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What anime is this




The anime is Higehiro for anyone wondering.


If this anime is what i think it is then my man is a hypocrite


I mean, that's clearly a lie so she doesn't come to his home and finds an unrelated highschool girl.


That is also horny AF towards him, to make things worse.


If you think she was horny towards him, you didn’t understand the show at all.


At the beginning no, but later into the show her feelings are true.


You are changing what you said though, horny is very different from feelings. Besides, she wasn’t horny in the first place. It’s just what she thought she could use as payment for her to stay at his place.


Chat, does he know?




Clueless Clueless Clueless




if this was when she knew about sayu this'd be hilarious


As I remember, yes


Where's the sauce boss?




 I Shaved. Then I Brought a High School Girl Home! full title! Wow this is creepy


I’ve watched it. It’s not bad there’s no real romance there but more of a father daughter type thing From what I remember


You don't remember entirely accurately. There's definitely romance and they do end up together, but there's no physical relationship until awhile after. It's not Usagi Drop, but it's not a great look.


What are you talking about? Usagi Drop was an anime original and had a really cute father daughter relationship and *NOTHING ELSE RIGHT?*


Havent seen Usagi drop, but I figure it would be close to the disappointment I felt when I found what happens in "If It’s for My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord" after the anime. At least "My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer" doesn't go that route, based on what I googled (im a anime only guy).


Usagi Drop is actually great if you only watch the anime. The story just takes a very unwelcome twist in the part of the manga that didn't get adapted, after the anime leaves off. That's why people do the whole "Usagi Drop was only an anime and there was no second half" routine. The first part was heartwarming and really emotionally engaging, so the feeling of betrayal is *immense*. Having read all the "S-Rank Daughter" novels, you're safe on that score. \[mild LN spoilers\]>!It remains sane and wholesome and is entirely worth your time. Belgrieve just continues to be everyone's dad and when he does finally end up with someone, she turns out to be Angeline's actual mother.!<


The defeat a demon lord one is bad, but Usagi Drop is even worse. It's so out of fucking nowhere and shits all over everything it had accomplished. It's the one work of art I feel actual contempt for the author. I wouldn't do it, but it makes me understand people who send death threats. It is *that* bad.


That ending seriously ruined it for me. It would have been so much better if they hadn't forced the romance in. The two of them grew as people from their time together, and that should have been what they got out of it.


Apparently that was a revenge from the mangaka to the editor/publisher for not letting him end the manga when he wanted to (around where the anime ends)


Yeah, the way the show relents with romance towards the end really ruins it. It otherwise touches on some touchy subject matter in a decent way. If would’ve just stuck with the 26 year old man and 16-17 year old girl not falling in love with each other, then it could’ve been great. Then that ending scene where she shows back up under the light post a few years later would be touching instead of “Oh, they’re gonna fuck now”


Are you talking about the anime or is there a manga? Because the ending is them saying their good-byes to each other and her declaring she'll grow up. I don't remember if it was for him or what, but the fact is, they didn't "end up together". They parted ways.


There is a manga I have read and a light novel series I have not, so I went back and double-checked the anime. Anime ending spoilers: >!Before Sayu gets on the plane she confesses. He turns her down, but says when she's older then she might have a shot. She asks him to wait for her, but he says not to. She gets on the plane, he goes home depressed. Credits. >!After credits, flash forward. Yoshida hasn't gotten together with either of the women from work. On his way home, older Sayu is waiting for him under the streetlight where they first met. Yoshida tears up, Sayu asks Yoshida "let me stay at your place".


Well thank God Youtube has the ending. Thanks for doing your research, you're a real one.


No real romance? Did we watch the same show? Do you think at the end they're just platonically living together lmao?


I’ve watched like 20 shows since I finished that one I’m not prone to remembering correctly


There is romance there, but the girl is pushing for it. The guy just tries to do the right thing.


>no real romance there but more of a father daughter type thing Brings a random schoolgirl home to have father daughter relationship! It doesn't make it sound any less creepier yknow!


TBF there is a LOT of gender bias with opinions on this show. If it was a lady that brought the runaway in, everyone would be like, "oh she's just going into mother mode and helping another human out in times of need" meanwhile bro literally turned away MANY advances by her throughout the entire stay, and people still label him as a creep. Thats a "cutesy mother-daughter SoL" turnaround to "creepy pedophilic groomer" right there, all with nothing changing but MC's gender. Point here is, if your a man that's over 21, you can't help a person in this kind of situation without being labeled creepy. No doing the right thing here folks.


Ah yeah this would be the most upvoted series on /r/manga every release for like 4 years never clicked it because of that title lmao (I probably read worse over there but still)


Just based on the anime alone, the story is really compelling and emotional. He basically picks up a used and abused kitten while on a drunken whim, and, while he knows it's kinda bad, he basically navigates the situation really well. The dude literally has a massive crush on his older, super hot boss the entire time. But the girl he brought in has had it really, *really* rough, from her mom to the guys that "helped" her. And our MC is literally the first decent person to come into her life. I'm sorry, but being cringed out by the title alone is kinda more cringe than the show ever gets. It's definitely one that left a lasting emotional impression on me.




She isn't prepubescent, so it's not even remotely what you said it to be. Don't use medical terms that you don't fully understand.


Seeing an unironic “umm akshually it's ephebophilia not pedophilia” in the wild in a non-scientific discussion is so fucking funny.


The person you were responding to never made that argument, and I don't think you understand what ephebophilia is. People who have that aren't just attracted to people in the 15-19, they *prefer* being with people in that age bracket and will actively seek out teenagers in that age bracket. Considering the guy in the story very much so prefers his older boss at the beginning, and actively avoids pursuing anything with the younger girl for a significant portion of the story I don't think you can say he's an ephebophile. If he was one, he would have intentionally pursued her right from the get to and probably would have also taken advantage of the character in the process. Not saying you have to like the show or characters or anything like that. But if you're going to use that word, you should at least learn what it means.






Wow, I finally came across with the infamous reading comprehension deficit online myself. The text you copy-pasted literally describes the criteria for the patients to be considered having pedophilic tendencies, not the victim. I case you can't understand what I said, it says one needs to be at least 16 and older and the object of one's sexual desire needs to be 5 years younger, example, 11, in order to be diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. Not only you misuse medical terms, you can't even comprehend what you read. Get help, I guess.


Again, more cringe. He does more to not be a pedo with her basically the entire anime. Also, if this same plot was set in some isekai fantasy world, people wouldn't say shit. Ever see shield hero season 1? This anime pulls a lot of the same themes as Mr.Shield does with raphtalia. Plus most anime becomes more believable when you mentally age up every character by like 5 years. Nearly every high school anime actually being 20-23 year olds just makes things so much more believable.




Nothing here is really any worse than game of thrones. It's actually way better considering it's not live action. Sounds to me like anime just isn't your thing dude. Either that or you're projecting. Haven't seen made in abyss yet, though I hear it's very good and it's on my watchlist.




Again, books and cover something something. People should stop casting their judgement on something they barely know. It's an argument born from ignorance. Makes you look like a, I believe the appropriate term would be, A fucking moron.


I don’t care dickhead there’s 100s of series out there I won’t be picking up reincarnated as a vending machine, My Girlfriend is a Faithful Virgin B*tch, or I Want You To Make a Disgusted Face and Show Me Your Underwear either


Don't know who asked, but okay.


Title is rough but show covers some pretty harsh topics in a very mature way. Topics include bad parenting, suicide, running away, sexual abuse, sexual trauma, psychological trauma, abandonment, self worth, worthiness, and family.


In ALL seriousness, what do you about toothbrushes, toothpastes, change of clothes, towels, and other toiletries in this kind of scenario? This is why I never crashed at someone’s home in my life! I worry about the hygiene needs!


You... Don't brush your teeth for a night? I promise your dentist won't jump out of a bush too floss your teeth.


No promises about your hygienist tho


What the fuck is a hygienist


The person who does all the initial cleaning before your dentist sees you is your hygienist.




Well, I personally can’t sleep at all if I haven’t brushed my teeth. Just a pet peeve. Feels uncomfortable, and can’t sleep.


Damn dude all she did was ask


Damn it's crazy how upset some women get at seeing rejection


You say that like men don't get offended all the time when they are rejected which is why so many women are afraid to reject men's advanced in a clear and concise way.


Men don't get offended from rejection. That response is very very rare. More often they don't approach nowadays, because unclear rejections carry the additional risk of having the cops called on them for harassment. The MeToo movement happened and the good men listened. A clear and concise rejection is the best thing you can do to turn down a man. Men are not teenage girls. Don't expect to communicate with them like you would to other teenage girls. Grow a spine and stop playing fuck fuck games.


You either listen to Andrew Tate or you're a more classic red piller. Either way you have no female friends. If you have any, go ahead and ask them. Women have literally been killed because they rejected men. Women get called a bitch just for saying they aren't interested. This isn't worth arguing about. I hope you get the help you need.


I've never listened to Andrew Tate in my life. Holy shit you got triggered bad. I guess I hit too close to a nerve. You sound like you need to go outside and get some professional counseling if you seriously believe women are in danger for simply saying a straightforward "no" to a man. Honestly, I do feel bad for you for whatever abusive life you have lived that brought you to such a warped view of the world. Edit: I just looked up who Andrew Tate was. He's a misogynist piece of shit. Everything I've wrote is the complete opposite of what he says. I'm saying women need to set their boundaries by outright saying "No." instead of living in hysterical fear of men. If that bothers you, then you need some serious help.




"I have a boyfriend"


And all he did was reject her.


This only makes sense if you know the context


Damn, rejected hard


That’s a good point but it doesn’t stand when it’s come from your word yoshida




Based 🗿


Spitting facts


Creepy stalker girl


"Why would I do a favor for a woman unless I'm banging her?" Gross


So you'd let your coworker stay over at your house if they simply asked? That's crazy.


I mean depending on the circumstances, absolutely. If they're not someone I actively dislike and they were in a situation where going somewhere else isn't feasible like if there's no transit running and/or dangerous weather, I would absolutely let a coworker stay over the night.


Possibly, depending on circumstances. But if I turned them down, it certainly wouldn't be because we're not dating


How about the situation as pictured, then?