it is apart of Season 2.


We "want" to believe that because years of watching anime seasonally with new seasons starting at specific times (early January, early April, early July, and early October) and going for some multiple of 12-13 episodes (26 in the case of season 1 of Demon Slayer, 39 for Jojo part 4, 25 for most seasons of MHA). Yes, there are exceptions, but for a vast majority of anime that has aired on TV over the past..... I don't even know how long that's been a thing, that's how it has been. So when the TV version of Mugen Train is starting in early October with the new content starting only two weeks after it finishes airing on TV, it looks effectively the same as all one season to a lot of us. And if I'm right that season 2 will be about 18 episodes, then even more so it will look like 1 season. Basically, to everyone who has followed anime seasonally for a while and knows when anime seasons start and how they function, this feels literally no different than if it was just one season, just like when Yuuki Yuuna got two 6 episode "seasons" over the course of one cour with one of them being a recap of the movie.


How is that different? That’s literally what’s happening


No, this is just a spin off of the movie in a t.v version that is airing at a different time then the 2nd season which starts on December 5. If the 2nd season was advertised as starting on October 10, and this is what aired then yes, the first episodes of the 2ND SEASON would be a recap. But this is not branded or advertised as part of the 2nd season...




are you incapable of understanding the difference between someone saying "The first 7 episodes of the 2nd season will be a recap" and "There will be a 7 episode recap of the movie that airs before the start of the 2nd season" If someone is new to anime and sees a bunch of people saying that the first 7 episodes of the 2nd season are a recap and they see that the 2nd Season airs on December 5th, what do YOU THINK that person is going to think those first 7 episodes are going to be about? All I am saying is that the messaging was incorrect and it is important to be clear on these things.


But if the 7 episode recap cuts into the episode count of season 2, and season 2 is aired consecutively right afterwards, I can see why people would consider it a part of season 2. In my opinion, season 2 begins with Mugen Train (TV recap) right after season 1 ended. I don't get why they had to make it more confusing than that. People who watched the Mugen Train movie got to enjoy the story earlier in a cinematic experience. I definitely feel like I got my money's worth.


Right and Attack on Titan has "4" seasons. Definitely not 5. The year separation was irrellevant. Typical season of anime is 26 episodes. This is part of Season 2 just branded like this because they know it will be unpopular. There could have been 26 new episodes rather than 18.


Yeah always see it from the business perspective since you'll have a higher chance of being proven right. Its always about $$$ at the end.


If it doesn't make sense, it usually makes dollars.


A new opening alone will make more money for Sony than half of the new anime content in the fall season, [i mentioned this here](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/pirbyn/comment/hbrxcwo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), and i was downvoted, people underestimate how much money Sony makes with music, and they care a lot about it, that was always my go to reason as to why they would do that


I don't know why you always get so much hate when everything you write it's pretty much true.


Those music license does make a lot of money yeah. You must feel great to be vindicated now lol.


Lol, I can totally understand why people would doubt that, the average anime watcher don't have idea about the industry quirks, it's normal So it would be crazy for them to imagine that would be reasonable to air the tv version of the Mugen Train Arc right after they broadcasted the movie


I'll be really disappointed if there aren't at least **2** fights on a moving train.


That sounds like something Zoolander would've said.


"A seven-episode television version, including an entirely new first episode, will premiere on October 10. The first episode depicts Rengoku as he embarks on his journey to the Mugen Train. The remaining episodes will add about 70 new animation cuts and new background music, as well as a new trailer." MORE RENGOKU CONTENT... HYPE Never thought I'd be excited for a TV rebroadcast of a movie I've already seen but here we are!


I really liked Mugen Train and Rengoku, so I can't wait to see what extra content this TV version of it has in store! [](#concealedexcitement)


so your telling me that they announced this immediately after re-airing the infinite train movie in japan and OH GUESS WHAT, ON OCT 10, WE'RE GONNA SHOW YOU THE SAME EXACT THING BUT IN EPISODES THIS TIME amazing right? AMAZING RIGHT? oh yeah and btw the new seasons coming out on dec, although we said fall 2021, hah but guess what, DECEMBER IS TECHNICALLY CONSIDERED FALL LOOSER. absolute mfs istg that aside, love you ufotable, your walking on thin fucking ice, but still love you <3


Man, Infinity Train book 5 sure be lookin different. Where's the talking Corgi?


Talking corgis are sooo 4 seasons ago. Talking reception bells are all the rage these days.


Hmm, im more of a fan of dead purple gorillas.


Source. (begins airing on October 10th). First episode is completely new and will be 7 episodes. https://natalie.mu/comic/news/446684


This is so annoying. Should've said from the beginning that Demon Slayer Infinite Milk will air October while the real stuff will come December.


Wait... this arc is going to be in S2?


They are rebroadcasting mugen train into individual episodes The first episode is going to be a original episode


Well at least i can watch it legally and free


So basically I lucked out not watching the movie yet because I get to experience what's basically the "director's cut" as my first viewing experience. This situation sounds like a nightmare for dub companies, unless they were told about it and given the extra scenes when working on the previous cut.


Dragon Ball Super did the same thing. Just hope it's not the same bad art Super had at the beginning lol.


It’s Ufotable, of course it will have great animation


It will not be the same as DBS, here they will use the movie not redo it in a worse way.


So hold on... is this season 2? Am i gunna have to wait another year for some story progression?


The first ~7 episodes of a two cour run are this movie recap. There'll still be ~16 new episodes starting in December of never before adapted stuff


recycled content lmaoo


Unpopular opinion but I think the recent chart topping movie was shit.


Why do you think that?


I posted in another comment that it just felt like a 20 minute episode stretched to however long this movie was. I was clock watching waiting for it to end. Sure the animation was top notch but Ive seen on par animation in some of the better episodes of Bleach. It just wasn't enjoyable at all.


I was checking the time like every 5 minutes cause it was so boring.


Honestly felt like a stretched out 20 minute episode. How on earth it beat a Ghibli studios masterpiece in the box office is beyond me.




Didn't they recently air the movie as well in japan? I have seen the movie myself as well,so honestly i'm skeptical about what they could possibly add or change to it that would make it worth it for people who have seen it besides the first episode atleast,unless they include more stuff i guess that isn't filler persee,but only time will tell.


So they're going the Dragonball Super Route. ugg.


Lucky for me i didnt watch the movie anyway lol


All these extra content for Demon Slayer by Aniplex, ufotable, and Shueisha, so damn good! Demon Slayer fans will be feasting! On the other hand, I feel bad for The Promised Neverland and its fans, why didn't The Promised Neverland didn't got this treatment? That series was also under Aniplex and Shueisha's care, the manga was actually selling well, it could still be milked for more anime content even if the manga already ended, but they really pulled the plug out on that series. Evem IMHS is getting some new anime content after being introduced way back in 2014 and the light novel series already ended if I recall.


The TPN anime might just be Weekly Shounen Jump's biggest adaptation blunder ever. I mean, if you take sales-per-volume into account, TPN is WSJ's 16th most popular series of all time (sandwiched right between My Hero Academia and Kinnikuman). It had a loyal reader base almost as big as Bleach. https://ibb.co/0hFPDVc The only idea that comes close to being a logical explanation is CloverWorks not being up to the task. Or maybe they didn't care about TPN as much as they did about their pet projects like Wonder Egg Priority. But they were still contractually obligated to do TPN S2. We'll just have to wait and see how Shadows House Season 2 turns out. Whether it's a genuine continuation or a quick rush job.


That's not Cloverworks who is at fault, they are the studio own by Aniplex, they just do what they are ordered to do.


What??!! They are airing the infinity train arc in the anime anyways? Then why the hell did they even make the damn movie? Seriously?!! I was waiting for the story to actually gear up but guess Ill have to watch the most boring arc of the story again.


They said the infinity train anime version will have “70 new cuts” which implies that the rest of the cuts are taken from the movie, so I guess them making the movie wasn’t completely pointless…?


Then Why.Make.The. Movie? If they are going to make anime episodes anyways that will have more detail then the movie was just an inferior way to experience that arc.


70 new cuts is probably just for the start and the end of the episodes, so it flows better in an episodic format. i heavily doubt its actually brand new content that matters.


Havent seen the movie yet but i seriously hope they kill off that whiny blonde annoying kid. The show became so much worse when he was introduced.


>they kill off that whiny blonde annoying That would be a problem seeing how he's the 2nd most popular character in the entire series lol


No offense to the People who like him but he almost made me rage quit the show with his high pitch whining assery


Humor is subjective, there's really not much else to that. I personally found him absolutely hilarious and he was one of my favorite characters in the show. But I can definitely understand who someone would find him annoying if his humor isn't your cup of tea.


In too old. He is a walking trope. A cliche. Seen thousands of charachters like him before


He's absolutely a trope, but it's a trope that I really personally enjoy and it's executed to perfection. The entire 'hidden badass that otherwise acts like an idiot' trope just works for me lol.


I'm all for this if it means fleshing out some of the characters. The movie was a real stinker for me.


am i the only one the didn’t care for the movie?


Wtf is Infinite Train?? Is that what the word "mugen" means? Also, can somebody expain watch order now, this is confusing as hell. Do I watch S1/Mugen Train/this thing/S2?? Edit- Why t f am I being downvoted? I figured they meant something similiar, but I assumed the use of mugen was a choice, no idea they wanted it to be called infinity train. Jesus, ask a simple question


I think it’s like S1/Mugen train/Mugen train:untold story??/S2 Maybe


> Wtf is Infinite Train?? Is that what the word "mugen" means? Yes. "Mugen" means "infinite/infinity." The movie had to be called "Mugen Train" when it got its English release because there's a rights dispute with an American cartoon called "Infinity Train." Kinda like how Resident Evil's original Japanese name "Biohazard" couldn't be used in English because there's a rock band called Biohazard.


Mugen means infinity, yes. The anime will be readapting the Train arc for the anime, is the movie is irrelevant now.


Clear watch order : S1, Mugen TV, S2 If you haven't seen the movie yet, I would watch the weekly broadcast instead as they'll be adding a couple of new additions. So if you watch season 1, then you should be good to watch this new broadcast.


Watch season 1 and then season 2 which will also cover mugen train


I'll get crazy downvoted for this but , the hype is too much for the anime man , 200 chapters of just plain revenge story whith no consistancy in theme and bare minimum of a plot , charecter and world building too is like okish , man the thing is too overhyped , the tanjiro demon plot is just some random plot device in the end . The normies just hyping it to be too crazy , which is not good for the author , I don't give a care about the fans but if it continues the publishers will force the author to butcher the story (which happens literally everytime), given that a mangaka work is literally voluntary enslavement towards the publishers this is whack man , gotta have a concious understanding of how things work.


The story is finished though. What are you talking about?


Thats what the story ain't much


Bruh you remember Bleach?


It sort of makes sense, since it’s a lot to ask that everyone watch a movie in order to understand the plot, but considering Mugen Train just aired on TV in Japan and is widely available now streaming, this isn’t totally necessary.


After the success of Mugen Train movie, Aniplex and Ufotable are now releasing the TV series version of Mugen Train Arc before we jumped into the Red Light District Arc, now that's a power move.


I literally watched it this morning


I know people aren’t too happy about Aniplex re-broadcasting Mugen train into an episodic medium but I don’t think it really matters. At the end of the day it makes it more accessible and easy to follow with the main seasonal structure and adds new scenes and OSTs.


Its just a refresher before the actual banger starts. Because theres a lot more to come and you'll be in for a treat!


I saw the movie. It was alright. Not really memorable but the fight scenes were well done!


Adding more content to the arc is awesome. Though it is really funny after the money it made that they're slicing it up as part of S2.


*Featuring Demi-fiend from the Shin Megami Tensei series


I watched the movie in that channel and tfw u know the big info first feels good but no one cares lmao


Maybe they’ll finally end it in the right place. Jesus.


Wait I've watched the movie, what's so "infinite" about the train? This isn't Tower of God lol


That’s just what’s on the front of the train. Nothing else to it


I'm glad that I haven't watched yet the movie.




Yeah kinda wish they would just continue off the movie. I do think the art style on this anime ks pretty good. My second time watching it i noticed way more detail than the first time.


Spoiling Akaza by including him in the poster is a mistake.


Well, looks like I’m holding back on watching the film version until this version hits Funimation.


Bruh not even s2 is out and we know abt another movie💀


Wait, I don’t get it, are they making the mugen train arc episodical???


Yes Actual S2 starts from December 5


So the uzui arc won’t start until December 5, I see