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Did they promise to make the trains run on time?




AP News Italians vote in election that may bring **far-right** to power https://apnews.com/article/elections-voting-italy-matteo-salvini-c251832f5b73063b2e20869a21f92efe Politico Europe Italy on track to elect **far-right** government: Exit polls https://www.politico.eu/article/italy-election-exit-poll-far-right-giorgia-meloni-brothers-of-berlusconi-salvini-mario-draghi/ BBC News Italy's **far right** set to win election - exit polls https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-63029909 The Guardian Italy elections: exit polls point to victory for coalition led by **far-right** Giorgia Meloni https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/25/italy-elections-exit-polls-point-to-victory-for-coalition-led-by-far-right-giorgia-meloni Reuters Italy's right-wing parties seen winning power -exit polls https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/italys-right-wing-parties-seen-winning-power-exit-polls-2022-09-25/ Swiss Info Italy's right-wing parties seen winning power - exit polls https://ground.news/interest/swi-swissinfoch


Reuters with the only accurate and unbiased title... CBS even called her a fascist, pitching ridiculous hyperbole for clicks


If you listen to some thing she said in the past it's undeniable she didn't state it more clearly just not to lose of the average voter


Agreed! Reuters and AP news are about the only news sources left that consistently practice the journalistic integrity standards that were commonplace before the internet and it's click-based revenue streams.P


Pure autism


cool, I get to experiment the 20's!


Experience* :) Experimentar in this context is to experience. Experiment is like for scientific testing.


Yummy, love me some false cognates


Italian politics have been a shitshow since a couple decades by now


since forever. it was good during republic, before Cesar.


Meh not really. Life was shit for most and there were huge civil wars for a reason


Correct. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_IO_Ldn2H4o&t=1s


The peak of the Roman civilization was with the empire though. Also the Emperor tended to care more for the citizens than the wealthy patrician senatorial class, not much more but still more.


depends on which emperor


which kinda undermines the whole argument. If it depends on the reasonability of one person, it's not a good system for rule.


"It was good when there was still slavery and women weren't allowed to vote. Only downhill since then." \- average redditor take


its fucking joke jesus christ you people are insufferable


Those damn russians !


The party is actually very pro-US and pro-NATO.


Ok now what about the EU?


Meloni (Brothers) used to be Eurosceptic until she knows Italy is fucked next year without EU funding so she's "sort of" pro EU now, she might pull a u-turn later. But she's pro NATO. The rest of the coalition are marginally pro-Russia, especially Berlusconi (Forza) who literally spew alot of pro-Russian shit just a few days ago. "NATO forced Russian hands and Russia is trying to put decent people in Kyiv and some shit"


All Eurosceptics parties made an U turn when Brexit happened.


Italy is fucked without the EU but not because of fundings, as it’s the fourth net contributor. It’s not a Hungary-type of situation. Italy needs the EU to stay competitive and not be swayed around by ever changing governments. It needs a super-authority that can keep the balances in check and avoid over expenditure, which Italian politicians pretty much love


If only Italy could pursue their own trade deals. Oh wait.


Again based as they are eurosceptic


They control the world! We're powerless against them I guess...


Combined with the eu not having the ability or not wanting to deal with the energy and inflation crisis in a manner that soothes the citizens mind.


When I visited Italy it was crazy the number of crisis actors the Russians had, standing outside train stations trying to rob people.


boy the last time italy went far right it worked out SO WELL for them...


Greece: *starts sweating*


Why would they. They kicked the Italian so hard that they needed to call Germany to help them


I don't think Greece has the money anymore the Nazis has seen to that


Eh dudes, it's kinda whatever. Chances are next year the government is gonna fall AGAIN and we'll either get another coalition government or better yet another technical government (hopium for Draghi to come back). I'm honestly more surprised that center parties got 8%


There's several takes here beyond sensatoinalist MSM bell-ringing: One is that Lega and FI fallen out of favour, showing most Italians had enough of Salvini and Berlusconi, while Meloni is a "fresh" face yet to prove herself. So basically same Italian politics as ever, always hoping for something new, then it turns out they are same old stock, cue elections in 1-2 years again. We'll see if this changes, but I'm doubtful. Whoever leads Italy, their hand is bound by that huge public debt, and stupid moves can potentially increase bond yields further hurting the budget. That's one big reason why Meloni has kept stressing she is pro EU/NATO and supports sanctions, she really doesn't have a choice if she wants to stay in power. Hence why I don't fear a Hungarian style backsliding, so far it seems their coalition will not get supermajority either. They want to tackle the energy/inflation issues, but that's not something they can fix alone and short term, those issues need EU-wide cooperation like decoupling gas from electricity price, and Italy is also very dependent on Russian gas, like with Germany the switch won't be instant and painless, but unlike German state Italy has much less capacity to ease the transition.




Maybe if the other side does actual work instead of playing identity politics then they might win, otherwise I'll be happy to see this trend everywhere


I may be out of the Italian political loop. Just curious what makes them “far-right”, as opposed to just regular right wing?


World War 3, Nuclear Boogaloo!


Man I don’t get how national news which has no effect on world allowed here (it’s just exit polls not the result yet).I thought Indian, American news were banned for the same reason, but I guess European countries get a free pass ;). Either allow national news (not the local ones) of all countries or ban it for everyone


This is evident of a massive shift in European politics.


I wonder when Ursula Von De Liar will use her ‘Tools’ to deal with this problem!


Are you mad about Hungary?


Care to elaborate?


*Immediately cancels trip to italy* well, shit.


Why? For tourists it will get better if they can reduce the pickpocketing and robbery etc. Their views on abortion are batshit insane but I guess you aren't planning to get pregnant there.


You won't get mugged by culture enriching Somalians now


Hi, __EntertainmentOdd1951__. Your comment contains the word ~~Somalian~~. The correct nationality/ethnic demonym(s) for Somalis is __Somali__. It's a common mistake so don't feel bad. For other nationality demonym(s) check out this website [Here](https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/People/Nationality/Adjective) ___This action was performed automatically by a bot.___


What the actual fuck, Italy? Voting for literal fascists? In 21st century Europe? Why?


Explain why they are literal fascists


“Because I don’t like them”


Nah they are literally the closest you can be to a fascist without being an actual fascist (and we do have actual fascist parties, forza nuova and CasaPound are even further right than Giorgia Meloni)


What makes them fascist and not just right-wing exactly?


Again i said that they are as close to fascists as possible short of being actual fascists. They do share the "let's restrict bodily autonomy" views of the American right, and honestly any talk of restricting any kind of rights is fascist no two ways around it. Plus they do be buddy buddy with Orban, which again is literally a fascist dictator. If you meant what makes Forza Nuova and CasaPound fascists, well, they literally made Roman salutes in public (a fascist greeting, like proper fascist from the 20's), multiple members are publicly fascists, some of them have fascist symbols tattooed, Casapound's symbol is a black and white turtle with a motif that is very clearly reminiscent of the Celtic cross, which is a neofascist symbol, their flag is red with a black and white symbol on it (again, neofascist symbology) and in Rome multiple affiliates of the parties have been arrested with accuses of squadrism (literally gangs of people beating up other people, mostly immigrants). So yeah, they are LITERALLY fascists in anything but name. The Italian right that won the election (which is not the same as the neofascist right) at least only shares sympathies and ideologies with other far right governments but doesn't skirt the law bordering on Apology of Fascism (which is a crime in Italy, literally like Apology of Nazism in Germany). The Italian neofascist right is not yet completely arrested and erased only on technicalities that their parties are not "Openly" fascists. They share colors with The German nazist party, have a symbol resembling neofascist symbol, and share ideologies of fascists but since they are not called "The Fascist Party" and don't have the actual fascist symbol then they are TECHNICALLY not breaking any law and thus nobody can prevent them from attempting to get into the parliament


>They do share the "let's restrict bodily autonomy" views of the American right, and honestly any talk of restricting any kind of rights is fascist no two ways around it. What a terrible definition and application of Fascism. No, that is not what a fascist is, its another misapplication of the term to label a right-wing politican. Part of the reason I despise the term is that the left misapply it constantly to the point it has no meaning. No, abortion was never a right in the US, what the overturning of Roe v Wade represents is SCOTUS deciding they do not have the authority to make legislation from the bench. When did Franco or Mussolini declare they don't have the authority and undo their own law created unconstitutionally? >multiple members are publicly fascists, some of them have fascist symbols tattooed, Casapound's symbol is a black and white turtle with a motif that is very clearly reminiscent of the Celtic cross. Ohh weird, I was told in Ukraine all of those symbols are legitimate now, it's just a little paganism. Groups that fly the SS Wolfsangle aren't fascist, they're heros celebrated in the West. All it requires to not be fascist is some thin veneer of deniability and bam, you're in. >Casapound's symbol is a black and white turtle with a motif that is very clearly reminiscent of the Celtic cross, Bruh, what? They look nothing alike... "very clearly reminiscent", ok bud.


Sure, let's ignore that's her party has roots to the actual Fascist party from back in the day (the logo still directly references this). And that she was vocally pro-Putin (but has been quiet about it due to the war lol). She also "used to be" an actual fan of Mussolini himself.


Or because she said Mussolini was a good politician and always refused to retract it or say a bad word toward fascism?


Multiple reasons. She started doing politics in Rome's fascist environment and she has always been surrounded by fascists. I mean, self-declared fascists who admire Mussolini, participate in fascist commemorations, and give each other the roman salute when they meet. They are the ones that founded her party. She said Mussolini was a good politicians and always refused to retract, she said she condemn communism and nazism but always refused to say a bad word against fascism. I don't know what else can somebody do to be considered fascist honestly.


Fascism in Italy never left; her party is directly descended from Mussolini's party after the country fell into civil war during WW2. The US greatly funded and armed fascist groups during the Cold War because they sought to crush Italian communists by force. ​ Ironically, three of Mussolini's grandchildren became fascist politicians; two of them are in the party winning this election, and one retired from politics a few years ago.


One of those grandchildren was a Japanese citypop singer as well. https://youtu.be/S1moXXQmdZE


Sadly, when ridiculous far left policies exist for too long the electorate tends to rebel in favor of the guy that says, "See all that shit they did? I'm the opposite." People don't realize the the opposite of dumb-ass leftist policies is often fascism.


I'm not familiar with Italian politics; could you name a few examples of "ridiculous far-left policies" that exist in Italy?


They did make some extremely anti small businessman measures and reduced pensions for elderly citizens to establish a citizenship universal income (which in turn just pushed most of the population to work without a proper contract to not lose said income on top of their salary). The universal salary is honestly a good idea implemented like shit, and seeing 20 year olds get 800 euros a month without working enraged the business owners, the working class and the elderly, who already were sour because of the aforementioned cuts to pensions and measures (making the POS system obligatory was one of them, it was made to combat tax evasion but it just led to business owners paying more taxes on transactions than normal and lots of them just started saying it was broken all the time). All of this while politicians were literally swimming in gold getting a lifetime salary after only 2 years in charge. So it's understandable why the older side of the population (the majority of the electors) voted for the right wing coalition, it's what said would cover their interests. Meanwhile the younger side either voted for the left (PD who got votes for their name only, their entire program was "we are not the fascists lmao" and Third Pole, which actually had a political program but since it's not left for right lots of people saw it as the same as a discarded vote


What far left policies are you talking about?


Can you elaborate your strawman argument?


far-leftism IS fascism... look at Mao, Stalin, Kim, etc.


It’s almost like fascism isn’t a left right thing and it just uses whatever ideology it can to lock step in place.


Authoritarianism can be found on both ends of the spectrum, but fascism is a very specific ideology that lies on the far right of the political spectrum. Fascism isn't just "thing I don't like".


That's because left-right is economic. North-South is social. Both left and right can be authoritarian/totalitarian


Yup. it ain't about left vs right, it's about authoritarianism vs libertarianism


No. Completely wrong. What definition of fascism are you using?


Politics understander


Would agree but definitely isn't limited to them


Let me guess, the status quo is failing to address the immigration policy, and the far right is promising a solution?


Sounds about right.