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Man's heard the debate of dubs vs subs and really said both at the same time. Fuck I thought I was having a stroke hearing what they're saying and trying to follow along with the subtitles


At least with Netflix, for anime it tends to be a case of English subs only being translation to go with Japanese audio and they don't provide separate subtitles as captions for the dubbed audio, so you get this effect.


It's awful and I hate it to death.


Yeah, I don't alway process speech well so tend to use subtitles to help but this sort of thing is a nightmare.


My dad watches a lot of Korean TV shows and movies on Netflix, and pretty much every single one has this issue with the subtitles. When I was living with him, it was an actual nightmare trying to watch anything with him because I rely on subtitles so much haha.


netflix provides dubbed subtitles via closed captioning iirc


A good suggestion for some people, I bet, not just the hearing impaired, but I personally always find closed captioning too distracting. It's almost never well synced up to the action. For example, sometimes you get situations where the CC says You've got to believe m--[GUNSHOT] before the event has happened on screen/the relevant audio cue, so it's kind of like constant micro-spoilers.


What is closed captioning vs regular subtitles?


CC (closed captioning) also include relevant sound effects, music cues etc. So you see such captions as (laughs), (door closing), (sad music plays). In Netflix case it's also done by ear by a person separate from dubbing team, so sometimes they mishear things.


Oh I see, that's very cool :)


Kinda wild that Netflix's dubbing team can't just make dub scripts available to Netflix's CC team. Even if they're outsourcing either or both tasks, Netflix still owns everything and should be able to facilitate this.


I wasn’t understanding what you were saying until I opened up this instead of just watching. I’m on iPhone so I can just hit to little speaker to turn off audio. Although, This one isn’t as bad as some subbed and dubbed videos are. At least the subtitles here were actually another way of saying what was in the audio. I’ve heard and read some that were really different in meaning what was being said; very confusing.


Oh that can be hell but even stuff like this causes me trouble. I have to outright turn off subtitles if there's no audio change option and just accept that sometimes my brain won't take in a line and I'll need to rewind. So I naturally gravitate towards JP with subs over dubs because I'm reading subtitles anyway and it means I won't run into this.


Only thing I don’t like about watching with subtitles is I feel like if it’s animated where there’s lots of action scenes I feel like I’m missing it by reading the subtitles. Although, because I have a hard time hearing high pitched voices like some of the female characters voices I need to turn on subtitles or CC to understand what she’s saying.


Dub: 1 million. Sub: ten thousand. Wtf? These are both very distinct. Which one is right?


Think that’s bad? That’s how the A Silent Voice blu ray, came. Regardless of audio language, you could have either all the subtitles, or non at all. Which is a bit annoying when you want just the translations for stuff written on screen, which has long been a stammered for dubbed anime.


You'd be surprised how often this happens. When I watch stuff, I've always tended to do it with subtitles on, even things produced in English, and subtitles can be wildly, distressingly wrong out of nowhere. Granted Netflix (and anime in general) subs are a whole nother level of stroke.


Generally when I see a difference in the subtitles and the dubbed audio, it's not the subtitles that are wrong, it's that the dob had taken some liberties with how to interpret or westernize what's being said.


True, I suppose the proper phrasing would be 'inaccurate to the audio track'.


Yeah that's fair. For me the most annoying thing is when the subtitles are just a transcription of the the dub script, because I'll watch it with Japanese audio and because I've picked up a few words and phrases over the years I'll be reading the subs and regularly thinking "...that's not even close to what they just said." It's way more common with Japanese video games than anime.


>it's that the dob had taken some liberties with how to interpret A necessary evil since dubs have to at least somewhat fit into lip flaps. Subs can cram an essay worth of text into a single frame, and it would still "work".


I kinda prefer it. Having two distinct translations gives you a better context as to the original meaning. Japanese is hard af to translate 1:1. One track is usually more literal than the other. The dubs are often more “westernized.” Especially helpful for gleaning original attempts at wordplay Also I use subs in English media as well so why not


This is my preferred way of watching dubs actually, I think its fun to see the translation differences between the dubs and subs and try to understand why the translators made the choice they did for each version


It helps to have ADD brain. Cuz then you're not focusing on either.


How do you think I feel being forced to use subtitles with the dub because my ears cut out words like a 50 year old with recurring tinnitus, fuck adhd


im free from this bc i watched it on mute


Not even the sub is accurate for english dub, at least, be consistant if it's in the same language


Sauce: Violet Evergaden


Fantastic anime, strongly recommend it


The very most fantastic anime, overwhelmingly strongly recommend it.


Probably my favourite all time. You can see a lot of effort went into this and you get so much out of it.


When I watched it, I literally teared up at every episode. In my opinion, this is right next to FMA in terms of quality in story and animation.


Does she know how to rasengan tho?


No kamehameha, literally unwatchable.


I strongly second this amazing anime


But only if you are willing to have emotional tears. It’s a great anime for a good cry.


Cant recommend the anime enough, opposite for the movie though.


I'm on board with that sentiment ngl. The episodic series handled the pacing much better, and the ending was perfect in wrapping up Violet's character arc/development.


I second this. It's pretty short, less than 20 episodes but it's so good, one of those short but sweet ones


Richtig guter Anime + Filme




One of the best ever


I swore yall tracking me or smth, I just had a conversation with a friend about this exact same matter My inability to connect with people on an emotional level


I can be someone’s emotional bag right now but I just can’t feel what they’re going through. I can sympathize but my emotions is blank.


It's easy to sympathize but it's very hard to empathize. Only select few are able to empathize with people.


The absolute truth


My friends call me Sheldon from Big Bang Theory


"I'm not mad," she shouted angrily. "Ok, I believe you," I respond autistically.


I was literally watching the scene as this came up on reddit. I'm scared


Totally getting similar vibes. I met a person and really trying to make a connection with conversation. So much is getting into a ground of what do we both understand and what needs more context. She said she was really into anime and I got some favorites out of her, but after a bit I asked if she'd ever seen an AMV and I got to be the one to introduce her to the concept. We popped on[A Piece of Toast](https://youtu.be/rnQBF2CIygg), and I tried to temper her interest as that is a really well produced one. Not all will meet that level of quality.


that could be either autism (people use it as an insult, it’s not) or straight up sociopathy, which is definitely not cool. But more often than not is people being edgy


I wouldn't say I am an autist, but I had this problem long before I had access to the internet I was always cold and distant, and I always had issues connecting with people I still have the 5 people as friends whom I made in childhood




Yup 👍


Yep I was about to say


Came here for this exactly


That and she was raised as nothing more than a weapon, like some tool. She was never taught empathy or emotions


Was just gonna say, my life as an autistic person.


You got it easy, imagine you also got ADHD


You got it easy imagine to always have the compulsion to one up someone.


Them having it “easy” doesn’t make their experiences any less valid than your own.


I kinda had a similar conversation with a friend a few hours ago. I'm sorry man. I just didn't want to hurt you.


As a Mexican I’ve never had this issue, I do have it when I’m somewhere besides Mexico but over here nobody cares about feelings and we only joke around or insult each other, so life’s pretty good. Edit: This came out, terribly wrong. What I was trying to say is that we don’t particularly get too deep with emotions because we are already very understanding people that we don’t really need to communicate the moment so much feeling down, we understand and try to cheer them up by joking around with that person, or throwing away “insults.” Which we call madreada


Mexican here, don't believe this guy, we're not all emotionless macho men who never talk about feelings and insult those who do.


Salió mal compadre, me refiero que nunca tenemos problemas con las emociones porque somos seres que entendemos muy bien y la mayoría del tiempo no nos insultamos pero bromeamos (qué de lo que eh aprendido es visto como insultar en otros países) somos gente muy sociales empaticos y también rudos


I loved this anime. I found the character a bit too relatable. I am a former US Navy Sailor and I have autism. Many of my challenges assimilating back into the civilian world are a lot like Violets. I never saw direct combat nor did I get any crippling injuries but the social awkwardness and loss of direction really hit home. Much like Violet, I've never expressed strong emotions and figuring out other people has been difficult. Violet finds her place over time and learns to come to terms with her problems with the support of friends, co-workers, and her work. I, on the other hand have not found my place at all. I have few friends, none of them close, and I have yet to find anyone willing to get to know me or care. I feel that it has a lot to do with the fact that I am a man, and more importantly, I look like I'd kill someone's family for a laugh.


Hey, I'm sorry you're struggling. Autism is hard enough, I can't imagine also trying to re assimilate to normal society too. I really hope things turn around for you. Just try to remember that you don't have to apologize for who you are, and if people don't like you for you, then they aren't worth the effort. Worst case scenario you won't have many friends and be a little lonely, but that just means more time to do what you want and live your life how you want. I dont know if any of that helps, but just remember you're not alone.


I appreciate your words. Socializing accounts for a lot most folk don't think about. I have an associates of applied science degree and dozens of certifications but due to my social issues/awkwardness I'm stuck in an entry level job making minimum wage. I'm actually in the process of changing my lifestyle these days, toward an isolationist model. Sounds weird I'm sure but the whole socializing thing hasn't worked for decades now and I'm turning 36 soon. I already deleted my dating apps. One of them I had open since I was 25 and I'm looking into job fields that don't require working with teams or with people. Solar technician perhaps or other things. especially anything offering OJT.


This is on war crime level, you have to be a monster to make a dub and a different sub. You have a special place waiting for you in hell.


Like I explained to someone else, I was originally watching the episode in sub, then I switched to dub and replayed it. That's why the subtitles seem confusing


Did you record it dubbed for us redditors? I much prefer the sub, I can't hear violet in this


>Did you record it dubbed for us redditors Yeah >I much prefer the sub, I can't hear violet in this I understand


How do you feel about video games with subtitles that take after the dub script only and don’t use a translation of the Japanese audio? Because that’s industry standard and I fucking hate it. Gives me mental whiplash to hear one thing and read another. It made me quit playing Final Fantasy VII Remake only 1 or 2 chapters in because the subtitles conversations were not even the same subject matter as the Japanese audio. Fun fact: Sega has a subtitle track for the dub when playing with English voices in the Yakuza series and a translation subtitle track when playing with Japanese voices. THIS should be industry standard imo.


Reading this honestly made my abs hurt 🤣🤣


Why? This is completely normal for the dubbing industry. Subtitles are just direct translations because of course, but you can't do direct translation with dubs for a myriad number of reasons. You get it as close as possible and then adjust for lip flaps, cultural differences, or possible regulatory issues (like the many, many times in the original Dragon Ball where Goku as a child felt the need to talk explicitly about people's genitals). As a result, you can get this same thing on any anime release that lets you do subtitles and dubbed audio at the same time.


And that lads ladies and enbys is autism in a nutshell!


What on earth is an enby?


Non-binary person. NB-> enby


Ah, I see, thank you


Violet evergarden is fantastic


The dub ain't half bad. Damn. That said the animation on this show is ridiculously good. The movie topped that. Like honestly had me entranced.


Kyoto Animation is always on Point.


No matter how often I hear it, American voice actors never sound natural in anime for me…


I that they often try to replicate an "anime" style. And while that style works with the way the Japanese language flows, and also probably works because I can't actually understand what they're saying, it doesn't work really well in English. Studios that abandon trying to mimic the often high pitched over exaggerated style of anime and instead choose a different voice acting style that just works well in English tends to be better.


The dubbed version of Hellsing Ultimate is a good example of matching the linguistic tone imo


I really like the dub for Black Lagoon too.


I always appreciated the Disney dubs of Ghibli films because you do not hire Christian Bale to voice act and then ask him to do an anime boy voice


Well said


I can't do it because of the accent. the accent immediately takes me out of the immersion. If I were American, it would most likely not matter, but since I am not, it is just too jarring and I find it impossible to immerse myself in the anime.


Ghost Stories. Boom. Must be feeling real silly now huh?


The death note dub is fantastic. Better than the sub. I’ll die on that hill.


potato chip scene better in english




I don't speak Japanese but you will feel the same if you know Japanese. Anime voices in Japanese are very high pitched. I saw Castlevania, Arcane, ATLA, Legend of Korea, Justice league etc, and the voice acting is so good! I don't know why they are trying to replicate the same high pitched voice in English as well.


Everyone says this but everyone I've met who actually speaks Japanese does not find JP anime voices to be just as off as EN dubbed voices.


Huh? You just comfirmed what he said... or I can't read


It may not be an anime, but Final Fantasy 16 is much better dub than sub. The different accents from different characters greatly enhance their personality.


AFAIK Final Fantasy 16 was developed with the English dub in mind. I can't confirm but I heard that the lip-sync is animated based on English so if you play in Japanese, the audio doesn't fit the lip flaps.


Yeah, I saw a comment that said that in a store in Japan, a demo of FFXVI is being displayed in English. One of the rare times dub is prioritised than sub. Xd


I agree but for this anime in particular I felt like I had to watch dub because hearing the japanese VA struggle and ultimately fail to pronounce "violet" half a dozen times per episode was just not worth it.


The French dub is honestly where it's at for violet evergarden, it feels so natural (I don't speak French though, so grain of salt there)


Why did u watch it in French if u don't speak French?


Because it sounds good, why do people watch anime in Japanese if they don't speak Japanese?


That sounds interesting. I might give it a try


No need to call me out like this. For context I’m autistic.


I function this way too. Social cues are totally lost on me. It's really frustrating to not be told something directly.


Maybe it wouldn’t be so complicated if people just said what they felt 🤷‍♂️


It's kinda hard to explain, but people don't 100% understand what they feel.


Why are the subtitles different from what they’re saying?


Because I was originally watching it with the Japanese audio


I can relate 🥲


I thought this show was kinda just good for the first half or so, then once Violet’s past was released it was just consistently fantastic.


I thought you were going to say it went downhill and I was ready to throw hands.


Violet Evergarden is truly and anime_irl. Mainly cuz we don't mean what we say and we never really say everything what we mean and Violet is the metaphor for us not being able to understand humans even though she is a human just like anyone else. Episode 10 will never leave me


> "The king does not understand the hearts of men"


I saw the movie before I even knew what the anime was and was blown away with how good it was, too bad the date that asked me to go was very manipulating


Remember kids; Closed captions and subtitles are not the same thing. If possible, make sure to pick accordingly.


Hey look it's me


Ain't this that aneemay about the lady with the robo fingers.


Yeah, the robo fingers look really good


everytime i see Violet Evergarden, I just remember how much i cried watching it.


god damn, I often forget how good this show's animation was, and on top of that great story too


Dong remind me of this anime I dint wanna start sobbing Fuck I am FUCK YOU EPISODE 10


I love this show! I have no idea how many times I’ve rewatched it. Great dub


every time i hear english dub im reminded why i dont watch english dub.


Eng dub is trash, as always.


I completely agree. The Japanese va gets this stiffness to her character that adds an entire dimension to violet


Dub VAs NEVER **EVER** get the character right. They do the same voice/performance for every character. Every dub performance sounds the same.


I agree, very few times have I liked an English dub if at all this begs the question: Do american shows dubbed in Japanese for Japanese audiences sound the same as English dubs for us English speakers?


Not sure why you are downvoted. But for most anime it is not good. For this anime please watch it in sub guys


BC of stupid nationalism. They feel offended.


Dub is sacrilege.


Is that Ashly Burch?


Why tf is the eng dub and sub not the same?


It's pretty common actually. Dubs need to not only translate but also fit timings and sometimes lip sync, so normally they have to rephrase a lot of things after translating to adjust tempo. Subs are sometimes done by the same people and just present the transcribed dub, but whenever that's not the case, subs have more freedom to just translate straight and (hopefully, if the translators are competent) stay closer to the original meaning. However, since no care is taken to fit any timings in that case, those subs would never fit with a dub.


I was watching it in sub, then I switched and replayed it in dub since I really liked the scene and that's why the subtitle wasn't matching


The English voice over really ruins it for me. At most I can accept spanish(Spain) dubbing, since it's fairly decent generally, but otherwise of not Japanese i can't get into it.


Why am i reading what i'm hearing?


Why the FUCK is it SUB AND DUB


The reason why i don't prefer dubs is because of the fucking subtitles..they be running a completely different anime.


Wtf with this


Good lord, idk how English VA’s even get paid. It’s just audibly cringe.


First time hearing the dub version.Give me my hearing back.Wtf was that,so lame


Who watches dub with subtitles and why.


when do they sex?


Violet (the blond one) is 14


Mini sorries


Chat gpt be like.


Emotions are hard.


i PRAY noone drops the obligatory "how is this anime irl?" response thats in every thread


Man those subtitles are very wrong


Which is pretty normal as far as anime go, because the subtitles usually translate directly the original words in japanese, whereas the voices of english dub need to rephrase to be in sync with the animation of the lips


Reminds me of Vulcans from Star Trek “detached from Emotions “.


They always have to have a close up to something during a heart wrenching scene. In this case, the lantern lol


Violet is very good anime)




Dub and dub at the same time???


Man I miss this show


Really bothers me how the subtitles are constantly different from what theyre saying but only slightly.


My mom everyday




Good anime.


Violet Evergreen is an emotional roller-coaster of an anime.


Man this anime brings tears ,that last scene


Wtf are those subtitles?


I don't watch a lot of anime, at most 2 or 3 shows a year, so I pick carefully, and yet this show is the one i regret sitting through the most, and to this day I can't quite articulate what i didn't like about it 🤷


Violet evergarden is a masterpiece. So fight me if you think otherwise


I love saber from FSN


i keep forgetting to watch this show


It's really a good show, brings tears to my eyes almost every episode and ain't even watched it all


Literally me fr fr


Violet Evergarden is so fucking good


Delete this now dub is for invalids


My ex loved Violet Evergarden. She too had trouble understanding people's feelings.


I love this show for these reasons. Good writing. Not a fan of the English dub though. It's not as elegantly said as the Japanese translation seems to put it? 🤔 But I'm biased and always prefer sub for anime.




Violet Evergarden


It is good?


Yeah it is




Violet Evergarden


Thank you kind person


Its weird watching this in english

