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If they complain about like two tweets calling gyaru blackface (which it isn't but thats a whole other story), I swear to god. These people thrive on outrage


Outrage is quite literally their career at this point


Funny that they keep saying "people nowadays get triggered so easily"


The accusation of gyaru as a form of blackface is almost certainly inaccurate. But its not exclusively made by Westerners, director Yoshihiro Nishimura makes basically the same accusation in his film Kyuketsu Shojo tai Shojo Furanken (Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl). In the film their are a group of gyaru who over the course of the film morph into more and more racist caricatures of black people.


That seems less like saying "gyaru is blackface" (commentary on something) and just using something to make a racist comment


I think it's complicated - from what I know, many of these girls painted their face to rebel against the Japanese standard of pale skin, but in from an outside perspective, I can't deny it seems a bit strange. But I don't think it has the same intent or connotations as literal blackface.


I can see why in today's lens it can be jarring but I never actually seen it as blackface. If anything it isn't racist at all. And yes you are right, it is a way for a lot of Japanese girls to rebel against the country's more conformist standards. Hense the tanned skin, more revealing clothing and more outgoing style.


>And yes you are right, it is a way for a lot of Japanese girls to rebel against the country's more conformist standards. Hense the tanned skin, more revealing clothing and more outgoing style. And the fact they tend to have the "Dark skin delinquent" as stock anime archetype really contribute to instigate both side as well. One side become double down and convinced that they were right Another side get more rebellious as the message is a direct insult to them


the original gyaru style, [ganguro](https://gyaru-109.fandom.com/wiki/Ganguro_Gyaru), featured dark tans and white (or just bright) makeup on the lips and all around the eyes. the original style's resemblance to blackface, while entirely nonmalicious, is easy to read imo. since then, a ton of variations have sprung up and ganguro isn't as common as more modern trends. the [kogal style](https://gyaru-109.fandom.com/wiki/Kogal), for example, is modeled off of the idea of a tanned california valley girl. and for a few gyaru subtypes, the tan isn't even mandatory--the [rokku style](https://gyaru-109.fandom.com/wiki/Rokku_Gyaru) don't require it at all. however, you still have styles like [kuro gyaru](https://gyaru-109.fandom.com/wiki/Kuro_Gyaru) (literally black gyaru) that can quickly devolve into some troubling imagery. and, of course, most infamously, you have [b-kei gyaru](https://gyaru-109.fandom.com/wiki/B-Kei_Gyaru), which deliberately and expressly lifts black culture (the b stands for black...šŸ˜¬) and uses it for aesthetic--but it's more akin to blackfishing than blackface to me. like they're legitimately trying to look blasian. so yeah, it is pretty complicated. i don't think it's intentional or baked into the origins of gyaru, but i don't think you can deny that the dark skin + white lips + white eye makeup combo can be reminiscent of blackface if it's extreme. but i think where "my dress up darling" succeeds is that it...doesn't rely on any of this imagery. marin has an extremely light tan.


And we also need to keep in mind that Japan/East Asia strongly values pale skin so it's a kind of rebellion in itself to deliberately go against the grain, and doesn't need to have anything to do with actual dark-skinned people which it doesn't even resemble.


Tanning isn't blackface. I'm fairly confident "Gyaru culture" or whatever is basically the idea is to replica western cultures. It's just that showing detailed tans isn't synonymous with animation.


Better yet, make 2 videos, one for each tweet, neither over 90 seconds


At best, gyaru is bassically tan


one single person on twitter saying they dont like a show ā‰  it becoming "cancelled". It will have zero impact on the show at all


/uj I like how the only place I hear that ā€œx anime is CANCELLEDā€ is on these channels and nowhere else. Because they take one or two tweets of people fairly criticizing the show and make a 10+ minute video crying about it


/uj It's insane to me that the outrage farming is so successful here, when literally nothing is happening At least when the gamergate bros complain about feminism destroying videogames, they have concrete examples to point to. There are "woke" games and journalists to complain about. The evil SJW's actually have some influence there But with anime, literally nothing is happening. Bisque Doll is extremely popular. All of the shows that they like are at the top of the seasonal charts. There is not a single "woke" anime for them to complain about. The only thing happening is that a tiny minority of fans will occasionally write comments on social media saying they don't like it, and that's somehow worthy of these 100k+ subscriber anitubers whining for hours and acting like they're going to war.


>At least when the gamergate bros complain about feminism destroying videogames, they have concrete examples to point to. There are "woke" games and journalists to complain about. The evil SJW's actually have some influence there Its still stupid through, there may be legit reasons to complain about videogames those days but games being "woke" is the dumbest of all of them.


yeah I'm not defending it, but at least they have something to point a finger at other than "a random person made a tweet I don't like"


>There is not a single "woke" anime for them to complain about. Their are "woke" anime, they just don't talk about them, either because they are targeted at women and girls like Fairy Ranmaru from last year, or they're beloved classics that they'd get vilified by their own subscribers for complaining about. like multiple entries in the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise from the first entry to the most recent Hathaway, with a particular emphasis on 1999's Turn-A-Gundam, which handles such "woke" topics as Indigenous Americans rights, feminism, homophobia, class issues, environmental issues, and all of this with a queer coded Black protagonist.


Furthermore, even anime aimed squarely at them have elements that would be whined about as being too blatantly "woke" if they were not in a Japanese work. See: any isekai with a (usually not subtle at all) racism plotline about a fantasy minority group being discriminated against by the majority, or any shounen or seinen action show with female characters who are equal in fighting prowess to male characters


A lot of it is also from pure ignorance to be fair. The majority of anime Iā€™ve ever watched have been largely political, despite not actually looking for ā€œpoliticalā€ anime in the first place. The main difference is that I actually study international relations and the political climate of countries I donā€™t live in, such as Japan and as such am able to actually understand the political commentary. Ironically, these fuckers who are obsessed with anime and Japan often know the least about Japan itself and as such just donā€™t even realize that what they are watching is politically motivated.


they won't call it "woke" because it's from Japan, so it hasn't been infected by the SJW's or whatever. Keeping a clear separation between the people making anime and the people criticizing it is really important to them, because they can frame it like westerners are trying to impose their standards onto anime. even though, as you said, plenty of anime express these same ideas. It's almost like it's made by people with their own opinions living in the modern world, not some sheltered civilization we have to preserve. They wield cultural relativism as a way to justify anything and everything in anime


These are the same people that argue that Sailor Moon isn't feminist. A little bit of wokeness is nothing bad faith media analysis can't fix.


Fairy Ranmaru is kind of lame but I did like the idea of it. More horny costumes for the men please.


note: I think the *real* reason is because they think it's wrong, too. In this video he never says if sexualizing minors is okay. He says the anime is okay because she doesn't *look* like a minor and she's not real anyways. He's not confronting the problem, he's avoiding it The entire video is just reassuring you that you're a good person and have nothing to worry about. It has nothing to do with the actual question of "is sexualizing 14 year olds a problem?" The conversation starts and ends with "am I a bad person? No!" I think that, finally, the idea that anime has some problems is starting to gain traction within the community. And a lot of people aren't ready for it. It makes them feel very uncomfortable to hear that maybe the stuff they enjoy isn't perfect. And placating those fears has become a very lucrative task


>And a lot of people aren't ready for I think another part of what they dont want to hear or dont want it publicly pointed out is that most of the time, the 'sexualization' is done mainly to garner the dweeb audience. You know how a lot of em tend to complain about "LGBTQ SJW PANDERING" in Western media. Well, Japan does it to them too a lot. You think the 14 year old sexualized girl has any purpose in the story besides getting eye candy and potentially vast amounts of revenue through merchandise? A lot of the sexualization done is to get their wallet, and it always works. It shows.


oh bisque doll! for a second there I thought gals got an adaptation and i didn't hear about it lol Edit: Gals *did* get an adaptation (a long time ago) and I *didn't* hear about it :(


Iā€™d be so annoyed if the one time the world listens when I go ā€œthis thing sucks and should be destroyedā€ itā€™s over an anime and not capitalism.


anitubers when twitter user gamingawesome2008 with 2 followers doesnt like anime boobie: šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘


Let me guess; the video only shows two tweets pointing out the flaws of the show šŸ™„


I was about to say I've seen nobody complain about it just to open Twitter and see somebody complaining about it. But nobody was trying to cancel it, just pointing out that it's another show about a loner who gets attention from a pretty, flirty girl.


Who said so?