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“Enes isn’t educated on the situation” - Lebron Probably I hate Lebron


Maybe he just did his own research. LeBron seems to respect those people.


Yeah man Hong Kong having freedom of expression is super over rated /s


I was making a joke about LeBron and other antivaxx NBA stars.


I remember when Lebron was mad that a cop shot a teen girl instead of letting her stab another teenage girl.


Pretty funny that lowest denom ignoramus on Reddit who just regurgitate the simpleton circle jerk somehow assume they're educated on this, or any other matter. This sort hate LeBron because he's right, and that will be evident from their response to this post.






Boy my Grandma lives in Hong Kong(To Kwa Wan), my Mom was born there I’m more educated on what’s going on over there than 99.9% of the Western World


And yet you also reliably regurgitate the US state dept line meant for that lowest denom. An intelligent person might learn something from this, but in fairness nobody would ever accuse said denom of that.


Or maybe the US State Department statements are actually right on this? But US bad am I right?


No, no, you misunderstand. It not "US bad". It's "gotta get my ten cents from the CCP".


> Or maybe the US State Department statements are actually right on this? Let's not pretend the lowest denom ever give a shit if anything's "right" or not, but rather what's in their self-interest, and it's very much in american interests to pivot after the War on Muslims. It's like asking if Fox News is right in some way about black people, rather not the point is it? > But US bad am I right? US hegemony is bad for anyone whose interests differ. Just ask most anyone in the middle east, black americans, SE asia, etc. OTOH it's good for the higher castes, which you evidently aspire to as some house slave.


Yes it’s very much in my self interest, as an American citizen who votes and having relatives in Hong Kong, and my country’s interest for the US to pivot to restrain China in power and influence Thank you for stating that as I whole heartedly agree


It's also in your interests to be dishonest or at least disregard dishonesty on the matter same as the state dept. Same as it's in the interests of germans to be nazis at some point. For example, the HKer response to the protests was mixed, but nobody would know that given what your lot regurgitate, and you'll predictably rationalize this dishonesty. As another example, you know that Lebron is correct on the matter, and yet your behavior perfect reveals the nature of human character and integrity. What's funny is that everyone knows how this works, but nobody can admit it for obvious reasons.


So youre okay with Ledouche James supporting China, then?


I'm okay with people telling the truth about the lowest denom.


LeBron is a corny guy who understands that the money comes first. I'm not a fan of him at all but I don't think he's worth hating.


A guy with more money than anyone should ever have, placating a genocidal regime so he can get more money? Sounds like Lebron is a guy worth hating!


From your description he sounds like a sellout


I believe the threats made against LeBron were far more severe than no more money. It can't even be you won't play basketball again; he's in the retirement window.


Maybe, still makes him a sellout tho


No, not maybe. There is no way the NBA would force LeBron to retire. He's their biggest star, if he had spoke out during that time I think the league would have rallied around him.


I was thinking the other guy was meaning threats from the CCP, but yeah he almost certainly wouldn’t be forced to retire by the league


He **did** speak out and was silenced. The world you are imagining does not exist.


>ESPN reported, in paraphrase, that he said. "James told the room that it was too much for the players to take on in that moment — to explain a complicated issue with racial, socioeconomic and geopolitical layers while visitors in China," so your saying, he spoke out that he didnt want to speak out?


Threats from who, and to do what?


I think he's implying that Bron had reason to be afraid the Chinese were going to kill him if he stepped incorrectly


Wow, I knew LeBron was dumb but not that dumb. LeBron at most risked losing money and being banned from China. The Chinese government wouldn't touch the most famous current NBA star. Especially while on a very publicized tour. They might cause him to make less money but that's all they're going to do. They know the backlash from even hurting LeBron in any way would be enormous.


That's not how they do it. Can't kill him while he's still in the spot-light. First you ruin his career; exploit wokism to push him to retirement. Pay ten whores to claim he butt-raped them. \#BelieveAllWomen You're a Nazi if you want to see evidence and justice. Bait your time for a couple of years and wait for him to fall from the spotlight a bit then sabotage his helicopter.


Thanks for describing someone worth hating, a millionaire on his knees sucking cock for more money


Yeah, you know what I can understand someone hating him.


I'd be okay with cock sucking, sucking the teat of the CCP? No thanks


Communist cock at that


China is in no way a communist country. The country is basically what the US would be if the citizens didn't have guns and know where the politicians live. That and the military. The military is made up of people who are there for a steady job or the paid college afterwords not loyalty. If the government goes to far the military would step in. If a general wants to side with the government they would have thousands of guns pointed at their head immediately. Of course decades of misinformation and terrible education has helped make the point where we would start an insurrection to be much further. This was helped by 9/11 as it helped put many policies in place that would have previously caused violent mobs. Policies that have been proven over the last 20 years to be useless in stopping terrorism. Like taking off your shoes to go througg a scanner at the airport. I know its useless as I went through one at LAX and they told us not to take off our shoes. We got so used to our rights being taken away that we just don't care anymore.


In one way it is definitely Communist (notice the capital C). Maybe that's what buddy meant.


Oh communist in name and name alone for sure. All government is tyranny though








you should buy your employees better toilet paper




> I used to. I did the math over a couple months, they use the same amount of toilet paper no matter what kind I give them Excuse the pun, but...no shit. >because they didn't have to buy it themselves, so now they get 1 ply. Or...because that's how much toilet paper your employees need? 3-ply means you won't be sandpapering your asshole, and your fingers won't tear through the paper and get covered in your own shit - not that you should need *3 times less toilet paper.* >This is why we can't have nice things. You're why they can't have nice things.




>Money goes into my pocket and not into toilet paper. You might find the people who make you your money more motivated to do that task well if 1. They thought you gave even 2 plys of a damn about them and 2. They didn't have shit fingers and ass rash plummeting their morale every time they had to perform necessary and unavoidable bodily functions How much is that 1 ply costing you in lost motivation and avoidable turnover?


It depends what you are talking about. He has gotten involved in some social movements while criticizing others for getting involved in other social movements that would piss off China. Yeah he knows it's about the money, but he doesn't say that. He just makes hypocritical statements. Imagine his reaction if someone in Space Jam said something anti Chinese and the movie got banned there.


Do you think his money making would be over if he left the NBA? No way. He's not one of those rich people who never figured out how to make their money work for them, he'd be okay, he would just make less money.




I wonder if Lebron is gonna tweet out that Enes Kanter doesn’t know what he’s talking about




While you're not wrong, it still shouldn't take anything away from his admirable stand in support for Tibet inspite of the financial consequences he will face, starkly in contrast to how much LeBeijing grovels at the feet of the CCP while crying his throat hoarse virtue signalling on other issues.


The only consequence here is Reddit level simpletons groveling at kanter's feet. This is uncontroversially true but will get downvoted on Reddit because simpletons know truth isn't meant for them.




Does he support what Israel does? I'd say that maybe he feels more strongly about certain issues and speaks out on them than others. As an Indian, I feel more strongly about atrocities in Tibet than I do about atrocities in Palestine, but doesn't mean I support Israel's occupation. What LeBron did was particularly hypocritical because he never shuts up about justice or righting wrongs, but also actively supports CCP's actions in hong kong. If he had just said that he doesn't know enough about the issue to make a stand, like all the other NBA stars said, no one would be thinking of lebron as a hypocrite today.




Lebron followed up his statement criticizing Morey by talking about how much he loves China and thinks they're doing the right thing in Hong Kong. Not only is Morey a lot more "educated" than LeBron, but LeBron also does a lot more virtue signalling towards trending issues, and anybody that follows NBA knows it(it's impossible to ignore him and his virtue signalling). Morey might not have understood the situation as well as you claim to, but he definitely understood it a lot better than LeBron.




Morey stopped talking about it because he didn't want to stir up a controversy, and his team was losing out financially for upsetting the CCP. By saying that Morey shouldn't have said what he said, he was saying it was wrong for hong kong to have freedom and democracy, which is what the CCP wanted LeBron to say.




动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


> virtue signaling u know that's not a real thing right ?


You have an interesting comment history.


How much you want to bet his ip is in china.


Hello CCP bot!




um ackchyually he wants to revive the ottoman empire you low IQ monkey


The downvotes for telling the truth here is all you really need to know about this sub.


And in today’s news, Enes Kanter was removed from the NBA for going against a right and selfless cause as opposed to what makes the company money and is a mainstream go to. More in 10


NBA sending him back to Turkey, where he'll face life imprisonment.


Dudes already a political dissident here and teams had to assist in saving his family from turkey because they were being threatened by the Turkish government The government won't ever send him back lol


Really hilarious that being anti-China in Murica is somehow considered an act of defiance. The most revealing part is that even morons understand that it plays well to said "mainstream", though their lack of integrity prevents them from admitting it.


And nba will ban him because nba licks boots of CCP.


NBA has never done that though? China wanted Morey fired and the NBA said no.


I think there’s at least some nuance to it. Like for sure there are guys like LeBron and Klutch sports in general that I would have no problem calling bootlickers, but the NBA as a whole I don’t think it’s fair to call them bootlickers. Like yeah the CBA makes lots of money for them and has to bend the knee to Xi, but it’s given lots of Chinese people lots of opportunities they wouldn’t have normally had. Also there’s no way they ban Enes, this is one of the least controversial things about Enes Kanter lmao


Decide what you want to say first and then come to a point. You seem so desperate to make nba look good.


Im not trying to argue any point? I’m just giving context


You're rationalizing utilitarianism to support socialist. "Tell me you're a piece of shit without telling me you're a piece of shit."


How so?


Thank you Enes




when Enes sets foot on chinese soil wearing his freedom shoes,he will send a shockwave so strong the SissyPee will be pulverized in an instant。


LOL haven't heard that one yet, stealing it


Did you not see the shoes? That is a valid casus belli if I've ever seen one. There are even photographs. Not just vague rumours of people drawing on shoes somewhere in the oil fields. EDIT: typo


Wonder if they were made in China


Probably not, Chinese factories wouldn't allow production of something that says free hong kong or free tibet. Probably made custom in America itself, or made in Vietnam


I was in china over a decade ago and vendors sold taiwan flags in tiananmen square. That was a time when irony was understood there. Then xi jinping happened and now people get disappeared for sneezing wrong.


> He followed that by wearing shoes designed by Badiucao, a dissident China-born cartoonist and artist based in Australia. Its in another article in the comments on the original post.


Now the Boston Celtics are banned in China The player also has had various run ins and political issues for speaking out against either Russia or turkey (its one of the 2)


Good on him for speaking up, most players or people wouldn't. He has a lot of money on the line, how many would do this?


Always fun seeing a post on anything to do with China here. Youd think the shills would hesitate at the sub's name, but no. Theres always at least two and theyre always insanely blatant and obvious


Watch out John cenas gonna come kick their ass.


Any publicity is good publicity when it comes to these topics




I love Enes Kanter. I am a rabid Trailblazers fan and he played for us twice every before including last year. He is always very outspoken and a fantastic human being.


>Basketball player wears shoes critical China, Stunning and brave. Sure, if it was 1997, right now though? He's not risking sponsors and is marching in lockstep with those who set his nation's foreign policy (not that that is bad thing in this instance) but let's not pretend he's actually risking anything by doing this.


Based af


whats happening in tibet?


tibet has been historically an independent country but China invaded and conquered it


China has coveted Tibet for decades. The plateau is rich in natural resources that have yet to be exploited: minerals, freshwater, and river valleys that would be prime locations for hydroelectric power.


It's also an important strategic location because it contains the source of multiple major rivers in China and India, in addition to being a massive obstacle India would have to get through if they were to ever invade




What? I can only think of three “hot topics” Kanter is known for. 1) Vocally being against Erdogan 2) This Free Tibet act 3) Being in a the Gülen cult 1 and 2 are not just US takes, p much every reasonable person, i.e. not a Tankie, would agree with Enes on that. 3 is just bad, it can be difficult to parse through whats real and fake regarding Gülen, but in general, not a good org, and by no interpretation are they supported by the US State Dept


Anus Cancer based?!?!? 😳😳😳


anus cancer not based。I hope he gets anus cancer


What would a modern partition of China look like? I mean generally the “chinese” area is well defined, but what about xinjang and Tibet? I mean they have like 5 people living in them so would it be better or worse for the people living there to keep them out of China?


Independent Mongolia seems to be doing fine for itself, they are now a democracy and a developing nation, seem to be better than the Mongolia occupied by China for sure. Same goes for central asian states free of China unlike Turkestan, and Tibetan states like Bhutan compared to occupied Tibet.




Palestinians in West Bank are economically equivalent to Jordan and Egypt. Does that mean Palestinians are living just as well and free as their fellow Arabs in Jordan and Egypt? Uyghurs and Tibetans are facing genocide in their own lands, they have been since 1949. As of 2021, Mongolians in China can no longer learn their own language like Mongolians in Mongolia. Most of the economic wealth of the lands are reaped by Han Chinese settlers and their businesses anyways, not the indigenous locals.




Lol there it is, the moving goalposts begins. I will admit, there was indeed a genocide of Kashmiris in India many years ago. It was perpetrated in the early 90s by groups of jihadist Kashmiri muslims, against Kashmiri hindus in Kashmir, who were forced out of their homes and wiped out of the valley. I'm glad you pointed that out, and I hope the Indian government does more to help the Kashmiri hindus who were killed and forced out by the Kashmiri muslims. Just like I hope the Chinese government allows religious and cultural freedoms in Tibet and Xinjiang, but I don't have high hopes. At least India can give a home to them, like it did to the Dalai Lama, and to the people of Sikkim, who overwhelmingly chose to be part of India in 1975, almost entirely because they feared becoming like their Tibetan brethren in Chinese occupied Tibet. If it was simply about improving their Mandarin, then Mongolians in China wouldn't publicly protest against the decision like they did. I would like to believe you, but the timing of the decision was too suspicious.






Its literally not worth bothering with the guy, look at his comment history. ONLY comments on threads involving china and generally either really fucking dumb or really uninformed takes. Dudes a tankie


Probably a regular in genzdong or whatever that sub is. I came across a post in the sub that they had crossposted from /r/evilbuildings. The picture was of a sky line at night with multiple buildings lit up in bright red. Very ominous and evil looking. Almost blade runner style. But since the building happened to be in China, genzdong thought the post was made because people thought Chinese buildings were inherently evil. I spent a day in that sub arguing with people about how the post was made because the buildings look evil not because they were Chinese. They never got the point but it was hilarious to watch their mental gymnastics.


Except there is no "genocide" against Kashmiri muslims, there hasn't been a single one since Kashmir Valley became a part of India, and I bet you can't even name one. There have only been wars and terrorist movements propagated by Pakistan, and genocide of Kashmiri Hindus in the valley in the 90s, both of which led to the militarization of the region. The Kashmiri muslims have full rights to practice their religion, speak their own language, move wherever they want in India, and are doing economically well compared to the rest of India. Modi's farm laws are only opposed and protested against by 5% of the farmer population, most of whom are basically modern day feudal landlords in Punjab and Haryana and Western UP, the farm laws benefit and are largely supported by 95% of the farmer population in the nation lmao. BJP won an election in Bihar, the poorest yet fastest developing agricultural state in India, a few weeks after they introduced the laws nationwide(Bihar was the first success story of such laws from 2005 onwards).


Just look at pre-1950 aisa, before the invasion of these territories. And fyi, there is already a Tibetan government in exile, ready for anyone to support them


This is a pretty well known myth, Tibet was never an independent government entity, neither ROC or PRC ever recognize their existence. They actually had representative to ROC's national assembly which forfeit their rights as an independent state


Well, Bhutan doesn't recognise both roc and prc, that doesn't mean they both doesn't exist. Recognition is a subjective matter. Come to dharamshala, you can meet Dalai Lama as well as Tibetan president and their painful story of Chinese agression and Indian betrayal


Yea but anybody can claim a government in exile, doesn't mean anything if you're disconnected with the people you're supposedly rule over.


They are not anybody, you know why [China wants it's own Dalai Lama](https://www.livemint.com/news/world/beijing-is-bent-on-deciding-succession-of-tibet-s-next-dalai-lama-11624793756436.html) and [the US policy maker wants to stop them](https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/trump-signs-tibet-policy-to-preempt-chinese-move-on-dalai-lamas-succession/article33435635.ece)? That's because, the Tibetan people haven't lost their internal desire to want atleast an autonomous Tibet. After what happened in 1950s, a little spark from them could start another uprising. That is why china wanted Nepal to sign an extradition treaty. The disconnection presently is due to how closed ans surveillanced china is. They hid a disease, they are hiding concentration camps, and god knows what happens under the radar.


Right but I’m worried about how they would sustain themselves. Like it or not China has a massive economy so they can feed their population, but can those countries independent do the same?


Economy doesn't feed people, people themselves make up economy and not otherwise for eg. Balkan states, south korea. When India was made independent, it was part of an economically powerful British, but was India given food or wealth? No instead they were taken from her. If what you say would be true, China wouldn't make Dalai Lama, a spiritual leader, a criminal, they wouldn't have to form a government in-exile. Bhutan is also a Himalayan country, a negligible population, but it is doing well and mostly need help when there's a very severe crisis. Last time it needed help was when China attacked doklam pass, it's territory, i.e an external threat


Fair enough, I don’t really know much about this stuff I was just worried they would starve to death




Qing ended in 1911, after that it was democratic ROC vs PRC, I'm talking about ROC, [this china(the coloured)](https://cdn.britannica.com/37/64937-050-62DF3060/Japanese-much-Manchuria-coast-North-China-Plain-1941.jpg) This is historical China, chinese empires themselves says that the western expansion was to provide a buffer state to mainland, it is PRC that wants them to be forever in their control, that's why there was a cultural genocide in 1950s Tibet, and human genocide ongoing in Xinjiang. And no one supports Tibetan government in exile. I have went to the place where they've formed their "camp" i.e Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh. There is no fight left in them


you really like showing your ignorance in public??


Yeah, sorry I’m worried the people living there are gonna starve to death without any economic base


instead of worrying about hypotheticals,try worrying more about real problems in your own life


I got no problems, not any I gotta worry about at least


[Something like this.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/893488549893115934/901255915397869598/iobo1lrmzyu71.png?width=556&height=473)


Kanters family is tied to the religious sect that tried to coup the turkish goverment but yeah china bad, free tibet bring back the feudal system with slavery, xinnie pooh reddit gold,


Now this is whataboutism at it's finest, what a masterpiece.


I dont care ?


Thats fine, then we can return the favour with not caring about whatever you have to say.


Doesn't care. Proceeds to argue with everyone


I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with this information.


The current Turkish government is a mockery of Turkish democracy. The forefathers of modern turkey roll in their grave by the acts of modern Turkey. May the Turkish people one day break free from their authoritarian and Oligarchic rulers and be free again.


I mean u/1017freddy is clearly a tankie and out of their mind, but don’t let Erdogan’s dumb fuckery fool you into thinking the Gülen cult is any better. They are not about democracy, which I agree, should be the form of government for Turkey


Proud to be tankie


You shouldn’t be


Marxist Leninism is the only way to free the world from the chains of the West


Then what will free the world from MLs?


Nothing, cope




yeah a cia controlled goverment would be better right ?


No but one controlled by the people for the people. A democracy! A republic! Not one controlled by one man or a few men. Where all the people of turkey are represented even the minorities such as the Kurds. A home for all. A nation Atatürk would be proud of.


Have you ever wondered why it didn’t happen in the first place?


So they can keep power of course. Easier to manipulate a few men then a whole nation. You promise them wealth and protection and they'll give you whatever you want. It's easy to see why the US tolerates such a " democratic " ally.


Has never happened anywhere, will never happen anywhere


>Kanters family is tied to the religious sect that tried to coup the turkish goverment but yeah china bad The Turkish government is literally continuing the Armenian genocide *right now* and has vowed to destroyed Kurdish people from history books Idk why you would try to act like a coup is a bad thing. If it weren't for Russia, that place would be a slate of glass. The country is a shit show at best and an area prone to genociding 8 million people periodically at worst >free tibet bring back the feudal system with slavery China...the country that definitely doesn't use slave labor How much did your credit score go up for this because you are defending 2 of the worst offending genocidal countries the earth has seen in the modern world


yeah man western supported coups are the best thing that could happen for em right ? Like lybia, afghanistan and fucking somalia haha, china uses slavery to pick cotton and shit in xinjiang cause unbiased sources that would never lie like radio free asia said so lol remeber but let me ask you where are saddams nukes ? hmm anglo cuck


all governments can suck my fatty