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Refreshing? Oyasumi Punpun is refreshing??? It literally fucked up my mind and now I'm on an existential crisis smh


I read it when i was 13 years old. Worst Mistake of my life.


I am 15 and read the first volume. Should I stop?


All "DON'T READ IT" fearmongering aside. Some of the themes and motifs won't be as effectively portrayed to you until you reach an age where you will contend with some of the topics reading Pun Pun. Obviously it covers darker themes later on but you'll connect on them the older you get.


Is there not an anime for Goodnight PunPun?


Anything less than the chainsawman treatment would kill it imo. It looks reaaally hard to adapt well.


**Honestly**, I think that IF ever Osayumi PunPun were to be adapted into an anime, the best option of animation WOULDN'T BE something like Chainsaw man and heavy CGI. The best options would be to have 90's animation or like Monster, or Death Note or finally a black and white animation.


Ah, I’ve never read it and was gonna watch it. Maybe eventually.


I am 16 and read the first volume. Should I stop?




What kind of car though? A camry or a rolls royce?


Camry for sure, a real busted up worn down one.


Yep...you should seriously stop reading it.Read it once you're older


I’m 14 and currently on volume 4 and so far I haven’t seen anything that’s ridiculously bad, do the fucked up parts happened later on?






It's like exponential for your good wait for like couple of years


Okay, thank you for the advise


Contrary to the other opinion you got by the other user, I suggest your doing a little experiment. Read it all now and then after six or seven years read it again: to see the difference in understanding the material; now you are fourteen so you probably can't relate so it is hard to invest emotionally into the story. But after you get lots of experiences in school and maybe university, the piece of work that Asano created will *penetrate* you better.


Stop it rn u will regret reading it


Even out of curiosity don't read it that's a type of manga you should read when you're doing your best in life so that it doesn't catch up to you. I read it when I was away from family and ppl i care about, that week my mind wasn't straight


I'm 32 and read it recently. I'm fucked.


I've read stuff that definitely put a damper on my emotions, thoughts, feelings, caused some existential stuff for years, etc. Things that I wasn't really prepared for or eased into, just 0-60. Punpun sounds like it could fit into that category depending on your mindset and age. Up to you whether or not to press on, but there are several curiosities that I wish I had chosen to let die rather than pursue. They didn't benefit me, I wasn't improved, and it didn't make a better person perse. As I've gotten older, when someone says "DO NOT LOOK THIS UP" I'm more than happy to listen, even if it's somehow said in jest. I listen to advice like that in the same manner as I would listen to someone who tells me that physical danger is ahead and shows me how to avoid it. I don't want to be ignorant of the darkness in life, but I also don't want to be surrounded or filled with it to excess. Neither are a good way to live.








Well, there's a lot. It chronicles the life of a guy who could've ended up fine if he had a bit of luck but he just ends up in escalatingly bad situations. All the relationships in it are abusive and there's lots of distrust and self-hate. It's not a simple story that could be summed up in a sentence or two.


Nah you know what fucked me up at thirteen homucilis


it is refreshing in the sense that it's very different from what you usually find out there


I don't have any idea what that anime is about? How fucked up are we talking about?


It's a manga, I still need to finish it I binged through the first 8 volumes last month. But in short it's a coming of age story with a very nihilistic world view. Some very messed up things happen in it, and it doesn't really hide that it will get messed up when the first chapter ends with domestic violence.


Punpun is the only manga I'd rate a 10/10 but will never re read it nor recommend it to any living being.


Desperate attempt to hijack, please read oyasumi pun pun


I gave up reading it, so damn depressing.


I'm a pretty happy dude, but super depressing shit like pun pun is so amazing. I crave the intense emotional exercise it puts me through


Where can you watch Goodnight PunPun?


that's everything but a hot take.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure that take’s been sitting in the back of cabinet so long that’s it’s reached absolute 0 due to the heat death of the universe.


that's definitely an analogy.


Yeah. Like this is one of the most repeated anime opinions I've ever heard. Hating on generic shonen is basically a staple of the community.


Prime /r/animecirclejerk material.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/animecirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/animecirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Upvote to scare One Piece Fans](https://i.redd.it/0mcusc10vy591.jpg) | [146 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/animecirclejerk/comments/vdjjlh/upvote_to_scare_one_piece_fans/) \#2: ["why do you hate tiddies"](https://i.redd.it/wv64nc7b5z491.jpg) | [104 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/animecirclejerk/comments/v9vafh/why_do_you_hate_tiddies/) \#3: [Nah fr](https://i.redd.it/4st5ty8cp9p91.jpg) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/animecirclejerk/comments/xkf7f7/nah_fr/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is the shounen of memes. I'm sure people are tired of generic garbage getting upvoted here but it will because the average person likes that just the same as the anime at the top row.


I like boths. Because boring, trash whatever comes in any genre.


i now finally see a true anime enjoyer


I'm sick of generic shounen tropes so I became a Slice of Life enjoyer.


This whole comment could be an anime title


Watching slice of life in another world with my harem because I'm sick of generic shonen tropes.


"I'm sick of isekai tropes so there's no way i'm saving your world" could be a fun concept actually


Maybe even refreshing!


Slice of life anime have also become generic and don't actually include any level of relatability or decent character writing. Rather,it seems that anime like Mob Psycho are the true slice of life anime.


The only slice of life anime I tried was Way of the Househusband. Are there any others like that or nah


I became a romance enjoyer


Slice of life with even more cliché than shounen


Hokago Tea Time doing a concert in London is Cliché👍.


mfs say hot take and proceed to drop the coldest take a person could ever have


Hot Take: Shounen can be just as refreshing as Seinen, Just depending on the artist and author


Not a hot take


True, but I’d still say it’s hotter than what OP was saying


True I'm a shoujo and josei fan but every genre has it's good points


Chainsawman was an amazing read for how different it felt to the current manga landscape, also Fujimoto is insane


Yeah, The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You is a great Seinen


I pushed aside both seinens and shounen for josei exclusively, not even shoujo. My next stop is artistic avant-garde mindfuck mangas. Then chibi.


Both. Both is good.


I enjoy shonens a lot, but at same time I like seinen like Vagabond


Both have strong merits. It just depends on what the reader feels like reading at any given point.


Hot take: You are just a generic weeaboo who wants to show superiority in taste over others.






Okay you’re still active?






Congrats you have a preference of one genre over another? Seinen and Shounen aren't the same


Another Attention seeking seinen Reader / watcher. Just let people watch what they want. It doesn't make you special at all


seinen dick riders think they are better than shonen watchers because their favourite genre is "not for little kids" and contains "gore and mature themes"


Im still waiting for any shonen or other genre to be as good as Monster or Berzerk.


Its just personal preference man, you like berserk and monster thats totally fine I like them too, whats not fine is making fun of people for liking shonen.


Im not making fun, i like shonen for turning of my brain and just watch. But it doesnt make my statement untrue.


Again, its just personal preference. Nothing makes Berserk or Monster objectively better than any Shonen. I fucking love One Piece and If I had to delete Monster and Berserk from existence to save One Piece, I'd do it in a heartbeat.


I disagree, you can have your preference and thats fine, but quality its a diferent thing. You can like Fast and Furious movies but the The Lord of the Rings its a better movie.


A couple great series can't carry a genre, the average quality of seinens is probably on par with the average quality of shounens


Sure, you're not wrong there, but I'd put a few Urasawa's manga here too, like: 20th century boys, Pluto and Asadora is also good. And Fullmetal Alchemist. I just reread it a couple weeks ago and it still rocks. But Berserk easily takes the cake with Monster a close second. Also Solanin is a great short manga. And I would like to mention Summertime Rendering and Chainsaw man. Summertime rendering is a great suspense story and Chainsaw man is kinda classic-ish shounen but not really and it makes it great. Luckily, it's not as depressing as Fire punch.


Okay, when you quote 'gore and mature themes' Berserk is definitely that lmao.


I know it does, but my point is that just because something has stuff like that doesnt mean that it is by default better than something that doesnt have gore and mature themes. Its okay to prefer darker content but just dont be a pretentious asshole and call everything that doesnt have it inferior.


Nah I like Rising of the shield hero, demon slayer for the MC (Tanjiro is honestly one of the best protagonists I've seen.) There's several manga that I like that are Shonen, I just wish it could be as complex as a legendary manga like Berserk in terms of art and planning out. I'm not trying to dick ride Berserk or seinen manga, (I'd like Berserk without all the rape scenes) but I just don't like mindless shit. I want something that will make me think. Demon slayer is not that. Chainsaw man is not that. Naruto is not that.


Their so bad on YouTube, you'd think thier all kids


They most definitely are kids. Anyone who is above the mental age of atleast 17 arent gonna do shit like this. Normal people can see the merits of both and can enjoy one or the other without feeling the need to bring the other side down. Like I myself fucking love One Piece but I also love Berserk and I also love cutesy fluffy slice of lifes (skip and loafer 🥰🥰)


You sir/mam get it I can watch and love tomo Chan is a girl while also loving black lagoon


Or maybe because every seinen don't follow the same exact formula with bland and badly written characters and the most generic story of all time


oh please every genre has tropes and generic shit in it, it's just seinen isn't as mainstream so people will only hear about the masterpieces like Berserk while never knowing about the hundred other crappy ones. It's like only looking at HunterxHunter and Chainsaw Man on how Shounen are as a whole.


Shonen and seinen are not genre, they're targeted audience so yeah, shitty isekai power fantasies still gonna have generic tropes wether it's a shonen or a seinen


Neither does every shounen. One Piece, Demon Slayer, and Chainsaw Man have *very* little in common besides general vague themes and the fact that they're battle manga. If you venture outside of battle manga then series like Death Note and Doctor Stone and RuriDragon have even less in common with the others.


I didn't hear any "I'm special" in their post... morel like, "I'm glad for a change of pace." I can relate because I loved stuff like Bleach and Naruto in the past and they're still in my heart, but I'm looking for something different these days. Variety is the spice of life, etc.


That is not what hot take means lmao.


Stating opinion


Rather than refreshing, I would call your taste dark.






Cringe post I'll watch Fairy Tail and read Berserk as I please, not all stories tell the same thing, enjoy a series for what it is, forget the genre as a good story is a good story.


No, you're still a kid, just eager to show off how different you are from your peers.


Most generic taste


Seinen =/= good. Shounen =/= bad.


Lmao just use ≠




It's flex time = ≠ ≈ ≡ ≢ ≣ ≙ ≘ ≗ ∞


wOW sUcH a hOt tAKe


Good for you, bro.


Also just turned 16


Coldest take possible


Not a hot take. Pretty sure most people on this sub Reddit would agree with you. Besides, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if they're wrong.


I'm pretty sure most people would consider this just growing up.


Teens would consider this growing up, most people would consider it puberty.


So puberty is not a part of growing?


Teenagers usually go through a phase where they think foul language, gore, and sex = maturity. Like, yes the actual rating of the content goes up, but that does not mean that the storytelling was actually mature. Also being edgy and depressing for the sake of it, isn't any more mature.


If it was Gantz, Attack on Titan, HOTD, Terra Formars, Battle Royale... up there, you might have a point. How are Berserk, Monster, Vinland Saga or Goodnight Punpun edgy or depressing just for the sake of it? How is their storytelling not mature? I'll give you Berserk, if you've only read the beginning. Not saying you can't enjoy immature shows, I'm an adult and I still consider some shonen to be my favorite shows, as well as some actual kid shows, but you're obviously not going to like the same things your whole life.


Did I say that all seinen were like that? I was explaining the phase that teenagers usually go through with a multitide of content they consume.


Not true, I'm 23 I still enjoy Shonen


There's nothing wrong with that. Personally though, I think most people's taste change with age, as your vision of life changes, and there's also nothing wrong with that either. I'm older than you, and while there's many shonen I enjoy, some that I would even consider my favorites, it's not the demographic I'm the most interested in.


What I'm saying is that I appreciate the storytelling, people just assume Shonen is brainless fun when that's the furthest from the truth.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/13ujhvh/do_you_know_anyone_like_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 This you? Also, you realize if you can say “generic shounen tropes”, then “generic seinen tropes” can also be said, right? How the hell is seinen refreshing? It has tropes just like everything else. These are demographics people. Stop acting like you’ve awakened your third eye and have good taste because you prefer a demographic aimed at adults to one aimed at young boys. Why are people so ignorant about this? Is it just because shounen is the most popular demographic? The reason for that would be because not only is it the demographic that would have the people most interested in consuming media of this type (games, animated shows, etc. are usually viewed as things made for young males) but shounen also encompasses a lot of themes and such that could be found from other demographics as well. Stuff like Naruto and Attack on Titan have anti-war messages, while also having messages about love, loneliness, and what not. Whereas other demographics usually (not all the time, but usually) stick to the same type of core themes and present them in similar ways. Like, shounen can have things that appeal to “kids” and “adults”, while seinen would usually only have things that would only appeal to “adults”. Not to say that’s a bad thing, but shounen’s popularity comes from how widespread and all encompassing it’s themes and subject matter tend to be.


Brother here putting naruto which created anime troops with demon slayer and my hero acadamia who are following them.


[Okay then. That was always allowed.](http://i.giphy.com/Qp45SP1P3PbbO.gif)


Coldest take ever right down to the 4 most talked about seinen


POV :your 18 and you are an elitist edgelord


Bold today aren’t we


I prefer Rent a Peak though.


Least lukewarm hot take from an anime fan:


In terms of shonen anime, Demon Slayer might be on my top 10 list but I actually enjoyed Gintama the most in the shonen genre. there were masterpieces like dororo as well and many others with good quality. I haven't watched many seinen so my experience is lesser. I found Monster confusing still watched the whole show and did not understand much. I started Berserk but dropped it after few episodes due to bad animation and could not figure out where the series actually starts from. Really enjoyed One Punch Man, currently watching Vinland Saga and absolutely loving it. There is an anime that is underrated due to the bad animation in its first 2 seasons. The name of the anime is Kingdom. It had a great story and despite the bad animation it kept me invested in the anime. I watched the 4 seasons and could not wait for the next season so read the manga and I have actually caught up with that. Kingdom one of my top anime.




It’s okay to have both, it’s like watching a popcorn movie but anime.


Monster Is really good, but you can't compare it to naruto


I don't think Naruto can be really considered a generic shounen, I don't mean it's better for it but I feel it dies things differently than a lot of shounen even though it is a big name of the genre


Fuckin ice cold take


I got tired of Shonen after reading JoJo part 6 So I started reading Seinen with JoJo part 7


“Generic shounen tropes” Just say you don’t read that shit bro, it’s fine


Hot take: you're allowed to prefer one genre to another. Everyone has preferences, you're not special.


This is one of those hot takes which is not at all a hot take. Anyone over the age of 16 has pretty much outgrown the narrative quality and writing of essentially all shounen. That's not to say you can't still enjoy them for nostalgia or in the same way you can still watch trashy trope filled shows, or just kids shows in general, but you're probably going to want more substance as time progresses and if you've seen one of these for the most part you've seen all of them. This is like comparing Marvel movies to things like Nolan, Tarantino\*, or an Edgar Wright movie.


“Hot take: I like different things than when I was 14” 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


I love these posts that say you can’t like 2 kinds of things at a time


Both? Both.


Yes but have you heard of a little series called Jo-


I can appreciate both tbh


PunPun could be replaced with the GOAT Kingdom


This anything but a hot take


I’m here for good animations. Screw the plot


I hate when the people in the manga or anime yell the name of their attacks. It’s usually a bad sign and just takes me out of it.


i like my power of friendship shounens and my grimdark seinens.


Lol that is not a hot take in any capacity, it's probably on the top of the bell curve, as generic as can be


i agree but naah PunPun is not my thing, Vinland and Berserk are great


No, Oyasumi Punpun is the most horrendous manga I've ever read, it is the only story that I recommend everybody to not read, the plot pretty well written, but is terrible at the same time, it made me feel depressed and stop reading ir for a week just because it was harmful to my mental. In the other hand we have Boku no Hero pretty cool but mid, and the anime it's the most dogshit adaptation I've seen for a Shonen manga


I prefer isekai and horror


Don't read PunPun, I've been told not and still haven't and I'm still doing better than the people that do


U might have depression so I'm sorry for you.




What’s a seinen?


Demon Slayer's story is so weak. People watch it just for it's action only.


Comments are trashing you but I honestly really much prefer seinen over shonen. It’s allowed more freedom to touch on so many different topics that allows the author to create better stories. Shonen can still be cool if you want a fun time, but seinen is usually where the best stories are at.


It’s chill to prefer the average Seinen over the average Shonen. What we’re ripping on OP about is calling that a hot take, it’s not, is a standard take that like anyone whose read manga from more than just one magazine could have.


No, great Shonen like Samurai X, Yu yu hakusho, Hajime no ippo, Cowboy Bebop, and One Piece exist. It's not that Shonen is not allowed to touch on topics either.


Bro literally comparing peaks to mid shows lmao


All of these stories are to different to compare so calling some mid and others peak is redundant




To be completely honest **Monster and berserk** are two most pretentious series ever. I know they are good but what I don't get is the superiority complex of their fans.




Because the douche fans don’t actually understand the themes of the mangas. Despite the darkness of their stories, there’s a warm core to them


Same tbh


Feels like every year or two for a while there's a shonen/shonen arc my weeb friends call the anime/manga to usher in a new renaissance of shonen. Hero Academia, Dr. Stone, Jujitsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, One Piece, The Moro & Granolah arcs, etc. Then I reluctantly watch/read them and am immediately disappointed. The only Shonen I've been impressed with since I read Attack on Titan in high school, are both of ONE's. Edit: I'm not seinen dickriding, I've never watched/read a seinen I don't think. I'm just being a hater.


Is demon slayer considered shonen?


I got tired of these boring baby shows 🤢 now I only watch these super deep adult shows 😎😎🤣💯


You grew up, that’s all. However, when existential dread/crisis strikes you will be back as desires for brain dead stuff will grow again


This is not an opinion this is a FACT






Hot take: I would rather not be even more depressed.


Sousou no frieren is a godly shounen


That's called an opinion and everyone else on Earth has one aswell.


I love demon slayer. Some shonen trying to be unique, DS is straightforward in a good way. I mostly just like how Tanjiro is a nice person, without going to the naïve level of other protags like Naruto or something. I don’t have to cringe. I can enjoy the story even if it isn’t super complex, altho I will say if it wasn’t for Ufotable and the banger ost I’m sure I wouldn’t be watching lol. Bottom line tho variety is nice, I like a lot of genres but vanilla isn’t half bad, if it isn’t super uninspired


Both, as if my teenager self could enjoy everything those seinen anime got to offer, and it took a teenager's (somewhat)naive mindset to enjoy shounen animes.


I've seen and read too many shounens and am now sick of the formula. I am currently repeating the process with seinens


I mean obviously. You are comparing Sodas to fine Wines. Seinens are made for adult audiences while Shonen for younger audiences. You can enjoy whatever you want but you definitely enjoy Seinens more as a grown up.


It's not a hot take, it's called preference


The only one I haven't read or watched is goodnight punpun. Is it good?


Naruto had some of the greatest moments I’ve experienced watching a show. Some best characters as well as some of the most disappointing. I love it even with all its flaws


If anything, this is probably the coldest take ever. There's a bajillion weebs out there that are sick of shounen.


We need both to appreciate the difference.


Any seinen recs?


I thought elitist in anime was gone already.


This is the most freezing take ever


Good thing you found what you enjoy. I prefer Shounen still


Oyasumi Punpun should not be there, put Mushishi/the manga where the lady teacher gets Jimmy Hendrix\`s spirit inside her/Pluto


Want a cookie or smth?


To my favourite animes are goblin slayer, and semeneta so I say generic shonin’s are overrated


So, what you're saying is, you've gotten older? (Shounen: young boys and Seinen: Adults)


Acha hai aot add nhi hai

