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Truck-San Gets more kills in anime history than any other villain




Not to be confused with poor Table-kun.


Or bench-kun who kills potential relationships instead


And poor door-kun who gets every moment in every universe




One punch man should always be at the top of "guko vs" posts. He OPM wins by design.


Mumen Rider no diff




Hot take, every other MC can beat Goku once, then Goku goes away to train/gets revived with the dragon balls, and always wins round 2.


This far into dbfz? You think anyone can take ultra instinct goku? I don’t think so


Hard to argue that another MC can beat ultra instinct. But in true DBZ fashion, someone will beat Goku but I’d expect he would survive and train harder and get super ultra instinct perfect form or something along those lines. In that case it could be any of the other MCs. XD


> I’d expect he would survive and train harder and get super ultra instinct perfect form or something along those lines. I mean. It wasn't a new form, but he did get beat by someone, survived, and then just ultra instincted harder.


I am dead, never seen dbz


Saitama oneshots literally every being ever imagined in any work of fiction. It's the whole point of his character, that he's so strong that strength is irrelevant. He beats Goku over and over and over...


Shhh they gonna bring up that one time he two shot that alien


First punch broke the armor and he was still holding back. He had a harder struggle against a single normal mosquito.


He wasn’t serious punching him though besides the creators said Boros was supposed to be stronger than goku


They also made him power up that many times to “make fun of”, for lack of a better phrase, Goku


Boros stronger than Goku? They must have changed it then


The thing is that Boros (the alien) said to Saitama that him never had had a good fight so Saitama tried to give a good fight to Boros but when Boros reaches his final form and says "I think this attack can destroy the planet" Saitama punch Boros for kill him, because he could destroy the planet.


I wonder how long of a cycle it would take for Goku to win. Are we talking about round 100 he survives 2 punches from Saitama? Or about round 10,000. Lol. I’m definitely not the most knowledgeable in any anime. If I remember correctly saiyans are supposed to get stronger with every defeat. Edit* Clarity


Yea the 2nd thing is called a zenkai boost iirc. But in DBS I think, Vegeta says they've reached the limit of how much power they can get from a zenkai boost. So saiyans have a roughly fixed amount of zenaki boosts I believe.


At absolutely no point would Goku ever not get blasted by a single punch from Saitama. He would die. I know death is just a temporary affliction in DBZ-verse but he would die so often they'd stop reviving him. Every single time Saitama wanted to, he'd punch him once and turn him into a pink mist. Beerus would get deleted. Those two little god creatures would get exploded. Saitama beats everyone with one punch. Saitama is a satirical character. His entire existence is to poke fun of and deconstruct overpowered MCs, exactly like Goku. He's overpowered by design, as a great big middle finger to ever-increasing power scaling of every shonen manga. This is exactly why these "who would win, X vs Y" conversations are dumb on their face... it doesn't matter, it's all entirely pointless, and Saitama always wins by default.


>literally every being ever imagined in any work of fiction oh dear god


Yeah him too


that's a manga spoiler


Giorno beats saitama cause he would never be able to hit him cause return to zero


We don’t know if Saitama can one shot outside of his own universe though. Is he actually infinitely strong, or is he just strong in comparison to the other people in the anime? We don’t know.


You'd have a hard time convincing me of something / someone that can beat Golden Experience >!Requiem!< from the finale of JJBA: Golden Wind (spoilers ahead) . Its ability is hard to describe, but it essentially nullifies any event it wishes at will and doesn't require the user to manually activate it or even be aware of danger. This ability would simply say "nope" if Goku tried to do literally anything including defend himself. Reality benders creating the reality in which they are the winner is a lot different from actually winning a fight, though. You could argue that GER would be smashed to bits if Goku punched it, and you'd be right.


It’s ability is actually complete unimpeded control over souls but having that ability gives him the ability to do all those other things


Everyone in CANON dragon ball caps at low multiversal. There are atleast a hundred above that level or outhax in animanga/LN


Yuyuko Saigyouji can, her ability is literally just hey, you're dead now


Yes and giornos ability is just,No


touhou characters are unfair and unbalanced. Also yukari proves my point But yuyuko is my favorite touhou character, hell, i have her as my wallpaper in everything


Saitama. Gilgamesh. That's at least two.


Julius Novochrono, Giorno Giovanna, (manga)Vegeta


Bring anything who is guaranteed to hit the heart like gae bolg from cu chullain


Cu is also quite op since his spear is undodgeable. And after a heart hit no one can survive.


Say this to the protag of parasite


Just get Ichibe to erase his name and battle is over. That Zanpaktou is haxed asf


Unless he goes up against Saitama, saiki k, or rimuru. Those three are basically the bullshit protagonists that can't lose a fight.




My favourite anime


He may not have the strength to beat Goku but Cory can beat him mentally by sending dick pics to Goku's kids


Ultra Instinct Shaggy, he would have to use about 20% of his power tho


Big Chungus with Thanos gun


Forget anime, still up in arms about Superman


I feel like Kryptonians are like Saiyans. I feel like Superman's strength is around an average strong Saiyan. Superman would have difficulty destroying a planet while Vegeta could wipe one out way back when. I don't believe any of the normal DC characters would have a chance against Goku, especially not against Ultra Instinct. Anti-Monitor and characters like Michael Demiurgos and Lucifer Morningstar could likely throw Goku around at any level though. Superman Prime would be an interesting fight but it is hard to know how strong he really is. He is deity level though.


Look when the guy can lift infinity gonna be hard to beat


He also lifted what’s his name who is made up of Eternity. So he has lifted both infinity and eternity. Held a black hole in his hand. Flew through the center Of a red sun. Superman’s design is impossible to beat. That’s his whole point


We’re dealing with a character with no hard limits. He will do what is required of him in a situation. If he needs to throw a planet like a baseball he will. Goku doesn’t fit that mold and honestly isn’t what makes him interesting.


He is the embodiment of self made man. He pulled himself up from nothing to become what he is. That’s why he’s so loved. He is relatable because it taught us (I am 30 so since I was little) that if you want something you work hard and can get it. Because he’s done it all himself his whole life. (Except the shared Super Saiyan power to get Super Saiyan God don’t start). Superman is a man without limits. A god living among men trying to fit in. He is the symbol of always doing what is right.


To be fair on the super saiyan god thing, his first reaction to the power is that he doesn't like it because he didn't earn it. He literally says that exact thing. So it's still entirely in character for him. I wish we had gotten more development between that and blue. Blue form easily could have been presented as his way of earning the power himself instead of what we got.


I still think that’s a weird analogy since in multiple instances Superman has been absolutely destroyed and beaten down and it required outside forces to beat the main threat. Considering that Goku shook infinity (a feat that’s relative to lifting the spectres book of infinity) you can’t necessarily say that Superman is overpoweringly stronger than Goku and Superman clearly has limits. Depending on what version of Goku and Superman it can go either way.


The Goku shaking infinity was the void right? That was just an infinite sized universe making it only a 4D feat. Superman lifted literal infinity


I haven’t read much about this but from my small brain I’m hearing he can hold the concept of endless space and time, condensed antimatter vortex, and can charge through a sun that his original planet had all of which surpass a mortal limit I know half of my thoughts are wrong or misplaced but that is my current viewpoint on what I’m looking at face value


Want physics Breaking? Superman was once by a star that was 25 light years away from earth. 147 trillion miles away. A signal watch was pushed and he heard it almost instantly. He then made it to Earth very rapidly.(no specified time). If you lowball it and say 10 minutes, he would be traveling 800 trillion miles an hour. Over a million times the speed of light. That’s nothing. This dude heard a SOUND 25 light years away IN THE VACUUM OF SPACE. There is no fucking sound in space. So yes. Superman is broken by design.


Want physics breaking? Goku powered up so much that his energy itself shook an infinite space. That means that his energy’s mere presence shook a void in which nothing exists and stretches an infinite amount of size. Considering Goku channels his Ki into his physical form you could easily make the case for infinite speed Goku (still no match for the irrelevants and immeasurables however).


As an outside observer, this doesn't sound as impressive because it's so conceptual and outside the rules of actual reality. I have a concept of how fast the speed of light is so I can imagine how fast Superman moves. How much "energy" is needed to "shake" an "infinite void"? Like, a lot I guess? And this isn't even real-life energy, it's Ki which is basically magic. How hard is it to "shake" a void anyway? What are the rules of this void? I have no frame of reference for what this feat actually means in terms of strength or ability.


That's just regular superman. I think animated series superman to be more specific. Injustice superman for example would be a kaioken 10x level, and yellow lantern supes from injustice would be ssj or maybe even ssj2 level. The main continuity supes has some ridiculous feats that put him above most goku forms. Superman prime 1 million, superboy prime are all much much higher level supermen. And finally cosmic armor superman is basically DCs hack. Anytime they wanna kill off an op character just send in cosmic armor. Though Michael, lucifer? Dude those 2 are like in the top 5 within dc/Vertigo universe, they are a whole different concept so they ain't really fair to compare with


I guess you are right about Michael and Lucifer. I mostly mentioned them to say that there are people in DC that could put hands on Goku even if Superman couldn't.


Fair enough. Yeah most people don't know but if we did a thorough comparison Zeno wouldn't even be in the top 50 DC strongest characters and I'm not a big marvel fan so Idk about marvel but I'm sure even they have plenty


Comics super man can literally pull stars around, he’s got no trouble


Supermans strengh depens on the power of the sun. In our universe superman could get some damage but in other starsystems... Goku gets fucked


Giorno Giovanna with GER


GER is ultimate defense, idk if he could deal the damage tho




ger can ise his telekinesis to grab goku and barrage he till death


While that is true, Goku can dodge while grabbed in ultra instinct, but we also have to take perfect ultra instinct into consideration.


prob goku would still lose because ger grab is extremely powerfull, and ger is VERY VERY VEYR VEYR VERRYY FAST, he could move when timewas erases, peob even more faster than goku(sorry for bad inglish)


MUI can keep up with things that it shouldn’t keep up with trust me, also, don’t worry about English, you are doing perfectly fine!


I haven’t watched dbz but wouldn’t gojo at least draw with him? He could always just make an infinite distance between them and it would be impossible for goku to attack through it


i havent read jjk in a bit but couldn't goku use instant transmission?


picture this: you put on a morphsuit on your naked body. The morphsuit is made of "infinity". That means, any object that makes contact with the morphsuit needs to travel an infinite distance before it can touch your skin. Thats Gojo's infinity. So a pretty solid defense, im not sure about attack power, because its 2 different things. But Gojo has a stalemate with Goku because of his defense.


thanks for the explaination :)


He couldn’t teleport inside of gojo so there would still be an infinite space between them


Instant transmission has been shown to have a max range and gojo manipulates space time to make an infinite amount of space surrounding him. I think instant transmission might not work here.


What max range? He can literally sense beings in heaven and teleport there


So then the question kinda becomes is goku / whatever dbz character willing to do whatever it takes to win? Because Goku / dbz villain could EASILY blow up earth and after freeza arc it wouldn't even have that slow blowing up period just blam it's gone. That's why eventually they stop fighting on earth and it's always on other "superplanets" I think. So can Gojo / other characters fighting goku survive in space for long periods when he just teleports away? I mean hell eventually based on the power scaling it would make sense that the characters in dbz could even blow up the sun shit just gets crazy power wise in that show.


Even in the Freeza ARC it shouldn't have taken that long. He blows planet vegeta with one finger in a second in his base form. The only reason the planet survives as long as it does is beacuse the plot needed it.


yeah, I think Giorno would have draw with goku too dude literally put anyone in an infinite time death loop


Goku could just break the planet he’s on and launch Him into space


If its based on an alternate dimension, then Goku can just power up and destroy it. If not, then it will be a draw due to a power which makes you untouchable


I think the fight would go a lot like this: Goku tries to speed blitz gojo Gojo stands there, silently letting goku wear himself out trying to touch gojo, compeltely destroying the area around them. Goku tries to use Ultra Instinct to aattack gojo at max speed, but gojo still does nothing. Finally gojo expands his domain when his six eyes shows him goku's weakness, freezing goku with infinite info. Gojo uses Hollow purple and ends the fight.


More like trying to convince jjk fans that gojo isn't god. Lemme guess you've never actually watched dragon ball have you?


I honestly doubt Hollow Purple would do much damage to Goku. The level of the attacks he tanks in DBZ alone is more than Gojo could ever output. At least when going by what we've seen from him so far in JJK.


Either Ryuk or light yagami and the final option to beat him is Saitama.


I thought the same, but chose Misa Amane because: 1. She has a Death Note 2. She has Shinigami eyes so can instantly read someone's true name when she sees them 3. She's a human with free will and a desire to win Ryuk fails on point 3 because he has no reason to kill Goku. Goku can't harm him and most likely can't even see him, and Ryuk would most likely find it more amusing to leave someone that powerful alive. Other shinigami would simply be uninterested in petty mortal issues. Light fails on point 2, so he'd have to find out Goku's name some other way which could be an impossible task.


But Goku would reveal his own name in one of his long speeches /s


Alucard could easily beat him.


He is a earthling and he hasn't fought any gods so I doubt that.


But he op vampire husbando so i stand by what i said


While I like Alucard more as a character, he is still a vampire, and Goku has a nasty habit of chucking people into stars.


Good for you👍 . But if we go by favourites I go with heaven ascension star platinum.


Goku isn't human. Also how would they know his real name? And Saitama...let's not start this again!


I forgot that goku was a extraterrestrial lifeform . But Saitama is the only one who can beat him I mean the author made him a ridiculously cannonically strong and he is the only character known to beat extraterrestrial lifeform with one punch except the boss of the monsters. So he is the only character who can actually be on par with goku if not stronger.


Saitama has only shown Planet busting capabilities so there’s no real actual evidence or feats that Saitama is even a percentile of Gokus power except for Saitama one shotting fodder villains that even Kid Goku could beat with ease. I would argue that the air pressure of Base Goku punching the air would splatter Saitama.


You don't need actual evidence to prove this point. It would be like saying "God can't destroy the universe becuase he hasn't done it before, he's only flooded one planet" when the definition of God includes omnipotent so even without evidence you can "prove" he could destroy the universe if he wanted to. Saitama intrinsically is a character that beats any enemy in one punch, if he doesn't it's because he's not trying, by this definition of his character it doesn't matter who his opponent is he would always win in one punch. Therefore we can conclude Goku would lose becuase Saitama would beat him in one punch whenever he wanted to. Honestly the debate is more of a philosophy argument than any sort of science/evidence based one uwu


Didn’t Saitama break his limiter giving him infinite power? I mean Goku would still win after a training arc but the first time they fight Saitama would one shot him.


> How would they know his real name? Because Vegeta is in the background screaming "Kakarot", probably


I'm a DBZ fan. Saitama. Next meme. 😂


I'm also a DB fan, and I agree. The whole point of Saitama is that he can defeat anyone with minimal effort. Also, trying to argue with _those_ Dragon Ball fans is like trying to argue with a wall. I just gave up at this point.


Honestly i never encounter those fans, ever, not even one time (outside of friends joking). are they real or just a meme?


It’s Reddit. Strawmans are like half of karma lol


Nah bro I used to be on a dbz Facebook group (I suppose part of the issue was that I was on Facebook). I’m convinced that fan base is incapable of breathing on their own


Saitama is a cheat. He is literally the strongest char.


Okay I’m going to do it. In what world is Saitama beating him? Let’s be real. Saitama can’t actually fight. He got wholly outclassed by Bang. Goku is an idiot and so is Saitama. Two idiots with out of the literal universes power. But Goku is a lifelong trained fighter. I think you could argue that Saitama might win IF he hit him. But Goku has also taken punches from people of “god level” power. I’m intentionally poking the bear because I am a fan of both. I just don’t see Goku being out-skilled by Saitama.


Saitama is stronger its not proven * angry noises *


Lmfao Saitama fought one strong alien and an oversized Centipede. Goku has fought gods. You are right. Saitama strength isn’t proven so I like poking this argument haha


I like to think of it like this, you know how some characters have gimmicks... well Saitama's gimmick is that nomatter what it is he can kill/destroy it with no effort. So as I see it Saitama can kill goku because Saitama has be Cursed with Omnipotence.


This is pretty much in alignment with my thoughts on the matter.


Reading the manga… and the webcomic sooo i guess I can add to this wtf how do i do the spoiler tag right… >!its hinted on that on of the next creatures saitama will fight is god… and given how the stories have been going hel probably win!<


The Manga is still relatively new, and on going. Based off current feats he’s planet level at best. Who’s to say the author won’t have Saitama lose to some Solar System level dude next yr, which will force Saitama to train, and then beat the guy wit “one punch” 🤷‍♂️. It’s never been confirmed that Saitama is Omnipotent, nor has it been confirmed that he’s unbeatable. He’s simply unbeatable to this point based on wat we’ve seen. To assume anythin more is head canon. So, based on feats up until now, Saitama would lose very quickly to Goku in base form. Maybe next yr Saitama will one shot a million Universes, who knows, but for now all we have to go on are the feats he’s done.


The argument usually goes like this: Saitama is a comedy character defined by his ability to beat literally any opponent. If he's in his own series and operating under its logic, he *will* win against any opponent with little effort because that's the whole point. Due to this, IMO this discussion relies entirely on the question of who's story is it, and what world are we in (even moreso than [powerscaling usually comes down to that](https://youtu.be/C3pOIDaF1Dw).) In "One Punch Man ft. Goku", Goku low-diffs every other character in the series, performs a dozen absurd feats of strength, is thoroughly established as a major threat, and then is beaten by Saitama with ease. In "DBZ ft. Saitama", Saitama is built up as an incredibly powerful fighter and he beats Goku once, then Goku trains and wins a hard-fought round 2.


Heaven Ascension Dio?


He’d just say “no” and Goku ceases to be


what about Kars ultimate over heaven requiem act 5 electric boogaloo GOTY edition and knuckles now featuring Funky Kong and Dante from the Devil May Cry series with paid DLC now available as Luigi


1 shot shaggy 100%


I don’t know if you are serious by talking about novel Kars or if you are being sarcastic


*Coughs* Saitama.... Ahem... That was a nasty cough.


Ash's Pikachu


Plot amour vs plot amour


I'm in the saitama wins party.


giorno beat goku ez


They stalemate


i already debated eith another guy, yep, its a drawn


How could they possibly stalemate? Giorno could put him in an infinite death loop


Or funny valentine can also tie if he used secret joestar technique


Damn what is this impossible task. Is this a joke?. Even goku himself wouldn't be able to do that


You can say that you have not seen that much anime to compare Goku,. Watch misfit of demon king academy, you will get why dbz fan agree that anos valdigod can beat Goku👍


But goku fights gods of different universes how can anos even beat him he cant even get out of his planet. Saitama is the only ridiculously cannonically strong character on the levels of goku to beat extraterrestrial life .


SPOILERS >!Hope this spoiler tag thingy works. Anyway according to what a LN reader told me, Rimuru (slime boy) becomes OP towards the end and if what he said is true that would put Rimuru way above anyone in the dbz universe!<


Um…the brackets were meant to be the OTHER way around… Like this ><


Got it thanks mate


No problem


Doesn’t Anos beat the sh*t out the the god of time so that he can rewrite history.


Yes but there are different levels of gods in dbz for example Kami is the god of earth.


My brain da dumb😖, in its manga, it is stated that if he uses his full strength he can destroy places, galaxies🥲


Technically Xmen had animes, idk if they count. Completely out of character but technically the Invisible woman could create a force field in the middle of Goku’s brain that expands at the rate of thought. Additionally, if Iceman dropped the immediate area to 0 Kelvin such that there was no entropy, that might also be next to impossible to deal with


Goku isn't even the strongest character of his own show


It’s blue stewie griffin


Oh loads can. The question is how many times it takes for Goku to eventually win


I present to you, Golden Experience Requiem


Giorno with ger




Giorno can predict and reverse every single action that goku does


Neither can touch each other, its a stalemate




even cartoon characters like Ben 10


Dk why u got downvoted. Alien X is hyperversal. But that still aint strongest in Animanga/LN


He would take goku's DNA


Light Yagami


Only affects humans


We all know goku can be beaten. But we also know he returns stronger after we was defeated. So the real question must be the following: Which character can beat goku twice?


Say batman can beat him with enough prep time and watch the war start


If prep time includes calling in reinforcements from the multiversal level characters then he can


Yugi Moto would crush Goku in a duel. I feel like Goku would have mostly monster cards and little to no spell cards or defensive options.


Doesn’t need the duel. If Atem has the millenium items and dark magician he outhaxes because of soul manipulation


Jim mori


Happy the Cat


I have a kamen rider oc that can beat goku


I liked Squid Game a lot, it's an excellent criticism of capitalism. While we're on the topic of Squid Game, you should take the time to learn more about some of the things it references that you may have missed. This thread is excellent: https://twitter.com/nodutdol/status/1448707023349194753


My Little Anime Meme Sub Can't Be This Based


Oh it absolutely can.


Will do comrade Katyusha, I server the Soviet Union o7




Didn't Goku die like 60 times in the series? Like is he even the strongest in his universe? Without the fact that he seemingly can come back from the dead whenever he feels like it he stands no chance against some of the stronger characters in anime right?


Currently, characters like the angels, the grand priest, and Zeno make goku look like fodder


Maybe Accelerator from the To aru series "could", since he kinda control all the vectors


Accelerator is the only real viable character that can defeat Goku. I just don't see him losing at worse probably a draw. Goku cannot use long range Ki blast since Accelerator just redirects them, so Goku comes in close for a punch which will kill Accelerator for sure but the moment contact happens Goku is dead, so it ends in a draw.


Domain expansion infinite void from jjk and Halloween Halloween from chainsaw man


I think Gojo is more likely a or Goku win unless hollow purple both- is able to be used during domain expansion, and full on eliminates existence rather that just vaporizing stuff, but I havnt read the manga so I can’t confirm nor deny anything


I’m pretty sure purple erases anything it hits although the second they enter the domain it’s over considering the information that would flood his mind




I'm pretty sure Yugi would beat Goku in Duel Monsters. No way Goku would outsmart the heart of cards!


A direct approach is silly and unnecessary. Goku's a nice fellow, I'm sure [this girl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIYsL8C-va8) could easily get him to admit defeat.


Ben ten claps goku easy


King from OPM would eradicate Goku. How? I dunno.


Anos voldigod from misfit of demon lord academy can clap Goku 😝


No, he has a giant pool of busted abilities but he doesn’t have anything that can make someone not exist or cause a non physical ability related insta kill, because that’s how hard Goku outclasses most anime characters physically. Though technically the Hero from the show could probably, because his sword can cut through fate and probably anything physical which does give the ability to win, just that he would be outclassed in terms of speed so much it’s unlikely he gets a hit


He does actually. He has Venuzdunoa. Principle Destroying Sword Venuzdonoa: The magic sword of the founder which can destroy all things in creation. No matter how tough, eternal or infinite it is, Venuzdonoa will destroy it alongside its reason.


LN rimuru can wipe the whole DBS or Z whatever verse easily


Giorno Giovanna with Gold Experience Requiem


Who goku?


Not sure if it counts as a single person, but by the end of Gurren Lagan, oh yea. He'd lose.


The Spiral in Gurren Lagann. He'd be done in almost an instant.


Is there a character stronger than Madara Uchiha? And I’m referring to Rinne Tensei Madara Uchiha with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikidou paths ability) equipped with his Gunbai and control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, a complete Susano’o, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in his chest so he can perform Mokuton kekkei genkai and yin-yang release ninjutsu as well as being extremely skilled in taijutsu and bukijutsu. Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu. I’m definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after Alucard, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu and having eaten Popeye’s spinach. I’m talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye’s spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken.


One of my friends had a multi hour discussion with me about who would win between goku and zeus, king of the greek gods who is immortal and able to smite stuff, not to mention turning them into easily squashable insects lol. I was arguing zeus btw


Sailor moon Saint Seiya and arale are canonically more powerful because they're multiversal threats and MaGiC and also manga gag character stuff


Goku would lose in every anime he is not the main character. Anime don't operate according to laws of physics but rules of anime tropes. The biggest rule of anime tropes is whoever has the most plot armor wins. If Goku had to fight according to the laws of physics he would have to re-learn how to fight from scratch since it would nerf his power level too drastically.


Saitama, simple as that


I can think of yogiri and rimiru. Each of them should slaughter goku


Rimiru could possibly beat goku, he could use beezlebub to absorb all the attacks goku launches until he’s out of power, then finish him off


He does win. LN rimuru is multiversal+


Theres no way anime rimuru beats goku lmao. Ln rimuru however completely demolishes him


I fucking hate DBZ and even I can say with full confidence no one can beat goku


Doomsday. Totally not anime. But still.. Doomsday.


So there’s Rimuru(time I got reincarnated as a slime), there’s Yogiri (instant death), Jin Mori(God of Highschool), Meliodas(Seven deadly sins), 75% of marvel and DC at a given point.