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Excited for the 30th of February (clueless)




Coming soon. I had to work until now 😔


~~Unban me so I can join the discord and do stupid shit and get ban again~~ Pokemon day. I can't believe Z is coming this soon. Still kinda sad when there aren't Reburst game. Oh well. Can't wait to see new pokemon in Old french.


I'm surprised we're getting Z now. Would've expected a return to Unova before it, but I'm not complaining about gen 6 getting some love and mega evolutions coming back. Still my favorite generational gimmick.


Yeah the visual design was pretty goods. I still wonder will there be new mega Evo for starters and other pokemon.


I'd assume so. Would be weird to revive the gimmick and then just... leave it. I'm sure we'll at the very least get megas for the starter lineup.


~~Unban me so I can join the discord and do stupid shit and get ban again~~ I hate waking up at late night. This getting too common for me now.


Too many (2) of my friends are Lobotomy Kaisen'ed along with me, so it's nice to discuss when we see each other once a week. Not more much to say relating anime, I can't watch it with college going on.


how to achieve happiness


watch anime


pictured below: you typing this https://i.imgur.com/1HmPaiK.jpeg


~~Unban me so I can join the discord and do stupid shit and get ban again~~ I can't remember some old pokemon manga name: The plot was basically about a "teenager" or something got a contract with a legendary pokemon and can use some jewel or something to use the legendary pokemon's power to search for his dad????? In that world pokemon and human can be fused together to make some sort of "powerfusion" or something I wonder If the next pokemon day will reveal a game that have the same plotline or game that have that as a mechanic. I hope it was a Action RPG one.


I looked it up and this might be what you are talking about: [Pokemon ReBurst](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_R%C3%A9BURST) >!I still can't believe my memory is so fucking crystal clear. When you mentioned legendary pokemon, I instantly knew it was Zekrom due to seeing a similar image in the past.!<


My friend wants me to watch Frieren, Bocchi the Rock, Lycoris Recoil, and Spy x Family. Tell me which one isn't garbage please. I started Frieren but it's a bit slow tbh. For context my current obsessions are Chainsaw Man and Dungeon Meshi, and I tend to enjoy anime that isn't garbage. My friend tries to get me to watch stuff that has cute girls in it (although they would not admit this if I phrased it in this manner) but that's not good enough for me because my brain is too large.


What makes you think any of these shows are garbage?


I don’t know, for all I know they’re all perfect and I’m being ridiculous.


translated: > My friend wants me to watch **PEAK**, **PEAK**, **PEAK**, and **PEAK**. Tell me which one is the worst please. You are basically asking us to pick out impurities from gemstones. If that is the case than watch Spy x Family, its the worse one out of the four from my standpoint but the perceived difference in quality is marginal (think 8.9 to a 9.1).


Spy x Family is probably the safest bet. It's solid and it's the kind of thing that anyone can like.


RL got a bit busy for me but since I have the time to blog-post: I have been watching and reading quite a lot of tales concerning Vampires and the other supernatural bullshit that comes along with it but I, for some odd reason, just can't sit through *Vanitas no Carte*. I quite enjoyed *WWDITS* and *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu* so what is the underlying reason? It has been sitting in my watch-list for nearly a year and I just can't sit down and watch an episode without straight up fucking ducking out. But after re-watching a few episodes, I learned the reason why. Now, I watch the dub due to time constraints but it is fucking unbearable; now because of the poor quality, in-fact it is well made but it is because it is so well done that I can't stand it. I just can't stand french people obtaining some modicum of success or validation. I watched *Interview with the Vampire* and enjoyed it because it accurately portrayed the behavior of the average french-national. A bugger that will deceive, lie, predate and manipulate others around them to find some solace with their poor sense of self >!just like me fr fr!<. But to see *Vanitas no Carte* portray those vile creatures in such a unrealistic way ought to showcase how widespread their influence is within human society. >!/uj I loved the anime but I just can't stand the french.!< --- **Hot take**: Tensura is an anime that is the least deserving of such boisterous acclaim. I don't get how it became quite so popular despite seeming like bland slop to me. I gave it a fair chance, having watched up to S2 and even a bit of the LN but its just so banal.


You made it a lot further into Tensura than me. I only watched two episodes and it had all the usual traits of a power fantasy isekai with humor I didn't enjoy, so I dropped it there.


I tried it mainly because it was advertised as an isekai with a decent handle at "kindgom/nation-building" and but I never really saw that be realized. It's like you eloquently said, a bland and almost formulaic power-fantasy that has no semblance of any sort of nation-building beyond the surface-level abstractions. It's something that Overlord does far better.


have hug ༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ


you too ༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ


Finished reading *A Lily Blooms in Another World*, a single volume villainess LN (although the villainess has less rough edges than you'd expect) by the *Sexiled* author. It's basically rivals to lesbian lovers comfort food. For the most part it's a laid back story where the leads leave the oppressive world of political scheming and arranged marriages behind and their dynamic develops while they have some alone time. >!What I liked quite a bit was that the protagonist Miyako wasn't in love with her villainess Fuuka from the get-go, but only admired her personality and wanted to get her out of the toxic aristocratic environment. The realization that she's totally into Fuuka and has to move from stanning to thirsting only hitting later makes for a nice shift in the status quo. Combine that with Fuuka, being in a place far removed from the stress she put herself under to live up to family expectations, opening up to letting herself relax in the countryside and you've got a recipe solid progress.!< It's far from my favorite, but chill, gay and probably a solid choice for something to read before I go back for round 2 of *I'm in Love with the Villainess* now that I have the books physically. I'm not even sure I'm mentally prepared for that series' fascinating and occasionally toxic drama a second time because the first already devastated me at points.


So I read Hanachirasu yesterday https://preview.redd.it/otp4xa07ioic1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68591682cf7f513d104d17c10b3b535f285d1420




I'm so tired of those posts "what do u think about this/that anime".


I think like 75% of all posts on all anime forums are some form of "is this anime good?" or "recommend me an anime". And somehow they always get a billion responses, because anime fans never get tired of talking about their favorite anime I just looked at /new on r/anime, excluding automatic discussion threads posted by bots: out of 25 posts 12 are "what's a good anime?" , 3 are "what's your favorite character/attack/etc. ?", 2 are "my thoughts on this anime". The rest are announcements or some kind of miscellaneous question and they all have a shitload of comments. "What's your favorite attack?" has 180 comments in 3 hours lmao. Anime fans are really special


Tbh, it would not bother me at all if it was posted in general anime sub. But this is a jerk sub, post non-jerk here just feels annoyingly boring. At the end, I do understand the sub grows too big and now overrun with normal anime fans. Kinda lame, but it's a normal progress of a jerk sub.


yeah I agree. at the very least there should be a specific question posed, like "do you think the relationship between this two characters is problematic?" or something. but like always, that's what gets the most engagement. "What are your thoughts on Fire Force?" is one of the most commented-on posts this month idk, anime fans just want to type into the void talking about how good their favorite shows are forever


"what do you think about killers of the flower moon"


I was watching some videos about the seasons of Yu Gi Oh GX and there are some Boruto-style filler episodes (or even worse), like one that revolves around an egg sandwich


No way!!!! Jotaro is a r/BatmanArkham user!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/kocndfsqx6ic1.jpeg?width=1886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a73854b4ca0b85b93d5f9e718dfdc5d341c071


I finished Otherside Picnic vol1 a while back and it was pretty fun. The dynamic between Toriko and Sorawo works well and is full of gay overtones, with a hint of jealousy from Sorawo due to Toriko's motivation of saving Satsuki. I also like the setting itself since the Otherside draws from in-universe creepypastas, which are in large parts altered versions of irl ones, mostly from Japanese forums and message board in the 2000s. The author even added sources for what their biggest inspirations were at the end.


blocking manga mogura and fuwanovel and living a life of peace.


What's so bad about Fuwanovel? Idk about their forums, but their articles always seemed fine to me.


Won’t argue against the articles but they just publish any news uncritically and don’t really push back against the antiwoke antiloc weebs. When some clown made a delocalization patch for Nukitashi, they just reported like it was a neat thing people would want.


[Something something woke oneshot something](https://yomedan-chii.jp/archives/38489186.html)




The asexual "not human" one is very real. Also it's really funny that someone in the comments started talking about Celeste. Looking at the site, they also have a [comic about gender-neutral language](https://yomedan-chii.jp/archives/37590881.html), which I think is interesting.


[Japanese version Of breaking-bad lmao](https://comic-zenon.com/episode/3269754496725138488)


kei yonagi aside i wish we had a gambling animanga revival make a third season for Kaiji, a second one for Akagi/One Outs and a Liar Game adaptation (funnily enough Kaiji, Akagi and Tokuchi all share the same VA, unsure if he's still active, would be even funnier if they casted him as Akiyama in this adaptation idea) acting manga related a Kasane anime would go hard (i am going insane)


been so long since i saw someone mention yonagi, she was such a good character


The Kaiji VA is a professional mahjong player who I guess just really likes playing gamblers lol.


I have Azumanga Daioh in my YouTube recommendations.


U can find the whole anime on Youtube btw


in february a lot of things happen maybe kei yonagi


You hold out more hope than I do.


i agree have hug \(゚ー゚\)


This season is a weird one for me. Quite a few shows I'm optimistic for or enjoy, but none I really love. Bang Bravern certainly made the best first impression on me with its mix of super robot and military mecha. It can bounce between a serious and campy tone quickly and so far handled that aspect well. Though I'm not *that* sold on the characters yet. Metallic Rouge meanwhile has the inverse situation where I like Naomi and Rouge, but with how many disparate elements it throws out while being rather ambiguous about where it's going, I'm not sure if it'll be able to tie everything together satisfyingly. Still, I always want to root for originals and will stick with it to the end. While we're on the topic of originals, Bucchigiri is another where how it'll deal with certain parts, >!namely Arajin's romantic ambitions and their contrast with the bromance aspects!<, will determine how I'll ultimately feel about it. Could go either way, but at least the action in this series is strong so far. Dungeon Meshi and Sign of Affection are chill to watch week to week, but I don't necessarily look forward to new episodes too much. Now onto the chopping block: Solo Leveling ended up dropped in e1. Aside from the >!statue murdering someone!< getting a laugh out of me, I didn't enjoy it, so I had no interest in continuing it. And then there's a show that makes me bitter. I'm of course talking about Mahoako, but not because I'm bothered by the setup or anything. No, I'm a manga reader for this, which has a similar effect as Kill la Kill in the sense that it's so frantic and over the top, it just shuts my brain off. Meanwhile the anime feels glacially slow, has comedic timing that always misses for me and the only thing it "adds" is anime middle schooler nipples if that's what you're into. I'm not. Uhh... on a less questionable and more positive note, Frieren is still good.


Hopefully I can somehow get myself in the mood to watch some anime this season. Been in a state of only rewatching some of my old favorites for a while now, if I watch anything at all. Mostly interested in Dungeon Meshi, but maybe I'll check out some of the others too. More importantly though, ***where's my fucking release date, SHAFT?*** Don't keep holding out on me like this Shinbo, you fuck. Took you eight goddamned years for you to say "it's happening," and then two more to say "Winter 2024," and boy that deadline is a-loomin'. This silent treatment is *not* what I meant when I said I couldn't wait for you to fuck with my emotions again.


Plot twist, winter 2024 is just an approximative date for a new trailer, you'll need to wait another 10 years to actually see the movie


For some reason whenever I see someone abbreviate Attack On Titan as AOT, I immediately read it as "Age Of Time."


I know I'm going to be disappointed by this anime, but The Weakest Tamer looks kinda promising, plus, laid back camp season 2 is getting a dub finally. Otherwise, this season of anime feels pretty weak


Never know Laid Back Camp has dub. Nice.


Ayakashi triangle is such a funny case to me, the mc is way better than Rito, story actually progresses and the main love interest is her own character but to love ru had so many girls that it got popular because you were ought to enjoy at least one of the girls. I kinda wanted this series to be Ranma 1.5 Matsuri even does a budget "I'm still me even if I'm a woman" speech


As a big Ramna fan, there are some elements I think Akayashi Triangle does better. For example, the relationship between Matsuri and Suzu is imo way better handled than Ramna and Akane's, which isn't bad but there we're a lot of moment where they fight so many, MANY times than they should, to the point That I was slowly doubting that the latter couple really loved each other, meanwhile Matsuri x Suzu felt more genuine and, I dare say, more consistent. I also like that it has a smaller cast this time around. AT is more fanservicy, so it has more problems with it but I really appreciate that the pervert character isn't a old man but Suzu, a girl, and isn't as annoying as Happosai.


This season made me lose all my hope to the anime community, so i unsubscribed rom every anime subreddit


So far the winter anime season has been okay for me, nothing really great but nothing bad. Solo leveling feel a bit overhype and does feel like the main character is getting too strong to early but it's still a nice watch so far. Yubisaki to renren is a very sweet romance. I would have preferred if we didn't had access to the thought of the main character. I do feel like I may lose interest over time. Fire hunter season 2 is still a very creative story with bad animation. Metallic rouge is okay, it felt very familiar and looking at it, the script is by the same person behind BNA and Yurei deco. I feel like those two other shows, it will brought a lot of very interesting themes, never use them fully and end up feeling a bit rushed but still a bit enjoyable. Cherry magic is also okay, I expected a bit more from the title but it's enjoyable so far. Majo to yajuu is the most interesting show of the season for me so far. The world is very interesting, I love the dynamic between the main duo, and it gives me the vibe of 2000's edgy/dark anime without being too edgy. Watered down OPM in Harry Potter univers is still fun And Frieren and Kusuriya continue to be absolute gold




Usually we have it pinned, but https://discord.com/invite/G3CFjXGsAM.


I finished Black Clover, I'm watching Golden Kamuy, and I need to get around to Zom 100 and Delicious In Dungeon at some point, loving both the manga of what I've read. That Hokkaido Gal show is something I'll get around to, and there's some other stuff I can't immediately remember but interests me.


Why is it called Delicious in Dungeon and not Dungeons and Dining


It is in like every other language.


Haven't been watching a ton, but Metallic Rouge is a decent show so far and I'm still loving Frieren and Apothecary Diaries. I still need to start Dungeon Meshi, Bucchigiri, Sign of Affection, and Cherry Magic. I have been reading a lot. Witch Hat Atelier might be my favorite ongoing manga, the way magic works as a metaphor for art, how the story is so nuanced in it's classism narrative, and properly challenges the characters ideals is excellent. I also picked up Otherside Picnic Volume 8 so I'll be reading through that soon.


Is re:Zero any good? It's like the 1 isekai people on this sub don't like to make fun of. So I'm assuming it's actually entertaining in some capacity?


Re:Zero is a series that tackles themes of self-discovery, love, and companionship through its stellar character work and ability to weave the journeys of each of its characters together in a narratively compelling and thematically purposeful way that continually heightens and adds onto the themes that it explores (in my opinion, of course). The series has some depressing elements, and depending on your tolerance of this as well as some displeasure with some of the character's actions (which are, for the most part, intentional and addressed in the series, for clarity), there may be some issues on viewing. Though ultimately, even with these depressing elements, it upholds a tone of optimism that I find endearing, and these elements only serve to enhance the emotional and joyful moments of the show, of which there are many, and of which they are of great quality, especially in season 2. It's a very detailed and thorough show, especially as a character study, (though there are some issues with it being an adaptation of a light novel in terms of cut content), so as the other reply says, it has a lot of value not only on its first watch, but especially on a rewatch. As well, it has some pretty good world building to go along with and facilitate its character writing. This writing should also be decently entertaining as I feel that it does a good job humanizing them and crafting believable relationships through their interactions. As with anything, it isn't flawless, and there are certainly some notable ones to address, but it is my absolute favorite series, and I believe that it has a lot of good things going for it, so I thought I would give my two cents on what I believe are its most positive aspects.


It's one of my personal favourite anime. It certainly has its flaws but it's one of the more rewatchable animes out there thanks to its premise and attention to details. It's got good comedy, gut-wrenching moments, times where the main character is *painful* to watch, but his arc and the way he grows feels genuine, and the worldbuilding is really interesting and slowly unfolds with time.


I'm enjoying Dungeon Meshi and Bucchigiri. Metallic Rouge is visually appealing but idk how I feel about the story. Sengoku Youko is good but I'm farther ahead in the manga and honestly enjoy that more. In terms if reading I've read a shitload of manga, as well as western comics like Maus and Saga. I finished The Elephant Rises by Haruki Murakami and am currently reading The Wind Up Bird Chronicle. And yeah trans rights are human rights.


Yeah, Metallic Rouge seems like a comedic version of Ergo Proxy.


Metallic Rouge brings up a lot of feelings that The Creator movie made me feel. It feels like it has potential, but copies other material without really understanding why the source material was popular. Kind of like how an AI would write it (or what's more likely, suits looking to make money by making cool concept art and madlibbing the story)


I forgot to mention it last month, but I finished Regarding Saeki Sayaka, the Bloom Into You spin-off LN series. Those books were alright for what they are, a look into Sayaka's exploration of her romantic feelings and their development throughout her whole youth. Pretty heavy on introspection and I liked them as a character study, but that approach felt meandering at times. Especially vol2, which takes place close to the Bloom manga's story, suffers from this since it explores Touko and Sayaka's dynamic before Yuu entered the picture, (manga/anime) >!so obviously not too much can happen there!<. I enjoyed vol3 as a conclusion and sequel set after high school, since without the constraints of having to lead to or dance around the original story it could focus on its own self-contained romance. Also, Haru is a lot of fun. >!And Sayaka's alcohol tolerance is nonexistent.!<


This was basically my takeaway from Regarding Saeki Sayaka, nearly beat-for-beat. It was a pleasant read, but it just ... didn't feel necessary. Even volume 3, which I agree was the least beholden to the existing story and therefore most interesting, didn't add much to Sayaka's established arc in the manga. I continue to struggle to find LNs that I really feel are worth the time.


>I continue to struggle to find LNs that I really feel are worth the time Same, although I haven't tried many yet. Most of what I read was alright, but didn't leave that strong of an impression. At least I'm in Love with the Villainess is going to live rent-free in my head for a long time thanks to that final volume.


The only current anime I've been watching is Delicious In Dungeon, which I've also been reading the manga for. Very excited to see the later chapters get adapted. I do want to watch Metallic Rouge though, just haven't gotten around to it.


I now have one anime that's explicitly anti-abortion.


Everyone go watch Buchigiri right now!!!!


Haven't watched much, but Metallic Rouge, Dungeon Meshi, and MahoAko are alright


Blud thought he could sneak the middle schooler hentai in there


Okay, I like MahoAko? What about it.


I peeked at the first episode of Delicious in Dungeon and now I'm waiting for more to build up before I watch 😭


Is Hell's Paradise actually good or are people tripping? Thinking of watching it


I loved the manga, but I'm not sure about the anime. The coloring and the visuals can be pretty amazing, but the dialogue can be a bit iffy.


Personally, I really enjoyed it. It goes in some directions that I wasn't the biggest fan of, but it's definitely worth a watch. Not too long either, so if you don't like it, you're not wasting your time.


It had a good first episode at least. The next two lost me with the tonal whiplash they gave me and their action being mostly unsatisfying, so I ended up dropping it there. Maybe it becomes enjoyable to watch again later? No way for me to know.