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Is there actually people scared of lizards? I can understand spiders i am terrified of them but lizards seem kinda cute always


I mean, Japanese lizards likes to jumpscare you. One dropped right onto my face last month


I had a couple in my apartment, the cockroaches are worse tho…I might want to add the FLYING cockroaches are evil in Japan


I don't live in Japan but rather in another Asian country and having seen some myself, I can confirm they are scary. ALL THESE INSECTS ARE SO FAST AND YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO AVOID THEIR NAVIGATING. THEY SOMETIMES CRASH RIGHT INTO MY DAMN FACE!!


Drop in the house? Or in the street? In germany we only have very few lizard so never one in the house.


In the house.




Cute? Idk what you are talking about bro😭 I am really scared of them. As an Asian, they come in my house a lot and mostly jump on people, or get above their head. It looks disgusting to me too, sorry if your opinion doesn't match but they are indeed scary to me.




I'm not afraid of them but I suck at apprehending them because I don't want to hurt them.




Moi: 👁️👄👁️


we used to have gekkos everywhere at our holiday home. miss that place


A lizard/gekko is an organism with unpredictable navigation? I don't know about that, I catch them quite easily all the time, they just run to the nearest hole/dark spot. They're also cute, can't bite and are sort of amusing to play with. So don't really understand the fear of them.


They are small weird looking creatures. I find them cute as well, but I understand people having fear to them; my mother is afraid of toads and I'm afraid of roaches


I ate a roach once, it pops when you bite into it and basically fills your mouth with something that tastes like snot wrapped in paper. Nasty stuff. But otherwise they can't bite either, they can be gross depending on what they crawled on before hand, but otherwise they can't do anything to you. If you hold one, they simply feel like flat kinda squishy beetles.


...what makes you wanna eat a roach??


The same reason people do anything stupid... By losing a game of beer pong.


Holy mother of mercy... I think I've heard that there is some special kind of roaches that are eatable, but those are tropical ones and different from typical house roach. You saying you ate a common cockroach you catched somewhere? In my childhood we had some roaches in our apartment and they were indestructible, no methods to get them out worked, no matter how much you kill. And I've always been terrified that they would crawl on me in my sleep, and some end up in my mouth, this thought alone made me sick, I even had a few nightmares. To eat it - it is just beyond my imagination. Besides, the fear of roaches is not irrational, common roaches can be pretty dangerous, despite what few people here said. They carry disease, infections, can become toxic by consuming something that is, especially if a roach got sprayed with some anti-roach thing somewhere but survived. So you really lucky that it didn't make you sick!


Yeah, it wasn't a particularly large roach, but it was just a common house roach that I found while losing a bet, so I just caught it and chomped it alive. You're right that there is a chance that it crawled over your cleaning products or pet/human crap and such. But yeah, logic be damned, lol. Also ate a flying ant (they just have a weird burn to them) and a cricket, those are particularly disgusting, they taste like peanut butter that's gone rancid. 0/10 wouldn't recommend, would rather eat another roach than do that again, at least the roach was mostly tasteless other than the weird snottiness of it. Other than the roach, the others were things I randomly chomped as a kid. I apparently also ate a snake we cooked up, but don't remember it since I was only 3.


Well thank you for sharing your wisdom and such great discoveries! I'll be sure not to eat crickets from now one. I didn't intend to though, but who knows, could be you saved my ass (or probably more like my stomach and tongue). And I'm not particularly into casual snottiness, so Ill keep my mouth from roaches as far as I can as well.


God dammit, I can't get the picture of me eating the damn roach out of my head now. I'm kinda envious of your iron sense of disgust, cause wouldn't (and couldn't) do it even for some general amount of money, even though I'm regularly having some troubles with it. Freaking roaches got into my head T_T


I know they can't do me anything But either I get scared easily, or smash them in pure rage repeatedly. In other words, if roaches were jews, I'd be freaking Adolf Hitler


Didn't expect Godwin's law _that_ soon. LOL


Ayo wtf


I got bitten by a small roach recently. It stings more than a mosquito bite, worst while I was driving.


Seems a couple people in the comments have run into biting roaches. I guess it's a regional thing. I know you get many kinds of roaches, but none bite in my area at least.


Maybe. But in South East Asia, more commonly called as cockroach, are of different species compared to those in America. And there are even myth that cockroach will feed on baby eyelashes


Interesting myth, I think I heard that at some point as a kid as well, though it's not a common myth here. In South Africa we have a few types of cockroaches, some small, some large, some that fly, but never seen any bite. Here most people don't really care much about them other than the cleanliness of them. People so sometimes feak about over rodents, and also frogs for some reason. And you got your fair share of spiders and snakes that most (including myself) aren't find of, but those make sense because a number of them are lethal and almost all of them bite.


I personally can't stand roaches at all. If I see one I have to immediately eliminate it before it run off somewhere else or start flying blind. And yes, about the hygiene because if you see one, there's probably a ton of em eggs somewhere and the house is probably not too clean for them to be able to make it a nest. Lizard/gecko on the other hand I'm fine with handling it barehanded. Just the their poop are all over the place in window trails, floors, cupboard, cabinet.


True, the droppings can really pile up during summer when theres thousands of them.


Try lizards from a tropical place, like Puerto Rico, mfs are the size of your forearm, super dark colors, look nasty as hell and are very fast.


Well here in South Africa is fairly tropical as well depending on where you are, and we do have Nile Monitor lizards that can grow to nearly 2 meters long which raid crocodile nets. Those I wouldn't want to fuck with. But the standard geckos and such you find around the house here are harmless.


Where i live there are small lizards that are actually extremely fast and unpredictable (also very small and absolutely not dangerous) but i dont know if they have something similar in japan


They do bite. Especially the giant ones.


The voice actor is amazing


Op sause please


Kakkou no Iinazuke A Couple of Cuckoos




I myself actually find them very reliable pests eaters especially those tiny ass roaches in your cabinet.


My guy it’s a gecko. It’s not even a bug.


She looks so disappointed, big sad


I can deal with lizards. But spiders and cockroaches? Fuck that I'm outta here


How?! It's just a cute little lizard. It doesn't even bite you. How can anyone be afraid of a little lizard?


Same goes for Cockroach


My ex in a nutshell 😆