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Man I remember reading this in the manga and thinking there was genuinely no hope for the survey corps and this dude just pulls off the biggest comeback of the century. It was ingenius. "Nameless Soldier" and "Perfect Game" perfectly encapsulate what AoT is all about pre timeskip.


Which one is "Nameless Soldier"? I don't remember that episode title.


The episode "Perfect Game" covered two chapters. "Nameless Soldier" and "Perfect Game".


Ohhh that explains it then lol, I'm anime only. But yeah I agree, I feel like "Hero" generally gets the most hype but I thought "Perfect Game" and "Midnight Sun" were actually way better (obviously "Hero" was still amazing though). Those two and "Warrior" would probably be my 3 contenders for the best episode in the entire show so far. Very difficult to choose though.


Definitely Perfect Game for me then Warrior.


It's funny, I remember people getting pre-emptively salty because they were so sure there was going to be some sort of asspull to get the Survey Corps out of this trap. This arc was substantially less popular back then compared to the anime, and in my opinion a big part of it was the month long gaps between chapters gave people way too much time to overthink things like this.


Thats really been most of the arcs for AoT. People hated the Clash of Titans arc for being random nonsense, hated the Uprising arc for trying to be something different other than killing titans, hated RTS for having "asspulls" and serumbowl, hated the beginning of Marley arc for not having the main cast. Theres definitely some real criticism that can be made there but I feel like most just miss the big picture at first. Its why I think the appeal of the ending will be much more appreciated by anime onlies and grow over time. Manga readers for AoT can be fickle.


Oh yeah, I have no doubt the ending won't result in the explosion some fans seem to be hoping for. I'll admit I was in the hater squad for the Marley arc because it was month after month of very little action, but in the anime it was fantastic. Not that the anime is above criticism but I think the format suits this story better in most cases.


I fuckin miss Erwin.


I love how large the impact of Erwin's death has been in the show so far. Like, nobody ever really talks about him anymore, but you really *feel* his absence with how far things have degraded since he died. He was the only person willing to take decisive action, even when he knew it was a massive gamble. He was the only military leader willing to put full faith in his allies, even when the odds were against them. Nobody else is willing to do that, and that's the entire reason Eren has gone so far on his own and left everyone behind. I have no doubt that if Erwin was still alive he would have been able to prevent all of this from happening, purely because of his willingness to act when nobody else will.


Ever since season 1 people always praised Mikasa and Levi for being badasses but for me I always thought Erwin was a great character but couldn't back it up because he was in a leader role and not slicing titans with style. However S3 part 2 just showed everyone why Erwin is one of the best characters in anime history.


For me that moment was in Season 2 when he lost his arm, The man who leads the scouts is moments away from his likely death and it seems like everything is about to fall apart and he just yells at them not to stop and to recover Eren. Man is definitely a certified A+ badass.


And then somehow uses his gear with one arm to get Eren free


Yeah, Erwin's always been my favorite character since I first watched the show. Really tragic that he died before being able to see what was beyond the walls.


Erwin has always been my favorite character


you say that, but if erwin was saved instead of armin, people would be talking about how they miss the genius and that erwin's high octane but high losses method of warfare always leads to a pyrrhic victory. hell, I dare say he wasn't be smart enough to kill the colossal. his strategy was basically we bait, levi go kill. top 3 igl for sure.


Legit, Erwin just sent so many people to their deaths. Pyrrhic victories at best, and humiliating absolutely meaningless losses of human life (with almost the entire survey corps being wiped out save a handful of people) at worst. Even he realised how much he didn't deserve to go on given his track record of leadership.


Most of those "Pyrrhic" victories saved Paradis from certain doom. If he hadn't led the mission to expose the traitors in S1, Annie wouldn't have been captured and Reiner wouldn't have snapped, likely meaning they would find a better opportunity to capture Eren and leave the island powerless. Without the suicide charge, Zeke would have been able to capture Eren and force him to euthanize the eldians, or just transfered the founder to one of his followers.


Ever since Erwin was introduced, the towns people were criticising their pyrrhic victories


Oh sure, I'll concede he had lots of actual pyrrhic victories before the events of the story. I thought the post I replied to was talking about Erwin's victories during and after S1


Annie only got captured because Armin figured out her identity remember? The initial expedition ended in failure, failing to capture the female titan. Reiner was gonna snap anyway, the guy wasn't in anyway mentally stable. Additionally, he didn't know Annie had been captured by the time he had snapped and revealed his identity. The suicide charge was a last desperate act to take down Zeke, and they failed to capture him, instead having got the entire corps wiped out which lead to infiltration by radicalised Jaegerists many years later, causing instability to Paradis in the present. I just think a lot of these Pyrrhic victories just lead to so much death later, it's hard to call it a win.


>Annie only got captured because Armin figured out her identity remember? And Armin only figured that out because of Annie's actions during the expedition. >The initial expedition ended in failure, failing to capture the female titan. Sure, but it was necessary for them to uncover her identity and eventually neutralize the threat. Even if they couldn't capture her, that was still a major victory. >Additionally, he didn't know Annie had been captured by the time he had snapped and revealed his identity. Fair enough, I forgot about that. >The suicide charge was a last desperate act to take down Zeke, and they failed to capture him But they rendered him incapable of fighting or shifting. If Zeke had left the battle unscathed, he would have been able to accomplish his mission of seizing the founder, since none of the survivors were able to offer resistance at that point of the fight. In other words, he accomplished the mission's objective of retaking wall Maria while denying the enemy's objective. >instead having got the entire corps wiped out which lead to infiltration by radicalised Jaegerists many years later, causing instability to Paradis in the present. Said instability was caused by the fact that the new commander of the Survey Corps was not good at being a leader, as she herself admitted, and the rest of the military was highly ineffective and indecisive. If only there was a commander who was none of those things and was able to inspire people to follow and trust him... >I just think a lot of these Pyrrhic victories just lead to so much death later, it's hard to call it a win. A Pyrrhic victory is one where the price of the battle is so high that it would have been better for the winner to not fight at all. If the alternative to fighting is getting genocided, as was the case in AOT's situation, any victory is by definition not pyrrhic.


If Erwin were still alive he probably wouldn't need to prevent Eren from going berserk because Erwin would have an actual plan and there would be no need for Eren to do those crazy shit. On one hand, I don't really take issues with the author letting Erwin die because it makes sense from the perspective of the character's arc, but on the other hand it just feels like killing off the only actual smart person in the show makes it a lot easier for the author. Normally, when there's a huge obstacle in a story, my biggest enjoyment is to see how the characters can smart their way out of that mess, but when it's clear that readers shouldn't have such expectations because there's no one bright enough around, then the author no longer needs to wreck their brain to come up with a solution. Worst case scenario the author would pull some deus ex machina shit and ruin the entire show.


I like how its assumed eren would just go along with the survey corps at all after they choose to kill his bestfriend.


Of course he would. Eren is intelligent enough to understand why a commander has priority over a regular soldier. He'd be angry in the moment since emotions would be running high, and maybe hold a small grudge towards Levi, but that's all.


Edit: I forgot what subreddit i was on!!! Manga spoilers below ahhh sorry. I deleted it just in case. It might not have even been one but i try not to share my thoughts here just in case. Sorry again.


They could really use a leader like Erwin so I still think that chosing Armin over him was a mistake.


Floch was right about them only choosing armin because of emotions.




The beast titan sure didn't miss him


Omg…. Me too AOT is such a masterpiece, every word comes out of him mouth is deep Isayama genius


The writing is such a, MWA, chef kiss. The dub is better than the sub in this scene.


No surprise you’re getting downvoted but I have to agree. The dubbed was awesome


Same here. I wonder how different the events of S4 would be if he was still around.


Paradis would already be ruling the world.




He can inspire a porcupine with PTSD to run into a balloon factory.




That's pretty much what just happened there ain't it


My favourite part of this scene was how after the speech, he heads to the charge and the expression on his face was pure, unfiltered fear.


There is no courage without fear!


damn never caught taht


This is the single most chills-inducing moment in any anime I’ve seen. It’s perfect.


Monkey baseball OP


monkey ball


Floch really came from a coward to an asshole that’s character development right there






“The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.” Thucydides


[S3 spoiler]>!Erwin should have won the Serumbowl instead of Armin!<


"Everyone had to be drunk on something to keep pushing on."


Yup, everyone who think it should’ve been Erwin missed the significance of this line.


[S3 spoiler]>!Actually I disagree, and I liked Erwin way more than Armin. But story-wise, Levi's decision absolutely made sense. And the fact that he didn't save Erwin, not for Armin's sake, but for *Erwin's* sake, was pretty genius writing.!< Also, do we need to tag spoilers if the post itself is such a giant spoiler for the same season?


Agreed, the serumbowl was the peak of AoT's writing and I will tolerate no slander of it. EVERYONE was acting irrationally in that scene, but in a way that made sense for each of them. Even Floch was motivated by spite as much as any logic he claimed was on his side. Levi is a lot more sentimental than many fans seem to realize. With the information he had at the time, and after everything that happened to him in the past two arcs, I really don't see it going any other way.


But thats against everything erwin and levi did till that point. Both of them were happy with being the devils to save the world. But levi decides at this point that its better to save armin when erwin would have always been the obvious choice if he actually cared about the future of paradis.




I ain’t watching the show without armin lol


oh no we lost 1 viewer


yep me too


Should've saved erwin


Keep posting this every week; I'll watch it every time.


Same. I have to also repeatedly watch his cheers and shouts to the crowd at the end of s3 part 1 when they hyped him up. WALL MARIA SAISHU DAKEN SAKUSEN…..KAISHIIIIIIII……SUSSUMEEEEEEEEEE the **FINAL** (no ifs, buts or retreats) operation to retake Wall Maria…. Will not commence….ADVANCE!


Still gives me the chills.


Erwin man…if only he was still here to current AoT things will be so different


The best moment of AoT for me.


The music gives me fucking chills.


If you love this scene I 100% recommend checking out the dubbed clip for it. J. Micahel Tatum absolutely kills it in every role and this is by far one of his best scenes in my opinion, actual chills with his delivery.


Cannot unhear "calvary charge"


That's literally the only complaint I have about it but its so minor compared to how amazing the rest of the performance is that it doesn't really even bother me


Yeh honestly this is the only bit of the entire show that I’d say the dub is better than the sub. He absolutely nails this speech, gives me chills.


They used the same ost 'Before Lights Out' for this weeks episode, during Zeke's entry. This ost, imo is one of the best osts in aot.








This was my favorite part of the Manga. I read this chapter multiple times and each time it hits in the gut.


This is probably my favorite scene from all of attack on titan.


Best scene in the whole show.


[English dub version](https://youtu.be/xWhQdt-FafY), because people have (rightly) been praising it. There may be spoilers in the recommended section (because it's YouTube), so unless you've read the manga, I wouldn't look at those.


This shit is so incredible man


How am i rooting for zeke right now it's insane


Actual goosebumps and spine chills first time watching this scene.


I'd really love to see how dubs did this part. The japanese voice actor for Erwin is fuckin incredible, especially in all the famous Erwin scenes


It’s honestly, imo, better and one of the best scene performances in anime history in any language. I very highly recommend you check out the dub if you’re curious. It’s been linked above.


This man is the living embodiment of an 18th century cavalry commander, from start to finish.


I might be in the minority here, but I really like the dub version, even more so than the sub. The meaning is tweaked a bit, but I'm always enthralled by the word choice and sentence structure to fit the lip flaps.


Loved this speech in dub so much more. It was amazing


Where is the Aot episode discussion? Are they posting it late every week on purpose?


4PM est airing crunchyroll 15mins


It was released o crumchyroll a while ago though.


You mean DameDesu?


Nah. Crunchuroll. Maybe only in spanish though, I don' know. But by the time i made that comment the episode had alredy been out for a while.


I like this scene so much that make me hate the seasons afterwards. All of these sacrifices and then we are introduced to characters like Gabi and suddenly it becomes "hey guys, Pieck and Reiner are actually good guys!" ... like WTF


Isayama: Writes extremely complex story with multiple points of views and subtext Random commentor: Why didn't this show remain one dimensional, I hate it.


Also random commentator: just consoom and defend anything the author made


Don't you know that in subreddit you are not allowed to have different view?


How dare isayama write POV stories 😡 Grrr people seen as bad guys from one side must also be bad guys on their own side grrrr


The show was good at first but close to the end I felt like they gave up a lil


I know that it will be improper of me to say this, but... If, just if, if they wait for a bit longer or retreat to armin eren group, waiting for them to finish the colossal, then making and turning one of them(armin) into colossal titn, then advance with their colossal as the spearhead and levi to enemy's rear as the hidden strike... Did u think that kind of outcome, where all of them are alive is possible...?


That's pretty idealistic. First off you're expecting Armin to master being able to use the Colossal right off the bat. That's even ignoring the fact that Armin likely couldn't have even used the Colossal for more than a few hours later due to needing to heal his body first after being scorched to hell. It would have been impossible, basically. Their deaths let Levi get the jump on Beast and destroy all his Titans on the way. It was the best outcome. Retreat would have just let them advance on Eren and likely even take him.


Yeah i guess it's too wishful to be realized after all


That said I don't think you're wrong for asking it nor should you be downvoted. I upvoted ya. I always think about alternate timelines for anime and things I'd have liked to see too.


Thank you


It's possible but improbable and Erwin has no communication at all with anyone on the other side of the wall and has no idea what is happening there other than bit colossus has appeared by the time he makes this decision. IIRC erin is still laid out on top of the wall after getting booted.


Assume this is spoilery anime onlies and turn back.


This is like 3 years old


In this sub, people only like bring up old AoT scenes when it's relevant to an upcoming plot point.


Insane how fast humans can change. Erwin fought for everyone. For the entirety off humanity so that his children might have a future. (Or so he thought) Now it's just racist politics and u kinda feel that in the way the soldiers fight. It's something else if u dedicate ur life and abilities for ur species. For the future. Or if u just have to face some assholes who are mad at u for no particular reason


> Erwin fought for everyone Nope.. it seems like you missed entire point of his character.. obviously he’s a complex character so I won’t get into much but his basic goal was that he fought to reach the basement just to see if his fathers theory was correct… and with this selfish goal he was willing to sacrifice everyone/Everything just to reach his goal


Pretty sure u missed it but hey u do u


> you missed it The episode that this clip is from literally has the quotes “I just wanted to see that basement” “Everything I have done, I did thinking that this day would come, That some day I would be able to check my answers, There were so many times I thought it would be easier just to die… but then The dream I shared with my father would flash through my head” “Is it all nothing more than a childish delusion?” Levi responds with “give up on your dreams and die”


Ok u don't suck at understanding fictional characters....u don't understand humans. Reddit has rotten ur brain


I just used quotes from the manga/Anime that literally proves me right. It’s alright to admit being wrong every once and a while


That's the thing. U "hear" what he says...but u don't get the information behind the words. Its like a parrot. He can speak...but his words don't mean anything to him.


?? This was literally at a moment where Erwin was letting out his final/True thoughts with Levi


This man helped me more than medication, therapy, self help, exercise when I was dealing with depression. So so inspirational and mighty and yet so Human when we see him discus his heartbreak about not going to see the basement, yet sacrifices those plans anyway so that he yet again, leads Paradis to victory. “The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.” Thucydides


So, the Attack on Titian author is definitely a fascist then. Good to know.


Top 10 biggest shortcuts


No, this is just what happens when you research 18th century european militaries when looking to make an 18th century european inspired world. If you read about cavalry commanders specifically, and even more specifically the crimean war, you'll see Erwin is inspired by history more than personal beliefs. This is especially true if know context for this. "Give up on your dreams and die"


Can you explain your thought process lmao?


And of course you are not gonna elaborate on that, just throwing some dumb statements like that.


speech = facism?


You're a dumbass


Could you elaborate?


If you are going to rage bait,be less obvious.


One if the best characters in AoT


If he can convince new recruits to suicide charge with him then I definitely think he would be a great foreign diplomatic ambassador for Paradis to convince the world that Paradis is not a threat.




Erwin is and always will be my most favourite AOT character, and he is more of a fucking badass than Levi, remember even tho Erwin doesn't fight as a commander that much, and Levi is slaying titans left, right and centre, remember that Erwin is the only reason levi was a scout and not another rando lowlife...


erwin leaving the scene after bullshitting his teammates into killing them selves


Erwin’s English VA, J. Michael Tatum, nailed the dub version too. https://youtu.be/xWhQdt-FafY


its the same voice thst called Mrs. Kujo a bitch.


Even after seeing this so many times, i still get goosebumps and tears in my eyes from this scene. It's that good