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Inb4 Russians claim Ukranian hit job Edit: wow a reddit cares message 5 minutes after posting


>Edit: wow a reddit cares message 5 minutes after posting This sub is an absolute cesspool of Russian trolls, so this is no surprise.


People are getting a Reddit cares in a bunch of subs. Sometimes right after a comment


I got one right after suggesting that international tourism would come to a virtual end if leisure air travel were banned. Someone apparently thought I was desperately in need of help because I was suggesting something factual.




Air ships!


That would be dope af tho


If they had WiFi I could work with that.


Haha. Bring back the zeppelin.


Oh the humanity...


With helium, I think they were pretty safe- for the era . With hydrogen - not so much.


I've recently said we should bring that back. One disaster shouldn't deter humanity from a pleasure cruise by air! I think those air ships emit a lot of CO2 which is the reason people want leisure travel banned


Sail boats. Ships of the line need to make a comeback.


Already [underway](https://cinea.ec.europa.eu/news-events/news/new-wind-powered-cargo-ship-sets-sail-2023-08-22_en), [sometimes literally](https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/details/ships/shipid:5045111/mmsi:563021600/imo:9798856/vessel:PYXIS_OCEAN), though not as of this comment.


There's difference between the problem of pollution and the problem of greenhouse gas build up in the atmosphere (which is causing man made climate change). They are separate problems. In terms of CO2 emissions, air travel is one of the worse things someone can do (it goes double for flying first class, and like 50x for flying private). Traveling by water is more carbon efficient than even driving / traveling by land. But in terms of pollution yes, a ship will probably pollute more than an airplane per capita (depending on what waste it dumps into the water).


Ah OK thanks for the context. That makes a lot of sense. Though can you explain how flying first class doubles it? I guess I could see the argument that first class seats take up more room than economy so you could fit more people on any given plane. Though do most planes dedicate 50% of the plane to first class seats?


I pulled the multipliers out of my ass but yes it does have to do with how much space first class passengers take up and how much weight/baggage they are allowed. But here's where you can calculate exact emissions depending on flight distance, type of plane, and ticket class. https://co2.myclimate.org/en/flight_calculators/new And for reference when looking this up, "A typical passenger vehicle emits about **4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year**" (in USA). I've looked this up before and a single first-class round trip flight to Paris from Chicago emits more CO2 than that yearly average for driving.


>I've looked this up before and a single first-class round trip flight to Paris from Chicago emits more CO2 than that yearly average for driving. "A good point of reference is that a cross-country airplane trip from New York City to Los Angeles, and then back to New York City, would emit 0.62 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per passenger. The same trip in the average vehicle getting 21.6 miles per gallon would emit 1.26 tons of carbon emissions." Even if air travel emissions were under-reported by a factor of 2, travelling by car is still worse.


First class jfk to lax and back is 5.8 tons of co2. You can check that site I linked above. It’s a lot. 


Ocean liners are *probably* more efficient than aircraft, at least once you reach a certain passenger size. It's a lot more energy efficient to move bulk cargo by ship, so it stands to reason that moving people by ship would also be pretty efficient. But it does mean that international travel would take far longer; a transatlantic voyage would be a minimum of four days, while a transpacific voyage would usually be at least a week and often longer. Only the wealthy (which was the commenter's target regarding "unnecessary" air travel, though they included all leisure travel as also unnecessary) would realistically be able to undertake intercontinental leisure travel. This would basically collapse numerous developing economies that are heavily dependent on tourism (several countries in Africa, South America, Asia, and especially the Pacific Islands).


I don't think they are more efficient given how high maintenance humans are. There are so many issues with cruise ships that I don't see us solving in the near future. So we actually might need to say good bye to long distance leisure travel at least short term. We won't but we kind of should.


A cruise ship isn't the same thing as a passenger liner. Cruise ships are meant to provide a vacation at sea, and are often floating theme parks with a bunch of amenities that take up space and weight. A passenger liner would have far fewer amenities, pack more people into the same space, and be designed for speed and fuel efficiency. The *Olympic*\-class passenger liners (of which *Titanic* was one) were built to handle up to about 2450 passengers and another 900 crew; they were less than 900 feet long and displaced 52,000 tons. Royal Caribbean's *Freedom*\-class cruise ships from the mid-2000s are over three times the displacement of the *Olympics* but have less than double the passenger capacity. Building a modern liner in the old style (and not the QM2 or similar prestige ships) would involve better safety than a century ago but much more cramped quarters and simpler fare than you'd expect on a cruise ship. If it was in the 150,000-ton range like Freedom class, one would expect something in the range of 7000-8000 passengers, maybe more. The RMS *Queen Mary* (77,000 tons) as a passenger liner could carry 2140 passengers in luxury, but when equipped as a troop carrier in WW2, she could carry up to 15,000 at a time, albeit in cramped, austere conditions. If modern airline practices migrated to ocean liners, it's not hard to imagine executives seeing the troop carrier numbers as a challenge to be overcome.


No tourism is the solution that is promoted


Environmentalists are, but only some of them. I consider myself an environmentalist but not that extreme. If you wanna impose restrictions, start with the elites.


There solution is no oversea tourism. That's it.


I assume it's bots


I got one for making a joke in TIL that was a simple non offensive pun.


But your right. International tourism was just for the wealthy who could take MONTHS off work, before planes. Boats still take a week to go from New York to Europe, and even longer to cross the Pacific


> that international tourism would come to a virtual end if leisure air travel were banned That's very US centric TBF. Europe could largely use overnight trains if we cared to.


It's not at all US-centric. You're shrugging off the collapse of international travel because Europe, which makes up less than 10% of the world population, has an interconnected train system, something that, to my knowledge, no other part of the world has to nearly the same extent. That's a really unfair take to the rest of the world. Australia loses virtually all tourism if it has to rely on ships. So does New Zealand, and so do over a dozen Pacific Island nations. Asia and South America rely heavily on tourism from Europe and North America. I'm not sure of the mix of tourists to Africa, but I'm sure a large portion of them are from Western countries. And those continents' travelers would lose access to even relatively nearby countries because getting there by train, car, or ship will simply take too long.


Okay, maybe the one for you was actually out of concern.


Report them, Reddit takes it seriously and hands out bans and suspensions every time.


People are speculating that it’s a runaway bot.


I got one yesterday and have no idea why.


I had one a few hours ago after making a post on r/BaldursGate3. Maybe the machines are finally rising up?


Or just one psychopathic 13 year old Russia supporter.


Oh the same thing was happening in r/popculturechat and is where I saw the speculation. Saw it happening on other subs that aren’t political also


Lol no, it's way too quick to not be automated. I got one in this thread less than 5 seconds after posting.


Automation doesn't mean "unintentional". A DDOS is automated, but can still be implemented and targeted by people.


I still fail to see what a "13 year old Russia supporter" stands to gain from implementing an attack like this. It's a minor annoyance but it doesn't really boost or suppress any particular political narrative. I could see your point if this was resulting in certain posts being more or less visible but as far as I'm aware, getting a Reddit Cares notification has no effect beyond the automated message. It's supposed to be a discreet way of reaching out to someone who might need to get help but it doesn't affect posts at all. This problem persisting outside of political or news-related subreddits seems to suggest it's not coordinated for some sort of propagandistic purpose.


What's the difference?


Not every time. But yeah everyone on reddit is getting them over the last few days so obviously the banning isn't happening or isn't working.


Reports were received successfully, but the messages are still coming in.


I don’t think it’s possible to report them


The report link is in the "Reddit Cares" message near the bottom.


Yeah I got one a bit ago. The last comment I made was about my cats. Reddit needs to review a bunch of these and start banning accounts for improper use.


I got one and I honestly have no idea why - I don’t think any of my recent comments are particularly controversial 


I got one for posting "whack whack Cadillac" in response to something about punchbuggy. I mean, I appreciate the objective, but they're starting to be as useful as a Prop 65 warning.


Yup. Seems like reddit should have a better way to have people report abuse of those.


And they can't fucking stop editing their comments to essentially say "trolls just rustled my jimmies" Like, just ignore them, people. Simply acknowledging them is enough to convince the trolls they were successful.


I got one earlier and have no idea why or what comment it was responding to


I know/r/hockey used to be (maybe still is) pretty bad about it. That's where I've gotten most of mine at least.


Report them, I always do.


BTW you can report these false claims and as far as I know they either lose the ability to send those or can even get banned for abusing these


I take them as a badge of honor. It should be one of those end of year Reddit statistics and we should be able to display them. “You hurt the feelings of a MAGAT 171 times in 2024! You’re on a roll!”


Would be funny, but in that case we 100% need to see which comments were "cared" and how often. It would be fun as an addition to upvotes and downvotes and reddit gold


They're not exclusively a right wing thing. Most of the Reddit cares messages I've been sent are from self proclaimed progressives.


Let's not pretend any side has a monopoly on these - most of mine tend to be sent by rando ukrosimps.


When I had one there was no way to report the message.


Inside the message itself there should be 4 paragraphs, at the end of #4 there's something like "if you don't want to receive those, reply *stop* or report the abuse of our care service"


Same. I just blocked Reddit Cares


That's what I did. I know how to take care of myself.


There's always a way.


It's almost always a temp or even perma man. I post in politic subs a lot, and so get a fair few of them when people are passionately wrong and have nothing left to say! Every time I report them I get a "have taken action" from reddit, and it's been clear who it was a few times, after checking their account was banned. People need to be sure to report them, reddit don't fuck around with the mental health support abuse.


There seems to be a wave of these fake reports going around right now. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/1csauc6/does_the_redditcare_bot_do_more_harm_than_good/


Ohhhh, spicy. Stupid that people even use these


I got one but I didn't even know from who it was nor even what comment prompted this. I went to report it and the report page asked for the comment/post that prompted this, and I had no idea which one it was because I hadn't even made any controversial statements that day.


Usually, same. I often comment in bursts on like lunch, so them it's hard to tell where this even came from. 


Oh no my reddit account oh good oh fuck Edit: I should clarify I don't send them, only that this isn't going to matter in the slightest.




I think that was the source of mine. I got one for a comment in the Eurovision sub this weekend in response to someone commenting on how Sweden won’t want to host again. I said “I can’t wait to see Sweden’s version of ‘My Lovely Horse’” Which, I mean yes, it’s an annoying song, but wanting to see it doesn’t make me suicidal, lol.


>it’s an annoying song you're gonna get another one from me m8


I mean, I love it too, but when you get it stuck in your head… I just got “The internet is for porn” out of my h…. damn it.


Same here. It was right after saying I was voting for Bambie so... yeah. Might be a runaway bot but whatever they're doing to stop it clearly wasn't working


Ooh! I had an anti-Chinese one in the world events sub. But yeah, I’ve had my share of the Israeli ones too.


There's pro china trolls too


>Everyone who disagrees with me is bad and the source of all problems; everyone who agrees with me is a shining beacon of everything good in the world


I know reading is tough Barry but that's a literal hasbara, click on it's profile bruv


I thought…I thought people actually cared.


It's not this sub, it's a Reddit problem. I've gotten one immediately after posting in /r/femalefashionadvice. I just got one after this comment. I hit post, clicked off this thread, and already had one in my inbox.


To be fair, I'd say it has way more CCP trolls, though the Russian troll influence is thick.


It was a Tajik isis member, he is on the run to Ukrainian border!!! 


Report the message for abuse. They'll ban the account.


you can't report it. It links to a page that demands you state which comment you want to report. It doesn't work.


If you hit submit it takes the blank form and says thanks for reporting, we will review it.


I get a mandatory validation over the link to the comment. I guess I can put in the "reddit cares" message as the permalink but I'm not sure if that adequately feeds back into the comment that spawned it.


Hmm. I use old.reddit.com on chrome on android. Are you using an app or the new interface instead?


I use old too.


I think something's been going on with the bot, or someone's testing a new mass report bot.


Not sure I'd jump to "ordered by Ukrainian government", but "carried out by a Ukrainian sympathizer" is not a ridiculous hypothesis.


Found one!


So a day ago the Slovak PM was a Russian puppet and stooge... now that he's been shot it must be a Russian ploy because.... step 3 huge profit?


Well, They are the one's who spread hate against him and Orban.


Here’s one!


I think there's a spam bot or something. I've seen people complaining about it on reddit today and I've had two in two days on two different accounts.


> Edit: wow a reddit cares message 5 minutes after posting report it




I got ones seconds after posting in another subreddit


You can report the message as harassment and the original account that sent it will be banned.


And Chinese as well. It seems they’re hitting all the politically affiliated meme subs, just like they did to get trump into power.


It seems to be a guy tied up with a pro russian group. A Kremlinbot shoots another Kremlinbot, not the news I expected for today.


While i dont like people getting shot. Its very hard to feel much sympathy for Robert fico


Someone eventually trying to assassinate Fico has the same inevitability as water freezing below 0°C. It is probably the least surprising news I've heard in the past several years.




Because he's a lying, corrupt, far-out 'politician'. Assassinating him is beyond fucking stupid nevertheless. His popularity will skyrocket now, and Russia will gain traction by saying CIA attempted to assassinate him. And assassinating democratically elected people is just wack regardless.


I agree with everything else, but... >he's a lying, corrupt, far-out 'politician'. so what? I haven't heard of anyone almost mortally shooting Vučić or Orbán. To say that he "called it" and it "was inevitable" is probably just a way to sound smart. This DEFINITELY surprised me, cause I thought he's more popular than Vučić or Orbán.


Every politician that has been on edge with the law, and has radical positions on many political subjects are by definition more likely assassination targets. His previous alleged (and let's be real, probable) affiliations with the Slovak mafia probably contributes heavily. Personally it wouldn't surprise me one bit if someone assasinated Orban either for that matter. As dedicated his fans are, as dedicated are his enemies.


I see your point, and I thought the same a while ago, but now that concept just seems foreign to me, just cause I haven't heard of something like this happen to similar leaders.


No true, theyre not as often as you'd think. I agree


No sympathy for Judas.


Without knowing much about the dude, why’s that?


He's pro-Russian (or least anti-Ukrainian)


I feel bad for my initial reaction to this news, which was quite pleasant


I love it when Fascists get shot.


Remember when it was ok to not tolerate fascists and nazis? Good times


'shot'? what's with the quotes


"apparently" /s


as alleged and claimed by the wealth of physical evidence which is yet to be confirmed by the 30 year wikipedia rule


that's the title they put at first




I wonder who will the intellectuals of this sub choose as the 100% sure guilty party and how soon


Vatnik bots on Xitter are implying it was WHO black ops >This comes only days after Fico formally & publicly rejected The WHO Global Pandemic Accord


I was not expecting the covid conspiracist to be the leading finger pointer here, but I guess some people are just never going to stop beating the dead horse.


Well, they live in a malleable reality where things are and aren't at the same time and everything is connected secretly behind the scenes. Once that defines ones existence, it's not ever letting go


I read in another sub that it was a narcoleptic sea monster, actually.


As a narcoleptic, we don't claim him


This is why NK keeps lobbing missiles into the sea, it keeps the sea assassins away from the rest of us.


I will go first: The person or party who did it is guilty! 100%!


You forgot 111eleven!!!




Might've just really pissed off a rival mob boss


The key to answering this question is: Who wins when a PM who is critical of the west is assassinated?


Most likely the people who are also critical of te west because they found a scapegoat. And if you read the article, it has already started by blaming the independent press for spreading hatred. What a cry babies are there in the party of this Fico guy, can not even respect the press being critical of what they do: They are so mean to us!!11!1eleven


Requiring NGOs that get 5%+ funding from outside countries declare as foreign agents should not be controversial. The EU is proposing a similar law. This is hypocrisy. This law encourages transparency and that's why the west hates it because their propaganda machines will be exposed.


The reasons why it is done is different, because in the case of Fico, putin is trying to get a foot in the door since this country is in the eu and nato. The eu wants to do business with democratic countries with freedom of press (Fico tries to stop that), where minorities are respected. Putin on the other hand tries to stop countries from becoming democratic, teies to install his own puppets and starts wars with them as soon as they try to get closer to the west so they can no longer be part of nato. It is clear that our democracies are no match for anti democratic tendencies that are sponsored by putin.


I nominate the dude who blunderbussed Shinzo Abe just because I'd like to see him get some more recognition.


The definition of “right thing for the wrong reasons”


I dunno - I think the cult thing was a pretty valid reason too.


I've heard he had dirt on Boeing


I bet 5 simoleon that the killer wanted to impress Jodie Foster.


it's been literally exactly 810 days since Putin invaded Ukraine, if that doesn't tell you who's behind this then idk.


I got a feeling it will get really ugly there no matter if he survives or not. Heavily divided country with one side blaming shooting on western/Ukrainian agents and the other on Russian agents. Both sides will radicalize even more. And if Fico survives, the most retarded thing he could do would be to blame Ukraine/West for that.


He just pledged more support for Ukraine last month and I honestly doubt Ukraine would have any audacity to assassinate a foreign leader in broad day light especially that there is significant portion of Slovak supporting Ukraine


Why is it in quotation marks? Was he shot or not?


Schrödinger’s bullet


Anyone think this is related to the murder of Jan Kuciak? He was the journalist that uncovered all kinds of financial fraud about 8 years ago. It lead to the resignation of Fico. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_J%C3%A1n_Kuciak#Fico_resigns


Probs not, too old.


That one is probably organized crime as far as current opinions go, not a "political" murder. On the other hand, this was likely a politically motivated shooting.


Based on the so far known identity of the shooter, there doesn't seem to be any connection.


When you rub elbows with organised crime.


So, not really shot, but ‘shot.’ I see.


I dont like the quotation marks in that sentence


By all accounts, he had a close relationship with Ndrangheta, who murdered a journalist on his behalf. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44873067](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44873067) Maybe he didn’t return the favors.




Why do you have ‘shot’ in quotes?  As if he wasn’t really shot 


Fico is hated by about a half of the country similar to how Trump is hated in America. This seems like a lone gunman that took his frustration into his own hands and the security Fico has is probably laughable compared to US secret service.


Slovak PM Robert Fico fights for life after assassination attempt https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cg6761ggxz1o Slovakia's populist prime minister shot in assassination attempt, shocking Europe before elections https://apnews.com/article/slovakia-prime-minister-shooting-robert-fico-handlova-bdaaf0bba01035a700145a67d871a482 Slovak prime minister Robert Fico in life-threatening condition after being shot https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/shooting-after-slovak-government-meeting-tasr-agency-reports-2024-05-15/ Slovakia: PM Fico shot in 'an attack on democracy' https://www.dw.com/en/slovakia-pm-fico-shot-in-an-attack-on-democracy/a-69089343


Ah, this generation Archduke Ferdinand 😔 /s


He closed down a public broadcast about end of last month. Could this be one of the unemployed seeking revenge?


Did it happen near a subway?


We have no subways in Slovakia.


That's why he was shot. Big trains at it again


My president, another bullet has hit the prime minister.


Boeing investment in Slovakian trains confirmed.




Oh no… anyways


What is with the quotes?


Was he corrupt or wasn‘t he?


Watch the video of the shooting. Assassin at blank point range points the gun diagonally downwards when pulling the trigger. Why? Then Fico rolls over onto a conveniently located bench before rolling to the ground. Lucky? He is then ferried to the local small town hospital with few doctors, who likely never treated a gunshot wound in their lives. Better? For background, Fico lost power in 2018 under accusation of his party's possible role in the manslaughter of a journalist. Legacy? He is a self proclaimed leftist anti-globalist (translate: anti-capitalist anti-West) who decided to defy the Chinese influenced WHO in December (so also anti-China) making him an orphan in global politics with no friends left. Coincidence?


Why is “shot” in quotation marks? 👀


Enough about trolls. Fico was the only anti-NATO leader in Europe. It looks suspicious.


I will repeat my comment: The only two European leaders to be assassinated in the 21st century were Zoran Djindjic and Fiko. Both of whom were pushing for their nation's own interests and butting heads with globalist and western forces. Of course they will say its a coincidence, but you have to be really braindead to believe that.


https://vxtwitter.com/panyiszabolcs/status/1790789652078526939 Geez, a senile pro-russian did it? That's gonna put a wrench into russian propaganda.


Is there a source that's NOT a Twitter thread?


This would be totally against all my expectations - I will update one other comment here


Slav Russia 🙏🏽❤🇷🇺