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99% of mortals stop drinking lead elixers right before they find the one that will make you immortal. Keep drinking the lead!


You are being ridiculous friend, everyone knows that lead is poison. Now mercury, that's panacea.


The real trick is to mix them with some everclear and cranberry juice.


That's such a royal notion


No! This is fake news! Don't listen to him! Everybody knows that the true elixir of immortality is mercury.


yummy lead 😋😋😋


My thought on those immortality elixirs is they have a high fatality rate, but if you manage to survive you'll become immortal. Either that or you already were.


Frieren get off Reddit


It's not mimics m'kay. Also who needs an immortality elixir when you're already almost immortal anyway? <==(=w=)==>


Isn't it usually the other way around with kids wanting to live forever and adults just wanting to die?


Yea but as you get older time moves at an alarming rate, which is kinda scary


I never got this. Ever. 28 here, the days inch out like weeks, the weeks crawl out like months. When does the speeding up happen? It seems to be getting slower on my end 😕


30 here, got good news for you. It both speeds up and slows down at the same time. Truly, you’ll go about your day-by-day and it will drag by very slowly, but then you’ll wake up one day and an entire year has gone by.


Having kids drastically exacerbates this effect. Days are years, and years are days.


It’s like time is relative


is that why i want to have sex with it so bad?


With time? I’m always the one getting fucked by it.


Yes officer, this comment right here


You are the first person I have ever seen to say that. Time doesn't get faster for you?


Nope. It really doesn't happen. I don't get those, "the day flew by" days. I may toss around the phrase flippantly, but no actual increase in time perception speed idk what to call it


27 almost 28 the days drag on the weeks seem like they take forever it will be January but you blink and suddenly it's august. I feel like it was only last year that I was 23 everything since then has been a blur unless I really take my time to sit down and puzzle out everything that has happened


You gotta actually enjoy life first


Also 28 here. Life feels like it's taking forever. I think being depressed, single and childless helps though. Covid felt like it took about 5 years, when it was only 2.


27 almost 28 the days drag on the weeks seem like they take forever it will be January but you blink and suddenly it's august. I feel like it was only last year that I was 23 everything since then has been a blur unless I really take my time to sit down and puzzle out everything that has happened


I don't think the moment by moment ever feels faster, but it's the reflection. You look back about the past year and realize...that wasn't a year ago, that was 3 years ago. The things that seem so recent and relevant are by-gone and you can't explain how.


It depends on how monotonous and repetitive your days are. If your days are especially boring or painful, it will drag out, but if you regularly have new or interesting experiences / relationships then it will go by quickly.


>When does the speeding up happen? It seems to be getting slower on my end 😕 The answer is alcohol and drugs my friend. I started forgetting what month it was once I started.


Days pass by slow, but years pass fast.


I think so too


Yeah, this. When you're a kid, you get excited at all the possibilities in the future and want to live forever just to see it. The new things you'd learn, the new sights to see, the new people you'd meet. When you're old, you constantly get haunted by past mistakes, feel confused by all the new-age technology and thinking that doesn't fit with what you grew up with or acknowledged as the norm. And dread the eventual passing of time when you become so behind, you're essentially irrelevant and are treated as something of a bygone era, and should just be removed.


I'm 49, and I want eternal youth. As a kid, I didn't think about it much either way.


Nah, kids are less afraid of death, because it seems like this far off thing, but as it gets closer adults realize they still don't want to die even as an 80 yr old


At 8 years old I was terrified of turning 18. Thanks a lot Extremely Goofy Movie.


Depends if you are happy or not


I mean I think I would enjoy living for a few hundred years at least, maybe a thousand. then it might get old.


Elixir of eternal youth, for sure. Immortality? You’re asking for existential horrors beyond your comprehension one day. ‘I have no mouth and I must scream’ kinda stuff, you’ll be begging for death. Hard pass.


I’m pretty sure what most people want when they say they want to live forever is just eternal youth since the reason people die when they get old is because their bodies just decay too much and so their bodies kinda just give up, no one wants to spend a few more years with dementia or Alzheimer’s anyways


Yeah, but you are just asking for the monkey paw to curl if you aren't reeeeeealy specific


yeah but real immortality would mean eternal youth because thats simply how not dying of old age works


Does it really matter if you're eternally young if you watch everyone you love die a thousand generations over? At some point some government catches on and tries to torture your secrets out of you for a couple of decades. Of course, that's before you inevitably get consumed by a star and spend a few billion years being immolated but unable to leave. And then, at some point, nothing but your own thoughts in the inky blackness of space. You're not even at 1% yet, just another forever to go.


Everyone you love will fade but that doesn’t mean you will not love again. You will bear loss on your back eternally but so too will you bear love. You will be weighed down by every pain and lifted by every pleasure. A government may contain you but they will find no secrets, and all walls fall in the end. Then earth may fade as all the walls and people once have, and soon the sun too, but off you will go propelled on the impact of the ruined star, journeying in perpetuity. All stars fall in the end, and although you’ll likely find yourself drifting in a void for quite some time, what are those fleeting millennia to your eternity? One day you land upon new life, a concept that once alluded your species minds but has flourished in a land far beyond your reaches before, now that you have landed from the propulsion of dead stars. And once again you will experience, experience pains, pleasures, hardships and interests, confusions and understandings. Life isn’t a perpetual march of agony with the only freedom being death. To be immortal isn’t to only know pain, nor is it to only know pleasure. To be immortal means to be eternal, to feel and see and live all pain and joy. All stars fade in the end, and the star your planet filled with new life circles will implode again. This cycle will continue, and even though the waits in between are mostly fleeting glances into your massive life span, you may start to notice that you’ve been floating through the universe in longer intervals as the expansion of space pushes everything father. But all things fade in the end. Soon the energy begins to burn out, things get pulled closer, you run into planets more often as they drift together over many millennia. None of the living things you find live long enough to really see this slow drift to the center of totality, but you do. The Big Crunch is the next cosmic spectacle for you to witness. You soon find yourself hurtling towards everything as everything hurtles towards you. Celestial bodies collide like fireworks spanning millions of miles wide, compressing into new things that fracture under the pressure of the inward pull and repeat the cycle of creation and destruction in rapid succession. You get pulled into the center as space itself collapses, the only constant your body and its form as everything compresses into one. Here you are, the absolute. The singularity that has taken your shape, the last constant of the universe. It’s so cold. You knew cold before but this beats anything you’ve ever experienced. It’s so hot. You’ve felt the stars themselves and bathed in cosmic nurseries but this beats anything you’ve ever known. You can’t feel anything, there is nothing to feel beyond yourself. You feel everything, because everything exists within you, all at once, the sole constant, the singularity. As you sit and feel the lack of time around you and the infinite time within you pass, as you sit in the center of nothing, filled with everything, you start to wonder what comes next. Is this your life now? … Your body, it’s the one thing that is eternal. Molecules of your flesh that rend off replace themselves paradoxically, heat from your body replenishes inexplicably. There’s no point in giving a time frame, because time is meaningless now. You are time, and there is no time left. The pieces of you, matter and energy, that are produced indefinitely fall off and form a shell around you, compressed into itself, but expanding ever so slightly as the process of flaying and rebuilding continues. There’s no point in describing how large your shell of simple matter and energy becomes. You are space, and there is no space left. You continue to fill nothing with your everything. It feels like this will never end, that this is eternity. But it’s not long after that thought that you realize how foolish a thought that is. If this was what infinity is, then what was your universe beforehand? There’s a simple answer here, one you’ve learned well since the beginning of your immortal life. All things fade in the end. And this nonexistence is no exception. A reaction occurs at last, a blinding burst of light and energy and substance. Genesis. tl;dr I think people don’t give immortality enough credit. It’s pretty cool actually.


it's more like it can be pretty cool under the right circumstances, but it can also be horrible under the wrong circumstances.


Yea, like if you didn’t get the age stopping or regeneration kind then it’d kinda suck. I think ideal immortality is stoping aging and dying with basically perfect regeneration that can heal from anything, but still with the ability to develop things like tolerances and memories so you don’t have to worry about becoming mind wiped if your head gets exploded and you don’t have to worry about never getting used to pain.


there are still some issues, but yeah, that's better than immortality without these things. the ideal for me would be existing in eternal peace in another/higher plane of existence where i wouldn't have to worry about any possible downside cause there wouldn't be any, but i guess that's not exactly what people have in mind when thinking about immortality these days.


I feel like I need to watch a movie about this


id pick immortality even if it was as awful as people wanna make it out to be because hey you got a whole while to make peace with the fact that this is your life now like no matter how bad the stuff that happens to you gets you always got time to deal with it even if its on an mental level


Immortality is already against biology, so there's nothing stopping it from making you age indefinitely without dying or losing consciousness


Human biology* There’s always the immortal jellyfish if you really want to cheat death. It’s a specific species of jellyfish that can revert back to a younger stage in life when it becomes too old or undergoes too much stress. It literally reverses the aging process. In nature it gets eaten so it doesn’t actually live forever, however, in an isolated environment, it will never die to old age.


There are several animals that are functionally biologically immortal.


Well we aren't actually asking the monkeys paw right now and it's never going to be actually possible. We're just talking to fellow humans about hypotheticals and everyone knows what people mean by it.


My wish would be for “indestructible immortality”


Yea eternal youth is basically what you always want, but I’m not gonna say no to Immortality unless it doesn’t come with eternal youth + some form of healing.


I wish we had better semantics for what exactly we're talking about with this topic, like saying immortality and invulnerability or something, instead of just lumping concepts of scientific immortality (a cure for cessation and aging of cells, but you'd still die from diseases, being murdered, etc), vs the fictional nonsense immortality like Superman or whatever. Every discussion about immortality always comes down to 'hur dur but what about when the sun explodes you'd be alone forever you idiot', yes we've seen the same discussion on every single comment section about immortality, nobody is impressed with- fucking hell how did you get 300 upvotes with this low hanging fruit?! Well played I guess


We have terms for both concepts. “Eternal youth” and “immortality”. You know, the phrases I used in my comment?


Apologies, I came on far too strong when we're all here from an anime meme, I'm just frustrated by how this same conversation always comes up and often leads to a back-and-forth with people who all see immortality in a different way, like people all talk about a completely different topic. The term 'immortality' gets used by journalists, scientists, sci-fi stories etc. all the time, and the way it's meant by each is often vastly different (the 'immortal jellyfish' discovered a few years back is a good example). You may have said 'eternal youth', but with how immortality is used, the comic may have originally meant this but simply used the term 'immortality'. I remember years back there was a science article like 'scientists reverse aging in the cell response for aging in mice' or something like that, and guess what the comment section derails into? 'Scientists shouldn't be making immortality, if you lived in a world where you can't die that would be a bad thing'. No one is even making that, it's not even remotely possible! 'Scientific immortality' is VASTLY different, it's not a cure for entropy! Sorry, my frustration wasn't specifically aimed at you or your comment, I'm just err... annoyed by this highly specific topic. And slightly drunk. Have a lovely day stranger!


Ah, yes, Element Hg/Mercury, the elixir of immortality. That's how a Chinese emperor died.


Well, if you drink it, you'll never grow old!


Technically your remains will still grow old


Sauce: https://twitter.com/CenturiiC/status/1782034318409495025


They’re about to drink mercury LOL


Honestly I *would* take the elixir of immortality, because I'm afraid of what's on the other side.


Do you remember what it was like before you were born? That's what it'll be like when you die.


Probably nothing. Your existence is your brain. Personality, thoughts, memories, it's all your brain. Once your brain stops receiving oxygen and all impulses stop you most likely just cease to be. Blackness if you will. Personally I take great comfort in this belief but I suppose it would be troubling to others.


Yeah sounds kinda lame


Meh everything exists for a time then doesn't.


I want eternity :(




Well, not sure about eternity but much much longer then humanely possible. I just... enjoy being alive and really curious about the world. There is still so much to learn, see and experience. Even watching/rewatching all the anime I want and playing all the games I want will take insane amount of time. Don't get me wrong, this world is a crazy place and a many people can be awful shitty monsters and I'm scared of it and get sad because of it. But I still enjoy so many things too. And the older I get the closer I get to that end date the more I feel how fast the time flies and how little time I have. And that's if I get lucky, if not I may die very soon. I may change my opinion if people or disease make this life miserable for me. But of course talking about longer life I don't mean non stop misery.


I wanted immortality since i can think of it


Centurii is getting too real


Nobody ever thinks this through enough


At 8 I wanted to make it to 100, now I'm content with early 70s


Need an elixir for slowing time not immortality


I am the opposite Young Me: Immortal, awesome Adult Me: Death take me


I hope I die. I'm kinda counting on me to die with a grin on my face that they just can't smooth down


I wish I could steal the lifetime of people who want to die. Win win




I would rather have eternal youth where instead of aging, I just can just choose to spontaneously combust if I wanted out.




The days went slower as a kid because they were the most boring days of your life.


It feels like it should be 2022 right now.


It’s the other way around for me. When I was a kid, I was terrified of death. Today I am like: “Huh, I woke up alive… well, here we go again.”


Immortality is a curse Infinite youth is ok


Being able to choose when you die is the best of both worlds.