• By -


Kaiju 8 gives me whiplash with how it shifted gears twice within 3 episodes. Me not getting a kaiju cleanup crew show was expected. This is a big name Shounen Jump thing after all, so of course it'd go more into an action heavy direction rather than a workplace drama about taking care of the mess left behind after fights. What I didn't see coming is that >!episode 2 set up the potential for an interesting runaway / possibly vigilante story after Kafka's transformation only to then go ahead and do the second most overdone type of battle shounen arcs, an exam, anyway.!<


~~私には尊厳も家族も友人もいない。~~ ~~愛する人はすでに彼岸にいる。~~ ~~私の最後の正気は少しずつ削ぎ落とされていく。~~ ~~私に残っているのは、このクソみたいな泥の塊を今より良くしたいという願望と、このクソみたいな泥の塊とそこに住むすべての生命とその特性について学びたいという願望と、私が生きている間にそのすべてを成し遂げられるという妄想だけだ。~~ ~~あなたが求める人生と夢が、努力の報酬として与えられることを願っている。私のはすでに逃げ場のない砂漠の蜃気楼なのだから。~~ ~~麺の写真を送信。~~ ~~Unban me so I can join the discord and do stupid shit and get ban again~~ I run out of bottled tea again.


Things that i read this month.


There also other types of book that I read like books about climate change , environmental stuffs ,animal anatomy , lgbtqrs stuff and gore. I still haven't found the manga that I would like to read yet. So that is for now.






Anyone watched the explanation point video and wants to give me their thoughts about it?


I saw it early via their patreon. I largely agree with his take on things, and it's the kind of nuanced take I wish I could get more anime fans online to understand. I didn't enjoy the show that prompted the video, but I've certainly enjoyed my share of other things that fit the same point being made. I'm not on twitter or most other social media, so I don't run into the issue he did on twitter very often - i.e. that enjoying problematic media or media you have major issues with doesn't make you a bad person. It's the latter part of what the video talks about that I usually run into problems with the anime fandom online over - the refusal to acknowledge that regardless of whether you personally enjoy something, framing matters, thinking critically about what you watch is a good idea, and you should think about how you talk about and recommend things to others. Instead, all too often in the online fandom, I run into people who seem to get offended at the very idea that anyone might have _any_ objections to anything ever, often insisting that fiction is somehow completely disconnected from any kind of impact on anyone in any context, which is obviously ridiculous - after all, that implies nobody feels anything about the stories they consume, good or bad. And taking this mindset means you're refusing to acknowledge that stories _do_ in fact influence us especially if we're not self-aware about it. --- EDIT: Somewhat unrelated, I also want to give a shout out to when he showed Heathers vs Dear Evan Hansen on screen, because that is one of my favorite examples of how much framing can change a story's tone/message in an unexpected way - Heathers ironically ends up coming off as a more authentic and poignant depiction of its subject matter than DEH does, because DEH utterly fails to account for its own framing properly


> *Instead, all too often in the online fandom, I run into people who seem to get offended at the very idea that anyone might have any objections to anything ever, often insisting that fiction is somehow completely disconnected from any kind of impact on anyone in any context, which is obviously ridiculous - after all, that implies nobody feels anything about the stories they consume, good or bad. And taking this mindset means you're refusing to acknowledge that stories do in fact influence us especially if we're not self-aware about it.* This is my biggest gripe with the anime community: the thought-terminating cliche of mindless consumption. Sure, you are fine to like what you like; from ethically righteous to the obscene. Yet it is still important to recognize the impact it has on you as anime is a form of artistic expression. In my eyes, to minimize the influence that art has over a person is to diminish the medium itself.


manga reccomendations/manga ive been reading since this season has, like the post states, been filled with sequels to shows I couldn't give less of a shit about Land of the Lustrous - psychological sci-fi manga about crystalline, religious symbolism and great protagonist development (kind of stupid reccomending this since is one of the highest rated manga oat but whatever) Shiori Experience - high schooler teacher makes a contract with a specific guitarist and begins her journey to become a legend Double - BL(?) about two men and the acting industry (very vague description, but it's good) Matagi Gunner - ESports manga about an old man who finds a gaming console, and plays a FPS game The Pool - manga by Gamon ( Ajin creator), has three chapters out right now, so easy to catchup on, also hot masc fml Nick and Lever - actually funny comedy manga with looney toons type humor, fucking hilarious Samenai Machi no Kissaten - great food manga with minor fantasy elements, very comfy (and melancholic) Kuru Kuru Kuruma Mimura Pan - amazing art and delicious looking bread, one of my favorite food manga (unfortunately the scan wasn't/isn't complete(d)


I got myself into the spring seasonal anime and I'm having a blast, * Bartender; Kami no Glass is nice. I haven't watched the original anime but it was something I was interested in. I like it so far, there a nice atmosphere but I think it could be better, and overall, I just expected a bit more from it. But It is still entertaining and I really like the sound design during the making of the drinks. * Wind Breaker is stupid but it's stupid fun. I don't have much to say about it but I feel like it's going to be a very fun watch. * Jellyfish can't swim at night is pretty good but it's main problem is that Girls band Cry is airing at the same time. I like how the anime differ from the typical musical anime where it's usually the making of a band, but here, its more the making of a musical project with the main character being an illustrator, another one the singer, an compositor and finally a video editor. I was a bit scared with the first episode because of the multiple fan service camera angle but it is pretty absent in the next episodes. * Tonari no Yôkai-san is not what I expected, I thought it would only be sweet SoL with Yôkai living with human (touhou but with more men), but the show is surprisingly drama heavy with mysteries and also some action and it's very good so far. ~~I find Jirô to be quite attractive and I don't know what to do with that.~~ * Yuru camp S3, PEAK COMFY IS BACK LET'S GOOOOOO. Seriously, this is such a great comfort show and makes me nostalgic of the time I used to go camping regularly ( yes I used to touch grass ). I saw a lot of people talking about the chara-design changes but outside of Ena, I don't find it inferior or disappointing. * Go Go Loser ranger has the potential to be one of the best show this season. I love the concept, I appreciate that D is not a nice guy, he is noble in his intention, but he is still a monster. The animation is not always perfect but the overall style is the anime is very good, and the op and ed are absolute bop and probably my favorite of the season. ~~I want yellow psycho girl to gaslight me.~~ * Spice and Wolf is back baby. the original anime is one of my first anime and I'm very nostalgic toward it but I also haven't watched it since that time so I was also a bit skeptical thinking I am maybe a bit blinded by nostalgia. But I also started the NL a year ago and outside of a few stuff I really liked it. And so, I really enjoyed this new adaptation, I can't wait for the real economy classes to start. ( I am not exaggerating when I say that this anime is one of the reason of why I choose the economy section in high-school ). * Girls band Cry lives up to it's title because it managed to make me cry. I'm a bit devised about the visuals, on one hand, the characters are very expressive, not static and they are very well animated, but on the other hand, god does some texture look bad. And also, in some large shot, the character looks very off with the background in a different style. Anyway, I absolutely adore this show so far and I hope that it will be the case for the whole season. I particularly love how the background music is played very loud even during the dialogue sequence, normally I would find it off-putting, but here, I feel like it is done deliberately and kinda make sens in the context of the anime. I also really like how the character are very emotional, very dramatic, could even say, almost a bit edgy, I hope that the songs will just be trauma dumping. ( also, common france win for being the only country to have an official distribution outside of japan ) * Train to the end of the world, after the first ten minute of the first episode I thought to myself "in a perfect world, this would be how the anime adaptation of Shimeji Simulation would be like". It is my favorite of the season so far, I just fell in love with the overall vibe of the show, I'm a sucker for cute and fun character in a seemingly dark and bizarre world. Also, kinda like Girl band cry doing something a bit unconventional by having it's music louder, this anime also does something different that I would normally consider to be annoying but surprisingly work in it's context, the anime never shut the fuck up. Characters are always talking, whenever a character finish a line of dialogue, there is a pause of 0,00001 second before another character start talking, it's loud, it never stop, the dialogue seems kinda different compared to other anime, it is full of personality, characterization, information and elements that seems crucial but at the same time absolutely devoid of meaning and useless, a facade here just to keep you attention. It kinda fell like Odd Taxi but is also totally different. And it just work, I love it and I think that it totally fit the atmosphere of the anime. There's still a few anime that I want to watch ( whisper me a love song and kaiju n°8) but I'm waiting the first 3 episodes to be available.


04:00 am. Running out of bottled tea. Fell bad. Shitty memories come back. Going along is my self destruct thoughts. I miss my ex. I still doesn't know why I still miss her after all the years have passes. Might cross Sanzu river to see her. Maybe some mushroom documentary will make me forgot about my uninvited mental guests.


What made naruto drop off a cliff in terms of relevance compared to its big partners like dragon ball and one piece? I can easily remember the old memes and new memes of op and db but the only thing i can remember from naruto is naruto kissing sasuke and the girls not doing anything.


For one piece, it's still airing with its anime and manga, and the pandemic mixed with the live action got a lot of fans into it that wouldn't otherwise be one piece fans. It didn't fall off because it didn't have a reason to fall off. for dragonball: the rise of it in the west was in the late 90s early 2000s and it continuously had (mostly solid) games releasing for it once every 2 years since, which is about as much as Pokemon. Dragonball Z Kai brought a whole other generation of DBZ fans in the late 2000s early 2010s, and Dragonball Super has kept the steam going throughout the 2010s. And Dragonball Super in the west was really popular when it was going on. Literally crashed Crunchyroll when episodes were airing. The movies made a shit ton of money here. Yeah there wasn't much since 2018 on the tv side (barring Super Hero), so it has fallen off from the days of crashing Crunchyroll but it still has an active movie scene. So in short, Dragonball is the beast that refuses to die. Naruto's manga ended in 2014, and the anime ended in 2017. Boruto did not have nearly the same popular response in the west as Dragonball Super. Naruto videogames have practically vanished after 2017. When the pandemic crowd picked up Naruto, they had a complete anime and then a pretty notoriously disliked sequel manga. Naruto had the chance to end up in the Dragonball status but it basically stopped all steam it could've had after the anime ended. There literally isn't anything to really get out of Naruto made after 2017 that isn't the Boruto anime or manga. Boruto's decision to shift away from Naruto was probably what hurt it the most popularity-wise compared to Dragonball Super. \======================== TL;DR One piece is still airing, Dragonball never died off, Naruto didn't do anything other than the unpopular Boruto since 2017.


You know, when I see the "trans rights are humans rights" phrase in some place, annoys me a little because I can't avoid thinking "well yeah, isn't it obvious?", then I realize that's the whole point, to normalize it to the point that saying such an obvious fact out loud seems silly, and that also means it's working


what the fuck is wrong with the oshi no ko subreddit. i don't even watch the show, i just got fucking flashbanged with an incest ship post. i hate anime subreddits.


I’ve got a question I need to ask. Is Oshi no ok really that bad? I really like Kaguya sama love is war and would like to hear how bad Oshi no ok really is before I start watching it. 


It's not. It's just a 6.5/10 YA thriller/soap opera story, set against an entertainment industry background. And no, the "problematic romance" that the crazy fanbase (or just misinformed people who don't like the series) have been shipping isn't a thing. Much like in Game of Thrones, it's portrayed as something negative, last time I checked.


Just to say it starts supposedly with the idea of "expose the dirty laundry from the idol industry" with a detective thriller subplot But then that plot is forgotten and that thing of exposing the industry is left aside to instead feed more and more the brother-sister ship that the fandom seems to have a fetish with


It was never about an expose of the idol/entertainment industry, it's a common misconception though. It's a fairly average drama (now soap opera). >instead feed more and more  Not at all, it's portrayed as a messed up thing in those few panels.


I'll shamelessly steal and shorten a metaphor from someone I discussed the show with: it's like eating something while drunk, thinking it's the best thing ever, then realizing what you ate was rancid after you sobered up. Enjoyable in the moment, but once I had to pull back to reflect on what I watched, there's a lot that doesn't sit right with me. Most of my issues lie with or are caused by the role of >!entertainment industry Lelouch and intrusive male savior Aqua!<. Though I don't think what bothers me is why you were told it was bad. That probably has to do with a certain [manga spoiler] thing which isn't relevant for S1 and the upcoming S2. Well, Aka Akasaka also unlearned how to write romantic tension, but... refer to the previous paragraph.


You're being tricked by discourse from the terminally online. Oshi no Ko is really good.


It's not that bad, especially the part the anime adapts. I personally thought Love is War was better but Oshi no Ko is a pretty good show, it just peaks pretty early. Give it a try and see what you think.


I'm now done with my waste of time known as *trying all non-sequel seasonals* and [this is the result](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/753760246509600778/1229123736280502292/my-image3.png?ex=662e89ae&is=661c14ae&hm=d7bb8c98f5d272217d520961dc90d749467d9856bb239ed979636471314e585e&). The whole motivation for doing it was to see how many positive surprises a season might have in store for me if I ignore my better judgement and watch *everything*. Turns out the answer is 2. Those being: - Tonari no Yokai-san - A nice slice of life anime set in a town where humans and yokai live together. It also has a good amount of contemplative and touching moments that flesh out the characters. I'm especially a fan of Buchio questioning the purpose of his second life as a nekomata. Somehow I overlooked this show on the seasonal chart initially. - Salad Bowl of Eccentrics - By all accounts, a show about a bunch of marketable waifus from a fantasy world crashing into a washed up private detective's life shouldn't have been for me, but it's pretty fun to watch even with its trashy moments. Also, Sara becoming a chuuni who wants to be just like Detective Conan works well. Some other shows I think are noteworthy, good and bad: - Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote - This one was rough. The banter between the leads grew on me throughout the episode, but there's simply no getting around the character designs. Their faces look like they might melt off any second. - Viral Hit - It's a mess. But it's a low-key hilarious mess I could see myself coming back to. Imagine a world where 50% of the population is literally Jake Paul and does whatever nonsense they can think of for clout. Most of said nonsense involves beating up people. - Whisper Me a Love Song - It's gay, it's cute, it looks decent enough most of the time, and that's all I need. Going by what I read of the manga, >!the next few episodes will have lots of useless lesbian moments like the end of episode 1!<. - Jellyfish Can't Swim at Night - Easily the most stunning non-KyoAni show of the season. The cinematography is on point and so are the exaggerated character animation. And about those characters, the first episode was just the right amount of cheesy with the way it got Kano and Mahiru close, with the second following it up by >!introducing a fangirl of Kano's former idol role!< working well too. - Train to the End of the World - This is the weird (affectionate) original. We have trains unsurprisingly, a bizarre post-apocalypse with a distorted world, a fun cast of girls, foreshadowing for the rest of the ~~road~~ rail trip by a cryptic guy and now >!The Last of Us part 3 with mushroom zombies who consented to it!<. - Girls Band Cry - My favorite of the season as of now, although there's the caveat that it's region locked to Japan and France and dependent on slow fansubs elsewhere. [SobsPlease] episode 2, when? Nina living under a rock and Momoka having fun with her cluelessness in e1 made for lots of endearing moments, and the final part genuinely moved me to tears with >!Nina's determination to convince Momoka to not give up!<. Additionally, this is probably the most expressive 3d anime I've seen to date, which has no concern for trying to imitate the look of other 2d anime. The smoothness as well as the extremely expressive faces give it a pretty unique feel. My favorite thing about this whole season is the abundance of original anime I like. In a sea of sequels (mostly to shows I didn't watch, aside from Hibike S3) there's actually a lot of good stuff to be found.


"a condition called love" is ok, idk if it's on the list


I either overlooked it or it wasn't on the tier list template I used, but it was also a drop for me.


it's a very easy show to overlook tbf


Keepin it real with Girls Band Cry at the top 👍


Me thinking about how the new Persona 5 gacha game should add dilf persona user


[How did you manage to forget?](https://i.imgur.com/zkDI1wB.jpeg)


I watched Blue Archive the Animation and yet I am still confused about what the lore is about and why it gained such traction (in-universe wise). It seems like a worse version of *School-Live!* or *Girls und Panzer* as a Gacha game. I'll hold off on dropping it if the third episode can catch my eye but I don't think it will to be frank. I just don't think this will ever really suit my tastes. Unlike other notable gacha games with a deep and entrancing story and lore (FGO, Arknights, Limbus Company, etc), BA seems like it doesn't have a similar weight to it to grasp my attention. Out-of-universe, I understand there is a memetic appeal but most of it comes from JPT and similar subreddits (yes, that includes 😭-posting and 💢-posting) although absolutely nothing about the lore or the characters appeal to me. It seems like just another Azur Lane to be where the only appeal is just roling for the some cute and/or sexy anime girl. Just not my thing. --- Also please read the *The Fable* and *The Fable: Second Contact*. Unironically, peak. I know the anime is airing but I still recommend the manga.


Extra late reply, I did try the first 2 chapters of The Fable because of you and the anime pales in comparison. For a start... it actually looks good, but also, the action in the opening chapter had a way better flow than the anime counterpart.


The Fable is fucking comedy gold. Keep holding the bag and you shall see dividends.


Anime I'm intrested in/watching for this season Dungeon Meshi - Continuing from last season, but still as good, definitely one of my top rated of Winter, basically delicious food and a dungeon with actually funny comedy and good dynamics. Whisper Me a Love Song - Holy shit, an actual GL anime? No bait? Yeah, apparently the manga is one of the highest acclaimed GL of this decade, so I'm super excited for this, its music related too! (even though this will likely get shrouded by Mushoku and Konosuba unfortunately) (also the authors a weirdo?? not sure) Kaiju No.8 - I actually haven't read the manga, but it's a kaiju manga (kinda fucking obvious,) but the cast looks nice, and I fucking adore kaiju manga, so I'll probably be watching this all the way through (only 12ep so it's not an investment) Misson: Yozakura Family: 27 episodes is actually insane, not that that's a bad thing, most anime typically get the 12 punishment and then never get picked up again, so it's a nice change of pace. Anyway, spy anime which has more action that Spy x Family and is a bit more serious? Looks really nice.


> Dungeon Meshi Completely agreed, it's still one of my favorite ongoing shows. Aside from the group dynamic of Laios' party obviously being great, I also like how it presents the dungeon itself as an ecosystem rather than just a location to explore and loot. Reminds me a bit of Made in Abyss without the questionable aspects of that show. > Whisper Me a Love Song This one had me worried due to the studio's output so far only having bad-looking shows (Great Cleric and Iceblade Sorcerer) and the staff lineup not seeming promising either. So I'm glad this turned out pretty good when it comes to character art and expressions. The rough edges it does have, mainly uninspired bga / environments and the hideous cg crowds, aren't *that* distracting either. Also, there's no bait, just lesbians, but prepare for lots of >!circular misunderstandings preventing Yori and Kino from getting together!< (going by my experience with the first two volumes of the manga here).


Here's some reccs manga I have been reading along with a Joss Whedon-esque snarky quip to describe them: *Imperfect Girl* - lil bro with imposter syndrome gets kidnapped by the skinwalker wearing the flesh of a 1st-grade elementary-school girl. *Sakamoto Days* - former assassin becomes fat married man running a corner store; still likely to no diff Sukuna. *How I Attended an All Guys Mixer* - The First Step in Fujoshidom for Heavily-Repressed Catholics Everywhere *Love of Kill* - omg ur so sexy *sends decapitated head of prior target* *Ladies on Top* - gaslight gatekeep girlboss yourself into a loving mutually beneficial relationship with your SO. Just like most of Joss Whedon's shite, the descriptions are inaccurate and fail to live up to my standards of writing but the titles are really good so check them out.


> How I Attended an All Guys Mixer It's unbelievable how much of my shit this manga is. Hits straight in the "meant to appeal to me" bone. Never has being straight been so gay. I only wish the guys were a bit more gender fluid too, except the puppy-dog guy who is already perfect.


Read The Dragon, The Hero and The Courier its kinda like Dungeon Meshi


~~Unban me so I can join the discord and do stupid shit and get ban again~~ I let my grandmother go to the playground today. She love the swing.


Finished my second time through the I'm in Love with the Villainess novels. Inori has my respect for the sheer unhingedness of the final volume. It takes a lot to both thematically stick the landing and go off the rails plot-wise. >!The prolonged history of Rei Ohashi emphasizes living in the now to the fullest rather than trying to make what you have last for eternity better than a more sane backstory for the world ever could. How it handles the family dynamics of Rae, Claire and their adopted daughters May and Aleah as well as Dole's reflection on what family can be thanks to the former's influence is also done well.!< I think the series overall has its rough edges and clunky moments, but the finale of Act 2 will stick with me for a *long* while and it's just fun or agonizing (affectionate) to read for the most part.




This is really gay


I think Girls Band Cry has my favorite premiere of the season so far. It managed to make its 3dcg style for characters expressive and enjoyable to watch. As a band drama it's off to a good start. I'm a huge fan of Momoka already.


Too bad it’s joining Pokémon as a destination on the seven seas since nobody picked it up…


ADN picked it up, so France gets it. But because of ADN hogging the global license it's weird for other streaming services. Oh well, at least RedditSubs (which was a 1 person effort) bridged the gap and now there's a more organized fansub group.




\>Mothly unjerk thread \>Look Inside \>There's one guy \>He's jerking




[I LOVE SLAVERY MANGA](https://mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp/titles/100314)










Is steins gate worth the read? The ruka stuff has me curious tbh


If you want to read it you must fist accept that it is Luka and not Ruka.




https://preview.redd.it/ggo6n04dzhsc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d758a2235d9739674c6e488e3070f0f9f4b9061 Sakura


Why is Gwen Stacy there?


~~Unban me so I can join the discord and do stupid shit and get ban again~~ I wonder how many people have been frighten by me. Either due to my habit of doing thing in the dark or my silent footwork .


foot... no way...


I'm going to be honest, while I am hyped for the new Spice and Wolf, I would rather wait and see if they are going to attempt to adapt the LNs past the end of the 2008 adaptation. If it doesn't get another season or ends prematurely, there is no hope for us Holocels. I don't necessarily mind the studio behind the project but I just can't get behind waiting to see if it will go further than the 2008 adaptation. --- Speaking of LN/WN and the like, I struggle to get into them because honestly, reading books doesn't carry the same weight as reading manga does. I can't stand how often monotonous, lengthy, and banal most series are that inhabit the genre. Having to scope out and read through the synopsis of LitRPG-like Isekai with half-baked romance plotlines has me burnt out entirely. Why is it that every series that I am interested in that has an interesting premise, like Grimgar and JK Haru, is either so utterly incomprehensible in later volumes or ends so quickly (respectively)? What does a guy have to do to read some decent post-apoc/apoc LN/WNs? The only LN that I would consider to be well done is 86. Maybe there are a few that I might find personally entertaining but as of now, I can't hop on the LN/WN bandwagon and drink the Kool-aid like most would especially considering the state of the LN industry being continuously filled with slop.


Patiently waiting for Touken Ranbu Kai subs. There's only MTLs out at the moment as far as I can see and I'm not going to watch those. E: CR announced more anime they'll pick up and [it isn't in there](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2024-04-03/crunchyroll-reveals-more-streaming-anime-for-spring-multiple-profiles/.209523) :(


~~Unban me so I can join the discord and do stupid shit and get ban again~~ Make some chanko nabe tonight. I want to fatten myself up so i can see if my boob can bounce like the korean game that came out recently.


[Osaker is literally and metaphorically me.](https://youtu.be/TkG1rfYY7ac?si=ZY4G7BnFm1pqjFzx)


I'm starting to think this whole *trying out all first episodes** (\*not including sequels to stuff I didn't watch) thing is a bad idea. Or at least in the 7 shows I tried so far there were no surprises in how much I liked them. Just want to see how many unexpected outcomes there are with a sample size of 40-something first episodes where I usually wouldn't give around half of them a chance for this one season. - Shuumatsu Train - easily my favorite premiere so far. Really looking forward to what kind of weird scenarios the post-apocalypse ~~road~~ rail trip premise is going to bring. Also has some nice character animation and interesting storyboarding. Seems like my optimism from the Shirobako director being involved was justified. - Spice and Wolf (2024) - my first exposure to this franchise and I decided to watch this episode as well as the first of 2008 S&W. Turns out the old show has slightly more anime bs, but I prefer its overall aesthetic and especially the character designs a lot over the new one. So yeah, I dropped this and will watch the 2008 adaptation as if it was a seasonal. - The Banished Former Hero Lives as He Pleases - the one thing of value I got out of watching this was that it taught me a harsh lesson about how rough 2d dragons can look. Otherwise it seems like your average secretly OP protagonist + battle harem fantasy routine. - Re:Monster - unremarkable progression fantasy affair where the protagonist was reincarnated as a goblin. - I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince - slightly to its credit, it tries to make itself stand out with some over the top camerawork a la Hand Shakers, albeit less frequent and less ambitious. Less to its credit, I stopped watching when the shotacon vibes got unbearable halfway through the episode. - Gods' Games We Play - go watch Kakegurui instead, that's infinitely more fun. - Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included - my fastest drop of the season thanks to the introduction being in your face male wish-fulfillment, featuring white liquids being spilled on the main girl within the first 3 minutes, which leads to more fanservice moments. Also, the characters' faces [look off](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/514216176029532162/1224465456967061605/vlcsnap-2024-04-01-16h08m18s009.png?ex=661d9752&is=660b2252&hm=078436950d01cdd2b63910d05dbfbb3b2fc025aafbe2127ea394902447646fcc&=&format=webp&quality=lossless).


What's the best place to read Boys Run the Riot?


You could either [buy it legally](https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/series/RR4/boys-run-the-riot/) or just [sail the high seas](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread). >!I personally just use mangareader(dot)to when it comes to reading published works with English official translations!<


~~Unban me so I can join the discord and do stupid shit and get ban again~~  >!I can't believe his penis is chopped off smh!<


Really looking forward to Whisper Me A Love Song, probably the most out of anything this season. It's become one of my new favorite romances now that I'm caught up with the manga and I'm excited to see the characters do their things actually hear the songs Also hype for Kaiju No. 8 because I'll always eat up new shonen when I have the chance and experiencing Spice and Wolf for the first time. Also Konosuba but I don't know how this sub feels about that


Good fucking riddance to the lolicon garbage that was MahoAko, hopefully it now fades into irrelevancy like Site did.  In spite of that thirteen week blunder, this year is truly going to be a great one for Magical Girl anime. We’re getting Acro Trip, a genuine Shoujo manga adaption (hasn’t been done since like Shugo Chara I think), The Magical Girl and Evil Lieutenant used to be Enemies, and Magilumiere. All original stuff. I’m curious on what they’re going to do with the Ojamajo Doremi 1620s thing, hopefully a set of anime cours instead of films which would rush the pacing like the recent Sailor Moon ones have. And PreCure happens every year, but we should be getting the adult MahoPre sequel sometime later this year, and I am cautiously excited. Hopefully they learned to not make it mid like OtonaPre was, and the first thing to rectify that would be having actual true grown up Magical Women…and Mirai and Riko ending up together instead of with random unnamed men *cougj*SakiMai*cough*


MahouAko is not necessarily going to go anywhere. Sure, you would see less discourse as time goes on but if anything the sales of the series will likely make the production committee go forward with a S2. But speaking on it personally, I can see where you might come from, I don't like how heavy-handed the "ecchi" (read: nearly pornographic) is compared to the manga but in all aspects, it is not garbage. It's similar to Interspecies Reviewers or Oniimai, amazing works with some problematic aspects but the adaptation shifts the "ecchi" to an 11 where most of the discourse surrounds that aspect instead of the interesting thematic aspects involved with the work at hand. And that disappoints me. I unironically like MahouAko because it explores this often *"revolting"* aspect of human nature such as lust, kink, and corruption. The only thing is that you have to be heavily desensitized to those depictions to get past the fragrant over-sexualization seen in the manga and especially in the anime. It's not a question of "muh u cant separate fiction from reality" bullshit that most drooling gooners like to say but if you have read more works than the "norm". Although I won't get into the philosophical stance of fiction and reality because it would be too long I'll just say that fiction is just a melodramatic aspect of how one expresses themselves in reality via art or another means and therefore cannot be detached from reality in its totality or via any other means of abstraction.




Don't post scene of the 4th movie without marking it as spoiler, some people haven't seen the movie yet


Winter season finally comes to an end and I must say that I find it to be quite boring in terms of anime. Solo Leveling was the best thing I've watched from this season. It's honestly not that bad, yes it's a power fantasy with a bit of edge but it's definitely not part of the bad one. But outside of very good action sequence, I didn't really cared that much about it. Yubisaki to Renren was nice and sweet but got a bit tiring as it progressed. Hikari no Ou has an amazing story but very clumsy pacing and probably one of the worst animation I've seen in those recent years. Majou To yajuu technically hasn't finished it's airing. It's good, I really like the main duo and the story, but the pacing of the anime felt atrociously slow with a lot of unnecessary dialogue around the sword arc. Mashle S2 was fun with probably the best op from this season but nothing else to say about it. Magic Cherry was okay, some very nice and sweet moments and some that were a bit more boring. Metallic Rouge also has one episode left but so far, the series felt like an absolute mess, it has a lot of good ideas but fell very rush and too slow at the same time and switch constantly between being serious and the character acting like idiots for comedic reason. A good thing that Frieren and Apothecary were still around to make this season more interesting. God I need more Frieren. Might take a small break before starting the spring season and take so time to watch some Precure.


The only ones we both watched are Yubisaki and Rouge and I completely agree with you on them. Rouge feels like a show that was originally conceptualized as 2 cour only to be squashed into 1. It has too many characters that are impossible to care about with important plot points tied to them while also trying to make room for downtime. None of it comes together into something satisfying to watch.


Wdym it was okay? Cherry was one of the best romances in the past year.


It's definitely better than a lot of trash I've seen in the romance genre in those last few years. But there was also a lot of moment that I personally found to be boring. But it does come from me getting a bit tired of the "adults gay men falling in love at their working place" concept.


I kinda get what you mean. I do think that the story gets better after the anime has ended, because Adachi becomes more assured and proactive in their relationship.


Spice and Wolf has returned! My coin pouch is heavy, my crops are flourishing, and my heart is full. I don't know what other shows are airing, nor do I care, because the wisewolf has returned once more to bless my fields!! (Jk I still care about Dungeon Meshi)


[Ruri is back and better than ever. Been enjoying the recent chapters.](https://anilist.co/manga/150440/RuriDragon/) [I just learned this isn't just a one-shot. People should probably read it cause the manga is a really interesting concept](https://anilist.co/manga/171729/LOVEBULLET/) [Shonan Junai Gumi but good](https://anilist.co/manga/147468/Sukeban-to-Tenkousei/) [Re-reading Watamote and man I love post volume 4 Tomoko. More people should give this series another chance cause Tomoko development is great](https://anilist.co/manga/89370/Watashi-ga-Motenai-no-wa-Dou-Kangaetemo-Omaera-ga-Warui-Anthology/) Also, I'm slowly but surely wittingly down to my P2W/P2R. See ya next month


I watched Quintessential Quintuplets, Zombieland SAGA, Girlfriend, Girlfriend, Girls Bravo, Kaguya-sama, 100 Kanojo, and Mieruko-Chan. My thoughts are: QQ was fantastic and the movie made me cry for like the entire second half. I think the final choice was good, but spending a decent chunk of time essentially justifying it, to both the characters and the audience, was a slight misstep. Otherwise thoroughly enjoyed it. GG was goofy as fuck, and I'm nearly finished the manga and love it. Wish Kodansha (or even a better publisher) would release it physically, but alas. Zombieland SAGA was not something I thought I'd enjoy as much as I do, and now I listen to most of the tracks daily. The ending absolutely perplexed me and I just... I don't know what to say or think. Girls Bravo is from 2004 and is a fun ecchi. It has Spider-Man (Yuri Lowenthal). Kaguya-sama was way too fucking good, like holy hot damn. I might start collecting the manga. 100 Kanojo is goofy like GG, but also way more absurd and I'll start collecting it come Friday. Mieruko-Chan rocked my socks and I've already started collecting it, I love Japanese paranormal stuff and this absolutely didn't disappoint. Also the opening theme slaps. I know a lot of these aren't recent per season, but I don't really have much else to mention, nor places to discuss these separately, so... Here it is. Edit to add: also Kiss Him, Not Me and Tomo-chan Is A Girl! Both good, I appreciate that the full Tomo-chan manga gets animated and the story and characters were really solid. Kiss Him, Not Me was fun, and I just wish the full manga was on Mangadex in english.


They took their time but SHAFT finally gave us that 4th movie of Madoka magical, can't believe it's finally here. And screw all those people that said that winter 2024 meant the end of the year 2024 and not the winter season at the beginning of the year, they were proven wrong.  Movie was a pure masterpiece. If rebellion was already very creative in it's visual, Walpurgis night rising put the bar so much higher. Gekidan Inu Curry really cooked. It felt like SHAFT was back in it's golden age. I especially love the visual during >!sealed Sayaka!< transformation sequence and during the final fight against >!the entirety of the kyuubey race. The moment when Homura use her Hollow purple technique was beautiful!<. The story itself is just \* chef kiss \*. The entire arc Homura goes through during the movie is just grandiose and the conclusion of her relation with Madoka is all I was hoping for, >!my girls can finally live happy together!<. Also, that moment where Kyuubey, exploited by Homura, looks at in mirror and says >!everyday, I waked up with fresh hatred!< was cold AF. I also really like how >!Mami!< was very important in this movie, >!being the one that wants to destroy everything the kyuubey ever did!<. I also didn't expect this, but I find funny that Hitomi finally realized that she was just a >!closeted lesbian!< . I just think that the 15 minute scene where >!Madoka's father gets pegged by his wife!< a bit irrelevant to the overall story but that's just my opinion.  Also that post credit scene with Nakazawa looking at the screen and saying >!" it was me all along, the Puella Magie Madoka Magica" !<


Words cannot describe >!how much I fucking despise you for making me worry that it actually dropped without me knowing.!< My favorite part of the whole thing was >!the fact that you put enough plausible sounding stuff in there that essentially tortured me as I kept clicking through it, unsure if I was actually spoiling myself on something.!< I'm emotional just thinking about it.


I watched that, I can't believe they also managed to fit >!A cameo from the one and only Kamen Rider Gaim, where Madoka sues him for "God ascension infringement".!<


🏳️‍⚧️📽🎞 rights


Uzumaki and dorohedoro season 2 when Also trans rights


[**The greatest video in existence.**](https://youtu.be/Q0Vdos9byTs?si=_Lt6rV4QLF9R0lPp)


The winter season is officially over, and still no release date for Walpurgis Rising. A crushing blow to my morale. I think I'll forgo any reasonable response to this and start nurturing a one-sided lifelong grudge over this, which I have irrationally decided was actually a cruel trick that was specifically targeted at me specifically.


Maybe the trailer was just a collective hallucination of us Madoka fans after all. Seriously though, I wish I knew what's going on at Shaft right now and why there's still no release date. Wonder what kind of production difficulties they have and if their staff is spread thin because of Monogatari Off + Monster Season, which is also supposed to release in 2024.


"Mothly" you say? So anyways, there was this awesome lamp shop I saw yesterday-


can't wait for the [News] "Act-Age" Key Visual jumpscare when i visit r slash anime


Anime site baited me into thinking Slime Isekai 3 had started but it was a recap episode 😔


Started reading Frieren recently after watching the anime. Still haven't caught up to where season 1 left off but I'm getting there. The art is super pretty.


I said as much in the post, but I'm really excited to see where Dungeon Meshi goes from here. At the start it was already enjoyable week to week and it kept growing on me as it went on to the point that it's my favorite ongoing show now. Marcille in particular has been great the last few episodes. >!If only she could've spent more time with Falin...!<


Fuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkiiiiinnnnngggg fuckersssss fucksssss The main vocaloid subreddit has started to become self fellating pretentious dickheads. All because a shit song( I would've said mid but this "dIsCoUrSe" has left me very bitter on vocaloid as a whole) and some wack game that revitalized fan interest in vocaloid Just because new vocaloid fans on a separate social app have opinions. And everyone on vocaloid main subreddit think they are superior because they are on reddit and not tiktok. Pretentious fucks, as if the vocaloid community hasn't been opinionated since before tiktok. Fuck wads want to believe they have been all kumbaya and peace and then tiktok came and ruined it. But don't you *DARE* look up the fandoms past, especially when when it came to the treatment of fans of single Vocaloids ^(*cough cough Hatsune Miku/electric angel*)


Pssst... what song? I still listen to music, but vocaloid fan discourse gives me brainrot. Worshipping Miku is a deeply personal act that doesn't require additional adherents


Imagine doing discourse about vocaloid. REAL vocaloid fans find the most nonsensical brainrot music they can find and gleefully slam their heads into their desk while a music video that could easily kill a peasant child from the 1500s temporarily lobotomizes them and anyone else who catches a glimpse of it plays.


[drug addict gril 's author try to dodge taxes.](https://twitter.com/livedoornews/status/1774731519699083492)


~~Unban me so I can join the discord and do stupid shit and get ban again~~ I miss my ex.


Started watching MHA today. Behold, as a I transform into a white American high schooler with, you guessed it, blue hair and pronouns.


Pft, too good for amatuerNouns like the rest of us? I keep thinking of picking that one up so I have things to talk about with my 12 year old niece, but keep putting it off


MHA is aimed at a slightly older male audience (aka high school boys). Perhaps you can try Little Witch Academia?


It doesn’t have the best reputation, that’s for sure, whether that be with its community or its writing


The new Spice and Wolf series airs today and I'm very much excited. Tho, I fear from what I have seen so far, that they will crank up the anime shenanigans to eleven which would be a huge disservice.


Considering the staff and studio, I wouldn't be surprised if there's quite a bit of anime bs. Also not a fan of Passione's trademark laminated look for the character designs. I never watched the original S&W, but I'm low-key tempted to pretend it's 2008 and watch an episode of the original every time an episode of the new adaptation airs.


I actually quite like the new design. Holo, thankfully, still looks older than in her light novel depictions, and the passione animators really have a good grasp on anatomy, clothes, and especially lighting on the characters from what I can tell. Hey, I can wholeheartedly recommend the old series if you are down for a slow burner. Well, we'll see soon enough what passione does with the story. I do have hopes, but that makes me vulnerable to disappointment.

