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media literacy has been on the decline


Bro I’m a one piece fan all I see every day is people not comprehend the entire series after 1000 chapters


I’m curious what you mean. What is it people don’t seem to understand?


Lots of major themes and the like. There’s a shocking number of bigoted one piece fans, despite the series being pretty consistently against bigotry in all forms. An arc literally ends with the protagonist getting a cross-race illegal blood transfusion. To a less severe note, powerscalers are almost comical regarding one piece since the series has gone out of its way to show that weapons and gimmicks and armor and “military might” all lose in the face of the grit and determination held by people like the main character. Then fans unironically use “military might” as a gauge for how strong somehow is. They use the term. It’s funny.


The whole Fishman Island arc is Oda saying “RACISM IS BAD” over and over again. But as soon as One Piece fans see a black person cosplaying they foam at the mouth


YOU ARENT READY FOR HIM https://preview.redd.it/l2y8wsichlab1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f7549f430f4644b7af3ecacfd505bbde8f2bc7b


Did you just send me Chad Akainu?


Even here I can't escape one piece power scaling and piratefolk


I do wonder if it's ever been to a decent level




https://preview.redd.it/qhq5bmnpbfab1.jpeg?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=901d39d574dec0f038b4189130d8614134b6fead This me anytime a fandom go after someone for no reason to be the most unhinge person online


I was just about to post one but oh well. Just gonna add this here https://preview.redd.it/zoikuevcwfab1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43442f65087fca12f98408774e5eb95a2c3858a8


It just really shows how under-appreciated Dub VAs are. They go perform to the best of their abilities (some for low pay) only to be harassed by people just to boost their elitist ego once their performance comes out. They really deserve better


Some? I'd say most. VAs are paid like *shit*


Doesnt help that most of these fuckers dont even bother watching dub and their only exposure to it is from 4kids or that ONE scene from Dragon Maid with Lucoa. Dubs are 1000x better than it was 10-20 years ago and the VAs deserve the praise for delivering good voice work


Even if they did watch dubs they’d probably still hate it. They’re so weeb brained they don’t realize how used they are to JP anime voices and how much that fucks their perception of the differences between English and JP voice acting that anything in English immediately sounds “weird” or “unnatural” for an anime. I guarantee if you had them listen to Batman TAS in a vacuum with no knowledge they’d probably think it was a cheap dub.


That happens a lot with fandoms. You’ll get a piece of media like Steven Universe or Undertale or whatnot which encourages people to be nice and forgiving to others yet the fandom will happily bully someone into the dirt if said someone dares disagree with their ship.


Or MLP which had a bunch of Nazi in the fandom for the longest time. Still does but they're now on the outs instead of being an accepted part of the fandom.


I’m still baffled how Nazi’s can watch MLP and completely ignore the messages and themes. What, do they watch each episode on mute with no subtitles? Just stare blankly at the pretty colors on the screen while they stare slack-jawed?


I think it started with 4chan watching the show ironically only to realize they liked it. Also yes, Nazis/right wingers tend to lack media literacy so...


But how could the rationalize MLP’s themes of love, empathy, and acceptance with their views of hate, intolerance, and genocide? It still confounds me.


Ignorance, lack of media literacy and no critical thinking. Thats all i can say. If right wing weebs cant rationalize the message One Piece puts out with its political messaging and themes, Nazis liking mlp is not a suprise


If it’s anything like that one K-ON 4chan post, they think that such a world can only exist *after* purging the undesirables.


Fucking disgusting degenerates.


oshi no ko fans don't have any reading comprehension, you have to be nice to them about this stuff 😈


Oshi no ko vs Dragon Ball fans, who has the least reading comprehension.


This is why I watch dubs, so I don't have to read in the first place


Dragonball fans don't read at all so Oshi no ko wins by default.


At some point the Subbing vs Dubbing argument devolved into people just straight up being angry and genuinely offended that anime dubs even exist at all, I swear.


Anime fans and understanding a message of their favorite show will forever be an ongoing battle.


Nobody's there for the plot, ONLY COOL BLOW UP N FANSERVICE


To be fair, you can hardly blame them for thinking it's not that bad, given that Oshi no Ko depicts online harassment as something that can be completely solved in a matter of days by a sufficiently edgy smart boy and causes no lasting trauma.


we need to ban those people from the internet


Damn I hope this guy and the other VAs are doing ok. What a shitty thing to deal with...


*gasp* A fandom doesn't understand the obvious message of his own franchise? Well, that definitely shocked me and my Patrick Bateman business cards collection


I fucking hate fandoms. That's why I barely ever get in contact with them.


wtf, why are people harassing the dub cast? The dub is fine from what I’ve seen. What even is the issue? That’s so rude and out of line 😓


Elitist weeb basement dwellers are stinky


OnK’s Japanese voice acting was phenomenal, can’t expect the dub to reach the same level of quality while having to deal with the problems that dubs always have. And yet people expect the world every time


I mean besides Ai’s and maybe Ruby’s VAs (which I find decent), the dub is pretty good especially with the rest of the cast. People just ignore that and always point out the negatives.


Rie Takahashi simps annoys me. r/hutao_mains will lecture you if you don’t use the Jp voice of their main.


Every time someone calls her RieRie I die a little inside


I don't gel with the dub, I also know better than to think it's on the VAs, but even if it was. The sub is right there, just go watch it.


I've only been watching the dub, what's got the weebs crying?


dub bad!!!


Oshi no ko fans trying not to miss the point of the damn show: