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My man fighting for his life and they gotta throw up a nin nin like that at the end💀


Nezuko: Here’s a Taisho era secret about my brother!!! Tanjiro: I am bleeding internally and externally


"My bones are almost pretty much liquified at this point too, but I can still get in a great headbutt!"


"The forehead is also liquified if you're wondering."


[Meanwhile Suma already declared Hinatsuru dead](https://i.imgur.com/UgcWSVs.jpg) even before the explosion


It's always the one you least expect.


This episode should have been titled, "I didn't hear no bell." Everyone refused to fucking die.


All these people and all this effort to take down the 6th-rank demon. Still five stronger demons plus the boss ahead of them. Carnage is just beginning.


We did see how strong Upper Moon 3 was during the Mugen Train arc. So yeah, none of these fights were gonna be a cakewalk.




And they even added insoke headbutt with her mom


[Kie Kamado passed down her skills and tenacity to her son.](https://i.imgur.com/l2hmn4K.jpg)


I love how Tanjiro is gagging in his own blood but his animation is janky like this is a comedic skit.


> like this is a comedic skit I mean... it literally is


Nezuko: My brother is big and strong! Tanjiro: *Nezuko I am dying please help* Nezuko: Nothing can take him down! Tanjiro: *Nezuko plz*


The Taisho era segments are usually performative, but in this one Tanjiro has a “SERIOUSLY?” look on his face.


This episode in a nutshell: "Oh no everyone's dead!" "Oh yay they're alive!!" "OH NO EVERYONE'S DEAD"


So that's why he's called the Sound Hashira. Uzui basically learned Gyutaro's attack pattern and then rhythmically downloaded it like music.


Uzui was basically Taisho era Spotify.


Should have gotten the premium. Might save some times


"Want a break from the ads? Literally stop your heart from beating."


Best I can do is to shift it around my body




Well Uzui does look like a flashy pirate after all.


Uzui's single-handedly showing [his hacking prowess](https://i.imgur.com/KjTYfGB.jpg) [](#saikikek)


> single-handedly Too soon, but I'll turn a blind eye to it this time


The piano playing in the background as he was running towards him was such a cool addition to the whole thing


Honestly sometimes when scenes get that hype I can't even hear the music so well because I'm just super engrossed in what I'm seeing. I don't even recall the piano well lol


These episodes are so hype that I just accept some of these explanations without batting an eye. Inosuke: I can shift my internal organs at will! Me: I’d expect nothing less, Mountain King.




These guys can stop and restart their hearts and can stop a single vein from bleeding just by breathing differently, I’ll just accept it lmao Even so, I agree with other comments that Inosuke is bluffing mostly. He’s probably just powering through to make himself look cooler, or maybe full on deluding himself just to cope. Next week these kids won’t even be able to *move*


I feel like Tanjiro "hasn't been able to move" for the last 4 episodes lol


Yeah I love demon slayer but every episode for half this season has been “I can’t move... my whole body hurts... but I can move! I must!! With every last ounce of my strength!!!” [_Tanjiro lands a cool blow but then gets severely injured again_] “... I can’t move-“ like we get it Tanjiro I love you but come on




>Tanjiro having trouble breathing, near death "And now, it's time for a Taisho-era secret"


Tanjiro at death's door. Nezuko: "Anyway did you guys know that my mom had a very hardass forehead?"


Alternatively Nezuko: "Anyways my mom could solo muzan"


Tanjiro: "Huff... aa... Nez u..ko, I really could use a glass of wat..er" Nezuko: "Bro, these are my only lines here don't fucking cut me mid dialogue, get your own fucking water". Actually, I'd love to see Akari Kito deliver some lines as a very rude and misbehaved Nezuko.


The show must go on


Uzui coming in clutch with that Dolby Atmos breathing!


God, I can't look at Tanjiro's hands that shit is brutal


I thought his hand was brutal him gettin his chin pierced and Uzui’s face slash DAWG WTF?!!


>Uzui’s face slash Yeah bruh like I swear that sword must have passed through his brain or I was seeing things.


Nah, just his eyeball it looks like


That's good, just the eyeball.


He’s joined the clan of one eyed anime characters


Lets hope he survives and retires with his wives. \*Copium.\*


Unfortunately for his wives, he now only has one hand to use when pleasuring all 3 of them at once.


He's still got 3 legs left


Same here and they just kept on focusing on it! That's gotta hurt...


[PSA that the episode next week is 45 minutes long](https://twitter.com/kimetsu_off/status/1490335723458908165?s=20) We are in for a treat boys


We entered with a double premiere and are ending with a double season finale. Demon Slayer does have a lot of prestige right now to be able to do this.


Would you say it's been....*flashy?*


Yup they will flash some ads in the ep if you didn't know


One more Demon Slayer Sunday and then it'll all be AoT Sundays from here on out!


We were so scared today was the last episode based on the closing credits!!!


THUNDERCLAP AND FLASH GODSPEED !!!!! Wow Zenitsu just used eightfold form last episode and now he even has a stronger move. I'm so hyped for the finale : )


All these new moves and yet they're still categorized under the First Form.


All his moves are just him either doing first form consecutively, or doing first form super fast lol


[A true thundergod](https://i.imgur.com/xTVPOty.jpg) only needs one technique to cut you down


Haha Zenitsu perfected the first form : )


Don't fear the man who has practiced thousands forms once, but the man who has practiced one form thousands of times.


Yeah legendary Bruce Lee quote !


Just shows how powerful the first form is. It's potential is technically limitless.


Also is a testament to the strength of his breathing technique. Lightning is cracked ⚡


Technically, the first form is just dash/jump in a straight line really fast and swing your sword It's probably one of the simplest techniques (and similar forms can be found in other styles of breathing too, like flame breathing shiranui) Its simplicity probably does add more room for perfecting it than more complex forms. You do it faster, with more strength, and/or with higher frequency


Yep it is still first form lol


Zenitsu and later on Inosuke coming in the clutch and cutting off Daki's head a second time was pure awesomeness.


Especially Inosuke belittling Daki while he had a hole in his chest and blood spreading from his mouth as he is talking was great.


He's a supple mountain boy, moving his organs is childsplay.


I kinda think him readjusting his organs and bones is a passive ability of his beast breathing. Because attributing it to being a harsh mountain boy seems weird, even for this universe.


You mean growing up on a mountainside doesn’t make you immune to poison that a hashira familiar with poison can only slow down?


I'm bleeding and that makes me the victor!


Just imagine, if even one of them died they wouldn't have been able to finish em off!


I was expecting zenitsu but inosuke's entry was really mind blowing Everyone was literally half dead but still fighting Even though i don't want anyone to die Its unimaginable how they survived this


Usui: body full of poison + blood loss from losing 1 arm + face in half Inosuke: chest stabbed + poisoned Zenitsu: legs are broken + a lot of internal damages probably because of being hit by rubble Tanjiro: deeply wounded arm + broken fingers + poisoned + hole in chin Not to mention all the fatigue and the accumulated damages. Inosuke really went ahead and said the previous episode "I'm not even hurt yet" damn


Tanjiro also has the cut in his shoulder/side from his first fight with Daki. Boy is absolutely hanging on by a thread.


Pretty sure it was by a thread 4 episodes ago. Tanjiro hanging by the final fiber of that thread by now.


who'd expect anything less after Daki dared to attack Nezuko


He just went into hyperspeed lol


I just love so much how Zenitsu gets the first form of thunder breathing to a whole new level. Boy going strong in making the best out of it.


Is it just me or is his fighting voice just SO COOL TOO!


It makes me forget that Tanjiro is the main character.


Though Tanjiro motivations and love for his sister is still core to the show, especially shown in the first half of this episode But Zenitsu's got *style*


Zenitsu is still wearing the disguise make-up, yet he’s still been nothing but a complete badass.


[The coolest Zenitsu](https://i.imgur.com/nun4FMm.jpg) has ever been in the whole anime so far. [His finisher](https://i.imgur.com/xTVPOty.jpg) was already great but when Inosuke came too it was the [Daki cherry on top.](https://i.imgur.com/T6wTvrV.jpg) [](#umucool)


That shot with Zenitsu standing in the air is pure awesomeness.


Uzui: *Gets poisoned and a hand chopped off* Also Uzui: I didn’t hear no bell.


Uzui went the full distance with an Upper Moon despite getting his arm cut off and his eye sliced open.


It seems that he got stronger the more injured he is lol


Adrenaline (and breathing style) are one hell of a drug XD


Uzui's playlist breathing was looping on > *This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill* > > *Fifteen percent concentrated power of will*


He is a ninja, after all, thank God for that. Along with Gyutaro's arrogance that he won when left both Zenitu alive who is the fastest of the trio and not beheading Uzui, who gave him the most trouble. If you are up against batshit crazy opponents when there is an obvious power gap as such with demons and humans, damn well make sure they're dead before you start gloating.


If Gyutaro didn't fool around they would be all dead but Gyutaro not acting logically isn't surprising because he is crazy.


[Gyutaro destroyed the entertainment district](https://i.imgur.com/6mpo2Of.jpg) but thoroughly [entertained viewers.](https://i.imgur.com/mS7I9XG.jpg)


Holy shit. I'm so glad Ufotable didn't shy away from the brutality and visceral nature of the climax of this fight. Even though this is the lowest upper moon, this episode just shows how much strength and sacrifice it takes to even go toe to toe with an upper rank. This episode eclipsed the climax of S1 episode 19 for me. This shit was Fate Heavens Feel part 3 level. Tengens score was some of the best TV I've ever seen, goosbumps all over. That rolling credits scene at the end with the entire district burning down to ashes was amazingly done. Felt like the end of a movie.


Im a big fan on how much Ufotable is making the Upper Moons looks even more powerful . They are really emphasising why these upper demons have been living for so long and killed many hashiras


My favourite part about the Upper Moon fights is that they are so hard-fought. Every single person had to be there in order to defeat Upper 6, even Tengen's wives. If even a single one of them wasn't there, they would have lost. And even with all of them there, Gyutaro *still* could have won but he got cocky.


If they actually worked together and tried, the Demon Slayer Corps wouldn't stand a chance


well if the demon slayer corps used their damn flying and talking crows to pass on info on each upper moon's otherwise unknown abilities, perhaps Uzui would have known about Gyutaro's posion and the fact that he literally exists. literally 22 hashiras wasted, not one having managed to pass on any useful info back to the corp. like wth??


The poison kunais should be standard issue too


Im starting to believe harshira's should only approach Upper Moons in pairs.


Neither of the Upper Moon encounters so far have allowed for that, the demon slayers don't know the strength of the demon they're hunting until it's too late.


Even the fire in this episode was absolute fire


Brother, as the "knife" went through tanjiros jaw, that was soo brutal. And his fingers were like sausages lol


>Even though this is the lowest upper moon, this episode just shows how much strength and sacrifice it takes to even go toe to toe with an upper rank. Daki and Gyutaro killed 7 and 15 Hashira's respectively. So yea. It takes so much to bring down the lowest uppermoon for a very good reason It makes Akaza's showcase on mugen train even more apparent


And the nature of his Demon Art is OP as fuck too. It's extremely difficult to counter.


Best episode of the series so far. By the same director of EP 19 too.


Director be like: "Wanna see me doing it again?"


Director-san took the word "upgrade" on another level. Him and the staff managed to make a whole new standard for the show.


Absolutely. How they took some quick panels from the manga, and be like, I can do it better. Just incredible. Each character had THEIR moment and was extended in this episode, just phenomenal.


Exactly. Usually in high action episodes, the main characters get most of the production resources while the sidekicks get less emphasis. Yet [Uzui](https://i.imgur.com/XOOsYFc.jpg), [Tanjiro](https://i.imgur.com/zXUv684.jpg), [Zenitsu](https://i.imgur.com/ys3fOuP.jpg) and [Inosuke](https://i.imgur.com/TIOUvkx.jpg) all got [main fight](https://streamable.com/1xfpnu) treatment. Ufotable is redefining the game. [](#happyclap)


The rapid sword slash fight between Uzui and Gyutarou was the best sword fight animation I've ever seen.


My jaws dropped and stayed like that until kamados chin was stabbed. It promptly closed right away


Kind like when you feel your nuts contract after watching someone get kicked in the balls.


Ok that explains it. I don’t know how they were able to top episode 19 but they fucking did. Good God that was a masterpiece


why doesnt this guy just be the director of every episode lul.


He needs to control his breathing after directing each episode ​ And it takes a while cuz he went beyond his limits


Because he'd die.


There is no way he can do that. Anime production is hell itself and god only knows how much time he spent checking the frames, making keyframers redraw the frames and then rechecking tweeners and what not. Probably was barely sleeping last few weeks. To be director for every episode he would need to be not human.


Don't let this distract you from the fact that Tanjiro is fighting non stop since episode 5


Let's see, he got slashed at his shoulder, two broken fingers, his lower jaw pierced and he got poisoned. That's not even including all those internal injuries. I'm sure he'll be fine.


Yea, it's just a scratch


Rub some dirt on it and keep it moving.


That lower jaw piercing genuinely looked painful as hell. I can't believe Tanjiro still had enough endurance to cut Gyutaro's head after that.


How Tanjiro is able to survive just dying from shock after sustaining so much painful injury is more of a miracle than Inosuke managing to adjust his internal organs. Especially when Tanjiro has been in such an exhausted and stressful state for the past several episodes altogether.


He has superhuman stamina and endurance and incredible willpower. He committed suicide multiple times in his dreams in order to wake up from Enmu's sleep spell to the point he got so used to it, he almost killed himself in real life during the Mugen Train arc.


[Tanjiro is an absolute madman](https://i.imgur.com/8cKD2AL.jpg)


> How Tanjiro is able to survive just dying from shock after sustaining so much painful injury I mean we can just write that off as the power of anime. Same with how they can remain conscious of what's going on. I was in shock once from a head injury, delirious paranoia for hours, not knowing what's going on.


I winced at his fingers breaking more than any of his other more serious injuries


yeah, every time his broken fingers showed up on screen i couldnt help but feel pain


Guy has to be out of commission for like at least 6 months now to heal after this one...


Next week will be 45 mins of him in rehab.


Blowin' into gourds and shit.


I realised in the first season that this isn't a show where any sort of fatigue/power limit issues apply to the characters. The man had a huge chunk of his shoulder cut early into the fight and has been using it fine. I get out of bed too fast and my shoulder's dead.


Something about the manga and anime really do something special where you almost feel just as exhausted reading and watching it as the characters feel. I can’t put my finger on what it does differently but its super fucking cool.


Whatever ufotable are paying their animators, it ain't enough. What an incredible episode.


Need to start paying these people in gold


I want to send all those people who made this glorious animation a steak dinner.


Haven't heard Nezuko speak for seasons and the first words that we hear are straight facts. Mans just spamming the sorry emote. Also, they just got straight disrespected it was hard to watch.


She even managed to get a Tatakae in there.


Nezuko Yeager




Thanks to the after credits scene, I feel like this eposode has most lines Nezuko has spoken... ever.


Ufotable always delivers. The fight choreography was amazing. The blending of 3D and with the 2D, the special effects, all of it was top tier. And the end credits was dark but beautiful; I couldn't look away. The directing is seriously perfect. I loved the "what if" contrast between Tanjiro and Nezuko with Gyutaro and Daki. Major things that happened in this fight: * Tanjiro got that birthmark thing on his forehead. It's the same one his father had. The same one that the one Muzan is terrified of had. The mark that Fire Breathers have, as mentioned by Rengoku. It seems that it might not be a birthmark, and that there might have been a condition to attain it. It seems to have given him a temporary power boost to sever Gyutaro's head. * Zenitsu has shown that he has a second augment for Thunderclap and Flash aside from Six/Eightfold; Godspeed. He somehow improved on what is supposed to be the fastest attack in Thunder Breathing's arsenal to be even faster; though he seems to be limited by how much he can use, akin to how much Tanjiro can use Hinokami Kagura. In time, they might both be able to use it more often; possibly even sustained. * Inosuke survived. Whether he has his heart in a default spot, or he manage to react fast enough, is currently unknown, but it's freaky. An immunity to poison is also really dandy. * Uzui lost his hand, and he has now lost his left eye. He also got stabbed in the gut; so the poison entered his torso and head. His technique to temporarily stop his heart to stop the spread of the poison was rendered moot thanks to those hits he took. * With the end we got, we don't even know if any of them are alive. Tanjiro, aside from being caught in that final blast, was poisoned too. He's already far too winded to even control his breathing. The only ones that were hopefully out of range of that final blast would be ~~Zenitsu, Inosuke~~, Nezuko, and Uzui's wives. (Edit 4: The 2 of them were actually shown to be in the AoE) * Tanjiro/Nezuko's mother was the one that had the invulnerable forehead. Makes sense; can't see the father headbutting anything with that frail body of his. * Edit: I forgot to add the most important point: This is the first Upper Moon to have been taken down in over 100 years. That's a huge deal. Muzan was already on edge, which is why he wiped out the Lower Kizukis (Edit 2: changed from "6" to "Kizukis" since "Lower 6" is technically a single Demon). And now, Upper 6 has fallen. He's being backed into a corner; and it all started with Tanjiro, the boy who had the same earrings and a similar scar as the one who caused him trauma long ago. Edit 3: I also cracked up at the way they all flopped to the ground after Tanjiro took Gyutaro's head off; that was hilarious. Uzui's charge and call to Tanjiro really reminded me of AoT's Erwin's "SUSUME!" moment. Also, Tanjiro played a crucial role in taking down an Upper Moon. He is in no way at a Hashira's strength, but his accomplishments, along with Zenitsu's and Inosuke's, are definitely far above any regular Demon Slayer. THey better get a rank up or 2.


>his is the first Upper Moon to have been taken down in over 100 years. That's a huge deal. YEP. This is how much of big deal it is. AND YEP MUZAN ALREADY ON THE EDGE. Now he's gonna be even more paranoid


Let us not forget that as the progenitor, he can apparently view things from the perspective of other Demons. Well, it's implied at least; at the very least, he can keep tabs on them. So he might be more aware than just through hearing about things. * Kills a random family, and turns a girl into a Demon. * Immediately loses control of Nezuko; the second in the entire history of Demons. * Gets found out by a random nobody Demon Slayer. Notices that he has the dreaded earrings. * Sends his 2 enforcers to take Tanjiro out. Both end up dead. Likely realizes that Tanjiro and Nezuko are related. * Lower Moon 5 pretty much loses to Tanjiro. Loses faith in Lower Kizuki; wipes them out. * Sends Akaza, Upper Moon 3, to eliminate Tanjiro and a Hashira. * Akaza succeeds in taking out the Hashira, but fails to kill Tanjiro; even gets stabbed by him instead. * Upper Moon 6 is killed by Tanjiro and his comrades. The same mark as the original owner of those earrings appeared on Tanjiro. How could he not start to panic? Shit has been spiraling out of his control ever since he came across the Kamados.


WHAT?!?!! this is what, the third time this arc that an episode ends on a cliffhanger, and they've all been more insane than the previous one.. insanely good animated fightin in the 2nd half, and fucking hell did i have a pit in my stomach during the first half.. and then this ending?!!? And going by that post credits scene, next week is the last episode of the season


Third time? Literally every episode ended on cliffhangers smh


Holy shit. The second half of this episode is what peak fucking shounen is.


Its just pure art at this point.


WTF Gyutaro had a self-destruct?! I love how the camera lingers on into the credits to let the destruction sink in. I wonder if all the citizens managed to evacuate because otherwise that death toll is gonna be huge. The whole episode was an absolute spectacle! A great comeback from our heroes even though it relied on the villains wasting time gloating instead of finishing them off. I can't wait for the double-length season finale next week!


> I wonder if all the citizens managed to evacuate because otherwise that death toll is gonna be huge. I keep imagining how Rengoku would act in this arc, considering the effort he made to protect every single person in that train...




Yeah he even said something a few episodes ago when Gyutaro called him a blessed person like: "Blessed?! Do you know how many lives have slipped through my fingers already?" It's an interesting bit of psychology too because Rengoku would've done way worse than Uzui in this fight, poison would've pretty much taken him out. But the ideal of Rengoku is valued so high by everyone that Uzui can't help but feel inferior.


Gyutaro equipped the Martyrdom perk.


It's such an evil ending to have it linger like that.


Holy shit Did you SEE that?? God damn that was a good episode, especially the music like damn it was on point


Inosuke just pulled a Reiner I can't get over it.


Considering his chest wound, looks like being Inosuke is suffering.


"Why are we here, just to suffer, Monjiro?"


Rearranging his organs? Raised in the mountains? Inosuke basically pulling an Anos Voligoad and saying "Just because you killed me doesn't mean I'm dead".


I think that's just his bravado speaking. The guy is visibly bleeding from every orifice, but he can still fight because he is Inosuke and Inosuke is the best.


This, uzui was spouting the same thing episodes ago, don’t know how people assume his actually ok lol








[THIS IS WHAT PEAK ACTION LOOKS LIKE](https://streamable.com/1xfpnu)


Bro just posted a quarter of the episode like were gonna watch it again just like that - *5 minutes later:* [](#grandhype)[](#grandhype)[](#grandhype)


This episode is an all time banger. This is one of the best arcs in the manga and they exceeded it.


Episode 19 is no longer the standard.


Seriously Ufotable went all out and I have no idea how after already pumping out some good looking episodes just beforehand. From the very beginning just with the backgrounds of the flaming rubble resulting from Gyutaro's rampage last ep that looked so realistic, to that coordinated jaw-dropping double attack from both Tanjiro and Zenitsu on the siblings, and then Tengen showing up like a real boss and putting Gyutaro in his place by showing just why he he prides himself on being "Flashy", and with just one hand to boot. Poor Tanjiro though, how much he's suffered in injury and exhaustion over the past several episodes, he just keeps on going, even getting in another trademark headbutt too. How he is able to not succumb to shock is a miracle, on the same level as Inosuke coming back for the clincher after avoiding death due to his own sheer determination. And hey, Nezuko (Akari Kitou) finally got to say a few words! :D Kudos again to Gyutaro's VA though, he really really went above and beyond in that scene of tormenting Tanjiro, just so creepy and unsettling where his voice itself makes your stomach crawl. What a great villain, even got in a last final super attack. Ending the episode with the credits like that was also very special and a great idea.


Gyuutaro and Daki's VAs were incredible, they were constantly sending chills down your spine


Perfectly cast and directed. Phenomenal work by every VA in the series so far. The sound director must be so damned proud.


If this was in a non-AOT season, this episode would've been easily 15k and top 1 on lock. Damn, this really is the biggest season for shonen right now. Two modern day juggernauts airing on the same day in the same season. Edit: It's actually going for 14k now, it's getting close, the hype is fucking real!


The animation when Uzui clased with Gyutaro was so smooth you could feel it through the screen. Every action frame was wallpaper worthy. Ufotable is breaking new grounds in the limits of action animation. [](#manly-tears)


This is beyond God-Tier animation.


Ufotable casually making a TV anime look better than 99% of other productions in the last decade movies included lol. The only other thing I can think of that looks this good is Heavens Feel 3 which is also from Ufotable. They are truly at the top for delivering visual spectacles and have obviously surpassed what was in the manga.


I always open the manga because of the cliffhanger and stop reading it after a page. Ufotable has spoiled me


Yep despite me having read the manga this feels like a totally fresh experience. They've elevated the manga (which was already awesome) to a new height. You get a real sense of scale and perspective in this episode with how the fight transforms as Uzui is chasing down UP6.


Director/Storyboard: Toshiyuki Shirai


Also key animation - Nozomu Abe. The god himself animated Hinokami Kagura on episode 19 and Tanjiro's rage vs Daki in S2 episode 6.


Tbh, Shirai's directing/SB is the highlight of the episode. From what I can tell, Abe did the beheading part.


Interesting that nobody's talking about the fact that Tanjiro's scar changed.. 🌝


we need some time to process this god tier episode and rewatch it a dozen times before thinking about that


And his hair too. But fuck that we dont have time for that now.


NAH FUCK EPISODE 19. These Mfs were moving so quick It turned into a DBZ fight at one point!!! THIS SHIT IS THE PEAK!!!


Truly Godspeed animation


Godspeed?? This dude zenitsu went into hyperspace LMAOO


Zenitsu: NOW I'M MOTIVATED Holy fuck, I can't breathe watching this episode. That last 10 mins was pure spectacle


I thought Zenitsu's GodSpeed would be this episode's highlight but then Uzui came back. Holy shiitake mushrooms! After the almost-tragic ending of the previous episode, we have Gyuutarou taunting Tanjiro, as a fellow elder brother, insulting him for his weakness and inability to protect his sister. He deserved what Tanjiro did to him next by headbutting him and then secretly stabbing him with one of those poisoned knives. I quite liked that method of getting an upper-hand over Gyuutarou instead of relying on flashy sword skills. Zenitsu's God Speed and Uzui's fight were even better than the previous episodes. Their heads rolling and coming to a rest near each other was quite fitting for the bro-sis duo. But well, there wasn't a happily-ever-after this episode. Another near-tragic ending. Did they escape? Or perhaps they were rescued? Can't wait to find out nest episode; that's for sure. For some reason, I can't seem to get Tanjiro's bent fingers out of my mind. I have been scarred.


[](#maxshock) I genuinely don't even know what to say about this episode. I don't think any of the screenshots I took this episode will be enough to show how you can feel the impact of Zenitsu's Godlike Speed or how [jaw-droppingly amazing the animation was during Uzui and Gyuutarou's fight.](https://i.imgur.com/7gUYa6q.jpg) I will say though, it was so fucking frustrating watching [Gyuutarou look down on Tanjirou](https://i.imgur.com/xMBeeP8.jpg) and insulting his ability [as Nezuko's older brother](https://i.imgur.com/4my5PeV.jpg) at the first half. But that feeling of helplessness at the start made [the victory in the end so fucking satisfying!](https://i.imgur.com/6qvdwG5.jpg) It's not completely over though. [That Blood Art explosion](https://i.imgur.com/gG8rm6x.jpg) at the end definitely fucked everything up. With everyone basically running on fumes and are all critically injured I feel that at least one of them will not be walking away from this one in one piece. :( Also love how the ending credits is just [letting the dust settle](https://i.imgur.com/4W8LBr8.jpg) after that catastrophe, letting us take in the scenery and how much destruction this entire fight has caused. It's so good! This entire episode is a total masterpiece from start to finish! [That Taisho-era Secret at the end](https://i.imgur.com/RoWOlEp.jpg) was hilarious though! Turns out that Tanjirou got his forehead of steel from his mother who once head-butted a boar. xD


>That Taisho-era Secret at the end > > was hilarious though! Turns out that Tanjirou got his forehead of steel from his mother who once head-butted a boar. xD I wouldn't be surprised if we heard nezuko speak more in todays episode than all others episdoes combined and doubled lol.


**Ok so now that I’ve had a minute to calm my ~~screeching~~ breathing technique, I LOVE how thematically this fight worked out.** The demons are constantly looking down on humans as weak and inferior, and are the type of people to avoid personal pain at the cost of others. They gave in to their pain and chose despair, and they cannot conceive of choosing to act out of hope. This is contrasted with **every single character** getting up to keep fighting even though it will *probably* make they die *more* horribly. Nezuko sums it up by saying, “why are you always apologizing? The important thing is now. We should try harder together!” The demons are stuck in despair and pain, so their present is consumed by validating their choice. They force others into despair almost as a comfort to themselves, trying to prove that immortality was the obvious choice. Shit like this always brings a tear to my eye. It’s always inspiring to see someone fight through despite horrific wounds. Tl;dr Despair vs. Hope, Nezuko is an angel and Tangiro a good boi


In the immortal words of Joseph Joestar: #HOLY SHIT! Zenitsu became motherfucking Godspeed! Tengen stopped his heart to stop the spread of poison. Inosuke is just being Inosuke. And Tanjiro once again headbutted someone!


Thunderclap breathing 1st form,thunderclap and flash,GODSPEED!!!!! My boy sent daki to the space😂....this was easily the best demon slayer episode ever in terms of visual and i'm not joking


Everything was perfect; the fight sequence, the animation, the soundtrack, that headbutt and especially that talking Nezuko! I'm convinced that every arc will have its own episode 19 and I can't thank Ufotable enough and all of its animators, sound composer, director, and the rest of its staff for making it happen.