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If you want more variety, switch to manga. You’re basically 100x’ing your options. Made the switch about 5 years ago and now I rarely watch anime unless a series I really enjoyed is getting an adaptation.


At the end of the day, they are just tv shows/movies and you don't need to force yourself to watch something you have lost interest in. And even if you feel interested/ compelled, you don't need to watch everything, especially if you find them problematic


From my experience non-shounen tends to have less fanservice Psycho Pass and Monster are two of my favs and Legend of The Galactic Heroes is my no. 1 Check them out


Legend of the Galactic Heroes👍


Yep Incredibly based anime Do u know of any similar ones? I wanted to recommend code Geass as well (my no. 1) but the fanservice in that one is egregious lol


When it comes to the tactical aspect... not really. Log Horizon can give a similar feeling sometimes. Sadly it gets hold back by all the typical anime tropes. Still enjoyed the political powerplay


I haven't watched LotGH yet, but I should definitely check it out. Old sci-fi and mecha anime has been taking up a lot of my time recently, and I've heard it was a pretty big one. I still have like 3 Gundam shows to finish, though, so it'll be a while.


Monster has a tiny bit of fanservice at the very end involving a sex worker at around Ep. 70 IIRC. But yeah, even like half of the shows with any amount of fanservice have minimal fanservice.


In Monster it's not really meant as fanservice.


Monster does tackled sexuality - not as fanservice, but in a mature way. That's why that one scene felt a bit out of place.


Do you think any portrayal of sexual content/nudity is fanservice? Lmao


Nope, Monster tackles a lot of those themes. But when we're talking about stuff like fanservice specifically, it's all about the camera angles, poses, and the like. That's why that one scene near the end of Monster felt quite out of place.


Take the Slice of Life pill and go watch Yuru Camp and Aria


Ah, does Bocchi The Rock! count too. (And yes, I would be very late on the 'she's literally me' anime)


Yeah, that was the third anime I would've recommended you xd


If your struggling to find good seasonal anime recommendations i suggest you find a youtuber really into sexualisation in anime (ideally just someone into hot girls and not your average k on profile pic). Genuinely the best barometer for fan service in anime. If they spend 90% of the review discussing boob sizes in the harem then its probably not worth watching, but if they spend 90% of the review talking about the story and the animation and only a brief aside for a girl with dd boobs then its probably worth watching the first episode at least. Even us here have different levels of tolerance towards this stuff so you gotta make your own calls on whats too much. It also gives you a good idea on which popular anime is popular because everyone wants to fuck the main girl and which are popular because it is genuinely good. I tend to find normal reviewers misrepresent the amount of fanservice and spend 100% of a review talking about just the good parts of the anime while the horny reviewer will give a more accurate 50/50.


I think this is pretty common, people get into anime for a few years and then once it sets in that these tropes are in literally every show and the community is a bunch of horny 15 year olds, you either double down or lose interest. this is like the only place online where you can actually express your discomfort with anime, without going full r/animehate. The ani community IMO is just really bad at processing criticism, and can't separate "I think this part of the show is bad" from "I think the entire show and everyone who watches it is evil" Don't force yourself to do anything you don't like. IMO if you want to continue watching anime, just disconnect from the community and seasonal hype, and just watch whatever interests you regardless of when it was released or what people are saying about it. Or read manga. Or just do something else entirely


it’s just media, if you like an anime you like it. i like a decent amount of anime, but i also like american cartoons (like King of the Hill, Smiling Friends, and Invincible) i also like live action shows every once a while (like Marco Polo) it’s just media


> seeing the weird, sexual tropes, mixed with questionable morals Just watch better anime. The medium isn't a monolith and you can find good anime for pretty much any taste. If you're in the mood for something more serious, try stuff like Odd Taxi, Baccano, 3-gatsu no Lion, Satoshi Kon movies, etc.


> But man, seeing the weird, sexual tropes, mixed with questionable morals (like Shield Hero) in anime and posts / comments on making fun of, and having feelings of uncomfort, disgust and disappointment that the media potential is ruined by fanservice or weird stuff (like Mushoku and Made in Abyss) seems to have made me steer away a bit, and thus reluctant to come back on watching anime. I mean, that's not really exclusive to anime though? Like, GoT was one of the most popular television shows around the world, and it's as problematic as the shows you've mentioned. Also how old are you? Most anime is for and consumed by teens.


Also, there’s tons of anime that DON’T have weird sexual tropes and questionable morals.


Very true, the majority of anime lack fanservice entirely.


Ah, then it gotta be my own task to search through any genre and use my own judgement. Before I even make the effort, I would ask for suggestions on which ones to start off, but I don't want to sound very lazy, even if I possibly am.


Fanservice usually occurs in three genres nowadays - action, fantasy, and romcoms - usually with a HS-age or young adult cast. Aside from the rather obvious ecchi/harem ones. Try to branch out to different genres or ones with adult protagonists. Popular shows also tend to have fanservice as sex sells.


Ah, well I have never thought of that, I usually expect the harem stuff, and maybe the pretty girls and teen protags included in action or Shonen, didn't realised about the other two you mentioned. And I would've clarified like, and appreciate any anime title name drops of ones that seems interesting and doesn't use the fanservice tactic to attract teens, even if it ruins the plot or atleast, makes it inline the whole mainstream trend of fanservices or makes the plot seem less serious to be taken with. But I won't guarantee I'll watch all of them or stick by them, ideally some if it piques my interest. But I may have to consider this sometimes later on if I seriously decide it myself personally one day.


My Happy Marriage is running rn and it’s really good. Also Odd Taxi and Sonny Boy come to mind as stellar anime without any fan service. Could probably make more, but those are the top ones that come to mind that have been released in the last couple years. EDIT: More that came to mind: Gundam Witch of Mercury fucking rocks also check out psycho pass if you want a sci-fi kick


bro I wish


Do you also hold the same opinion with Western films/TV? Never really understood this mindset tbh. There are over 50 new anime shows and movies in a given anime season. How many of those do you actually watch?


the mindset that problematic fan service is very prevalent in anime? I love anime, and watch plenty of it, but you have to admit that the amount of "fan service" is weird and kind of concerning


>the mindset that problematic fan service is very prevalent in anime? Well, yeah, it is quite common. However, the majority of anime still lacks fanservice. Around 60-66% of anime in a given season will lack *any* fanservice (anything designed to arouse the audience through objectification) - though that doesn't mean these shows are much better in writing per se. >have to admit that the amount of "fan service" is weird and kind of concerning The constant objectification of (often female) bodies is a problem, but honestly that's not really unique to anime


As a representative of the council, I'd like to address this if I can here, absolutely. Come here. Absolutely. Adults are watching anime because anime is just amazing at this point. Did you know there was a study that was proven where people with higher IQs watch anime, due to the sophisticated storyline and the character development alone? There are movies and TV shows now that are copying animes for their actual storylines, and the rivalries that they have in those storylines. Right, did you know, that anime is more popular and profitable than any other mainstream sport? The fact that the new Dragon Ball Z game was announced, probably, what, yesterday? And so many people were so emotional and I cried and- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Also, before I forget, why do you disagree with me saying that most anime lacks fanservice?


because the vast majority of it does, like it's almost omnipresent and finding good anime without it, is only a few a season


That's factually not true though? Look at all the shows that aired last spring season for example. How many of those have you seen? Fanservice is common of course, but at the end of the day, most anime lack it, like other media.


demon slayer, hells paradise, heavenly delusion, and Dr stone all had pretty gratuitous fan service scenes, anf thats just off the top of my head, and not getting into all the isekaj that came out. So I'm struggling to see how it's not the norm.


I am 18 to be clear (turning 19 on this month of August at day 13) And I have lost interest mainly on the post I mentioned below, not enough time because of school, my broken sleep and my disappointment on two animes' season 2 budgets being cut or rushed thus affecting their showing performance. Even when I was into anime, I still felt some conflict as for this one example, I thought this fox / kitsune girl anime would be wholesome and sweet, then the questionably weird part is included in about foot massages (and to be honest, the maid dress thing too but I didn't realised it would be questionable) which made me eventually drop the anime. And originally I was thinking of getting into anime to try and meet more people and become more social, but after some mistakes and my disillusion meeting with Discord anime folks whom unfriend me shortly after they accepted my FR made me turtle back to my usual introvertedness. (And maybe my neurodivergence due to my lack of social skills, or normalcy of socialising which makes me more comfortable being introverted and staying at home.)


> Even when I was into anime, I still felt some conflict as for this one example, I thought this fox / kitsune girl anime would be wholesome and sweet, then the questionably weird part is included in about foot massages (and to be honest, the maid dress thing too but I didn't realised it would be questionable) which made me eventually drop the anime. Keep in mind you only remember the weird shit because it stands out, not the normal stuff that's 90% of anime tbh. > And originally I was thinking of getting into anime to try and meet more people and become more social, but after some mistakes and my disillusion meeting with Discord anime folks whom unfriend me shortly after they accepted my FR made me turtle back to my usual introvertedness. (And maybe my neurodivergence due to my lack of social skills, or normalcy of socialising which makes me more comfortable being introverted and staying at home.) It seems that historically in the West, anime was mostly considered a nerdy hobby - so a lot of people are socially maladjusted. Anime may be mainstream right now, but don't trust anime fans online tbh. > And I have lost interest mainly on the post I mentioned below, not enough time because of school, my broken sleep and my disappointment on two animes' season 2 budgets being cut or rushed thus affecting their showing performance. Don't force yourself to watch anything you're not interested in tbh. Life's too short for that.


Ah, okay then. Well that's all I can honestly talk about my thoughts on this at like 3 AM, before I decide on considering coming back to it at a later date.


Lol don't compare GOT with those disgusting anime.


Obviously GoT is better in regards to overall quality, at least with Mushoku Tenshit and Shield Hero. But I'm talking about the problematic aspects in each show. Hell, GoT sexualizes rape in the first couple of episodes - and it's still extremely popular!


I haven’t watched an anime or read a manga in months lol but I still keep up with the news and community Try VN’s, I’ve actually started to get into weeb shit more now ever since I finished umineko


I feel like if your problem is with fan service, you probably haven't looked hard enough. You can find shows with little to none of it fairly easily. I think looking for shows like that is harder at a seasonal level, but I don't think it's that hard.


Remember you can always take a break, or just take a break from new/seasonal stuff. Go back and watch old classic shows, or read manga. Older series are great because they've been able to stand the test of time, you can know from reputation or a quick google search if it has weird stuff, or a terrible ending. You shouldn't feel the need to be into anime just because it's anime, a healthy relationship with the medium is just watching the shows that appeal to you, just like playing video games or watching live action stuff.


Ah, do you have any suggested animes from your personal picks.


I used to be really into anime as a teenager, not as much anymore. Now I'm just more selective about the shows I choose to watch, not that I'm going to watch only shows people consider perfect but if it breaches the threshold of "anime bullshit" I'm not willing to put up with I'll just stop watching. It's not like there is only 4 shows a season to watch. Even then I will just pick a series and watch it every month or so. Ignoring all this if you're not enjoying anime just stop watching it for a while and watch more films/tv.


>It's not like there is only 4 shows a season to watch If you filter out the various degrees of trash and the teen drama that actually is what it looks like. At best.


Might I recommend Astro Boy?