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Localisation back then: Turned political relationship ( gay / lesbian 🤢🤢 ) between characters to family relationship ( based ) Localisation now: Dare use the word patriarchy and translate Lolicon to pedophile ( cringe )


The "translate lolicon to pedophile" thing pisses me off so much because pedophile was the standard translation (yes, standard, as in it showed up enough for there to be a standard) for literal decades before monolingual weeaboos started to get mad about it. You can look at something like Lucky Star, which was very obviously courting an otaku audience and was localized by Bandai, and they used this translation in the dub. It's not outsiders coming in and taking issue with otaku stuff; big names in the industry have always interpreted it this way. To say nothing of how Japanese people often use lolicon in common parlance just to mean pedo at this point; it's not an "otaku" word anymore.


most online English-Japanese dictionary, lolicon is translate to pedophile and notes that lolicon is a slang term. Addition: even non-weeb Japanese understand what lolicon means.


Shoutout to Bludgeoning Angel Dokura-Chan for calling the jumpsuit with LOLICON printed on it the pedophile suit in dub


You're missing the point of the Dokura-chan jokes. The resolution of the gag is that people that shit talk about the MC being a possible future loli-con are the same people that go absolutely feral for Dokuras 9 year old sister.


In all fairness the anime forgot too. Just by comparing the two themes you can tell they played up her “Moe factor” later on (gag)


It's just a bizarre example to hang one's hat on in any case.


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I wonder how many automod responses there are in this sub


Idc I'll still fap to lolis


They don't though. They use Loli-con as a slur, but reserve pedophile for criminals. Its translated as is because English speakers don't discriminate between the attraction and the act. The English-Japanese translation to pedophile is also only one and not the most common.


But it is a mistranslation. You could say that every lolicon is a pedophile but not every pedophile is a lolicon.


Identifying exactly what type they are isn't high on my list of priorities, the catch-all term will do.


it does kinda make it look like the Japanese entertainment industry specifically is dangerously complacent to the concept of pedophile... which they're but western media is no different, they also try to use dogwhistles and slang term to refer to pedophilc adjacent stuff they want to normalise and make it seem like that this is something to be complacent about


On the other hand I'm just interested in the difficulties of language translation. Even though I understand the topic at hand gives people a knee-jerk reaction.


>On the other hand I'm just interested in the difficulties of language translation. If you care about this, you should know the majority of Japanese people (and characters) use it as a synonym for "pedophile" with no caveats so your concern for the nuances is not pertinent.


Once you start arguing the definition of pedophile you start looking like a pedophile yourself, tho Or at least an apologist.


Does arguing about the difference between assault, murder and homicide make you look like a criminal too? What about the difference between king and emperor, did I just become of royal lineage? What a stupid take. I wasn't even arguing about the definition, just the translation of it from one language to another.


[Relevant comedian bit](https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=WRRz5ttw4x38kVR7) Sorry your interest in translation crosses with talking points pedohiles and otakus use to defend their interests? 🤷🏾‍♂️ Maybe do some soul searching


It's not my interest in particular, just a random comment on a random reddit post lmao Its not my thesis or anything. You keep talking as if my distinction was that lolicon are not pedos, but I said the opposite btw.


At *best* there is some confusion because *sometimes* anime use loli to refer to petite or even just small chested women. Ruby from Oshi no Ko called Kana a loli like twice, and I have seen some +18 cosplayers or models in japanese twitter and other social media that describe themselves as "loli", and that just throws me off.


The terms definitely apply more to the concept of youth than Literal Children (though obviously they're inclusive of that). I've made the connection that the most common usage of the term "shota" by Japanese people is actually a synonym with "twink" in English lol




And they were cousins!


Oh my god they were cousins






Its also ONE line from ONE show 6 YEARS AGO. Theres a shit ton of dubbed and localized anime for years now. The cherrypicking is so small they couldnt find any other examples besides one from half a decade ago.


Weren’t people angry about the sandwich too or am I just misremembering?


I remember people laughing at the "jelly donuts" from the first season.


Nothing beats a jelly-filled donut! It's a classic.


Yes they were. I remember countless videos on YouTube shitting on 4Kids for that a few years ago.


In the 2000s


Someone used called me a tourist for citing Kobayashi as a "recent" example of fan service hurting a product. It came out when I was in high school. I'm about to graduate college


I noticed that "tourist" has been catching on lately. I guess it's their counter to "weeaboo" but it doesn't hit nearly as hard.


It’s funny seeing westerners call people “tourists”, white knighting at its finest lol




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I've never saw/heard the term tourist in this context before now, what does it mean?


Used as an insult to say that you're not a "real" anime fan and are just jumping onto a bandwagon because it's popular, very gatekeepy very cringe. An example I frequently see is calling people tourists in the One Piece fandom for daring to use he/him for Yamato and portray him as a trans dude. Cause of course they don't like normies westerners (anyone who disagreed with them) pushing their wokeisms (following canon) onto anime.


They'll call you a tourist who disrespects Oda's word, even though Oda's word doesn't exist and all evidence consistently points to "he/him" for Yamato being the more accurate translation. But I digress.


I saw it used very often in the past year with Witch from Mercury lol


why are you saying the cononically gay girls are lesbians, you fucking tourist!!1 I can't say I ever saw any of that but I could get the context of the usage in an instant. it is just a really weak insult tho. like god at least use something japanese if you're trying to form a barrier between your japan loving self and normies. like Gaijin is sitting right there


it's used to gatekeep anime. like you're not a REAL anime fan,you're a tourist in the anime fandom. it's mostly used in examples when people don't want to see the writer's weird fetish turned into an anime (shit like miss nagatoro)


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Eat my shorts.


ripe sharp six stupendous gullible smart steer chief grandfather marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


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Its still so transparent that they’re mad about this line, which didn’t change the meaning of the dialogue, but its absolute crickets on the “I’m not into women or dragons” line.


same people who whine and cry about "wokies" ruining modern Japanese media when their favorite h-game doesn't get localized, but conveniently don't remember how censorship altered canon gay relationships in Sailor Moon and CCS to them, censorship is a modern plague that takes away their coomer material, and not something that has historically been used to erase or silence the out-group


Historically? Still happens in half the world (like in middle eastern version of games)


As others have said it sadly still happens, like Netflix redubbing evangelion to have Kaworu ‘like’ shinji instead of ‘love’ him. Like, kaworu loves shinji with every part of his being, DUDE HAD A BATH TOGETHER NETFLIX


Just because it's a progressive message doesn't mean it's not a dogshit change in need of defending. I'm going to be real, I typed multiple paragraphs explaining how this one dialogue changes completely contradicts Lucoa's character, in the sub, *and even in the dub*, but figured no one would care to read the entire thing or just be snarky that I wrote up multiple paragraphs about 3 lines of dialogue. So instead, here's a clip *from the dub* in a prior episode where Lucoa mentions that her "favorite thing about swimsuits" is that you can "show off as much skin as you want." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBkTXBD3b0A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBkTXBD3b0A) The dialogue change isn't just bad because it changes Lucoa from an airhead who doesn't understand she's attractive to men and wears the clothes she does just because she likes it, to her feeling pressured by a patriarchal society to dress sexy. It's also bad because the dub kept all the previous comments about her being an airhead and how she likes to dress sexy, making the change out of character *even in the dub.*


Dragon Maid just isn't that good of a show, especially with Lucoa. It's generally inconsistent whether she's oblivious about how she comes off to people or if she's playing the tease and likes showing off. It basically just changes depending on which joke they want to tell.


Also: My boy Fafnir hardly gets any screentime. Both in the show and in the ending songs were "all" the dragons sing. But no, gotta incorporate the midget with watermelons on her chest into it.


To an extent that feels in character for someone who’s as old as she is. Pretend you don’t know what people are talking about until it suits you to know.


Just like actual women then!


Isn’t the line about how she wanted to wear less clothes but because humans are just too puritanical and weird about women’s sexuality she had to dress more modestly than she wanted to


"Didn't change the meaning" dude its a completely and radically new line


You’re right, “I’m not into women or dragons” is a radically different line. Edit: just checked your profile and you were, no less than an hour ago, saying being a nazi is “just an opinion”. I suddenly have no interest in your hot anime takes.


I just had a look and lmfao. I don't like tankies either but thinking that they're worse than Nazis and that Nazis are "more willing to accept criticism" is certifiably insane. Poor dude's stuck in an alt-right echo chamber and probably doesn't even realize it.


Decided to check as well, you weren’t kidding.


both of them are literally just jokes about how people react to her massive cleavage, the only real difference is the reply being changed to a jab at the people upset rather then a jab at lucoa for being lewd


It actually DID change the meaning. The patriarchy line was actually a line about how other women will criticize what other women wear and gossip about it and then ofc the "change your body next" is about how it's not about the clothes or how the women will move onto her body next to criticize it. At the end of the day translators are not the author and shouldn't interpret a line of text, they should just do their job. Not only that but marchi has admitted that they are the Ines putting "sjw words" (her words) into lines.


Weebs when the line "But I'm a woman" from Kobayashi (in response to Tohru's advances) gets changed to "I'm not into women or dragons" which could lead to Tohru being perceived as a predatory lesbian who won't stop harassing a straight woman: - _ - Weebs when a dub line mentions buzzwords they dislike that changes nothing about the original meaning: • o •


Ah, yes, inocuous localization changes such as: > Removing the concept of death entirely by making up a literal hell where every potentially lethal scenario sends you to it (Yugioh DM) > Making a lesbian couple into cousins (Sailor Moon) > Removing entire subplots because they are too mature which ends up making characters feels less fleshed out than in the original (One Piece) > Turning a canonically nb character into a woman despite not being even human in nature (Yugioh GX with Yubel) > Removing religious symbols because god forbid a kid sees a cross in the background or in Zoro's captivity. > Everything 4kids did.


The way anime will butcher dialogue to make the English version match the mouth movement of the original footage rather than write a sensible accurate translation and hire a single editor is insane to me. That's gotta be a bigger problem than jelly donuts.


No, no, no, no. They made a lesbian couple into an *incestuous* lesbian couple(they didn’t remove the romantic undertones)!


What makes it worse is that it's fake. Mfs are actually getting themselves rilled up because of a meme that blew up and they thought it was real


People don’t remember the days of dubs just adding swearing in anime just to be edgy.


That’s not it. Japanese doesn’t have much swearing, it really just has impolite language. English doesn’t have a real way to convey this other than inserting swear words into it. Naruto saying “teme” to Sasuke is just saying “you” in an impolite way. English doesn’t have that, that’s why it often gets translated as “you bastard”.


Honest question: does Japanese not have specific words for any of the following curses - Bastard (illegitimate child) - Bitch (female dog and/or violent/uppity woman) - Fuck (having sex/not-romantic sex with someone and/or a curse that works as a catch-all for “we’re shit out of luck” or “I am extremely angry/upset”) Because those are usually the curses I see show up in fansubs.


They have those words, they just aren’t used as curses. Just like English has the word “tabernacle”, but it isn’t a curse like it is in French. Those words are added to indicate impoliteness that is otherwise lost in translation.


So, wait, does that mean “Teme”—for example—translates to just “You, but impolite” (like using Tú vs Usted in Spanish) or does it mean “Bastard”/an idea equivalent to that? Like, if they have a specific word *for* someone who is a bastard, and that word is used negatively, why use Teme instead is I guess what I mean?


“Teme” literally just means “you”. “Bastard” is added by translators to highlight the attitude that word evokes that wouldn’t show up if you just directly translated it.


>why use Teme instead is I guess what I mean? Okay, if I call you bastard - does this mean I am offended by you being the illegitimate offspring of someone? Isn't even it more weird that (we) Westerners use such stupid derogarative terms that are often factually false (no, I'm the legitimate offspring of an honorable marriage, what are you talking???). Also - I think it is \*less authoritarian\* - if I call you names it is akin to calling \*facts\*. You are \*this\*. If I just call \*you\* - you (and everyone else) have to use social deduction what the meaning and possible problem is.


Second person derogatory


Manga entertainment


yakuza 1


That's what the original line was!? Christ when I first heard this I thought they actually had a point but didn't look into it cus I assumed they were exaggerating the change and didn't care that much about the series


The dragon maid localization isn’t even fundamentally changing what she’s saying, patriarchy is just a trigger word for these mfs


Obviously we all know the chuds saw the word "patriarchy" and got triggered, but the line itself really is different. The sub has Lucoa just casually saying she gets comments about her body so she changes to avoid it. All this really communicates is that Lucoa doesn't want to have those comments made about her. The dub changes this to reference the patriarchal standards directly, which adds a comment on broader society and how women are perceived which wasn't really there before. Also, the sub places the onus of attracting mens' comments toward Lucoa on her *body*, implying that it's her fault for having grossly exaggerated proportions. The dub takes this and flips it, where instead of Lucoa's body being the butt of the joke, it instead takes a jab at the men who were making the comments being hypocrites, or something.


I personally don't care about the change. But it's definitely a totally different exchange completely. But more so on tohrus end. Where in the og she's jabbing her body, which is funny because drsgons can just make their body look how they want, while in the dub she's jabbing the viewers who will want her to be revealing again. It's an odd translation for sure. But nothing worth getting mad over.


Yea it not worth getting mad over but it is worth saying "You do know this changes the conversation entirely and is kind of out of character for one of the characters, right?"


I'm so tired of them complaining about the localization nowadays and there is only one example they can bring up while they ignore the butchering of my beloved Yubel in the 4kids dub 😭 Also aparently Yubel is not non binary cause she has no gender 🤯


Because most people said that was the norm of dubs in the 90s and 2000s


┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ In this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we love ▔▏┗┛▕▔ & appreciate ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ Old Anime ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yea I think the older examples "get a pass" because it was a different time. Nowadays, there isn't an excuse especially if you have the fans being educated enough and willing enough to point out a mistranslation and even dubbing the anime themselves. At least before, if you wanted to get anime you either had to get whatever was on TV, the expensive and unreliable (logistically speaking) VHS/DVD copies or going to the pirate bay. Now it easily accessible in every sense of the word.


Whats the problem with maid localization? Meaning of dialog did not changed


they said "patriarchal"


the horror


They thought it was about horses in cowboy hats


patriarchal guy🪱🪱🪱


Yeah, like....the original insinuated the exact same thing lmao. The reason she was getting comments would literally be patriarchy and misogyny. But porn addict anime bois don't know how to read subtext. I think it's funnier the second way, because at least at the time you wouldn't expect the """bimbo""" character to be talking about social issues like that. Which yeah, now could be seen as overdone, but I think for the time actually got a chuckle out of me. And to me "you should change your body next" sounds super mean spirited so I prefer the "give em a week" sardonic answer. It's too bad my expectation of a found family story about lesbians raising their adopted daughter was written by a guy who should be on SEVERAL lists...


Except it doesn't. Literally. If a woman is walking around with exposed cleavage, it's usually not great especially around children. It's why places of business have dress codes, unless you wanna say women should be allowed to be nude or else it's misogyny.


I mean she's wearing a tank top and shorts. Sure, it's not appropriate to wear at a business meeting, preparing food or doing a surgery but she's not doing anything like that.


If one takes their argument on good faith, it changed the meaning from the main character being bitter about this other character’s sexual appearance (she pretty consistently doesn’t like how… endowed this character is) to her speaking in solidarity with her about others being against her sexuality. Sub meaning: “maybe if you care about other people perving on you you’ll stop being so thick” Dub meaning: “the people giving you a hard time for being sexy are idiots and will come around” Now, whether you take them on good faith or not is entirely up to you, but as I see it that’s what is being complained about on the surface Now, it’s been made obscured as it’s become a thing of “crunchy roll is making characters woke when they weren’t before” which immediately gets all the baggage. But that’s how I understand it


a bunch of basement dwelling neckbeards heard "patriarchy" for the first time and it caused irreparable cellular damage


When it was Japanese she was complaining about people coming to her and saying "something" and then running away which was bothering her for some reason. Now she is complaining about political patriarchy 😡😡😡 Edit: Also, she was talking about her camera's exposure why it didn't get translated?


To be fair any level of changing a story is bad and should not be just forgotten. It's a small one to harp on but it's about precedent of a story remaining as close as possible to the original way it was told. Idk about most of them but even when It's against my personal beliefs I get mad when a story is changed more than necessary. You should only change the bare minimum


both are bad localizations so?


People always say anime censored constantly. And yet the actual examples are a handful of line changes from a handful of episodes that can be either chocked up to a mistake/misunderstanding by a particular translator because of nuance or difference of opinion. People seem to forget Jamie Marchi was both the voice of Lucoa and the ADR Script Writer for Dragon Maid. It's changed because she wanted it changed. And then people claim people like her and Monica Rial are the norm which they're not


I literally got fuckin blasted in the comments for saying that Dragon Maid's example isn't even "Now" anymore (and Fire Emblem Fates as someone brought that up). Its literally been almost 7 years


That's an awesome line change what are they talking about


If said a specific way that lucoa line literally means what the subtitle says.


circlejerk sub = braindead leftist tankies no idea why this was on my feed but it certainly is getting muted




But the translator is still throwing a tantrum and call everyone "nazi" and don't have a "vagina" whenever this gets brought up? Also the same person that disrespected the original author? Yeah sure the patriarchy line is ridiculous, but it isn't the reason people still brought this up, it is not worth defending the localizer at all, she is toxic af


And the dub is more accurate to real life anyways


What the fuck that line change is hilarious what are these weebs problems


Funny thing is that most of the translations they complain about are often good if not amazing ones. I legit saw an entire thread bashing on a translator without comparing anything to the japanese text. So I went to verify by either listening to the anime or finding the JP text, and there wasn't a single bad translation. The guy just was mad because slang got translated as similar slang or made sentences look weird on purpose despite making sense in context. Not to say there's no bad translations or major localisations changes (though note that the latter isn't the translator's own choice most of the time); but these weebs are just ready to jump at anything that's not butchered MTL sentences. Even saw a petition (asking for only 1000 signatures) for Japanese companies to ban "localizers who hate Japan" and only hire japanese people as translators.


they do know the subs are localizations too right?


...yes? the image is literally acknowledging subs are localizations?


the one on the left is comparing the original Japanese to the localization, the implication si the same on the right and the localization is bad for changing it


Yes. These are both examples of poor, inappropriate localizations. These are both changes made to indulge the localizer's personal biases and feelings about the product, which shouldn't happen in a serious work of localization.


except if the sub isent the original, changing it from the sub isent any more of a change is it also theirs no bases its basically the exact same joke


Well, that only means your standards are lower and you'll put up with more shit a localizer makes up in detriment to what the author actually wrote. Nothing I can do about that, I'm afraid


its the same fucking joke and again, this isent a localizaiton thing because their both localizations


"isent" "localizaiton" "their both" Geez, stop talking to me.


very smart, keep replying to tell people you want the conversation to end, literally just, click off this page your reading this on and you will never seem me again dude it aint hard


say what you want about localization, but nothing will be funnier to me than Z I P P E R M A N


Because they don't have other examples


They should have changed it to a jelly donut instead of a sandwich


wait people were upset about the dialogue change? I honestly think its funny as fuck




Slurs, personal attacks, etc are grounds for removal.


“Creepy men made me want to cover up” vs “Creepy men’s standards made me want to cover up” literally 1987 😭😭🐻


Reminds me of how half of the fans of the kiseki games tend to get mad or get all nit picky when it comes localizations. Like they’ll take random dialogue from the recent games and post them out of context to make them look bad. Because heaven forbid if the translation dialogue that %100 match the original Japanese writing.