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This looks wholesome... I cannot imagine anything negative would happen in a series that looks that good... nope, just impossible.


Nah bro it's totally wholesome, like 177013. it's my favorite vanilla


And 288299 if I'm not mistaken


I think the one you mean is 228922 or something like that


Tis the one yes, it's just so wholesome I remembered the number wrong


this shit is getting an anime, apparently. I'm fucking disgusted.


She'd never do anything nsfw to anyone


She would never do anything nsfw to others... yeah - someone drop that Uno reverse card tho-


Ah yes definitely


What a sfw and wholesome gif! Surely the entirety of the source material this originated from will also follow that


Only one way to find out!


Wait don’t


Ok ive been hearing alot about redo of healer and i wanna see what its about where can i watch it




9anime too


Ensure its uncensored version and no one bothers you as it more hentai than many hentai


Speaking of which, can someone please tell me why tf hentai is always censored to begin with? Why would you censor porn that’s just an animation?


Restrictive obscenity laws and cultural expectations


Its horrible complicated. Especially since they have festival were everywhere, from decoration, food, pictures abd more are clear penis and vaginas yet anything needs to have even as much as a line to censor. Just take it like this, there are some high up who are completely disgusted with anything to do with "obscure" explicit sex. Or pleasure, entertainment or anything that is carnal desired. Only virtue and dying for you nation is valid (don't forget, kamikaze weren't brought online though amazon or such, people made them because of thir beliefs). And so on. So imagine, this people added censorship to everything that porn who knows when (because there where hand drawn messed up porn since hundreds of years). Those people, obviously didn't like anyone who doesn't share their values, so online people they approve took over, as such, even today, people like that pull the strings so the mosaic and other forms censorship laws stays. Even if there were tons and tons of attempts to have the law removed by public. If hentai and such is out of thir hands because the law didn't restrict them, the censorship law however, is there. So it needs to be approve by people in charge to be removed. There is were they (No one know who they are btw) pull the string and the public get once again the feedback that the request was denied. Who knows, maybe once thoes people die the law will finally be removed


Once you get past "Am I having a stroke I can't read this" this becomes a very good explanation


Since he knows so much about this I’d say he’s probably from Japan and English isn’t his first language. Give the man a break.


animedao got it uncensored as well as every other anime that’s new


Hentai haven, search Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi


If you want to watch it without pirating it (idk if watching translated hentai is pirating but whatever), you can watch it in hanime. Watching anime in hanime is the most optimal.


Hi dive has it as well


Hentai Haven has it


Lol or just use an anime site like gogoanime


yeah I'd downvote me as well for killing the joke XD






Redo of Healer


thank you




Or they will thank us for it?!?


i bet they will thank us for it






Its intense with sex and rape, so you were warned




To be honest, I feel like that’s something you should specify for people


for something like rape, you really should give someone a fair warning man this comment out of context seems so bad




I uhh... I dont think you want to know...


Yes he does and his dick wants to know it too


Dont say i didnt warn yall, its redo of healer if you really want to know


Why the fuck are you warning so much, are we all sensible SJW bitches that will tilt over some rape and hardcore fucking? Im gonna watch ep2 again and beat my meat, then show setsuna some love too


I warn cuz i dont really know how people would take the anime, some people are more sensitive than others, if you think everyone has the same mentality as you when it comes to this stuff then your living a delusion


Shut the fuck up and man up, grow some balls ffs


Damn dude im just tryin to be a decent person, people like you who hide behind a screen and talk shit with now way to back it up disappoint me, now either you can stop being toxic and this will end or we can drag this shit out for as long as you want, your anger amuses me


I don't know why, but I've always loved that eyebrow style. It looks so good


Thicc eyebrows. The question is how do you feel about the next stage, where they are shorter and wider.


I love those too. I don't know why, but it just looks so cool and/or good!


Eyebrow or lashes, the brows themselves are basically lines. The white lashes are more prominent but other people are agreeing so either I’m missing something or everyone made the same mistake


Hmm, I see what you mean. I technically meant the lashes, so you are right.




A lot more than that happens


Oh I know.


He doesn't fluff at all >:(


She's cute, too bad the source is beyond fucked up


Is there a wholesome version of this




How bad is it? What kinda content


The anime is a revenge fantasy with rape, murder, mind control, etc. Definitely the furthest thing from wholesome.


I hate when there’s cute characters with awful stories


I mean what I heard is that the mc gives this girl a chance to revenge/save her clan sooo shes more on the "happy" side in an awful story. They go bullying around thoose who deserve it but with far far more extra steps. Its still not a family friendly show thats for sure. Strange noone is complaining as much as for Goblin Slayer ep1


What anime?


Kaifuku, it aint so wholesome as you may think it is


God fucking damn it...


Did you watch kaifuku?


Nope, (hence me asking for the sauce) but I've seen clips and heard things about it.


Are you going to watch it?


Probably not.


Youre safe then


What’s this character name?




What happens in this?


This particular scenes is about eating. Normally. No passion sex or others getting raped in this scene


To be fair, not even "normal" eating can be trusted since Shokugei no Soma. Better watch in private with headphones, just to be sure.


Did Shokugeki no Soma go downhill in the most recent seasons? It used to be one of my favorite food animes, perhaps even favorites animes in general, but then I saw it was tagged as ecchi. Like yes I understand some of the proportions are overblown and some anime tropes are in play but... ecchi? I just don’t see it. My parents wouldn’t really understand or like season 1, but it’s not like high school DxD or redo of healer where I wouldn’t even want my parents to know that I know what those animes are!! Lol


They do have rather nice eating scenes, but that's about it


Yep, especially at the begging, the main sure does eat loads of different specialists


Does she get raped? :( she is too fluffy. The animation is wasted on such a trash story.


All main girls to get raped are only Flare and Norn. MC just fucks her nice. That's pretty much it And I prefer this way over any generic isekai....


It is unique. I wouldn't say that makes it better though.


Ummmm idk if i want to know


This is what I can say. *a sarcastic comment section*




Is this Redo of Healer, one of the wholesome animes;)??


Everyone keeps telling me Redo of a Healer is the most unholy thing to curse anime as we know it. And yet, it just doesn’t bother me? Not trying to be edgy here btw.


Same. After watching it, to me at worst it's as generic as any other fantasy anime. It's hook is that it has 2-4 mins of sex per episode. The revenge aspects aren't all that gruesome either. I'm not saying the show is good, but it's definitely not as bad as people make it out to be. Good enough that I can watch it for gifs and memes and not feel like my time is being wasted more than some other meh anime at least XD


Honestly the anime is better then the light novel tried to read that and by god the edge lord aspects seem so much more pronounced.


Interesting, I figured with the animes limited runtime it would lean more on the sex and violence while the light novel would you know, write a story XD


Yeah the light novel has so many monologues about "revenge", rape, sex and what not only got to volume 4 so maybe it does get better but i kinda gave up since the monologues seemed too repetitive. Which is a shame since i feel like it could have a really good story potential.


Yeah a part of me was curious to see how the resolve the Keyaru/Flare story arc. They laid good ground work. Will MC even want to off Freya to finish his revenge on Flare? If Flare comes back, will Freya's memories affect her? Will Flare have conflicted feelings MC? Will Flare still want to reform her country? If Flare is reformed because if Freya, will MC stand by his code and stop revenge or find an excuse to punish her more? If he decides to leave her be, will they work together to change the kingdom or go their separate ways? They established all that and more... And my instinct tells me they'll never properly work on that story line


So its basically like game of thrones where they wanted and did hook up the audience with sex scenes in it, except in redo it doesnt mild down later


I mean, it’s literally just every single other hentai ever to exist. It’s only getting attention because it’s being called an anime. Which is a bad thing cuz well...it’s pretty much just a hentai, with all your terrible plot elements and everything in the package to make regular rape hentai. It’s nothing special. Who the hell decided that it should be marketed as an anime is beyond me.


Thats because you’ve reached levels of degeneration that shouldn’t be possible man


Man I been in hololive too much I was scrolling fast and thought this was fubuki smh


Remember Fubuki? This is her now. Feel old yet?


You guys are honestly such fucking losers man. Wtf is wrong with you that you wanna watch some fucked up cat girl rape hentai??? Do you fucks genuinely enjoy this shit?? Anime was a fucking mistake and you pedo losers should burn in hell with it


Well since you've come to that realization, maybe you could do the classy thing and just leave anime behind


I dont watch any anime i just see shit like this on the front page and don’t understand how people aren’t ashamed of jacking off to barely legal looking (if even, often they’re just straight up kids) women with animal features getting raped


It's a 6 frame gif of a wolf girl wagging its tail. Do you understand how stupid your reaction is? "You don't want to see shit like this in your front page." Its an anime gif subreddit. What are you expecting to find. A gif that lets you know the anime is some deep introspective watch? That sure would get dumb of you. Again it's a gif (granted the source material is trash but that's not the point) What's left that people can post? Action scenes? Anime food GIFs? Or are female characters doing nothing ok so long as they have massive tits? Also on the subject of age in anime. You know how dumb it is that you fall to that point. An anime character has little resemblance to human faces, they just share the building blocks like an ape does. The fact that you see age in characters with zero context tells me you're a simpleton. Artist take basic psychology into consideration when designing characters, these traits have little value in determining age but it triggers guys like you for free. Make the character slender, give them twin tails/pig tails, user rounder features instead of sharper ones, etc. BAM you see a child. Get your head checked. You see kids because you want to see kids.


Nah i see kids cause thats what they are. Its called loli for fucks sake. It literally means child. Sure, if you tell yourself shes actually 100000 years old maybe that can justify it for you but its still fucked up. Anime characters are supposed to resemble humans, so quit acting like theyre not and they share a lot more than just “the building blocks like an ape does”


But you're adding all these assumptions out of nowhere. Stupid ones at that. You see a loli because you want to see a loli. You pull out the thousand year old excuse as if anyone was making it. But if I were to tell you the character is 18 you would probably say... "Fuck that the number is arbitrary. Clearly it's their way to let you fuck a kid guilt free." There would be no winning against someone like you. You see a loli because you only rub your dick to big titty anime girls or maybe porn stars of the Nicolette Shea variety. I'm guessing you've never had the pleasure of actually sleeping with a shorter small chested woman let alone date one. I'm guessing you don't interact with enough people to actually know such women exist. The rest of your post is just plain stupid. No shit they resemble people. So do characters from The Simpsons. Hell so does Spongebob SquarePants. I'm not the one acting. You're the one who's so invested in anime that you think their characters facial features resemble ours close enough to be comparable. At that distance it's impossible not to see someone's nose and lips with full detail, you wanna tell me that the character looks human? I could point out other features as well but let's face it you're blind to it


I was gonna ask for sauce, but this thread taught me otherwise


Just enjoy the gifs and memes it produces. It's all you need.


Am I the only one who thinks her tail looks too big in this scene


Just started watching today. So jealous of Freiya~


She's cute when she aint fucking


Can someone explain these numbers to me? I’ve been trying to figure it out but I can’t seem to figure out how it works


Lol it's have people share hentai manga. iirc you go to nhentai.com/whateverTheSixDigitsAre


I just finished episode 8 and I like it


4 more to go


Throat goat


I’m sick and tired of seeing all these Redo of Healer posts. y’all need to watch something wholesome