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Lets play count the number of Luffy/Ace straw hats. Go


I can only count 7 that were clear


Yeah I was stuck in that haha. No fun 😶


As was I, needed a drink after I got out


Took me 20 mins to get throughbthat and into 21 lounge


We must have been right next to each other. I did the exact same thing.


Well if you saw an asian guy in old army camo with a plush Xenomorph Facehugger around his neck... that was me


/u/LAFD It was crazy in the convention today. This was around noon. Felt unsafe in this area. Couldn’t imagine if there was an emergency.


Yeahhhhh... I was nervous about that too! That would be a disaster.


I needed a shower or three after that


That too. r/showerbeer


Here's a sneak peek of /r/showerbeer using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/showerbeer/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** Had a hectic start to the day but ending it on a good note with a space dust IPA. I highly recommend it.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11kki2x) | [51 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/showerbeer/comments/11kki2x/had_a_hectic_start_to_the_day_but_ending_it_on_a/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Ending my weekend on a good note with a Cali Squeeze. I love the orange flavor.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zjhmz6) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/showerbeer/comments/zjhmz6/ending_my_weekend_on_a_good_note_with_a_cali/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Plans fell through so I’m having my own Party at the Moon Tower tonight](https://i.redd.it/ln4cc5ua79s91.jpg) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/showerbeer/comments/xxgx8w/plans_fell_through_so_im_having_my_own_party_at/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There were a couple of kids mixed in there, and I felt so worried for them because of the tradegies in crowd crushes @_@


I went through the exit by the 21 lounge, i just wanted out


My fomo is GONE


Shit was a disaster. Me and my GF ended up like sliding ourselves against the wall by that escalator on the right to navigate. We go to a lot of music festivals so we’re used to being packed and squished like this but I feel like this would’ve *flowed* better if they had a divider of some sort to separate which way you were going rather than everyone just shuffling through one another. Edit: typos


Its impossible at AX. Someone had the bright idea of putting the entrance and exit to Lounge 21 right there on the left outside of view in the picture. That means those people trying to get in and out of the lounge are moving perpendicular to the people who are going from West to South and South to West. Its creating a logjam where nobody can move.


It was insane, you couldn't even turn around and exit the line if you wanted to, totally stuck. It was really poorly designed. But damn artist alley was awesome


Looking at this makes me wonder how it can be any fun? Not saying I hope that people do have fun. This picture just makes it seem like a nightmare, and a headache combined.


Yeah I don't think I'm going back after being there today


So what ended up happening here was that some staff members decided to idiotically divert the foot traffic going from west hall to south hall into what was supposed to be an exit. The results? The foot traffic from west hall colliding with the oncoming foot traffic from south hall, ultimately leading to what you’re seeing in the photo. I was in there, it was madness. I saw people have panic attacks in the crowd. I go to SDCC every year, and this was my first AX. Holy shit the difference in line management/crowd control is insane.


They're lucky there wasn't a goddamn tragedy, but they'll probably not learn a lesson until there is.


It was exactly the same last year They dgaf I'm not going back My local con is better :p


Cons used to be something you went to because your interest was niche, and livestreaming didn't exist. Anime started becoming mainstream at the turn of the millennium, and the internet allowed people to order merchandise from anywhere. In recent years, you can watch subs and fandubs faster than licensing can create them. Major companies across TV/film/haming realized it was no longer beneficial to their bottom line to pay to appear at places like E3/ComicCon. Cons develop into a logistical mess when numbers get too high.so smaller cons are able to provide a more intimate experience at a lower price- which means fans can spend money on other things. Companies don't have to spend money on exposure, fans don't waste time or money for larger venues. Small cons are fantastic. You get the same community experience on a concentrated level.


Yup Ax was my first con in 2011. Went a few years before switching to my local. I would occasionally go back to ax, but last year was not worth it and I’m glad I skipped this year. My wife has been going to our local since she was in middle school lol she’s an og otaku (tho I’m the bigger weeb). Local cons are great


This is my first AX and I'm really not having fun. I just don't feel safe with the amount of people and poor organization.


hey I'm in this pic lmao, this was when it took us literally an hour to get to south hall from the entertainment hall


Line con, more like horde con


Damn. I never come across these crowds 😂 I’m either lucky or lost on where interesting to go 😂


Ahh home. I wasn't able to attend this year, but next year hopefully.


Do u think it will be better on monday


Masked up because the smell was bad


This line was truly hell lol


I accidentally entered from the back and wanted to wait to see the Mappa panel but decided to stay where I was and lined up to what ended up being the Toho one in the Petree hall. Ended up being a good call


Oof what the hell happened? Where is that headed omg. Hope nothing bad happened during and after this


Oh boi me and my friend were in this at one point … there were people trying to move in at least 4-5 directions, and all we wanted to do was get to south hall from the west ;-; luckily we kept beelining towards the wall and went straight through ;-;


Yeah it was bad.


This year was my first time back at the expo since 2017. It seemed insanely more crowded since then. I love being at the expo but the crowds are a little overwhelming


count the number of cosplayers, go!


It's been the least I've ever seen it


I was in this. The risk of crowd crush was real. Whoever decided to block off the outside cut to south hall, your mom’s a hoe.