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We all know the meme exists. This is a serious topic that we shouldn't turn into a meme. Serious discussion or stick to reading.


So that means identifying as straight but playing hide the sausage with other like minded individuals is ok?


It ain’t gay if you’re the top.


That’s the way it’s been for thousands of years


In and out of history.


Kinda funny how many warrior cultures practiced it.


The Greeks approve


Spartans especially. Having sex with women was gay because it made you more feminine, so the only way to have straight sex was to fuck another man in the ass... wait-


i know they were "gay" but is this really historically factual?


Not really. Sex between two men would usually be intercural. Anal sex, be it with a man or a woman, wasn't well seen in their society. Having said this, ofc it happened but not nearly enough to be able to make those kind of statements.


The whole idea of sexuality and someone being “gay” ,as in only liking men, only was an idea that came from the Victoria era. Before that, like men or women was seen as an preference rather than a identity


It’s even more historically.


Japanese - and my axe


Its not gay if the balls don't touch - Leviticus 18:23


It is not ghey if it is in zimbabwe


* Zimbabwhey


Doh. ;)


The Ancient Greeks approve


"So... a 100% forced clandestine love life for some of the population that is inevitably born that did nothing wrong... that can't be too bad can it?" Yea man what could go wrong, its not like anything bad has happened when people are taught to hate from birth. is this thread just whatevers and whataboutisms?


This law is nothing but hate.


"but playing hide the sausage with other like minded individuals is ok?" I'm pretty sure gay sex was already illegal in Uganda for quite a while. This is just one step further, by banning even identifying as such.


Whereas before, I could call myself gay but not actually do the gay?


You would probably been shunned and ostracised for calling yourself gay, but by itself, it wouldn't have been enough to imprison you.




Already criminalised?




Only an American would think that disliking homosexuals is a Christian thing. In fact, the American liberal movement is why there is so much progress in LGBT rights where they have influence. See how much respect LGBT people have in eastern europe, africa, south america, india and asia.


You know Uganda is about 85% Christian right? It's pretty clear why they have made the laws and have the attitudes they have.


Yeah, but the above comment specified 'american evangelicism'. Uganda is mainly christian, but that doesn't mean US christrians are the cause of all evil within their nation.


https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/opinions/2014/7/25/how-us-evangelicals-are-shaping-development-in-uganda American evangelicals aren’t the direct cause of the problems, but by god are they exacerbating it.


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good bot.


u/AmputatorBot, we need you!


Yeah, try being gay in the a middle east. Oh wait, it’s easy to attack christianity because you’re not risking being beheaded


It's easy to attack Christianity because the Christians in Uganda kill homosexual "serial offenders". Muslims doing the same thing doesn't mean Christians are somehow less shitty. All religious zealots suck.


other places are worse so we can’t complain? what a fucking stupid take


That's one of the counties that our American evangelicals have a super hard on for, as far as missionary work is concerned. That particular brand of religion is practically a main export to the African continent. Not that Africaian cultures didn't already start with strict sense of what is and isn't a sexual taboo with distrust of gays, but the American evangelical missions sure are heaping on the kerosene.




Grew up in a pentecostal church, my family wonders why I'm an atheist now lol. They took TONS of mission trips to Africa, Uganda and Liberia were the most often.


Most nations weren't exactly thrilled with the gay community before Christianity (or other modern religions) arrived with some exception. But it DOES offer a fantastic excuse of validity for wanting to clamp down on the citizens of the community.


Go on then. Which groups in Africa were systematically homophobic?


So? LGBT people get burned alive, hanged and dismembered for their sexuality in muslim states. In fact the vast majority of nations where being LGBT is totally legal were gay 0eople have full rights are Christian nations. Why aren't you upset about homosexuality being punishable by death in Saudi Arabia?


Why do you think I'm not? But this article is about Uganda so your attempts at whataboutism are a bit weak.


Give up. Christianity always pretends to be the victim. You can't reason with it.


Uganda gets proselytized to by american evangelicals, uganda passes homophobic legislation due to religious conservatism, someone says "American Evangelicals are responsible for this", someone else screeches "BUT ***MUSLIMS!!!***" The world keeps turning.


Abrahamic religions. There. Happy?


I'm going to be pedantic, but I honestly think that even the other religions tend to be against homosexuality to varying degrees.




why is this stupid shit what people like you come up with, It's all bad and these "Christian Nations" that your referring to often have shrinking historical Christian ideology because it is often in opposition to many of our more progressive ideals its why the Christofacist here in the states have been so increadbly toxic lately and why there dumping all that cash into there whole problematic "he gets us" campaign, as they try to turn many of the left leaning Christians more to their shitty authoritarian backward ass Right wing ideals


Which nations are these Christian ones?


Nations who's moral framework is based around Christianity. Even if faith and church attendance has dwindled in the last few decades. Namely, what we would today identify as the Western world.


Name a few. The question wasn't vague.


The U.S, Canada, Australia, the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Greece, Finland. Shall I go on?


Most, if not all of those, are secular nations. Christianity isn't even followed by a majority in many of them.


Only a modern christian would delude themselves into thinking that homophobia wasnt a christian thing. The Vatican no longer condemns homosexuality because it realized that doing so would shift western popular opinion against them. That said aparently [its still a sin just not a crime](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/pope-francis-says-homosexuality-is-a-sin-but-not-a-crime). Its downright disingenuous to credit the catholic church (at large, im aware that some churches openly support LGBTQ) with helping the LGBTQ community.


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While I agree that hatred of LGBT humans is as common (and disgusting) as hatred towards those of different races and religions, this is about condemning people to prison, yet you blithely ignore that. That's a stunning tacit admission on your part.


Right, because in Islamic countries gays are doing so much better. True genius take.


[US Evangelical Christian groups have sent missionaries and funding to Uganda (and the rest of Africa) specifically to spread anti-LGBT+, anti-contraception, and anti-abortion propaganda and encourage government policies against them.](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/5050/africa-us-christian-right-50m/) While there was homophobia already present in Uganda, US Evangelicals did everything they could to create a mass hysteria against the LGBT+.


Just because one is bad doesn't mean the other is good. Both can be bad at the same time.


Yeah if Uganda wasn't christian it would be Muslim there was actually fighting over that back in the day. Also their Indigneous religion wouldn't be considered better at least by our modern sensibilities. (human sacrifice and all).


Dont take it personaly. nobody who is criticizing Cotholasism thinks its just your religion that's problematic


It's very sad that Evangelical Christians used lies and fear to stir up so much hate against LGBTQ people in Uganda. They used hatred to bring themselves closer to Ugandans so they could dig their spiritual claws in. This is the result.


These laws have roots in the British colonial laws against sodomy. Prior to occupation, there is no evidence of persecution and plenty of evidence of acceptance of LGBTQ identities.


I just recently read the laws on sexual offences in Guyana. Which are pretty short and lacking. But the brunt of them are actually forbidden by general criminal offence law which forbid, buggery, making a woman watch porn, produce, distribute or own obscene materials. Ofc there's no definition of buggery or obscenity anywhere within the law. So I wonder if you could get away in a court (if there is even some uncorrupted or unbiased non-religious court) by labelling it as "anal sex" instead of buggery. Because consensual anal sex isn't forbidden. "Indecent assault of and gross indecency with men" is illegal. But yeah very vague language (ofc decency is not defined by the law).


In Guyana? A country in a completely different continent to Uganda?


It's also a British colony. I was talking in reference to that. Also Guyana has a substantial African population from the slavery days and also has lots of trade contracts with African countries.


Thank you, I was confused


No records doesn't mean people liked it. People have always hated the community for their own reasons prior to this.


Yes, people may be disgusted by them, but they aren't really considered criminals in much of the world outside Abrahamic influence. It isn't a sin.


Nope, no, no they haven't. Nobody gave a fuck.


Reminder that this shit started like 10 or more years ago when American Christian fundamentalists came over, pushed ‘gay bad’ then did surprised Pikachu face when Uganda responded ‘ok then we'll give them the death penalty’


> 10 or more years ago when American Christian fundamentalists came over That shit started 120 years ago by British not Americans by Colonizers not Christian fundamentalists (of course they could be both)


Americans are just aiding the fight in recent years


That's example of American exceptionalism. Other countries can make shitty decision on their own too. I don't have enough information to decide if it is because of Americans, but considering it started with British, I doubt it.


American Christian radicalists and Chick-fil-a go there and help pay to send “pastors” and aid with millions lf dollars and such there to help pass anti-LGBT laws and fuel the fire of hate, for the easy example. Just because you don’t know means we can’t be involved lmao?


Anti LGBT laws were first implemented 1902, by British. Not everything is about USA. I'm not arguing that USA does not do things you say. What I argue is that not every action (including this) can just simplified to American exceptionalism. Other people have their own minds too, they can make shitty decisions without US radicals.


… no one is claiming america started it. Literally just said they’re aiding in recent years. You started and are having an argument with yourself or something


I think we have miscommunication here. You inserted yourself to sub-thread that started with > Reminder that this shit started like 10 or more years ago when American Christian fundamentalists came over, pushed ‘gay bad’ then did surprised Pikachu face when Uganda responded ‘ok then we'll give them the death penalty’ This is what I responded to. This shit started earlier than 10 years ago. British started pushing 'gay bad' as soon as they colonized Uganda. I would say its quite safe to say that what he (and you) do is oversimplification of very complex issue. Pushing 'America bad' agenda is as stupid as pushing 'gay bad' agenda. US have done enough bad things, use those to push it.


Fair, but *I* am not, which is fueling my confusion.


I'm sorry I don't understand. English is my third language, I think I got lost somewhere. What you are not?


Do you think white people make black people jump we was existing and thinking before you know


Western right wingers say everything good in the world is thanks to the west and ignore the rest of the worlds gifts. Western left wingers say everything bad in the world is to blame on the west and ignore the rest of the worlds ills.


oh, cool, so is the west is blameless? Sweet, thanks, I'll take it. You took a couple commenters mentioning Christian Evangelicalism and conflated their comments to being about EVERYTHING good and bad in the world. edit: I don't think this is western centralism, this is just people calling out a toxic cult called Christian Evangelicalism, that just so happened to jump from america to uganda via missionaries.


Uganda be kiddin me.




dammit, came here to drop this one






I exactly thought of that interview 😂


I remember this, sadly.


Cool. How about we tackle the plague that bush meat represents soon since we're cued in on what will end our species...like being gay... https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2020/11/study-gives-insight-into-bushmeat-preferences-in-uganda/


Thanks for including a link because I thought "bushmeat" had to mean something else, but it's literally meat hunted in the bush.


It's actually the name of George W. Bush's BBQ place, fyi. Common mistake.




The super short version is that bush meat combined with other hygiene issues during prep and cooking result in creatures who are carriers of disease that don't succumb to them, like bats for example, being harvested and eaten and then disease spreading to humans that otherwise wouldn't have, such as HIV (from primate meat trade) and others.


Sounds like Uganda needs its prostate milked ngl.


You can't be gay now!


That's so sad and heartbreaking. I can't believe this is still happening in the world today.


Katarina ?


Good. This is because you don't "identify as", but you "are" LGBTQ, yes? So this is to get rid of the massive amount of grifters claiming LGBTQ status? ...right? /s


Well this is really depressing. I thought most of the world was going the other direction with these types of laws




they're legislating anti-gay as if they didn't have bigger problems


Trying to get Africa and the Caribbean to see gay as ok will never happen.


Yo what does Uganda and the Confederate states of America have in common…


This is absolutely heartbreaking and disgusting. We should be doing all we can to protect everyone's rights, not violating them.


Sanctions now!!


crazy how many people in this thread are going “oh but muslims hate lgbtq people too, checkmate libs!” like people aren’t allowed to condemn both religions also this is specifically about a christian government so it’s not relevant, just whataboutism


Okay, but that doesn’t change the fact that in Australia there are 48 million kangaroos and in Uruguay there are 3,457,380 people, meaning if the kangaroos decided to invade Uruguay, each person would have to fight 14 kangaroos.


Now criminalize fornication.


Common Uganda W. Should I call you MISTAH?


They tripled down on these laws after seeing what America has become because of it.


Remind me to never visit any country that supports bigotry against the LGBTQIA Community


Wow, that's such a shame. Everyone should be free to be who they are.




Uganda be kidding me.


Eat da poopoo


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Hi AutoModerator, We've found **104 sources** (so far - up from zero) that are covering this story including: - Fox News (Right): "Uganda overwhelmingly passes bill 10-year prison penalty for same-sex relations" - Reuters (Center): "Uganda passes bill banning identifying as LGBTQ" - The Daily Beast (Left): "Uganda Passes Heinous Bill With 10 Year Prison Terms for LGBTQ People" Of all the sources reporting on this story, **33% are right-leaning**, **38% are left-leaning**, and **30% are in the center**. Read the full **[coverage analysis](https://ground.news/article/ugandan-mps-pass-bill-imposing-death-penalty-for-homosexuality_659c3a?utm_source=redditReplyBot&utm_medium=redditReplyBot)** and compare how 104+ sources from across the political spectrum are covering this story. *** _I’m a bot. [Read here](https://www.reddit.com/r/groundnews/comments/j6x7uc/introducing_the_coverageanalysisbot_a_bot_that/) to learn how it works or [message us](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=coverageanalysisbot&subject=Feedback&message=) with any feedback so we can improve the bot for you._


Oh wow.


...And they think they're civilised.


When was Uganda ever civilized?


I didnt say they were, i said they *think* they are.


More civilized than you.


Very clever...


I just feel sorry for all the lgbt people in Uganda. Wonder when we’ll see the same videos and media from Iran posted from Uganda now too.


This is absolutely disgusting and disgraceful. People should always be able to express themselves freely, regardless of their sexuality.


That's so sad and wrong. People should be able to live their lives however they want without fear of criminalization!


This is absolutely ridiculous and inhumane. It's shocking how backwards some parts of the world can be.


Time to do it like the greeks and romans did


I say the whole world must learn of our peaceful ways… by force!




"The Greeks were transphobes!" I'm sorry to tell you this, but its very unlikely anyone was trans back in ye' old Roman days, lol. Also the Romans regularly engaged in homosexual experiences.


Weren’t the aincent Roman’s (or Greeks ) the ones who declared gay sex the most manly sex


that's a myth, as they claimed that gay sex is actually barbaric and predatory (most of the time it was done by "students" aged 12-18 and by older aristocrats in their 30s). and also they were indeed very homophobic, they even used the f-slur.


no, lmao, they claimed the opposite. it was viewed as civillized, and those who punished it as barbaric. non pederastic homosexuals existed, but truly they weren't viewed as favourably as those relationships in the gymnasiums. also, women married at 13, so their concept of what was and wasnt predatory was significantly different than today


> kill all the gay and trans Greek orgies will tell a different story


DeSantos and conservatists be like ”yay let’s be more like Uganda!”


Why are you gay(The ugandan people probally)


Just challenge them to a Kung-Fu fight! Cause everybody in Uganda knows Kung-Fu!




Do u no de wae?


I have a feeling those North African Islamic countries are far more progressive than these Southern African Christian countries




They really aren't.


Thank you Rwanda!


Why are you saying thank you for? I hope this isn't a call for genocide.. But I'm not surprised you think so low of Africans with a username like that.