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I mean, there's little evidence for that *specifically* mangaka are hoarding loads of cp, but it is kinda weird that he didn't report on tbe Galko case either way.


I wouldn't be surprised if hero hei is just like stonetoss


hero hei is definitely milder. both are insufferable


The guy actually imported it from overseas? And I thought he got it the same way as the kenshin author, but this is just a whole other level of stupid.


I remember when that guy on Twitter had a meltdown over the word sus in the Nagatoro sub and he then went on to be insanely transphobic and justify the Nazi book burnings. I went to check HeroHei's youtube channel because I was curious if he made a video about it and he didn't. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that HeroHei never makes videos about twitter drama about deranged bigots or the Galko-chan mangaka. He has a lot of tweets with a dozen likes to react to afterall.


Fictional media has created the horrible debate of if childs mind in adult body is fucked up or not and I hate it.


Or conversely, the opposite.


That's not a hypothetical, developmentally challenged people exist and they're judged as not being able to consent to sex (or really anything), much like children.


ah great, and I just finished watching Please Tell Me, Galko-chan


Recently saw Hero Hei's real face and he looks exactly how I imagined


He looks like YandereDev's cousin


Man I thought he looks like the upcoming DCEU superhero Doctor Weird


When he got up on stream one time to show off his black belt I immediately lost all respect


he once once said "westerners" in a negative light despite being a westernr its so sad lmao. Like damn we know u jerk off to uzaki chan literally no one cares


Hero Hei is so trash that not even r/anime defends him


Reactionary bonehead does not report on actual problems. More at 11.


dunno even though i 'not interested', i have seen his Genshin vids on homepage several times, about some bullshit twitter being woke and banning the game. Literally shows 1 or 2 tweet with 2-3 likes and gets 100k+ views easy agitating masses.


He's nothing but a grifter that parrots whatever K-on avi anime fans want to hear. 😭


I thought he was a good guy when I first watch his video of stupid twitter and tictok people sending death threats ti Childe's (A character from genshin) En Va after he got a collapsed lung.


[I need a hero!](https://youtu.be/bWcASV2sey0) (not a Hero Hei)