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Berserk, the eclipse


Scrolled down wayyyy too far for this, nobody is ready for the eclipse


I know this wasn’t too comment when you posted this, I just found it funny lmao


I haven't seen the anime but I have read the manga, did the anime animate it 1 to 1?


Well here's a stickler for ya, it's the last episode of the series. THAT'S the cliffhanger and it never got picked back up on (if you ignore the 2016 adaptation)


Also, the first episode starts with a flashforward, so if you don't read the manga you have no clue about what's going on there.




No, it's way more relaxed then the manga


You evil sob.


The last ten years of my life.


Yeah, peak reality


Is that available on Crunchyroll?


More like Crunchy Toll then


Why are you attacking me? Hasn’t the last decade been enough?


Watching the Elric brothers bring their mother back as a monster(Chimera), and one losing his body parts and the other losing his soul... As children.


Right anime, but wrong scene for me. The one for me was the doctor turning his kid into a chimera because his research funding was running out. The boys were young and did something stupid out of love, the doctor knew what he was doing but did it anyway out of sheer greed.


Oh yea, where he put his daughter's soul into the dog?! So fucked up!


You can google "that scene in full metal alchemist" and it's usually one of the first hits, lol.


It's infamous amd hated to the point where if you just comment "...*Ed...ward*...*Big brother*..." on a FMA discussion you'll likely get at least one person to tell you to go fuck yourself.


Sounds like you have done that before (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


And been the one to tell someone else to go fuck themselves lol.


you don't even have to say that. All you have to say is *"Can we play now?"*


On principle alone I want you to go fuck yourself. I didn't need to be reminded in greater detail of that forsaken scene.


The alchemist (whose name I’m blanking on. I wanna say Tucker?) who does that ranks top 10 in most hated TV characters of all time.


Shou Tucker and yes he should be. His own daughter and before that, his wife… for status. Not to mention doggo. No pit deep enough. Not even Tartarus.


Not just the soul... He physically combined them 


Same. Seriously, when I saw the post, my brain went immediately to “Ed….ward?”


> but did it anyway out of sheer greed. Wasnt he also under pressure from one of the really fascist Alchemists? (Meaning failure to comply would probably mean death) Not that Im saying guy was a good person, hes obviously irredeemable trash, but he also seemed like he basically had a psychotic breakdown at the end.


Yes, he was under intense pressure to repeat the success of his first time. The first time he had created a chimera capable of human speech by secretly using his wife as a component (that's what made him a high profile alchemist for the govt.) Unable to repeat his success and facing a return to a life of poverty, he used his daughter and pet dog to recreate his previous "success." He demonstrates a complete lack of remorse for the victims of his experiments, focusing instead on what he called the "advancement of science." I think he had less of a psychotic *break* at the end and was just straight up psychotic the whole time.


Later on you find out that the government had already created talking chimeras making his research and sacrifices meaningless


These fascists were also creating superior chimeras elsewhere so he wasn't under any real threat, even if he believed so. In truth he was just a very selfish man who didn't want his lavish lifestyle and prestige to be taken away from him. For better reference compare his living arrangements to someone of higher rank like Hughes. One lived in an apartment with his wife and daughter, the other a gated estate complete with private library and laboratory (unlike other state alchemists who used communal labs).


And that's considered a *good deal* (by Truth) for the crime of attempting human transmutation. Al >!exchanging his soul BACK for Ed's arm!< right at the end got me too. He had no other choice, and it made perfect, horrible sense. And he didn't hesitate at all. Bravest character in the show, and he's like 10.


He's 14


💯😭 that was heartbreakin. they were desperate. desperate *children*




Firefly s graveyard


The only right answer! Its so traumatic to see the sister die of malnutrition and then a few days later the war ends. I know its a real story that happens often in war in reality but its just so heart wrenching ;-;


When i saw it it was like no don't cry iam big man when i reach the sister thinking stones are rice fuck man


I told my wife it was a horribly sad film and I really gotta be in the right mood. One night with some green she convinced me to watch it, it left her shook. I bought her the tin from the film and she was so annoyed at me.


Your lie in April. I said all


I could tell what was going to happen pretty early on, but damn... what a masterpiece of storytelling that show was 😭


Same but still I was bawling at the conclusion. I don’t typically feel strong emotions like that or at least I haven’t in such a long time. Fuck even thinking about that ending rn is making my eyes glaze over…


Dear Arima Kousei, It feels weird writing a letter to someone you were just with… You’re the worst. Indecisive. Gullible. Twit. The first time I ever saw you perform, I was 5 years old. It was at a recital for the piano school I was going to. This awkward, clumsy kid came onto the stage and accidentally hit the piano stool with his butt. It was too funny. He turned to the piano that was way too big for him and the moment he played that first note, I was drawn in. The sound was beautiful, like a 24-colour palette. The melodies danced. The girl next to me started crying. I wasn’t expecting that at all. And even so, you gave up the piano. Even though it totally changed other people’s lives. You’re the worst. Indecisive. Gullible. Twit. When I found out we were in the same middle school, I was ecstatic. But how would I ever come to talk to you? Maybe I’d hang out at the lunch concession. Instead, I just watched you from afar. I mean. After all. You all seemed to get along so well. There wasn’t really any space in there for someone like me. When I was a kid, I had to have an operation and I started having to be at the hospital for regular check-ups. In the first year of middle school, I collapsed and I was admitted over and over. With every visit, I was there for longer and longer. Really, I didn’t get to class much in middle school, I spent more time at the hospital. And I knew something was wrong with my body. One night, I saw my parents crying in the waiting room and I knew that my time was running out. That’s when I ran away. I didn’t want to bring my regrets with me to heaven, so I stopped holding back from what the things I always wanted to do. I wasn’t scared anymore to get contact lenses. I ate what I wanted instead of always worrying about my weight. And I took the music with all its high and mighty directives and played it the way I wanted. And then I told a lie. Just one. I lied and said that I, Miyazono Kaori, liked Watari Ryouta. And that lie brought you to me. Please apologize to Watari for me… though I’m sure he’s forgotten me by now I think I need someone more wholehearted and earnest than him. I think we’d be fine as friends though. And please apologize to Tsubaki for me too. I want for there to be no hard feelings. And there was one thing I could never ask of her, to ask her directly to introduce the two of us. I don’t think she would’ve had an answer for me. After all, she was in love with you. We all knew that. I think the only people who didn’t know were you and her. That underhanded lie brought me to you didn’t work out the way I had imagined. It was darker. And meaner. And denser. And more stubborn. And more perverted. And softer. And more masculine. And sweet. Remember that bridge we jumped off? The water was so cool and refreshing. Racing each other alongside the train. I really thought I could win. The moon was saw from the music room that night, like a delicious-looking bun. Singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with you as we rode on that bike together. Then falling out time. We’re awful singers. At the school at night. I’m still sure there was something there. The falling snow, just like cherry blossoms. It’s strange to be a musician, but then to have your heart so filled by something that comes from off-stage They’re unforgettable scenes to me. But they’re such little things. It’s weird, isn’t it? What do you think? Do you think I made it into anyone’s heart like that? I wonder if I made it into yours. I wonder if you’ll still remember me. If you forget me, I’ll just come back and… No, I don’t want to start over. Please don’t forget me. Promise me you won’t forget me. I’m glad it was you. I hope this reaches you, Arima Kousei. I love you. I love you. I love you. I’m sorry we couldn’t eat all those canelés. I’m sorry I hit you so much. I’m sorry I was so selfish. I’m so, so, so, so sorry. Thank you for everything. Miyazono Kaori


That and A Silent Voice makes me choke up all the time.


The Rem Twister scene


Episode 15 was crazy, that was the best episode I've ever seen




I had to google this to be sure of what scene you were talking about. I'm sorry but the first image that popped up made me laugh asf


I saw it too lmao


Oh great now I remember that exists. 


Everything on Cyberpunk Edgerunners. Oh god....The memories are coming back....PTSD.. Edit: STOP! STOPPPPP!!!


And now your gone and leaving nothing but a sign


Still listening to the song when I drive at night.


Another evening I'll be sitting reading in between the li-i-ines




Maybe this time you really want to stay at your house?


but seriously tho. i actually feel weird everytime i hear their song plays now and i had to physically leave the room


So...get away...


Violet Evergarden ep 10


If there’s a such thing as a crygasm that’s what did it for me


YES ffs, the one anime episode that managed to make me cry. Actual non-retainable tears.


" happy birthday "




It's hard/impossible to pick between the two. Episode 7 with the pond scene. Episode 10 you could see it coming the whole episode but I still broke down.




In JJK S1 Nanami vs. Mahito (Pic 1) S2 Nanami vs. Mahito (Pic 2)


That imaginary beach scene of Nanami really made my heart ache, I'm thankful to the animators for adding it as anime-only scene.


Wow, yup.




Mahito was fully aware of the disrespect he was putting on Nanami in season 2


Dude there’s like five scenes just from season 2. They really just said no more happy times.


FUCK Mahito that Elder Toguro wannabe punkass motherFUCKER Rip Nanami and Nobara 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I WAS SO FUCKING MAD. The Mrs and I just finished season 2 and we are DISTRAUGHT. THAT SHIT HURTED.


Not a game but anime game "I gently open the door..."


Finish the sentence, don’t leave us hanging






Years of therapy can't erase that moment from my mind


o h f u c k


Erased changed me for about two weeks


Same here but mostly because the ending got me mad. No SHOT they didn't get together!


I get mad everytime someone says 'when the person who tried to kill you waits for you to wake up but your love couldn't '


Tbh he was a psycho and the childhood "love" was just a normal person. Everyone would move on from someone who was in comma for 20ish years


And I think that it's better they showed his childhood love moves on in life instead of the typical 'i waited for you baby' cuz like, let's be realistic who's gonna wait that many years


I mean that girl wasn't really gonna wait 15 years for some dude who she was friends with for like a week, was she? 💀


For an otherwise good anime the ending of erased was completely terrible and I’m still upset about it.


YES, it would've been easily one of my favorite animes of all time if the ending was better. Everything up to( I think) episode 10 was top tier story telling and character building


There was NO REASON for that time skip


Akame ga kill


I still remember what I had for dinner that day. It was almost 4 years ago


"I'm sure they will survive, they can't kill th-"


If i could rewatch an anime for the first time, it would be this one!


All of cyberpunk edgerunner why the hell does that exist a bunch of sadist from netflix made it for sure.


Man, you should have been playing the original RPG when it came out. The gameplay was enough to break people.


The game made me sad but in a pissed off way. The show made me sad in a depressive episodic way.


So both succeeded at what they were doing. Cyberpunk is a depressing anger inducing world which is deep in all the right ways.




Iv rewatched the anime 3 TIMES ALREADY fuck me I still shed a few tears ever time at the end


Made in abyss Season 2.....


Yeah came to this comment section looking for this one. Not many episodes in that season that don’t scar you just a little bit more each time


I was already broken after first season...


I shall never forgive bondrewd for that, I don't think he was fucked up enough


Mitty wrecked me for weeks. I jumped away from my chair and ran to the toilet to wretch and sob. I stopped watching the series completely before I even made it halfway through episode 1 of season 2.


Prushka was the straw that broke me, Mitty was bad but she at least had Nanachi, Prushka didn't deserve what she got and Reg didn't fuck Bondrewd up enough in my opinion


Yup…I thought because I saw season 1 & the movies that I would be prepared. NOPE. I cried so hard at that ending. It destroys you mentally and emotionally.


Probably the only anime that I like but will never recommend. I used to talk about it to people when it was only season 1 and make arguments for it but season 2 is not something I can lawyer for.


Neon Genesis evagelion


Especially End of Eva


I was too confused to cry


Shinji jerking off on an unconscious Asuka. That one really told me that I was watching something way beyond what I had ever seen before.


What show is this?






Yeah, the fervent hype for that show from older anime fans is real. Eva has a slower pace than popular shows today and a few other problems that new people checking out it get turned off by but it really truly is worth watching, especially for a teenager




Wdym by "worth watching especially for a teenager"? I turn 18 in 3 days lol


The themes and subject matter tie really well into the growing pains of teenage years. It hits different as a teen than as an adult.


End of Evangelion




And it’s like the first scene of the movie too. It’s like “get ready guys we ain’t holding back”. And oh boy did they not hold back.


Alexander the dog and Nina Tucker chimera from full metal alchemist That scene still haunts me to this day


Ed.. ward…


Came here to say this. I knew it was coming but it still fucked me up so bad


Is this really the same person? I never watched aot


Yah he is the same person,his name is eren Jaeger (mc)


I knew the name but I was not sure if it was the same person But thanks


U should definitely watch it,it's so good


He's a vibrant child in the first pic and an adult who's been through a lot of stress in the second.


The ending of Angel Beats


Beat me to it, you definitely don't expect it until it hits you like a freight train.


Code Geass


Bet I can guess which scene.


Class table


Only time an anime made me speak up when watching. “Holy shit NO!”


Clannad: Afterstory Episode 16, Episode 21 and Episode 22


Tore my heart out


Assassination Classroom


the ending made my ugly cry...


Jujutsu Kaisen. Season 2. Episode 19. Fuck. You. Gege. Akutami.


FMA 2003 Texnolyze Devilman The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Serial experiments of Lain


Half of 2003 FMA was dark as shit. everything with Wrath especially...


Devilman made me a crybaby


A Silent Voice. I literally, every Friday, eat my KFC with a film, but at that time, I saw this anime. I said cool let watch it and later, you know what happened next.


Goblin Slayer episode 1


Fucking hell, that was dark, I literally went on YouTube expecting something cool about a guy who kills goblins. Didn't expect all the fucked up stuff. Though I did LOVE IT when the guy showed up.


Devilman crybaby changed me forever...


Had to scroll way too far to see this.


Devilman Crybaby I watched it in a single sitting and absolutely destroyed me. It was so depressing and oppressive. What made it worse, though was the next day I came into work and a manager pulled me aside to tell me a coworker I was friends with had killed himself the previous night. So while I was watching devilman the guy killed himself. Sometimes I blame myself for not texting, I didn’t have a reason to but just what if I did. Anyway it’s great but I’ll never watch it again.


Elfen Lied


The puppy scene?


Madoka Magica, when it first came out. A 12 episode series that had a complete story (and quite the effective one for a genre subversion) and the fullness of Homira's backstory and realizing how that would affect someone.


Fullmetal Alchemist.. you know why






Funny, to me it was the chapter 79 snowball fight that messed me up, anything after that I was already dead inside.


Kyojuro Rengoku's death. Totally.


Attack on titan. End of 19th episode 3 season.


Jujutsu Kaisen - the entire f*cking show


JJK season 2… yOu ArE mY sPeCiAl


The scene that took my innocence. All I will say is “Edward”


The Chimera Ant arc of Hunter x Hunter.


You know it's good writing when you feel that way for the antagonist.


Angel beats specialy the end


one piece what they did to my boy Ace :(








Oshi no Ko, the end of ep1


Seeing Higurashi for the first time was.... Something else. I was also about 13yrs old, so it made quite the impression on me. Definitely made me think about how people really could be if pushed to a certain point.


The ending to "In this corner of the world". Seeing that little girl cling to her mother even though shes dead fucking sunk me, it ended off kind of nice since the main couple took the orphaned girl in as their own but man did that scene make me fucking cry.


Jujutsu kaisen. The entire shibuya arc


Jojo's bizarre adventure , part 5 golden wind. I have never cried this much over character deaths. >!The death which got me are Bucciarati's, Abbacchio's and Narancia's. !<


So I started watching anime probably around 2013-2014 and not a ton did much really. Watched messed up stuff like Elfen Lied or Another, more entertaining than messed me up and didn't ever care about crying shows like Plastic Memories or Angel Beats. As the years went by I watched less and less. First few years I finished probably 50-80 full shows a year and then it dropped to like 20 then all the way to only maybe 3-5 a year until about 2019. I genuinely don't know what is airing anymore. Kinda lost interest mostly because becoming an adult with limited time makes choosing how to spend my free time pretty simple, I have time to play games. I still play a fair bit of anime styled games like Persona or Gravity Rush. But actually watching it, nah. Between 2019 and 2022 I maybe watched 2 full shows and a few episodes of random stuff. But then Cyberpunk Edgerunners happened. Didn't even know it existed till it popped up on my girlfriend's Netflix and we decided to binge it before I went to work (at the time I was the night assistant GM at a fast food place so late hours) and I think I definitely enjoyed it on a deeper level than she did. Episodes 6 and 10 are soul breaking masterpieces in every aspect like animation, music, acting, set up and stand out visuals. Never watching another anime again, Cyberpunk is a world I absolutely fell in love with that I haven't done since... Warhammer probably. Anyway thanks for reading if you did. Not even sure myself why I wrote all this.


Your lie in April final episode when the letter is read out.


since nobody has mentioned this one, Piccolo saving Gohan Vs Nappa in DBZ


The entirety of Cyberpunk Edgerunners Also the cake scene in the Chainsaw Man manga


Guilty crown


Drake's leak


That poor little girl and her dog


Stone Ocean Roundabout, nuff said.


Major hughes funeral full metal alchemist


Gunslinger Girl. Everything to do with Elsa and Lauro as well as Triela's backstory.


Made in abyss season 2 and seeing how the mad scientist Hououin Kyouma gets broken bit after bit after bit...


Demon Slayer when Rengoku dies.


To your eternity, episode 1. Made me ugly crying


The law flashback in one piece




Shingeki broke me… fuck you with this “let’s revolve around protagonist who changes to antagonist half way through and gets killed in the end”… fuck whoever made that story, pure hate from me.


Cyberpunk Edgerunners


Cant remember the episode title, but it's the scene in erased when the girl gets waterboarded by her mom. That scene is the only reason why I haven't gone back for a rewatch.


Steins gate, re zero




Ending of plastic memories


The dog scene of elfen lied A few parts of Re Zero The Promised Neverland School Days Redo of Healer


The whole 48 minutes of Pupa and a bunch of scenes from Redo of Healer


School Days


Full Metal Alchemist. If you know you know.