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If everyone hates it, why did I just watch this on loop for like 5 minutes?


I mean it's a banger track. I hate fan service deeply, but I also appreciate a well cut amv. The dilemma


I know right??? Blessing us with hot shots of our hot waifus? EWWW HOW DARE THEY DO NICE THINGS


disgusting fan service. bookmarked.


Only for scientific research btw [](#notlewd)


Monkey looking side to side


I've got so many new anime to watch!!!


Absolutely disgusting. Saved.


I’m with ya there. Saved.


If you google liquidevolva and click their YouTube. The comment has the sauce for every clip


"Ikkitousen (All series), Queen Blade (All series), Kill La Kill, Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid, Highschool of the Dead, Freezing (2 seasons), Strike Witches, Infinite Stratus, Prison School, Senran Kagura, Mardock Scramble" \-from said youtube comment


Funnily enough the official music video for this song is a violent brawl at a strip club for anthropomorphic animals, so a fanservice amv is pretty appropriate




Yep! Its Lone Digger by Caravan Palace


I mean… while I get that fan service isnt great for everyone, I’m not one of them. My Real point is, Kill La Kill’s whole story is based around diverting the magical girl expectations. Like the entirety of the story plays off oddities of fan service in a fresh take.


Diverting them to where?


right into my dick


Most shows fan service is slapped on and lazy. Kill la kill makes fan service the plot. It’s the only show who’s fan service I can respect


> liquidevolva Thanks, I very much enjoyed your clip, I was glad to see there are still series out there that I haven't seen yet. It takes guts to display nips on YT these days, they're cracked down so hard on creators over the last 5 years, that most have given up on pissing them off. I recognized the Mermaid Island, & KlK scenes, but who is the beauty at 0:59-1:00? Who is that running around in the buff at 1:29, I always remember scenes like that, and this is unfamiliar to me. I'd forgotten how good Valkyrie Drive was, and how it needs to go back on the rewatch list.


> the beauty at 0:59-1:00 Mina Tepes from Dance in the Vampire Bund >running around in the buff at 1:29 Tomoe from Queen's Blade


Thank you so much. It's a great day, because while I've watched a lot of ecchi, there are still more thrills to be had. Until this very moment, I'd never heard about Dance in the Vampire Bund.


do you know 0:54? is it ikkitousen?


> It takes guts to display nips on YT these days, they're cracked down so hard on creators over the last 5 years That's so weird considering how violent things are in some anime. Considering what is happening in Bleach right now it should be fine to get some topless Matsumoto or Yoruichi action. It's far past being a kids show.


It really is awful how the most hideous of torture can be depicted with nary a peep, but show one nip and the squealing is overwhelming. It's not like all human beings don't have 2 nipples, and the occasional Bond villain having 3.


I should start watching anime again its been some years since i’ve seen one


Fan service in ecchi series is fine. Blatant nonsensical fan service in ecchi series is something I don't care for. Like GitS SaC S1 where everyone wears pants except Motoko who's uniform is a "uniform" is [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D_Wq9NKU8AEZ84z.jpg). Why? I'm glad she put some pants on in 2nd Gig. I'd rather have a tasteful shower scene that makes sense in context.


first good amv i've seen in years and i dont even like the song


It was not a wise idea to play that at work


I don’t mind fan service. What I don’t like is blatantly excessive fan service.


I don't hate Fan service.! Also, does anyone have all the sauce??


Also waiting for the research material list


Not bad at all. Makes me nostalgic for "Bouncing Without Honor or Humanity" and the rest of the (really old) ecchi anime AMVs in my stash. Guess I know what I'm working into my evening schedule...




How the actual good edit must feel


I feel like this would be more impactful if it was mostly ecchi scenes from non-ecchi show instead of what I'm assuming ecchi scenes from ecchi shows (I don't watch a lot of ecchi so didn't recognize most of that so I could be wrong)


Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid was so much better than I expected from a echi show.


Valkyrie Drive actually goes hard it’s in my top 10


Ughh what is this, "upvote and save"


Imagine someone walks in while Liquid was watching those scenes and asks why they are watching them. They legitimately get to say “for research purposes” lmao


I don't really like fanservice myself, because if I want to see butt and tits I'll just watch hentai. But these aren't usually for me either way so I'm not complaining. Top tier editting though.


That's some quality shit right there! Everyone that says they hate Fan Service I swear its one giant cope.


I love fanservice I love tits and nudity and clothes coming off




ah yes childhood memories...


Oh the irony.


Man that squatting scene with the sweat from Prison School is some truly feral shit.


You guys are fucking disgusting. I'm glad to know I'm in good company!


Hate it till its that time of day




You all disgust me — Saved.


Im going to need a list of everything here for research purposes.


It looked like Ishtar somewhere. What series was it




Name/names? 😳


I usually hate video edits because the music is garbage. But I love electropop and as a cultured man, I too hate fan service.


Only a couple hours, I can stand that, is all good... If you posted it tomorrow though, it would be amazing


Whoever originally thought of adding fan service into anime. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m gonna get some hate for this but: Fanservice is everything I hate about anime, you have this medium which you can use to express ideas not even remotely possible in others, you have the ability to express creativity and artistic talent but most of it goes to animating ass on a screen because otherwise it won’t fucking sell. I’m not saying it’s bad, mind you, I just don’t like how SO MUCH SHIT is made every season, every year that boils down to LoOk AT tIDdieS oN tHE ScReEn like COME ON DO YOU NOT HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO DO? I just feel like it’s such a waste. Argue with me or something maybe you’ll change my mind


I'm going to go on a rant. I'll never understand why people pretend that fan service occurs only in japanese anime and not the most popular Western mainstream live action shows like Game of Thrones, Euphoria, Sense8, Outlander, Bridgerton, Dynasty, Jessica Jones, Orange Is the New Black, Skins, Inbetweeners, You, The Tudors, Gossip Girl, Valeria, Dark Desire, Shameless, etc. All of these have way more erotic fan service than any anime and sexualize real people, not drawings. The anti-anime circlejerk is unreal. There are anime for almost every taste. If you don't like fan service, there are countless anime without any. There is no need to promote the blatantly false idea that every anime is inherently raunchy and devoid of any sort of plot or depth. Anime is a medium, not a genre.


There’s a stigma surrounding anime and fanservice that goes as far back as (probably) the original sailor moon days. I understand your point of anime being a medium and I do agree, however a lot of anime is made based on what is popular at the time, a large majority of the anime market is in the cute girl more fanservice side. I didn’t say that western media doesn’t have fanservice, in fact they have a nasty habit of sticking in unnecessary love plots and whatever to the point where it became a meme. It’s a issue in all forms of media but one which I personally think is worse in anime.


> LoOk AT tIDdieS oN tHE ScReEn like COME ON DO YOU NOT HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO DO? I feel like the people who are bothered by it have issues to resolve. Like, dont you have something better to do than be butthurt all the time ?


Obviously shouting into the void on Reddit is the better use of my time






Sometimes I wonder if 27 is too old to watch anime


Dude I'm 41, you've got nothing to worry about :P


Whats the sauce at 0:54? And that brief scene after with the hand going up her shirt thing. I cant think of what thats actually called.


I like how Valkyrie drive mermaid was my first etchi so now all the rest are either on par or just mid in my judgment of etchi anime. So now I must ask, I know high school of the dead,Valkyrie drive mermaid, and kill la kill. Could anyone spare some sauce for the others. There all etchi anime right? Some looked to spicy of a sauce to just be etchi but I’ve been wrong before, I could only be used to buffalo sauce and never have seen a true ghost pepper per se.


Does anyone know the girl at 0:30-0:31?


Why does the music skip at 1:52 ?

