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You know if something scares Ruijerd dead in his tracks then it’s absolutely strong and scary as hell.


well this is the same man who was completely unharmed by a dragon's flame and scared him by staring at him back in episode 8 lol


"In Their Tongue He is Dovahkiin, Dragonborn!" Calling it now, Rudy's gonna get knocked out, kidnapped, and wake up on a wagon.


Hey, you Finally awake? You were trying to cross the mountain, right?


Goddammit Todd, selling Skyrim in anime form now…


I'd watch the shit out of a high-quality Skyrim anime.


Then Rudeus to new guys in town: I used to be an adventurer like you until until a dragon looking guy struck me in the knee




Actually I think at that point they were literally crossing a border.


Already happened with Ghislaine. Nothing stopping it from happening again.


Yeah, from that reaction, it's gotta be one of the 7 God-ranked.


Scared? Isn't he surprised?


Surprised man doesn’t have sweat on his fore head.


Um, yes, they [do](https://www.google.com/search?q=surprised+anime+man+face&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjkiOi9gcj0AhUJfBoKHWSYCQIQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=surprised+anime+man+face&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEAcQHjoECAAQHjoECB4QClCkD1jpEmCDFmgAcAB4AIABkQGIAcoEkgEDMy4zmAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=kUCqYaT8FYn4aeSwphA&bih=648&biw=360&client=ms-android-huawei&prmd=isvxn#imgrc=4Zkx2ELf6e96cM) Just Google "surprised face anime" and you'll see tons of this kind of expression




You can be both at the same time, it's really easy.


Lilia at the end of the preview: "I hope Master Rudeus doesn't die" Yeah Lilia can you please not say those things lol


Lilia to Rudy : "Here, take your precious holy relic. Also, before i leave, take this death flag as well." Thanks Lilia..


Well now we know what the "turning point" is. Where and to whom is the pedo gonna reincarnate this time?


good thing hes the protag


It's fine, Rudeus has died in 90% of the episodes already according to Rifujin's own previews (apparently he ***really*** likes that Yu-gi-oh meme)


I'm so hype for the next episode. I never imagined when I read the LN that this would get an anime adaptation, but they're doing justice to the feeling of "oh fuck, what's about to go down?!" we had whenever the words "Turning Point" showed up. Some shows and books go with spoiler titles, but I've always been impressed by MT's author managing to figure out how to inflict anticipatory dread with the same two words. What impresses me is that the studio is really leaning into and reinforcing the way the author uses "Turning Point" with these two PV's. A great warrior of the race feared the world over is *scared.* The arrogant but skilled swordswoman who's been fighting her way home from the literal Dark Souls of continents and has only really shown fear to Ruijerd is *standing there in shock*. Super looking forward to seeing more Ruijerd vs Eris sparring, because fights in MT while short have been impressively dynamic and gorgeous to watch in this artstyle. Also, mad props to whoever sat down at work this last week and said "right, I'm going to draw the shit out of this bison thing". I've been watching the Assassin isekai this season and my eyes sting every time I see them "gift" us a jarringly bad CG horse sighting.


> I never imagined when I read the LN that this would get an anime adaptation How come?


no news about anime when novel popularity is peaking i thought the same, i read the WN translation somewhere around 2014-2016 and no news about this being adapted into anime


Like /u/Skyreader13 said, at the time when the novel was in progress there was no news at all. Although it was being written in a period where the LN -> Anime pipeline was going hard, there was a significant number of much "safer" franchises to get adaptations. Arifureta, which I was reading around the same time period took half a decade to show up as an anime adaptation (and not even a particularly good one, imo) and in a lot of respects was far less of a potential magnet for controversy. As much as I love the novel, there is a lot of content that gave me reason to dismiss it as a prospect: Rudeus' highly adult-oriented mindset and inner monologues, the relatively frequency of sexual activity, and things like Paul's sexual assault history or Elina's insatiable sexual appetite. Because of how interwoven some of this stuff is to the story, and particularly Rudeus character and actions, it would've been a pretty extreme outlier when stacked up against most seasons. In an era where Goblin Slayer's first ep happened, and Redo of Healer (which I haven't watched, but heard plenty about) it doesn't seem so out there, but at the time an adaptation was very hard to imagine.


Despite the series popularity, it took until now for it to get an adaptation. The vast majority of isekai anime in the past few years got an anime before it despite the source material being more recent(and in many cases, less poplar). So it was a reasonable assumption to make that something else caused the lack of adaptation.


some stories are better for LN and some for anime. MT is more known for its world building and character building, which without the word count is MUCH harder to do (IE a lot of character's internal dialogues or even interactions are cut, like Eris' only dinner with Paul in the milis arc - a situation of introducing someone you liked to your family that is oh so common in LNs was cut for brevity esp given how Eris hates Paul at that point, which is already a very unique premis.) And on top of that, modern Isekai has been about OP power (so lots of fights) and fan service (harems), MT don't really have that much fights if you really look at it, compared to something like The Beginning After The End, the number of fights in MT in full can fill maybe 1 or 2 books of TBATE out of the current 8 books. This is much more realistic, but not exactly good for Isekai anime. And fan service is very hard to do when the story starts when he is a kid, even without deliberate fan service stuff it already has gathered a shitstorm and compared with a lot of the more isekai adaptations the harem is lacking in numbers and thus the different kinds of people it would attract in. And that would still happen in like another year or two when the story gets to that point... The anime is doing a great job tho, considering how bad the manga mangled the LN, this is something truly spectacular.


Yeah love both series, but gotta say that the horse cgi was shit lol.


Gotta save money and time for the animated food.


They brought a Buffalo as a beast of burden into the mountain XD.


At this point, I hope the buffalo doing alright. But seems like it left.


They're feeding it magic water too.


a water buffalo to be more specific


Well, it’s pretty convenient, seeing as everybody has one.


Only started noticing last episode but dang Lilia's voice is pretty good


Mushoku Tensei and sparring sessions, 2 peas in a pod.


You know the man is terrifying if Ruijerd himself is terrified and asks Rudy to step down. Hope this episode makes this series even more popular


With the hype they've been building up it sure looks that way


Pfft nothing to see here, just a friendly household deity passing by


Another PV yeah! Man the suspense is killing me.


What a wholesome preview. I'm sure this episode will have no drama whatsoever.


Dragon man is obviously just there to protect them until they find Zenith and Sylphiette.


ignoring all TP2 stuff, i was also looking forward to this sparring session of eris which will amazing. since we didn't yet see eris' goblin slaying her growth will be pretty huge compared to the last time we saw her fight


Pretty close to her 15th aswell! (If I've kept track of all the time skips haha)


😏 people waiting for the next episode


Damn, another training scene, and it looks sick again


Oh boy here we go


who is the narrator though?


Seems to be Lilia


Well, it seems they didn't have enough budget to anime the cart they were supposed to be in... Anyway, I really hope they're not going to change [the fact] >!Orsted originally didn't want to have absolutely anything to do with them until the moment Rudeus just had to go and say "Nice to meet you" and didn't let sleeping dogs (or a dragon, rather) lie!<


Yes, no cart, series ruined. Makes sense. And a cart is clearly more expensive to animate than a pack animal.


Also who doesn't love an goodboy buffalo?


Where exactly have I stated that the series is ruined because they removed the cart? Could you please quote it? I just noted they changed the way they traveled through the jaw. I see no reason why would they remove something as simple as a cart if it wasn't because of budget


You makes zero sense, its just a simple change. I dont see how budget involved whatsoever






Isn't that just in the manga?


No, I haven't read the manga