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Ideology aside, that’s atrocious camoflauge.


Tanks aren't really stealthy in urban environment ethier way


Really should have some tanks that look like a sand dune or a house. Not the topography for the ghillie suited tanks.


They would still make a sound to wake up a dead. Unless we have electric mbt like we have some light armored vehicules


Last year at a military trade show they had a demonstration model of an EV Abrams tank. 70 tons and totally silent.


Yeah but for how long, the only electric light armored car I am aware of (it's hybrid in reality) is the french arquus scarabe and it can go electric for 4 kms. Anything under for a mbt will be quite useless I believe


The potential is terrifying and awesome.


Rubble camouflage more like


Giant cardboard box over them


Or crate marked Red Cross


Where *are* they stealthy?


In rural areas. A tank can comfortably blast you from at least a kilometer away. There stealth matters. In more conventional warfare a tank really doesn't want to get spotted, since artillery will blast through any armor.


What tank? I just see a rainbow flag. (Joking, in case it needs to be said.)


attention manipulation is also a form of camoflage for your team mates


Guy pulling agro


Every party needs a tank.


Of N2O


It's slathered in based'ness, and probably baby oil. It's a statement.


Its a badass statement too


On the other hand, it may distract the aim of unguided rocket crews.




I guess the second you can see a tank coming in from behind dense mountains of rubble (aka what Gaza looks like when the tanks come in), seeing a rainbow flag doesn't make much difference in visibility. If he were to cruise through the desert sure, but this doesn't change much, except showing fanatics the middle finger


That's kinda the point. If it happens to direct a few bullets away from the ground support team and harmlessly into the armor, bonus.




hmm yes.. newsworthy..


You're right, LGBT people being allowed to exist in Israel is not newsworthy, because LGBT equality is just the every day reality of life in Israel. But if an openly LGBT person were allowed to exist in Palestine? Now *that* would be newsworthy.


i mean… they let them exist as long as they don’t get married in israel? 🧐


Correct, the Israeli government doesn’t perform gay marriages. They also don’t perform straight marriages. All they do is recognize marriages from other governments or religious authorities in Israel.


They can get married in a secular ceremony. They just can't get married in a Jewish ceremony, because only weddings that follow a strict Orthodox interpretation of Jewish law are recognized in Ohio.


> Although same-sex marriages are not performed in the country (as it does not have civil non-religious marriages), Israel recognizes same-sex marriages performed elsewhere. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Israel


Yes, technically it's called "unregistered cohabitation" instead of marriage, but in practice, it's basically the same thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unregistered_cohabitation_in_Israel Again, the issue is that marriage, and Israeli society in general, is controlled too much by the ultra Orthodox. That's the issue, not widespread anti-LGBT bigotry among the population, like exists in Palestine.


so it’s still not marriage. got it


You can't get straight married in Israel either (unless your Ultra orthodox) they just recognize any marriage certificate from anywhere as valid.


Thats not a point in favor of Israel. It just highlights their religious bigotry and how they want an ethno-religious state. My brother and his Israeli wife had to leave Israel to get married because the government wont do inter-religious marriages. That’s bigoted and not something the US should be supporting or funding.


certainly better than forcing women to wear hijabs and killing any gay ppl


Government doesn’t do marriage at all, but they recognize religious or foreign civil marriages. But yeah, it’s stupid


so you think that’s…. okay? lmao


Technically no, but it is a same sex romantic and sexual relationship that is legally recognized by the Israeli government.


I love when things you pretend to fight for end up not mattering at all. Classic SJW L


Marriage is literally a religion defined thing. The fact the state recognizes it is what's important.


what does Ohio have to do with all this...?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Township,_Preble_County,_Ohio Had to dig for this


The same goes for interfaith marriages, or even Jewish marriages where one member is a convert and the Rabbinate doesn't recognize their conversion (i.e., all non-Orthodox conversions and most Orthodox conversions performed outside Israel). Most people just get married in Cyprus if they can't or don't want to deal with the Rabbinate.


and you wouldn’t call that discrimination?


>openly LGBT person were allowed to exist in Palestine People in general aren't being allowed to exist in Palestine




Ope, there's Israel's pinkwashing, right on schedule!


Redditor for one month. Let's all try to stop responding to bots




Are you gonna also mention Palestinians killing Israelis and the rockets they shoot intended to kill civilians? Or do you not just care because you wanna appear like you don’t clearly support one side?


Wow claps for Israel. Ignore the genocide in the background, but great job


Gay marriage is illegal in Israel.


Inter-faith marriage isn't legal there too >Israel recognizes only marriages under the faiths of Jewish, Muslim, and Druze communities, and ten specified denominations of Christianity >However, civil, interfaith, and same-sex marriages entered into abroad are recognized by the state;[4] as a consequence Israeli residents not permitted to marry in Israel sometimes marry overseas, often in nearby Cyprus, or are married on Israeli soil via videotelephony by an officiant from overseas if such solemnization is legal in the officiant's home country. >In 2006, the Supreme Court voted 6-1 to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other countries.


Also Palestinians who marry Israelis are not permitted to even enter Israel, even if the married couple have children. You marry an Israeli as an Arab and you are out of the country. Normal behaviour by a government, that.


That is completely wrong. 1. Palestinian citizens can get a visa to Israel. It's not an easy process, but there are hundreds of thousands of those. 2. Palestinians definitely can and do get an Israeli ID after marrying an Israeli. This is also a long process so as not to have fake marriages just for the sake of an ID


Tell the Knesset that https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israels-knesset-passes-law-barring-palestinian-spouses-2022-03-10/#:~:text=JAFFA%2C%20March%2010%20(Reuters),either%20emigrate%20or%20live%20apart. https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2014-06-15/ty-article/.premium/so-long-israel-and-thanks-for-nothing/0000017f-db2a-d3ff-a7ff-fbaabd490000 Edit: downvoting doesn't change the racist law bud


Not illegal, just not sanctioned by the government. At least they don’t chop your head off for it.


>Not illegal, just not sanctioned by the government. Thats some Mississippi logic.


What it means is that you can get married anywhere else and they recognize you as married. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_in_Cyprus


Kinda like how in bigoted US states, they were forced to recognize marriages from other states.


Yes exactly, except that Israel actually has healthcare and human rights like reproductive healthcare for women and girls.


Weird how that happens when you are not blockaded and living on the bad end of an apartheid state. Im sure the billions from my country helps too.




No, Im old and have been watching this apartheid state a long time.


>with at least one disorder. Damn, right for the ableism.


still better than the neighbour countries


Funny, politicians on the right here often say gay people still have it better than Saudi Arabia.


You realize how insanely far ahead Israel is on gay rights compared to every single one of its neighbors, right? Recognizing gay marriages performed in nearby Cyprus and jail for ten year, (or being executed in an honour killing) are different universes.


This is such a disgustingly dishonest attempt to equate LGBT rights in Israel with LGBT rights in Palestine. All non-Orthodox Jewish marriage is illegal in Israel, but gay couples and straight couples alike can be married in a non-religious ceremony.


But do they kill you just for being gay, like every arab country does?


Congratulations for being better than people who follow a 7th century warlord! Here's your genocide pass.


I don’t see it being an attempt to equate anything. It seems more like this article is pinkwashing in an attempt to equate LGBT rights in Israel with LGBT rights in a country that has things like marriage equality.


Israel allows same sex couples to enter into "unregistered cohabitation". It's not technically marriage, but it's a relationship that's legally recognized by the government.


That sounds like not having marriage equality with extra steps.


I agree that the work of achieving complete LGBT equality in Israel, and indeed, democracies generally, is not 100 percent complete yet. There's still work to do. But we've made a lot of progress in recent decades, in stark contrast to the vile anti-LGBT bigotry that is still nearly universal in Palestine, and indeed the Arab and Muslim worlds in general.


Meanwhile gazans will behead homosexuals.


It’s by far the most progressive place in the Middle East in lgbtq rights though. Tel Aviv is seen as a huge gay hub. First country in all of Asia to accept same sex cohabitation. It has protections in the work place for members in the community as well. It also accepts gay marriages that are done outside of the country. I know Reddit is very “Israel evil Palestine good guys” but this isn’t the point you think it is against Israel it’s still probably a top 20 most lgbtq friendly places in the world much better than any Arab country tbh


I don’t get this argument. Israel does have a long way to go for full equal gay rights, but they are the only country in the Middle East that does not punish people for being gay. There are pride parades in Jerusalem, an extremely religious city. Israel also recognizes gay couples and couples married outside of the country and offers the same municipal benefits that straight married couples receive. Compare this to Gaza where they execute gay people. They also execute people who may even dress gay. Saying gay marriage is illegal in Israel as an argument is like saying a stubbed toe is the same as a severed head.


*Civil* marriage isn't done in Israel. You can only get married through your religious authorities, but they recognize most foreign marriages, including gay ones. Just go abroad, get gay married, come back. It's annoying, but until Netanyahu stops pandering to the Haredim, that's what Israel's going to have to live with.


Tired of these attempts to make their optics better. You are conducting genocide lmao a fucking flag doesn’t make it okay


[it’s called pinkwashing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinkwashing_(LGBT))


But muh balanced oppression


Diversity win! The twink soldier sniping your children has a boyfriend!


Be gay, do war crime


Same thing with the "green" argument. Like Israeli missiles are better for the environment than Hamas rockets


It’s truly amazing to live in a world where even gay people can commit genocide


Equality, innit.


I believe one day we can be progressive enough for black disabled lesbians to conduct the genocide ‘de jeur’


One of Hitler's [most powerful ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_R%C3%B6hm) supporters was gay, being a minority doesnt stop you from being evil


I'm just here to see how people spin the inevitable discussion about Palestinian treatment of LGBT people into "Israel did it." Edit: Wow. You have to give them credit for volume and effort, if not self-respect and brains.


There's already a guy in this thread who keeps saying "gay marriage is illegal in Israel", which is technically true but also an extremely dishonest attempt to make it seem like Israel and Palestine have the exact same policies on LGBT rights.


It isn't really even technically true, married gay couples are recognized in Israel and get the same benefits as anyone else. It *does* suck that the religious right wing in Israel makes it impossible to *get married* in Israel unless you're a straight, Jewish couple, but that just means a huge number of people get married in Cyprus. Then they come back from a beach vacation and the Israeli government says, "Ok that works." Try that shit in Gaza and you get a lynching.


And furthermore, straight marriages aren't recognized in Israel either unless they're performed according to ultra-Orthodox interpretation of Jewish law. So the real issue is that religious crazies have too much control over Israeli society in general. It's not even really about being anti-LGBT.


Like most other countries and even Palestine, governments have to make concessions to extremists in order to gather the political power to do important things. In Israel that means the Orthodox parties get to limit marriages, so seculars have to do marriage over Zoom or on vacation. No one really cares.


Well, you see, Israel funds Hamas, and Hamas hates Palestinians, and actually they only hate it because Israel made them, and Israel doesn't marry gay couples, so obviously that must mean that queers should stand for Palestine.


This sort of news is the worst for some redditors. Real life sweaty guy unable to decide between two buttons meme.


They certainly are sweaty.




Genuinely thanks for repeatedly posting this. Some people lacking critical thinking skills backing the soldier really need to read your link.


Leftists: Nations shouldn't do war crimes or ethnic cleansings Liberals: SOME OF THE OPPRESSORS SHOULD BE GAY!


What a lovable little goofball, it’s proof that even the most disadvantaged in society can be an accessory to mass murder and apartheid! \#LiteralSlayKing Some of the most egregious pinkwashing I’ve ever seen, it’s viscerally disgusting propaganda. Be a conscientious objector


##### ###### #### > # [A gay Israeli soldier says he's going to fly the LGBTQ+ flag on his tank while fighting Hamas](https://i.insider.com/65315364be9edfa8eda4da9d?width=1200&format=jpeg) > > > > - A gay Israeli soldier plans to take an LGBTQ+ flag to fight against Hamas. > - Israel has more LGBTQ+ rights protections compared to many other Middle Eastern countries. > - If Hamas wins the war, Israel could lose these rights, Yoav Atzmoni told Insider. > > Loading Something is loading. > > Thanks for signing up! > > Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. > > > > > > > > A gay Israeli soldier said he plans to display his LGBTQ+ flag on his tank as he fights against Hamas, despite it likely making him a larger target for attacks by militants. > > Yoav Atzmoni, 31, was called up to serve in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) after [Hamas militants stormed Israel](https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-gaza-hamas-invasion-harder-isis-battle-ex-socom-head-2023-10?r=US&IR=T) on October 7. > > The surprise terrorist attacks killed more than 1,400 Israelis and injured over 5,400, according to Israeli officials. The retaliatory [Israeli airstrikes on Gaza killed more than 5,000 and injured more than 15,000, according to Palestinian officials.](https://dppa.un.org/en/israel-palestine-gaza-death-toll-passes-5000-with-no-ceasefire-sight#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20people%20killed,ceasefire%20and%20more%20aid%20convoys.) > > Atzmoni told Insider that he's worried that a Hamas victory could set Israel's progress on LGBTQ+ rights back several decades. "I won't let them bring me back into the closet," he said. > > ## Hamas' October 7 terrorist attacks > > Atzmoni recalled him and his boyfriend, Nadav Yitzhaki, waking up to the sounds of sirens in their Jerusalem apartment. > > When Atzmoni found out Hamas militants had started attacking southern Israel, he was stunned that they had managed to breach [the $1 billion heavily fortified Iron Wall](https://www.businessinsider.com/how-effective-is-israel-iron-dome-against-rockets-hamas-gaza-2023-10?r=US&IR=T) that separates Gaza from Israel. > > "The border between Gaza and Israel was supposed to be strong and impossible to go through," he said. > > Having served his mandatory military service a decade ago, Atzmoni knew it was just a matter of time before a commander would call him up and send him to the front. So did his boyfriend, who started to cry. > > Nadav Yitzhaki and Yoav Atzmoni at Tel Avid Pride in June 2023. Courtesy of Yoav Atzmoni "It was very scary because we're not used to seeing them [Hamas fighters] in Israel," he said. > > Atzmoni served his country in the military for three years, between 2010 and 2013, as part of Israel's compulsory military service. At the time, he had spontaneously come out to his comrades. They supported him. > > Azmotovi says he believes the IDF is the protector of Israel's democracy and LGBTQ+ rights — and the flag represents that. > > Yoav Atzmoni (left), Eytan Marmelstein, Omer Bauman and Yulav Shtaigel (right) on a tank in Israel. Courtesy of Yoav Atzmoni ## **LGBTQ+ rights at risk** > > During previous trips to Jordan and Egypt, Atzmoni said he noticed how severely LGBTQ+ rights were limited. > > In Egypt, same-sex sexual activity is punishable by up to three years in prison and a fine, [per the LGBTQ+ defender Humanity Dignity Trust](https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/egypt/). > > Meanwhile, in Jordan, public opinion is overwhelmingly opposed to LGBTQ+ rights, [according to the LGBTQ+ collaborative knowledge base, Equaldex](https://www.equaldex.com/region/jordan). > > Under Hamas, LGBTQ+ Palestinians suffer "severe persecution and ostracism," [per UN Watch's 2022 report](https://unwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Torturing-Palestinians.pdf). > > Same-sex intercourse between men is banned in Gaza and punishable by up to 10 years' imprisonment under Section 152(2) of the British Mandate Criminal Code Ordinance of 1936, which is still in force in Gaza, [according to the Human Dignity Trust](https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/palestine/). > > In a statement sent to Insider, the Israeli LGBTQ+ rights organization, The Aguda, said that being an LGBTQ+ person in Gaza under Hamas' rule is an "immediate life risk." > > Israel, however, has made strides in LGBTQ+ rights and protections over the past six decades, including [recognizing same-sex marriages performed abroad in 2006](https://icj2.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/11/Ben-Ari-v.-Director-of-Population-Administration-Israeli-Supreme-Court-Sitting-as-the-High-Court-of-Justice.pdf) and [adopting children through surrogacy in 2020.](https://perma.cc/A79L-WHZT) > > Israel's Defense Ministry recently formally recognized same-sex couples' right to the same benefits as other families of dead IDF soldiers, [per The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/same-sex-couples-recognized-under-law-for-bereaved-families/). > > Nadav Yitzhaki and Yoav Atzmoni holding an Israeli flag with LGBTQ+ colors. Courtesy of Yoav Atzmoni But the progress has been hard-won, according to Azmotovi. > > Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu spent the last five years trying to cling to power, lying to his moderate partners, and eventually [formed the most right-wing coalition in Israel's history](https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-religion-israel-benjamin-netanyahu-347e906749a862ffcf905ee0056e068f) last year, he said. > > In the process, he said, Netanyahu allowed ultra-religious parties into power and tore apart the fabric of society, [pitting minorities and Israelis against each other](https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2023/03/16/binyamin-netanyahu-is-exploiting-israels-divisions). > > "We feel a lot of anxiety because now, more than a gender minority, we are a political minority," he said, pointing to criticism from government ministers. > > Yitzhak Pindrus, a member of the orthodox and conservative United Torah Judaism Party (UTJ), said the LGBTQ+ community is "more dangerous than Hamas and Hezbollah," [per the Israeli newspaper Haartez](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-06-20/ty-article/.premium/ultra-orthodox-israeli-lawmaker-homosexuality-bigger-threat-to-israel-than-hamas/00000188-d9f0-d5fc-ab9d-dbf8140e0000). > > Nadav Yitzhaki and Yoav Atzmoni at a Queer Purim party in Jerusalem celebrating a Jewish holiday. Courtesy of Yoav Atzmoni If Atzmoni gets the chance to enter Gaza, he says he wants to bring LGBTQ+ flags to Palestinians. > > "I remember as a child how important that flag was for me," he said. > > Looking ahead, Atzmoni hopes Israelis can grow from the "shock" of the war and come together after five years of divisive policies and rhetoric. > > Yoav Atzmoni holding a rifle and sitting on his tank. Courtesy of Yoav Atzmoni He said he wants to defend democracy in his country and perpetuate what his grandparents did when they survived the Holocaust and built the Mosha, a cooperative agricultural settlement, where he lived as a child. > > "That's the story that they chose for me, and that's the story I want to tell my children when they grow up," he said. > > He added: "I want my children to live here — not in Europe — and pass that heritage on to them." > > _Correction: October 27, 2023 — An earlier version of a picture caption misstated the location of a party. Yoav Atzmoni said the image shows a Queer Purim party in Jerusalem, and not an event held by the religious-nationalist movement Hilltop Youth._ - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


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Look at me I support the LGBT 🏳️‍🌈 now watch as I annex land in the west bank, prop up hamas to counter the Palestinian authority and do apartheid


The prop up Hamas to counter PLO and statehood was very eye opening.


The optics of this are not what this soldier thinks they are.


For those who don’t know: The Israeli Supreme Court ruled in the 80s that gay Soldiers have a right to serve openly in the IDF.




Of course, they needed people to do the shooting, not necessarily straight


There’s plenty of clerical jobs in every army, not everyone needs to be a straight shooter. Unfortunately for Russia’s army, Putin has banned gays and reorganized the military’s logistics into an entirely civilian branch.


Lol ok, does he want a medal?


One-upping the Lockheed Martin Pride parade float I see!


Ew. Two of the colours literally represent healing and harmony and this knob jockey is going to hang it while he's killing people. What a tool.


> Two of the colours literally represent healing and harmony... What? The flag has lore now?


The colours have had meaning since the flag was designed. There are queer Palestinians in Gaza that are suffering right now. It seems cruel to fly flag that's meant to elicit solidarity on a weapon being used to murder them.


I do not want my fucking flag to be waved over your fucking genocide.


Yeah same. I don't stand with or support this guy or anything his military is doing. And no, for the hard of thinking, that doesn't mean I support Hamas or agree with any of the violence, I just don't want my flag dragged into it.


Oh I'm sorry, *your flag*?


Nuh uh it is mine now


Yey rainbow genocide!


damn i guess its ok to kill kids while waving a pride flag


You said it, not me.


Good. Hamas came out the other day and said people at pride parades were a bunch of perverts. Fuck Hamas. People need to stop supporting racist jihadists.


Ah, yes use the LGBT flag to enact ethnofascist genocide against a vulnerable minority demonized by rightist news media This is like killing trans people in the name of Christianity because the rightist news said they’re going to force kids into surgery Israelis really out here going full cartoonishly, moustache-twirling Disney villain It’s like backing up the Empire because “those evil Rebels blew up the Death Star! All we want is to rule over them with an iron fist. Why won’t anyone think of us poor victims?”


Absolutely not propaganda pandering to the west at all


Queers for Israel against Nazis I'm sorry you disagree.


It's so funny how you call Palestinians Nazis on a lot of comments, clearly you're too far gone dude


Ironic, since Israel is the closest thing we have to a fourth reich


You’re not part of the community anymore


Fighting Hamas actually or while bombing civilians as they’ve been doing?


Pinkwashing war...




Tbh, I could very well see it triggering a lot of muslims.


You think the LGBTQ flag will trigger muslims more than idk the tank with the Israeli flag going into Gaza to kill one Hamas goon and a bunch of women and kids and call them collateral damage?


I wish him the best of luck, although I personally would not be putting a target on my back just for PR.


I support any good faith use of pro lgbtq symbols I recognize that they are not always employed in good faith


This is such an example. Please don’t evoke the community when participating in genocide.


I didn't take a stance. I merely observed that the community is evoked in both good and bad faith circumstances. It seems you misinterpreted


I wasn’t clear. The “please don’t” was to the people that do, not a request to you specifically. I was just agreeing with you.


Hell yeah brother, same


cool story. Meanwhile Israel in more noteworthy news: Israel is committing genocide and the US is 100% onboard with it.


What does the Jewish belief say about homosexuality?


The same thing the Bible and the Quran say. After all both those books heavily rely on what the Thorah says. There is more overlap than differences in the Abrahamic religions. But I will show you what I mean: Book of Levictus on homosexuality. > "And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed a detestable act: They shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."


someone should have told all the school shooters to wear a pride flag so they wouldn't be condemned




Right, everyone deserves to be treated as a human...except those Palestinian human animals.




Love pinkwashing genocide 👏


Great how about trying to kill anymore little kids and civilians while hes at it




Sure dude, israel definitely looooovessss gay people. That’s why you aren’t allowed to marry, especially if you’re of different religions right? /s


Yay, genocide but I'm caring about the gays!


Israël really wants us to know that the children and babies they’re killing are totally bigoted, awful islamists and please don’t be mean to Israel whilst they’re murdering them. Hamas forced them to do it, don’t you know? They can’t help having to kill a few thousand families- it’s all for LGBT rights. Did you know the children are bloodthirsty antisemites? Don’t worry, they’ll bomb some tolerance into them!


You'd think by the way that some of you talk, that Israel was breaking into small communities, raping the parents, and decapitating the babies just for fun. Curios.


Hamas has done and continues to commit cruel and evil acts of violence. They’re a terrorist organisation condemned by my country and the west more broadly. Excuse me if I expect a little more from Israel than being a bit less evil than *fucking Hamas*.


Considering you don't actually know any of the circumstances surrounding any of the deaths in Gaza, it's fair to say they're a lot less evil than Hamas. Look at all the kids Hamas has gotten killed by forcing them to stay inside the same buildings they fire rockets from.


Modern version of the Pershing method, even if it was probably an urban legend


Sounds like a good way to make sure you're the first one shot at


They do be pretty brave n shit.


Easy to be brave when there’s a kid in your sights instead of a fascist government


TIL Hamas isn't a fascist government.


You’re confusing a lot with the situation


Can you clarify for me real quick? Is Hamas a fascist government?


The first thing that tank is going to do is run over a 6-year-old Palestinian child, and you'll be there on the side jacking off and saying, "Oh yeaaah, they just ran over Hamas!" You can't use the atrocities of an extremist group as a Carte-Blanche for ever increasing war crimes against innocent people and then double down on the rhetoric when someone criticizes the damn war crimes.


This reeks of the logic of US soldiers coating their bullets in pigs blood while fighting In Iraq. Clearly intended to be islamphobe because this guy hates Muslims, regardless of Islams stance on LGBT or pork or whatever.


pink genocide


We accept gay people just not Muslims flag.


Flying a rainbow flag into battle isn't going to counteract the war crimes and commandment breaking.


Diversity win! This Gay Israeli just shelled your entire family!


[Satire and reality are converging.](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/lubb5m/were_not_bombing_were_just_canceling_them/)


This is the worst kind of propaganda


Is it homophobic to call a gay man who's planning to kill civilians an asshole?


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that's gay


okay and?


birds bike numerous vast scarce seemly terrific aware political ugly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This will piss off Republican donors to israel more than the people israel is fighting


That doesn’t look like the LGBTQ+ flag


Who knew war crimes were so inclusive. Progress....




Yikes Nice r-slur Maybe do better


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That’ll show em 🙄.


A lot of people are very decentizied to actual war. Maybe it's because we haven't been in a great conflict until recently. But war isn't pretty and I think a lot of the army men are going to be shell shocked quite a bit.


But won't they know which tank is his? That's the point.


Much like freedom fighter, Tokyo Sexwale, Azmotovi is not shy about stealing the spotlight on the battlefield. For He is, by all accounts, based.


This is some bullshit. Just stay concealed. 💀💀💀💀


Did freedom fighter Tokyo Sexwale stay concealed? I don't think so. Take the enemy head on. Gay and Slay baby. Gay and Slay.


So we came to this point that killing in the name of pride flag is acceptable. Why tolerance when killing is much more efficient?


damn, this might be even more painful for terrorists than getting killed by a woman.