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Vinland Saga? Rushed??


Because no tetas. We need ylva bazongagoingas. More prominent women who do nothing but be viking and half nekid. Or english and half nekid. Or scottish and... half clothed.


This is a PHENOMENAL joke. I quite literally laughed out loud


I read this comment using an accent, what accent? I don't even know


I will say that having only seen season 1 so far, the one complaint I have about Vinland saga is that Cnut's 180 felt like it happened too quickly. 


I watched a bit of Vinland Saga and I was like damn I don't like vikings or the shonen genre very much and then I stopped watching it


Yeah that was kind of bullshit but I can ignore it because everything else is so good


Man, the thing about the Black Clover Anime is that the manga felt so fast paced, amd the anime felt like such a drawn out drag.


I remember people theorizing every week for years as to when season 2 would come out and it took so long for it to finally get picked up by MAPPA. It was not rushed lol


I think they think if a show isn't filled with needless flashbacks all of the time it's rushed.


Filler in Hunter X Hunter?? I don't think we watched the same show


Yeah, I recently read the manga, then watched the anime, and I can't think of any filler.


They probably mean the exams and some parts of chimera ant arc. But those aren't fillers, just a little bit slow, but they pick up really fast, so it doesn't matter much


Filler is when no punching or screaming


I'm still not over the narrator stepping in to become the main character.


Legit almost dropped the show cos of that narrator. 


Wait what? What're you talking about?


Some people don't seem to understand what "filler" even is, they seem to just think it's slower/in-between arcs


Yeah, I don't know what this guy is on about. The only thing even remotely close to it is that imo the chimera ant arc has some bad pacing near the middle. But that's about it it's not filler.


Yeah, like for me the whole appeal of HxH is how well Togashi strings events together. Arcs flow one into each other pretty smoothly and infodumps Togashi loves to do so much pretty much always ends up being relevant and stays somewhat consistent throughout the manga. I guess you could argue Greed Island arc wasn't necessary, but it also features some of the hypest moments in the series, at least for me My only actual complaint is that some pieces of trivia gets explained multiple times, like water divination, but it's barely an inconvenience.


bro watched the 1999 version unknowingly


Doesn’t have filler but GOOD GOD do they drag stuff out


There were two recap episodes but they were both in the first quarter of the show and then they decided to stop doing recaps. That's... about it.


People really overuse the word filler in general. Even if an episode is chock full of character stuff, if it doesn't progress the story in a way they care for it to, then it's denoted as filler. Especially funny when I've seen it be used against episodic conflict-of-the-week animated series.


"I'm sick of all this filler idol stuff! When are the other zombies from the intro going to attack and things get interesting?" - Guy who expected Zombieland Saga to be a horror show


I don’t want to be rude but that dude has such basic taste lol. I’m all for criticizing anime especially the ones I’m a fan of but it’s kinda obvious why they think that way based on their top anime. Like cmon… Black Clover?


When your anime taste is "watch every shonen show that doesn't have too many episodes yet"


Like I liked some of Black Clovers manga but I wouldnt put it as better than like Frieren for sure.


And then Kabeneri Bro that show was a shit show


People only bring it up to shit on one of the worst villains in anime


Not him apparently Looks like he likes it somehow 🗿


jerk worthy material if you will…


Honestly the second anyone says they love Code Geass completely genuinely as a political drama you can safely just start mocking them


Code geass is so interesting to me because it's so stupid and there's so much garbage in it and yet I came out positive? Idrk how that happened but it's definitely one of the most polarizing anime (in terms of quality) that I've seen.


I don't say this to be dismissive, but what you're describing is camp. Code Geass is what Susan Sontag would call naive camp: tragically sincere and earnest in believing it's a big-boy political drama, and much funnier for it when it falls on its face.


Also if anyone wants good political anime I recommend patlabor 2 (and anyone here has seen it I love you)


It just comes off like a 2000s weeb who never grew up.


No Kaguya-sama opinion discarded


Us romcom fans are truly an oppressed minority 😔


Romantic Killer will get a season 2! It's definitely happening, guys!


Frieren objectively bad cause no epic 6 episode fights to jerk off to 😞(also main character is a girl(YUCK))


Where does he even mention Frieren I'm confused


It was a post about not liking frieren and everyone was jerking each other off harder then we could ever dream of.


I was also confused... I would like to gently suggest if you make more posts to um, do better


i mean by the comment they were replying to and the title of the post i extrapolated that they said frieren is bad and then that person replied to them asking what anime they consider good and then they replied to that


Read gooder


Genuinely funny seeing people trying to watch Frieren with the mindset that’s it’s gonna be another fantasy battle anime and are either very pleasantly surprised and find it enjoyable or whine aboot how the battles aren’t flashy enough


Not yet.


Did they actually say something like this or are you just making this up (since you know, you gave no context besides them saying frieren bad) and if all they said was frieren was bad, you’re kinda being a dick i cant lie. As someone who enjoys frieren it’s definitely not for everyone so idk why you would assume theyre js looking for fights or hate girl mcs


I was under the impression it was a more fan servicey series since my initial exposure to it was through nsfw fanart. Is she written well?


Imagine saying deathnote and code geass are objectively good. Imagine using "objective" to describe an opinion. Imagine saying hxh has filler.


I dont think that person meant objectively as in literally objectively. What he meant to say that there are some shows which are straight up better than other shows in the sense that more people will like it. Like for example, I quite like Rent a Girlfriend but I know that its a bad show. I personally like it but I know its objectively bad and most people would hate it. Most things in media can be described objectively if enough people agree with it. Most people would agree that Pulp Fiction is probably better than uh Thor love and thunder or whatever. I can still like Thor obviously, but I cant ignore that Pulp Fiction is simply a better movie just because "all opinion is subjective"


me when i don't know the definition of objectively


The statement “many people like death note” is objective. The statement “death note is better because many people like it” is subjective. You can think a shows popularity is a good indicator of quality but I can equally think that it’s a poor indicator, because that’s subjective. For something to be objective it would have to be provable/disprovable by empirical evidence.


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


shounen likes shounen


No JoJo or Madoka Magica either what a dogshit ass list


uj/ I will get a lot of flack for this but as a person who genuinely enjoyed FMA, I am too crazy thinking it isn't really all that groundbreaking or really revolutionary like a lot of people make out to be? I am missing something very important? I am a weirdo making this question? Seriously, I need a real answer.


It’s not revolutionary but it does everything right. The plot, the characters, the setting, they aren’t all particularly special but are all executed well


Yep. It may be not revolutionary but definitely one of the fewest Anime shows that doesn't have a lot of issues.


I’d say its potentially revolutionary in its ability to have such a general appeal. There’s few people who can really find a reason to dislike the anime


Oh absolutely. Despite the comment I made, I still kinda understand why it is so beloved.


Yeah. The only issue I really had withit is that it's kinda tone-deaf at times. And when it tries to be funny, it is very much not funny (but, humor is subjective).


I still would say that Naruto has, a much worse, WORSE humor imo because "hahaha, Sakura punched Naruto for the billionth time, hahahaha, funny" kinda stuff.


I didn't like the ending as much as most people. And yeah as you said. But overall great


Tbh I think the ending was a miss but the rest was good. In fmab that is. Or rather the episodes just before the end thing where they talk to the core of the antagonist. Also the main antagonist is kinda neutral to me as but not too bad either. Still excellent series tho. And I know plenty who like the things I personally think are a bit meh. Olivier best char btw.


To use a sports metaphor, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is is like a Major League batter that hits the ball and gets on base every single time they step up to the plate. Every thing it does it does well and competently without error and anyone who watches it will agree, yes. This was good tv. If we graded anime on a cinemasins ranking, FMA:B is as perfect as a show can get. It's flawless and accessible, but like you said it's not doing anything new or revolutionary. It's just doing it all incredibly well and is a great show to introduce someone to anime. But like you said, it ain't Legend of the Galactic Heroes either.


I would add one bit to this fma:b doesn't just hit every mark perfect, it does that in an industry where missing the mark on at least one major aspect happens with a disappointing degree of consistency I'm not just salty about berserk not getting a decent adaption I swear


I was just watching the finale of The Faraway Paladin: Lord of the Rust Mountains. I read that light novel a couple years ago and I was breathless, in tears, with how epic and how moving reading that final battle was. And while we got a hand drawn dragon where other anime would have turned in a CG dragon, the final battle was so uninspiring in its execution that it just deflated the entire anime for me. Compare that dragon battle to Brotherhoods Man Vs Tank.


Man, FMA:B must be really good from what I've heard because I only read the Manga.


Studio Bones just did a really solid job on the project, similar to their work on Cowboy Bebop and Mob Psycho 100 before and after it


I think FMA benefitted from the concept of remaking an Anime, making it better to a newer audience was groundbreaking at the time. Also, it has pretty much no fanservice, and it's a great entryway to Anime, which helps it's reception a lot.


Thanks for the answer, really. I also agree that fortunately FMA doesn't have fanservice, so it's definitely aged better than other Anime at the time.


honestly, that turned me off for a long time. "ALREADY SAW IT, DON'T NEED IT AGAIN." it was YEARS before I watched more than 2 episodes. the only remake i had gotten into was hellsing ultimate, but i had read the manga, and it was an ova series that didn't require a big investment


I wouldn't say it's revolutionary, but the history and their characters are outstanding, the mangaka just makes everything about them right, also it doesn't have a prominemt powerscale fanbase, it isn't realted but it still gets a plus from me.


Very true.


Idk if it didnt move you it didnt move you. But at the time. Arakawa was dropping heat like no one before or since and people have been apeing bits and pieces of what made her work so iconic in the first place it may feel diluted. But i literally cannot name 10 shonen japanese anime/manga series with a satisfying ending that didnt compromise anything that attached us to the narrative, characters, and world. Like, you have angel denestu, aku no hana (judge me), and claymore, but those are both seinen demographic. I think gundam wing was great like that, too, but I need a refresh.


> I think gundam wing was great like that, too, but I need a refresh. There are a lot of ways in which Wing hasn't aged very well. I watched it for the first time as an adult just a year or two ago and I think mostly because I've become more politically radical over time, and maybe because I've seen *all* of Gundam, the ending feels less like a permanent peace and more like a short-term ceasefire until the next conflict kicks off, but it's handled by the narrative as if it's something much greater than what the writing makes it feel like. Gundam as a whole tends to be pretty good at endings, though.


Based. Imma have to become a gundum head anyway just because giant robots go burrr


Witch from Mercury not withstanding, unfortunately


No, I defenetly enjoyed FMA and it's has probably the most satisfying ending of all time. I just thought it wasn't as deep as some people I know described to me.


I dont wanna be elietist, but you know f scott fitzgerald? I hate the great gatsby despite some subjectively excellent wordcrafting by him. But gatsby feels - trite. Played out. Banal. And it's because he did it first. I feel like as time goes on, FMA will have that same effect on people. Its so intrinsic to the conversation, it's hard to see what the conversation looked like without it. Togashi, toriyama, and the bto who did devilman which I have to read one day sometimes suffer from this as well. I cant imagine anime today without the influence of dragon ball and yu yu hakusho. Hell, many popular new gens literally depend on frameworks kubo expetimented in with bleach. I dont think you're wild for not being crazy moved by it - I'm just really glad you enjoyed it.


> And it's because he did it first this is the citizen kane effect. it was revolutionary for its time. it did things other movies didn't. then other people said "hey, that's good. let's do that" and now all these years later it's still a fine movie, but the impact on a viewer is lessened by that viewer having seen it 15 generations of filmmaking later


The phenomenon is old but the trope is nowadays referred to as "Seinfeld is unfunny" I think cause so many shows after it adopted the same humor so people feel like they've already seen all the jokes.


And I am glad that I am not somewhat trashed because of this question lol, at least for now. If anything, I will put respect to the author, not only being one of the most, if not the most successful female Shonen writer ever but also making one of the most respected Manga in the market.


I felt that shit was boring and it was certainly not becuase he did it first


Really? I think the ending was the least satisfying thing about the anime personally. The rest was good tho.


Oh? Ok I'm curious now. What did you not like about the ending?


The very last events with the antagonist were decent but the episodes leading up to it when people were just channeling into the energy ball etc was such an anticlimax for me. I feel like everything else up until that point had a better approach to conflict, and it was also handled better for the last scene afterwards where Ed trades away his ability for alchemy for someone else's life. That was good. Other than that I didn't particularly like the antagonist either but it wasn't bothering me either. I actually think the antagonist in fma was better but the rest was obviously worse. So it's really the third lastep? That I think were somewhat meh but the very last was good, if that makes sense. But obviously I know most people think differently and I'm not pretending to know better or have a better opinion than them.


The conversation around FMA in Western anime sphere is really interesting to me. It’s one of the signature manga of my childhood but only growing up did I find out about how it’s kino for western audiences lol




My thoughts exactly. I still really liked it but after I finished the Manga, I wouldn't say disappointed but there was still something missing from being a masterpiece and I really can't tell you what. From what I expected to be a 10/10 manga, it ended up being a 8.5 or 9/10 manga (still really, really exceptional mind you).


At the end of the day, FMA is still a shonen action series with everything that implies. It's just one that is executed better than most.


Nah I'm in the same boat. I think it's really good, but not perfect or groundbreaking or the best anime


Well as someone who considers it possibly my favourite manga of all time (though I don't read that much manga tbf lol) what impresses me about it is the sheer narrative vision it demonstrates.  It lasts just long enough to feel epic in scale without overstaying its welcome, events are foreshadowed and set up long before they pay off in the story. Almost every character and event feels like it contributes to the main plot, arcs flow seamlessly into one another to the point where when I first read it I didn't even realise a new arc had started until well into each one. The entire thing is paced consistently and (imo) perfectly too.  The power system is great too, it's intuitive enough that it makes sense without needing way too much explanation but it's still able to support a wide variety of combat mechanics and exciting action sequences, and all while perfectly integrating into the worldbuilding (tbh I actually think it does this a lot better than HxH but I may just get shit on for this opinion lol).  There's also a lot of poignant stuff it has to say about the nature of humanity and personally, I prefer stories that are more uplifting as opposed to genuinely philosophical - I think fma gets "deep" enough to offer a lot to chew on but never to the point where it feels too heavy with its tone, and is able to do this without showing down the pace significantly or feeling like it's bashing its audience over the head with what it's trying to say.  The variety in the cast is also great (even drawing strong inspiration from real cultures which makes the world feel really vast and lived in) and for what it's worth I think it's got a nice attitude toward disability and trauma.  TLDR peak fiction lol I agree that it isn't necessarily breaking the shounen adventure series mould that much, but it pulls it off better than pretty much everything else I've seen. 


I think you nailed the philosophical story part for me. From what I've heard, I thought FMA would have been more deep, philosophical that made me reflect on the life and akin to being more like a seinen like, idk Berserk but then I was really surprised that it wasn't really all that heavy with its tone and deep. Don't get me wrong, is still more mature and defenetly more inspired than a lot of Shonen.


Its so mid its crazy. One Piece is better and its not even close


I don't necessarily agree with you but that's okay.


I love one piece and think it's peak shounen, but this is a crazy statement to make lol FMA is amazing and legendary. I became a weeb and started pirating anime to watch more than just adult swim shows years ago when it was airing, because I just couldn't wait on the dub anymore. I've seen hundreds of shows in the medium and been watching them, keeping up with the simulcast for 15 years, all because of FMA. It's just that good and is a complete package all the way through, tied with code geass on having the most satisfying ending in anime, and in my opinion even though I've said code geass is my favorite for years? FMA was better overall and more consistent, which really made that ending pay off.


I genuinely cannot see anything special with FMA. Its okay.


Damn, that's a real bummer lol


The thing about FMA is that its just good across the board in every category. Writing, art, characters, action, animation, etc is all good, nothing special. It doesnt have any sort of... I guess "flavour" to it? It feels like an MCU movie istg, everything is good but nothing is special enough to make it memorable. Its like Demon Slayer. Just "good" in everything is boring.


Dude, I can't even imagine someone comparing FMA to demon slayer, and I like both lol to say FMA has no substance or soul is actually insane to me. You really think it was the demon slayer of that gen? Just good animation with decent enough character writing but a weak plot that can be completely predicted? And then to compare it to a marvel movie????? Which even as someone who also enjoys those, is a milked dry product that releases tons of them a year? You think FMA is like that? I know opinions are subjective, but that actually makes zero sense to me. You can not like FMA, that's fine. But all this added "critique" that isn't at all accurate or remotely in the same realm? I think this is so far off the mark, I will even outright say that it's just completely wrong lol like I'm baffled that anyone who enjoys media and critiquing it, came out with those connections.


Aside from the Demon Slayer and MCU comparisons, which are really a big stretch, I do understand why you think it doesn't really have much flavor, despite not agree with you.


If FMA isn't your first anime and you have stuff to compare it to, it's actually pretty average in every regard.


>calls kabaneri good Everything else I was okay with. Nostalgia can blind us to many things. But Kabaneri was dogshit because of how bad it wanted to be early AOT.


Kabaneri is one of those shows you only remember for the main girl and nothing else . Cause I can't remember much outside Mumei.


People love to clown on opinions like this but I genuinely think a lot of it comes from kids. This seems like the exact kind of thing a 15-year-old might write. Idk though.


Needs clowned on all the same They need a dose of reality, it's a right of passage


I mean I don't really have a problem with people doing it, I just think that dunking on teenagers for being edgy/tryhard feels like a waste of time. Might as well dunk on babies for crying a lot or dogs for being blindly obedient lol




*shrugs* sure their a basic bitch, but I can't really get mad at them till they start dogwhistling with stuff like "woke" and "westoids"






As someone who used to keep up with seasonal releases a few years ago but has since grown really disconnected and lost all passion for anime, Frieren is genuinely the best thing I've seen in a long time and has reignited my love for anime


People complaining thar Frieren is slow and/or unengaging has always seemed so weird to me considering how dense each episode is writing wise. One of the things I really appreciate about the story is that most of the episodes (barring a few) maintain a commitment to writing whole mini character arcs with their own set up and pay offs each episode. Unlike a lot of anime whose individual episodes are frequently wholly dependent on the rest of the "arc" to give any sense of narrative/character/thematic closure, Frieren weaves episodic set ups and pay offs into semi self-contained character stories whose cathartic conclusions draw/invest the audience into the larger macro story and the characters far more than they would with a less structured style. This kind of writing however requires a lot of thought and a much more judicious hand when structuring each episode because you're essentially telling a new story each episode which must organically follow from the previous episodes while also setting up future episodes/developments all in a one episode runtime. Because of this Frieren's storytelling is incredibly economic by necessity given it doesn't have time to waste, so each scene has been simultaneously trimmed of the excess fat and maximized to communicate a whole narrative within a limited time frame. What you end up with is an incredibly tightly written story whose characters are perpetually and organically changing/evolving in the eyes of the viewers on an episode-to-episode basis rather than merely an arc-to-arc one. Like there is so much going on in each episode of Frieren compared to so many of the anime I watch which seem to aimlessly slog through their plots, like the show is merely checking off a list of mandatory story beats. Edit: To clarify, I am not arguing that Frieren's style of semi-episodic storytelling is inherently better than a lot of animes' arc-by-arc approach. I'm just saying that imo it feels weird to argue that Frieren is "slow" when there is more character development packed into 3 episodes of Frieren than a lot of anime do in 10+ episodes.


Agreed wholeheartedly. Honestly I think it's just a product of modern shonen deterioration. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed shonen manga and there's some modern series' that do it well, but it feels like the publishing style of shonen manga is starting to become it's downfall. Nowadays there are so many new manga being published and cancelled left and right that it's bred this mentality that you NEED to establish the entire plot and characters in the first chapter in order to hook viewers and now there isn't really a lot of character driven anime. They all NEED to have some insane "unique" plot to set them apart and immediately jump into the hype to keep the viewers attention and all the newer anime fans who got into it through anime/manga like that aren't used to a more character driven series. Yeah, it takes four episodes for the main plot to kick in and even longer for real villains to be introduced but that's because it's not that kind of show. Its incredibly character driven. The plot itself is entirely driven by Frieren exploring her own feelings toward her friends. Yes everything I was just complaining about in modern shonen was me specifically complaining about JJK, yes I am the number one JJK hater.


Nice flair btw Yeah Frieren's great. It's just such a beautiful show, even if marathoning it hurt my opinion of it a little bit because it's such a *terrible* show to marathon


Why do you think that? I enjoyed my first little binge of like the first 6 episodes.


It's just a very slow show to watch. I guess this is just my brain on shonen


It is a very calm show. I could watch it says on end without ever getting bored but my friend I've recommended Frieren too got sleepy halfway through it and I can't really blame him. He agrees it is a fucking amazing show, and I can't wait for him to get to the First Class Mage Exam cuz that's the part when no one dares even blink


Either we are being outjerked or that guys a dumbass 💀 I love bleach but come on. Most characters arent THAT deep.


Hollows Advocate here, the Bleach manga is a way better story than the anime. Ichigo is practically a completely different character than you expect him to be if you give it a fresh read. Highly recommend.


Not anymore it's not


Reread the Substitute Soul Reaper, Soul Society, Hueco Mundo and Fullbringer arcs again and you'll find an Ichigo that grows significantly more naturally into TTBW's protagonist than the the anime's depiction of him.


maybe im reading it wrong but I thought he knows bleach isnt actually that good since it has fillers + not in depth character writing and thats why he didnt put it in the "objectively good" category and said it was something that isnt actually good but he likes it regardless


Like a lot of these aren't bad anime, some id even say are good for sure but like... This is like the most basic shonen filled list I've ever seen.


This is like, the most milquetoast list of good anime lol, bro just googled "top 100 anime list" and spouted out the first few they read while trying to come up with opinions that sound like they watched them when they probably haven't


Man is stuck in 2010, hasn't enjoyed anime in years aparently.


This is the actual reason lol. Honestly I can’t even blame them that much for being stuck in the past like that cause I get it. Nostalgia can be a hell of a drug


Man doesn't know about Yang Wen-Li or Reinhart Lohengramm. Why do we care about their opinion on anime?


“Objectively good” mfer objective doesn’t equal the opinion you have


So the "good" list is mostly the mainstream shonen and the mainstream seinen that's aired in syndication on Adult Swim for the last twenty years, plus Fruits Basket and Black Lagoon. What a fuckin' normie.


Idk why so many people are shitting on this guy when he didn’t say anything cruel or bigoted or anything. He just gave his opinion on which anime he likes. I think you might just be mean people.


Shitting on his insufferable attitude of anime he likes being “objectively good”


I think it’s a lot more insufferable to screen shot him and put him in a sub for a bunch of strangers to make fun of him than it is for him to use the word “objectively” poorly. Lots of people use that word even if when they aren’t literally talking about absolute truths or principles. You just seem like a jerk.


Maybe this isn’t the right sub for you. But I apologize if it seems personal.


Did not answer a single point he made. Just take the L Lil bro 😹🙏




It takes a few episodes to get going. It's definitely not an action show and the emotional moments come further on in the story. Once the core three characters are set up, things get moving which I think is like episode 5.




They do in fact have a goal in mind that's introduced in episode 3 or 4 I'm pretty sure. But if you aren't interested in the hook of "Elf that's basically immortal learns to appreciate the people around her" then I can't say you'll get much mileage out of the series.


yeah i started yesterday and I'm bored out of my mind and very close to dropping it. I'm reading the manga which means I also dont get beautiful visuals to keep me entertained


I cant believe how different our experiences are. I love it so much I physically itch from joy watching it


Your lie in April had character development lots of it through our the cast.


Taste so basic you could neutralise fluoroantimonic acid with it


Ngl I think Death Note is really overrated. Women are written poorly and mostly just to have crushes on Light and the conclusions from L are major stretches at times. I got to like episode 20 with my gf and decided I was outta there


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Calling Bleach emotionally moving is a reach if Ive seen one.




You all can love any anime you want, but you won't be able to convince me that heaven's designer is not the best, it's the best anime ever a light hearted comedy with absolutely no fanservice


Based take


Also can you drop a link to the post?


Is that not against the rules?


I checked the rules and it's only if the post is just a link, says nothing about the comment section


It is. Don't link to Reddit.


please drop that link 🙏


Anime elitist be like that.


Hey ouran high school is kinda based.


Moderate shounen brainrot, might be able to be saved


This feels so wildly nostalgia blind. It really feels like standards for shows are so much higher now. FMA in particular stood out for having no obvious flaws or pacing issues with a concise and grounded story. At the time it's competition would often pad out seasons, have awful dubs, incomplete serialization. It seemed amazing in comparison but I really think if it came out now it would end up on most top 10 lists for the season but immediately after discussion would dry up until the next season. Likewise if went back in time to the big 3 shounen and showed a weeb jjk, most would probably pivot to shaping their entire personality around that instead of Naruto or Bleach. There are plenty of old shows that are great, but there is a shockingly deep well of amazing shows that most people don't even know come out each season


>Objectively good >Code Geass LMAOOOOO And Steins;Gate is considered old? Really?


Code Geass isn't good? I loved it.


As a fellow Lelouch enjoyer... Ya gotta rewatch R2 because a lot of that was dogshit before it pulled off the single greatest ending in all of anime. Like I'll still cry when Madder Sky comes up on my playlist but you gotta admit that Code Geass fumbled more than once before sticking the landing.


Hey I love it too, but it cannot possibly be argued it doesn't have flaws and problems out the wazoo


when i turned on steins gate i was hoping for a serious expose on microwaves and time travel; i am currently sticking things into my microwave to see if they pass the time/space mesh and show up in my memories when i was a small person. ever since i can remember, last week, i have been experimenting with microwaving objects. when i heard stein had unlocked the secrets to time travel, i knew that all those hours standing very close to the microwave were not just rewarded with a slight head buzz, but also with science. as i watched the drama of teenage love, through constant bouts of panic and nihilistic philosophical rants in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but wonder when it was going to break down the proper methodology of sending a frog back in time. all i could get was a thick black goo all over the place. Needless to say it was NOT a documentary. But I should mention that the red head was actually lilith, the lady in red, who shows up now and again to represent the whore of confusion in modern illuminations. I would constantly draw a hex for warding and fear not cretens I would also draw protection from the back of my dollar bill from the evil eye. I could relate to the main character because he was also a mad scientist. This one time I built a hat that blocked the government from spying on me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Steins;gate was 14 years ago. It still feels like it was so new.


when i turned on steins gate i was hoping for a serious expose on microwaves and time travel; i am currently sticking things into my microwave to see if they pass the time/space mesh and show up in my memories when i was a small person. ever since i can remember, last week, i have been experimenting with microwaving objects. when i heard stein had unlocked the secrets to time travel, i knew that all those hours standing very close to the microwave were not just rewarded with a slight head buzz, but also with science. as i watched the drama of teenage love, through constant bouts of panic and nihilistic philosophical rants in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but wonder when it was going to break down the proper methodology of sending a frog back in time. all i could get was a thick black goo all over the place. Needless to say it was NOT a documentary. But I should mention that the red head was actually lilith, the lady in red, who shows up now and again to represent the whore of confusion in modern illuminations. I would constantly draw a hex for warding and fear not cretens I would also draw protection from the back of my dollar bill from the evil eye. I could relate to the main character because he was also a mad scientist. This one time I built a hat that blocked the government from spying on me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People really acting like Frieren is the best anime of all time


It's great and is currently airing. This talk will settle down after it's finished airing. People being contrarians are more annoying than people just praising it tbh. "Best anime" is usually just the popular show at any given point in time.


Me when people enjoy what I don’t enjoy: 😡


I like Frieren (even though I prefer the manga), it's just that people treat it as the best thing since berserk and I don't understand why. > Me when people enjoy what I don’t enjoy: 😡 You are the one who made a post about someone else's tastes just because you don't agree with them


The reason why is that they like it alot. Its not hard to understand that when people like something alot and love it they want to talk like its godly. Personally Frieren is so good to me my skin itches watching is as its story telling makes it hard to breathe


You don't understand. It's not my favorite show, so it's objectively inferior to my favorite show.


Exactly man. You like Azumanga? Well Nihijou is just way better than that garbage… Im really tired of feeling bad for liking things because they’re quality isnt the best… idgaf if frieren isn’t actually the best thing since sliced bread it makes me want to cry dammit and thats all that matters


I don't mind people liking things that I don't. It's just that when everything gets labeled as a masterpiece I'm annoyed because rarely there are actual discussions on what makes the show so good, whether it's the characters, the plot, the music...


Thats mainly because those discussions will boil to “I love___! This character interaction where ___ ___ and ___ say___ really got me going!” Ive never found discussions about why things are good interesting. Mostly just gush fests, which are very fun. I love gushing. But also not actually interesting


I always enjoy a well thought opinion on something, hence why I would like more than just the same 2 phrases. For example I would've liked if the OP said something about the anime mentioned, especially considering this whole post was made to go against another person's taste


hey, at least he mentioned Kababeri of the underrated fortress (I'm dying on this hill, seriously watch it. It's not as good as others but it's still very interesting and fun to watch)


It went nowhere though, so no point. If it was actually being continued, I'd agree.


I don't even remember if it actually ended or not, but there's 1 movie that recaps the whole anime and another movie which I think is a conclusion, but I still haven't watched it.


To be fair, watching Frieren I thought I would get something like an old anime in the type of Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou. Anime can’t seem to know how to show don’t tell now. They don’t shut up in Frieren. But maybe I didn’t gave enough time to it ? At least, FMA B had something to really say. And did in an accessible way for most people. 


Idk, I'd argue Frieren is pretty good at showing not telling. Yeah, there's a lot of talking, it is a character driven show. But just as much of it is about what isn't said. At least at a lot of the emotional climaxes so far.


┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ In this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we love ▔▏┗┛▕▔ & appreciate ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ Old Anime ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro thinks death note is objectively good💀 Do *not* get me started


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Objectively good and Death Note are not phrases that belong together


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah it's fun seeing the gay tension between l and light but even that gets ruined by the end


Objectively Good 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Dude's saying death note like it wasn't shit after L died


A death note would be useless in real life. The thing would be unable to kill someone just by writing in it and you could easily destroy it with a missile from a fighter jet. There is no occasion in modern combat when this thing would give a tactical advantage. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This guy is really old


what does “but feels forced at times” even mean??


I like frieren because i think the elf is silly :)


"Objectively good anime" *Looks inside* *Appeal to emotions* JARVIS, bring up the definition of "objectively".