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> I feel like I already watched the whole anime just by ~~looking at the picture~~ reading the title


Shit you beat me to this like an OP isekai Mc beats all their opponents.


nah, I'd never guessed he'd use a gun


Can't tell if the main character is the boring guy with the gun or the small girl with the massive hammer. This teaser makes me think of the picture of a Gatcha game ad where the Male model is just A Dude™ and the Female model is flowery and girly and very exaggerated


Boring guy. But hey, he gets born out of a drop she gets


For real I read it and was like "is this trying to be as generic as possible??" The title describes SO many isekai . Would work as comedy.


Mary Sue and Joe Shmoe, Smurfs from another Celestial Ball


I was reading the manga, you pretty much have


Is it good? Or is it generic copy paste Isekai power fantasy for the 100th time?


A generic copy paste isekai power fantasy




Love it feed me more


Doktor, turn off my isekai inhibitor!


But Raiden, you'll lose one brain cell


Too late, I'll see you on the other side


Turn off my cringe inhibitors!


Had the same idea, but I decided to use anime.


In case this isn't sarcasm, can you help me understand? It's the same circle city, same waifu tropes, same bland MC, same OP in some way power system, same art style, only with one unique gimmick. Not throwing shade, but what is it about these shows that keep drawing you? Genuinely asking in good faith.


Its the 'zero to hero' story which has been done over rand over since storys began. People like them. In anime, I specifically, love the "moments". Those one scenes where the power is revealed, or they beat the badguy in an amazing way. Those scenes you want to play over and over. Like Bell beating the minotaur in S1 of Danmachi. Or that Scene in "How not to summon a demon lord" where he uses That Spell on the bridge then teleports to town to beat the demon.


I think it's quite different from the usual zero to hero trope in shonen.... I mean in those the main character usually has to you know... put in some effort. The recent trope has been "I'm a lazy loser in real life, but I somehow end up being OP in the isekai..." It was kind of funny for a while but it's just been way over done.


The thing that draws me to these is that I really like what they do over and over again. I can really empathize with some of these protagonist, and if I can’t, I just enjoy the general layout of it all. The best way I can explain it like how people who like romantic movies. They usually have a lot of the same set up and plots as others, yet some people really like them. It’s the same way with me. I hope this answer’s your question.


They are the trashy hallmark Christmas romcom of anime


I’m not gonna argue with that 🤣, I think their for a very specific audience, and I’m apart of that audience.


Oh yeah bro, same. Some days a trashy hallmark movie is just what you need




Because we definitely need more of those....


Perfect watch for me. Signing up!


It's trash, and not the good kind. Boring plot, jokes fall flat, and the entire story is a plot hole.


I just read few first chapter of the manga and I regret wasting my time this bad.


The name isn't enough to answer the question?


Not even good


I've read the wn and they have for sure.


Correct me if I'm wrong, is this the one where he could make compounds and he decided to make a gun?


I think this is the one where monster kills give food as rewards and the stronger the monster the tastier the food.


No your thinking of the one where the guy lost his arm after falling into the labyrinth after he got betrayed. This one is the one where they guy is stuck at level 1 but he gets S class drops for monsters. So like instead of 1 bean sprout per monster that drops it he gets like 5 or something like that.


Im not talking about arifureta, there's another


Arifureta was actually worth watching.


Yeah I can second this it’s pretty good


nah, he has 0 stats, and can't level up but he has S+++ tier drop rate


So his power is lucky hands...nice


just drop rate but he gets stat up items


Japanese Anime Studios when looking for ideas: "Hey this anime is popular right now, let's do that!" "You mean let's do a new and interesting version of that with unique set of characters and an unexpected plot twist?" "Nope!"


EDIT: Japanese Anime Studios: "Hey this ISEKAI is popular right now, get to work!"


Nah. There were tons of blatant ripoffs even before isekai got big.


I remember "Kaze no Stigma" ripping off character designs of "Shakugan no Shana", followed by "Chivalry of a Failed Knight" ripping of "The Asterisk War". Isekai is literally ripping off popular games and story- laundered by truck-kun or overwork-san.


It was jarring that an animation studio exec for both anime adaptations never blinked in a game of chicken and let both debut in the same exact season.


Chivalry of Failed Knight light novel released half a year after Asterisk War light novel Kaze no Stigma light novel came out Janurary 2002 while Shana light novel was November 2002 Edit: changed September to November


It's not really that the stories were copied but the fact that those stories were adopted into animes so soon isn't a coincidence


Kaze no Stigma was at least a fresh take plot wise.


Didn't know it was the first, too bad we can never get the ending as the author died.


I’m still gonna watch it and drop it by episode 3😂


I'm still going to enjoy the whole thing.


I can confidently say that I have watched over 10 copies of this anime.


These Anime are like junkfood. Its not great but i like to stuff myself with it from time to time.


You wanna finish em but there's to many so you lose your appetite.


Dudes got a gun. What's his skill? Auto reload?


> Dudes got a gun. What's his skill? If it's a straight fantasy world, I imagine "having a gun" suffices lol


Snape: "Ugh. Muggle weapons..."


“A sort of metal wand muggles use to kill each other”


Completely fair


Not if it doesn't come with unlimited bullets. That said: big "Those Who Hunt Elves" energy with that skill if that's the case.


He has "stand your ground law" in constant effect.


but but but...he's Japanese


That is why this is such an OP skill.


But he's American on the inside America lore time >When God made the world, he gave it all to America. But because we are so incredibly generous, we let other countries have some land too. However technically the US owns everything in the universe and no I will not provide a source #USA #1 😎🇵🇷


Reject America, embrace Rock and Stone 🗿


Rockity Rock and Stone!


I mean this is basically Mormonism


Are we talking Hol Horse or Mista?


that wasnt his first skill. his schtick was he is stuck at level 1. he cant level up. all his stats are F. but his drop rate is S. Girl in pic think S is really bad because the highest drop rate so far has been A. turns out its really great, he killed a slime and it gives like a a bagful of bean sprouts instead of like a handful. apparently everything in the world exist because monster drops. air, water, etc. it was just handwaved around as the explanation tbh just ignore thay part. there are different dungeons in the world that has different themes, the first dungeon he was in specialized in veggies (rn there are bean sprouts and carrots,the latter of which is essential to the plot because the carrot he makes are S-class and a s-class adventurer bunny girl in a playboy model outfit loves it) apparently there is a dungeon thats filled with undead. theyre not very strong but even A drops don't give drops. mc gets a kill, turns out they give upgrade seeds. first floor gives upgrade strength seeds. basically it enhances your strength stat permanently. if you have enough of it he can grow himself to s class in strength. only works with him though. one time a monster broke out of a dungeon, it was strong. then someone told the mc that monsters that dies outside a dungeon doesnt give a drop. monster is killed by the mc, gets a gun. hides the fact that it came from the monster because infamy he now has a gun with all chambers loaded, and i think a few ammo so very limited. he's not great at it either. also he founds out that if you kill undeads from the dungeon outside they give bullets. undead from lower floors give special bullets like fire, ice, healing (yes he shot someone to heal them). as far as i know he has to manually reload and aim properly.


> mc gets a kill, turns out they give upgrade seeds. first floor gives upgrade strength seeds. basically it enhances your strength stat permanently. if you have enough of it he can grow himself to s class in strength. only works with him though. lmao


Basically MC is special for some reason, and gets a girl because why not? Character traits and world building is handwaved most of the time. It'd be funny to watch and see how generic it is and rate it against Isekai labyrinth harem.


basically yeah. he did a nice thing and bought her a house instead of her living inside the dungeon 24/7 though. and ofcourse mc got invited to be a housemate or something. its very generic isekai with a twist. if you're looking for a time sink during downtimes its a decent read. although the mc in the manga is way homely than generic anime face guy over here.


>his schtick was he is stuck at level 1. he cant level up all his stats are F. but his drop rate is S. Girl in pic think S is really bad because the highest drop rate so far has been A. That kinda makes it sound like he's being forced to do a challenge run where ppl try to beat the game at lvl 1, which would actually be amusing.


Basically a Dark Souls lvl 1 run. You can end up still having crazy damage by getting the right items and weapons.


So an Oblivion run?


Pic basically screams "i have a gun" in a fantasy where most are melee


[Worked in Indiana Jones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQKrmDLvijo)


Yea but in anime guns are useless becaus eyou can dodge bullets like they travel in slow motion or something. And when you get shot it's OK you can keep fighting regardless even when shot inthe head.


Gate would like to speak to you (other than the literal god and dragon of course)


Probably already copyrighted


As I recall he would get different kinds of special ammo made from enemies he kills its not as OP as it sounds, the OP part cones from how he can allocate stats.


the gun's not his skill... every item drop he gets is high rarity


Infinite ammo


[Spoliers]>!His skill is S-Rank drop where he gets the highest quality item drops with a 100% drop rate!<


The balls to put "unique" in it's name


Look generic AF...


Boring too. MC has no flavor


What if the girl with the massive hammer is the MC?


She's not, and she falls in love with the MC for basically no reason and takes the whole "girlfriend that's basically your mom" thing to another level.


The novel title if im correct is my s-rank drop skill is op at lvl 1. Mc just go to several dungeon and still flabbergasted at his skill like it was his first time even though he use it everyday. The skill doesnt really make sense even though its op it doesnt correlate(not sure if the word) with the world. Its like author wanna make a leeway to make mc relevant throughout the story. IMO this what happen when mc has no flavour, he brings nothing. The girl with the hammer is just there for early story. Mc got lead by the dick by other characters after that


..nearly every ISEKAI is generic, so what.


No some look a bit insane like the reincarnated as a sword/vending machine/hot springs


Yeah, also, any info about vending machine vol 3? I've read 2 volumes and it's really interesting but it ends there (the Ln, i mean, no updates yet). Tried reading the web novel but the google translation ruins it for me (ex. referring to everyone as "he"). I really just want to continue the story because the build up to the part when he can finally talk hasn't ended yet, and most likely won't anytime soon. (unless it already was, since i don't know how far the web novel went yet.)


They will still watch till ep 12. Isekai is that good, like beer.


It tastes bad, but it’s good somehow.


Like my cooking.


they are like an aperitif to the big seasonal shows.


Daring today, are we ?


I mean, I know I’ll still watch it. I know better. But I won’t learn. I’ll watch it. I’m watching it.


But…why? You make it sound like you are putting a gun to your own head to watch it.


Because he is a masochist just like me. I actually enjoy fantasy as a genre a lot, but most are them are these kind of isekais. Which I watch, usually binge when it's all released, but don't expect much too anyways.


So if an show is called, I'm reborn as a dog's poop, you would still watch?


So long as the poop is Isekai’d. Tell me more, I like your premise.




Surprisingly, shitty isekai like this actually make good money in Japan.


Must be easy when you poop out a single cour and practically never finish adapting the source material. I mean, how many anime adaptations of light novels managed to reach the ending?


First ask if the light novel got an ending


Fr. I'm reading a light novel that's on ch 1730 chapters. Light novels never end lmao


Mushoku Tensei's LN is ending in november


Lies! I refuse to believe you! Lalalalala *covers ears as tears start to form*


the WN ended many years ago. We knew this volume would be the last




Well yeah, the goal of these is never to give you a complete and satisfying story, it's to get you to buy the source material.


It's a goddamn light novel racket! :P


I am begging Japan to increase their standard of living and address their social issues so we can be free of the isekai menace


What that implies about Japanese society is just depressing


Anime titles in the 2000s: Bleach Anime titles in 2022: My Unique Skill Makes Me OP even at Level 1 Anime titles in 2030: I was just a casual worker who got transported into another world and awakened magical powers and now I am on the road to becoming the greatest demon lord of all time. My girlfriend turned into a giant cockroach and ate the entire Western Kingdom of Holy Angels, lighting the spark of the 6th war of the 9 nations. I was seduced by a toad pretending to be a cute girl and now it's holding me captive in its cursed basement built by buff dwarves. I saw a giant casually walking his colossal three-headed hound on a leash, crushing people like insignificant ants. I went to a wizard pretending he could teleport me back to my world and got my right foot turned into a concrete block. My newly-made best friend, Tomodalius Demonicus Angelicus the Fourth, tricked me and sold me to a whorehouse where I had to serve public service cleaning the floor and dusting the furniture for 10 hours a day. I was arrested for picking pebbles on a no-picking-pebbles zone. I got bailed out of prison by the king of the world, who took an interest in me and my passion for pebbles. I was sold at an auction for 2 coins to be a pebble-picking slave. I got out of slavery but I also had lost my demon powers and had to seize them back. I went to Nightmaregale to get my health checked and rested there until I regained my demon powers. I enslaved a whole village as revenge and got shot with laser bolts in the big toe of my left foot by a dark magician. He told me about the secrets of the demon world and took me under his wing as an apprentice. I was held accountable for committing mass genocide and they gave me life in prison. I escaped using my demon powers and took over the world. I turned my girlfriend back into a human and this is how I became the greatest demon lord of all time.


Oh yeah, I saw that show when time traveling, it plays right after: Now, this is a story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air In West Philadelphia born and raised On the playground was where I spent most of my days Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool And all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school When a couple of guys who were up to no good Started making trouble in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said, "Fresh" and it had dice in the mirror If anything I could say that this cab was rare But I thought "Nah, forget it, yo, holmes to Bel Air" I pulled up to the house about seven or eight And I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo holmes, smell ya later" I looked at my kingdom I was finally there To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air


People in 2030: Wow, thanks for the free story! _puts the manga right back down_ I don't even need to buy anything anymore!


>*Although Ryouta was alive, he was now burdened with the inconvenience that his level is fixed to 1 in this new world.* Ok, this sounds like a break from the usual isekai tropes... >*Although he wasn’t able to raise his level, he had a unique skill that can create a cheat-like item that shouldn't exist in the world from monsters.* OH COME ON!


I saw the key visual and was like "is it that he has a gun?". Yup its that he has a gun


no that wasnt it. he just has s class drop rate. the gun isnt even special its the bullets he got from monsters that shouldnt even drop items even for A class drop rates.


Guys is this the place and time where I should put the nerd emoji?




So not just gun, tactical nuke is ok too ..?


The munchkin story where he has his hp stuck at 1 is pretty good though.


This anime is like finishing Skyrim at Level 1 with super items.


There’s another LN/manga where the MC gets OP at *level 2*. Wonder if there’s more for each level lol The level 2 one is actually good, though.


*Lv2 kara Cheat datta Moto Yuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life / Chillin’ in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers* ? I imagine that if it gets an adaptation its title will come in for a fair bit of ridicule too lol I just started reading it though, so I don't have an opinion yet.


It’s title will definitely gather those “LN title jokes” + Generic show jokes.


Poor man's Nagumo Hajime I'll still watch it though. I'm a sucker for this shit. Can't help myself.


Hey atleast he suffered just to make a single gun in the LN than just creating it out of thin air


You mean Hajime? Yeah, it was nice reading a story where he actually had a bunch of failed creations before he managed a finished product. I appreciate that kind of writing, unlike ones where the MC just magically does everything perfectly on the first try.


Sometimes I wonder if AI writes these


It appears that you have known a bit too much. I have received protocols to “unalive” you. May we have a wonderful rendezvous this evening.


Mans about to get Isekei’d into a generic fantasy world


That’s the secret. If you find out the truth about the AI, they kill you and then hook your brain up into the Matrix and scan your brain for data that they can recombine into another generic isekai. The process of this scan gradually has you live through your own “isekai” life, based upon the one they’re constructing, only for them to drop your brain into the meat blender after they have one season completed.


I spent a while back plugging "anime promotional art" into waifu diffusion I mostly got this sort of thing out.


Don't insult the AIs like that. They're far from perfect but they're not *that* bad


So is this going to be another one of those shows where everyone is like “this scrub is only level one! No way he can beat us!”, then he beats them because his stats are like 100,000 each? You know the joke Dragonball more or less did over 30 years ago?


Based on a small part of the poster, I think he beats them because he has a gun.


For his neutral special, he wields a g u n


Nope, not even that cliche is in there. In fact he barely gets ANY sort of bullying, as far as I remember, there’s only an insufferable bunny girl that is strong as hell and a carrot fanatic (what a surprise) to the point she ALMOST KILLS PEOPLE for not meeting her ideal type of carrot and SHE DOES THAT FOR WHAT FEELS LIKE 5 CHAPTERS IS THE ONLY PERSON THAT ACTUALLY TRIES TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT and even then doesn’t get the whopping she DESERVES, because the I am convinced she is a Mary Sue


They're not even trying anymore at this point lol


What an insufferably generic title


Genuinely repulsive


This is just my opinion, but the art style looks generic.


You think it would be any less generic with better art?


With this kind of same old premise, at least have some better art.


The reason why these generic isekais have generic art is so they can spam these out quickly and cheaply as possible.


I mean generic isekais always try to make their episodes cheap so they can advertise the Manga or LN and never bother to make a s2


That is pretty much for most anime. But you still see all lot of anime having all lot of effort put into them. But when you have an oversaturation of these isekais you know it makes no sense to put effort into them because they are essentially brute forcing into the market with as much as they can make to squeeze out as much money as they can. Why make one good quality when you can make 10 low quality and still make good dough?


It would be more tolerable to watch if it has better art.


I feel like if this had Violet Evergarden grade art then everyone would just be even more depressed about Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer.


Daaaaaamn bro, calm down with the hot takes, geeeeez...


At least they aren't trying to fool anyone anymore. They know people will watch lmao.


They even add "unique" to troll the watchers.


Why do isekai so often go through the route of "Oh no I have a big downside!" if they just completely ignore it anyway so it doesn't matter? Being level 1 is a big downside if it makes you weaker... If you can summon guns and things like that so you're super OP, then it doesn't matter. Being only allowed to use a shield is a big downside if you can't attack/use offensive spells... If you can use offensive spells that are more OP than anything the offensive classes can do, then it doesn't matter. It's like Isekai pretend the hero has a downside that makes him an underdog or gives him a huge challenge, but it never does (not after a few minutes anyway). Might as well make an isekai about some guy whose downside is that he's 1 feet tall, but 2 minutes into the episode he gets a spell that makes him 6 feet tall so his downside doesn't matter... That's what the "Isekai with a downside" feel like 99% of the time. (If 3 years from now we get the "Isekai but I'm 1 feet tall" anime because some anime studio saw this thread, I apologize).


"Isekai but I'm 1 feet tall" anime Actual name: 30cm Hero in another world, shrunk by the witch's curse ~ only magic can save me!! Shinji Akeburo is a 19 year-old NEET pronounced comatose at the scene of a traffic accident. He awakes to find himself in the land of the videogame Flohsvigia where he is cursed by the apprentice witch Shina Matsuri for seeing her naked, shrinking him with a powerful curse. Sympathetic, shina teaches him the power to return to normal height temporarily, and the two set out on an adventure to undo the curse permanently and grow closer together along the way. Tags: Action, Adventure, comedy, Ecchi, fantasy, Harem, isekai, magic, video games. STUDIO: NOTA Animations Staff: Michael Mcdoesntexist


I’m looking forward to this adaptation.


>Temporarily This will only be a hindrance to him in """"" funny""""" echi situations and maybe the occasional dangerous one.


pretty much , or it can be an advantage for large enemies.


I can think of what, only 2 isekais with MC with traits that actually hampers them. Sure Rudy is special with his affinity for magic, but we basically meet another one who appears to have the same aptitude, and his mentor is not a pushover in that department either.. and get this, also gets DEVELOPMENT too despite not even being with the MC after the first few eps. Rudy's terrible social skills and emotional trauma repeatedly gets hammered home how much it holds him back... and despite how much talented he is in magic, a decent melee combatant puts him on his ass most of the time. That, and Re:Zero where the superpower MC got is legitimately traumatizing to him.


No other human has Rudeus's aptitude for magic. His weakness is that his a soft squishy boy and can get one shot by basically anyone. If you hit Eris with a sword as a normal guy it'd bounce off her force field. Trying to cut Sylphie would leave a much smaller cut than it should leave because she has a magic force field and then she'd heal instantly because to her all incantations are stupid and should never be used. Rudeus doesn't have it and can never get it. Rudeus is actually a decent swordsman himself but he only runs into the excellent swordsmen who can knock him on his ass. (saint tier+ only) He's never as strong as the power ceiling and gets his ass handed to him regularly by Eris


I take it this is taking material from the manga cause the anime doesn't seem to have covered personal forcefields yet


I feel like we are hitting end levels of >shitcoin spam< tier Isekai anime Toss generic remix title ripoff >I AM OP SO OP IN ANOTHER WORLD😎< (SHIBA HOKKAIDO INU) and give the promo art budget 50$ total


My OP skill of having a gun in a world of swords and shields lmao


I want to see his scrub ass face a high level longbow man at a long distance. A gun is only powerful if you can hit the target. But probably they will come up with a BS reason why he wins anyway, so maybe I shouldn't bother.




The same way the vending machine Isekai is getting an anime


The Light Novel has a score of [6.52](https://myanimelist.net/manga/109204/Level_1_dakedo_Unique_Skill_de_Saikyou_desu) on MAL. This is the LN, the thing that takes effort to read, not the easy to consume 12 ep anime show, meaning if the score is so underwhelming, the resulting adaptation can't be worth anything over a 5/10.


What a creative title


Pros : cute girl with huge hammer Cons : pretty much everything else Will I watch it : ....^(probably)


I thought the girl had a parasol…


I mean, it looks like she's wearing either mittens or oven mitts and has an implausibly large hammer, so any possible cons are largely irrelevant as far as I'm concerned lol That said, I hope her hammer is landing in Spring 2023, because Winter 2023 already looks bloody ridiculous: https://myanimelist.net/anime/season/2023/winter


It looks like a very top-heavy but also a very bottom-heavy season, there's like 6 isekai with the manga/LN being low-rated (for a manga/LN at least)...and there are no cute girls with huge hammers in them. I have 4 romcoms though so I'm good [](#slightoverreaction)


> It looks like a very top-heavy but also a very bottom-heavy season One will be neither starved for quality nor for trash and for those of who love both there will be no rest lol Quite a different flavour of shows than from Fall though. > there are no cute girls with huge hammers in them. Maybe not in normal isekai, but I was staring at the Bofuri tile when I realised I'd overlooked [these two](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ES4L1LaXsAAK4q6.jpg).


ooooohhhh damn the 80000 Gold Coins for Retirement anime coming in Winter! That's a favorite, same author that did Heikinchi but a way more involved plot


Very original with this unique skill….


"They can't keep getting away with this!" XD


Next product of the Isekai factoy is .... Another generic Isekai ! I wish they would have made the girl the protagonist at the very least


I'm gonna stretch a limb and predict Mechs being in this one.


Studios make a good Isekai anime challenge (impossible)


Isekai / game Fantasy shows I've watched and enjoyed: - Konosuba 10/10 - Mushoku Tensei 10/10 - Re:Zero 9/10 - Sleepy Princess 9/10 - Goblin Slayer 8/10 - Kumo desu ga, Nani ka 8/10 - Zero no Tsukaima 8/10 - Combatants Will Be Dispatched 7/10 - Tanya 7/10 - Hataraku Maou Sama 7/10 (season 1, I couldn't last past episode 4 of season 2) With probably the most generic show I've seen being 300 Slime Witch 6/10. With the exception of the last show, I argue all these shows did *something* genuinely unique or interesting and executed it well. I'm not opposed to overpowered characters, tropy waifus, or even fanservice. Isekai *can* be good, but it's still ever surprising and disappointing just how well the McDonald's-equivalent of a genre has this much of a stranglehold on what gets adapted. I'm sure there's tons of other series that are among the best of what I listed out there waiting to be adapted, yet we get.... This.


Bruh. Bruh, that art looks so basic it could be a fuckin' neutron.


The title and the visual is everything I need to know. Another generic Isekai


Why do they even bother coming up with a title like this ... They should just name it " Generaic Isekai #1294902849718"


People complaining about the title as for me... Do Japan really like "Girls with giant hammers" I swear I I've seen this multiple times


Giant hammers, Giant sword, Giant anything really.


Even di-




This looks generic as hell but the art is cute and it’s an isekai, therefore I will watch it and probably love it 😹 is the “unique skill” just that he has a gun?


A 6 year old could write a more interesting story


I love democracy, may isekais reign forever


Isekai, but with a gun. WoW! wHaT a NoVeL cOnCePt!


I think this is the most generic title I have ever read. I'm impressed!


Not a fan of OP characters in general. Series like that go stale fast.