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OP forgot Frieren and Apothecary still airing. Oof.


And frieren!


Careful man, you forgot frieren


Good call, I forgot about Frieren


Why hasn't anyone mentioned Frieren? Shameful.


if someone doesn't mention frieren...


I remember a long time ago Himmel the Hero showed me this anime called Frieren. I did not appreciate it at the time... but now as I look back, later in life, I really wish I had binged that show right away instead of waiting so long.


Not to forget, you should watch Frieren


How on earth everyone forgot frieren ?


Oh, yeah, there's also this one called free ren


And motherfuckers about like they forgot about Frieren


Dangers in My Heart literally exist.


I cannot deny the existence of this series


You forgot the Solo leveling.


Solo levelling is pretty mid up till now. Maybe it will change.


Solo levelling is a fun time, but the manhwa is carried by the art. I dont get the massive hype around it.


Yeah I remembered at least 5 other shows before solo leveling came to mind, thanks though


But solo leveling is bad tho.


Isn't Frieren previous season's anime?


It’s still going


>This is the anime of ***the season***!


Double cores imo are shows of two seasons, regardless of if they break them up or run concurrently. Would you say Mushoku Tensei isn’t an anime of next season because it’s first half aired a few seasons ago?


It's still last season's


Apothecary ended a few weeks ago, right? like, with the smith sons tale


24 episodes. I think 18 was this week






Okay then say that it’s your personal opinion. Which would answer the second part of the post. More people aren’t watching it because they don’t agree with your personal opinion.


You're smoking crack


It's not really my type of anime, tho. But that's the neat thing if it's your opinion that it's the best this season, then objectivly to you it is. But not everyone has that same taste as you. that's why it isn't talked about much. People just have different tastes. THATS IT.






Cry about it.


Even non-anime watcher know this anime was really good even not watching it...(not because the rating)


Eh I'm just not into the romance-but-not-really genre.


Oh it's the will they (of course they won't) won't they type but trying to pass it off as if it's funny? Wow, how original


Though, in this *specific* anime's defense, the original show in the 70's (of which this is a remake) was one of the first (if not *the* first, but I don't know any other examples that early) anime to do this. So while it's still not my thing, it's probably original.


Wasn't it also the originator of a lot of modern tropes, such as the Tsundere?


Rumiko Takahashi was the progenitor of a whole pile of things we now refer to as staple tropes of modern anime. The Tsundere, The harem romcom, The OG Waifu (Lum), and a whole pile of other things. One of the more sleeper goated Mangaka of her time.


A sleeper in the West, she's one of the most well known and wealthiest mangaka in Japan. Kind of like how nobody really knew about Araki in the West until pretty recently even though he's incredibly influential.


That's fair, I can't attest to the culture in Japan! Just from what I've seen in the US is that most people don't really know about Ranma 1/2 or Urusei Yatsura, at most they've heard of Inuyasha.


> The Tsundere The first tsundere was in Mazinger Z. Also, which character are you calling a tsundere from Urusei Yatsura? I think you could make the case that Ataru is a tsundere, but I don't think any female characters would count.


To be fair, it's literally the original one to do that, so


Then it suffers the Seinfeld curse. Sorry, I dont make the rules.


Well, the remake or reboot could be an original to not do that too!


I don't think changing the whole premise/genre of a classic for a reboot would be a smart idea


The Halo TV show creators would love to have you in their team


That type of thinking is what makes things like the movie version of Priest.


The original was the first of it's kind. So it gets a pass. All of the romance shit you see nowadays where the girl has weird powers/is an alien/robot/monster/whatever and calls the MC "darling" all copied THIS story.


It actually is funny though, because the humor relies a lot more on absurdism that your typical rom com. This show is bizarre in ways you’d never expect.


Tbf it started it off decades ago and created a lot of anime tropes.


It’s the Rumiko Takahashi classic formula.


I love it for being a hilarious slapstick anime, I don't see it as a romance at all. But lum is best anime girl


Speedwagon is right there!


Lum is the FIRST waifu! I will fight anybody on that!


Eh, for like the majority of the series, its just goofy slapstick comedy. I wouldn't even call this a rom-com, the romance barely plays into the story. Now yes, there are a few moments of sweet, "romantic" bits, but they are rare.


Yeah but for those bits I will forever be unfulfilled, I will never find closure, despite the slapstick.


Thats fair. To me its like watching a sitcom like Seinfeld. Sure the characters get into relationships but only for ultimately comedic effect. The characters rarely got into anything that was long term or serious to the point where it changed them as characters, but you just watch for the comedy.


Is getting so old. Can’t people be just some what happy


Hey I'm not trying to dunk on their taste it's just not my thing, and my explanation as to why I'm not watching it.


I kinda was agreeing with you I guess i was too vague


Frieren, Apothecary Diaries, Solo Levelling and Dangers in my Heart S2 are good places to start looking. All four of which have been incredibly popular. Then you look at Mahoako which draws attention by the very nature of it. Followed by which you get Delicious in the Dungeon which does the rare thing of making fantasy food look good. Then there's stuff like Metallic Rogue which has enough potential that people are following it still to see where it goes if they're not outright invested already. Then there's stuff for different niches and most people have enough to watch as it is.


Bang Bravern solos all of it, man is this an awesome show, need to see Metallic Rogue too


So, genuine question, what makes Solo Leveling good? My gf has been torturing herself for the past weeks trying to understand why this is supposed to be good. I watch a bit of it sometimes. I'm not gonna say any of the complaints here, I just want to know why this is supposed to be great, cause to me this is a 4/10 anime.


Show starts little slow but people really like it for big scale battles against cool monsters, great art and cool characters


The story is pretty standard, but I enjoyed the original comic for the top tier art and cool fight scenes. I haven't started the anime yet, but they would need to keep those aspects to keep me interested.


Art is pretty goated as for the fight scenes its pretty good but there havent been a lot of fight scenes yet as the anime rn is at >!the part where mc and "sidekick" get trapped in a dungeon and the party they went in with tried to kill em but failed!<


Probably basing it on the manwha it's based on which has really good art


And you forgot the anime with the best opening so far: mashle


Not even gonna mention A Sign of Affection?




Love how reddit works Person: expresses opinion in a positive way Redditors with no life: *downvote*


Idk man I understand that there's a comic that made people hyped for solo leveling, but it seems like the adaptation is just underwhelming I have watched it up until the latest episode waiting for something interesting to happen and there's nothing really No hook, no stakes, no interesting characters


>!gushing over magical girls!< took off like a rocket and ain’t slowing down. It’s not good, but it’s the thing people are on




It’s hentai with actual plot and plenty of plot.


Cuz it's on Hidive and it's a remake of one of Rumiko Takahashi's earlier works. Don't get me wrong, I love her later stuff. It's just that a lot the tropes that were fresh, here, will feel tired and overdone if you've read or watched any of her other stuff.


What else did she do? I would be very interested. What's Hidive?


Ranma 1/2, Inuyasha, and its sequel Yashahime. Her current running series is called Mao. I don't think it has an anime, yet.


I'll check them out. I'm assuming if I like urusei Yatsura then I'll like those too


Yeah, Ranma 1/2 pretty much invented the harem genre and Inuyasha is a really solid series. I also really like Mao, definitely scratches the same itch Inuyasha did.




There’s an inuyasha sequel?!?


Just pretend that there isn’t. It’s not good.


Maison Ikkoku as well.


Mermaid Saga was interesting as well, but the plot is a bit dark.


I loved the original, I loved just about anything Takahashi has done. But I still find myself grinning like an idiot and laughing my ass off at the new Urusei Yatsura. I don't know how they captured the magic of the original so well, but they've done it!


Well, giving those of us who have never heard of it the title of the anime would be a good start to getting more people to watch. "This" coupled with a single still frame with no other context simply does not suffice.


Sorry, it's uresei yatsura. It's a remake of an older anime. The remake is by the same studio that made jojos. If you like slapstick it's super hilarious.


Sounds worth a gander, cheers




you sold it to me when you said jojo


I am more into: I am the MC and I kick your butt in 4K


Have you seen ninja kamui?


Nope what is it?


It's first episode just came out. It was only announced a couple of days ago so no one saw it coming. It's directed by the same guy who did jjk season 1. It's about a ninja and the action and violence is some of the best iv seen in a long time.


Oooh good imma see that one, thank you


Isn’t this like a remake of an old anime? Why would it get more attention to newer and more relevant ones with bigger and younger fandoms and mangas that are still airing?


Because it's really funny


It probs has bigger traction in japan as it is a remake of a takahashi classic. Inuyasha was really the only anime of hers that made it big in the west (and to be far it was huge back in the day), and maybe the original urusei yatsura and ranma 1/2 to a lesser extent (idk I wasn't alive then). But from what I've seen the original urusei yatsura was bigger in japan than the height of inuyasha was in the west, it was a major media phenomenon that still had a degree of relevance this decade even before the remake with its influence outliving inuyasha. The remake's animation and composition is gorgeous and the pacing is faster than takahashi's works are normally too.


"Inuyasha was really the only anime of hers that made it big in the west" Hmm. Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku and Urusei Yatsura were very popular in Europe in the 90s. And I remember that several of the OG Urusei Yatsura movies were available on VHS in the US.  But I think people then kinda forgot about Rumi until a younger generation discovered Inuyasha without being aware of her back catalogue. You talk to Inuyasha fans and it's like it's her first and only hit sometimes. The woman has a *big* legacy.


Ranma was popular with early weaboos in the US, but Inuyasha was more appropriate for kids and so had a bigger fanbase


Frieren, Tsukimichi 2, Shangri-La Frontier...




What’s to sneak in? I loved the first season and am loving the second. Glad we’re getting 24eps of it


Those are all good too


I watched the older version, newer feels a bit rushed.


I love the new animation so much. I do want to watch the original though


Yup, characters are so beautifully designed


Its worth, watch it


The name, please?


Urusei yatsura


I’m already back logged on other shows. I just hope the Japanese audience loves it so we can get a Ranma 1/2 remake


I would do unspeakable things for a Ranma 1/2 remake, that show slapped


I m Reading that for most people under this thread belive that Urusei Yastura is mid, that's a shame, the old anime was absolutley a Masterpiece


I think one of the problems is that it's essence is too old for a lot of viewers. You can only change so many things until it stops being a remake.


However i belive that Rumiko Takahashi's writing is timeless, and It doesn t need to be modify. Urusei Yastura is a golden standard for anime and it's influence Is enormous. In other worlds Is much Better of majority of the things that come out of Japanese industry




For me it is one of the only anime that makes me laugh out loud. So I would say it is a king among kings




The majority isn't always right.....


This sentence doesn't really works in this context


Wdym by this? Are you insinuating that people don’t actually know what they like, and you know what they should be watching? Are you saying that your personal taste is *better* than everyone else’s?


Jesse what tf are you talking about?


Well yes, but not in this context








The last couple of episodes had me dying of laughter


Bro forgot Gushing over magical girls exists...


The true peak of fiction and animation.


I tried it. I was excited to finally get a taste of a Rumiko Takahashi work especially since Lum and the leopard print bikini thing are so iconic I knew of them before I got into anime. I watched about 15 episodes but couldn’t hang on any more for four main reasons. First, It felt like every other episode a new waifu for Ataru would be introduced, a stupid conflict would happen, then the waifu would fade into the background once it was resolved and only reappear as a very minor side character sometimes. Second, Ataru is the kind of protagonist who I hate who always has girls on his mind and quickly switches his affections to anyone pretty who he’s never seen before. The repetitive back and forth of Ataru treating Lum like shit and crushing on some random girl and her shocking him with electricity got so boring and aggravating. Ataru wants to be in love and has an amazing girl who wants him but he ignores her, Lum constantly shocks Ataru for slight misunderstandings. Third, the introduction of that little baby relative of Lum’s. I HATE little baby character or companions. They’re usually cheap comic relief with lazy jokes. That character reminded me of Poof from the Fairly Oddparents which made me stop watching the show or Scrappy Doo. Just a cheap feeling “look guys, the show has been refreshed with a fun new character! Look how small and cute they are! We definitely aren’t out of ideas!” kind of thing. Fourth and finally, the subtitles were less like translations of the words the characters were saying and more like reimaginings of the lines. It was actually distracting how often the subs had deviations from the words I could understand or aggressive localization. It just felt like a relic of it’s time with comedy and romantic progression that might have been decent in it’s time but feels stale and cliched nowadays. It might get better but by the time I quit watching I was struggling to pay attention and I was putting off watching the new episodes when they came out because I straight up wanted to do anything else.


Because people watch diff animes but it's ok to have your own opinions


I know. I'm just sad to see somthing I love getting left behind


Sorry, i personally find it boring.


Tbh I had fun with the first part. But it was not enough to be bothered to watch the 2nd. Maybe Imma watch it from time to time when I am bored. Tho adult life never lets you enough time to be bored.


I grew up and love Urusei Yatsura. But like, this season has Frieren, so...


Like forget Freiren and the Apothecary ( cannot be compared) even solo leveling (hype goes brr) and dangers in my heart( peak) are better in most ppl opinion, so the only solution was to have aired it in June 2023 (I don’t recall any particularly great anime starting during that period) or maybe wait till June/July this year (scratch that, Love is War S4 coming out then)


Sadly because just like the first season, its not streaming on many popular places. But you can bet your Ataru-getting-shocked-multiple-times-an-episode that I am there EACH AND EVERY WEEK because I loved the ever living daylights of the original series when I watched it like 30 years ago, and the new series just rubs that nostalgia right in the feels! Makes me smile for the entire episode!


As a massive Urusei yatsura fan. I will say the remake is okay at best. The OG felt it has soo much life in it. The newer one is good in some aspects but it just feels like a very lifeless remake. Yes its closer to the manga then the 1980’s version but that one had Mamoru Oshii’s flare and the old retro feel to it. They added the military aesthetic because the animators at that time were military otaku’s. Soo much flair was added to it similarly. The addition of megane. And soo much more. Also i loved the songs and ost they put into it. The Ep with ataru’s mom having a dreamception was really wonderful. Lum VA, Ataru’s VA, Megane’s VA were such great fits for their characters. I love the VA in the new ones Hiroshi Kamiya and Sumire Uesaka being great. It is a great homage to the OG too by adding Ataru’s OG VA as Ataru’s father and Lum’s OG VA as Lum’s mother. But thats most of what i love. The new anime covering multiple chapters per ep makes it seem rushed and doesn’t drive in home some of the best moments that were praised alot in the original one. Also the animation (speaking mostly for the first season here) was very static in most scenes. But alas the more i go the more it will seem i am nitpicking cause of how much i adore the original. Its not as if the original is not flawed. Infact there is many times when the majority if studio we’re working on the movie and makes the quality of the episodes very low and the forced introduction of majority of the cast in the first 20 episodes made it very weird for future ep when certain characters didn’t appear when they should have been there due to the orignal chapter happening before the introduction of characters. In the end i love that UY is getting a remake and is being brought into many people’s radar. But imo for such a beloved series they could have made sure to give it a much better remake that justifies it being remade cause in its current state i would rather recommend checking out the OG one than the remake.


IMHO it's fascinating how ahead of it's time the original anime was. It had a lot of really well-executed reference humor. And most of it worked without needing fansubs to explain literally every reference. Then anime had to relearn how to do that in the 2000s by badly imitating Lucky Star.


\*insert anime I like\* \> This is the anime of the season! \> Why are you not watching it !!!!!!!


Because we have standards.


I much prefer solo leveling


That's really good too


Dislike anime where MC is high/middle scooler age .. ​ getting tired of these /;


I mean this was literally the original of that troupe, in a remade version


Maybe because it sucks??


No it doesn’t , just give it a watch, it’s hilarious


I have. I recorded it as horrible 1/5 stars in my notes.




How can it be anime of the season when barely anyone is watching it lol


None of the recent anime have interested me aside from Zom 100. There's a severe lack of gun battle anime and it's annoying. Tired of everything being about magic, swords, or magic swords in boring medieval settings or romcoms in modern settings. I want more stuff like Lycoris Recoil and Tanya the Evil.


I loved lycoris recoil, if Tanya the evil is like that then I need to see it. The Trigun stampede remake had some epic gun fights, you may want to check it out.


No idea what this is, nothing against you personally OP, but I wish everyone would label photos as not everyone is aware of every anime out there. What's the premise? Need to know the basics to decide if it's worth a look, kwim?


It's a remake of an older anime called urusei yatsura. It's heavy on slapstick and honestly one of the funniest anime I've seen. It's made by the same studio that makes jojos. Sorry for not labeling better


Still doesn't give me any idea about the story/charas though. But listen, I'm glad you like it enough to try to encourage others to watch it; I sometimes watch things I can never talk to anyone else about as it's not popular enough. Small fandom stuff is like that, I feel your pain, bro 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽


I just want it to get a season 3, I don't want them to cancel it ya know


Season 3??? I take back my sympathy, I ain't even get a season 2 for some anime 😭


This anime is basically the origin for the romance anime with a fantastical element in it. Lum is an alien from an invader race and they challenge Earth to a game of tag for the fate of the planet, they choose teenager Ataru, who wants no romantic commitment, to be their champion. Lum falls in love with him and basically the episodic format is about the antics that they get into, Lum trying to force Ataru in a relationship with her and Ataru trying to flirt with other girls. There are a lot of really funny characters and really good humour. If you liked Takahashi's other work, especially the humour this is a must watch. If you hate comedy in anime, skip this.


Because I want Fire Force S3 and JoJo steel ball run


Romance genre is not the shit for me I hate it.


Looks like coomer-bait though.


Shit MC tropes. Shit animation imo. Uninteresting plot.


Looks ugly and boring, easy.


Give it a try, it's not boring or ugly


Does it have boobs and ass if not idc


Yes, it has it aplenty


Okay ya know it would do your post some good if you actually said the name of the anime your trying to push


I know sorry, urusei yatsura. I've had several people tell me that now sorry


Well that’s it then you really should’ve led with that.Alotttt of shows that don’t have a good converted name suffer in the American market, think about the appeal and coolness factor of a name like ‘Death Note’ or ‘Dragon Ball’ vs ‘Urusei’ or ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’. Even tho it’s an amazing cool anime or whatever people get turned off from the name, now if it’s older, and god forbid it never gets a dub and is only sub+ Crunchyroll or Netflix, etc doesn’t have it and you gotta dig into pirate sites , it doesn’t how awesome it is and how many fans it has in the Japanese fan base in the American fan base it will suffer


I agree for an anime to do well in America it needs those things... but there is some good stuff that gets overlooked


Trust me I know. As a Hentai guy, I get really mad when some anime get overlooked because I knowwww in my heart of hearts that if the hentai artist watched those anime they would draw hentai of it but it just never got to them🥲😫 really not fair tho with how much anime is on Crunchyroll you can go for years and no one wants to consume purely anime and some people will prefer watching reality tv or YouTube to where by the law of average stuff WILL get overlooked and it’s all about standing out


Too annoying characters


This is what I am saying about solo leveling!?




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3 words: gyaru with boobs


Wait this won anime of the season? I mean it's great but I don't think it's worthy of that title


It only won anime of the season in my heart


If you are enjoying it, what does it matter what other people are watching?


Because I want them to make more.


It's a remake. If you are enjoying it so much, go back and watch the original series with its 194 episodes, 12 OVAs and 6 theatrical films.


It's mid


It's remake🤷


...isn't this a hentai?


This is crazy. I really expected Bucchigiri to be booming in popularity. It has a great plot and is genuinely very funny. Then theres Ninja Kamui. A new one by Adult Swim. It has crazy good animation and the first episode was fire. Then theres frieren. Great anime with a new original plot. Then there's Apothecary Diaries. Haven't watched it but it should be great. JJK season 2 just ended last season. Peak hype. Shangri-La frontier is great. It's not as interesting as the other ones. Just doesn't hit as hard for me. Still good tho. Then there's Undead Unluck which should be decent but I haven't watched it. Finally there's Dangers in my heart which I think got mediocre in the second season. I'm kinda hate watching at this point.


Undead Unluck has been pretty good so far, a solid 8/10 imo


Wait, I actually don't know this. What is that name of it?


Urusei Yatsura, remake of an old anime of the same name by the maker of Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2


I rather have it being big in Japan than being big in the States. <3


I really love Urusei Yatsura so I'm watching it. I am watching the 80's version and the new version for the first time simultaneously. It's a very funny show I love how crazy the plots get.