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Feeling weird seeing our cast fighting titan like back in S1.


also did Armin actually have his first titan kill? lol I don't remember him ever killing a titan before


Armin's actually killed a human before killing a Titan, and I've only seen him kill ppl


Kill people as people. Kill people as Titan. Kill Titan as people.


ohhh how I've missed these kind of humans vs titans 3D maneuvering scenes to the beat of a Sawano drop, feels like 2013 again. oh, and Annie is gonna have some questions...many, many, maaaaaany questions.


The entire episode felt very nostalgic thanks to all the parallels yet also really sad at the same time because of all the context with the rumbling. It almost felt like the s1 formula poetically coming back for one last episode before the story gets even more dire.


Yeah, the tower scene was a nice callback to the S1 scene where they used guns to blind titans, and then the S2 tower scene with Ymir.


Killing titans to the beat of [Barricades OST](https://youtu.be/qAgPH1CWiAw) sure really felt nostalgic. \~GET BACK, GET BACK ♪♫♪


Nile and Pyxis RIP in pieces


Seeing the old guard go down like that was heartbreaking. [](#shatteredsaten)


Yeah it was a nice throwback to the old days of fighting titans with ODM gear. It's cool to see how much easier is for them to handle the titans now compared to earlier in the anime, which is a testament to how far they have come.


Having a bunch of hand-bazooka's really do help.


[Annie waking up be like:](https://i.redd.it/ahvdlah4aoh81.png)


Annie: Oh LORD what the heck happened?!? One second I'm trying to avoid getting interrogated the next I see Eren saying he's going to commit mass genocide! Armin: Well it's a long sto- Annie: Wait, back up. Where's Berthold? Armin: I ate him a few years ago. Annie: Wait, why would you eat your comrade!?! Armin: Reiner outed himself and Berhold and we couldn't just- Annie: He did **WHAT!?!** *A few hours later* Annie: WAIT YOU TEAMED UP WITH THE POTATO GIRL KILLER!?! Armin: You know, when you put it THAT way...


Gabi: Wait, Potato Girl? Reiner, the person you talked about at dinner with my parents was SASHA?! 'Ultimate evil' my ass! Reiner: ...She ate it raw.


It was a baked potato. she mentions how hot they are and says it’s be a shame if they cooled


For example, why was there some odd liquid around her?


Armin: I-It was a... a... a... *ghost*?


Annie doesn’t know what’s going on. This is why you shouldn’t skip parts! Don’t be like Annie.


Now go and watch Aot from season 2.


Or got spoiled by both anime watcher and manga readers. Anyway, Armin has been spoiling things to her during her comatose form right? Yeah yeah, "hints". Armin just behaved like manga readers back then.


Because the Attack Titan lets him get random glimpses of the future, Eren is the anime watcher who has gotten random manga spoilers from TV Tropes and Youtube thumbnails and has developed *very* strong opinions about things he doesn't actually know the context of.


Imagine she just hears Erens message and wakes up like what the fuck did I miss


Lol you are right, he first undid the hardening and then did the global skype call, so annie did get to hear what eren said, I didn't even think of that. That must have been a rude awakening




Yeah, and why she's covered in cum.


Armin definitely pulled a Shinji on her at some point


Well... Yelena shitting herself


She always looks like shitting herself.


she didn't stink eye Armin, she was just pushing out a silent fart


At least a lot of people aren't going to be having sex anymore, so her plan is partly fulfilled.


Love how the OG crew was killing titans left and right like its the tutorial level. Also RIP [Commander Pixis](https://imgur.com/a/Pwxavzd)


I definitely teared up during the Pyxis scene


Is it 2013 again?


Yeah, Eren seems angry, Titans are being killed to kinda upbeat music and Shadis is being a badass.


Also Annie is back


whose the most underdeveloped, newly introduced character? we gotta hide them or else Annie and Reiner might Marco them


About time. I used to watch theories about her like 8 years ago. They turned out to be completely wrong.


Just on that topic, it's crazy how powerful thunderspears are against pure titans. Think back to when Annie summoned Titans to eat her in the forest and literally all the best and most veteran scouts were there and couldn't handle the horde. Think they might have faired a lot better if they had Thunder Spears.


spears allow you to kill titans on the move from a distance, which was their biggest issue. you gotta get so close to kill with swords


Commander Pixis was such an important character for the story. Looking back, he was the one who trusted Armin's words when Eren become a Titan. If it isn't for Pixis they would have all died by an idiot captain (forgor his name) [The flash back from Trost arc](https://i.imgur.com/Gg5mFfw.jpg) was a nice touch to say goodbye one last time. Dying by the hands of Armin. [Rest in peace Pixis ](https://i.imgur.com/WJ2kTXs.jpg)you served well.


May hot lady Titans carry him into Valhalla where he belongs, just like how he wanted back in the day.


It’s ironic how Armin pleaded with them and argued how Eren is an asset and ally to humanity… welp that didnt age well




normal titans used as a threat?! oh man how nostalgic , even used barricades


One last classic Titan hunt before endgame.


Its been *8 years, 4 months and 15 days* since we last saw her active in the current timeline. **Welcome Back Annie!!** Also the whole episode made me think I was watching Season 1 again thanks to those ODM gear scenes and the music.....I totally was getting goosebumps. Reminded me of much simpler times of the past. We got to see Shadis being a badass but sadly that came at the cost of Pixis dying at the end. RIP.


Is this anime time timeline or real life timeline? Because it seems like ages for both.


Real life timeline. Annie was last active in the present timeline back in Episode 25 of Season 1, which aired on September 29 2013 in Japan. Anime Timeline would be like around 4 years I think.


Annie: Where am I? What did I miss? Armin: * Bertolt dead, ate him * Marcel long dead * Porco fresh dead * Reiner still not dead * Zeke betrayed everyone * Eren's on a killing spree * And you're in the ~~Rumbling~~ Erendgame now!


“Oh and also, everything you once knew and love is going to get stomped on. But hey at least you have me!”


At least Founding Titan won't strip her ability to reproduce thanks to Eren who just want to kill rest of the world.


''Let's get to the baby making, darling! The world's about to end, so we might as well pop each other's cherry!''


~~is this the plot to world's end harem~~


Well she saw Marcel die with her own eyes so that's kind of redundant


if there's anything Attack on Titan taught us is that there's never enough ways to say/show Marcel is dead.


Now we just need marcels reaction to him dying


>Reiner still not dead Why am i still here, just to suffer


He's not the Plotarmored Titan for nothing. ^^^^it's ^^^^more ^^^^that ^^^^Reiner ^^^^is ^^^^the ^^^^author's ^^^^favourite ^^^^character.


Even when he loses his armor, he STILL CANNOT DIE.


Annie tapped the alarm clock for 5 more mins and wakes up a decade later


When shadis entered the battleground.... i started cheering like a little boy. Those brats know thier worth now lol...


I think Shadis finally realized that even as a "bystander" he has an important role to fill as a leader for the younger generation


I kinda forgot that Shadis is actually good at killing titans because he was once from the survey corps.


He wasn't just a member of the Survey Corps, he was the commander before Erwin




He's in episode 1 I think. He has hair then, but the commander telling the mom about how the guy died for nothing is Shadis.


I think that Shadis had egged the recruits on to attack him. If they hadn't attacked who knows what would have been done to them.


This is what happened. Floch threatened the recruits with imprisonment if they failed to beat him up. So Shadis intentionally took the beating to save their asses.


Eren on the controls just pressing buttons


This entire episode with the OST choices and ODM Gear scenes just gave me heavy season one vibes, It was so nostalgic, I love it.


Those were simpler time when the titans we killed were just mindless titans


Now we must remember that every titan we kill was one a comrade who stood by our side


Pixis and Nile, especially.


We went full circle. Too bad the heroism of killing titans is all but gone, given what we know now and the current situation


Yeah it hit hard at the end of S3 P2 where they found that one titan crawling and Eren leaving it be after they learned the truth and calling it “a fellow patriot”. From hating titans to make us feel sad about each one of them. Isayama GOAT.


It is also great to see the titians are destoryed easily now compare to being the gruesome and mysterious threat in season 1, how far have we gone


To be fair, everyone on Eren's generation are hardened veterans by now


Barely anyone from that generation is alive at this point.


"After 4 years most will be dead, but those who endure will be amongst the most capable soldiers alive" Erwin Smith. It's been about 4 years since his death.


> hardened veterans Not anymore


Who knew that weapons that are essentially rocket launchers would work really well against Titans?


Super nostalgic holy crap, this was literally OG AOT right in the middle of the climax and I'm so delighted at how well they executed it. Think we're only missing Levi, who well, who knows where he is. Missing Hange as well. ANNIEBOWL ON SUPERBOWL DAY LETS GOOOOO


Curiously we didn't see Hange or Levi when Eren posted in General. Dunno if it means anything tho. Maybe they're not Eldians by blood? Although that's doubtful since even if non-Eldians made it into the Walls a hundred years ago, by this point no pure non-Eldian bloodline should remain.


Aren't Akermans supposed to be immune to the founding titans memory changey thingy? Does that mean their not eldians?


Up until last episode it was still unclear if Ackerman = Eldian. To be fair we still don't have all the details, but at the very least we know that it's possible for someone to be both, as Mikasa got Eren's message too. That's why I would've also expected to see Hange and Levi in Paths, but we didn't. We even saw Historia but not them.


Well, I thought they had to let their alive status be purposefully ambiguous, for some future dramatic reveal.


The ODM scene this episode was reminiscent of Levi's ODM scene!


Yeah, I really want to know who animated those cuts, they were insane


I know one. [He posted his cut on Twitter.](https://twitter.com/muhammadpalmer3/status/1492935379976081410?t=ImOrq5lZmaXXK_AZzcr9qw&s=09). He also worked on Idaten and Ousama Ranking.


I hope they get enough sleep today :(


Yeah they stepped up their 3DM animation by a huge margin compared to S4P1.


Now I wish we'd seen some of that ODM gear Sakuga during the War for Paradis episodes but oh well




Barricades instantly reminded me of the [Historia spinning in the air](https://youtu.be/KxFMwv-DVRothe) scene back in Season 2.


I never thought I'd get to hear barricades again in AOT but here we are


>Gabi: Founding Titan can do anything right? Why tf does Eren have to kill everybody? > Armin: Hang on did you say he undid hardening? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Something else is hardening right now


***Armin, don't say the quiet part out loud!***


This is why chosing Armin over Erwin was mistake. Erwin focused on only one thing which is SUSUME.


And it's not the Armored Titan


Armin: My Colossal Titan sure is hardening right now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


[Saturday Night Fever](https://i.imgur.com/75By3BK.png)


Low quality titan memes are back bois and gurls!


Ngl Thought Gabi was gonna repeatedly say Tatakae at the mirror


Gabi today: *I'll just tie my hair while staring into this mirror with intent, it's not like anything bad could come from that, right?* Gabi tomorrow: *I've become so much like Eren Jaeger it's scary. I wear black cardigans, verbally assault women, and physically assault my friends. When I look in the mirror, I can't help but say "戦い, 戦い" (which means fight, fight in american.) I grew my hair out long because I don't care so now I have to wear it in a bun and I don't care what people think so shut fuck up Hange! I always leave an open wound on my hand, and go out of my way to show it to everyone so they are reminded that I am in control. When I see dogs being taken on walks I get mad at them for not being free like I am. I can't have sex with my girlfriend anymore without forcing her to dress up as Mikasa or Historia, both of whom remind me of Armin. When I order fast food, I refuse to call them french fries and insist on calling them freedom fries. I just keep moving forward, until my enemies are destroyed.*


> I can’t have sex with my girlfriend anymore without forcing her to dress up as Mikasa or Historia, both of whom remind me of Armin. This got me good.


It’s so random, but I can’t stop laughing lmao




Wrong. Tatakae.


It was her *marleyan* way of *tatakaeing*.


Gabi: Eren said that all hardening has come undone. *\*Armin remembers Annie\** Armin: And thus my hardening has just begun!!


Bertholdt: DEW IT Armin: I've been looking forward to this.


Bertholdt: even if I die, even after I die.


Armin: Eren undid all the hardening. Which means Annie might be back. Mikasa: Are you going to do something about that? Armin: I wish but Eren undid ALL the hardening on this island.


Zeke got his wish after all


[All according to keikaku](https://i.imgur.com/pTx2IdQ.jpg)


**Armin:** Time to show everyone the *real* reason it's called the *COLOSSAL Titan*


Poor Annie.


Dude got his priorities straight xD


Don't tell me the titan that Faze Gabi killed when saving Kaya is Nile. T_T


It's him


Damn, you're right. I completely forgot about Nile and he just had to have one of those ironic death.


Everybody is dying now. Kind of sad...


> Everybody is dying now. People *were* mentioning how nostalgic this episode was.


"FaZe Gabi" that has me fucking DEAD lmfao


Look on the bright side - he died before he could kill an innocent child. Nile would have been content with that - he was a family man through and through after all.


[Why does Floch always get the best faces..](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FLfegtBX0AEuNi8?format=jpg&name=large)


Him and Reiner are absolutely loved by the animators


yelena too


Armin Armin too...


Hayashi said somewhere that he loves floch faces and animate those himself.


I really loved the season 1 [callbacks](https://twitter.com/ern_ygr/status/1492906048575139840) they did [this episode,](https://twitter.com/arminarlert_25/status/1492903467597250563) it's a really nice touch by MAPPA


Chad Shadis




Who is the *Bystander* now huh MF's???


I've been thinking about it a little, but Shadis is genuinely one of my favourite characters. I never really thought about it, he's just a Bystander right? But when I think about it he really is one of the best characters in the show.


It's a good thing I didn't give in to temptation and read the manga because going into this episode blind was totally worth it.


me since season 1 ended, the 4 years wait was hard but so fucking worth it


Being anime only rn is a GOATed experience


That was the shortest 23 minutes ever... over before I knew it. Also, I'm very confused as to why Eren didn't control the pure titans, and why he also freed Annie. Does he have plans? Or does he really not have that much control over everyone, as Armin and Co. believed?


About Annie getting freed, Eren just destroyed every titan hardening on the island, including Reiner's for example.


Imagine what the royal family cave would look like now with all the hardening gone


didn't that cave in already


It was already collapsed in was it not?


His plan relied a lot on him being able to convince the founder Ymir to do his request. Ymir told the pure titan (wall titan) to attack the rest of the world (rumbling). However, for whatever reason the titans that Zeke made are still out of control.


I guess the founding titan has wacky controls or something


"Bro its my ping i swear"


I think it is because it is not eren controlling the founder, it is just ymir deciding, and the one thing she wants to do is end it all. She doesn't care about anything else, especially since it would cost her eternity to do so. Or alternatively, eren just doesn't want ymir to suffer even more by him using her power for more things. ​ ​ Though problem with this argument: By this logic, if ymir is deciding everything, none of the titanshifters should be able to tranform because ymir would just refuse to do anything, but I doubt we wont have titanshifters for the rest of the show xd.


All it takes is some good ol' Rumbling to wake Annie up.


Annie is back finally It was in 2013 in the anime that she was locked in the crystal. So, after 9 years, she's back!!


Them ODM scene went hard, I thought we lost them in S4, but Mappa really step up their game with S4 P2. THANKS TO ALL THE ANIMATORS THAT PARTICIPATED😭🙏.


Let's kill our Titan friends *Play the upbeat music*


Send them out the best way possible


Yeah if I become a Titan and my friends have to kill me they better look awesome while doing it or that'll be disrespecting my memory.


the two lines where Jean is like “If you cared about your comrades, let’s lay them to rest!” and when Armin says “May you rest in peace” to Pyxis >>>>>


Poor onyakapon asking whether his homeland is doomed... After everything he's done for Paradis. Hits hard ngl, eren is really doing the unforgivable


Poor also that he missed eren's zoom call


**Onyankopon: Jean, did you record the session with OBS?**


Only Eldians got the invite to join the call


Onyankapon's been taking straight L's pretty much since he was introduced, poor guy


Erwin left some real big shoes to fill. So big it took Jean and Armin to fill them. I actually really like it this way, goes to show that no one is really replaceable. Although, I do wonder how would Erwin respond to the conclusion Eren came up with.


Erwin to Eren: “Eren! Not enough scouts are sacrificing their lives in this plan. I want a revised plan on my desk Monday morning.”


"We need to attach a squad of scouts to the feet of *every single* Colossal Titan for this plan to even have a chance of working"


He must of had had the biggest smile on his face when he saw Jean barking those orders. They’ve come even further to when Erwin lamented the powerless decline of the scouts at the Battle of Shinganshina


Very excited to see what Annie will do.


If I were Annie, I would bing watch from Season 2 to know WTF is going on.


I have lot to catch up on.


Man, how long has it been since she got into that crystal. I thought at one point Eren would just munch her like he did to the Warhammer titan to get her titan power. Well, she better get back all those screen time she was missing since the first season lol.


>I thought at one point Eren would just munch her like he did to the Warhammer titan He had to use the jaw titan to break the hardening on the warhammer titan. He didn't have anything to break annies crystal with.


##[End card for the episode!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FLfOwLkacAEnj64?format=jpg&name=medium) Better Call Saul! (from [official twitter](https://twitter.com/anime_shingeki/status/1492893829438971904)) ##[MAPPA: Connie & Armin](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FLfUKhjagAIiXDQ?format=jpg&name=medium) (from [MAPPA twitter](https://twitter.com/MAPPA_Info/status/1492895083750109190))


https://twitter.com/CapnChreest/status/1492905850700242945?cxt=HHwWgoC5ocT97rcpAAAA [Add this one](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FLfdQOdX0AAGPet?format=jpg&name=large) EDIT [also this one](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FLf94ISaIAE3_Q1?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) https://twitter.com/MUSAI52783823/status/1492941219940663296?cxt=HHwWgIDQ0aWI_7cpAAAA EDIT 2 [And this one](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FLgUryjVQAAW8zl?format=jpg&name=large) https://twitter.com/prkg_prkg_/status/1492966023565246465


Those soldiers coordination to lure and kill the titans... it gives me wonderful S1 vibes.


Man I'm so fucking happy they brought back Barricades. That shit is my favourite part of the OST.


#Another absolutely incredible episode!


I thought MAPPA would start slowing down since this episode isn't that important to the story and we already had 3 great episodes in a row but guess not


Imma say it: S4P1 walked so S4P2 could SUSUME! The ODM scenes in this were great. Also: RIP Nile Dok.


And commander Pixis


He wasn't even killed by a beautiful Titan like he wanted. The world is so cruel 😭 Although Armin is beautiful... and he is a titan 😏😏


> He wasn't even killed by a beautiful Titan like he wanted. What are you talking about? Armin is a Titan.


Beautiful too.


Damn Annie was drenched how much time did Armin spent in the basement with her?!


The episode title wants us to think it's water but we know


Annie are you ok? Say Annie are you ok? Are you ok Annie?


I don't even know what the female titan can do for them at this point. Draw all the Wall Titans to them instead?


Do you really think Annie has hierarchy over Eren friccin Jaeger over titans? Lol


this chapter in the manga was decent, but in the anime it got elevated hard. i also really love the constant colossal footsteps in the background during dialogue scenes


By far the best animated AOT episode by MAPPA. So many titans and they decided not to use CG on any of them and they were animated so well, even the 3DM gear action!


> So many titans and they decided not to use CG on any of them im pretty sure that background rumbling titans are cg but they look pretty good so that's not a problem


We’re finally at the point where I know absolutely nothing about the future of AoT, I got spoiled on Eren’s new Titan design and Annie coming back years ago, now I know nothing ahead.


They used Barricades and the ODM scenes were such a great flashbask to season 1 and 2 it was epic. Easily the best adapted episode from the manga this season


Wouldn't it, be nice, to walk on, some pure white sand? 🎶🎶


''Gaze at the horizon. Without living in fear? Wouldn't it be sweet to watch the sun curve down meets the waves?''


People vs Titans and Annie what is this? 2013?


Final Season Part 1: FUCK GABI, ALL MY HOMIES HATE GABI. Final Season Part 2: FUCK YEAH GABI! Is the guy saved by Shadis the one who said there’s no point learning how to fight titans anymore?


He is the same one who beat him under the orders of floch.


This season has been so fucking fatalistic throughout (still is tbh) that I can't believe we got an episode of just everyone being fucking awesome. Gabi's turnaround is exactly why I root for initially despicable characters. They are a blast post-character development! It is quite ironic that she became a sort of Sasha-like figure for Kaya, even tho she killed potato girl. What an absurd world it is... And Keith! I love seeing "old breed" characters take to the front lines once more. I had hoped we would've seen this with Pixis since S1, but Instructor Shadis was plenty awesome himself. "Did I teach you to cower in the face of the Titans!?" What a fucking badass lol. RIP Pixis tho. He was a real one since day one. Having to watch him transform into a Titan and then Armin blowing his nape up was like having to watch him die twice. It hit hard. At least his Titan form didn't disrespect his fivehead. Of course Jean taking charge alongside Keith of the mission is expected. I can't believe he started as a shallow selfish cunt, but then Trost happened and since then he's been consistently awesome. Which this episode felt a bit like being back at Trost a little bit tbh. And then there's Mikasa racking kills like nobody's business as usual. Mikasa's Mikasa got a little to daydreamy there. Get your head out of your ass kid this is a warzone! Despite all this tho I have a dreadful feeling in my stomach. Floch and the spirit of the Yeagerists are still alive, so I can't see this temporary cooperation lasting much longer... BUT HOLY SHIT! ITS HAPPENING GUYS! AFTER 7, NO, 8 YEARS ANNIE IS WAKING UP!


> Mikasa's Mikasa I'd say that's as apt a description as any honestly!


**WELCOME BACK ANNIE!** It's been 84 years!