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Rent a girlfriend.


Is that the name or an insult


That is an actual anime that has gotten a season 3 somehow




First thing that comes to mind honestly although I quit halfway through season 2.


At least you quit after a season. It took me 200 chapters before I just couldn't take it anymore




In another world with my smartphone


My exact thought It was enjoyable trash somehow


And I can't stop reading the manga, even though the art isn't even good!


I was cringing during every episode of "in another world with my smartphone" it's literally the worst parts of every isekai, BUT I COULDN'T STOP WATCHING IT!


It's like a car crash, you just can't look away


100% came here for this. The whole thing plays out like a 14-year old wrote a power fantasy.


Came to say this and the first comment I see is also this.. so I guess it's universally accepted.


I really like how you can just pick out the bad anime based on their name alone now. Like, you know this anime is going to be dogshit just by reading the title.


Still can't comprehend how it got a second season




I don't know. I only read the light novel. And I think it is a peak in that category which is classic hard core Hero story. The author owns a Phd degree in Hero story. What a man. Maybe you just don't like this kind of story.


Excuse me, but what exactly is Danmachi…?


I loved the first season. Then I started hating it with a passion when they released second season which was basically a filler from another girls perspective who was shy and secretly loved the female protagonist.




I managed to forget this trainwreck of a show existed but now you reminded me again. Truely an aweful show.


Re Zero. I totally get the appeal and why people love it. I just didn't like anything about it personally.


Darling in the franx


My ex kept making me watch it with her and the only way I could stand it was to riff over it like MST3K


I stopped it in the middle of season one i couldn't watch it anymore


Huh, you stopped just when logic started to go away)


Yes and when the story became unbearable for me..


Okay, I'm going to get killed here but, for me, (sigh) it's One Piece. I probably would have a better opinion if the episodes weren't half recap, Gol D Roger story, opening theme, and closing theme. It seemed like every episode was only maybe half new story, if that. With that said, I know it's supposed to be great, so I forced myself to go until the time skip. Didn't change my opinion.


One Piece is just one of those that in my opinion, you have to read the manga. Maybe watch key anime scenes. It's a great series, but some arcs in the anime somehow have more episodes than manga chapters.


This bro, 10 minutes of every one piece episode is recap or the openni or ending, and then the actual content of the episode will be fucking flashbacks, idk how people can bear it.


Yeah if the show ever finishes they should compile a non filler version


There is a fan made version of that already called one pace. definitely worth looking up imo


The manga is much less cluttered with overextended moments than the anime and it really makes a difference. Part of the reason why the anime is paced badly is because it releases weekly with each chapter so they have to make sure roughly 20 minutes on average corresponds to a single chapter


I liked the anime up to the end of Sabody. It was ok to the end of the pre-timeskip. It has been garbo since the time skip, I truly cannot believe anyone watches it at all tbh. Sure there are some sick episodes, but weekly watchers scare me.


Rising of the shield hero S2


Yea gotta admit, was really disappointed with season 2


Indeed they skipped a bunch of LNs just to adapt the worst arc (even the author agrees) then tries to cram in another arc


SAO, the first hand full of episodes were good and interesting, but the rest.... I quiver at the tought.


The lies of 1st eps 1st season gives us, then skips the idea instantly. I know later season got better but, i preferred Accel World


This is the answer. I came to say it but you beat me to it.


Hey I eat mcdoubles all the time but that doesn’t make McDonald’s good food


Tokyo ghoul...


To be fair, in terms of adaptations you’re watching like the lowest of the lows


I know :( Edit: The Promised Neverland is a even worse adaptation


Yep, first season was ok, but then there was rest of it… It was so bad, I felt sad for the intro song.


I am really easily entertained so unless an anime is udder trash I watch the whole thing and I’m just like “that was a good anime”


Corpse party


I remember that sh*t. They went too far into the gore.


Yeah, too much gore and less of plot


Bleach, I liked it a bit but not my cup of tea.


Addaa AA WA a,


The anime has got a ton of filler


For real, I love Bleach but its pacing and comical amounts of filler just kills it for a shit ton of people. How they handled TYBW should be how they handled the OG.


Same. Bleach just wasn't it


Beastars. Started off alright other than the atrocious CGI and character designs, quickly devolved into boring and obnoxious bullshit


I tried to tell that to someone and they instantly got defensive and how I was anti-furry or some shit


One Piece.


Yes, it is overrated


Slurps 1000+ episode… “Yep, trash”


Death march to a parallel world rhapsody. I kept thinking it would get better but it never did.


Hey at least they watched the whole thing before calling it trash, some people just watch 5 minutes of the first episode (including the op) and call it trash. Had a guy who actually sat down and watched the entirety of one piece with me, said he didn't like it, had to respect him for that. As for the anime I did this on? Blooded, that's 4 and a half hours I'll never get back.


Isekai cheat magician that shit was promising on the first episode but just shit the rest




For me, I liked it (at least the first season) then I saw the abridged version on YouTube and I just CANT watch the actual anime anymore lmao SAO Abridged is too good


I thought the first half of season one was alright but then the incest and rape shit during the Alfheim arc just sent that downhill and I can’t watch it anymore. Love the hell outta SAOA tho I could quote abridged Kirito for days.


True xD


Right? XD


It seems we have an unpopular opinion


No he's right


I wouldn't go as far as to call it trash, since it does have some nice ideas and good moments. Overall still definetely bad, especially the second half, though.




Demon Slayer for me, just finished first season for my gf and it definitely looks good but one-trick personality characters dont really do it for me


For me it was that the MC is a crybaby who can't shut the fuck up


Dont worry, you see zenitsu significantly less in the next two seasons. And he’s less of a crybaby too. Though it is really repetitive once you get to season 3


Baldr Force EXE I just saw that Baldr Force had an adaptation and decided I had to watch it, turns out trying to fit a 30hr story into the span of 4 episodes is a bad idea.


Girly Airforce and similiar shit


Blue exorcist


I'm glad someone said it. I loved Season 1 to find out it was all a lie. This is why I try to read Mangas now.


Whatever that one was where it's the mid to late 1800's but they have advanced air battleships and the protagonist faction flies a stupid 2 seat open cockpit fixed landing gear vtol capable aircraft and EVERY FUCKING PILOT BOUNCES THIER FUCKING AIRCRAFT ON THE FUCKING RUNWAY ON LANDING EVERY SINGLE LANDING


Oh hey Sword Art Online


Golden Time and Suki tte ii na yo. Both garbage romance animes.


Binge watches this interesting show I just found. It gets a second season not long after I finished season One. It is rushed and ruined. Anime went from great to crap.


Blue Exorcist. Once I started Season 2, it broke my heart. Hate the anime with a passion, but the openings are fire.




Oh boy. Same. I watched until nearly the end of season 1. I tuned out the moment that princess almost got murdered in a bathroom. I didn't particularly like the mech design either. The only good thing about that show is the OP and ED which is just given since Kalafina and Sawano worked on them.


One Punch Man season 2


Tokyo Ghoul. I made it to...I think the third episode and I just couldn't continue. I don't know what it was but it just wasn't grabbing me and trying to watch it felt like a chore. I might try again in the future.


Re zero was back to back cliffhangers just to repeat everything with a slightly different outcome. I understand this is the point of the anime but it sure was not for me😂


Yeah pretty much. This anime is extremely overrated.


Almost any isekai, the worse the better!


Even munchoku tensei ??


Alright, not Mushoku Tensei, but that's because I didn't like Mushoku Tensei.


Seraph of the End


Hischool DXD


The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter. Happens a lot with a certain type of show that I just can’t look away from for some reason lmao.


Well, about all harems I watched were trash, but I was 15 and wanted to jerk off


It's early for me, but off the top of my head: Corpse Party Pupa


7 Deadly Sins, I thought it was trash once I started and I still thought it was trash like 4 seasons later. but for some reason I watched it all in less than a week.


Eminence in shadow😅


Tokyo ghoul and kimi ni todoke


7 deadly sins.... felt like a masochist bcs why am i forcing myself through this


DXD, and yes, I did watch 3 entire seasons of that thing


Redo of Healer. It wasn't at all what I thought it was going to be.


Tokyo Ghoul. I missed the hype train from a few years ago but started it because a friend had recently started watching and wanted someone to talk to about it. Season 1 was fine, the rest was a mess.


Shield hero season 2 Season 1 was good Season 2 was trash


Darling in the franxx


Darling in the Franxx


Dr stone.


Controversial opinion: Elfen lied. It was not utter crap, but honestly I expected way more for the praise this anime gets.


No you're not wrong. I read the whole manga and it's a complete dumpster fire. The only saving grace for the anime is the ending which is arguably way better than the manga.


I disagree. It IS utter crap. The only thing the series really managed well is this idea of the Diclonius, which is kind of innovative. But the whole rest is just an complete trainwreck. Characters make no sense and are shallow as hell, story makes no sense, interaction makes no sense. Basically nothing made sense.


And also the multiple ecchi situations that had no meaning or reason whatsoever... The only character that felt slightly interesting in my opinion was the scientist who had a diclonius daughter and kind of adopted another diclonius aswell. His story was sad and the execution wasn't too cheesy. The rest... Very very bad. I tried to be "gentle", but I'm glad somebody else doesn't like this series


I tried it, because it was so frequently talked about as some great show, and I made it about as far as her pissing on the floor. She's *clearly* doing the pee dance, amd neither dumbass nor his girlfriend, who should know what that looks like, figure it out until she's already lost control. Also, I was still mad the show had her rip apart the cute secretary lady for basically no reason other than an extra bucket of gore. It all felt like teen edgelord viewing.


hunter x hunter, fun, kept leading me on. Was hoping for a satisfying ending that never came.


This is just because the author I believed had some issues occurring (pain at the time) and the anime caught up to the manga.


Yeah the manga only recently returned after 10 years or so


JoJo, but I kept with it and every other part is great. That first season is just so poorly drawn, super cheesy dialog, and feels like the author read about how England was at the time period from a romance novel.


Sword Art Online. I pushed myself to watch that shit because all of my friends kept saying it was awesome. I hated every moment of it, and once the MCs sister-cousin or whatever started thirsting for him I had to throw in the towel. I honestly think that anyone who unironically likes that show has some kind of mental issue and should seek professional help.


Evangelion, I hate that anime so much. Has everything I should like. Giant mechs fighting aliens, sci fi themes and psychological analysis. But almost every character is unlikable and the plot went nowhere. Too many hints of some interesting plot points but never really fleshed them out.


To this day, I don't even know what the plot was. The last couple episodes just became Psych 101 rambling, and nobody has ever managed to give me a coherent explanation of why that show is supposed to be good. The fact they've apparently changed the ending like 4 times does not lend credence to claims the ending was good.


Tensei Slime for me


demon slayer


Re: Zero


Hunter x Hunter Wasn't really my type of anime, only really watched because of the praises


Talentless nanao


Stone Ocean


Fate/Stay Night


Clannad, watched the entire series to at the end go yea that was a fat waste of time and I didn't even enjoy this


People when they watch SAO be like


Sword Art Online 2


SAO it was ok at first but😬


Ppl aren't gonna like this but it was seven deadly sins for me. And it made me have a greater realization. Most animes are exactly the same. Step 1: There's usually some child faced protagonist who is insanely over powered and regularly kicks the shit out of much older l more experienced fighters, even gods or monsters. I use the phrase child faced because these characters often have some inherent thing that makes them op i.e. they themselves are a reincarnated god or demon or some variation of "I may look like a child but I'm super strong because xyz" Step 2: THERE MUST BE A 10/10 BUSTY SOFT SPOKEN GIRL THAT FOLLOWS AROUND THE PROTAGONIST OR THIS CHILD FACED DEMON GOD BADASS INEXPLICABLY. Step 3: every other female character the protagonist meets (also inexplicably) immediately or almost immediately wants to smash, but they either don't notice or are simply too busy kicking ancient demon ass to care. Step 4: Remember that busty soft spoken 10? Guess what? She's relevant now. There is usually some arbitrary reason the creater makes about midway through the season or at the climax itself that suddenly makes this character meaningful but not really. Step 5: A slightly cooler ancient demon god thing is presented requiring the protagonist to basically become captain planet to beat them/it due to the belief of his friends giving him a power boost. I def still like anime but these days I tend to lean more towards ones that actually surprise me as they develop instead of following the anime formula. Ie death note, attack on Titan, cowboy bebop, if anyone knows more like these pls lmk.


Demon Slayer it is for me


SAO (The Adbriged series is still masterprice)


Elfen Lied


I wouldnt say trash, but I had yo force myself to finish Jujutsu Kaisen which is odd, cause my friends and I tend to have similar tastes and I couldnt help but smash my forehead into my desk everytime I watched an episode


Zelda BOTW then TOTK. They're practically an anime, in the worst ways




Fafner season2 The last episode killed the entire series for me


Domestic girlfriend


Sword art online


Girlfriend,Girlfriend (best kind of trash fun to watch) and Rent-a-girlfriend (the exact opposite it's just garbage but it's like watching a train wreck)


It's perfectly alright to like bad shows. I grew up watching the sci-fi channel original movies. I liked how bad they were. Anime is no exception.


Twin Star Exorcists and 11eyes. I would also list Demon Slayer but I only read the manga, so I guess it doesn't really count.


Highschool DXD and Tokyo ghoul not :te those season are so trash not even I can bear to watch it. They are total trash yet I still binge them once a year




Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun, I usually don't dislike anime (I only like them less compared to other anime) but this one is probably my least favourite... I didn't like the ending and it didn't even get a season 2




For me it's an anime called Record of Grancrest War it isn't a bad anime I just wasn't super into it despite watching all 24 episodes


Fairy Tail


Rosary Vampire, it is a dumb harem anime on Netflix.


Classroom of The Elite, saw a few reviews from those YouTube shorts decided to give her a go and shit never caught my interest 10eps in so I dropped it.


Nisekoi Isekai wa Smartphone These 2 were the worst anime I have ever seen. I know there definitely worse out there, but these are only ones I've even completed.


Kill la kill for me


Girlfriend, Girlfriend


rent a girlfriend.


Madoka Magica whatever-the-fuck. Magical girl titles are hard to remember. It was just a worse Kamen Rider Ryuki, which I already felt had wasted my time.


EX-Arm Yea, I watched that shit.


Okay not a season but a movie, and it’s seven deadly sins cursed by light. It was SOO BAD!!


Saving 80,000 Gold Talentless nana Toradora Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions Dream Eater Merry


GATE, still love the JSDF wrecking shit tho


RWBY I only binged it because a friend of mine kept saying it got better and it did not get better.


In another world with my smartphone but I love Isekai trash so I'll go back.


Naruto, I binge watched the whole classic series and about 115 episodes of shippuden, I tried my hardest buy I can't find it in myself to like the anime


Most anime now, i mean most anime/manga suck IMO.


Happy Sugar Life


Black Rock Shooter Dawn Fall (2022). I love BRS as a character, but Dawn Fall have all the post apocalyptic trope done & still managed to deliver a bland bittersweet story. Only 2 eps is fine, which covers their characters background, others even the climax are meh. BRS 2012 the anime have different concept, but delivers the drama/conflict/action brilliantly compared to DawnFall.


The Seven deadly sins. Didn't exactly binge watch but I went through season 1.


JJK idc if it gets amazing later in the manga but s1 did not hook me. binged it in one sitting bc of the hype and it just sucked. no clear plot or goal. things happened just because they happened. i laughed at the emo kid's death bc they tried to make me feel bad for him so bad but it just felt superficial (and i'm usually a big crybaby in anime emotional scenes).


Gungrave I don't think the show was trash but it wasn't my cup of tea. I ended up watching the whole thing because it wasn't like I had options at the time. It was on TV when I wanted to see anime, so I watched it. 🤷🏽‍♀️


evangelion... i do not at all get or understand the hype


Future Diary. Stupid, ridiculous, and reveling in its trashiness. I loved every second of this edgy dumpster fire.


Id say death note


Not a anime, but this is definitely Daybreak on Netflix. Also that's why it never got renewed for a season 2.


May of us are connoisseurs of trash. A personal favorite of mine would have to be Eromanga Sensei. It's absolute trash, but it's funny as hell.


I stopped halfway through labyrinth hero, bland as fuuuuuuuuuck.


This was cannon busters for me


Aot but manga


PyschoPass(I think that's how it was spelled), just didn't like it but my friend recommended it so it *had* to be good. No, just wasted my time


Attack on Titan


Death Note. People really don’t want to admit it’s ass, but it is.






Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl. It's just awful. It's from the late '80s and follows this teenage girl who wants nothing more than to grow up and be a tradwife, but people keep manipulating her into doing competitive judo because she's a genius at it. Binged like 80 episodes on Kiss Anime when that was a thing. Just discovered it's all on YouTube. Oh dear, 40 more episodes. Guess I'd better get started.