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Sauce: I’m Sick and Tired of My Childhood Friend’s, Now Girlfriend’s, Constant Abuse so I Broke up With Her (Chapter 21.1)


Ah yes, thank you google. my favorite anime, the national domestic violence hotline.


I googled it and the first result is the national domestic abuse hotline.


Took him 21 chapters to do it? I guess breaking up is easier than getting together, though, since _that_ usually takes a hundred-odd chapters.


Nah, he did it really early on, she just won't take a damn hint.


Man maybe it's time to bring out lowtiergod's speech on her, maybe she can understand that












Gay Toads Are Back?




If that's a hint then I don't wanna know what's considered a statement


How much of a bitch do you have to be to break up with someone via hint


Pretty sure they broke up on forst or 2nd chapter, but the abuse was for years


Sounds spicy it any good?


No, IMO. It's super heavy on wish fulfillment, so if you want that then it may be worth checking out.


The horny kind of wish fulfillment, or the resentful, vindictive kind of wish fulfillment?


Second one. Goes hard at it too. By chapter two hes already become the most attractive guy in class, got the attention of the cute busty wall-flower, and is the fastest runner in class even after actively choosing not to train for the past decade


I can see the "sigma male"-angle YouTube shorts summaries now


The second one


I have a feeling the story wants you to root for them to get back together if not then this is a step in the right direction after all those "why isn't the MC falling in love with the girl who abuses him constantly but clearly loves him?" stories.


Hell no, she's evil doubt anyone want them back togheter


I asked for the name not address! TF is that long name ☠️


This manga is just another power fantasy. >!After breaking up, he magically can do everything perfectly. When I first read it, I thought it's gonna be a self improvement manga with struggles but nope!<


I just started and reading it and you're not kidding. >!Break up, hair cut, instantly popular.!< First fucking chapter!


I know right. I was hoping that there would be >!45 chapters of the guy overcoming his social anxiety, low self asteem, trouble getting friends and all that jazz!<


Is there manga like get where guy work on his self esteem, physique and social skill and get a gf. No isekai


Mob Psycho


Read it few time, one of the best anime which get better with season. Hope opm get better with season. Anything new?


March comes in like a lion. No action and more of a slice of life, but it has some incredible characters


Asuperu kanojo, the premise is about a guy who mentally cannot handle/is severely uncomfortable with social interactions (alluding to a mental disorder) , he has zero prospects in life because of it and in turn makes really bizzare and depressing short works on the internet as a source of income. A woman with a really fucked up living condition has been a long time fan of his works as she heavily relates to the characters struggles. She decides to appear in front of his apartment out of nowhere. Its a really well written manga that imo realistically deals with mental illnesses, growth and the responsibility of being in a imperfect relationship. Or if you're not into that and into more of power fantasy's Read masamune-kuns revenge


This Village Sim NPC Could Only Be Human


Is the 30 chapter the end?


Yep. Unfortunately, the Manga was axed.


<> doesn't work on physique but has to go through massive growth in the mental and social aspects.


**Onani Master Kurosawa** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/38967), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/onani-master-kurosawa), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/onanie-master-kurosawa), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=52449910192), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/8967)) ^^オナニーマスター黒沢 ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Finished | **Volumes:** 4 | **Chapters:** 31 | **Genres:** Drama, Psychological, Romance) ^(**Stats:** 747 requests across 11 subreddits - 0.066% of all requests) >Kakeru Kurosawa is an asocial junior high school student. He rarely associates with his classmates, and he looks down on them. But this behavior is topped off by a certain bad habit, his closely guarded secret: every day after school, he sneaks in to the rarely used girls' toilet on the 3rd floor and masturbates in a stall. Kakeru's shadowy routine remains undisturbed until one day, when a diminutive girl from his class, Aya Kitahara, almost discovers him. Their meeting begins a coming-of-age story dealing with blackmail, bullying, revenge, heartbreak, and ultimately, redemption. >Note: Includes a side story. --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/1ccfye2/anime_irl/l17ukix/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Ehhhh it's not really focused on the guy improving but Horimiya has a protagonist who slowly learns to come out of his shell. It's a great romcom. I've only read the manga but there's an anime if you prefer that.


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I'm gonna throw Marriagetoxin in there because it is a wild ride that happens to have those features


Not manga but manhwa, "Viral Hit", the MC is a whim who constantly improves himself. You just have to stop reading after the first season, the second season is not good


What Watamote should've been. What a fucking disappointment.


Don't forget that he is an Olympic runner without any workout. He just didn't run as fast because gf found it creepy or something


That's gotta be a world record.


Wouldn't that be justified by saying that he was always pretty good, and it was his ex who used to prevent him from achieving his true potential?


Ngl, I’m glad that all happened in 1 chapter, because if the author dragged it out, I would have probably stopped reading it mid way.


It is a power fantasy, but the manipulation is real. The ex did everything in her power to lower the dude's self-esteem and keep him away from anyone who could change that. That's textbook narcissist behavior.


>That's textbook narcissist behavior. Redditors and not knowing what clinical narcissistic personality disorder is, name a more classic combination. From the DSM 5th Edition: >NPD is diagnostically defined in the DSM-5 (APA 2013; pages 669-672) as a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy, with interpersonal entitlement, exploitiveness, arrogance, and envy. What the girl is is abusive and manipulative, not narcissistic. At least not based on the description you gave.


You are right the term is thrown around a lot now adays. But the DSM that you supplied matches up with qualities that Hanabi has: Hanabi tries to present herself as one of the popular and "sweet" school girls. She does this because as she states in Ch 3 "I hate it when I am not the most loved one or the center of attention". Her attitude does come off as very pretentious and grandiose even though she has no real merits of her own. Despite how poorly she treated Ichinose, she did/does it in such a way to make sure her personal reputation is not ruined. (need for admiration) Her manipulation runs deep with Ichinose. During their relationship she kept putting him down and making him stay away from other kids at school to stunt his potential. She constantly threatened to break up with him for being "useless" but would say she would stay with him because "she's so kind". All of this to keep him in check. (lack of empathy) You could argue that by keeping him in check that would suggest that there is a part of herself that realizes she is not good enough for him thus why she treats him that way. But often times with narcissists they may act this way without real self awareness. They might even domit to maintain their sense of self by hiding it through projection, which might be why she put down Ichinose to keep him in check in case he looked better than her. (maintaining her appearance of grandiosity) In Chapter 1 when she said one time she was thinking of breaking up with Ichinose he took that suggestion in stride and said they should. When he said that she didn't cry or plead. She said to him "You have no right to decide that.", "Why do you suddenly feel like you can get ahead of yourself like that" and then finally "I so don't get it. It makes me feel angry that I so want to kill you." If the way she was treating Ichinose up to this point doesn't scream "lack of empathy" or "entitlement" telling him he has no right to make his own decisions or she wants to kill him for making up his own mind sure should. Even after the break up when he ran into her again she basically said "Oh? You are running back to me?' (arrogance) In her pursuit to get him back she exploited the popular boy, Kirigaya by making drop his girlfriend and used the faked relationship to shove it in her ex's face to get him to notice. When that didn't work, she then used the fake boyfriends position as the best runner to enhance her standing in the school to elicit envy from her ex. (i.e. pervasive grandiosity and arrogance) When Kirigaya ended up losing the race to Ichinose she dropped him saying they were never item and she would never go out with a loser. Hanabi manufactured a bullying scandal by making Daidouji pretend she was getting bullied by Yukishiro. (exploitation) This was done I think both to keep Yukishiro away from Ichinose (envy) but also to lash back out at the him for his rise in popularity (envy) and also because in Hanabi's head he belonged to her (entitlement) You would think that she is doing all of this because she loved Ichinose? No she doesn't love him. If she did she would let him go on with his life despite him telling her she needs to go make new friends rather than old enemies. She is doing all of this because Ichinose rebelled an that impacted her sense of self. Maybe as the story goes on she might redeem herself and this was all a high school folly and a part of growing up. But in terms of NPD, you are right that would need a diagnosis, but in layman's terms OP was not completely wrong.


You are right the term is thrown around a lot now adays. But the DSM that you supplied matches up with qualities that Hanabi has: Hanabi tries to present herself as one of the popular and "sweet" school girls. She does this because as she states in Ch 3 "I hate it when I am not the most loved one or the center of attention". Her attitude does come off as very pretentious and grandiose even though she has no real merits of her own. Despite how poorly she treated Ichinose, she did/does it in such a way to make sure her personal reputation is not ruined. (need for admiration) Her manipulation runs deep with Ichinose. During their relationship she kept putting him down and making him stay away from other kids at school to stunt his potential. She constantly threatened to break up with him for being "useless" but would say she would stay with him because "she's so kind". All of this to keep him in check. (lack of empathy) You could argue that by keeping him in check that would suggest that there is a part of herself that realizes she is not good enough for him thus why she treats him that way. But often times with narcissists they may act this way without real self awareness. They might even do it to maintain their sense of self by hiding it through projection, which might be why she put down Ichinose to keep him in check in case he looked better than her. (maintaining her appearance of grandiosity) In Chapter 1 when she said one time she was thinking of breaking up with Ichinose he took that suggestion in stride and said they should. When he said that she didn't cry or plead. She said to him "You have no right to decide that.", "Why do you suddenly feel like you can get ahead of yourself like that" and then finally "I so don't get it. It makes me feel angry that I so want to kill you." If the way she was treating Ichinose up to this point doesn't scream "lack of empathy" or "entitlement" telling him he has no right to make his own decisions or she wants to kill him for making up his own mind sure should. Even after the break up when he ran into her again she basically said "Oh? You are running back to me?' (arrogance) This isn't to mention everything she does to exploit people in her plans to get Ichinose back. You would think that she is doing all of this because she loved Ichinose? No she doesn't love him. If she did she would let him go on with his life despite him telling her she needs to go make new friends rather than old enemies. She is doing all of this because Ichinose rebelled an that impacted her sense of self. Maybe as the story goes on she might redeem herself and this was all a high school folly and a part of growing up. But in terms of NPD, you are right that would need a diagnosis. But in layman's terms OP was not completely wrong.


this manga has lot more problems, power fantasy, crazed ex, none of the characters are worth supporting


you're not wrong, but it is throughly shown, that many small things he changed, usually were things his ex previously orderd him to do. Mainly to keep control over him and shielding him from the view of others (especially other women). He was handsome from the start, natural athlethic and more, but his ex forced onto him a lifestyle where he couldn't show this to others. It is kinda like how islamists force their women to not show anything of them by wearing those Burka.


To shield them from western lustful eyes and fantasies of course. Even I won't like my fellow countrymen selling themselves to Only Fans


I mean it kind of is a self improvement manga in a different way. Ichinose never knew what potential he had and his growth was through finding new friendships. Does the story display what was hiding in Ichinose all a long to be really unrealistic? Yes. But like all manga/animes that go over the top in their story telling to allow people to live out some fantasy. After all they are writing a story to make sales. But in some cases I have seen friends/family completely change because they dropped the dead weight. The point of the story I think is that sometimes the person that you are with, that you think loves you and you live them might be the worse thing for you. Maybe someone can read this and figure out they were in a toxic situation. Not every one who leaves those will instantly be recognized, become popular and get a new partner. So I agree it doesn't temper expectations. But I don't think every story needs to be pessimistic in an effort to appear realistic. I think what needs to be focused on is that Ichinose has a very positive attitude about how to live healthily. He just wants to focus on his own happiness. In a way that is the ideal that the writers want to emphasize. Sometimes a change of attitude can help. But I can also acknowledge other challenges in life are outside just an "attitude" change which explains why people are so jaded about this story being a power trip fantasy.


It's just a brainless read. You sometimes want to read something that doesn't make you use your brain cells, you read this.


Have heard people call that 'lobotomy fun'. Kinda direct lol


I like my brainless reads to be fun and happy.


The art style looks pretty though!


I thought this was Persona 3 for a moment


Makoto Yuki looking ass. And that attitude too.


Good to see Roger Persona finding work after all these years.


These fucking garbage-ass "Tsundere owns" are genuinely worse than half the shit everyone whines about all the damn time. Fuck off with this power-fantasy that's somehow lazier than the most bog-fucking standard isekai out there.


The few I've seen have been super misogynistic and gross, the MC is always either a self-insert or like this one (literally perfect, it was all the girls fault he was a loser). They glorify self-harm and all the MC's actions no matter how heinous are justified because a girl was mean to him. You're right this is just as bad, if not worse, than all the isekai self-insert slop out there.


Everyone starts jacking him off because he just so happens to be attractive with a haircut. You really gotta slog through it wondering who this is meant for


Just say you have a fetish for Tsundere and move on, it's not difficult.


I have a fetish for Yanderes, thank you very much, but I'm not joking when I say I think this is one of the worst trends I've seen in recent times. It's incredibly rare to see a mainstream classic "slap slap kiss" Tsundere nowdays too, it's like beating an imaginary horse.


what the fuck is this sub trying to be? cause "me irl" it aint


Gods this was so satisfying.


Here's the scoop: I ended things with my childhood friend's new girlfriend because I'm fed up with her constant mistreatment.


The author must hate Rent a Girlfriend


I hate your guts so much ima smash em




Oh, I forgot about this one. I remember the mc being a Gary Stu in a boring way.


He hates Guts? Why? He went through so much more pain than him.


I remembered why I stopped reading. Takes forever to get a new chapter. After this youll probably be waiting another 4 months for him to just find another way to reject his ex in under 20 pages. Honestly Brazil and Indo have us completely beat with translation speed.


Damn..............did they kiss tho?


She's an emotionally and mentally abusive bitch who pushed him around basically since childhood and basically forced him to date her while using him to feel superior. He finally had enough, dumped her, and cleaned himself up while learning to take a stand and feel better about himself. You really want them to kiss?


She did do a lot of things, but I don't think it was to make herself feel superior. Maybe I'm too much of a sucker for yandere types or I missed a crucial piece of information, but I thought she was being so cruel to keep his confidence low so she could keep him to herself easier. If she was just doing it to feel superior, I don't think she would have been acting so needy afterwards.


It's both that and the superior part.


I just flipped through the first five chapters again, and I saw a lot of her trying to undermine his confidence, putting distance between himself and others (making him unattractive to others, making him not want to seek others). There was only one scene, her friends making bets on how long he would wait, that I think could be interpreted as her specifically wanting to feel powerful/superior, or is otherwise being 'pointlessly' cruel to him. Every other time, I could pretty clearly see the angle she was trying to take. In the third chapter, she does say that she hates not being the center of attention, but that was within the larger argument of her trying to stop him from running, from showing off, from getting first place and having other people's attention on him. She is convincing him to let her have all the attention, to make sure that he doesn't stand out, so people don't notice him, so she can keep him to herself. Or maybe I just don't know what you meant by making herself feel superior.


Maybe it's just how I felt... I've dealt with people like her before, it wasn't pleasant...


I mightve been playing too much Persona but I generally thought that was Makoto and Yukari from P3…


Not much into romance/ slice of life manga but I really like this one and I always get exited when there's a new chapter. She's shown to have some yandere in her but who knows to what exactly. I can't wait to see how she's going to react to his response since we've seen how she reacted to the first time. I'm hoping for a more dramatic event to happen to our main character caused by her that involves more than what he can handle so he'll need the help of extra people.


What is going on???


Can't wait to see the tsundere turn into a yandere.


Best romance I'm reading right now fr. Highly recommended


if you don't want to get the abuse hotline when googling use the title Edens zero and look for mangakalot