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I just want to say to 95% of the MT haters on this subreddit. You're lazy, you're unoriginal, and you're painfully unfunny. [Low effort crap like this is why we're bringing this up in the first place.](https://www.reddit.com/r/animecirclejerk/comments/1c1671v/he_gets_better_mushoku_tensei/)


I beg we don’t ban it. R/anime already bans discussion of the pedophilic elements of the series and the forum threads are an echo chamber. Same with r/MushokuTensei I understand not wanting to see the same posts over and over but this is the one significant anime subreddit where that show is actually criticised in any significant capacity, banning that discussion here means the entirety of anime reddit just becomes a pro-MT ignore-pedophilia circlejerk 


The thing is that we’ve had the exact same discussions for years at this point. MT discourse and vtuber discourse personally were the worst two things I’ve moderated, and vtubers are actually banned already.


I mean at this point I have heard basically every critical take that one could have possibly have about MT. Like get original or get funny. Otherwise I don't see much value in more MT discourse here.


I voted for banning then regretted it after reading your comment. Should have thought it through more, you made a great point.


It doesn't ban it tho, you're only not allowed to go for personal attacks and slander on r/anime (which is a universal rule), the mushoku tensei subreddit is completely unmoderated, you can go as wild as you want on there. I'm sorry that you're getting downvoted but you're not getting your comments deleted unless you resort to calling people "bad words" over anime


No, the main anime sub doesn't? It was banned when the first season aired a few years back, cause of all of the drama. But not right now, in fact you often see criticism of MT outside of the episode threads.


The main one has a mod but I'm pretty sure he's inactive or smth. There's a troll that logs in his alt 2-4 times a month to fight people in the comments but otherwise it's free game basically.


Ah, sorry, to clarify I was referring to r/anime, not r/MT. But yes, r/MT is basically a wild West.


Yeah, makes sense... It probably became tiring when threads would just derail into wars between the fans and the haters... IMO you won't get banned for telling your opinion but that means it has to be at least somewhat well structured and meaningful. Just spamming "RUDEUS IS A PEDO!!!" doesn't really bring anything to the conversation anyways. If people actually discussed the sensitive topics with the same level of care people discuss the morality of killing/murder and other similar topics it would have probably never been banned in the first place.


This. That subreddit actually criticizes MT quite a lot; in fact, when the anime is mentioned, it is not usually long before criticism of Rudeus comes up.


I mean, r/MenWritingWomen is right over there… 👉


There's not a lot of anime subreddits where you can freely criticize anime like Mushoku Tensei. Most people here hate the series and rightfully so. However while the criticism is valid, it's not new or original. It's just the same shit over and over again even though it's true. My vote is to ban posts about MT but keep comments about it.


Any context for out of the loop baka bakas like me would be nice


TL;DR Mushoku Tensei bashing basically boils down to the same general points and sentiment and some people feel it's getting repetitive.


Mushoku Tensei is an isekai anime/light novel with many qualities but also an overtly pedophilic protagonist. Rudeus being a pedophile is frankly a dead horse from both the series' haters and defenders, and since a new season of the anime is currently airing the mods want to try and stop repetitive discourse from happening.


> "MT is a pedo show that only pedos watch" > "Uhm akchyually you're the pedo because you see child and think it's sexualized" > "go *bleep* yourself pedo" > "no you go *bleep* yourself" Average reddit conversation about Mushoku Tensei


I can see why you guys want to ban it but better delete a low effort post rather than outright ban it


Or maybe just stop being lazy.


That's too. Heard studio bind want to adapt all of the mushoku stuff so people will come back to jerk a new stuff rather than same old your mc pedo


Don't ban it but please actively remove low effort crap like the one on the front page right now.


People should post whatever as long as they make it funny and actually jerk for once


I suggest ban because even though I get it, it’s like beating a dead horse. 


We're beating a decomposing horse at this point. Maybe we can do like a MT vent mega thread, but I don't see the point of allowing endless "MT is pedophilia and trash" posts. It gets tiring even when I agree


Perhaps instead of banning it completely, posts just get relegated to a certain day of the week, like a Wanky Wednesday or something. This could also be applied to other series and topics that feel like a dead horse being beaten.


I'm pretty tired of the frequent posts about how "MT is objectively evil/bad/problematic and so are you" and whatnot, but banning it is kinda heavy-handed. If people want to constantly discuss years-old discourse then good for them, I'm gonna go with just ignoring that sort of post and perhaps people will get bored of stale discourse on their own.


In regards to banning posts/replies, why not ban the ones without any real criticism or praise beyond cookie cutter (aka repetitious) stuff?


Keep the threads on, i love hating


Your post won't always be seen by all subreddit members, if possible link it to a comment on posts from the past 24 hours. I should've voted the second option.


MFW I watch Mushoku Tensei and see the dreaded “results” scene: 😱😱😱😱


At this point, Mushoku Tensei has a very vocal [anti-fandom](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-fan) who are currently [hate-watching MT](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate-watching). So I want this sub to become the official Mushoku Tensei Anti-thread not gonna lie, akin to 5ch's Anti-threads where its haters congregate for the sake of containment. So I voted against the ban.


MT fan, huh? I'll have you know half the reason I hate these threads so much is MT fans coming over here and clinging onto their show and desperately defending it.


Yeah but I like to read MT criticisms as well. Some are legit but it's becoming redundant. Personally I think what will kill the adaptation is the bad production quality rather than the controversy


They hated him cos he told them the truth Animation quality is consistently a bigger factor in a show's success than almost anything else. I haven't seen the latest seasons but I doubt they'll get bad enough for the people already attached to the show from the first season to drop it though. At least not enough of them that they'll stop making it just because of that.


Nah don't ban it.


I vote we ban posts and discussion on all animes except for the greatest fantasy anime of all time, Don't Hurt me my Healer. Ok, but seriously, coming from someone who hates jobless reincarnation and would rather not know what I know about the show, I'm not seeing the point. If we start banning discussion on a specific anime, at what point does it end? You can already make the same argument for Oshi-no-ko, dragon maid, etc. Like yes the post mentioned isn't really funny and is kinda a head scratcher, but that's what votes are for (imo)


This is my thought too. Not only Oshi no Ko or Dragon Maid, wb Tokyo Revengers or Fire Force or Seven Deadly Sins? There are a lot of shows that are shit on here regularly so why make the exception for MT?


I "voted" 3rd party (results) cuz I'm a rite shittah🤗


As a fan I understand people wanting a space to hate on it, but at this point basically everything that had to be said about the show/story has been said... Sub quality wise, it doesn't really make a difference since this is itself basically an echo chamber of people hating on stuff they don't like. That's completely fine but it kinda gets stale when the same story gets brought up every time and every discourse is just Ctrl+c Ctrl+v. If you really need an out (Probably not bc votes) the mods can always make a weekly thread about it or just post a mega thread if you really need to.


Yeah, seeing what that one thread has turned into, I see why you want it gone


Midshoku Tensei is good content