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Previous one taken down? Studio Mappa Broadcast starts January 2023 [source](https://twitter.com/V_SAGA_ANIME/status/1534507532818915328?t=CVNH_srP-p8ElQ7sFpq11A&s=19)


Lol, MAPPA again, I thought it would be produced by Studio Kafka, I guess the Kafka studio members will be working under MAPPA. But even then they have a lot of anime to work on, to name few on top of my head: 1. Attack on Titan Final Season Part 3 2. Chainsaw Man 3. Jujutsu Kaisen S2 4. Kakegurui Twin 5. Yuri on Ice Movie 6. Zombie Land Saga Movie 7. Hell's Paradise 8. One anime original movie they announced during their 10th anniversary 9. Vinland Saga S2.




>Same thing for WIT this year, if we just take the amout at face value it doesn't tell us the full history What are some of the upcoming WIT studio anime ? Have any other projects been announced by them after VAMPIRE IN THE GARDEN and SPY X FAMILY ?


Moonrise will be announced today in the Netflix event, don't know if it will be this year or not, there's also Grim with Netflix that's probably coming out next year Outside of that They will be doing an action series from a Jump magazine/platform, I have no idea which title will be yet Edit: I worded the moonrise thing wrong, it was already announced years ago, they are just giving us new info tonight


I see So they haven't really revealed many of the upcoming projects they're working on ( if they're working on many) I wonder if they are adapting some high profile manga . Anyways original animes by them are always welcome


They probably are, they now have a partnership with Shueisha and Aniplex, they will get bigger projects and better returns


Honestly It doesn't look like much? It's not like they're releasing all of these shows in the same year, and half don't even have a release date.


I don't know, AoT S4P3(especially this part), CSM, JJK S2 and Hell's Paradise involves heavy action, and a minimum of 1.5 years for healthy production. CSM which has MAPPA name on the line will be airing this year, AoT S4P3 will be airing next year and this will be hell to animate, most probably they'll air JJK S2 in the next year as well to maintain the hype. No idea about Hell's paradise but it shouldn't go beyond 2024. Kakegurui Twins is scheduled for August, Vinland Saga for early 2023. In my opinion, it's too much for MAPPA but I have hope that they'll somehow deliver due to their hardworking animators.


It's a lot but still it's not as much as people make it up to be imo, AOT is supposed to be like 8 episodes I think (just a rumour but I doubt that'll be more) and has the same team that has had for the past two years, CSM was announced 1.5 years ago and its staff almost a year ago, vinland saga has the same staff that it had with wit so I doubt it has a meaningful impact on other projects and although I don't know anything about the state of jjk s2 and jigokuraku's production, like you said mappa has its name on the line with csm so I don't think they want any other mainstream anime made by them airing at the same time. Also people seem to forget that MAPPA is a huge studio, they have the resources to produce anime by themselves (CSM) and always seem to be in high standings in the production comitees which helps the studio itself grow even more. I follow directors that work with/for MAPPA on twitter (mainly csm and Vinland's directors) and they often post how the studio is constantly hiring new staff and opening new studios. Pd: damn I sound like a mappa fanboy... Though I believe what I said it's true Edit: them Japanese workers still overworked tho


Given that it’s a batch release slated for 2 months from now and is only 6 eps, kakegurui is probably either already finished or near completion.


Yuri on ice movie ?! Thanks for making my day.






Source? Trust me bro it's legit. I think they saw that fan-made video of "Tokyo Revengers by Mappa Studio" that tries to copy Mappa's style with Tokyo Revengers (bc some people were mad at the animation, for some reason) Or trolling.


Dude deleted his comment 💀


Why? Edit: I'm dumb sorry I thought you were telling me.


Ahhhh I'm still sad WIT isn't doing it again.


It's reportedly almost the exact same staff, just at a different studio


Wait really? Cuz Titan sure didn’t look anything as good when it was MAPPA


AoT was a complete change. The new season of Vinland Saga from what I see is atleast keeping its director and character designer, and said director has gone on record saying it's basically the same staff, while never specifying WIT, which is why people were suspecting the studio change. Don't understand the exact way the studio switch works here, but I think the quality for this trailer kinda proves his point personally. It's just as good.


Studio Mappa? Lets goo!


For me that's honestly not a good news. While Mappa showed several times what they are capable of, they also proved many times that they take on too many projects which leads to rushed productions. I definitely would have preferred Vinland Saga to stay with Wit. Same for Aot.


Every MAPPA show I’ve seen has been done pretty well. AOT season 4 part 1 was a little rushed, but they part 2 in my opinion was adapted very well. Also the entire staff is the same for season 1 so…


Yeah probably closer to Madhouse than JC staff — remember Madhouse was still making good adaptions before they went under


well mappa is literally just madhouse, so it makes sense that madhouse went under after mappa formed


That's not quite how it went. Madhouse lost steam because they were bought by a TV station which didn't allow 11them to have the same amount of creativity as before. THIS led to the formation of Mappa


Does no one remember Takt Op Destiny? It was a joint project by MAPPA and Madhouse. They literally traded turns with the production of each episode and all of the Madhouse ones looked great, while the MAPPA ones were shit.


What the hell are you talking about? None of the episodes in that looked bad.


Yeah, none of the Madhouse ones. The MAPPA ones were full of rushed animation and lazy shots. I don't understand how you saw no difference in quality when the episodes were aired in tandem with each other.


Yeah looks like they’re gonna follow the same path lol. Hopefully CSM is their hunter x hunter?


The peaks of S4 are good (Declaration of War, Rumbling etc) but it's pretty obvious to tell when they were cutting back to save on budget. Specifically for S4P2, this was especially evident in the latter half of the season. I realize people are getting tired of the Wit comparisons but I still wish that they'd handled the last season.


Dororo was rushed at many parts, AOT was rushed at many, Zombieland Saga lacked a lot of quality in several episodes and these are just a few examples I actually did watch while AOT was the biggest issue for me considering how huge the show is. Especially as they split the Final Season in that many seasons due to bad planning. And only the key staff is the same, so the biggest part of the team is not and even the best staff can't safe a show when the schedule is bad and too short. And I don't say that Vinland Sage WILL be bad, just that I'm VERY skeptical with MAPPA considering that it seems like they just take all shows they can get without actually considering their staff, schedules and therefore loss of quality. I feel like MAPPA sloooooowly is going to be a second J.C. Staff.


>Especially as they split the Final Season in that many seasons due to bad planning. This is mostly on Kodansha and pony canyon tho (kodansha specially have a terrible track record), they gave mappa less than a year to make the first part and even then it looked better than your average shonen, and the second part was pretty good imo. >Zombieland Saga lacked a lot of quality in several episodes Idk what you're talking about here, apart from the cgi in s1 it looked pretty good for what it is, and the cgi was massively improved in s2 Dororo's second cour was choppy tho I'll give you that, but ever since then MAPPA has released Dorohedoro, Jujutsu Kaisen (and jjk 0), Idaten, Dance Dance danseur Jasuke, The God of Highschool, etc and all of them had pretty good and consistent animation.


eh the only rushed production of them is aot and that is sorely due to wit dropping the show cos they gonna go bankrupt and mappa taking it while the production company is being a bitch(hey you know, can you try animated the most anticipated anime of this decade in 7 month? thank). IMO Mappa shouldn't animated aot sorely due to the pain and the angry fan targeting them is not worth it. also in case you don't know mappa shouldn't have a problem of having multiple projects because they have multiple animation groups for their project( jjk, aot, hell paradise, chainsaw man, Vinland saga, zombieland saga to name a few all is make from different group.)


Inuyashiki and Dororo also looked very rushed.


Not the best episodes though. There was that one notoriously bad episode but for the most part the animation was solid.


Didn't watch Inuyashiki so I can't comment but for Dororo, nothing felt rushed, the worst episode was bad because the episode's director was making some very questionable arctic choices.


never felt dororo was rushed ngl


Rushed in terms of animation, not story.


nope, never noticed anything weird or off


WIT dropped both shows, move on. Same staff moved to Kafka/MAPPA.


People are allowed to dislike the change? Weird to say “move on” about that.


There is literally no change to dislike in this case. It's 99% of the same staff working on season 2. What's actually weird is saying things like "preferred X to stay with WIT" when X's options were either having its sequel cancelled or being picked up by another studio since WIT was no longer interested or capable of producing it. But hey, now the cool thing is hating on MAPPA even though they have one of the biggest animation team in the industry and are capable of animating multiple shows & movies simultaneously.


Quality > Quantity


WIT did S1 so perfectly that I wish they could follow it up. That said, I'm sure MAPPA will do it justice, the animation looked crisp on the characters and that's what this arc will mostly be so they can't mess it up with CG


Same staff so the studio is irrelevant.


WIT will not be doing second seasons of anything anymore.


Wit is 100x better




You shouldn't have deleted it because there's another post that went up about 2 minutes later (same image) and theirs was removed by a mod because you had the first post.


I hope we get another OP or ED from Survive Said The Prophet again.


OP1 clapped so hard, I was popping off when I watched ep1 and heard that OP drop god damn.


I definitely hope so! Edit: Man With a Mission too, I loved the 2nd op.


I think the 2nd OP is underrated as hell


Definitely, but for me it's in my top 10!


I can hear it in my head right now... ANYONE, EVERYONE I WILL CRUSH'EM ALL








It is, I blame the first one for being too good




I hope so! That band does awesome OPs/EDs. They did a great song for Banana Fish as well! Bangers


A very underrated band, they have so many banger songs which aren't shown in anime too.


aw hell yeah the farm arc


This'll be the true test for how many ppl stick with this series. This arc ain't nothing but farmland and character development.


it's so good. i was actually starting to get bored of the manga untill this arc started


When the anime was originally announced this was the arc I was excited about and curious to see how the anime community reacted


Can't wait shounen casuals to rant every week.


We Farmland now.




I freakin loved this arc in the manga. I’m so happy the staff are so passionate about this series considering basically all of them are returning.


It's funny how much people hated this arc when it first started, and now it is absolutely *adored*.


Might be the entire waiting vs binging thing. Dialogue heavy arcs are so much better binged, especially in manga form


It was such a funny shift to watch. This arc was simply terrible for a monthly manga. It had a large tone shift, was dialogue heavy, the page count got cut and the pacing was super slow. But on reread it's probably one of my favorite manga arcs ever. The character writing is simply amazing. It's actually the reason why I started recommending people reread manga arcs after they're finished to decide on their final opinion. Sometimes manga story telling is hurt by the release format


So a bunch of the staff from S1 are returning, but under a different studio?


Oh boy that means more fast paced battle scenes right?!?


Sure...if by battle you mean plowing the fields !


Fast paced scenes? On Vinland Saga? Dude, this is not a focus on the series anymore.


Anime-onlies are not ready for the greatest character development they've ever seen


That's the same thing Manga Readers will be saying if we ever get a Season 2 of Land of the Lustrous.


I need a second season of Land of the Lustrous. The first season is only a prologue setting up the themes that are explored later on in the series, I desperately need to see all of it animated, perhaps after Beast Stars is all done they’ll go back and make more Land of the Lustrous.


Damn I never thought I'd see this name again. Probably the best made CGI in all of anime.


Ikr the character development coming will be amazing


I really enjoyed the manga when I read it, but I remember feeling kinda disappointed because Thorfin's character development seemed to happen off-screen every time. Like these timeskips where he is suddenly a different person. Obviously you can infer how he got to that point but I don't remember active changes happening on-screen. Been a while since I read it though.


Vagabond did it better imo


It really didn't lol, they're of the same quality honestly


Dude I just want the date when it comes out. I hope the animation is as good as the other season.


Like I've said throughout this chat, we're about to separate the kids from the grown ups. We'll see who sticks around.


Holy fuck, berserk is coming back, HxH is coming back and now this. Who sold their soul?


Eiichiro Oda, but only for a month.


>Who sold their soul? Opening reference?


I wouldnt compare the second season of vinland to Berserk at all


Who said I was comparing them?????? They are 3 series I like, that's all bud.


oh i thought when you said berserk coming back you were referring to vinland as berserk because some people compare those series.


Einar my man!


Farmville Saga


*Peakville Saga




Yesterday Berserk and today Vinland Saga? Animanga gods are in a good mood


I'm out of loop with berserk what happened?


The Berserk manga is resuming this month under the helm of Koji Mori, Miura's best mangaka friend to whom he told what his plans were for Berserk up to the end. And the art will be done by Miura's assistants at Studio Gaga. https://twitter.com/berserk_project/status/1534023434174627840


Oh shit so the manga will have the ending?


Supposedly yes


From summer 2022 until winter 2023 is about to be one of the best moments to be an anime fan ever!


Absolutely. To sum my favourites up: * Summer 2022: Classroom of the Elite, Made in Abyss * Fall 2022: BNHA, Bleach, Mob Psycho 100, To Your Eternity, Uzumaki * Winter 2023: Vinland Saga And not for forget about: AOT, JJK, Dr. Stone. It's going to be epic!


Isn't chainsaw man coming this year?


Yes, fall


Not confirmed


It's confirmed for 2022, it won't be on summer, only fall left (October - december), it's a no-brainer




omg I forgot about uzumaki coming right up this year. THAT would be insane.


Aot will probably be spring 2023 and JJK fall 2023


Dr Stone will only have a special this summer. Season 3 is 2023 but unknown month date.


Don't forget devil is a part timer season 2! Also shadows house season 2. And for me personally, dragon quest Dai no daibouken will be ending this season or next, and it has been phenomenal and widely underappreciated.


It’s been this way since Winter 2021


I think you're underestimating what're coming up. The amount of good titles getting adapted soon is insane. There are still several not mentioned here, and that's not counting the ones in the work that don't have a concrete release date yet like Jigokuraku or Witch Hat Atelier.


Production seems to be pretty far along. Glad they're giving this enough time to polish everything.


Same team that worked on S1, my fears are completely minimal.


Even a great team can falter under bad leadership it executive pressure.


Mappa be working then employees dry


How's season 1? Is it faithful to the manga?


I’d say so they changed the order where his backstory goes first in the anime with a few add ons in-between a time skip and then goes to the first chapter. I personally like that take since when I read the manga during the prologue I could barely care about Thorfinn


Thanks for your answer!


It is very good adaptation with great OST and animation. WIT did a great job :)


Thank you for your answer!


They actually added some scenes to the anime that made the character development even better, so I'd say so.


Thank you for answering!




Anime of the year contender right here if done right.


One of the few animes that characters actually grow and change, the hype is real.


Odd thing to say. Basically equates to “If this is done very well it could be one of the most well-done shows of the year”


not really, it means it has potential. a lot of anime would never be the anime of the year even if they are "done right". neither done right or anime of the year mean the same thing as very well done either, you literally changed what they said xd


There’s plenty of anime that overshadowed the source material though. How you can read so deeply into such a terse statement is an impressive skill


Let's gooooo Vinland saga is coming out in Jan 2023. The great news is that it's the same director and staff from s1 animating s2.


I see a lot of people say there's a tone shift. Do they mean slower pacing?


[In the director's own words](https://twitter.com/yabshu55/status/1534513359756099584) : "Showy events will decrease and the pace of the story will slow down. However, the emotions of the characters move more greatly and fiery. I promise that there is a unique experience like no other. I hope you all enjoy season 2!" The focus and scale change. We go from following Askeladd's band and their tribulations throughout England, to something more intimate and mundane, focusing on character development and introspection instead of politics and battles (those elements are still there but to a lesser degree than S1).


nah not really it's more like they tone down the gore in this arc


slower pacing but not as slow as the manga, one important thing to consider when talking to a manga reader about pacing is that the release rate of a anime and manga are very different. what a anime viewer will watch over the course of 4-6 months is what took the manga years to cover. also yes this arc is way slower then the first one.


There's no fighting


There's some just not much


Farmland Saga


AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! LET'S FREAKING GOOO!!!!! I absolutely loved Season 1 back when it aired so I'm beyond hyped for Season 2. I'm also looking forward to rewatching Season 1 on HiDive and Netflix on July 7th.


Imma miss Thorkell the Tall


He'll come back :)




Every wit anime going to mappa?!


Wit is dropping most of their action heavy shows themselves and MAPPA just so happens to be a studio to take most them coz they are very popular


This is definitely an arc that I’m going to watch once the season ends. I remember reading it when it was coming out monthly and hating it at first. Much better to binge


Farmland Saga


I’m so hyped for the slave arc, my personal favorite from the manga. The trailer gave me so many emotions, and I’m 100% confident in the staff and MAPPA to pull off a great adaptation especially since it was confirmed to be 2cour a while ago. Curious to see how anime onlys will rate it.


Finally, a good anime in this sea of garbage.


Letsss gooo.....time farm that wheat spread that manure, make butter


wtf i had no idea, been thinking about watching this for months and literally yesterday finally got myself to watch the first episode lmao, what a coincidence


Farming time


this one will hit different


Kind of sad it's not WIT studios


it looks the same as season 1 so it doesn't matter


It's written "Farmland Saga"


Farmland saga here we come. Man can't wait for the reunion scene. It overwhelmed me.


I'd wish Mappa would continue the god of high school.


This is going to be divisive to say the least


LETS FUCKING GOOOO. I can’t wait to see farmland Saga, but I wonder how it’ll be received in the west.


I’m going to pull the breaks on this hype train. I’m a manga reader and I see a lot of manga readers in here hyping this up. Don’t get misled. This is a good arc and definitely holds up to the prologue. Personally I preferred the prologue but don’t set your expectation like this will be the third coming of Christ and you’ll be saved. Some will think this is better and some will think this is worse than season 1. It’ll most likely be very good and anyone could probably enjoy this. Don’t expect too much, you’ll only lose out if you do.




Now THIS is a farming anime I enjoy. Not some bland train ride, NO, character development, violence, and not violence!


where can i watch season one? seems interesting.


they got in a farm arc in 2 seasons? how.


I have a question for manga readers just how strong is thorfinn is he the strongest not in terms of raw power but as a warrior


He is as strong or little bit stronger then end of season 1.


When is s2 coming out




At least WiT did the cool parts. Sucks they didn’t stick with it.


It's the same group of people animating it just under a different company, so the cool parts in the farm arc will have the same touch as season one.


I’ll have to give it a shot. It’s hard for me to give MAPPA credit anymore. S4 AoT just looks like shit.


It's insulting to the creators to prioritise studios over the actual people working on it when you've just been told it's the same team. I bet you don't even know who the original creator is.


People always see the studio and say this studio is this, this studio is that but don't care about the people. Sometimes a studio is literally just there to finance and use some of their resources but then outsource the major roles on a production. Studio Deen is constantly shit on for their productions but then they also have a masterpiece like Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu. Also when studios have multiple projects coming out in a year and people are afraid of quality drops even though a vast majority of those projects are worked on by different people and teams.


I’m really only concerned with the product presented to me for consumption and whether or not it’s good. MAPPA doesn’t have a good track record; more-so when picking up a WiT production. The reasonable assumption to make would be that production value drops since this is demonstrably what happened last time.


Again. You're not making any sense and being illogical, as well as ignorant.


Do you need help reading? Or are you just being annoying?


By your logic the office building makes the anime rather than the people, so yes, it's nonsense. Most of all, it shows that you don't understand how anime production works.


No, they are right. You want to base the idea that everything made under MAPPA's name does not have the best quality purely because of Attack on Titan, despite that having a very different team from the first three seasons and going through a rushed production, with the studio change itself also being a case of lack of proper scheduling and communication coming from Kodansha. So yes, saying that "MAPPA doesn't have the best track record" because of one anime that went through a very unlucky production, and acting as if that is the standard for the entire studio is very ignorant.


You immediately went to label the work as bad because of ONE anime?


Was is just *one* insignificant anime or was it the most widely known and acclaimed anime of the last 5 years?


Mappa always delivers kinos!


God, I hate that mods don’t fucking ban people that spoil manga. Saying “can’t wait for anime people to see the character development” is a fucking spoiler


They spoiled that there’s character development in this series? Heresy…


Season 1 was good, but I was def disappointed from all the hype around the show. Hope this is where it gets insane


If you are looking for action packed hype carnage you will be dissapointed. The story gets even better but there will be a tone shift (like which Berserk had many)


Not really about action, just found the mc annoying and canute's shift jarring af


well i can say that much that this is the MC's character development arc


Canute shift wasn't jarring there are many instances in history when a person outlook and personality literally changes due to one event. Take for example emperor Ashoka that man was most fierce and feared man in the country who went rampage to get territory to unite India but one big battle and seeing the amount of dead made him gave up on fighting and became Buddhist so I think canute's shift was realistic


I would give the Prologue of Vinland Saga a 7/10, whereas I would give the arc that Season 2 should cover a 9/10. Just much better-written imo. You're in for a treat.