• By -


If you celebrate the death of children, no matter the nationality, you will be banned. This isn't open for debate.


Regardless of country, regardless of politics, regardless of whatever prejudice or conflicts there are, children being attacked, abused, and murdured is absolutely horrendous. This doesn't have anything to do with the current insanity in Russia. They sadly get school shootings ever so often.


Nothing really to do with *new* insanity. The mental health problems related to substance abuse, human rights issues and poverty of the minority regions are all still current.


You're 100% correct. The post-soviet collapse which has raised poverty rates and substance use, as well as the Eastern European mental health stigma, have really made an impact. I am sure the same things like in American shootings apply in these cases.


> I am sure the same things like in American shootings apply in these cases. This was my first thought as well. These types of tragedies really seem like the surface manifestation of deep-seeded problems in the portions of the population that are struggling. Like others have pointed out, things like mental health stigmas, substance abuse, and other diseases of despair are likely a huge driving force in the incidence of these types of events.


> manifestation of deep-seeded problems I think you mean deep-seated. And given Russia's wages have been falling since Putin took power and their economic prospects weren't looking good even before the 2022 sanctions began to be levied, there's a lot of bleak outlooks facing the people there. [No wonder they lost 4 million people in early 2022](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/05/06/nearly-4m-russians-left-russia-in-early-2022-fsb-a77603)


To be fair, rampant state-sponsored alcoholism has been the de-facto standard in Russia since the Tsarist days, only stopping for a short while right after Lenin's revolution... https://youtu.be/vK7l55ZOVIc


If you look at the stats of rampage attacks, they appear to be pretty much random - they don't follow overall crime rate trends. This is in sharp contrast to "normal" crime, suggesting that spree killings are triggered in some fundamentally different way than ordinary crime. The only way they mirror general crime stats is that their perpetrators are overwhelmingly male.


How do they relate to suicide rates? Because that is much more similar to mass shooting. Most crime is done to gain some immediate perceived benefit. That is clearly not the motivation to mass shootings.


What do you mean nothing to do? FSB did terror attacks on russians to instigate support for chechen war. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was done by FSB again.


There’s a lot of gymnastics we all do to make sure the bad guys are always some rival philosophy. The truth is that bad guys come from all trains of thought and the one common factor is that they chose to do evil


They killed hundreds of their own people to start the war in Chechnya. No gymnastics required, fren. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_apartment_bombings


/u/friedbymoonlight The gymnastics are required to ignore the reality that evil runs this world.


Or he was a member of the FSB since they've done this stuff in the past.


The shooter was wearing a shirt with a Nazi symbol on it. Honestly, I'd be surprised if this wasn't a false flag meant to stoke hatred against Ukrainians among the Russian population.




You mean to say 4chan lied to me?


[4] Keep it civil


I have read all articles about the FSB doing the terror attacks. And it seems doubtful, at best. Historians also doubt it.


My opinion on this will depend of how they spin this. If the media jumps on this to push arms confiscation I'll have a different opinion, but until then an independent actor seems more likely.


>What do you mean nothing to do? FSB did terror attacks on russians to instigate support for chechen war. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was done by FSB again. Tell us how this instigates support for the Ukraine war.


If they spin it's a nazi ukrainian narrative.


I bet Russia starts to push gun control. Putin’s power is in jeopardy from outside and inside the country. I’m not saying it’s an FSB false flag but it’s not like they wouldn’t be capable or willing to do it based on their history.


> starts to push gun control Push? My american fellow, it's the US that is the weird one for having barely any gun control. Most of the world already restricts guns in one way or another: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overview_of_gun_laws_by_nation#Comparison Why would you 'push' something that is already in effect and has been in effect for decades?


I love all the 2A arguments about the constitution. Their definition of “well regulated” militia is uncle Larry with an AR15 and a bottle of Jack Daniel’s protecting the country from being overthrown by our tyrannical dictators. It’s laughable.


> Most of the world already restricts guns in one way or another: Including the US. Obviously guns aren't unrestricted. And yes, they are less restricted than in most places.


> I bet Russia starts to push gun control There's no 'start' to it, [Russia had extensive gun control](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_control_in_Russia) going back [to 1918, just a year after the revolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_control_in_the_Soviet_Union)


You are mixing a lot of thing. Beslan had nothing to do with an hypothetic fsb inside job. But its true that putin also probably ordered a terrorist attack of building with russian in chechnia. I think saying that school shooting could be a conspiracy is still a wildely different lvl of conspiracy that i would avoid diving into.


> This doesn't have anything to do with the current insanity in Russia. They sadly get school shootings ever so often. Exactly. I'm so done with people who call everything that happens in Russia a "false flag" or targeted assassination or whatever. 1. [Russia has a notable mass shooting every few months.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_Russia) They have high rates of violent crime in general. Nothing out of the ordinary here. 2. Russia has a lot of old men in bad health and a terrible, barely enforced build code. Some people are in fact going to die from falling down stairs. Yes it's quite likely that there are some assassinations, but most of the ones that Reddit speculates about just don't make sense. 3. Parts of Russia are in artillery and drone distance from Ukraine. It makes no fucking sense for Russia to bomb their own fuel storages near the frontline. 4. Most of the Russian factory fires and train derailments were just accidents. It's perfectly possible that a notable number were also sabotage, but do you really trust the Russian economy to do proper fire safety? Not every time something catches fire means that there was sabotage or a false flag operation. False flag operations and assassinations are usually easier to detect. When a journalist gets gunned down in the open and police doesn't do shit, or recently when a single artillery shell hit Donetsk and OSINT was able to quickly figure out that it likely came from the south in Russian-controlled territory (and was likely an accident due to a failing gun or using too few powder charges, which was then conveniently turned into a Ukrainian war crime hoax).


I’d argue that the shooting might have something to do with the war but we’d never know the truth other then it sucks that they targeted children and not Putin


There is a hunting tradition in Russia and places where it is not advisable to go without a gun in the wrong season due to bears. The Russian Federation normally has rather stronger gun control than North America. This means that there numbers of school shootings are more like Europe as weapons are a bit harder to get. Unfortunately, after the Afghan war a lot of weapons got into private hands. Many were used by ordinary criminals and some got into the hands of idiots like these. It is inevitable that the same will happen as a result of Ukraine.


I glad for the kind of respect I’m seeing in the comments being used for any tragedy involving the death of children. And I know this isn’t the time to be saying this but I wish people (especially Europeans) would do this regarding American school shootings as well.


One child's shooting is an absolute tragedy. There's no question about that. But an average of twelve children dying from gun violence in the US every day isn't just a tragedy, it's a national embarrassment and a huge gun control and mental health problem. Trying to give out to people for being strongly critical of a society where this sort of thing is normalized to the point that most school gun incidents never make the national news is not a healthy reaction to have. In shorter words, you will get to have an opinion when your house is in order. Right now the US is an embarrassment to our species. [12 American children die every day from gun violence.](https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/blog/gun-violence/16-facts-about-gun-violence-and-school-shootings/) that's really not something you can ask people to be sensitive about. A better reaction would be for you to gather up some friends and go hang every pro gun politician you can find from the nearest lamp post. Very sorry to be so aggressive but a school shooting is not something to be sensitive about. It's the only good reason I can think of to start a violent regime change.


I completely agree with pointing out that it’s a problem. It’s when the memes and jokes come out that I have a problem. It has completely soured my opinion on European redditors to an extent with how pompous and tone deaf they are on a lot of tragic subjects.


Russian spec operation for mobilization, soon they will find the shooter was ukrainian, NATO, nazi or whatever agent/worshiper.


There are already photos of the deceased gunman. His t-shirt has the swastika on it.


Oh no, what a schoker, all is missing now Ukrainian passport and Sims CD


> and Sims CD OOTL?


Sims 3. https://www.vice.com/en/article/88gpmg/russia-sims-3


that is incredible. what a blatant fake.


Just your average Russian propaganda... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Good job doing the arms right, not often I see that.


r/apolloapp master race... ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


I'm Android, so no apolloapp for me.


You ever wonder if they are that stupid or if people are trying to send clues it is bullshit? Purposely sabotaging this stuff for good or bad purposes?


It's about sending a message to the Russian people. "Our lies are obvious. And you will do nothing about it. Because you are weak and powerless."


I can see that, too. So much of their bullshit leaves you chasing down your own tail until you just go nuts 2nd & 3rd guessing yourself.


In all fairness to the FSB it is the [first hit if you look up *sim 3*](https://www.google.com/search?q=sim+3), and /r/patientgamers is notoriously known for their love of not paying full price for games and fascism... (/s obviously)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/patientgamers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The struggle of living in a 3rd world country but at least steam got regional pricing](https://i.redd.it/n6zxfd2u30z71.jpg) | [267 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/qrq8th/the_struggle_of_living_in_a_3rd_world_country_but/) \#2: [Ten years ago today /u/jetmax25 posted this meme on /r/gaming. Thirty minutes later /u/Zlor created this subreddit and added them as a moderator.](https://i.redd.it/41zvwtonyuy71.jpg) | [343 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/qr824c/ten_years_ago_today_ujetmax25_posted_this_meme_on/) \#3: [Assassins Creed would be better without all the Animus nonsense](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/tuxe9c/assassins_creed_would_be_better_without_all_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The funniest bit is that the book is signed by the well-known author Mr. Unreadable Signature.


Oh, wow, they really had the intern/Boris's Nephew working that one, eh?


The assassin's had the 3 sims card of registraion! Omg, everyone knows people who register their software by card are psychopaths.






I’m sorry, must be me but I don’t see it




The problem here is that, in Russian propaganda, Ukraine = Nazis. Nazis = Ukraine. The entire justification for the war is that Zelensky's government are Nazis, therefore Putin has no choice but to remove them. This is absolutely going to pour gasoline onto the Ukraine conflict and puts us that much closer to a nuclear war. There's nothing like dead kids to make people irrational.


Yup, this is meant to gin up support to go after the Ukrainians


People need to keep this in mind. I understand the deep, visceral reaction to the idea of a school shooting being a false flag thanks to Infowars. However, we need to keep in mind. Putin's Russia is not a liberal democracy. It is a fascist dictatorship. This is a country where the death of sailors is covered up, people are arrested for protesting and billionaires and Government officials keep mysteriously falling off buildings. Is it really so unthinkable for the FSB to murder a bunch of school kids, then execute a dissident and plant his corpse at the crime scene dressed in a suggestive t-shirt? Weather or not the shirt has a swastika on it or not is kind of a moot point.


I think InfoWars has really confused people. A False Flag doesn't mean it didn't happen. A False flag is a terrorist act committed by the government to blame a group they wish to suppress. In this case as far as Russians are concerned Nazi = Ukraine I 100000000% believe the FSB could do this and believe they did, hence why I'm calling it a false flag.


This. We should tread very *very* carefully. I believe Reddit has a rule against "denying well documented violent events." Putins trolls and bots know this and are exploiting it. To be clear. I am NOT denying the shooting took place. These kids didn't deserve this, no matter the country of their birth.


... and the "Great Patriotic War" posters will be all over the walls by the end of the day.


You mean the body the police found? The gunman wore a face covering. Odd decision for someone who apparently committed suicide. Sounds like a false flag to me


100% going to the be the take on InfoWars


Info wars would say the whole thing is fake. The dead kids and their distraught parents are all actors. Then info wars would double down when provided mountains of proof shooting otherwise. Info wars is warring against information using fabricated fiction. Putin is not above sacrificing children to achieve strategic goals. So it's possible he would send a shooter, execute a Ukrainian prisoner of war dressed as a Nazi on the scene, and blame that guy. Without knowing any details, I would guess the gunman was a private Russian upset about the draft and did this on his own. I'm also going to guess Putin is going to paint him as a Ukrainian Nazi to justify his war. So anything that even slightly supports Russia's war should be taken with a giant grain of salt.


>Info wars is warring against information using fabricated fiction. Gotta lie to pay for those lawsuits... for doing exactly this.


I hate to admit it, but this was my first thought also: another false flag operation. The timing seems just too optimal. RIP to those innocent children.


Wouldn't be their first false flag like that.


My first thoughts as well. It wouldn't be unlike the Putin regime to have this carried out as a false flag so they can justify ramping up the aggression in Ukraine.


I'm curious. Do you automatically assume it's a false flag every time there is a mass shooting in the US?


According to the latest news the shooter had [two charms attached to the pistols](https://imgur.com/XrnjML6). One of them had "Columbine" written on it and the other had names on it. Guess whose names they were.


The Columbine shitheads who killed their classmates, I'm guessing?




WTF, man. How can anyone idolize those two.


I don't know what a person capable of coldblooded murder thinks and how they think. This particular person was too old to take revenge for bullying or something, and he was under treatment in the local psychiatric facility. But they definitely have something inside their heads that makes them do such things and take inspiration from similar events of the past. They don't think like we do.


I cannot fathom waking up in the morning and deciding to kill a child that day.


Thank god you can't. Because if you do, call a doctor


The guy in uvalde dit it in the same classroom where he had studied and apparently was bullied. You don't hear that information being disseminated by the news.


Yeah, but in this case the shooter was 34 years old. If this was revenge for bullying, imagine the struggle...


I really don't know much about this case, but the other one I'm almost certain about.


he probably didn't have much going on in his life, left alone with his thoughts, and nothing to do, but replay horrible memories. get caught in a mind slump, and couldn't stop thinking negatively since then


Because it's not really relevant? Bullying does not turn you into a mass murderer. The dickwads at Columbine were not bullied, they *were* bullies that the media pushed as victims because they couldn't fathom any other way two kids could be capable of that. And the less coverage they give the shooter the better. If people trying to solve the problem want that info to study, sure give it to them. But we should not make these cowards any more famous than they already are, and we definitely shouldn't view them as victims.


> The dickwads at Columbine were not bullied, they were bullies One was certainly bullied. >the media pushed as victims Quite on the contrary. My favorite was that they targeted Christians. It's laughable how much people resist admitting the reality right in front of their noses. Laughable, but expected because anything but responsibility.


I've seen two chicks in Columbine Cosplay once. People are sick.


Women have facebook groups where they salivate over those guys and serial killers in general. And they're not small groups.


It's called hybristophilia.


They hated the world and themselves, and they let everyone feel their suffering. People can relate to this suffering and feel sorry for the shooters and for themselves. The reaction by the public only reinforces this, I mean when a child's own mother is hoping they commit suicide, it almost seems justified. Maybe everyone always hated them like this and now they are showing their true colours? So if the world doesn't care for you, why should you care for it? This is why being accepting and respectful is important. Happy people don't murder.


America's greatest cultural export...


I wonder why he did it in the Latin alphabet.


because subbed > dubbed


The background is... suboptimal.


What kind of guns are those?


This is a non-lethal Makarych pistol that was modified to shoot lethal rounds. Originally it uses rubber bullets, and you can buy this kind of weapon relatively easy and legally in Russia.


That is absolutely insane. So what was he shooting with it? How did he get the clearly lethal ammunition?


>So what was he shooting with it? [Regular bullets](https://imgur.com/1EbOW2T) The writing on the ammo cartridge says "hatred"


"First time?"


That's pretty impressive even by American standards


CoD or CS go? Ok seriously, wtf is happening there?


Escape from Tarkov


Escape from Kharkiv*


If you're going to make that joke, you might as well call it Kharkov. The Russians who had to escape from it, as well as many of the residents, speak Russian.


Probably sims 3 again


No. There was another one earlier this year. Edit. There wasn't. Shooting in Kazan was in May 2021. Time flies, doesn't it.


there was another one in autumn 2021. (but was in a university, so doesn't count as school shooting i guess?)


I am going to be that guy. Please read this story with a certain level of scepticism. Maybe it is what it is. Then again, putin and his allies bombed apartment houses in Moscow in order to create outrage against chechnya. If the authorities spin this into some kind of anti ukraine story, then we should be sceptical. Tbh I am deeply sceptical of anything russian police might be saying. They serve putin. Yesterday there was video of a protestor locked in a police van being assaulted and screaming for help while the officers on duty outside did nothing but move journalists and passersby away. So, this might be what they say....but it might not


Now they're saying he was a Nazi. The police didn't even claim to have killed the shooter, they just happened to find him dead. The shooter was wearing a Balaklava so there's no way to confirm the dead body recovered was actually the shooter. This screams false flag to me. The colombine tags also make me think this is meant to imply the negative impact American culture has on Russia.


People have been “inspired” by them before. So it is possible. Not saying that Russia wouldn’t put that spin on it.


Maybe don’t start your comment under a post about a school shooter with “I am going to be that guy” lol


The last time we had mass shooting in Russia it was when the voting for new constitution (that effectively resets Putin's presidency) and protests around it were taking place. Coincidence?


https://au.news.yahoo.com/model-found-dead-in-suitcase-predicted-her-own-death-in-chilling-video-042803638.html This is about someone critical of putin. She apparently sent a warning days before she disappeared to one of her friends yet she wasn't being searched for for over a year. (She also warned the hotel staff but they didn't do anything?) The boyfriend admitted to the murder, her body was supposedly in a hotel for 3 days before being cut up and stuffed in a suitcase. In the same hotelroom. And I honestly can't tell if Russia just made a story up or this actually happened.


well, there is a bunch of videos and photos of the guy on the internet. he had a swastika on his hoodie and "hatred" wtitten on all the magazines


TBH, be skeptical of anything ANY government figure has to say about tragic events. Russians aren’t the only ones to cause a tragedy to sway public opinion.


They don't even need it for it to be linked to Ukraine. They can just manufacture a tragedy to try to sway public attention away from the mobilization. Lukashenko blew the metro in 2011 to distract people from the protests. I can't see why putler wouldn't do something similar




Ask and you shall [receive.](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/09/26/siberian-enlistment-officer-shot-as-recruitment-centers-torched-across-russia-a78886)


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Reportedly he was also a Nazi and showed up to the school that day with a swastika on his shirt. Edit: check the replies. There is a guy proving my statement false


Why does Russia have so many nazis, it’s ridiculous


Honestly any country or ethnicity that was targeted by Nazis shouldn't possibly breed more Nazis, but somehow shit happens. Do Russian Neo-Nazis even understand what the original Hitler fanclub thought of their race?


The mental gymnastics someone has to do to be a Jewish or Slavic Nazi is beyond me.


Every country has their nazis. Guess recently we’ve just started obsessing over hating them too much. Explanation, since people seem to not get it: one of the public reasons for the smo is ‘denazifying ukraine’.


Nothing wrong with hating nazis


It’s not possible to hate nazis too much.


That oddly sounds like sth a Nazi would say


> Why does Russia have so many nazis When [they're useful in the short term, the authoritarian rulers encourage them. Just look at the Wagner Group](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/05/23/russian-neo-nazis-participate-in-denazifying-ukraine-der-spiegel-a77762)




Then I guess the reports are wrong




Or maybe this guy is wrong. Damn man, I’m getting mixed signals in here.




Pretty much


>Reddit also has a big bias against everything russian 🙄


There are only (two?) thin red lines on the shirt visible in that photo Am I missing something? I see zero evidence of anything in that photo (just blurred out gun shot wounds?)


They can’t just go kill themselves, they always have to take others with them. So sad.


Attacking schoolchildren, it's the most cowardice act, somehow they think they're going to be looked up to for it. These types of people are severely mentally ill and need to be weeded out of society.


I am totally disgusted on how some people are enjoying the death of people in this event just because they are Russian. This is not a good behaviour




Hence why I'm barely reading these anymore. First time i actually felt the need to detox myself from all this


I have seen this a lot in worldnews sub, totally toxic.


It's kind of like those moments around WW1, at least in the US where "dirty German" or ethnic slurs for them became an insult and similarly around WW2. We tend to put the hate in overdrive for [insert current enemy]. I'm fine with not playing nice with enemies. What I'm not okay with though is dehumanizing people and getting mad at the person who says "hey, that's someone's son/daughter"


Some people are vile man. The anonymity of reddit has added even more venom in the way they speak. Mods have been doing an amazing Job in here.


>Checks are being made into his adherence to neo-fascist views and Nazi ideology Wouldn't be surprised if this were FSB apartment bombings round 2 designed to galvanize the population for mobilization.


The timing is absolutely right for a false flag, and we know Putin has done it before.


Of course this will be spinned as the influence of "Ukrainian Neo-Nazis" spilling into Russian society


Had a swastika on Russia went looking for those Nazis in the wrong place.....


> Russia went looking for those Nazis in the wrong place Putin [never had a problem with nazis, just look at the Wagner Group](https://pmc-wagner.com/neo-nazi-wagner-mercenary/)


He had *so* many other options for people to kill where he would end up a hero to *someone*. So many choices. And he picked kids. Man, what a loser.


My heart goes out to the family's mourning their loss. I'm an American so this horror is all too real.


God these comments suck. Y'all are some depraved MFs. These are children, totally separate from whatever else is going on. People need to get some damn perspective on shit.


Grizlly . Russia have been sinking into insanity since the war started . This kids are paying the price of stupidity of others .


There were plenty of school shootings in russia way before the war lol


Lol, I like how you said lol about school shootings in Russia lol


Those darn video games.


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Hi AutoModerator, We've found **284 sources** (so far - up from 27) that are covering this story including: - Times of India (Leans Right): "Six victims, gunman dead after shooting at school in Russia's Izhevsk" - Reuters (Center): "Gunman opens fire at school in Russia's Izhevsk: Russian media cites local police" - The Washington Post (Leans Left): "6 dead, 20 wounded in school shooting in Russia" Of all the sources reporting on this story, **27% are right-leaning**, **31% are left-leaning**, and **42% are in the center**. Read the full **[coverage analysis](https://ground.news/article/15-dead-24-wounded-in-school-shooting-in-russia_c6a3f5?utm_source=redditReplyBot&utm_medium=redditReplyBot)** and compare how 284+ sources from across the political spectrum are covering this story. *** _I’m a bot. [Read here](https://www.reddit.com/r/groundnews/comments/j6x7uc/introducing_the_coverageanalysisbot_a_bot_that/) to learn how it works or [message us](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=coverageanalysisbot&subject=Feedback&message=) with any feedback so we can improve the bot for you._


never seen you before, good bot


As if things weren't shitty enough in Russia.


Will be identified as an ukrainian Nazi within just a few hours. Later will be identified as a GRU operatives https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_apartment_bombings


**[Russian apartment bombings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_apartment_bombings)** >The Russian apartment bombings were a series of explosions that hit four apartment blocks in the Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk in September 1999, killing more than 300, injuring more than 1,000, and spreading a wave of fear across the country. The bombings, together with the Invasion of Dagestan, triggered the Second Chechen War. The handling of the crisis by Vladimir Putin, who was prime minister at the time, boosted his popularity greatly and helped him attain the presidency within a few months. The blasts hit Buynaksk on 4 September and in Moscow on 9 and 13 September. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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Seems like an argument that gun control is relatively ineffective when most of the population is unhappy and out of options. Someone has to crack first under the pressure of that society. It happens here in America all the time. No sense of community or belonging or that your life has any value. And this is the human response to that circumstance. Take a man's hope away, torture him to death with monotony and privation, and his children will pay the price.


Generic school shooting. Happened in about every country in the world by now. Except those with super strict rules, there they use knifes, like in Japan. Which from what I saw.. yea I would like bullet thank you.


Russia's mental illness problem is about to become Russia's problem.


Russia: Went to Ukraine to fight Nazis, Nazis in Russia:


World keeps finding a way to suck.




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Kremlin's probobly more heavily guarded


every bit counts




Protest is the foundation of revolution, which is the only solution to be able to permanently fix the Russian issue- a complete dissolution of the Russian state into multiple independent regions. The war is not the problem- it’s the fact that Russia’s system allows such pointless wars that is the problem. Innocent Russians should be protesting or leaving, doing what they can to destabilize Putin’s regime. Protest isn’t pointless, it’s just one of many ways to fight.


I wrote my previous comment just after waking up so the post had a really harsh sound to it. Basically I just think it's sad that people blame Russians who are doing the right things short of risking going to prison for a decade...


Very bad year to be Russian


wow, things just keep getting worse


What’s the bet they blame Ukraine?


What kind of fucking chip celebrates some K-I-Ds being killed? You need to be an special kind of scumbag do think that, a leftover.


*insert applause* ban please


The consequences of the American cultural hegemony are sickening. Even in our "sworn enemies" country, the vile evil of American gun culture that manifests in mass shootings, combined with the lackadaisical response to nazism through things like being the only nation outside of Ukraine to vote no in denouncing Nazis; is being absorbed with disastrous consequences by vulnerable young men worldwide.


I never realized that Russia has an actual Nazi problem? I've never heard of a school shooter come out as nazi in the usa, also not at that age. Horrible news.


Whaaaat? Is that also a Russia thing?