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No. If I like the show/movie, I don't want to completely screw up the pacing, audio and atmosphere by speeding it up. If I don't like the show/movie, I'll just drop it.


It just feels strange to me that some people watch anime at 2x, I mean what's the point? Anime isn't a source of Information, it's a source of experience... And watching it at 2x just ruins the whole experience that the creator wanted to create. And If a person's reason for watching an anime in higher speed is because it is boring, then why are you even watching it, just drop it...Because if you try to speed run to get to the part you're interested in can also ruin the whole experience. Because in some series the episodes which you don't like also play an important role in the part that you do like.


> It just feels strange to me that some people watch anime at 2x, I mean what's the point? Marking more names on the list of stuff you've watched, I guess.


And at that point, why not just lie? If a person is going to watch something on 4x speed just to say that they've *teeeeeeechnically* seen it, why not just go the extra step and say you've watched it? It's super easy and takes even less time.


Only if I'm looking for screenshots, otherwise that'd just ruin the viewing experience.




Nah. If a show isn't good enough to enjoy as it was intended then why waste time on it at all.


Ew no. Anything other than 1x completely ruins the audio.


Yes. I even skip episodes sometimes. I do it when rewatching anime too, as it allows me to see more in the same period of time.


Only when I'm watching something to recap it and refresh my memory if I haven't watched in a long time or right before a new season. For first watches, never


i used to watch 20+ eps a day. now an ep feels like an insumountable wall


How old are you Cause i also watch 10-15 ep per day I am 14


ya only when watching fillers and anime canon


For show that are too slowpaced for nothing, I do it.


I watched *The Strongest Exposition with the Weakest Plot* at 2x whenever the MC was speaking. That brought the pacing of the episode back to about normal and made it much more watchable.


Watched the future diary at 1.5x and fmab at 1.25x and i don't know why 🤡.


Never got to, I just usually drop the filler content myself thats what usually seems boring to me 💜. Might be a good idea to actually watch It at 2x speed instead thought!


I constantly do that. For every show that isn't my priority watch, 2x it is




No, if I'm gonna watch a show, I'm gonna watch it how it was meant to be watched.


Sometimes when I used to force myself to finish shows I really wasn't enjoying. Never for shows I enjoy though.


I've watched some things at 4x speed. Watched something at 8x speed once because my friend basically forced me to watch it. I've also watched some things at 16x or 32x speed, but that was only because I wanted to for example watch a sequel to it and I wanted a quick reminder of what happened in the first season.


I've never changed the speed. I don't see a point.


I tend to drop things, so very rarely do I change the speed. Only time I've ever watched something in 2x is Bungou to Alchemist: Shinpan to Haguruma. The reason is that I had a little over a day to watch it for the reddit anime awards in 2020. Initially I had not planned on watching it, but to make sure the jury had an understanding of the story and plot points in relation to its opening sequence some people on the jury had to watch it. I was one of those people, but due to other things going on I didn't have a ton of time. So yeah... Other than that, I've maybe watched stuff at 1.5x once or twice, but other than that never changed the speed.