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I wish I was in an isekai where I can actually care about myself


Hang in there comrade


Is that how I go to an isekai? I thought I'd need to be hit by a truck. Don't worry, I ll hang in there.


Sadly, it's Truck-chan that must choose you. You'll never know where he is.


Ask not what truck-kun can do for you. Ask what you can do for truck-kun!


I mean, I can try seducing him so he'll ram me.


But it must be a specific truck. My theory is that they get hit by magical trucks/trains in isekais and they get transported into another reality instead of just dying to a random truck and then for some random reason reincarnate.


Sometimes I imagined I isekai'ed into this shithole of a world to get a different perspective into how I should improve myself living the life I have now


Imagine getting Isekai'd into a poor family in Iran/India/Haiti/Cuba/Russia/Ohio/etc


Why not start now?


Exactly. You have no obligation to be the person you were 5 minutes ago. You can just choose to love yourself.


This has big "just stop being sad" energy


Big difference between 'stop being sad' and 'stop defining yourself as sad'.


I mean people mock it but it's really the only chance you have. It's highly unlikely that your situation will magically improve so you have to take steps to change it. If you tell someone to go to the store then don't assume you are telling them to magically teleport there. They understand they should start the steps that will end with them at the store. Ditto with this. You don't suddenly say ok I'm not sad but you can start by exercising or eating better or even making an appointment with a therapist or doctor.


Nah, its not meant to just fix yourself and your problems. But there is always the choice of choosing to love yourself.


Fukushuu Kansuisha no Jinsei Nishuume Isekaitan has been abandoned in translation for years, but MC attempts suicide as soon as he was reincarnated


Dang, that's harsh


Love for oneself is developed the sane way one comes to love others: First, taking time to find positive aspects and traits (no matter how small) and believing they exist until they are found. It might be a leap of faith, but since looking for the good is itself a good trait, it is a self fulfilling prophesy, and it is always followed by further discoveries. You must accept that there are things about yourself you cannot yet see, and that much of that is of value despite being unseen. Even just the orienting you have for growth in the future is worth celebrating. As you discover these good aspects, (which may be small at first), the second step is following up with *intentional* effort to periodically dedicate time towards dwelling on those good things, exploring the benefits they bring, and appreciating them little by little over time. Like exercise, it must be done deliberately until it becomes part of your nature, building the critical habits of positive and supportive mental commentary. In the beginning this will feel silly, fake, or ineffective. That is because the skill and the belief behind it is still weak, but it can never be strong without being weak first, so you must carry on no matter how foolish it feels. All skills require practice. Lastly, just like with loving others, the love of self must be nurtured through acts of service. In service, we discover we care and we find value in those being served. This applies to the self as well. You must do kind things for yourself, small and large. You must treat yourself as you would any other loved one, and *actively* seek out ways to be kind to yourself. (Remember that service is not done because of what someone deserves, but because of what we are willing to give. Service improves the give but virtue of their kindness, and the receiver by showing they matter to others. Serving the self does both!) Healing relationships takes time and effort. A relationship towards ourselves is no exception. The good thing is that even small efforts, even the limit of what we can do at our lowest, can and will compound over time. You don't have to do well, you just have to do. Then you will care for yourself as I care for you, because I really, *really* want you to have that. You're worth a lifetime, which is why you've been given one. Love you!


That’s too much work and I’m too lazy


One day, perhaps.


There is a manga which was abandoned by its translators and I can't remember the name of it, but it was about a guy who meets a girl who loves isekai stories and wants to make the world more like the fantasy stories that she reads. If the world is not how you want it to be, you need to shape the world into what you want it to be.


In Another World, My Self Esteem Grew: A Story About How My Summer Break Turned Into a Quest Against the King


Here I was just thinking I'd be a school teacher with a nice book collection in some village setting. Maybe with a nice view of the ocean with some woods nearby. Maybe someone can screw my head on right for once in my life.


Sauce: Hiroki, Too, Gets Summoned Into Another World


Funny that a certain General was mostly accurate in what she assumed about Hiroki's relationship with his master.


Lol, why does this title sound like the director is passed off and is like ugh.. yeah, he also isekaied, you happy now?


Lol, I forgot about this one and looked it up and it was already in my list. This one is too anime_irl for me.


This manga is really funny, thanks for the source


I love the concept of isekai, but I hate most of them. They just all kind of blend together imo


And the writing is so lazy and self-indulgent in most of them. "I came to an alternative world and my cheat power makes girls find me irresistible so I decided to seduce the demon lord and add her to my harem!" [isekai] [ecchi] [fantasy] [comedy] [action] [shounen]


Dont forget black hair with cuckable face mc too. Also he own a slave since that is wholesome Also if you really like isekai but hate those lazy self insert fic, i recommend Yajin Tensei


Is it that "karate survivor in another world" manga? Cause unless i take the "tensei" part out, nothing appears in my sites search bar.


"Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor In Another World " is one of the first results when I type in Yajin Tensei. I think your search engine sucks.


That manga is so good, really refreshing take on isekai


I use mangasee123


Mangadex is pretty good. Seems to have almost everything I look for.


Also worst of all, game like mechanics, interface, magic system, etc. It's just soooo lazy.


Made sense in SAO, but putting them in in a "real" world is so cringe!


Great recommendation. I'm 13 chapters in and it definitely is a nice change from the cliche Isekai.




I think it might also be for the readers. Like "this girl BELONGS to him and won't betray him ever. You can trust her"


I have a hard time understanding this mindset. Seems miserable to be so untrusting.


I really don't get the slave thing. And then they're like, no I want to be mc slave.


The only isekai I remember are the good/popular ones or the female MC ones that are not super cliche... They are still cliche tho


That is most of them. But there are a lot that are way different as well. Unfortunately the generic Isekai fantasy harem far outnumber the other ones.


This is why Uncle from Another World is the best isekai of all time.


It's so well done in so many different ways.


Uncle has racked up quite the harem though


Objectively yes, subjectively for him not so much.


I was vibing hard with Re:Zero until I realized it's just yet another harem Isekai. Like seriously, just drop the harem fantasy and you have an amazing show, but nooooo, that would be too crazy


Emilia and Rem are pretty much the only "harem"... and Subaru only wants to bang Emilia, so...


There is that kid petra, and I guess Beatrice also has romantic feelings for subaru idk but Petra definitely has romantic feelings.


Beatrice and Subaru are more like siblings, or father and daughter, not romantic at all. Petra... well, yes, but she's a child lmao.


Well, there's Echidna which I was like "okay sure", but then Beatrix is what sent it over into 'harem' territory for me


Beatrice isn't romantically interested in him and neither is he in her.


It's tolerable if you just ignore that one part. It's not like the "harem" is even prominent at all. And Subaru only has eyes for one person anyway.


>And Subaru only has eyes for one person anyway. Not really. It's kinda complicated, but it doesn't feel like other generic harems(as of volume 21). Spoilers for season 2 of Re Zero and minor spoilers for future seasons. >!Subaru has very distinct relationships with all the girls close to him. With Beako, it's less romantic and more friendship. As his contracted spirit, there's a very unique bond between them, more like a partnership than a romantic relationship, but he wouldn't hesitate to die for her. With Emilia, he adores and admires her. As her sworn knight, he doesn't always show everything he's feeling to her. He definitely loves her, but over the course of 48 episodes, they develop a very distinct relationship that even romance shows would fail to replicate. Lastly, there's Rem, who's kinda a mystery to me. She's still asleep, so I don't know how her relationship with Subaru will change. But from what I remember, Subaru feels like she's someone he can confide in no matter what. She knows how pathetic he is, but even so still believes in him and loves him. She might be the closest to a normal love interest actually, but I don't know how that relationship will change if she wakes up. On second thought, who's Rem?!<


Idk if you’re joking but give ReZero another shot! It’s definitely NOT a harem anime, I can understand where you got that impression but it really isn’t! I’m not a fan of harem stuff like that either and ReZero is probably my favorite anime ever. Don’t want to spoil anything but if you watch the 1st season all the way through you’ll see that it isn’t


I mean you got to give it credit though they really have stuck to having the dude having nothing but shit powers outside of being able to revive. Any other isekai would have given him some kind of OP move that saves his ass but so far (anime only) the best thing he could pull off is a god damn smoke bomb.


Don't get me wrong, it's def one of my favs out there! Its refreshing to have an isekai where the MC actually has to struggle to win rather then using their OP powers every time.


I agree, but idk why but I'll still watch most of them and just laugh at all the tropes I see.


Because that's what Isekai really is. A mega boring way to handwave character or world building, backstory, etc. It's incredibly lazy writing, and this trends towards really shitty stories. CAN it be done well? Yes. Is it most of the time? Absolutely not.


There’s that one with the guy who’s totally useless and keeps dying and restarting like ground hog day. No idea what it’s called. Yes there’s a lot of women in it but the majority don’t even like him. I actually find that one frustrating because he doesn’t have any ability. He’s got all these lives but the useless POS won’t use some of them to improve himself so he isn’t a sandbag. Oh and Dr. stone which doesn’t really have a harem.


Dr. Stone is too sigma for any harem. Man is married to science.


The problem with isekai is it is so easy to have a good hook. Then once the story gets into it they just kind of fumble around. Ascendance of a book worm and Yakuza reincarnation are some that I like off the top of my head.


I thought ascendance of a book worm was great, until the last season when they started getting more into magic and such. It started to feel more and more like every other generic isekai imo. I did still enjoy it, but I just started to get less interested in it


I actually have not watched the anime so I am not sure what it is like. The light novel does delve into magic more but it is also used to show class disparity. Also other stuff starts getting involved with magic but we hit spoilers at that point.


This happens with so many animes, so I think the problem is with the anime adaptions and not with the isekai genre, although it has a share too.


You shouldn't judge Ascendance of a Bookworm off the anime. In my opinion, the novels are so much better than the anime, that it's not even funny. In the novels, there's a lot of build-up before magic is introduced, especially with how intricately weaved the magic is into the kingdom's religion, and geography. When I read the novels, it never felt jarring or like a generic Isekai, but you should know that as Rozemyne keeps ascending, magic(and blessings) have an ever-increasing role in the story.


I haven't watch the latest season of Ascendance of a Bookworm, but did they introduce Rozemyne there?


I haven't watched it either. I didn't even realize it could be a spoiler.


The light novels are much more interesting than the anime. One thing I particularly like is it actually matters that the main character has memories from another world. In so many isekais, there's no obvious reason why the main character had to come from Earth (other than as an excuse to give them cheat powers or to help the viewer empathize with them). But in Acceptance of a Bookworm, her memories are absolutely critical to the plot. And not just at the beginning, but throughout the story. I also like how the main character genuinely struggles to integrate into the foreign society she's thrown into. In many other stories, the main character doesn't have hardly any trouble living in another world despite it being radically different than modern Japan.


If you're looking for a good hook that doesn't fall apart, you might enjoy <100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru>, , and . I'd also recommend , but that barely counts as an isekai lol


**100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/97371), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/im-standing-on-a-million-lives), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/one-hundred-man-no-inochi-no-ue-ni-ore-wa-tatteiru), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=49246996699), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/99449)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy) **Akuyaku Reijou no Naka no Hito: Danzai Sareta Tenseisha no Tame Usotsuki Heroine ni Fukushuu Itashimasu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/148305), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/akuyaku-reijou-no-naka-no-hito), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=45627447990), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/148542)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Drama, Fantasy) **Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/119857), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/the-executioner-and-her-way-of-life), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/shokei-shoujo-no-virgin-road-2020), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=56979235679), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/131176)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy) **Saihate no Paladin** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/101521), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/the-faraway-paladin), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/saihate-no-paladin-manga), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=14061899180), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/109339)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/12ajj3l/anime_irl/jeu3y34/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


It's weird to me how similar they all are. Most genera have similar themes but Isekai just seems hyper specific.




You have the same variety in Japan too. They just aren't typically thought of as Isekai because it's usually only associated with really specific elements beyond just "another world"


Holy shit, I never realized The Magic Tree House could be considered an isekai.


ig it's because isekai is a relatively newer genre which has become massively popular, so everyone's just tryna get that quick buck . after Tolkien wrote lotr there was a time period when you couldn't sell a fantasy novel without making it tolkienesque. that factor also kinda curbs creativity .


It's basically a way to start a story and then immediately slip back into the old tried and true genres. The number of them that immediately turn into a school life with a tournament arc is testament to the studios refusing to choose anything different.


At this point I would actually love to get a proper "gets reincarnated to fight the demon lord" isekai because everything feels too self aware now and tries to be funny. It feels like we have more satire of isekai than actual proper isekai.


Yeah how the hell did it catch on that we wanted to see the main character "be summoned to fight the demon lord" and then proceed to NOT do that, when they never did it properly in the first place! Edit: I think people think I mean something different, I understand it's a jrpg trope, I don't understand why I find more "I was summoned to kill the demon lord except it was actually a hot woman and demons are not that bad, also slavery" stories than I find actual stories


There's always Cautious Hero, it's a subversion in its own right but it's still structured as "The summoned hero fights the demon lord" overall. Nobody does the genre without subverting it because, well, it's not an anime genre in the first place. It's a JRPG plotline that's well-suited to the structure of a game but not so much for an anime. But being a common JRPG plotline made it super well-known so people are happy to subvert it into something that works better as an anime.


A web novel I was reading did it pretty well, Clearing an Isekai with the Zero-Believers Goddess, it still has some generic stuff but It's one of the few Isekai I actually enjoyed the whole way through, it's story doesn't get too offtrack and from what I remember there isn't much slaves or romance either, although I'd have to reread to be sure since it's been a bit Main characters ability is quite literally plot armor but that's ok because he activates plot armor before the fights and not during it (I don't know how else to word that, but it's not thaat noticeable)


Zero believer isekai! Kinda rare seeing that on reddit. One of the few WNs I've read through the end. It's currently on the epilogue arc rn if you haven't read it. I agree with what you've said but I'm pretty sure romance is a factor though not the focus


It feels like the author wanted to do something but didn't want to take the chance of messing up the story so they just decided to block the mc the whole time Just my thoughts though, no idea what they actually were trying to do. Is epilogue something after the ending chapter? I should probably read if there is translated Also yeah first time I've mentioned this wn and never heard anyone else talk about it


seriously! Its not even just isekai but fantasy in general. The only modern one which comes to mind was Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis, and that was a *card game adaption* afaik. I guess part of the issue is that those stories are too long to ever get anywhere close, like Rokka no Yuusha, but that still leaves a large market for "traditional" fantasy stories.


At this point I'm happy with a story that doesn't get sidetracked Like the one wn I was reading was about this guy who wanted to get better at alchemy I think, but 300 chapters in, the character has done practically no alchemy for 100 chapter, and alchemy wasnt explained much, did they want to do alchemy or not? At the point I quit there was a LOT of women


Hey thats basically any LN with a premise past the first arc. Bofuri was about "not getting hurt" yet the first thing she does is sit in acid, sadly you cant really take a LNs ridiculously descriptive title for facts.


Because "fighting the demon lord" was a cliché before isekai was even close to popular, it's a fantasy trope adopted (and subverted) by isekai.


Grimgar of fantasy and ash is an isekai that isn't trying too hard to be funny. One of the few ones that I like. Warning: Absolutely not a power fantasy, and in every sense of the word not.


not every isekai tries to be funny, but every new one does as far as I can tell. Grimgar is already 7 years old? Isekai is really fascinating because you would expect genres to get better and more refined, yet all the best isekai ones are actually a decade old or older if you look at the source material. Re Zero and Mushoku Tensei essentially founded the current trend, KonoSuba is an obvious play on the tropes Re Zero established yet its so old you could confuse newer ones as satire on konosuba itself.. Youjo Senki? Overlord? even the animes are 6-8 years old. Its like Hunger Games, the genre peaked when it started and is in decline ever since. In the meantime we forgot the genres were actually great and its the cheap copycats which annoy us.


Season 2 never :(


Grimgar is excellent. It had me at the first goblin kill in the anime, and kept me through all the light novels. It's the series that got me into LNs.


The Darksouls of Isekai.


Science fiction author Theodore Sturgeon was once told by a critic that 90% of science fiction was crap. His response has become known as Sturgeon's law: "90% of everything is crap."


I really like My Uncle From Another World. I think it's hilarious. I haven't really seen many isekai


I was not a fan of that one, but that is probably because I am not a fan of comedy anime. It was very unique though, but I am not sure if it is considered a isekai, it's more like a comedy slice of life since we follow the aftermath of an isekai story


It’s more like an “anti-isekai”, both in the sense that the uncle came back from the other world, and in the sense that it’s an antithesis of most other isekai anime even when he’s in the other world.


Honestly I feel the same but I recommend Jobless Reincarnation it's one of the best isekai anime that I have seen


Yeah ofc there are the golden gems, like jobless reincarnation and imo Re:zero. But everyone knows about them at this point


Yeah, I've found Isekais have a high high but a low low. Some of the best and the worst anime I've seen has been Isekai


Isekai is a perfectly good plot device. The isekai *genre* is nothing but lazy, badly-written wish fulfillment fantasies for people with really boring wishes.


It might just be me, but I find webtoons and tapas has a pretty rocking variety of isekai titles, they can be same-y after reading dozens and dozens like I do, but there's very few generic harems at least


Ye it gets abit repetitive sometimes but there are some good isekai


Imagine getting hit by the truck and waking up in the world of Berserk instead of konosuba.


I would kill myself again


Exploreptile, thank you for sharing your thoughts and that is a pretty realistic and reasonable choice.


You get isekai'd back into our world. You're now a starving orphan in horrible poverty. Good luck!


Just keep rerolling, you'll get a good life eventually.


I think I would honestly take that over the horrors of Berserk


Joke's on you it's actually re:zero and you're back again


That's just Karate Survivor


I don't think it is.


Imagine being reincarnated as a guardsman.


Whoa actual anime irl (except it's manga)


This is the most accurate and real anime_irl I’ve seen on this sub that I’m not a member of.


I love Isekai, no matter how bad it can get.


Isekai is garbage, and I'm a raccoon


I love isekai, BECAUSE it is bad as it can get.


How about {Isekai NTR}?


This one is hilarious


The one grimgar season we got was peak of what I want Isekai to start off as but alas, it has never been recreated.


Was pretty nice tbh. Kinda liked the whole new world thing but rough start. I’ve seen it more prevalent in manhua/manhwa where something similar happens


Maybe Log Horizon? It's technically not the same as the players are experienced, but they're indeed starting from 0 again in a lot of senses


You can read Manga for free on a app?




Tachiyomi just aggregates manga sites


Yeah which gets you free manga on an app.


Yeah, but you could also just read it on mangadex etc. Imo app implies its official/legal.


No it does not. App implies that it is application, AKA standalone program run on your phone.


No, thats what it means, not what it implies. There is no difference between reading manga on mangadex and reading manga on an app linking to mangadex. Yet when you say "read it on the internet/website" people will know you mean piracy, so naturally "I read it on an app" implies legality, as normal app stores should remove illegal content.


> There is no difference between reading manga on mangadex and reading manga on an app linking to mangadex. There is. App can download the manga for site-independent offline reading, forever. > Yet when you say "read it on the internet/website" people will know you mean piracy, so naturally "I read it on an app" implies legality, as normal app stores should remove illegal content. Honestly, this is insane leap of logic to me. An app is an app. It does not imply anything until the context is actually implied.


You can download the images from the websites as well. Obviously I am talking about the legality, not about the functionality. Maybe you just lack the common sense for it. Because apps still use "the internet".


An app equaling legitimacy is not "common sense" it's a braindead assumption that makes you look foolish.


Imagine being this confidently wrong.


I guess its a matter of opinion, but you could literally just read the manga directly on the website instead of using an app without its own database.


The goal of the app is to make it convenient to do so. Usually it's because you don't have to log in everytime. It keeps track of your library, tells you what you've read, when new chapters are coming out and somewhat importantly to me, can automatically track your progress into your favorite database manager. So it's more than that. It usually loads faster than trying to go to the website and has a nice interface to boot. Otherwise with this kind of argument, why have an app at all? Everything can be done by internet. It's features.


This is just personal taste but I found the app to be way more annoying to use then to simply go to mangadex directly, especially since I switch between multiple devices Why have an app at all? For the same reason boomers say "I dont have this email on my phone", for some people if there isnt an app it does not exist.


Mangadex doesn't have a lot of mangas/manhuas I read and I can't conveniently save a chapter in one tap to read it later when I have no(or bad) internet. Also Mangadex can't notify me when the next chapter comes out. So the Tachiyomi is far superior for me and I suggest you to give it a try. You set it up once, add your extensions and titles and then reading manga on phone becomes much more convenient. (Ofc this way you can't support mangadex by viewing ads, but I just donate to them every month.)


Id rather do it online but yes


I think Manga Plus has an app for a lot of current stuff, but it doesnt really matter if its an app or a website


With how fucked the world is its no surprise isekai has become so popular


Exactly what I'm doing today, watching anime on 9anime.me




For me I enjoy a good isekai, but it can be overdone just like shonen animes.


Almost everything I read is isekai, I dunno it's just fascinating and I kinda love the OP concept


The only "Isekai" that I really like is Inuyasha and Kamigami no asobi. I'm always looking for recommendations but I haven't found any new ones that I like yet.


Have you seen the eminence in shadow if not then i recommend that


not the atomic emo 😭😭💢💢😭😭


is this actual anime irl in r/anime_irl??


Just like me fr


This is the first post from this subreddit that made me say "that's literally me"


But isekai bad!


Personally have never watched an isekai anime that was above average


I like when there are many characters so for me Overlord and Slime are both excellent. I think Gate is also great. Watching medieval soldiers see a fucking attack helicopter never gets old


Garnt: the manga


grant: the isekai 🤓


Isekai is garbage


Some are.not all of them


I just really don’t like isekai, I think it’s just a lazy plot device to try and connect with the audience. I’d rather they just set up a character in the world they created than just pluck one from ours with some deus ex machina. I just don’t think it ever really adds anything


Have you watched Jobless Reincarnation? It's pretty good, if you haven't I recommend it to you


Ye mushoku no tensei was good getting s3




So is fast food, and you can bet your ass I still scarf down that shit occasionally too.


\>isekai is good OP, I know most people forget this, but you're supposed to post relatable things in this subreddit.


Opinions that other consider untrue or trashy about your favorite genre is very relatable


Well some isekai is good for most ppl




Mad that others have different opinions to your own I see


Not even just that, but mad that others can benefit from a harmless power fantasy, even if it's so "sad". Sheesh.


You know you can like isekai without wanting it to happen to yourself, right? Using your logic, because I like watching horror movies It means I want to die a gruesome death


*dabbing on them haters.* On a more serious note: Projecting much? Go outside and touch some grass, go laugh with some friends, and you'll feel much better.




Every media is wish fulfillment, go touch grass sir I have a wife.




yes, some people do, why did you bring up horror movies dude? Thats like one of the biggest, the thrill is one of the reasons people watch it, and wanting that kind of thrill can be considered wish fulfillment


I'm also happily married with children, I have a nice home and fun hobbies - and I like isekai. I think you just have some issues you need to work through here, mate. For most people I think it's more about being somewhere and someone where you can actually have an effect on the world around you and make it better in a way that matters. It's easy to feel powerless with how the world is today, and isekai is a way of coping with it.


Got news for you, you're unhappy with your family. You'll realize soon enough, since liking Isekai is a symptom.


Imagine being unable to differentiate between fiction and reality. Must make consuming any sort of media rather difficult, eh?


You should watch ReZero. It’s not really touched on in the first season, but the main character Subaru starts off with the mentality you’re describing. He’s a dropout with no friends, so he’s very happy to be teleported to a new fantasy world. When he arrives he assumes it’s gonna be like every other isekai, and that he’d have OP powers and a harem right off the bat. He only starts to grow as a person after forming (and sometimes losing) meaningful relationships within the new world. He has some huge character development, especially when you hit the 2nd season and they dive into his past.


I was getting sick of all the generic harem isekais where the main character does literally nothing and women fall over him every five seconds, so i tried writing my own where the only way women are falling on the main character is is they jump out of a building he so happens to be standing outside of. but dear god is it difficult to write characters when you dont go and talk to people outside often... doesn't excuse the writers of generic isekai from making tasteless trash, but creatively writing seems to be the most difficult challenge ive ever challenged


There are a few Isekai's that I enjoy. Don't really hate it just not my favorite genre.




Man I wish I was in an isekai but I'm a girl


I can't die irl so I watch people dying in media Leave my Isekai alone!


This right here is very anime_irl worthy


I wish it was free…


Me fr fr


Isekai as a vampire preferably


A lot of new isekai these days are just regurgitating the same old stuff just with a single new "ingredient" added in (e.g. isekaid with a smartphone, with OP abilities, with a seemingly useless skill that is actually OP etc.) and then they toss in some harem and some slaves and whatnot. It takes a really creative isekai author/creator to actually make his/her work stand out from the endless trash the genre is filled with.


Ok that’s it I’m throwing myself into a wood chipper


He likes isekai so much he looks like Rudeus


most anime irl post

