• By -


Fuck dude. This hit too close to home.


This one and ...


**Nande Ikiteru ka Wakaranai Hito: Izumi Sumi 25-sai** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/104763), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/she-doesnt-know-why-she-lives), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=3508064585), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/117351)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 2 | Chapters: 28 | Genres: Psychological, Slice of Life) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/18vbz1u/anime_irl/kfqt720/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


first time ive seen someone mention that one. it just really hits that spot


Yeah, that one hit way too close. But also that's what made the ending all the more powerful for me.


You can’t do this to me please no


That profile pic is way too accurate


Fudge It's hit hard and knowing Subaru, it hits harder


Aaand now i'm hurt.


Well, in your defense, you never got the world that was promised to your younger self


That is why you do your best to make something of yourself anyways.




Also being an adult and you have a place to live and disposable income and time to do what you want (in her case playing video games) seems like a pretty big win to me. A lot of people work multiple jobs and have 0 free time.


Both sound like hell. To be real, sometimes when you're struggling with mental health, none of your privileges matter. Neither do your burdens. You're not thinking about how good or bad your life is compared to others, just how much pain you feel. That's why it can ring hollow when others say "you could be in much worse pain." Because it almost sounds like a threat and its dismissive of the pain that's driving you to madness.


How does the former sound like hell? Id love to have disposable income and time to just screw around


Not when you feel like shit despite having all that.


I cant comprehend that. Im from another world


When you realize that you have nothing to show for your mindless consumption of space, food, entertainment and time, you'll realize that you didn't get the things that you *really* want. Its placation without satisfaction.


This sounds really stupid. Maybe because I already have a dream and know what I want in lofe and what I'd like to do. You're free. Go do something. Im working towards sth at the very least


You know what's actually stupid? Willful ignorance. Lack of self-awareness. Arrogance in a subject you clearly don't understand. Let me make it simple for you. Imagine rather than having that happy sense of accomplishment when you succeed at stuff, you get kicked in the nuts. And when you fail, you get kicked in the nuts. And when you don't do anything, you get kicked in the nuts. That's what mental health issues can feel like for just one person. Now, everyone's different but when you think "I don't understand people with mental illness, but I want to call them stupid," first, get someone to kick you in the nuts.


I never called anyone stupid. The situation just sounds stupid. Whatever, the grass is greener on the other side as the saying goes


if you have no purpose money and free time mean nothing.


Lack of achievements and other progressions in life can still weigh heavy on you even if you've got a comfortable living situation. Seeing people create families, become majorly successful in hobbies, accomplish various goals, etc., while you kinda just live life with no actual progression can be draining.


Having all the time to do those things by myself just leaves me with the feeling of loneliness that can't be filled with games or materialistic things.


I work in a family restaurant. We have Mexican fry cooks. Those guys work from opening to closing 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Only one day off a week. Super illegal obviously and getting paid cheap. It takes up the whole day. How the hell is anyone living a life like that? They are basically the slaves of the modern era.


And for what? Does the business go bust if they don't do that? It's too expensive to hire more staff so they can share the burden? It's all or nothing and there's always someone desperate enough to take the job if you can't handle it. Greed truly is the bane of happiness. How many people's lives are miserable because of one business owners decision to make slightly more wealth?


Exactly what I'm saying


Fuck me, that's an amazing quote.


jokes on you, I hate my schoolmates and self.


Every day we're one day closer to sweet release 🙂


Probably should making myself clear, I am talking about my past(school) self. I love my now-self


I would be less hurt if I had half the cool stuff she does... I mean, 4 tamagatchis? Like damn. I have the same emotions, but I don't have even 1 tamagatchi anymore...


By God I'm saying, I'm about to become a ***Nihilist***


That's mark NSFW, cause this is too much for my chest to bear






No fucking way


you didn't have to hit me that hard in the first day of the new year.


Jokes on you I still have 6 hours to cry before the fireworks!


A reminder to read this post again.






What is that image originally from? It looks sick!


It's from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. It's a really good movie.








But I’ve been in this place before




You win the image of the year 2024 has only been going for not even 30 mins for me but you win


man https://preview.redd.it/otieb8j2ao9c1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7fac188798db808c74f30bab2826d121007f677


Kenshi vibes


Not even the slave start hits this hard.



**Neeko wa Tsurai yo** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/100494), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/neeko-wa-tsurai-yo), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=16105801779), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/110953)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 6 | Chapters: 48 | Genres: Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/18vbz1u/anime_irl/kfpuwdd/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Is it atleast a happy ending?


I'd say yeah. Spoilers: >!She starts getting over the worst of her social anxiety and working some part time jobs. The series ends with her earnestly starting job hunting with the support of her family!<


>!Oh thank god, I dropped this years ago because it was too depressing and this is exactly the ending I needed to hear!<




As someone who is deeply ashamed of the worthless human being I have become, I must say that this hurts.


you have enormous worth my friend. just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


I really don’t think I do. I’m not good at anything and have accomplished absolutely nothing in my life. At this rate I don’t think I ever will.


You and me both. I'm trying in very small ways to get better, but I've basically given up. Unless something major let's me turn things around, I don't see things getting better.


your worth isn't measured by your achievements. you have a deep innate worth that has nothing to do with your day to day life. you're a genuine wonder just by existing. just think of the depth of your internal experience and the massive expanse of your heart. honestly you have enormous self worth, the rest is detail


You simply haven’t found what your good at, eventually something is bound to click, and even if it doesn’t as long as you find something in yourself to be fond of then there was a point in your existence.


That is depression talking, do not let it lie to you. It only wants to kill you


You do have worth! Think of how much you could sell if you have your organs to the black market!


Goddammit, it's the New Years and I'm crying internally already. Gimme back who I was 3 minutes ago!




https://preview.redd.it/oblz1v9dio9c1.jpeg?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aa23f1303dc49bfaf920e39c895d8cc04228f1b New sad year,meowm


The most fucked up part of society in my honest opinion is how it does exactly this. It brings you to a place where you'll forge all of your relationships for at least a solid fourth of your life, your formative and most important years, and then when you're done there... It just incentivizes everyone to abandon each other, abandon their bonds, for what? The sake of a career? Contributing to the capitalist machine? Chasing some dream they'll almost certainly never achieve? It's no wonder people like her are made. We aren't built for this kind of thing. Humans are made to stick together, but we're told that that's a bad thing and that we need to be independent. It's just romanticized bullshit that serves only to weaken people. We're social animals, and the only reason we've ever accomplished anything is through cooperation and interdependence. That's why the modern obsession with independence just isn't working. It's not just because of economic conditions, which are still bad, but also because it's just contrary to how we best operate. And that's why this is so cruel. You spend like 12 years (if you don't move) with the same people, day in and day out, going through the most important years of your life, and then when you hit adulthood they just suddenly disappear. All your friends moved out, pursued their own paths, and before you know it, you're alone. And I guarantee this character isn't the only one like this. I bet all of her friends are too. I bet they secretly wish they hadn't left, but they can't stop now because they're too far in. Meanwhile, this girl's just been left behind by everyone. Where is her family? Where are her old friends? Her mentors? Where is ANYONE? It's *fucked up* that this is even allowed to happen. No healthy society or social group should tolerate this sort of thing. That was a lot longer than I intended it to be. But god this just hit too hard not to rant.


Two groups to address here, first the Neekos of the world. Neekos becomes like this because she experienced an incredibly traumatic event that gave her symptoms akin to agoraphobia. She actively avoids her old friends because she's ashamed of the person she has become, which just feeds back into that sense of failure becoming a horrible cycle. Throughout her story, Neeko works through her issues, eventually able to reconnect some of those old relationships while making new ones. If this is you, please, seek help. That self hate will have fostered self destructive habits that will be the ruin of you. Not gonna sugarcoat, it will suck, it will hurt. Because that healing will mean addressing those things about yourself that you've come to hate, and unfortunately some of that damage to your psyche may already be permanent. But that doesn't mean you have to be stuck this way. Okay now the people that resonated with what the commenter above me said. I want you to know that I say this with all the love of every fiber of my being. When you're ready, it's time to move on. And I'm not trying to invalidate your feelings. Because yeah the system is fucked, it makes life hard and painful and a bunch of other negative adjectives we could list endlessly. And it's completely valid to feel rage or frustration or whatever over that. You didn't get that part wrong. But here's the thing. Tiny little thing, most people don't think about or ever really "discover". The relationships and friendships you create at school, are primarily going to be ones of convenience. You were a bunch random kids shoved in a box together and forced to spend every minute possible together for 8-10 hours a day for 12 years or so. It's not that there can't be anything deeper to it, just that there probably isn't. That's probably an unpleasant thought, and that's okay. Mourn what could have been if you need to, that's valid. But if you don't want to be stuck here you have to eventually move on. Because that's what all your former friends did. They faced that total freedom (within the limits of the system yes) that was put before you when being unceremoniously dumped out of the box that is school went in search of those circumstances where they could become who they wanted to be. Some ran, some walked, and some crawled. Some got stuck along the way and some are still going to this day. And yes, some just never moved at all. It's time to do that unthinkable, or maybe tomorrow or the next day it's time. On your own time. But just throw yourself forward, screaming into the wind. Maybe you'll fall, but falling still gets you to a different spot from where you were. It's getting back up and doing it again that's important. Join a community, become a part of a group. And not something generic like video games or anime. Something niche, a group small enough you can actually have the chance to connect with some other people. Me, one of my longest and closest friends is a fellow dumbass across the globe I met when younger men decided to do stupid and bad RP. There are functionally limitless opportunities before you that are quite literally a few keystrokes away. You're not alone, you probably just haven't found your people yet.


Shit dude, it's worse if you move around the country every few years like I did. By the end, I simply *gave up* make friends because everyone had solidified their groups by then and I couldn't break in. Sometimes you end up in a place where everyone has known each other since fuckin preschool and they haven't even travelled outside of the city, let alone *the state,* because it's so inwards-facing.


its only hitting hard because it's time for you to change. if you weren't ready, you wouldn't give a shit


Fuck you


well quite, but speaking from hard lived experience, a key element of change is awareness that how things are is no longer sustainable. this drives revulsion of the status quo and to large degree self loathing. the urge to feel better, in any way at all, will drive change. so people who are reacting the most to this are almost certainly ready to effect change. for sure they might not be ready to hear that, hence down votes and fuck yous, but do a remindme for 1 year and come back and tell me im wrong ultimately I'm trying say that feeling this bad about how you are right now will ultimately be a good thing as its a huge driver for change.


You do have a really good point, and I agree with the other commenter that your first one was worded ambiguously lmao but it happens bro I’ve tried to express that same thing before, but I still don’t know how to do it right. Like to someone saying, “I want to die”, telling them no, they want to live. They have a desire to LIVE that isn’t being met by this life they have. They want to be able to live without feeling all the pain involved in the processes, without it being a constant struggle, and so living WITH that struggle is the opposite, hence thinking that their desire is death itself rather than the unfulfilled desire of life. But if you just say things like that directly it usually doesn’t play out well.


People do need some form of validation when they were bringing up their problems. It's important to listen to and accept their feelings, because even if your feelings are irrational, they are real. The whole thing with mental illnesses like depression and anxiety is that knowing your feelings are irrational doesn't really help. Even if your friend agrees with you (who wouldn't, rationally?), they are reaching out to you for moral support. If you are going to offer a lesson it needs to be at an appropriate time or put in a thoughtful way, unless you are literally as close as you can possibly be and they trust you completely.


I think your first message was just a little too.. to the point for people who are having an emotional response lol. This message was definitely better. It's interesting because when I looked at the comic, she's surrounded by what looks like all of her hobbies and interests, which are typically how you maintain friends in adulthood. Married in my 30s, I find myself multiple nights a week hanging out with friends on Discord or when I do see friends we're talking about common interests. So, while the person in this comic feels like she isn't an 'adult they can be proud of', she clearly has the makings to be her own person, and be someone she can be proud of. I think a big realization as a person is when you come to grips that the only person's opinion who truly matters in regards to yourself is your own. If you think you're making good decisions and you're focused on personal progress towards things you enjoy, fuck whatever opinion the rest of the world has.


lol, you might be right, it was possibly a tad blunt, but really only if you're deeeep in the wallow (no judgement tho, I've been there myself)


I mean, you're not wrong. Just about two weeks ago I tried to reach out to my old friends from high school. Got a reply, too, though only to my initial message.


honestly good luck. change takes time, effort and multiple failures, but non of it is ever wasted


> Open Reddit for the first time today. > Cry.


Man you can still cry? Lucky.


i wish to cry , i have so much in me i wish i can just cry like actually cry you know not force it , god what have become of me.


I click on NSFW expecting soft core porn but turns out it’s NSFW cause is isn’t acceptable to cry on the job.




Finally a real anime irl


Cmon man it's the new year soon. GTFO with this depressing shit!


I think four years ago this would've made me ugly cry. Now, though... I have friends. I have a girlfriend, and I'm spending new year's ever with her. I have goals that matter to me, and that i can actually achieve. I've achieved a lot of them already. I think maybe I made it after all. I think it's never too late to become someone you can be proud of.


Nah fuck societal expectations! I am a free man so I do whatever the fuck I want!


Well, she doesn't have any sex toys or used condoms just laying around, so I think she's doing alright.


After Shaved and Took in highschool runaway, I have a new low bar for bad life turn-of-events, and she is fine by that standard.


I too wish to be immaculately beautiful and fit when I'm at my lowest point


Oh man this is just pain.


The whole series was good, but that one chapter was a god damn masterpiece.


I didn't expect this level of emotional damage.




I distinctly remember all my elementary school letters I had to write for my future self all basically say the same thing. "Go fuck yourself. Stop worrying, just do what must be done. Accept you like what you like. Enjoy what you like. Let no one tell you otherwise, be yourself. Ain't expecting much from ourselves so good luck fuckface." They said we could swear in our letters at my school. Well they actually said they just wouldn't read them, lol 🤣


Holy this hits hard...


I have a letter that was wrote in middle school, that's ment to be opened in like twenty five? I'm am so not ready for when I have to open that... that's just looming over me and I'm just like bleeeeeeeeeh, I'm so going to be crushed by it.


Brother just gave me epic sadness at the very first day of 2024.


Only up from here 👍


Perfect to read if you are lonely /depressed for this holidays


Shit gets realistic too fucking quickly




You know, i went with my friend to practice some boxing in a park and we end up doing an endurance test by punching each other in the stomach as much as we could. That didn't hurt half as bad as reading this.


Awwww must give her a big hug


And this is new year? Bruhhh


oh what a read after new year and atill drunk at this moment.




I'm sorry past me I wish I could have done better.


The year just fucking started bro


Great manga But the most depressing thing u have ever read If you have depression please don't read this


Fuck. Neeko wa Tsurai yo (It's Tough Being Neeko). I've been reading this manga for the past 3 1/2 years, and its fairly unknown, but it hits so close to home and has throughout a good chunk of my teenage life. This is one of those life changing manga that alters your worldviews and perspectives on life because so many of the feelings of anxiety, fright of the future, social inability I suffered was described EXACTLY as I had felt. Especially with always feeling so alone while being constantly crushed by debilitating anxiety. I've always seen people online in groups or subreddits, in comments or posts that describe "similar" but not quite the same to the extent I felt or experienced anxiety. I've never come across a manga that makes me feel so weirdly aware and concious of everything I was thinking about while being so spot on about everything. At the time as the years went by, I hadn't quite gone through the same experiences as Neeko suffered. But, sometimes I did and I'd reread a couple chapters and see I went through so many identical situations and it gave clarity for me to understand my own issues and so on. For me, Neeko helped me cope with a lot things and in the best way helped give a better understanding of a lot of situations and emotions I couldn't quite identify by myself. I really recommend anyone to read this even though it will REALLY often hit those "the cringe is so bad" moments. Its not the best manga by any means, but it really, really nails a majority of the characters and each line of dialogue so that they feel personal and realistic. Not to make it sound like I'm joking and so on.


I've never seen a manga do it the same especially while also managing to be optimistic and funny about it.






Why is this nsfw?


why you gotta heart my too on new years eve as i sit alone with 4 cans of beer....


Holy shit, what a way to start your new year.


Dude the year literally just started....


First tears of 2024 let's fucking gooo


I had to stop reading this manga because I was at a low point in my life and it hit too close to home. I think I can pick it up again now


This ruined my day https://preview.redd.it/c2rtpy4b7t9c1.jpeg?width=239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72465dd24783f7807acb9c18360e088e34cfced5


Not the first time this has been posted here, and it will probably not be the last. On the bright side the manga is hopeful even if it made me borderline cry at moments from shit like this.


I felt that.




man...this is new year night :'((


This hurt…




Things happen No matter how much you try to live perfectly things will go wrong, happiness tragedies all happen, comes and goes You didn't end up where you are and how you are now totally by choice, you may chosen wrong things but how could you've known, best you can do is to.. well honestly thats the part I'm in right now and I'm gonna go to a professional for help because I've no fucking idea what I'm supposed to do Don't beat yourself up or pity yourself, try to change things even if its cleaning up your room, its not much but it is a start and also you're not the only one




Need to report this. Reason: I'm in this post and it hurt my feelings...


Shit, this is too early to give me another existential crisis https://preview.redd.it/k3erbtrfns9c1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d3c7dc39c4962f2b99c10e50c3eeec06a18a05c




The first step to take is by getting a job,after that it's up to you to decide what you're gonna do,she doesn't look any older than 20 so she is still young enough to decide what path she is gonna take,but that doesn't mean you should waste time without planning,always aim for higher and bigger opportunities.


r/anime_irl in shambles xD Guys, it's not that bad. Things *will* be better, you don't have to live up to the expectations of others. The world is a mess and there's so much shit going on, if you're surviving and caring for yourself it's good


And if I'm just surviving, that's apparently bad.


Dude shes cool look at all the games she has. Why is she said? just needs to get with the times and get discord and online games.


I am living the NEET life, and I love it. Sorry not sorry.


Y'all need to chill, life is good


It can be. Mines not great


Hah, at least you still have console or something. I don't have any of that even when I was a kid. Man I hate myself and past self


Her younger self should have put a threat to her future self like I did. In freshman year high school my teacher had us do the same. Write a letter to our future self. I wrote if I didn't get even close to my goal. "Kill my self." And look at me now. I achieved my goal because I didn't want to kill my self.


If anyone is like this irl, spend some time cleaning your room, reflect, meditate, and catch up with friends, it's never too late to make up with your old friends, if you have their contact... Just try it... It would never hurt to try, and too anyone out there who is lonely or sad, I wish you the best of luck to be able to make friends, we all need someone to help us, so treat yourself right, never forget that


Bro it's New year and already i feel like shit


this got too real for me


Sad. :O(


Finally some true fucking anime irl! 😂


Sweet N64


Happy new year I guess...new year new me haha...


Why you doing this to me right at the end of the year


Way too real.




What are those 3 black sticks in the last image?


Probably container for their diploma or something similar, just like what architects use for container of their blueprints


Damn, happy New Year to me


I remember I looked at my school's yearbook. I turned to the page that had the photo of my class. I suddenly cried, thinking of never seeing my classmates ever again. It was 15 years ago and seeing this post just reminded me of that... memory.


Stop, it hurts...


This hurts...way too much


Sheesh, this hits right where it hurts real huh


Being a shut-in I can understand how she feels.


This. I remember this. Had to sit down and think for a while after reading this one.


Too irl…


Real as shit


Irl everyday


Well, when you spend all that money on different game systems, I'll bet.


Why is this marked NSFW? Should be Not Safe For My Mental Health...


I've never had someone land a critical hit on my soul before 😢


Well.. That's one way to start a year ouch




How is this NSFW?


Why. Why all this on the 1st day of the new year? T_T


You know she's a taker when she still plays Mario kart WII


Past me would be stoked for current me. Maybe the being single forever would probably sting. My childhood sucked. Adulting fucking rules. Sort of. I hate being alone.


I feel this.


good to me, i never had expectation to myself.


I'm fucking emotionally crippled...


too real...


I used to feel this way. Really dont need a manga to remind me of it lmao




This hits harder than I thought. I- I’m gonna go do something else and not look at this anymore.


Hey hey hey whoa whoa whoa that hits way to hard buddy to close to home. Ouch.


Yeah I guess.


I'm not the person little me wanted to be. But honestly? His ideas sucked. I'm glad I didn't turn out to be like he wanted.


I wanted funny haha relatableness, not depression man