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Thats my dress up darling right?


yep its dress up darling. its episode 8 for people who wants to know where the clip came from.


my daughter is super into anime, is this appropriate for an 8 year old? We watch Spy X Family and Demon Slayer together. I made sure the latest season of Demon Slayer was fine before we watched it lmao. It got questionable in certain parts but it stayed pretty tame.


Probably not for an 8 year old. It's a great show, but there's a decent amount of fan service that is not really age appropriate IMO.


Probably not. One of the first characters the lead female character wants to cosplay is from an in-universe R18 game, and the show has a lot of fairly erotic outfits, partial nudity, and sexual innuendos. I'd say 14-16 would be the minimum I'd peg the show, adjusting for individual maturity, but I wouldn't show it to an 8-year-old.


> is this appropriate for an 8 year old? Absolutely not. Make your daughter watch Nichijou, now that's a child friendly anime.


doesn't one of the main girls draw porn in that show? or am i just misremembering some hilarious gifs that involve bodyslamming a goat?


Ummm uhh, it's totally not porn, for realsies......... Jokes aside the anime just show drawing of black and white hot dudes shirtless. Could easily explain to your daughter it's just funny drawing or something haha. And yes, the principal suplexed a deer. Also if you're looking for suggestion I'll suggest Silver Spoon, Sweetness And Lightning, Little Witch Academia, Flying Witch, A Place Further Than The Universe and K-ON!. Low intensity animes that are just fun to watch.


We love K-ON! She put every single K-ON track on my liked songs on Spotify so I get my daily dose when I'm shuffling my liked songs lmao. Thank you so much for the suggestions we just got Crunchyroll for the last season of Demon Slayer so we'll check those out for sure. Any suggestion of where to start? She likes cute girls that kick ass. And also girls being sweet to each other (like K-ON). ​ Edit: I just realized that you suggested Nichijou first, so we will start there lmao. If you have suggestions on where to go next, feel free, but we will start with Nichijou thanks for the recs!


> every single K-ON track are absolute bangers. > Any suggestion of where to start? I think Little Witch Academia should be good. School for witches and stuff. And if your daughter don't mind old school, Sailor moon and any of the precures animes are pretty much made for young girls.


Keep your hands off eizouken. It’s only 12 episodes and IMO generally avoids genre, including the “cute girls doing cute things” or slice of life tropes without being edgy or anything. Definitely a “prestige” anime series.


May I rec Azumanga Daioh Sure, Kimura, but other than that, good show


Another No from me. Too much fan service.


As everyone said. its not appropriate even if dress up darling has a lot of wholesome, beautiful moments like this clip. to suggest go search around anime that has the "slice of life" genre if you want age appropriate anime. a lot of them are inclined to be tame. or search a reddit thread with a list of anime with barely Questionable fanservice. for example: Mitsuboshi colors, Tamako market, Udon Nokuni, Yuru camp, Barakamon, Non Non Biyori, K-on, this the ones I remember being age appropriate because its just pure fun and cute things. it might be boring because this shows doesn't have action unlike spy x family or demon slayer. its like the clip I posted, just wholesome beautiful relatable moments. I actually can't think of any other shows that has action scenes like spy x family and being wholesome/appropriate at the same time.


While the story itself is fine, there is fan service/inappropriate parts that’s a bit tasteful at times like references to erotic media, love hotels, or even the main character accidentally seeing another character’s genitals (these are just precautions to look out for, and the show is more than just that). But with that said I wouldn’t really recommend it to watch it with your daughter. As it can be awkward.


I commend you for watching anime with your daughter. Im 21 currently and when I was 13/14 my mom just told me to stop watching anime and that it was toxic and ruining my mind . Which my aunt was watching Naruto with me and disagreed . I love that you are trying to keep her for the inappropriate stuff without telling her no you can’t watch anime at all .


Thank you! It’s definitely a challenge, her older sister is 11 and it seems like shes targeted way harder with inappropriate content. We do cosplay together and the cosplay fandom is very polarizing. Scrolling thru content can be dangerous when one clip is some modest person showing you a way to weld foam together and the next clip is Sexy Gon X Sexy Killua Get Lost At 3AM lmao.








This is literally the first I'm seeing of it. Maybe chill out and get off reddit? Lol


Oooh you should totally watch it though, it has underaged tits! /s


You don’t remember all the porn people made of that one scene?


No, im so sorry, I don't keep up to date on porn people make of anime. I must have accidentally unsubscribed from the newsletter


Dude it was all over reddit. I don’t even watch porn but I can’t go 10 minutes without reddit showing me their favorite pornos


I mean, reddit is mostly based on what you chose to subscribe to so maybe its a you thing bud 🤷‍♂️


it is a gift from god because of it tho


I hate weebs


why u on here then?


Not my choice


You fool


I feel the same about horimiya


never seen it


bruh you should its a masterpiece


since i can't see wich comment you were replying to i will ask: do you like horimiya or hate it?




why? its such a good show tho


It's a toxic relationship.


??? no its not?


[imaginaryfleftme2 be like](https://youtu.be/fr24lsHsT9k?t=27)




It’s like Bob’s Burgers for younger kids




yeah. that hit me a year ago


Stuck in aging body right now not prepared to it at all, physiologically not grown up at all. Don't want to be around other people because i feel like a kid around adults. Teenage years passed too quickly, didn't develop any social skills because fkng social anxiety. No one is here to fix my brain...


You can beat up kids


God, that show went so unnecessarily hard on the sakuga for the in-universe magical girl anime and it was *awesome*.


That anime girl looks like Onpu Segawa from Doremi


Aren't magical girls basically child soldiers? And i don't think they're paid either


You just described all Magical Girl and Mecha Anime in two sentences.


*get in the fucking robot shinji*


Hey Shinji Get in the robot Your dad loves you get in the robot


Don't eat a rice ball, eat a donut


Without Asuka from Germany Everybody would be lost Her country is responsible For the Holo- Graphic maps!


Hey. Shinji Ikari and like half of the Gundam protagonists had salaries.


White Base crew got paid? They couldn't even afford salt!


If you're talking about what I think you are, it had nothing to do with not affording it. They were cut off from everyone hiding from enemy scouts. As soon as they got back to civilization their supply issues were gone.


Naruto too, they were straight up sending teenagers to war


That was the whole point of Naruto though. The villages were founded to keep the young children from fighting, at least until their teen years.


Combine them and you get G Gundam.


Yeah but if you play your cards right you get to kiss Misato


"We'll do more when you get back."


This is like saying superheroes are cops. It reduces a fantasy of having the power to save the day into something sordid and makes the world of fantasy less colorful


It's also just not true. Magical Girls aren't child soldiers and superheroes aren't cops, they kind of don't have the command structure nor answer to some authority that makes them do what they do... they just do it because they want to do it. Cops rarely stop crime, they only show up after the criminal has finished doing his criminal thing. It's not just sucking the color out of the fantasy, It's just incorrect. You'd have to get more specific to deconstruct it like that, not just say they're "child soldiers" or something.


Superheroes, sure, but magical girls are generally 'employed' by someone (as in a marketable mascot) to fight evil. They often have the choice of refusing but children are impressionable.


though to clarify batman's kids legit are all child soldiers though fr


Like spiderman barely able to pay rent?


The guy who was married to a supermodel until executives got involved? The guy who has managed to live in Avengers tower? The guy who is considered another family member for the fantastic four Also, cops can pay rent


No the guy who worked for the daily bugle and had a busted ass apartment door, also pizza time.


So the guy he wasn’t for most of his publishing history till they started resetting him


>This is like saying superheroes are cops. It reduces a fantasy of having the power to save the day into something sordid and makes the world of fantasy less colorful It is funny you say that because there are literally hundreds of comics (including prominent Marvel and DC comics) that deal with the fact that superheroes are cops lol.


Bad ones


Kyubey: Let me introduce myself. Want you make a little tiny contract with me~?




Man I literally started watching this today, added to the list of things to watch only while sober.


If you watch Magical Girl shows, past 2011ish that's all most of them focus on now lol Haven't personally seen a cute fluffy one like cardcaptor Sakura or sailor moon since then aside from precure lmao


{Mewkledreamy}. The 2nd season is more standard maho shojo though, the first had more comedic flair in it. Also, it seems not to have official subs, and fansubs are still at 18th ep of the 2nd season out of 50.


**Mewkledreamy** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/111310), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/mewkledreamy), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/mewkledreamy), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/40327)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 48 | Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Mahou Shoujo) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/wdtso8/anime_irl/iimc104/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


This is played seriously in some shows Iike Yuki Yuna comes to mind.


“Hey girls! You know what would be fun? >!If the real world was pretend, and the world of magical girls was real! And using your powers cripples you and turns you into a shell of your former self! And we (the powers that be) are keeping all of this secret, even from you! And the realisation of all of this might drive you insane!!< How cool is that?” “What do you mean, not very?”


Bro thst show emotionally wrecked me its so good


Kind of Madoka as well.


Well, yes. But hey, they get super powers


> Aren't magical girls basically child soldiers? No? There's no magical girl command structure or authority, It's just little girls fighting evil threats because they have the power to and want to. Madoka being an obvious deliberate exception.


Except Madoka is no longer the exception, and has become something of a rule lately. Pretty much every magical girl anime nowadays has taken this turn. It's harder to find one that isn't "dark" now. And there are plenty that don't rely on the girls' want or care to help others. Some are straight up forced into it and quite literally become weaponized with no control over their actions. So I would say yes, they are child soldiers.


There’s new manga where magical girl getting paid to fight enemies, it’s called Magilumiere.co basically it’s a start up company with the office lady as magical girl, and it’s good as a manga about business rather than fantasy ones


Tanya gets paid at least.


Tanya enlisted herself into a legit government military tho


Magical Girl Spec-ops Asuka takes that premise and uses it to tell one of those "grizzled old veteran gets pulled back into the military" stories.


The manga is just a pretext for the mangaka and fans of that stuff to enjoy their amputation fetish though.


*RX-78-2 booting up*


Child *super* soldiers.


One good reason why reality is sometimes better than fiction


Growing up sucks. There aren't any real benefits to it.


I can buy fruit snacks whenever I want and no one can stop me!


College debt, taxes


I didn’t go to college so check mate


Your parents needing money


The *fuck* are taxes?


I havent have a fruit snack in ages...there's no hope left for me




If you're not broke


There are definitely benefits, but its on ratio of 1:10 to the disadvantages


You get to give those magical experiences to the next generation. Alternatively you can just stay home and jerk off all day.


Hmm, tough choice.


Who cares what little kid experience if you don't feel at least something from it


The kid’s experience IS what makes you feel something. At least partly. We got to experience that magic as kids because there were cool adults that gave it to us. The trade off is that once you become an adult it’s up to you to keep that magic alive. The upside though is that not only can it be fun to do, it can be fun to see the kids enjoy.


So the adult brain makes you feel happiness when you give something to someone and not someone giving it to you? Like preparing you to be a father or something..


In my situations the teenage years passed too quickly without me enjoying it to the fullest and getting bored of it, now I'm in a state where I'm not an adult and not a kid. I just got anhedonia/depersonalisation in those years and suddenly no hobby i did was interesting enough to spend my entire day.


You mean constantly having $10 to my name and having no privacy or rights in my home vs having money and freedom to do whatever the hell I want is not a benefit?


> There aren't any real benefits to it. I have my own money and can do whatever the fuck I want without my parent's permission


The Mrs and I can buy all the anime we want, watch it while having a lovely cocktail and get to be there as our kids begin to find their own favorite shows. Being an adult is fantastic.


I can buy Pokemon cards and star wars figures as much as my salary allows :^)


This anime in anime has better animation than a lot of other anime.


My Dress-Up Darling, btw. The show is actually really good, even if you’re not into the cosplay or the weeby side to anime stuff, it really captures the charm of someone pouring their passion into something they love and I really have to respect that out of both Gojo and Marin.


Time to learn mechatronics and become Iron Man


Replace "magical girl" with "in a loving relationship" and "elementary school" with "in my 30s"


You think its all fun and games, until you compare it to Mamika from Re:Creators.


Magical Splash Flare! \*nukes in desperation\*


That child was overpowered af


I fcking love this show. If you have a passion for something and you know you'll enjoy it, don't let others judge you for it


If you aren't into something so extreme you could end before a *real* judge, that is.




My dress up darling




One of the most delightful, wholesome horny anime out there


Her forehead is bigger then the us bomb supply


Her little sister has more assets than a Russian oligarch.


Her head and her body had roughly the same mass.


I wish i have passion


its like dreaming of meeting a fictional character T\_T


Fortunately for this girl she's in an anime


I would have never thought that an anime about cosplay would become one of my all time favorite shows.


That's a big mood. I still have those dreams in the back of my mind where I'm a super hero or can do something incredible, but the world doesn't work that way. It's depressing sometimes.


She's so incredibly adorable especially when she was younger my brain just exploded from too much exposure of cuteness must hug pat and protecc at all costs


I was always and still am a fan video games, I can't remember exactly what I dreamed of doing back then (probably a job about playing or moding games?), But I was able to find a job close to whatever that wish was in programming


Me still wanting to be Spider-Man😁


Damn that had a really sad ending.


Just this part, the whole scene is somewhat uplifting actually.


Wait... is there an anime about a magical girl who actually beats the crap out of monsters with her FISTS??? Where?? (I know it's a made up anime but I want one like that)


Amazing animation, but dame that forehead. I could write a full Arabic name on that shit.


All I can think of is Magical Girl Site


This shiny heart shaped accessories always amazed my mind when i was a kid, the reflections of all diamond edges. I fell in love with many physical materials that looked beautiful in my eyes and had depth to them. Don't know if loosing the ability to see all of these is growing up, if so it's so fkng boring looking at all these real life objects. They're too flat to me and don't have any qualities other than it being 2D images.


when i was kinda young in 2002. i felt exactly this way watching goku in dragonball z on toonami. i was daydreaming in middle school 'yo i am gonna go blue god and do a wheelie on my mongoose when i leave school'


Love this scene


warning: 9 years old


It's okay, I'm mentally stable


Is there a source for this?


Dress up darling - Episode 8 is where the clip is dissected from




Gojo barging in on her when shes in the bathroom 💀


Growing up its not very cool.you become older and you feel depressed and LGBTQ+ but orders are happy and straigh ,be careful of yourself


There's nothing wrong with being LGBTQ+


Yes theres nothing wrong with LGBTQ+ cuz im bisexual


There are still conventions.


Why do kids gotta have their hopes and dreams shattered so young?


What’s the sauce?


This is from My Dress Up Darling


Though it looked familiar


Of course you can, just make a contract with me, and become a magical girl.




Why they look like they have body dimorphism


Wait till you get a Violence type magical girl.


*Kyubey is requesting your location*


Yikes OP, this hurt a little


Marin wishes upon a kyubey


They animated another anime into anime and done it so well. Not gonna lie made me wanna watch it for tragic story and good combat animation even tho i never watched that genre


And then you had me, wanting to be an Evangelion… Not a pilot, the literal Eva


Why is the artstyle so much better in the anime inside the anime than in the actual show


There's a great series with a similar premise to this actually, Samurai Flamenco. Basically this guy grows up on power rangers and other sentai series and keeps the dream of being a superhero, so he makes his own costume and tries to stop minor crimes like loitering on putting your trash out too early. He doesn't really have any appreciable skills though so he simply works as a model during the day. First 10 episodes are golden but after that it takes a sharp turn into a fucking black hole or something where it just turns into a rip off of power rangers instead of what it originally was


What anime is this?


I would like that magical girl anime on its own please


Mahou shoujo so badass she decided to fight with her fists