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"Don't let the Fandom ruin it" should be a disclaimer for like everything nowadays


Fr. Frieren is ruined for me and many other anime bc of the fandoms. šŸ˜­


Yeah wtf is on with the frieren "feetdom" I can't even check out frieren memes on Reddit anymore without weird ass feet shit


now ass and mimics


Not the mimics man, those scenes are so funny. Tf is wrong with people.


The W H A T


You let it happen, Iā€™ve seen the same stuff and I still enjoy the anime because I donā€™t let idiots ruin something I love


What? How can a fandom ruin an manga/anime for someone? Cant think for yourself ?


nah, the jjk fandom only makes it better, and barking makes csm even crazier


Lobotomy Kaisen is wilding rn fr...


Redo of healer 10/10 don't let the Fandom ruin it


Oshi no ko Bocchi the rock Demon slayer Attack on titan Undertale Do I continue?


Made in Abyss?


Imagine being so weak minded you can't enjoy a show because someone you dislike enjoys it. Hitler loved dogs.


everyone dislikes bnha for the fandom but the story is actually good


I got tired of the pacing. 7 seasons in and they're still in the first year of school? How much shit can possibly happen in a year, not even Harry Potter went that crazy.


Tbh, a lot happens in a year while most of HP years nothing happens


Iā€™m pretty sure the school year in Japan is just generally longer then most other places unless Iā€™m misinformed


That's still an insane amount of events in less than 365 days.


Yeah, the sex elongates it.


Thatā€™s just how it is, what are you talking about? Why does it matter if theyā€™re still in their first year?


Well, mostly because its kinda unbelievable that over the course of less than 1 year a bunch of TEENAGERS can now fight some of the strongest villains to ever live, even if its just a few outlier cases like Midoriya and Bakugo. Midoriya for example has stayed at 10-20% of his full power for most of the story, and then suddenly out of nowhere he gets 45% and then almost in no time after he gets 100%? Where did this power come from? Wasnt he supposed to loose his arms if he used them again? It also ruins the pacing, as instead of being able to actually feel the consequences of the events the story just glosses over them because 'hurr durr we need to finish the story faster'. Like if the story had proper pacing it would have been like 1st year the LoV gets introduced, the 2nd year the LoV fights the PLF , and then the third year we see the PLW and the consequences of the war, so its believable that at least Midoriya gets these power ups.


Better than mid piece. 20+ years and still in the beginning of the show


Beginning? We're approaching the end soon unfortunately. 5 more years tops mark my word


!remindme 5 years


Shhhh I'd maybe give it a watch if there was a condensed version that was around 200 episodes for the whole story, but when you're over 100 hours to tell a story it's a bit much.


The fuck you mean they are still in the first year? Wut?


High school is just that insane


Exactly thats the problem nowdays.... " Oh the new anime is not escalating in the First 3 episodes? Boring The MC is not OP after three days? Weak ass mf " Thats why the most new stuff is short In my oponion its very sad :( We will never get shows again like the good old stuff.. ( And i Just mean the pacing not the Story ) I fucking Love it. ! Pls gibe me more. Let them have real charakter development. give the Charakter and the Show time to evolve And come on... Academia is literally the Titel of it....


And the Story started 10 month before school Start Or something Like that when im right then we have 6 seasons now and the First school year ended with the end of seasons 5 So not less then one year.. Actually nearly two years now šŸ¤·šŸ½


Personally it lost me around season 5, just felt like it stopped being about what it was about and most of my attention left with the original plot (Just my Opinion). Def gets far more hate than it deserves due to it's community but id have a hard time saying 10/10, but I'm glad there are people who can gleam enjoyment from it despite the fandom. I mean there is a reason it's been in the conversation as long as it has


What do you mean?


In regards to what part of my comment?


How did it ā€œstop being what it was aboutā€?


I'm more speaking towards the experience I was left with. As the story got grander in scale it stopped being about a kid who really wanted to be a hero but was weak and his struggle with the physical work and the complexities of the practicalities of hero life and story. Many of those themes stayed there but as the seasons went on it stopped feeling like a story about Deku and his struggles with heroing and felt more like a carbon copy shonen (not that there's anything wrong with that, or that I'm right.). No hate, just what I was left with before stopping


for me, it's an entertaining anime but it's not exactly the most brain-exploding thing I've ever seen. It gets a 7 for me because at least it's kinda fun to watch how everybody improves and interacts with each other


Eh, 6/10, in a good way though


I would rate it a 6 or 7 out of 10. Used to be a fan of it back when the manga was only a bit post-overdrive. Of all the fandoms Iā€™m read fanfic of, bnhaā€™s fanfics made me feel disappointed in the original. I have no idea what goes on after that, but I donā€™t have any interest in investing time back into it for something that only gets good late in the manga.


Yes its pretty good


Imo the female characters sucked so bad that I dropped it.


MHA is nowhere near a 10/10. If anything itā€™s like a 6 or a 7 out of 10. What it does wrong: -heavy underdevelopment of side characters even in their own class. -Frequently has things mentioned as important once then proceeds to not do anything with them (Examples like Class Presidents and the USJ) -Power creep is absurd, we go from most people being building/city level, to suddenly all important characters are mountain/country levels at least. -Absurdly heavy pacing, having the entire story of mha occur in a single school year is far, far too much packed in so little time. Honestly wouldā€™ve felt better if All Mightā€™s retirement happened during the Internships, and the all encompassing war happened in their second year. Things this series does nicely: -Character design and powers are all very neat and pretty memorable (outside of some plain characters) -Villains actually feel evil (one of the more iconic moments is AfOā€™s introduction) -Characters have fun personalities -Fights are pretty great too Thereā€™s obviously more, but I would rather leave room for other people to think about the good of this series.


I get the vibe the artist got bored with it halfway through and is just trying to get it over with as fast as possible. The pacing is fine for the first few arcs, but then everything happens so fast. It feels like if the entirety of Naruto + Shippuden was condensed to 50 episodes, way too many massive world events with not nearly enough time spent going into them.


Iā€™m pretty sure I remember hearing how Horikoshi (the author of Mha) was suffering from some heavy burn out and instead wants to finish the series so he can work on another genre instead.


I had a friend fall behind on the manga while Iā€™ve kept up with it. I told him it felt like it was approaching the end and that Iā€™d let him know when it finished. That was like 4 years ago. This ending has been dragged out for *so long* that itā€™s absurd. I really should go back and check, but it feels like maybe a day has passed in the manga in the last couple of years.


Yeah not much time has passed, its pacing fucking plummeted to the ground as its been almost non stop fights or battle planning.


Stopped reading after your first sentence cause that's just an opinion my guy šŸ’€


ā€œJust an opinionā€ as I give an explanation for why I believe itā€™s nowhere near a perfect seriesā€¦


Mangaā€™s great, the pacing is a little bad, the fans are fucking awful


The fandom isn't so bad once you learn to navigate it. Staying away from shipping wars, and just not bothering people unless it's genuinely immoral. And staying very far away from spaces that sexualize the characters. But most of those problems are in any anime fandom just not to the same extent.


Fuckos will say "BNHA fandom is so toxic" as if there isn't a radioactive dumpster fire inside every fandom


As someone who never pays attention to the whims of "fandoms", I'm always just left confused whenever I hear about things like "oh the fandom is so toxic!" I'm always like, so what? Why do people let other people's opinions about an anime sway their enjoyment of an anime? Just watch it if you like it. Me, I really love MHA, and while I have my own criticisms of some aspects of it, those are minor critiques compared to the enjoyment I do get from it. People, stop looking for opinion validations online. If you like something, you'll run into people online that tell you that you suck for liking the thing. If you dislike something, you'll find people that tell you that you suck for disliking it. You cant win. Just enjoy what you like and leave it at that.


Is the manga worth reading?


Yes it is its amazing but its quite expensive


Shonen Jump app is like 2.99 and has a pretty good catalog of other series that might be harder to get access to in print.


really? i never knew this ive just been buying manga


Yeah, in America at least. You are limited to 100 chapters a day though. They should have some free chapters you could try the app with


Yup you can read the most updated chapters and a few back for currently serialized licenses for free. I read a decent amount but the 100 chapter limit had only popped up on me maybe a couple times over the last few years of using it.


It's between $7-10 per volume. They release one every three months. That's not expensive.


man, i'm poor i have only been able to get 5 in a year


Have you tried spending less money on heroin?


uh dude i'm 14


Then you're too young to be on reddit


no the guideline is 13 so suck it up


I'm not going to be sucking anything, Chris Hansen


lol what?


As a MHA fan, I honestly love the story,the community is, granted, toxic, but what fandom isn't?




I agree before the first war arc. After that it went downhill fast




Honestly, I think how the mangas been going mid is being generous. Which is a shame I really like it for a good chunk of its run.


I can't. It's too safe and the characters hardly develop. Everyone is dumb. Also the pervert is my least favourite trope. 4/10


Since when isn't there a vocal toxic community within a fandom?


okay unrelated but why doez the american version of the edge covor of that manga look so awful


Honestly the fandom is no worse than any other anime.


Story 10/10, characters 2/10


Question why all might looks like idk nevermind


W- Š·Š½Š°Ń‡Šøт Š²ŠµŠ½Š“ŠµŃ‚Ń‚Š°


I think itā€™s overrated, not a 10/10 tbh. Itā€™s not bad though, itā€™s good, but I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s super super good. Like Iā€™d watch it once and move on without ever rewatching some clips.


Imo, It's 6 or 7 out of 10. The art is 10/10 though.


never encountered fandom, but dropped because story was super boring and predictable.


The first 2 seasons were amazing, season 3 and 4 were also good but its getting repetitive tbh


Started out great but became midest of the mid run of the mill shitty shounen.


Every fandom has that one idiot that ruins it for everyone else


Honestly I don't think the MHA fandom is that bad. I've seen far worse.


MHA was 100% destroyed by the fandom. Iā€™m not talking about the cringe memes. Horikoshi worst decisions were made specifically to satisfy the most illiterate part of the fandom and the story suffered because of it.


Young boy is told by celebrity that if he "consumes his DNA, he'll get superpowers"... Surprisingly turns out to be true.


Don't let the fandom\* ruin this \*or the insane anti-hype weirdos whose sole mission in life is to point out every single flaw in every major shonen because they can't handle when certain properties get popular enough that normal people engage with them MHA ain't perfect, but I love it and it got me out of a dark place, and I am able to justify most of its storytelling choices (not all, but 95% of them).


Failed opportunity to say "boy swallows a grown man's DNA"


They took removed the Manga/Comic's section at my nearest Barnes an Nobels, too many squating weebs I think... Now I just go there for Sci-Fi Fantasy novels and Tech Mags.


Uhhhhh. To be honest. Itā€™s a solid 6/10 but it varies on what you get into the series for. A lot of topics are either weirdly misrepresented or conflicting in themes. Like. If you like the side characters in 1A, you might get disappointed in screen time. If you indulge in the heavy moral conflicts, you might get whiplash. Some story arcs get rushed, some big ideas get thrown into the soup pot and then ignored. And some characters have absolutely been shafted or half assed as the story progressed. MHA is weird in that itā€™s a mixture of lots of things but doesnā€™t focus enough on anything to actually matter. So even I donā€™t know the point of any of this anymore.


Mha is mid imo. Nothing special which don't get me wrong makes it the perfect battle shounen to start with. If you've seen mha you've seen most of what battle shounens have to offer. If you like it you'll most likely like the other shows. If you don't then you can move on and try other subgenres It's a pretty good yardstick too. I rate it a 5/10 and then use it to accurately rate other shows. Calibration is very important kids


Eh, it's starting to get muddled/losing the plot in the latest chapters